When phobias get 1000x worse

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can enjoy the devil's Happy Meal is Happy Wheels some unusual things here such as the anti Yeet I don't know that anything has ever specifically tried to anti a yeet hey gray play demonic music if you get corrupted text areas you mean corrupted text areas such as malice or Satan or children I don't know why children is up here with malice and Satan I love that children is just above the pit of sadness I don't know Zach do we have any demonic music good curious what's on the Chain over here get in the chain excellent oh part of my malice went away what happened I wonder if it had something to do with achieving a divine blessing I love how this is considered fruit juice what flavor of fruit juice is this mustard I love the mustard fruit one of my personal favorites hey oh no I landed on malice but only at the point in five uh they done the holy melon too but only at the point five point area all right let's go ahead and just throw this over here by the children oh it landed in the pit of sadness oh I just noticed there's a wind area but it looks basically impossible to get great win I said Win oh more chains oh no hold on oh we're going for the win we're going for the win big time I just need to dislocate my shoulder ah oh my God I wanted to dislocate my shoulders not my abdomen this is this is amazing my character is forcing the devil's Happy Meal to get the full two-point bottle flip with his hand it still counts even if my character cheats right how I don't know why I don't know I don't know why that either wow I guess I am lucky I've been at the wind for a little while I'm gonna go back to it but I wanna try and get a few of these over here these ones such as the pit of sadness again I have a feeling me in the pit of sadness are going to be very good friends Noob but technically it's the most impressive Noob it's the noob oh wow it's the two-point Noob so it's like a pro noob ah the holy pineapple just weareth my alcohol like a helm I got the fully standing up almost anti [Music] why did that random Ball come down and destroy me that seems unfair ah wow oh there you go baby saved it's called Mario fall wow this is incredible this is like the most uh accurate representation of Mario Brothers I think I've ever seen all right uh do I need to get the coins or this uh here we go ow all right I mean I I know it didn't look super comfortable but I kind of thought maybe I could just rest my head on it oh oh all of this is very evil oh [Music] yeah get the coins good job oh dude is this can I win do I win yay I Mario Brothers this is called glass break eight it's a falling glass Dodge all right what is this oh so do you is it oh it's instead of harpoons it's literal glass oh God oh yeah oh I love it oh we're next plenty of space we're doing great don't have any of the glass oh wow the glass is starting to fall really fast don't oh my God don't have any of the glass trying to break my Cranium did I win did I get it yay this is called the hospital we have to bring our our oh my god did that guy just projectile vomit all over the ground we have to bring him to his heart surgery oh there goes Santa Claus help me I don't know if I did did we win I I guess he got a new heart and potentially a new leg if he wants it this is called Roper swing normal press to start am I gonna have to like get ready to grab a rope or how's this work oh okay here we go full backflip no big deal fall down the column excellent lovely padding ah look at how colorful this waiting area is on to the conveyor belt conveyor belt starts moving do I need to let go like earlier late or oh okay right about here full back flip land on the stomach oh I'm fine everything's fine oh my god oh I'm glad I grabbed onto this because it was about to slide out from under me yes and all right Roper swing you say all right I'm gonna try and keep all my legs together because I have a feeling I'm going to need them not really to run anywhere but almost as little Shields like think about them as the shields on the start on the like the the Star Trek Enterprise okay you have to utilize them to absorb damage like that okay so grab this then we get yeeded and I have to get ready because it's gonna throw me down a tube over here and down the tube probably brick mode they're like oh my my legs my leg continued to survive so now fall okay so now fall again oh oh it's getting real narrow here I told you that we were going to need our limbs as reflector Shields that is literally what is happening right now okay this is really thin I don't oh it's uh hold on I think there's a cannon down here the problem is I can't come on baby just gotta just gotta there we go oh my head I'm not gonna lie your uh your rope swing here is not exactly easy it's not easy it's not hard it's right in the middle it's like the Goldilocks of of rope swings big jump and land on the feet still have both of them not too sure ah I shouldn't have said anything still have one of them not too bad oh my foot is watching me while we do this that's interesting oh God please don't break your head no I noticed that this level really wants your head to fall off a lot all right here's the plan we're gonna try and hit everything legs first because if we don't we have a tendency to lose our skull which is somewhat of a vital part of my anatomy here okay so there we go oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes that almost turned out really bad okay legs first and then dip kind of this way oh God and then hold on no no no no no oh it's it's always very scary because you never know if oh God I'm dead what I was gonna say is you never know if the next impact that you have with your head will be the end or not like I just hit my head right there but it's totally fine all of those neck exercises I was doing from the YouTube videos ended up working full go around the conveyor belt big forward flip oh I just lost my helmet that's not good grab wait for it [Music] okay so now I'm gonna let go here there we go there we go perfect yes that's nice okay so now if I there we go yeah yeah ah I ripped my leg off but it's fine oh yeah oh that is sweet okay wait for this to go away and lag perfect and then wait for it to go away and legs ah see this see it that's how you do it okay now we just have to fall legs first into the ah ah into the cannon and then pray to God that the cannon is not a lie hold on let me do a full flip so my legs go first oh what happened what happened how come we didn't get enough like distance on our explosion okay amazingly I have kept my entire body together like this is it's okay I still have most of my body this is like the most perfect run I've had all right I am inside of the cannon this has got to be perfect the cannon is loading up the cannon is violently firing me I am flying through the air do I get to win finally yay thanks Susie this is called the most possible level welcome to I hope Grace still plays plays this yes this is tested okay whatever you say that this level is very possible and then you have to also say that you've tested the level I get very concerned we're gonna go this way there we go this is the easy way oh sweet oh why I'm fine everything's fine I'm just gonna leave that behind whoa oh you lied to me okay all right lied fly everything's fine everything's fine oh my groin and yay all right guess we have to try the real level so what do you do okay no whoa whoa is that a bottle of alcohol what happened I'm fine I'm totally fine right now I want you to know that uh oh I think I'm less fine now oh anytime I load the level up like twice it destroys my frame rate that's what I know that a level is gonna be a real pain all right slow slow slow [Music] you're supposed to do all right stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop slow I think I understand now why you said that your level is tested all right here's the plan this way and then we're gonna go this way and winning this is called every new Happy Wheels level time to play some Happy Wheels oh gray still plays bottle flip nothing new Spike fall hard okay we got the Crazy Jet wall over here what are we playing I missed it which one did we choose I have no idea oh what was that did you see a bunch of children hanging from the ceiling over there over there okay can I can I go this way instead you know I'm gonna do this right like it's kind of obvious oh I guess I can't go that way all right guess we're going over here ow oh there is a invisible roof prepared to break your skull open that's nice okay so now we have to do a spike fall ice yeah I believe this was Spike fall hard oh yeah oh first time's a charm first time whoa whoa what was that I am oh oh I I want it what happened that was not even hard that was kind of hard I think I'm dead I don't know if I can continue why are there so many players to play sometimes I'm sorry oh it's me but I don't have the ability to utilize my arms anymore I love that this screen is interactive so you click on the back button you can just start the game Okay so we've got uh got a bit of a real bit of a real challenge here okay so what you want to do is cushion the fault okay I love frogs all right let's try it let's try it right about here yeah right about here here we go and jump ow my head oh oh I'm dead part of me kind of wonders if those are all real names that that person saw all right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do like a like this and then like this there oh that's got to be good oh that's gotta be good oh oh no no my groin oh I'm fine I'm fine everything's fine now I did take a couple of Swords to the groin it did it did sound like the like my pogo stick broke oh God no I'm not gonna lie you're bored is a real pain in the Ace Hardware oh okay oh god oh perfect okay all right I still have my pogo stick I have not taken a sword to the groin this is a good day so now we have to do Pogo fight green by Jesus loves you let's see the boy was not meant to fall on his own if you see this text something must have gone wrong with me something always goes wrong all right hardest Pogo fight ever over here what did you do to my little Timmy I'm so I I had nothing to do with this I want you to know that like literally he was like this before I got here in fact there's a message saying so out of the way lady of time for you what is this oh thanks for taking them out but now make sure you don't kill me I mean all right and as long as the pogo stick Doesn't Kill You There we go okay so now if the client just have to scale a wall here no problem all right Hello whoa you lied you lied to me congratulations [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I have no idea what just happened there this is oh my God this is called 200 possible all right oh God okay all right well you know what it's not often wait a minute I know how to beat this hold on we're fine we're fine watch this watch this wait for it wait for it okay oh we gotta go we gotta go oh oh God crawl gray crawl no it's not often people go for 200 impossible but for that I have to try I have to give it my best effort oh oh okay okay here we go here we go here we go here we go okay wait for it wait for it wait for it okay meteorite then it hits the media right I gotta jump over the rocket get out of the way and no full flip okay I gotta Dodge the rocket wait for it okay and not yet not yet not yet now got it this is called phobophobia can you leave I don't want to deal with phobias nope sure can't oh this is like a phobia of Olives because I love olives so one of my favorite items okay so I just have to scale the olives there we go I love pimentos too that is delicious all right yeah and again I don't know what a fear of Olives would even be called but I I go oh okay I didn't know you had it you fell LOL why no oh wait a second hold on hold on is there a way to go backwards because there's kind of like a kind of like a little a boulder over here yeah look at this look at this lies oh you fell all right I guess you're just not supposed to fall you got it oh you have to get up there okay this is this is new okay so you have to jump up here then you have to jump on top of the olives then you literally have to jump on top of the board like so jump oh whoa this is like a fear of eyeballs I hope not all right you kind of need those so we're gonna [Music] no you don't [Music] I'm kind of curious exactly what is watching me oh what is watching me in the distance and wait for it wait for it wait for it and now perfect ah I'm fine everything's fine no hey so now so now we go to the very edging you go to the edge again don't get destroyed by by the random ocular cavity all right line it up and jump jump ah okay oh it's a spider wielding eight side totally normal Teenage Mutant Ninja spider I love it okay then we're gonna oh we have to go underneath the person there and full flip no big deal any other little spiderlings I have to deal with over here so do I have to do I have to jump like up or is it can I go down or oh I guess we're going down you fell LOL what was I supposed to do you almost got it like speed run the eyeballs the random eyeballs bouncing around are somewhat like concerning I don't really have a phobia of them per se but they're not exactly nice to watch it's like a fear of Happy Wheels or something that's what that's what the fear is a fear oh God it's a fear of failure come here spider okay I think what you're supposed to do is go up the cocooned people I guess this is so strange Teenage Mutant Ninja spider oh no okay I found I found like the like the magic way to get past the eyeballs here oh no not gonna lie your board is pretty difficult so you have to do the squat Pogo look at how perfect it is every time oh it's glorious now the only problem is getting past the green one and not blowing up or falling off of the ledge that one's a bit more difficult than you think there we go okay so now I have to get to where the spider is which means the game has to play along and not do that and shortchange my jump okay gotta get past the spider oh no oh why why did my arm fall off why is my arm choking me these are all things I have questions for all right so I need to I need to jump almost vertically here there we go and then jump okay oh yeah oh the spider has a brother ow that did not feel good okay everything's fine though everything's fine oh come on and no it didn't give me the full jump huh I kind of was hoping I could cheat the eyeballs but there's actually an invisible wall up there so you can't you and me spiders together again for the millionth time oh yeah oh this is happening no okay okay everything's fine do not shove that sigh up my butt I swear to God yeah oh no no no no no yeah yeah oh yeah yeah sure to line this up and whoa what is this what am I inside of a wall is this the fear of claustrophobia not super happy about that I mean well I'm not actually claustrophobic at all subject fantastic how are you supposed to get your pogo stick through these there we go yep just kind of wiggle your way through love the flavor of mothballs so good there we go work out the calf muscles you gotta use your pogo stick for like jet propulsion to get down these things could also be spider eggs I'm I'm not exactly sure this is unbelievably difficult okay I've almost wiggled my way come on get that when you see the final time that it took me to beat this you'll understand come on how ridiculous this is [Laughter] oh I think I'm almost somewhere I don't know I'm like getting flushed down the drain over here oh at this point that would be a a boon come on oh yeah oh groin flexibility at maximum okay I'm gonna do this real slow so my head doesn't fall off does that mean yeah only 200 seconds yay I actually think I could save that replay then oh come on I'm 3.37 seconds over well today I learned ahead of phobia of ninja SCI wielding spiders hey folks hoping there's an episode of Happy Wheels the next time stay Fox too much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,059,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, mobile game, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, indie, impossible happy wheels, hw, best happy wheels moments, extreme happy wheels, phobias happy wheels, 10 phobias in happy wheels
Id: ez3AbJDlAmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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