I found 100 ways to end a life

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All right, we're checking out the only game that can literally bludgeon you with your own luck. It's Lucky Tower. The idea is simple: You have to make choices in the game, and if you make the wrong one, bad things happen. "Somebody spilled raspberry juice all over the floor." I love that that's exactly what I thought. I was like, Oh, it's just a bunch of strawberry jam. So are these, like, are these bullet holes over here next to the door? I feel like this is medieval times. It's kind of odd that there's, you know, like shotgun shells just chilling out- So how did the blood get all the way over here? Did someone get injured in the beginning and then they- *laughter* And that is why you don't skip leg day. Okay. So this door has a smiley face in front of it. There's no way that's the right door. It's impossible. So, we're going to pick this. What you got- "Oh, I didn't know they had a dark room in here." What is it with the voice acting in this game? So are those. Oh, I was thinking maybe they were like cool woodland creatures from Disney, but I guess not. I guess they're flesh eating monsters. Leave it to Gray to have three choices and pick the wrong choice. Two out of three times. Do all three doors kill me? Oh am I okay? I'm still alive. I think I made the right choice for once- "Hey, I think that must have been the right door." Thanks. Voice actor guy. I love that the actor basically has to tell me what is happening right now. So through a little portal over here. "Oh, Lord. Another three doors." You literally have a demon, like, chilling out in front of the third door. Come on, game!!! Okay, so you have this- You have the heart, and then you get the little thing going through it. They can't do this to you every time, right? "Wait, hold on, handsome. We just met." *bone crushing noise* I think I may have had a violent nosebleed there. Maybe that's what that is. I'm going to pick this door. It's got it's got the heart on it. But the last time the smiley face was the right door. It is totally possible this time it's fine. Hey, I picked the right door! Okay, hold on. I got to know now, since everything is all, like, animated, what happens if I would have picked this wrong door? Okay, Oh, this is like a right door, too. "Ha! These folks underestimate my immense abilities." Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I got- Ahhhhhh.... That was the worst death cry I've ever heard in a game. I think there's an actual jump here. Yeah. Can I- Could I have jumped this or does it just- Oh, no, it just pulls it away. Okay. All right. Down the stair. Am I, like, going somewhere? Now there's nothing. None of these doors have- Well, this door has some marks This one has some scratches. Can just keep walking? I can't. All right, let's try the scratch door. Oh, God. It took out the whole tower. So by killing me, they basically destroyed their entire home. Was it worth it? It's still on fire. Okay, so first door bad. How about second door? Second door good? Okay. Yeah, this one has to be good. Okay, so now we have to find out what you get if you go through the third door. Now, the last death there was pretty- "Now, that was a piece of cake!" Yeah. Any time he says something, I know I'm dead. Something horrible is going to happen. See? Fi. Right there. Could also maybe be like the pi symbol. I'm really not sure. See, I don't have to die here. I could just walk away from this, but I'm not going to do that. Look, you get a medal for it? Piece of cake. I got to hand it to the guy. At least he does- Oh, hold on.... Yeah, we're not doing that again. At least he does the same death cry every single time. All right. How many doors you got for me now? These ones almost seem like more spaced apart. Well, now they're all exactly the same. Every single door is exactly the same. I wish there was, like, a point where I could just walk through them all. Like, I don't even have to make a choice. I could just go away, and maybe that would be all right. I don't know. This one has bricks in front of the wall. I'm gonna take the third one. Okay. So we have a death pit, and then we have a, you know, like a thing over here. Can I- Is there, like, oh, I can stab. There's no way I can jump over this. I'm still going to try, though. Yeet! *screaming* Alright, I yeeted myself right to death. Let's go in this door. Ohhhhhh! "I wonder what this lever does." Yeah, I'm sure this- Oh, no! Uh. What do I do? Can I. Can I put it back? Oh, you can. I got it. Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Ready? We're going to do it and we're gonna jump. Oh, you know what? Maybe the first door is the right- "Oh, delicious food!" It's just. It's just human meat, man. It's just human meat. Can I leave in time? Like, can I just. Maybe I could. Maybe I can get the food. No, no. You also cannot leave. The door locks behind you. I have to do this, like, perfectly. Oh, I can hit it from way over there. My sword is way longer than I thought it would be. That's genetics. Okay? Yes. Okay. All right. We've got a winner? Did I get it? Did I win? Yeah. Looks okay. Oh, that was. That was definitely the right door. Ahhh! Do I- What do I do? that? It's not doing anything. It's just standing there, like, I don't know if I should attack "Hey there, handsome want to pimp out of your style." "Sounds like a great deal." Okay, good. Yeah. Give me. Give me the cool hat. The cool hat and. Ooh, yeah. Give me this ax over here. Undress? Oh, no, I don't want to do that. Yeah, give me give me that. Give me that. Actually, give me the Robin Hood hat. So can I, like, kill you now? Is it- "Death to you!" All right. Apparently not. I guess him and I are just good friends. There's nothing I can do about that. He's just going to chill out there and give me new hats. We got three doors. Smiley face in the middle. Let's do it. Oh, look at that young princess. Crying, sobbing. Clearly. I must save her. Someone needs a little cheering up. Yeah, let's- Let's cheer her up. Here we go. Oh, my God!! She didn't even- She actually didn't even flinch! I think her name was actually Princess Pretty. How come the happy door never brings happiness? Why? All right, how about the first door? Alright, now anytime I see this, I feel like the door- See this? This cut right here in the wall. I feel like it always pulls the doorway. Can I go this way? I can't. Okay, so get ready for it. Oh. Oh, yeah. Right. Did we get it? So.... I dunno. Looks like it already- Oh, hi! "Check out my spanking new goods, mate." Spanking new goods? Oh, it's a, you know, like a rapier. Okay. And then a princess hat. Fantastic. I love it. I shall destroy all those that oppose me. Check out my shoes. They have pointy, pointy toe tips, which I have really wide feet. So. No!!! "You're no match for me." Ow. Ow. "Slashy, slashy!" I didn't think I would actually have to fight people. Why is there just like a random blood spatter over here. Can I drink this health potion? No. There's, like, a d20 over there, too. I kind of like that. Yeet! Yeet! Yeet! Owww!!! I did that on purpose. Oh, okay. So that's what happens if you don't beat that that timer. All right, so you've got to go, go, go. And if you do go- oh, there's three different options for falling. You get also fall and then get cooked alive. All right. So I have to fall into this one, then. Or is it the middle one? This is the one. There you go. Okay. I'm not going to lie. You couldn't, like, spend a couple more bucks and get slightly more capable guards? Like, it's like the worst battle I've ever had to do as a glorious knight. Although I don't think I'm a knight. I think- What is this? *snickering* "Oh, thank God. Someone else made it this far. Let's team up." "Okay." I don't- Can I just kill this guy? Oh, no. He dodges my blade. All right, well, I guess we're. I guess we're best friends now. This is kind of weird, but he is wearing the Floridian shorts, so it's fine. "Uhhh... you go first. You're old and wise." Okay. One, two or three. One. "Let's beat it." Yeah. Go get him, buddy. Number one. What could go wrong here? I'm sure he'll be absolutely fine. Is it okay? Is it okay? He sounds like he's okay. I'm gonna pick number two. Oh. Should've done what he did. Well, now I feel kind of bad. What happens- "Let's beat it!" If I put you into a different door- "Yeah, buddy, I made it. Yeahhh!" What is this? Victory cheer, real or vague? Random blood on the ground. Oh, so this really is what happened to him. How come he abandoned me? There's just random blood sitting there now. I don't know why. So what was- "Hey, nice view!" Oh. I mean, maybe I'm just playing cards with the dragon. It doesn't mean that he has to have killed me. I love that he. Hold on. "Oh yeah, I made it! Yeahhh!!!" I love the victory yell there. Sort of part of him didn't. "Hey, I got new stuff in stock." Oh, I vowed him. All right. Yeah. Give me tongs here. I don't know why, but just. Just give those to me and this beard. Oh, I get his beard because he's dead now. Oh, God. Poor guy. Now, that's what happens as it happens when you stay, when you don't use sunscreen in Florida. That's what happens when you don't get off that cell phone. All right. So this one has a little thing down here and we got two and then three. So three. I made it through three last time. So let's try two. This one. Okay. We've got a we've got a thing over there. I feel like I would need to pull that. Oh. Oh. But how? Huh? Oh, it's a pressure point. Okay. All right. So go here- Ahhhh!!!! Okay, let's try it again. Man, I thought I dodged that. Okay. There's no way to dodge that. All right, so here- What is this? Can I grab this? Oh, you can grab it. I have an idea. Hold on. Grab this. Bring it over here. My beard is willing me to do this. It's like, "Gray, this is the only way to win the game" Alright, now. Drop it. Yeah. Here we go. All right. I'm just going to walk down the hallway here into the darkness. Oh, God, no. Maybe this one. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I have to die. I need to. I need to know what the other ones do now. I can't. The fact that you can. That they have these options. I can't not try and get- "Abra-ka-broom!" Got turned into a cleaning utensil. This is the most unenthusiastic wizard I've ever seen. Right. Middle one. "Here comes a new challenger!" Okay. All right. Well, he's not really fighting. Can I just- Can I just leave? No. Can I dodge? Can I dodge? Are we going to fight to the death, or should I just stab you? Oh, God. All right, I guess we're going to the third one, Uh! UH! Ow! Ah yeah! I got the high ground, boys. I've got the high ground. Oh, feels like I'm gonna get a new weapon and a new hat. I don't really know what kind of new hat I can get. I don't think I've killed anyone recently. Ohhh! A hammer! And a skull or a jester hat. I'm gonna take the skull. I don't know whose skull that is. I'm actually kind of curious now. I'm also kind of concerned. All right, let's do number one. Okay. Just some some battle here. All right. I don't care about the battle. I want to see the death. Number two- "Presto Snail-o!" I'm- I'm actually okay. I think I can still do this. Can I? I can't attack anymore. There's nothing. There's nothing I can do about that. Oh, maybe you need to be a snail. I'll bet I have to go through that door. Hold on. Now that I know that. Let me. Let me check this out. Oh, I can't go through this other door. I actually don't have a choice, so. Uh huh. Okay... Oh, this is- This is like some 3D chess over here. This is like some 35D chess. So now I can squeeze myself under this. Yeah. Now, I don't know what to do, though, because I can't jump on this now. I don't think I can. Can snails jump? Can I just- Oh, I could just snail my way up the wall. Hey, hey, hey. Nice. I mean, I wish I could say that was, like, skill or something, but they're just kind of, like, animating him in the worst way. Am I going to. Oh, I. To Yeet! No... no... No, don't do it! Nooo!!!! *fart noise* So what happens when. Hold on real quick. What happens when a ghost poops on you? Oh, never mind. I got ate by a giant rat. Well, it's not really a giant rat. It's just an average rat. I'm just really small. Oooooookay. Have to do middle one, I guess. Into the slime area. Okay. Roll on this log over here. And still chillin. Oh, I can move on the log now. Okay. Ohhhh!!!! Death fish! Oh, my God! Violent death fish. I never thought that I would end up at this point in this game, trying to dodge snail eating, death fish. All right. Where are you coming from? Where are you? I'm ready. Oh, yeah. Super speed, super agility. Snail like agility. Oh, that fish wasn't even. Oh, God. Oh! That one fish wasn't even trying to kill me. I mean, I don't know what he was doing. Yeah, maybe if I stay on this edge over here, I'll have a better chance at, like- I'm dead. So staying in the middle is the safest place. A few seconds later. Oh. Oh. Maybe it's not safe at all. Some of these are, like, heat seeking fish. You can go right on the edge there *laughter* How about that. Yeah- Ahhhhh!!!!!! I think this is new personal best. As long as I don't get heat seeked. No. Hey. So far, so good. How long do I have to be on this thing for this? I got to be getting close to the end here. Whoa! Yeahhhhhh!!!! *laughter* You know, it'd be really sad if I never actually get changed out of my snail farm. I just had to- Do I have to learn how to, like, do this myself or am I going to have to read all these books? "Ah, I'm back to my gorgeous self again." Yayyyyy! That's what you get. Can I drink any of these? Oh, I can actually go way up here. I don't know. I could go all the way. There was a door over here, but there's a door over here, too. So there's. There's there's doors over here. And then there's a door over here. Wait a second. Snowy. And then there's some meat on the ground. Let's try visi- visidrix. Awww... So cute! "I'm hungry, but for today I shall be a vegemetarian." A vegemetarian. Isn't that nice! Oh he's- He's my buddy now. Can I- Can I see the other ones? Am I allowed to see the other ones? Huh... All right. I guess we're going to... I guess we're going to keep rolling here with our newfound Fox friend. Hi. "What a nice companion you got there. Yum, yum." Okay. Why does everyone want to eat my- Oh, my God! Wear these glasses. He looks so happy. All right, little buddy, here's what we're going to do. Pick this first door here. Wow. It's. Oh, wow. There's a lot of doors. Okay, how about how about how about this door? What in the world? You can't get through that door. So if I jump over here. Oh there's a key! I understand it now! Unlock the door and there we go. Don't mind me, just literally using a dead rat as- "Ahhhh... Lunch is ready!" No, don't you- Don't! No. No. No. Nononononono... NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh my God, no! How could you do this? Billing, billing tricks or whatever your name was? I loved you for 3 minutes. Uhhh..... So... Are you... Is this a fight, or... What are you doing? Are you coming for me? Owww!!! All right. Guess I got to make a choice. Number one. That's a lot of numbers on the wall. It's kind of concerning, actually. "Huh, this looks kind of familiar." Oh no... Oh, God, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Well. Uhhh.... Guess I know what's happening. All right. Number two. There we go. This looks good. Perfect. Real quick, because I need to know. What was number three? "Lucky me. This room looks comfy." OOOOOHHHHH GOD!!! Alright, number two it is. Go, go, go, go, go, go. Goooo... GOOOOOO..... Oh, he is looming. He's trying to eat my flesh. No. Oh, God. Uh, this door. "I love world literature." What's that say? *laughter* I didn't get to read what it said. It just murdered me. How about the third one? I want the third one. No! I wanted to know! I guess I'm doing number two. It's just more books! The last time I read a book, it killed me. I don't want to do it again. Hi. "Hey, Wonder Girl. Where's the exit?" "Aisle 23: lightsabers, pink goose, Mr. Johnson-" "Uhhh... Okay. Thanks." "Where do these hats keep coming from?" "Okay, I gotta go now." Oh, I can't- I- I- No, I can't- Why can't I do anything? No! Okay. Go, go, go, go. Ahhh! Dodge. Epic dodge. Dodge number three. Okay. This to door. Farthest- "Uhhhh.... Sorry guys." "Cue the clumsy fool!" Ahhh!!! They're throwing literature at me. GOOOOOOO!!!!! No survivors! How many more are there? Do all the bod- Do all the barrels. How about that? How about this one. Did I actually pick the right door? I don't want to pick the right door! Stab me! All right. How about this door? Oh, you just get mowed over by barrels. Well, how about the second door, then? You get mowed over, but oh- This looks kind of normal. Oh, that's a large blood spatter. That would do it. Alright, third door's the right door, I guess. This poor rat. He's like, "I can't- I can't ever get-" Ahhhh!!!! I really can't do anything about this. All right. Uhhh... All right. We're going to jump over the barrels. This has to be it. Ahhhhhh!!!! I may have to stay way over here. One, two, three. Look out. Okay, so you can't beat that barrel. Okay, here's the plan. Door number two. Roll over here. Wait for it. Wait for it. Now. "Now that wasn't too tasty, was it?" Yes. Oh, finally. Wow. Okay, so now I can go through the third door. Go down here like it's no big deal. There's nobody left in this entire tower. Everyone has died, including the mouse that I'm currently wielding. There's nobody left. I have no friends. I have no enemies either. They're all gone, too. Can I- How many layers is this? "Now that looks like an exit for real men." Can I take this suit of armor? Can I just walk past this exit? I feel like this- I feel like that's not the exit. Yeah. See, the game is still going. What a bunch of lies. Oh, maybe it's not going. Maybe. Maybe I have to take that exit. This game is tough. There's no way that this is a real escape. Escape. But the game's not over. I don't- I haven't won or anything yet. Like I'm still just here in the game. I knew it was a bunch of lies. What else is there? There's a tombstone that tells you how many times you died. Okay. Oh, hey, we got a tavern. "Hey, mister ugly face. Can you point me to the toilets?" "Just follow the smell." Uh huh. "Meet me at the backyard at nightfall." It is nightfall. I'm not going into the backyard. No, stop that. Stop that. Don't ever do that again. Oh, look, the whole cast is here. Huh. Knock over- Knock over his cards. There's the wizard. He's been drinking all night. "Oh, I see they have the same decorator as I do." I just naturally pick, like, the middle one. It was the ladies room. Oh, it's all right, I guess. Oh, interesting. Their teleport bowl- They have, like, a teleport toilet bowl. That's kind of amazing, actually. Yeah. So now that I've seen the inside of the women's bathroom, do I. Do I, like, go to a higher plane- What? Oh, I've been turned into a nebula. Oh, no, am I going back into the tower, it's not going to put me back at the beginning of the- And now I'm going to fall my dad late. The end! Okay, so that's the end. *laughter* Well, my luck was so bad that it did end up killing me over and over again. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Lucky Tower Until the next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,455,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, murder flash game, murder walkthrough, flash game, gameplay, lucky towers, lucky tower 2, lucky tower gameplay, lucky tower flash game, lucky tower endings, lucky tower walkthrough, luck tower escape game, lucky tower game, lucky tower all endings
Id: UDWirdTV3ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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