When you live a life of never ending pain

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all right we're checking out the only game where safety is optional it's Happy Wheels every hole is possible that is a very con I was gonna say that's a very concerning thing to see I appreciate that my very first bottle flip already got how ah we have 99 Satan the other one percent is I guess just me ow ow I just got double tapped by my own bottles you guys are supposed to be working with me not against me all right there's spleen's the cat I like that the unlock win happens to make someone who is not me very sad can't kill me Greg last famous ones oh I got easy although easy didn't really feel that easy I got a lot of other things before I even got close to easy hey I wonder where the land mine went I wonder where the guy who is next to the landmine went how do you actually win in here I see the win oh oh I have an idea okay there goes knife now in case you're wondering he's just resting see he was actually a unicorn this whole time that knife is not just sitting in his head or anything I got a hacker oh my God how I don't even think this is supposed to happen I think I actually got stuck between the ceiling and this part because there's no way that this bottle is going to survive right there wow that said I couldn't they were wrong and forever but you can for at least a short amount of time see there it is oh it's actually staying there because the other bottle keeps hitting it yay I'm not gonna lie winning this board is unbelievably difficult because you have to get the land mine and then you have to unlock the win which is hard enough as it is I'll never give up oh I got 99 percent say I got more 99 Satan I'm like 1800 Satan now are you okay he actually did the impossible that you're really not supposed to be able to do I have a bottle perfectly standing up in 99 Satan because I've actually created a wall for it to stand against wow now I got the true standing up Satan how did I manage this it's so good but it's not what I want okay not the landmines out of the way no you gotta be kidding me ow my legs there we go come on if Gray's on there you know I have to get it eventually MLG son don't you run from the Lord I thought that I'd have to eventually get everything to open up the wind I was wrong you actually just have to click this and now you have to somehow get it into the winning slot I can make it everywhere on this board though so the wind can't be that hard ah yes the time has come for me to demonstrate my dodging prowess watch I will eat through the air pass by 10 000 harpoons lose my helmet and I like how this makes me prepare for the inevitable it's like wait and [Music] welcome to fly with hobo so all you have to do is get as high as you can with the hobo now oh God this doesn't seem that bad Until you realize how jacked up this guy is oh yeah hold on this is happening come on come on come on ow I have fantastic neck muscles I can't believe my head hasn't ripped off yet all right if I can lean against the wall oh I can't even get to the first bar ow oh never mind got into the first bar all right that's Noob oh we're um okay new plan what we're gonna do is maybe like that there we go oh yeah I can fly a lot better this way oh yeah oh yeah yeah welcome to Harpoon Dodge hard first thing you gotta do is seriously why would you put it there all right guess we're doing this the hard way oh I I did it I I did it I did it first try yes I cannot believe that I didn't die to this wall this is called Super Omega clickbaity Harpoon Dodge click for Hard Mode well obviously what does that do oh it gives you less time okay all right let's see how hard your Omega Omega clickbaity thing really is I'm dead I'm gonna be clicking this hard mode button a lot aren't go oh okay why is there just like a random testicle laying in the middle of the field uh all right let me reload this all right go down and then bounce and yate yate yate oh so you have to beat someone in the end too okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go how am I still alive ah I'm rising up I will only play with hard mode oh yeah oh yeah skill skill agility every day my pogo stick chooses violence uh okay so do this this this this backwards okay this is we're gonna win we're gonna okay let me back up and then get over the harpoon there and then yeah we did it welcome to Rainbow rope swing help this is the slowest conveyor belt I have ever been upon I'm used to the conveyor belts ripping my arms from my body so it's really weird when one is just very languidly moving uh oh oh no oh no no no how do you oh you have to hold on okay so it is really good that I didn't put myself half hanging out because I would have totally died there and then let go all right well I haven't I'm not really hanging on so I'm assuming everything's fine so this is gonna eat me okay then fall into the cannon here we go that was a very controlled fall actually and then get ejected out into a win my legs snake of cheese this is called Pogo fight arcade 2. don't really know where the first one was these are some fantastic looking Goombas all right so what happens if I like like can I kill him or kind of curious I'm dead and boom oh now they're Invincible I love how they have little butcher oh no they're not you can kill them what a horrible little sound they make okay no I died to the ax are you kidding me this board is amazing all right hold on I need to see what else is in here so does it have like it sounds like it has a little a little uh explosive hooked up to it or something up over there we go and there's even the thing over here okay so now what what is this oh it's Pac-Man okay so I guess I have to get the this is this is incredible we're going from Super Mario Brothers to Pac-Man all right here grab all the balls through here nice like if I get touched by the ghost do I die or like what happens oh they're like physical creatures yeah yeah yeah yeah all right oh oh okay you don't actually collect them all you actually have to just get past them or you die okay first part of this yeah get wrecked oh well he was holding a bomb this thing can actually eat you oh my God [Laughter] I'm shooting on my ass [Laughter] oh I got free yeah so now that I know what I'm actually doing for Pac-Man all right so go over here and then you have to jump there we go okay so you have to kind of like navigate through all this crap hey wait for it wait for it wait for it and eat here we go got a kind of Flappy Birds this and Boop perfect okay and Yates yes and I have to get past three of the ghosts so let me get as far forward as I can get there we go okay and wait for it wait for it wait for it not yet not yet now and we have a winner now as you can see uh there's certain individuals who are just waiting in line at the DMV probably when suddenly a wayward bottle oh never mind a wayward bottle come on okay it's surprisingly not as easy as I thought it would be to kill everyone I'm fairly skilled at making bottles go where I want them to go this is not working out like I had anticipated every hole is possible that seems like something nobody ever said are you kidding me all right new goal my plan is to get every single bottle stuck without actually touching any of the weapons how about that game gonna be like the one promise I'm able to keep oh I'd like to take a moment to mention that this in itself should be fairly impressive I have made like a trapezoid out of bottles at this point oh it's spleens you know what spleens can't do make a trapezoid out of freaking bottles all right we're gonna keep this going to stupidity and beyond all right half of the Lord how so I was kind of hoping that I would use reverse psychology on this board oh my god when I said I would try and get every single bottle to just get stuck inside of the death area it's yeah hacker oh did I do something amazing ah 99 say it I did two amazing things I love that no matter how hard I try no one can die this doesn't feel like happy wheels are you kidding me right now I love that I'm able to get 99 Satan or hacker before I can just get one of the normal areas in this freaking hole get in the hole get in the hole yay all right there's one more left get further in the hole further in the hole uh yeah you guys thought you were safe because I'm inept all right well maybe I am inapped oh it's sliding in everything I have to say about this board sounds inappropriate come on baby get in there never gonna give up I think I may have achieved the stupidly impossible again let me reinforce I have all right I need to do this first try [Music] second try third try eight hundredth try what one plus infinity try easy my ass hmm no clap okay all right okay so I've made it so that I can't get landed sideways once you say all I can do is land sideways yes this is called the return to pain I'm gonna die aren't I this is a very concerning board oh God aha all right uh all right so do I like gotta climb on top of the board is unbelievably creepy ah you click on the ice out oh you click on the things ah okay okay got it so you clicked the right way it turns into a like a conveyor belt and then the door opens what are you doing making me think this is Happy Wheels all right now I need to stay on the ground because one of these makes that giant thing just like ruin my entire life all right so click that one there yeah and then that one and then this one oh no hold on he didn't like oh God one of the gears just exploded two of the gears exploded okay I am slowly destroying all of these cogs I'm not good at puzzles aha your pit of death didn't kill me good oh it's hard to go up okay so this top one how about these ones up here down down the poop slide this definitely gets the award for the board that's making me use the most brain power all right maybe this Direction first nope oh ow okay it's the top one this is happening I'm doing this crazy ass resin evil level thinking board so up here and then touch oh there yeah see it's going up out okay um jump hold on all right we're gonna do this way over here it's like dealing with the freaking sword of almonds okay there we go there we go there yeah yeah this is happening this is a thing that's happening right now yeah I can get this open I can get it open it come on come on baby yeah yeah yeah oh this is working yeah what the hell now I can drink from the most sacrimonious pool of blood yes this is called rope swing hell 2.0 great oh God all right so I need to jump pretty far here yay wow how am I supposed to get there I can almost make it maybe there's something hidden down here nope yeah [Laughter] okay so pump jump yeah okay land damn it I've gotta land face first somehow sword is going to be having a very intimate time with my wiener a lot isn't it okay there face first face first okay and Then Fall Down hmm so face first kind of shoots you like downward all right so how about ah all right your rope swing is in fact a ropeel I'm starting to get this part down pretty good though there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes oh I won before my head nope John out of my shoulders it still counts ah yes the time has come to show my incredible superhero powers of dodging death I don't know if that was worth it I feel like this board took something very important from my guy this is called paper Pogo fight all the drawings here are fantastic the brawler oh I didn't know he would explain the Samara guy like a Samurai and a guy mixed together all right here we go whoa whoa he's still fighting randomly I'ma finish this what's this say me right now what is this oh I'm gonna finish up this level ah they're still alive I love how even the winning area is drawn poorly welcome to Boost Force Wasteland it is the apocalypse and now the world has been bathed in the blood of mutated creatures however how come this Cactus is still normal sized like it's even like a sadder Cactus than normal all right so you have to use the Boost didn't know the cactus was a real object okay let's try and go over the cactus yeah it what was that what was that hold on a second okay it's like a tumbleweed what is this is that a snake wait a minute it's a giant bird the giant bird with a snake in his talent it's not even like a really good bird it's like a grackle or something what is this thing anyway all right what else you got for me hey gotta jump up the mountain using the Boost so let's line this up perfect and jump oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah whoa what is that oh whoa huh I kind of want to know what was at the top of the mountain I don't know if we'll get to see it but I'm gonna head up there just to look this is a Giant Mountain of course look there just happens to be a deadly Cactus with a bomb really all right let me get over that without blowing up oh there's a lot of cactus here are these all real yeah you would die on any one of these while you're sliding down I don't know how I didn't touch these I'm really curious what that is up there this is like a like a giant pterodactyl or something well let me see if I can jump high enough to see it I don't know maybe it's just like a god pooping on us or something all right I'm gonna go down here without blowing up hey no there we go nice and now a nice controlled roll down the mountain I'm waiting for another bomb too okay what is that oh it's just like an Angry Ball I'm gonna get that going because I'm kind of curious what it does plus if there's any bombs the ball will get rid of them for me what was the purpose of climbing this mountain am I trying to get to like a safe zone or something like the one little apocalypse bunker that's left boost oh no I broke the Boost with the other Rock I mean I guess I could just jump over these here we go no problem and down into this Canyon here where am I going ah yay this is called The Impossible Gap actually which Gap am I which Gap is the impossible one it looks like there's two gaps it says you have to jump and don't touch the blades okay so right about here [Music] I thought I I knew what to do oh yeah here we go if you're reading this there is more than one ending oh oh okay got it so then you have to [Music] yay okay so somehow I have to make it through this thumbnail hole [Music] and oh oh I'm almost there I'm almost there oh oh no it throws you out I'm not giving up oh damn it I was right there hey yeah man when they say impossible hole he wasn't kidding go go okay I'm getting closer okay you definitely need to go and then lean back because you need speed in order to even possibly get through this come on oh oh that was the closest I got I actually touched this one mod yeah yeah oh oh you cheating bass if I didn't distrust literally everyone I would have died to those spikes saving that one this is called gorefield stroke I thought it was a a play out like Cloverfield but it's just a gigantic Garfield Garfield is circling around your house Garfield can smell fear he knows your home when Garfield is peeking through your window avoid standing in his field of view exit the home alive hold on before I go anywhere oh I actually can't go backwards all right I guess we're going forward all right look at this look at look at the day when gorfield was a a sweet loving cat I mean he's like kind of levitating on the side of the picture here I don't I guess at that point I should have realized that he may have satanic Powers kind of surprised I haven't seen him in the windows yet not popping out of my wardrobes here I do have to die because oh here we go here we go because I want to know what happens when gorfield sees me apparently oh oh God are we done are we done we're done all right so apparently Garfield turns you into a meat pancake that's nice go go who is he murdering down there all right oh yeah this is happening we're doing this oh oh oh okay oh I have to hide behind the Wardrobe all right okay got it why do I have a lot of pictures of this like it's just the same picture of him over and over again oh now they're starting to get into my all right it's just the same cat over and over again hi uh oh bye did you just was he drunk he's been drinking looks like you what is this somebody spent all my money on one jump in the sewer later oh there's a sewer portion of this ah all right it's a really big sewer oh oh so it counts if he sees you through the sewer too that wasn't part of the instructions I love how he's like don't have him look at you through the sewer all right here we go here no [Music] aha he doesn't look so much menacing as like depressed you here nope nope oh oh [Music] like where is he that he can look through these grates in the sewer we don't need physics that's what the sign says all right so what how do I is this an elevator what is this oh it is it's an elevator whoa I just bare I just barely saw those spikes I thought oh God I thought they were um I thought they were like bars you know what I mean okay we're starting to move really fast oh nice yes yeah we did it thanks for playing oh I got Satan's axes first try how lucky of me I'm going to die now aren't I or not I'm alive I um I mean I guess I could say that the turns tabled uh they they tabled pretty hard there the second I saw a bottle flip that actually has Satan's bath water I knew I'm also very curious what this don't touch is but I think I may have gotten it I assume it's what happens when Vans get very angry at you ow a lot of death on this board it's a lot of death on this board come on baby come on oh we can do this hold on not yet not yet not yet now come on go yeah oh man not just part of a demon it's the whole demon get it I just wanted to do it again to show you that was actually a totally a mistake but still gray will find a way yes I will ow this bottle hit me in the head violently I got half of Satan's bath water oh come on wait a minute is that what happens when you click on the more bottles is it just a giant lie I feel like it's a giant lie Osteen's wife is in there I'm testing something nope that's not it oh evil Yeet plus it's got extra yeat filling in it I am desperately trying to get one of these bottles inside of Satan's horns it's a lot harder than you think also what okay come on man you gotta you gotta give me something for this because this is truly impossible look at it it's perfect it's bottles standing against gravity [Music] satanis yetis Satan's TV I I swear to God getting up and said no I was right there oh Satan's bath water the full way the only bath water for me I'm almost there I've almost released Satan's TV as well real quick Satan times two I just noticed a little the little mention over here no my TV you will pay seriously how yeah this is called oh God backflip trick oh this isn't that bad hold on ready all right I thought it wouldn't be that bad there it is really and I'm not gonna lie this trying to flip onto this coin is a lot more annoying than I gave it credit all right we're doing this all right Superman didn't work kick flip ah this coin is impossible all right ready boom yeah and somebody peed on the background oh it's like an upward bottle run we're doing a little bit of a uh of an incline I want one really this is called robot Revolution yay let's go to the museum Tom okay I love how just the child is sitting on his on his dad's shoulders and this one the mother is using these two kids this nunchucks what is going on let's go to the museum you're gonna dislocate their arms is there anything back over here oh all right nothing all right yes we're going to the museum uh yes model I 561 very good oh model I 5610 and circles are getting bigger over here oh we've we've gotten rid of the circles and now we're using Fruit by the Foot that's good that gives them the ability to bend his elbow all right oh we got a prototype it doesn't even look human anymore now it's just like a walking metal octopus Museum staff only uh-oh all right let's find out what's back here who are you I'm Richard Nixon's son out of the way oh no the robots have escaped well what which one is this when there's like the second one like 10 I don't think we have anything to worry about wow oh it knows Kung Fu um I'm still alive I I'm a cyborg now okay yep I'm half machine whatever on a really weird side note this thing is probably going to protect me from the rest of the level also this is [Music] just you know what don't worry about it just have blades his legs who made these robots all right well I [Music] don't know ah this one's wielding size as well why I don't know I'm like caught oh maybe I think this robot has like ow this robot has Ties on it or something I can't get past this wall do I have to defeat it if this robot wasn't stuck inside of me foreign [Laughter] I got to the exit all right we're doing this full steam out of the way yay yeah yeah look at it come on baby oh my leg oh god oh it is up I all right robots are pretty legit out of the way robots real people are made of meat can't believe I got killed by the Fruit by the Foot machine all right ready completely over it oh crap I'm dead oh or am I no how am I supposed to get past that third one because the size are exactly skull level that seems inappropriate also what happens to all the children that went to the museum all right do that real slow and then Boop this guy down all right now get a nice running star and Yates over him all right now Yi odds in my head oh god oh it's so deep oh I'm in yay I made it past the robot music I'm glad we escaped there is no way that you escaped with your lives out of the way I was waiting for the robot to suddenly come from the sky and Crush everyone this is called best possible best possible run but okay well how much is there full flip I I did it I'm the best this is called Blast from the Past you know when you ask for Among Us and your mom tells you that you have Among Us at home this is Among Us at home actually this Among Us looks pretty good oh whoa whoa I didn't know they could do front flips with their swords ah whoa okay all right are you are you gonna do another Flip or do I need to jump over you I'm gonna jump over you there what now they're dual wielding swords I am dead no or amp this Slither oh [Music] oh my God it's amazing I see what it says blast from the past [Music] all right let's do this I'll go okay apparently having yeah I was gonna say apparently having patience like I had the first time [Music] I'm alive never mind all right ready and there okay good over nice all right Slither through don't get crushed maybe I can do this without my pogo stick I killed the Slither guy right hold on I gotta like line this up perfect wait for it go oh I'm so dead uh I'm alive all right what else we got what else you got for me wait am I is there connect the Stars to unlock the bridge oh they're numbered uh but where's one oh it's over here okay one two and three four five okay six oh it's the Dipper hey I don't know if it's the little or the big one I think it's the big one oh God no I can hear it I can hear it oh it's a spaceship wait is it gonna beam down a bomb on top of me it totally is isn't that all right hold on um here we go not yet not yet now oh God now I'll do oh it's glass [Music] ah I'm screwed okay I guess I gotta keep this there okay keep my legs and ready jump good jump good job come on man that slither thing what I was trying to say is that slither thing is going to be the end of me so many times okay here we go ready and jump perfect wait wait wait and jump nice jump oh no no no no yes all right now connect the Stars I've got all my limbs too we're going all the way hmm yeah baby oh why is it following me oh yeah are these eventually going to get set on kill mode there's so many ow what what is ah it's just it's discount Kirby do I have to take off inside of Kirby you know what sure yeah oh oh there we go [Music] ah yes been a while since I oh God since I went on a jetpack joyride all righty and oh god oh yeah oh this is working out thrillingly I think I'm stuck can I move these I cannot all right so you gotta go over this piece there we go and through the balls Oh yay Oh yay yay I'm really glad I landed right here because this is death This is called the stabinator it says can you escape the stabbinator can I go backwards no I mean it looks like a bunch of other ones I've done before so it doesn't look that bad oh oh all right there's a couple of stabinators there's at least all right stabinator you wanna dance yeah let's dance let's ah the stabbinator has been really stabenating me a lot or has it all right now my son isn't dead he's just resting go down this here if you survived you are good I'm what is that down there you can see that right there right that is a twirling blade do I do I need to go over this or what all right every once in a while I guess correctly if I would have went too fast I would have went right over that and if I went too slow I would have been stabinated repeatedly I just got lucky this is called bottle run impossible oh God the only context it says is it's hard that was not hard at all I always find it very interesting to see I'm amazing I'm literally amazing that was the very first bottle I flipped and I hit the bullseye I was gonna say is I'm always interested to see how many different words we can shove into a bottle flip I appreciate that now there's tumors involved oh it's Nike Air Yeezys too they're viewing improved now in case you're wondering there is a wind chamber that I have to somehow get into [Music] after first making mistakes everyone loves Air Yeezys all right let's go grab some more vodka here now the Vodka Rises up like the Phoenix from the Vodka seller ah all right there's the extra cheese I did want that and right into the recycling yeah let's put another order down into that Cellar we're gonna be we're gonna be getting a lot of vodka that's how we're done here oh it's right there man I'm not really sure what the wow box huh I was gonna say this I'm not really sure what the wow box is but I kind of want to be in it come on win unlock [Music] s what does it mean I don't know but I'm I'm in it the wow box and I are fantastic friends I love that it's only the wow box sometimes the rest of the times it's the sad box let's say delegate ah yeah come on ow all right that's the win unlock chamber the problem is getting the win after you get the oh come on that's what Ninja meant oh it's cool I drew a four on my face with uh swords all right we're in the wind right off the bat I've got the pattern now all right let me put this over here [Music] gotta get inside the wind chamber [Music] mailbox again I how was it there the whole time if that wasn't there the whole time how did I get a bottle in there all right that's a double win chamber oh last try no okay there was a bottle in there to begin with I was starting to get really worried mistakes were made there perfect okay oh no not the ninja not the ninja ah they're angry rocket strawberries there is a lot of Secrets hidden in this board a lot of Secrets oh I got still alive hey does that mean I get like an extra life when the swords come out from the Heavens to try and stab me in the nostrils probably not so um there's a real problem here uh this explosive device is sitting in front of the wind column not not a fan no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please I'm very sad right now I got the sword in the bullseye how do you like that all right we got rid of the explosive it's right there it was right there okay I don't want the deli Yeet come on come on oh come on I'm not giving up until I get this win look at how close I am ah damn it yes Release Me release out come on we're gonna go win this together ah come on oh how sausage is made there's a little hidden area up there if you could make it I am literally set up to die right now yes I did it I did the impossible this is called the insane Anaconda 2. now if you had remembered we thwarted the original insane Anaconda but now his older more malnourished brother is here now if you don't know what an insane Anaconda is all you have to do is lightly tap it [Music] oh it just walked away oh still kind of there oh oh yeah it happens if you should touch the Anaconda this is called the GSP Mech right got some uh got some houses here that were made by some drunk people no one here knows how to use a level do they you might want to reverse a bit absolutely not what just what hold on was it like Optimus Prime where is it what was it whoa what happened is this my Mac what am I looking at I'm gonna break down [Music] hey this thing Pontiac that time has got it oh there's one oh my god wow I did it anyway that was a bottle toilet run it's only a matter of time before a SpongeBob themed bottle flip came to fruition I do appreciate that I am here amongst all of the greatness right in between SpongeBob and dream I also do appreciate the incredible mechanism that gives you the bottles now obviously there's a legitimate win that you can get here although to be fair I may also have to legitimately go for myself oh or Pro that's fine too we sure why my torso decided to vomit out all of my organs I'll we'll have to have a talk about that there it is baby I love how I got two in one shot I got myself and meh time to go for the win I said the win [Music] please the win I'm not getting the win I don't know how I manage this whoo all right the wind is actually pretty difficult because the problem is good is technically in the way so you have to do a perfect throw [Music] a winner this is a ball throw into a glass fall I don't have time to screw around oh [Music] what fell on me was it like vicious stalactites oh wait that would have been stalagged mites this is called van jump insane wow I feel like I was supposed to jump over the Vans not crash into them hold on all right let's try it again [Music] oh yeah oh we're jumping all the Vans oh yeah [Music] every there we go now I officially got every single win you can possibly get time for the I'm out I was supposed to grab a sword there the Ender defeat the Ender Dragon yeah also there's Reginald welcome to the facility don't click do not click don't do it all right click what uh red button oh um oh god oh death what is happening here okay so it looks like a hold on this looks like a a harpoon oh there's nothing there's no Harpoon running at all I just walked past it d u down up I guess we'll go down maybe there's something down there all right can't go down guess we're going up and this is like playing an entire Metal Gear Solid game all right press the button door goes up live wires off on oh well I can't I'm not allowed to turn it off um I'm sure it'll be fine yeah we're good enter lift before you press button all right oh very safe I like how the door comes down and protects you one thousand one thousand two thousand this is like two thousand stories like three thousand feet under the ground where are we going press red button to open Lift doors or smash them I don't care you got it okay I don't like the way this looks yeah we're just we're just gonna go foreign button live wires onto the lift ruin the door's whole career no all right slow press to disable security it's always the red button right oh I can press them all I'm gonna try red I'm pretty sure it's red I'm still alive it's a big facility uh I'm glad I brought my Segway with me for this okay what is that what is this what is that a nuke deploy nuke yes it's called get in the Box neon is it like neon or if we like you you know you turn this around it's like no knees because it looks like I have to rip my legs off in order to get anywhere oh ready oh yeah oh God it's like ah it's like popping a pimple or something oh yeah it's glorious I've got one Fruit by the Foot that was still hanging on there we go oh my arm is stuck oh God not today ow this is called javelin throw it says the farthest throw gets a shout out now I will say uh you didn't exactly mention how you're supposed to get that far this throw so first off I think that my throw is pretty strong okay that feels like a good throw right there but uh welcome to the channel what's a shout out oh yeah yeah I want that shout out you said furthest throw [Music] ah okay oh wow I did pretty good come on now look at this huh 22 meters okay good yeah all right come on and ah cheatingly deep the shout out is all for me I'm not done yet okay when I say that I'm gonna get that shout out we're getting a shout out all right man that was like my best throw okay and hold on hold on I think I can even throw this farther ah there you go and save that for you there is so much go wow I just got yidus Maximus on the first try there is so much going on here I don't even know where to start I went into the Yeet Tower the mighty Dorito is here there's a nostril actually there's two nostrils I love how there's just a stick of butter that's it I mean I like butter alrighty let us move onward inside of the magical Dorito full back flip oh I have to ride the magical Mystic Dragon to win okay I'm coming Dragon I just noticed that there's something called cooked eat like how is it cooked I'm hoping medium rare do not click well here we go that was a terrible idea doorknob well technically it's not even doorknob it's like half a doorknob it's just knob what Doritos and butter what a combo carbs and cholesterol all right now that we've opened up the back side over here I can finally touch Nixon's washing machine all right eat dragon I've gotta take this win wow I've got to take this win home with me [Music] you get to ride the magical ye Dragon this is amazing yeah [Laughter] [Music] wow that was incredibly satisfying just called oh God this is called Mind jump too so you have to you have to jump like just right in order to get inside a little winning area wait for it now ah wow I jumped really high I don't know where the winning area is my foot my foot has been gone for the last two years all right let's try and do that a little less vicious there it is and we have a winner this is called going home you've been on a camping trip and now it's time to go home but you must be careful for things get very dangerous go slow this is dangerous Rock I like how at least they tell me it's coming is there like an invisible Rock here there is isn't there there's like some other lying rock well maybe not watch out this lake is full of piranhas oh so you have to jump okay so there nice and oh my God I can see a did you see it it's right here there yeah I was gonna see I can see a giant wrecking ball in the distance jump and no piranha today watch your head whoa wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it now oh God yeah there we go okay and up the logs kill the Florida man why yeah okay we're close to home we're finally home yay that wasn't that dangerous welcome to Harpoon Dodge 2. Neon all right well let's see how hard this is all right whoa okay so this is actually kind of difficult because not only do you have harpoons coming from the top but you have one coming from the bottom uh hmm all right I need to get some really good running start here ready and I'm dead I'm alive ah oh my arms go out oh yeah oh we're running full speed no I was at the end once again the Unicorn betrayed me oh yeah oh yeah oh okay so it's that last one that comes up from the ground speed agility out insurmountable death oh yeah [Music] this is actually kind of a hard Harpoon Dodge full flip whoa okay so jump and speed and whoa oh man okay yeah the ones from the bottom are the hardest ones so hmm let me see if I can lame this a little bit so what we're gonna do there we go Okay cool so that happened there and now okay we're going to hmm okay jump Lean Forward oh oh that is Dodge worthy baby all right so back here and then not yet not yet now why is that last part so difficult oh [Applause] I'm almost there I just have to oh man if I could just like rip part of my body out of here this is unbelievable okay I'm pretty much to the point where I can get past the first and the second part it's this last part ready and lean yeah it's all about ouch it's all about the end lean I'm pretty good at watermelon running watch ha bone welcome to the ultimate glass break oh there's actually like a loading screen press to play glass break press to have a dinner with Timmy really I mean sure what do you want to eat melon pumpkin pineapple I'm hoping this is watermelon drink well yes of course wow this is it's like an entire Choose Your Own Adventure how far does this Rabbit Hole go Z wow that actually gave me some watermelon yay all right I guess I guess we'll do the actual glass break now that was quite a storyline all right no stabbing here we go all right yeah good gotta start watching the face okay oh we're just running through this hold on let me get some speed here are you ready that was a bad idea all right we've we've gotten farther before my head just ripped off of my body violently well I mean not like it did it randomly I kind of had something to do with that oh there's only oh we're gonna get this right away here we go last chunk not too much speed just an average amount bam what happened to my leg now my leg is caught on something random oh this is interesting I'm I'm just carrying my foot with me a little hood ornament yay this is called The Impossible spin jump I think I've already failed The Impossible spin jump okay so grab and then where am I like what am I jumping toward okay uh hold on yay I feel like there's something over here there has to be right all right let me let go ow I was gonna say is let me let go earlier there we go ah okay so there is an end really you can't even just let me fall into it there's like a harpoon waiting for me too I'll bet it's not just one Harpoon either it's probably 50 harpoons oh yeah look at this look at it right there yeah one of my feet was going to make it too bad the rest of my body couldn't follow oh I lost my helmet that's not good Emma all right I mean they said it was impossible so I'd expect it to be easy come on my spine is folding yeah whoa that looks beautiful didn't even get well actually I guess I did get touched by the Harpoon because it's filled with blood but I don't remember it happening in fact I'm saving that guess what gray Zilla is back don't worry I can supply slightly threatening music for you not him again Mount addiction all right let me just yeah just drive it right through all your houses pyramids of geezer don't mess up pyramids I'm chewing on your pyramids like slices of Kraft cheese the Great Wall of really arsonist I love fire and land mines how come this guy's bigger than everyone else all right let me jump over here is there a win here hold on let me go past all this crap ah oh no okay there is a way to win I just have to get that coin come on yeah I got it this is okay this is rope swing Heist okay oh all right you have to watch out for the laser eh all right and what'd I say there's a hint I didn't see what it said though oh I did it I won the heist that wasn't that bad the time has come for a fresh wall we don't need that second e level one okay all right that wasn't too bad uh level two sure okay level three oh level three was a bunch of what is this whoa where am I I'm pretty sure I'm still alive welcome to agario yes you actually have to eat stuff this is like a legit thing all right so oh no I don't want to get eaten by the eight ball driving this thing is very difficult whoa yeah oh no no worries you can get that again I don't want the virus I'm just gonna slowly kind of roll back over here grab these yummy points here okay and then move forward oh yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yeah you have something to do now yeah I'm gonna go kill my Arch Enemy all right I'm coming Mr Mr eight ball yeah here we go I've won in the best way in this world by eating everyone that doesn't agree with me ah yes a 99.99999 impossible level I haven't unimpossible in quite some time hmm lack of fairness I see that's fine I've been beating these pores routinely for a long time it's called impossible rope is it an invisible rope it's invisible isn't it oh yeah it is [Music] hmm I feel like you just need luck for this come on Nixon yeah how are you supposed to make it oh I think when my head left my body it stayed active just long enough to reach the Finish Line it's called ball fall presses eight you got it all right let's see how strong your balls are all right oh oh that's bad um hmm well I I'm pretty sure I'm stuck all right let's not screw this up quite as bad all right down here and bloop and slide on my tongue watch this full flip off the ball and there we go ah here we go right in the middle this is where you want to be from oh uh I'm interested in how that counts as a win but you know what I did it not really knowing what happened in the last ball fall I decided to do this one it's called ball fall hard there is a big secret in this whoa there's a big secret in this level have fun all right well first things first I'm not just gonna I'm not just gonna fall off the level so we're going this way boom got it and down oh yeah oh this is great all right oh a secret path okay all right so what we gotta do is there we go that should do it I'm gonna break my head or am I now follow the path you got it [Music] now do I do I go do I go down or do I go to the right it doesn't really I mean there's a ball down there being in between the balls is actually very difficult here we are all right I'm gonna trust it I'm gonna go down okay well there's a second ball so that's good and Boop and Bap whoa I'm rich this is called easy impossible win that feels very oxymoronic but okay hmm now I noticed there is a boost behind me oh there you go the time has come to ride the Green Mamba mainly I just wanted to see this Derpy steak ah yes here we are again on the sandy beaches of Florida where the poorly drawn palm trees don't Sway in the wind all right go down the hill here and that all right well 10 seconds in Florida and I died seems legit there's a nice jump and a second jump oh yeah we're doing this and a third jump that one's a little Tougher Than the Rest nice and a fourth jump whoa I'm gonna end up breaking my spine am I like in the water my wife [Music] stop stop stop what is that what is that is that a manatee or a dolphin I think it's a dolphin hold on I want a better look at this dolphin there it is it's so unhappy I'm the one that Drew this level this is about what I'm capable of this dude looks like a thumb with a tumor in it man the waves of Florida have so much wildlife in them I'm still going to I'm gonna end up in like Taiwan oh well back on the sand oh I love how I went out to Florida with my wife and I came back alone uh the time has come choose whether or not we must go home or to the gym I'm going home goodbye stunks would I end up like investing while I was home and make a bunch of money all right I guess I'll go to the gym I don't know why when I've already made by millions goat yoga oh God what is this this is like the next best thing in life planking while goats sit on your back click here to place your mat goat yoga ending click here to do goat yoga uh what's with the alarm hold on okay exit alarm will sound how many endings are there firefighter thank you for sounding the alarm my the stove caught on fire what is a stove doing in the gym where they cook the goats after they're done thank you for sounding the alarm my two kids were in there hero ending I don't know what just happened this is called rope swing drawn oh it's drawing all right do I ah whoa oh oh my God there's a there's right there I I might be able to do this first try okay I need to I need to be really careful here oh no [Music] I'm gonna be doing this a lot now that I messed up I love drawing I hate drawing [Music] oh God come on Yates number two [Music] yes wow welcome to spike fall ultimate let me get five Steak and Shake Shooters with no cheese fam yeah down the two embarrassing awful garbage men okay impossible oh first try no I was so close that wasn't bad for the very first shot oh this looks really bad Steak and Shake I might be able to do it with just my body this is gonna work this is gonna work it worked it worked yes the time to once again show how skilled I am what was that down there how skilled I am look at how I'm clicking all of the buttons and hitting all of the arrows and just ah I'm fine at just the right time I'll probably meet up with that shoe later yes full flip to the lip oh oh it's a don't move into a move oh oh how do I oh hey I told you I'd meet up with my shoe again the time has come for a Segway room all right well I can't leave it's like some ectoplasmic level Kool-Aid flavoring up in here all right and jump here all right what did I is that it oh okay hold on I got I gotta get it right come on yeah this is possibly the best drawn colon I think I've ever seen what was that so as you can see this particular bottle flip has a black hole in it which means it's amazing there's also a where do these bottles keep coming from there's also a three-step process in order to win you have to get the death key the tax is key and the only other thing that's certain in this world the Florida key get it Florida Keys all right I like how there's just like a random Circle back here also all these things are going into death and I'm still alive so I wonder if I have to be the one to throw a bottle back there hold on I just just need to it's hard harder to die than I had previously anticipated come on I'm serious since it's the GSP area I'm effectively saving myself there we go hey you may be asking yourself great what did those butcher's Cleavers taste like they tasted like bad choices all right so I have to get all three now there goes the black hole all three keys well we're set up to win if we can manage to do this yep that bottle's gone hey tax is key all right come on baby I think I got the Florida key it kind of touched it but count it we're going for like an immediate win here this is this is happening right now [Music] yeah I think that was possibly the fastest I have ever won something this is called wheelbarrow why do the people inside of my wheelbarrow have weapons you know what not gonna worry about it are you [Music] oh ready ah oh whoa what what happened what was it where I I won what did I win this is called House adventure put Tom Hardy here where is Tom Hardy going into the darkness Tom's like I'm afraid of her not anymore you're not face your fears up guess I'm facing my fears too fear facing there we go all right so what am I like what am I like tiny sized a giant pencil all right over the massive pencil that just disintegrated at my touch those pencils Dorito is really in the way full flip nice okay off the Dorito through this totally random guy that was there I actually don't know what his purpose was shoot the Gap and what the what is it what is this it was like a cotton ball ah like a Q-tip head or something and what the Google Chrome the official browser of Greystone plays killing himself in Happy Wheels oh a car do I get to ride you or are you gonna attack me when I start going down this hill right if you try and run me over I'm gonna be annoyed down the hill and oh come on all right Tom we were both lied to so we're doing this together that guy gets to survive down here through the Q-tip past Google Chrome pass the car all right Get Ready Get Ready Get ready and wait for it [Music] got it this is called Stingray Airlines wow this is fantastic all right so what happens at uh Sten gray Airlines over here uh we got the luggage okay I'm not gonna lie the luggage looks like jelly beans it's actually kind of delicious looking Cafe and Shop I love how the exit is this way but I actually can't leave out though what was this it's like a like a violent slowly moving bunch of junk food mcdoug Dimmadome what all right so I guess I have to ramp over the junk food oh it's it's glass junk food filled with vitamin G no pets allowed Florida man coffee support crash stuff like purchase things coffee I want to let you first off thank you very much for the coffee shout out second uh I want to let everyone know there are no cats that are harmed in the making of our coffee our coffee is delicious though Blasta from the whoa what's with the Among Us ninjas also Blasta from the pasta what a great name boom Oh I can't even kill this guy I just have to kind of ramp over him very sadly this is possibly the greatest airport I think I've ever been to in my entire life Kitchen Nightmares okay no I was lied to I should have seen it coming here we go oh our way Among Us Ninja rap okay I love how the giant pot just waits for you to chill out staring at the nightmare what the what is this like insert decoy insert decoy what happens when you run out of money during the asset making going past all the you passed all the the high quality decoys here I need to catch my flight get out of the way I can't get past the decoy that was smarter than the rest there we go oh all right now that plate looks kind of derpy this is gonna be some Final Destination stuff isn't it I'm gonna die oh that plane took off okay that's good what is this what is happening all I can see is Darkness oh I'm actually getting on the plane this is that little tube that connects you to the plane I'm on the plane go find a seat at the front I love how I oh oh we're flying I love how they just let my bike on the plane along with my child's safety seat this is a big plane real quick I just need to see something I was just curious if like I clicked on the door if it would open up and kill us well all right is this is this my seat does this one count should I just go it oh no our auto pilot is malfunctioning you need to grab a parachute where dude oh oh there is one hit the plane oh I do get to click on the door right it happened look the plane is on fire I mean Minecraft go whoa it's called epic rope swing this is a Waller all right I'm dead Okay so rope swing jump grab oh yes no hmm I wonder if I can save this right Nixon I need your help here brother oh this is happening mommy come on you can do this you can do this oh yeah yeah there it is there it is okay now ready and Boop come on baby get those legs up control legs up yes oh oh God I I'm incredible uh hmm all right Let's Straighten the arms out there we go and get ready for the yeastiest oh that's fine that is fine we still have one arm left and that's a cannon to get into oh I'm dead oh no I'm fine fine I thought it was gonna sever my body [Music] please be a winning platform yeah this is called Escape box one oh it's a rotating Escape box with a coin all right is it possible of course it is watch wait for it and Boop there goes that now all right I already know what I'm gonna do here watch this drop Boop and oh so that looked bad but I'm still alive this Boop kicked that out and yeah I gotta grab on the tip there it is perfect got it this is called Tank Man 2. Press space okay oh oh what a janky monster oh yeah oh this thing runs like a dream look at it go yeah off the ramp over the tables over the old men all right after the jump nice I whoa I can't believe that the tracks are still in one piece they can climb stairs yeah oh oh we're going upside down that was bad oh no honey I flipped the tank oh wait never mind it's fine yeah epic speed how foreign getting over Hills is not this thing's strong suit oh come on baby we're doing it yeah [Music] this is called caves and cliffs well son oh there's aha here we go I thought there was gonna at least be something hidden I guess we have to see the caves and cliffs son oh whoa whoa why would anyone come here on purpose I'm still alive yeah rampy thing and okay so I have to time the eater yate perfect okay that doesn't look safe hold on how you supposed to oh no no I have no idea how to beat that part trial and air boys here we go oh no okay I think the plan is you have to stay like all the way on the all the way on the left this log is really getting in my way okay here here ow yes perfect all right so here yeah oh the Rockets trying to murder me hey it's the wind that rocket came out of nowhere and tried to behead me and my child this is called stickman fight one oh it's kinda okay milk not to be confused with totally not poisonous nutritious milk hey don't kill us uh thin Bridges like Jeff britches only thinner come on ah what is down there why is it like a like a a fall oh Yates hey he said don't kill us also why are we evolved to have not so strong arms also our species can't feel pain in our arms but also that bridge was built with chopsticks what what is this like a little little stick child a way stick child I hate Medusa okay man these stick figures aren't really putting up much of a fight yay this is called only ah 98 can do this uh uh do I whoa I you know what I did it wait a second only 98 so it's basically this is called Gray's weird tunnel it says eat yourself as far as you can what oh okay hold on I think I understand ready I missed yate okay all right let's keep it going yeah oh I'm down in arm how many colors are there where's the end oh God so you have to basically like do this but keep your arms alive well there goes one arm oh there goes the other arm like it oh no if I could lose some weight this would probably be a lot easier yay there we go okay looking good all right let me see what the best way there we go okay that looks strong oh yeah oh I still have all my arms that's what I'm talking about oh God never mind here goes one of them oh I got the other one oh I'm like caught inside of the creature hey that was a pretty good Yeet are you good oh yeah oh that's nice I did lose my helmet here we are okay oh this is such like a like a scary creature to be eating me all right I got rid of a foot that's pretty important that'll get rid of some of the weight okay yeah nice yeah here we go okay oh yeah I got this i got this down now oh oh no the eating machines are gone well I guess now I get to see what's at the end I know someone would be like right you're really gonna crawl across this entire thing you know it you underestimate my power I'm waiting for those things to just come back the other way and Crush my head how long is this board I'm pretty good at warming myself and I've been doing this for a while I kind of wish there was like some mile markers or something [Music] oh oh yes yes yes yeah like at least I got the win before it kills me it's almost like three minutes of just crawling uh yes you may ask yourself great why would anyone have a landmine for breakfast and that's because it's time for the heart to once again go on a journey a skyrim-like journey all across the planet seeking fulfillment and joy I that was actually kind of impressive that the heart like dodged that landmine I think the best part is is this guy gets this heart right until he's the next person to get the heart transplant for someone else the heart just keeps getting passed on and on an unusual Spike fall oh it's a way to fall back here well I have to uh oh oh a little hidden area is this do I get anywhere am I gonna get eaten by a all right all right guess we'll do the spike ball and whoop ah what if you stop falling follow me what what happened where is it I read it what is happening [Music] I don't get it yay what was it just like a painted Spike well it wasn't actually spikes time for rope swing rainbow okay oh yeah oh this happened I'm dead I can taste the rainbow the rainbow all right so I gotta go in like this oh yeah look at this ready ready ready grab oh do I win oh I can't win I'm stuck inside of the rainbow I've tasted too much of the rainbow the rainbow has betrayed me uh I actually can't do anything well this come on one of my arms is touching it ah oh God I got time for your conveyor belt yep told you oh God you know what maybe going up first is the way to do this uh ow I mean I I made it look all of me is here how come I'm not getting the win this is so strange I just realized that the fake me is actually a real me okay let's try this again except without my body there we go so um oh no well that was fast hold on let me take my medicine yay so this is a particular bottle flip that houses within it a dark secret the idea here isn't to win the bottle flip it's to get balls I don't know how else to put it man look you actually have to get the bottle in the balls area now I don't know how difficult about as difficult as getting impossible I was gonna say I don't know how hard this is going to be I'm doing better at getting the impossible why do I keep getting dead you know what let's go backwards for a second there is a wind back here but it's not the win I actually want I think I can probably do it though there it is all right we're gonna try and get this first try that again Yeet no ow please don't kill me nah all right once again the wind is unlocked let me have this actually a lot harder than I previously anticipated oh God oh I didn't get death this time I got insert cool name I want to insert this bottle into the wind okay that's good that's like right in kind of the winning area I just need to get to the unlock whip ah okay do it do it no no oh boy I don't want to know how hard it's going to be to get the balls okay unlock win boom first well you know like third try all right now there it is yeah with the full stand up all right now to get the balls I would say that getting death was one of my goals but I got that in 10 seconds hey yes okay we're down oh yeah yeah all right test your aim it says break the glass to win all right you only get one throw so oh come on now that I gotta save it that made me look really good that was 100 luck welcome to the world's first giant kitchen trick shot while sitting inside of my spa made of coffee you have to you have to throw these completely non-conforming to gravity meatballs into the red arrow and then I guess something magical happens oh [Music] oh it's like a oh it's amazing it's like a do not it's like a do not move but with meatballs no all right so there has to be a way to get it there okay that was really uh I'm getting it there man look at this get down come on baby you gotta get that back spin right there look at this all these years of doing Bottle flips has prepared me for this this meatball throw day perfect up flip and down Boop Ricochet okay that looks that looks strong right there come on you delicious balls of meat oh from way downtown total Miss way downtown Mark two Mark three I'm actually getting worse as time goes on ah yeah come on up down Rube Goldberg machine Boop one two three just put it in the pocket put it in the pocket meatball into pocket yeah everybody in the pocket anytime I see like a dozen landmines just chilling out under me I'm always very concerned also I'm so glad it's easy I was gonna say I'm so glad that I'm in here with a bunch of other YouTubers look gamer we got Kylie Kean over here Florida man is is basically just like an extension of me like I guess it is me nope now obviously there is a legitimate win here that I'm going to have to get I touched the tube death on the tube more on the tube and really abusing the top of the tube come on yeah [Music] yeah of course I'd find a way John Cena huh it's just levitating okay the whole got hey the whole God give it and the whole God taketh away foreign [Music] oh now I get to be the bottle all right I want my shout out all right now obviously I still gotta go for the win here I like how there's always one that just removes your Humanity from you on the tube hey [Music] find a way that's even more great we'll find a way oh no oh no oh that was a perfect death look at that well wait a second I got the death but I'm still alive lies I was promised death there's the full Florida man all right there's the don't try for you all right that's like double death and I'm still alive no God all right we're gonna get we're gonna get the win one way or the other even if I had to shut my body in there yo ah there you go one time ah yes it is time to become the thing that I absolutely never dreamed of a streamer anytime it takes like three minutes for a board to load it's very concerning I can't believe you told your Spanish teacher his flags are Italian flags but they didn't have the animal on the flag that means it's not the Mexican flag well since I had to pick you up from attention I'm gonna be late for my Milestone stream let's go they always said that streaming was a young man's game but clearly that's not true oh is this like a scene fade oh yeah to the next scene wow goodness this is like a full contact stream it's Reginald if you're here then that means wow this is like a a Minecraft stream okay so we have the Slime no problem I have a I have a feeling that the Slime is very violent as they usually are here's a lovely house there's a villager look at how impressive it's actually kind of eerie that they're just like staring at me judging me silently I'm starting to think that I'm in Minecraft is this real am I dead I really hope that if I die I don't die in like 16 bit Ah a creeper with a whole stack of TNT hmm what could that mean sounds like I better foreign T dropped a lot faster than I thought it was all right it's just are you ready there we go on to the next scene oh what is this oh I am tripping on acid uh you know what let's do it ah my son's fine oh that's like Crash Bandicoot it is a freakishly like buff version of them oh I'm not getting that wrong hey how's my wheel feel massaging your groin that's what you get wow I'm like streaming across every single game known to mankind angry fish hooks well this looks unbelievably dangerous can I just go under this yeah I'm sure it'll be fine go no oh my head oh my head's gonna blow up oh where is it ah ow no I never thought streaming would be so hard watch out for the freshly stabby Fish Hooks of death in order to do this we need to go like this oh yeah oh yeah all right perfect Animal Crossing what are you doing in my Paradise Chad you're here to come my name is Chad you need to wake up before the ambulance come is what you'll miss your streaming session get out of my way I've got to stream a stream my bicycle is blowing up ah my bike well I guess I'm doing this without it don't have a lot of choice now do I out of the way bicycle I need you no longer yes now leaving your coma I love how my coma has has like ah show Zach Senator some support at the review review Channel I became a streamer and it put me in a coma seems legit also make sure to check out his ex review anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 7,632,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels banned levels, bottle flip, indie, impossible happy wheels, hw, best happy wheels moments
Id: fYyRzTirLN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 50sec (5510 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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