When you split the universe in half

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can eventually become strong enough to karate chop a black hole in half It's tap tap breaker tap tap breaker is one of those games that starts you off very very simply where you're breaking malnourished horns now it doesn't tell you too much because when you go to the other stuff to break there's Universe things and God's things but who knows what that means God's things it could be like his underwear no one really knows I kind of wondered too if this is one of those games where the money value goes up inexplicably high like right now we're only getting about a hundred coins per board brick how crazy does this get I seem to be putting more of my back into the braking at this point I do appreciate that okay my my hand just broke and I'm crying toothpaste out of my eyes now that said one of the things that you can do is begin to upgrade your hand not the rest of your body just your hand yeah give me all these what happens when you randomly fill up the gold bar over to my right ready okay what is ready oh I'm just chopping gold bars oh my god wow okay I think it might be time to uh upgrade my hand a little bit more uh yeah let's go ahead and have faster HP regen yeah stronger braking too uh what happens if I increase this a lot there no delay I have no idea oh wow oh yeah yeah so uh we're starting to gain money much quicker now you can see we're getting a hundred each time but we're getting a hundred like every one tenth of a second gold bar go what happens if you just give yourself more power does it make the bar go away faster do you want the bar to go away faster I really don't know yeah I guess uh let's continue to buy things uh yeah more of this and then all of this so can I can I have like a new object to break add okay I mean can I just can I just add all of them oh my God I kind of understand now why you want the extra power what are these backgrounds restore hit points by 20 just to do this in front of a final destination crane you got it okay so now we're getting 12 Health a second back I need a lot more than that challenge the breaking King where's the breaking King at did I win I guess so Lumber oh I've just been breaking Chopsticks they're not even real pieces of wood with the power of my wallet I decided we're gonna blow through this and get to the Spades stuff as quickly as possible more restoration okay see now my hand is regenerating as fast as it takes damage that's what I like to see all right so challenge the breaking King I have to beat this guy I guess so I have to oh oh I just have to break this much Lumber Before Time runs out that seems very simplistic in fact I don't think I'm going to have any issues my mother always told me I could be whatever I wanted when I grew up and I told her I wanted to be okay so now I can do bamboo I got it all yeah let's keep bringing this up we'll bring this up to I don't know like 50. you know what let's just do a hundred there we go that seems fair and we'll bring the uh the restore hit points up to about a hundred as well hit point maximum all right let's try this now oh now we're talking no idea oh it's just a ton of money sitting inside of a bunch of chests yeah sure why not guess what I've defeated the breaking King as of T-minus three two one Daniel a tile the amount of hit points that you have to be able to regenerate per second to continue to survive in this game blows my mind I burn through all of my hard bought money but uh we're gaining like a million coins every minute or so now this is what I think of your Roofing jobs down here in Florida all right we won that one we're now breaking bricks finally and by breaking bricks I mean we're basically done through the brick stage like it's over now raw marble why not I went ahead and brought my critical chance up to 12.6 what does it mean no idea I'm getting 50 000 coins per gold bar now just chopping the gold but 50 000 breaking King your mind 1.4 million times three okay on the granite may say to yourself great how in the world have you regenerating your health so fast well you know the character Wolverine I ate him okay I ate him like a bowl of cereal I'm gaining 682 hit points a second 100 000 gold per hit more damage can I actually take enough damage to hurt myself at this point I don't think I can I think I still just simply regenerate all the damage I take I am against the breaking King the breaking king is dead all right what's next oh just steal just breaking steel now 250 000 coins per shop on the gold bar part of me wonders if you can never get a hundred percent critical chance let's find out I'm up to 77 critical chance because why not I love it I don't really hit for normal amounts of damage anymore it's all just critical hits at this point I still can't physically take damage with 682 hit points regenerated per second I'm actually regenerating more hit points per second than I than I legitimately have anyway here's the steel King he's done eight million times three uh yeah let's bring up the critical power I guess oh my God all right just four more before we can move over to Universe things look at how quickly the money is going seven hundred thousand each time and we're breaking like three pieces of alloy a second so I'm already up to 40 million dollars 500 000 gold per chop more regular power look at the damage 18 000 damage per chop wow this is probably the fastest I've beaten one of like the main beings the god of chopping uh yeah more critical power okay diamond oh it's like it's like a a trillion dollars worth of diamond chopped every single time one million Goldberg more I love how it's like yay you won a bunch of these rare events take a bazillion gems for your time how many diamonds can you stack on top one another apparently only two breaking titanium 3.5 million per shop on the bar and then a 500 million dollar bonus I really don't know what I want to buy at this point I mean I guess having this low amount of hit points is stupid so there were 1200 now and yeah just more raw power I think we're starting to get very close to simply just having infinite money at this point because like you know we're chopping and then This is Gonna Fill Up in literally a second so now this is up we bash through this and then you get 500 million just for breaking it all right critical power is now times 38. sure breaking King let's do this cars of titanium stacked on top of what are you kidding me yeah seven yeah eight to nine I'm going through the entire planet's like lifetime of titanium over here oh we just got over a billion dollars for that Chrome steel five million per Chop on the gold bar now and when you break the gold bar what do you get you ask one billion coins yeah what do you buy with three billion coins I really don't know more power and more critical amount oh 142 285 000. oh my God if I was the breaking King I would be very concerned right now that like 120 pound kid in a in a white T-shirt and some jeans that clearly don't fit him is busting through gigantic pieces of chrome steel the damage that I'm doing per shop is is reaching the realm of literal legendary one billion times three I don't know what that is I love how it's like something out of the Marvel Universe 15 million coins per hit what okay this is very strong 15 million hit points I need to put some real money into this here let's get that critical chance up oh I'm actually starting to lose hit points that is unacceptable I'm going to need to get some gold there we go there's a billion dollars more hit point restoration there now we're Invincible again that's what I like to see and I have to I have to challenge the breaking King here this one actually looks pretty substantial though gonna be stacking tiny tiny pieces of anti-matter on top of one another now that said we are doing 142 000 damage per chop so uh how much money do you get when you finally blast through this this one's tough I'm running out of time right now look at this look at the seven six five four this is actually the first time that I wasn't able to beat it oh never mind I totally beat it okay well yeah nine billion there we go oh I'm on to Universe things meteor from Vega oh I have to go to space all right we're going to space just a normal day for gray chopping gold bars on the moon you know how it is okay yeah what okay so obviously we're gonna have to go toward a 100 probability of criticaling all the time then we're gonna go with a time I don't even know anymore it really doesn't matter let's just uh let's just go as far as we can here oh you know what else we might as well do let's get some more hit points oh my God it is I guess you could do times 100 it's actually a lot faster to do this sometimes I'm doing six almost seven million oh my God 13 million damage a chop all right how much is the gold bar worth 100 million per chop and then 20 billion when you break it what critical power is now times 488 doing 1.6 million damage per chop all right I have to break four meteors I had to bring to Tiny meteor then the small meter then the Bic meteor okay the sweet potato from Vega yeah yeah okay an alien skull now also 200 million per Chop on the gold bar and then when you defeat the gold bar it is now worth 40 billion I'm now challenging oh it's Gray's skull it's me I'm basically just murdering myself I love how the skull kind of just floats Into The Ether oh yeah now I'm now I'm beating up alien slugs this is fantastic gigantic spinal alien skulls and now it's just made out of gold so how much money do you get when you break this uh 80 billion times three huh mysterious Crystal 500 million hit points on this Crystal oh my God all right how much do you get for the gold now though 500 million per hit uh-huh that's not bad I guess I can't believe how much damage you eventually have to do in this game how much damage are you doing now gray don't worry about it okay you can worry about it it's 32 million damage I still haven't like chopped the entire moon in half though I do hope that's eventually coming let's challenge the breaking King all right so first is a mysterious Crystal easy now a red Crystal oh I'm gonna go through the entire like RGB over here they have the green crystal is fantastic it's all my Photoshop colors to make a thumbnail fantastic and the black Crystal okay no gray Crystal though I noticed I had to break Gray's skull but no no gray Crystal done 600 billion dragons wreck 1 billion per chop right now a billion per shop 200 billion when you break it I have over a trillion coins right now a trillion freaking coins uh yeah sure do I eventually get to break the entire Dragon that's what I'm curious about there's the dragon's claw we have the dragon scales eventually I'm going to be breaking the the dragon's poor childhood memories okay the dragons too all right come on where is it dragon's poor life choices that's what I want the horn the horn wow that's a pretty decent horn especially considering it's four billion hit points not that it matters I'm doing 68 million damage per hit oh my God it's over a trillion dollars the strongest weapon it doesn't even have a name it's just the strongest weapon three billion for it more my critical power is going so astronomically High it's over a thousand now 96 million damage per shot all right let's go ahead and just do the the king over here I don't think we're gonna have a problem so set caliber because we wouldn't we wouldn't want to violate some sort of copyright infringement sword of the Elven dragon slayer at 7.5 billion hit points seems fair and then just a crowbar I love it it's just a crowbar 10 billion hit points got it three trillion money is good we're now breaking a literal Dragon Ball more critical power it's not easy to break a Dragon Ball I'm not I'm not gonna lie to you fortunately we get you know 50 billion each time we break one which is nice and I'm doing almost 200 million damage every once in a while how much is the gold worth 5 billion per hit I'm destroying the king of breaking it's Dragon Balls I'm busting the king of breaking's balls I don't know it just seems oddly inappropriate Dragon Ball of heart 10 billion hit points I'm doing 99 million a hit any dragon ball of time great the Dragon Ball a fate and I'm the king of Dragon Balls 6 trillion for that fantastic space Warrior equipment I don't know what I want to spend this on I guess more critical power oh by the way 10 billion per shop on the gold now gotta break the captain's Shield doing 314 million damage now the true father Sarah the there's the rest of Wolverine I told you I had eaten him I had to regurgitate his claws though they weren't digesting well okay so what comes after this and now it is sure that that ore right there I love it and this is worth ah 12 trillion monolith okay first though I have to chop this gold for 20 billion per chop because that's fair I'm doing over a billion damage per shop all right Venus is monolith not really sure what sort of important mythological things are on that but it doesn't matter Titan's monolith sure I love how it's not even being held anymore it's just floating through the sheer power of the ages Pluto's monolith I'm not even sure that Pluto is a planet anymore it was like not a planet that it was kind of a planet that it wasn't a planet anymore I don't know what they decided on but here it is and then finally andromeda's monolith it's just a pool ball I'm just breaking my hand on a very violent pool ball great and what is what is this worth in the end uh okay yeah so eight trillion times a lot space Stars thing by the way 50 billion per chop now I'm almost doing two billion damage per shop all right breaking King first I'm gonna break your sunglasses at 49 billion hit points bam no big deal now I'm gonna bust up your TV I love how it has like a YouTube channel on it that is fantastic 99 billion hit points damn it's not a person it's a wallet it is act with money bam now the mouse this is a real life Recreation of my life it's just me chopping my mice in half so I can eat them okay so now we're breaking asteroids there's still three left three trillion for breaking an asteroid oh my God I'm breaking the asteroid that I'm standing on you got it crack the very thing that is holding me in space is getting pretty large this is uh this is kind of concerning like where do I go once I'm done destroying this asteroid like what happens to me because I am violently breaking the ground beneath me oh God in case you're wondering by the way 250 billion coins per shop on the gold bar there's not gonna be any debris in space left 7.5 000 trillion dollars okay now I have to go through the gods challenge first a five meter asteroid no big deal was this what I was standing on the whole time because it's really not that big then a 10 meter asteroid then a 50 meter asteroid I needed to gain a bunch of money because I need to get a lot more power even though my chopping is already at you know 434 000 power so now I'm getting one trillion dollars every couple of seconds by busting up these monoliths I'm finally on the 100 meter asteroid I love how absolutely tiny I am as I break this asteroid there it is 120 trillion times three I'm breaking a planet an actual Planet yeah let's keep pumping this up oh by the way the gold bar is now giving 2.5 trillion dollars per shop I'm doing 22 billion damage per shop all right what happens when you break an actual oh my God 100 trillion okay the first planet that I have to break is the moon I'm not even on there you can't see my character you don't even know what's no one even knows that I'm the one that's going to destroy the tides on Earth because they can't see me so I guess you're not gonna be able to see me on the next planet either okay so now we're we're breaking Mercury you get to see the core of the planet briefly as it is is flayed into half and goes to different parts of the Galaxy that's great now it's Mars the red planet will bleed tonight oh no I have to destroy the Earth starting from Antarctica crack on the earth is getting real deep well not sure which half of the earth you guys live on but uh hopefully it lands in a decent spot in space because there goes next is a star you break a star I need to see what this is like so the crack begins okay at the top of the star here all right it's starting to starting to fall and we're about to you know whatever like one tenth of the way through the star this takes a lot of effort to destroy the star we're doing 63 billion damage per chop and I mean the amount that it takes to beat this is pretty insane I guess I could see how much money we're getting per Chop on the gold oh 25 the good party surface of the Sun this way I wanted to do the zoomed out version so you can watch the sun splitting half I need an auto clicker now just to buy upgrades because of how much money we make I wish there was a times ten thousand button 209 billion damage per shop rookie numbers you know it's insane when you need an auto clicker in order to obtain all of the gems that you've made from the sheer power level that you've achieved I'm gonna have 10 000 gems from just these achievements threat 8 000 now just from these achievements nine thousand gems okay so there's the ten thousand and there's way more where that came from all right now we're not gonna be able to beat it yet I'm gonna have to get probably a lot more upgrades but I wanted to see what you have to break so at first you have to break the sun 1.4 million kilometers and this one is broken okay so now you're serious okay this is 2.5 million kilometers all right we need to get a lot more upgrades I mean to be fair I've got 10 000 gems so it is we're doing 363 billion damage per shop okay so just breaking a sun now is no big deal worry not there's still lots more gems for us to claim lots more gems like 18 000 gems worth we can bust through serious now Pollux 6.9 million kilometers what all right so we need more upgrades fortunately though I'm getting about uh I don't know like two trillion dollars every 1 8 of a second or so we've we've gone insane now it's it's completely nuts doing the mice is easily the best look at the money look at it the universe is never gonna be the same because everyone's just going to be tripping on Space Lord's mice oh my god with our new upgrades we can tear through a star in under like 10 seconds we are finally breaking through Pollux what comes next 86.3 million kilometers you kidding me a few hours later okay I've decided to go completely insane numbers have no meaning anymore what do I mean that is our current strength and so we will challenge the breaking King first son one time second star one time I can't even imagine how many solar systems worth of life I'm destroying by doing this third star bam Four Star I love the color blue too done and finally that brings us over to a literal black hole it's an actual black hole this is what the surface of the black hole looks like uh it's very dark there's The Souls of the others who have tried to deal with this in the past in the background our strength is so high that even a black hole cannot stop this karate chop are you ready are you watching watch this bam one time but what does it look like from a distance when a black hole gets slapped out of existence oh it's straight up disappears oh it brings the sun back he's backhanding the black hole bad black hole look the Earth gets to exist again see no Earth Earth now obviously we can defeat the black hole but in order to defeat the last and final challenge of the universe we have to beat the breaking King break a black hole in 30 seconds now you can see the black hole has 1 000 trillion one thousand billion hit points but quite frankly it doesn't matter I April Lord is a hundred and ten thousand trillion times three dollars and that means we have a winner well they say math covered in space and so I broke both of them anyway folks look at this episode of tap tap breaker till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,300,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, game, android games, ios games, best android games, mobile games, android best games, all levels, mobile game, tap tap breaking, tap tap breaking mod apk, tap tap breaking hack, tap tap breaking glitch, tap tap breaking mod, tap tap breaking ios, tap tap breaking android, tap tap breaking max level, tap tap breaking game, tap tap game, tap tap gameplay
Id: ikYyX_EQSnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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