Cars vs Giant Cereal Bowl in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where the weirder the jumps get the more magnified my pain becomes it's GTA we wanted to put different GTA cars against the weirdest things to jump over and so Alex has created a brand new challenge using things that must have come from the toy box of the Devil Himself he has prepared all of these different stunts that I have to jump over there's explosive jumps there's delicious jumps there's jumps that would make Vin Diesel proud obviously the jumps aren't just going to let this happen so he's crafted ways to get them to try and strangle me apparently as always Alex has given us all these different cars with which to do this but only one can make it all the way to the end let's do this I think I love the fact that even the meme cars here look legit welcome to the cereal bowl jump why do I get the feeling like I'm going to be saying things that I never thought I would say before are those murderous Froot Loops they look like shotgun propelled Froot Loops the fact that Alex can put together a cereal that is the oh God did I just get stuck that he could put a cereal bowl together the size of a volcano is incredible I'm amazing a GTA so what happens when you're in here does it hurt to get bludgeoned out okay well I guess it does I was gonna ask if it hurts to get Blue bludgeoned by a fruit loop but uh yep it sure does oh there's infinite Fruit Loops they respond we've cured world hunger all right well if we gotta jump it we gotta jump it world hunger go oh oh I feel like I wasn't going to come at ah I felt great I feel like I wasn't gonna come close at all to completing that until that Fruit Loop like shot me into the air nothing quite like starting the entirety of the episode with a black eye 30 seconds in so there's no way for me to get from point A to point B in this uh well so we can kind of wall ride this now the area to land on is really small though that was close hey come back with me to Florida go to sleep go to sleep I'm gonna try and curb boost this I mean we can get a little well yeah you can get a little bit of extra speed but it still can't make it across I'm gonna try this one or two more times just to see okay I was way off to the right come on baby that looks terrible welcome to the place where good ideas go all right maybe I should just get a different car uh you know what sure the aerodynamics on the side by side hold on hold on [Applause] well I almost died about 60 times just then what I was gonna say is the side by side gets way better air than the quad 25 immovable Grays jump okay so what did you did you like rip me out of real life and you turned me into a GTA asset oh my God you did I am so concerned this is literally like looking into a mirror well I don't feel any sympathetic pain all right you know what they say if you can jump a cereal bowl you can jump yourself oh wow I have a really hard head I mean that's true if you asked me what my special ability in GTA is it's the ability to land in every tree and Miss every pool are you ready wow I I failed about as close to non-failing as I could fail I want time there we go oh oh I think I can still land this ow oh yeah oh God totally in control right now planned it since the beginning all right how do I want to even try to do this I don't know if I can get the no they're definitely immovable the problem is the ramp isn't very tall all right we're gonna try to apply as much down Force as possible if this doesn't work I'm gonna need a faster car and and pull it back oh I mean I cleared it but then you have to land on the landing pad I know I said pull it back what you really want to do is lean it forward to try and get that extra momentum also how's your knees feeling oh yeah it's atomic that's gotta count for something fortunately depending on how well it clears the cereal I know right away whether or not this is even slightly possible wow it doesn't feel very fast but man the distance this thing's get uh this thing gets on the jump ow what happened okay let's try oh oh okay yep just one two three four four back Clips I think it may have been more I don't know counting isn't really my strong suit especially when I'm you know about to vomit from the oh ah from the the Tilted whirling my car is doing okay this thing can definitely get far enough it's more a matter of God can I land okay up yep didn't like any either of those doors anyway let me have that the Cheerios are heat-seeking Cheerios they're ballistic Cheerios the next thing that the government's gonna use in combat I feel like this car could do it but I can't get a clean job there we go clean jump perfect nice easy Landing keep the speed we're running it fast and big there we go right there big money sticks The Landing what is this those are taco trucks is that a taco ramp yeah Taco jump okay oh man I love me some tacos I'm gonna hate them after this episode more than likely but for the moment I do enjoy them it looks like you just have to get over the gigantic stack of taco trucks and of course they are not Dynamic this is an interesting Taco combination because I have to use tacos in order to get over the tacos and I'm assuming that right there is a Slowdown yep a slow down stick so we're gonna have to do this from there big jump nice height not even close uh well I lost the hood maybe losing that part of the hood ow maybe losing that part of the hood will reduce our weight and allow us to get higher I'm gonna say that and then I'm also gonna try and curb boost this oh all right I mean I only had one taco truck left to get past get rid of that door too oh oh I could just barely get underneath the topmost taco truck but then I can't get any further all right this one's purple it's got to be good you boys like baseball tear or tear one of the other ones I don't know anyway is it fast does it jump far oh yeah when this thing gets good yeah when this thing gets going in the air it's incredible yeah oh that cinematic jumping baby oh I jumped over the stop stick yes yes no oh that was the chance I came all the way back to the beginning because I want this I want the perfect run there you cannot best me Taco whoa oh my God that is a very small area to land on oh you gotta punch it you gotta push it to the Limit line this up so I don't go too far off to the right or the oh this could be it this could be it no no I overshot it like my three feet okay good Landing keep it perfectly straight jump myself no big deal almost lost my side view mirror trying to pull this thing back on the middle of the road that worked out really good okay that looks good that looks good here oh yeah oh yeah yes yes there you go tacos have been bested by the blade of my Hunger don't play with gasoline Kids jump I shouldn't need to tell people that but I guess it's I guess it's good that we're being considerate of individuals who might want to play with gasoline okay so this is a giant explosive jump so I'm gonna have to jump over the tankers I don't have any weapons so Alex hasn't given me anything so I'm going to want to jump over the tanker the propane all of the explosive barrels all right the question is can this jump far enough to get past every single explosive I can't believe I just messed that up how did I not hit anything over the cereal over the replicated Grays Over The Taco what happened my car look bottomed out on the taco shells it's okay we're gonna give this one more try and if not oh if not I'll probably have to look no oh God I'll probably have to look at a different car because without that extra momentum yep it can't make it all right I know this one can get incredible height cereal yeah feels good gray still plays doing great oh wow it lands really straight too so now can it get over the taco truck with that it kissed the very top taco truck also you have to land on this if you notice because it's raised okay don't play with the gasoline kids let's see if we can do it we'll know right away jump no oh my god oh I thought it made it across I thought I thought I banged it off of a explosive barrel and made it I want to try this one more time I want to try this one more time just to see if there's oh anything I can do I gotta get past the Slowdown stick now it's not gonna get it if I get slowed down there we go there we go okay got past it taco shells Over The Taco look at how straight this thing jumps now guys the sign stopped me the sign okay this has gotta be it go perfectly straight over this all right you know what let's try a different car I'm not messing around anymore we're going with F1 are you ready cereal look at it look at the distance incredible right there gray still plays oh one time glorious I almost touched my back wheel there in fact it may have touched the back wheel oh the only problem is again I need to get past the stop stick area well I say that maybe it can do it hold on maybe this is the car that can jump this with no help oh my God wow I have lost every part of this car there is almost nothing left of this thing but it didn't it really did it okay don't play with the gasoline kids here we go oh I feel good about this oh yeah it is yeah we cleared that last Barrel by about one centimeter all right there's not much left in the car but it's still making it happen Florida Happy Meals be like jump ah yes the AK decasillian cheeseburger it's got enough saturated fat to kill 35 countries simultaneously oh and don't forget the toy of course and your 685 000 ounce high fructose corn syrup soda I feel like I'm getting heart disease just standing next to this thing all right let's see if it can do it go whoa oh oh wow I only got up to like the 35th Burger I love that this is a half miles all Burger well that's a problem fortunately though getting back to that point with this car is super easy because it can do everything I say that and I'm gonna die the perfect bounce he's the best in the world just tapped it the best in the world lands it not really more or less go he has the highest paying tolerance in the world well this is uh oh no this is unbelievably bad um oh god oh no it's fine I can I we're okay I can save this I'm kidding I can't save this don't ask me how I didn't blow up last time I have no idea huh I got past I outran the explosions now that is Michael Bay all right now I gotta know though do we have any chance there's no way there's no way this can get over the burgers this feels like a terrible idea but it does have a burger in the back and we've been getting stopped by the burger okay my plan is hopefully the burger sees us as one of its own kind of like uh putting oh wow kind of like putting zombie skin all over you and then walking amongst the zombies maybe that'll work for the burger or maybe I can't even get past myself or maybe I can or I can't that was a roller coaster of emotions so I don't know what happened there hey I get the feeling I am not gonna be oh or okay okay hold on hold on no the problem is this thing's so long it just Falls it just falls off all right you are the chosen one for the win cereal incredible I should have known that a Supercar would do good but I kind of felt like I'd end up having to jump through something and I would need some bulk too wow oh my God okay I have a feeling we're going to get past the tacos on the very first try I was completely correct I just have to make sure I can no okay I just need to land it a little bit straighter jump what happened what happened there but I managed to hit everything I feel like because this but it is very fast and it jumps very high now it overshoots a lot though if there is any car that I can complete this challenge with though it's gotta be this one it's all about there if I can land that nice and straight and then line this up perfect that's got to be good right that's gotta be good right it's gonna be close yeah I'll trade some paint for some pain anyway now don't play with gasoline kids first try 100 percent oh God maybe not it's okay I have an idea for the gasoline we're gonna go ahead and curb boost this that should get us there oh man it is close barely that was probably the closest I almost came to not getting over the taco trucks I could feel the taco sign tickling my catalytic converter jump Lean Forward there we go that was a good clear so it's oh oh God I don't want to mess this up I want a nice clean go of this one okay we want to get to the top of the hill and then punch it maximum downward power off the ramp Lean Forward oh over the sesame seeds sticks The Landing is that a plane [Music] is that a was that a was that a plane with a burning hoop on it all the Fast and the Furious jump of course of course it is and there's a plane with a burning hoop on it okay I love that in the beginning Fast and the Furious was about a guy who owns a sandwich shop and in the end he's like jumping Dodge hellcats in space wow I need to I need to way delay my jump more it's okay though getting over tacos and hamburgers is Trivial he who crests the burgers because King of the burgers the Burger King actually if you will uh let me see if I can land this without messing this up so that's pretty straight okay we're gonna want a nice easy forward movement and then we're gonna line this that's that's perfect that's good and nice solid Landing okay so fast and the furious jump I think what I'm gonna want to start it is when the front wheel yeah right there when the front wheel is getting to the front to the point where it could take oh here we go oh I did it oh my God are you kidding me that's okay this can be done over the burger tilt it okay that was that was about as about a close of an arc it's like I'm uh encircling the the solar system of the burger so wait for it not yet not yet we want that front tire to get close to the point where it's leaving the pad right now and oh this looks good this looks good here we go here we go this looks good okay and now get out of the way okay I made it get out of the way so we don't get hoes I buy a new gear oh and that means that we have a winner well I jumped over the weird things with the weird things took part of my soul any folks hope you enjoyed this episode GTA until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,325,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, gta 5, gta 5 mods, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, cars vs, cars vs giant cereal bowl, giant cereal bowl, giant cereal bowl in gta 5
Id: TyCAO5I8bkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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