When you eat the fabric of reality

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can go from something developed inside of a petri dish to eating the entire Cosmos like a tub of popcorn it's tasty Planet back for seconds gray goo say hello to our gray goo it's 162 nanometers large whoa whoa okay I was gonna say with this big it's googly eyes please tell me those are eyes they kind of look adorable I almost want to hug them they're probably like the strep virus or something right now we're just eating bacterium we haven't even gotten to the units of measurement that I understand like you know centimeters or anything else that's not these kind of meters I will say though we are growing up very very quickly to the point where I may be eating these very very like emotion driven jelly beans of death all right come here your little algae beans let me see if it tastes like oh they're bacterium as well I love how it shows a little picture of their dead body in the bottom left after you eat them it's like yeah that's what you just ate it has a pair of expressive eyes don't you feel like a monster so yeah we were developed by science so I don't know if we're starting on in a Petri dish or what it makes sense because everything around us is just bacteria that we're eating it's like there's nothing here that's of of any usefulness well I guess bacteria can be useful depending on what kind it is you get like wormy bacteria over here see this bacteria down here is like dancing I assume it's bacteria it could also just be a really small representation of My Hope For Humanity and I am just oh here we go hold on all right what was that oh it was another bacterium it was just bigger I'm eating all the bacteria maybe I'm cleaning up the planet maybe I'm actually helpful for once and I won't devour all life on Earth well actually I I think that's probably a lie I'll be devouring all life on Earth and probably all life in all of the different multiverses as well what is that I would say it's like a robot or a it looks like uh it looks like a danger Will Robinson robot from the 1970s but at this size I don't think it would be that is that a nano machine is this like a metal gear insurgence thing going on when I eat one of those well I too finally get to say Nano machine Sun not big enough to eat them yet I've got a scarf down more of the things that should be murdering my digestive tract can I eat them now I'm much larger no I still can't eat them oh never mind can totally eat them oh it's a nanobot it is a nanobot oh yeah oh all the Nano machines are coming with me does this mean I get to evolve my gray goo to like an Android gray goo you like the T1000 of Gray Goose actually I guess that's what T-1000 was technically he was gray and sometimes he was very gooey I mean wow I was gonna say I was starting to get pretty big until I noticed something that was like 80 times my size going past the screen looks like Honeycombs over here you guys taste like breakfast cereal what even are you and you have a giant dandelion just passing by up top oh here we go I get to eat it it's pollen all these Nanobots are so small now they they they're not fulfilling at all to eat instead I have to chew on pollen which I'm highly allergic to so this is giving me some sort of repressed trauma right now oh yeah all the pollen I can't wait I'm gonna be taking allergy injections for the rest of my life there we go still not even a centimeter it's your micrometers out or whatever they are because that's where we are at the moment when do I get sized by planetary I want my volume to be counted in Stars oh hold on oh I can eat whatever this is It's larger pollen the pollen is evolving and there's plenty of this is great I'm taking everyone's allergies so you don't have what how come all the creatures are so Derpy oh it's an amoeba it's weird though because it's kind of like an amoeba that I would I would give to my my kid cousin or something like that as a plush doll it looks so happy except for the part where it was being eaten alive by me look at it it's like yay that could also be the face of fear now that I think about it it might not be happy it may be screaming and begging for its life that's the great part about this game you never know is everything happy or is everything sad because you're going to be removing the place that it calls home what is this is that a rock oh it is it's a pebble and water I'm drinking all the water in the planet too also I was totally wrong about the petri dish I'm chilling out on a leaf what was that what's shooting what are those ants with googly eyes and laser beams attached to their back why that doesn't make any sense first off who had the bright idea to strap a bunch of lasers to a bunch of ants in the first place everyone's like oh they keep missing yeah because they're ants what do you expect tonight the Rocks too oh you absolutely can you can hear that my my gray goo is having the time of his life I don't know what that is it looks maybe something like a uh like a neutron cell or something some sort of crazy power device of some sort we have what must be solar panels all right drinking all the water I just got shot in the butt oh I'm eating big water now while drinking I guess I call it eating because I kind of just devoured it can I eat these ants ants because they're annoying me yep wait oh what was it called hold on a second it's literally called a laser ant is this a new species of ant gotta watch out that's uh one of those Australian species of ants very common in Australia laser ants also we're at a centimeter how about that all right I've drank all the water I have murdered all the ants and now I'm bigger now I can eat bigger rocks and probably whatever the power cells are I still don't really know more rocks oh that is where I'm getting all my fiber from these delicious rocks I'm sure I'll have a good time passing all of these I love how the ants just line up for me delicious I don't get kidney stones I eat kidney stones oh it's a credit check it is a fusion cell I was gonna say I don't think that batteries glow that unnatural green color I'm eating credits I'm eating Fusion cells I'm eating leaves that's a normal thing for once there's different things like you know laser ants and is that a laser rat why does everything have lasers attached to it it's like they just attached a laser to everything around here what is that is that a Roomba that an evil Roomba I have to murder that Roomba I have no idea I'm gonna keep eating all of these Fusion cells until I can eventually eat the laser rats oh I can eat the laser rats they really are laser rats you guys couldn't call any of these laser animals something different this laser wrap am I gonna go through the entire food chain of animals with lasers strapped to them I feel like I am we're gonna deal with a laser cat soon is that a brain just a brain on a tray are you are you evil brains ow did the brain eat me the brain doesn't have a mouth I don't know how that brain is taking a bite out of me but I'm gonna remember that I'm gonna go Hannibal Lecter on you in a minute oh I'm eating a ray gun what is this like a it's like a tablet from I don't know it's like it's like one of those tablets where they try and look like it's futuristic but it's really just looks even older than it should be just eating non-stop ray guns that's a solar panel for the ray gun all right can I eat the brain yet no eat all these different brats and this pad computer they call it oh you need a human it's not even a human it's just called the humanoid oh God I'm murdering everything where's the brain here scientist brain jar did that scientist want to be in that brain jar or did he did he score the lowest on the science test what happened I love how no one has any survival Instinct this guy's like I'm gonna walk away really slowly from being devoured by a 69 centimeter gray goo thing they're not even trying it's like the Jason Voorhees of survival instincts just walk everywhere I'm just chewing on people just oh it's a tank whoa all right now people are getting serious I didn't think they would try and defend themselves if I can get the tank to fire on a human will it blow them up hold on let me see yeah yeah the tank totally just blasts people uh eating all of the hoverboards and the hoverboard URS that's what you get for walking in the road pay attention to road signs oh it's just a whole mess of hoverboards over here why it's weird I have eaten so many people at this point I'm gonna eat your foliage now there we go birch tree that's very specific welcome to deforestation 2.0 I'm your host Ray still plays Do You Like Oxygen I hope not because it's all going into my stomach you just ran over that car I didn't kill him you did oh I can eat the cars now hover cars just part of a balanced breakfast yes I am three meters now now we're starting to gain size very quickly I can see that we're going to be leaving this planet in Fairly short order because I I don't know what these are these shuttles or some sort of vehicle I just don't know what kind oh here we go here we go maple trees all right oh God I did I think I just ate a house it's an entire house come here hover tank I don't have time for you anymore yeah shuttle crap all right I think I just ate a school or something now no one has to study wow at this point I am just devouring entire neighborhoods in one go look at this as a city block right there it is gone you don't have to fight with your neighbor about property lines anymore there are no property lines I ate them all what is this like a stadium this it's a building Oh I thought there was more to it than that I can't even tell you how many people have murdered at this point it's a lot though hold on this is the biggest building there we go is that the biggest building on the whole map so far that I've eaten oh now we're in space now I'm literally eating asteroids I'm saving the planets this is just like Deep Impact except instead of blowing up the asteroids before they hit Earth I'm eating them I'm absorbing their Mass so that later I can be the one to destroy Earth we are already at 150 meters I'm sorry I spoke too soon 178 meters point is we're gaining size very very quickly now 200 meters and we're out of orbit at this point okay so now I have to eat slightly what is that what is that kind of looks like a hubcap in space I think it's supposed to be a space station maybe I'm also over 500 meters now we're gonna be going past a kilometer very quickly I have cleaned space so well at this point no one has to worry about all these anymore getting in the way when they go to Mars or what not because I've eaten everything yep we're over a kilometer now I am now bigger than the largest asteroid I can eat all of them and I can also eat this what was that was that space station I didn't get to see it before I ate it pretty sure it's a space station is that an alien it's that's funny the the humans have screwed up so bad that now aliens have taken no and they're like oh God we need to do something about this because they had every opportunity to save their own planet and they can't they couldn't be trusted with it so now we have to do something about it I had to tell you aliens but I'm 16 kilometers at this point I might be able to eat you I absolutely can I'm eating flying saucers now I'm chewing on the literal asteroid belt that is surrounding Earth that's great the flying saucers have gotten bigger now they are I guess the mothership of flying saucers it's 55 kilometers in size 80 kilometers 100 kilometers where those saucers at can I eat them yet almost I'm all I'm like right there okay there's a couple more Downs here still can't eat them can I eat the atmosphere no oh never mind there's a whole nother asteroid belt up here that I didn't even know about come here oh it's like eating a bunch of chicken nuggets all right where's The Flying sausage at you're not you're not getting out of this I remember you shooting at me here we go come here yeah there we go 187 kilometers more chicken nuggets okay so now we can literally see the rotation of the earth also we can see the moon can I like hit the moon out of orbit or anything I was curious because you can start to move things if you notice like I can kind of hit this asteroid and stop it from crashing into Earth by the same token toe I can also make asteroids crash into Earth like that right there I kind of feel bad about it but maybe I'm not supposed to because I'm going to be murdering everyone on Earth anyway so showing remorse with the people that are going to die by my hand and seem self-defeating also by the way I'm a mega meter now Mega meter megaometer I don't know this is a this is like a level of size that I don't normally use need to get a car this size where's the moon at all right oh I could absolutely hit the moon now that's awesome I could just hip check the moon can I shove the moon into the Earth hold on I'm gonna try this it does but they don't really do they don't really injure one another just kind of bounces off don't worry Earth you won't have to worry about the moon crashing into you anymore okay so now I have to murder Earth so fortunately there just happens to be another asteroid belt just chilling out over here for me to to get way bigger on what is it what do you oh you're Mars well you were Mars now you're just a a chunk of meat in between my teeth all right Earth I think that we're ready to meet again where are you that looks like Mercury yep that was Mercury are you Venus yep I'm so much larger than the earth right now like the Earth is valiantly trying to escape it's like I'm gonna be eaten by something that looks like it should be purchased inside of a mall store yep uh yeah what other planets are left where's Jupiter at I know Jupiter's around here somewhere okay I need to get much much bigger because there's some more planets but they're fairly large see that right there see you trying to get away I can't eat it yet oh I can eat you though you Neptune yep where's Uranus at what about you are you Uranus absolutely are well Jupiter's done where does Saturn go off to Saturn figured out what was going on a while ago it's like everyone knows me for my rings so there's like no way to hide so I need to get out of here ASAP you can't run for me Santa at this point I'm pretty sure I have uh I've swallowed every single planet at this point when there's no more solar system left oh I'm getting burned by the sun I mean it makes sense but I'm gonna need to find other solar systems to Sate my my Hunger my Hunger for flesh and rocks it's like eating your vegetables I don't want to have to do it oh oh yeah oh what are you oh it's a full it's a star a full-fledged star on their different flavors too this is like a banana star you have your cherry stars then you have it can I eat this blue raspberry star not yet but it's coming now I can probably eat it yeah blue raspberry star that is an astrological terminology you understand where's the Sun at I've got some payback I need to give to the sun there it is oh just destroying galaxies no big deal stars are not pausing much of a threat anymore I need like bigger objects can I start eating galaxies yet like the entire galaxy oh our red giant oh yeah all the red giants delicious I hope you're ready Marvel I'm coming into the Multiverse and I'm not leaving anything undigested I am now 1.95 astronomical units boom okay so now we're like zooming further out at this point more stars super Giants at this point by the way it's like a palette cleanser oh is that a black hole oh the black hole is trying to out eat me which means I get to eat the black hole this is exciting hold on see everyone was gonna die anyway I just kind of uh I sped up the process all right everyone's getting drawn into the black hole wouldn't you rather be drawn into me there you go okay I might be I might be big enough now to chew on the black hole what does the black hole taste like tastes like grapes black holes nebulas I'm eating the literal nebula I like how some of the nebulas are just spinning randomly they're just like Take the Wheel because I got no idea what I'm doing kilo Astro units okay all of your nebulas are coming with me this bigger nebulous now I want to start eating some wormholes or something some hyper drives I'm now a parsec in size I love it what do you see Star cluster star cluster is like the inside of your stomach not really a gray goo I'm just kind of a goo the color of whatever I eat at the time I'm kind of like a maybe like an eggshell goo no star cluster is Left Behind oh ah now you do get to eat the tips of the Galaxy delicious Galactic matter as a matter of fact they call it it's just the cotton candy of the Galaxy kilo parsecs okay what is at the center of the Galaxy well right now it's gray still plays ah Galactic core I'm eating Galactic cars we're hosting Galactic keggers at this point spiral galaxies elliptical galaxies all of the different geometrical galaxies are coming with me there is no Galaxy big enough to stop the gray goo the screen isn't completely black though so I have to keep there's still other signs of life I need to end that Galaxy groups gone Galaxy clusters dinner okay now things are starting to get legitimately darker because it's running out of things I'm eating super clusters now Mega parsecs oh yeah oh it does I was hoping eventually there would be less and less stuff on the screen like if you notice there's no more stars or anything there's just the super clusters oh yeah whoa what is happening here oh I am tripping on acid whoa whoa the fabric of the universe what tortoises I'm gonna feel really bad eating this oh Turtle time sorry Turtles oh my God the turtles of time were peaceful entities with no way of Defending themselves against the coming apocalypse it was a tasty feast all the way down that means we have a winner well I ate the turtles of time and they were adorable anyway folks welcome to this episode of tasty Planet back for a second until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,742,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, game, android games, ios games, best android games, mobile games, android best games, all levels, tasty planet forever, tasty planet 4, tasty planet speedrun, tasty planet forever black hole, mobile game, tasty planet forever walkthrough, tasty planet forever ending, tasty planet, tasty planet game, tasty planet forever game, tasty planet goo, tasty planet grey goo, grow bigger than the universe
Id: 5yhkclVrcEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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