I Played Steam Games That Nobody Plays

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ah steam valve's big 2003 release which for any regular viewers of the channel is just a few years before you were born by far the biggest gaming distribution platform for pc players around the world with 120 million monthly users steam is home to thousands of different games some of which are played by hundreds of thousands of players every single day titles like cs go dota 2 rust and gta 5 all just in the top 10 there's a game for everyone on steam as long as they're not made by nintendo well let me draw your attention to steamcharts.com a website that analytically lists the player count of every single game on steam live from the date of release well after spending a while just looking around i soon realized you could filter the games by play account and when i realized i could have manually changed the page number in the url my neurons activated around page 400 there it was hordes of games with zero current players game sat dormant forgotten about waiting to be played and i was here to do just that so with my newfound list of games that quite literally nobody had touched for months with most of the reviews on the games being from years back i used a complex algorithm called picking the ones that looked interesting and i selected 13 games in total i tried my best to find a range of games and to simplify things i split them into rough genres miscellaneous sandbox puzzle action slash shooter platformer slash adventure and horror oh also i streamed a few of these games over on twitch so if you want to see impeccable gameplay the link's in the description and with that out of the way step aside rgn i'm here now and you strap in gamer because this is going to be a hell of a ride but first this plate this plate displayed this video is sponsored by display the days of paper posters are a thing of the past literally paper was made in ancient china like a long time ago and stuff we've moved on to metal now soldiers an honorable lord diss plate produces high quality one-of-a-kind metal posters with millions of designs for you to choose from fill up all of your walls display has hundreds of official partners we're talking marvel star wars dc angry birds and the funny brummy hat men by order of the pepper only pizza the setup is ultra easy and wickedly fast acquire a wall white wall with disc plate wipes apply protective leaf peel foil from magnet stick magnet on wall stick display on magnet and you're done then you can switch them out to describe you best metal is harder better faster and stronger than paper but you know where paper comes from yes trees while this plate has that covered too you are so clever this plate for every one poster that is purchased this plate will plant one whole tree through their forest garden project they've planted over 15 million so far you are quite literally turning your stylish display into a carbon-based life form you've improved the planet in seconds so now you can get back to watching educational internet content and you can get a maximum of up to 27 off your display order using the link in the description so what the heck are you waiting for go forth my loved ones into the world of diss plate so firstly the miscellaneous sandbox category weird games that don't really fit into a specific genre hard to pin down or describe almost abstract if you will or creative games games like minecraft gary small or the search for frag welcome to city park you are here to search for frat while searching you can talk with people and go on quests simple yet intriguing who was this fran character and why were we searching for them well i couldn't wait any longer i handed over my 76p of british currency and got into the action the game booted instantly no start menu no settings nothing i personally think big aaa titles should do this you push god of war into your playstation 4 and it just boots up straight into the gameplay no intro at all what you played as this fine gentleman rocking a grey t-shirt denim jeans and a bust down watch who i quickly discovered could fire large red balls out of his abdomen for absolutely no reason at all i mean they didn't actually seem to do anything now the core gameplay is simple you say hello to an npc then a big red laser beam appears somewhere nearby you run there speak to another npc and then the process repeats and that's it so after getting to grips with the complex mechanics i set forth i obtained a purple tesla which drove like a dream by the way and i reached my destination said hello to the npc and drove to meet my next quest giver a lonely man doing sit-ups next to a space shuttle i climbed in took off and experienced the smoothest gameplay on the planet now if you hadn't worked out already the whole game was janky the npc's acted strangely i fell through concrete floors numerous times the performance was generally [ __ ] even for my epic pc and i don't know if this man is some sort of god but he could jump over trees and buildings run under lakes and outpace moving cars not to mention the soundtrack was just a playlist of royalty-free dubstep that would randomly change as you played the game alas i didn't let any of this get in my way i was going to find fran whoever they were wherever they were i was coming for them i spoke to nbc after npc greeting after greeting people exercising a cat a dog are you fran no are you fran no are you fran no i raced an old man and smoked his ass won a penalty shootout against a small child i traversed mountains bodies of water forests i was on a quest and finally i found fran she was an elderly lady in a glittery ball gown stood in a forest but we were united after all this time she was beautiful just look at this face we were together at last at least i think this is fran nothing actually happened when i found her i just had no more quests left but hey the chat loved it and that was the search for fran sure it was a broken mess with no real story or gameplay but maybe there was a deeper message love why is everybody afraid of love that nothing can come in between two people like literally nothing you could jump over pretty much all of it maybe fran was the friends we made along the way like this man hello everyone i also discovered some not so official merchandise for the game where i proceeded to purchase 92 units and there will be shipping to lucky viewers anytime soon i even found this guy who i believe to be the creator of the game i thought maybe i could get some insight into the design process i added him sent him a message and got ignored oh i also want to add the search for fran doesn't have a single attempted record on speedrun.com and it would be a real shame if someone maybe someone watching this video were to change that weird npcs weird soundtrack love eight out of ten doodle date now when i added this one to the list i was quite excited to play it the premise seemed fun i mean it even had a start menu which was an upgrade already in this game you play in the perspective of a lonely student had a boring summer vacation sat inside all day playing video games with no interaction with women editing youtube videos for hours on end but when he draws in said diary the doodles seemingly come to life well we soon introduced to claire one of said doodles who works as the host of the game inviting you into doodle world which is just a jpeg image of some lined paper and our first task is to draw our favorite fruit so i strapped on my beret and got the creative juices flowing i produced this apple peach thing and added a face for some reason to make the piece sorry list i wasn't entirely sure what i was doing i will admit but claire seemed to like it regardless but then she set a real task draw your dream date this was the moment i was waiting for i'm playing doodle date and it was time to doodle my date now this seemed easy enough but who would i draw i can draw anyone at first i thought maybe i'd draw fran i mean after all we've been through but no i started to sketch my artwork took form facial features appearing seemingly out of nowhere and finally i was done linus my one true love i was then asked to draw a linus in a range of emotions shy sad sultry and angry i delivered so with the fully fleshed out liners the date could then commence i've created a visual dramatic recreation because the gameplay is mostly text-based but i assure you everything you're about to see is actually part of the storyline in the game the night air was cool an mp3 file of hummingbirds played in the background liners took me to a nice restaurant i drew a waiter a monkey in a suit who proceeded to flirt with me which angered lioness who suggested we call the date there and arrange for another time i'm taken back to a dark apartment where claire returns asking me to draw an outfit for the rearranged date of course i draw a liner's tech tips merch how fitting i was sure linus would love it claire assessed the fit wow that looks like [ __ ] she said i shed a tear and threw it in the bin the second date took place in a park at night we sat on a bench liners called me cute leaned in and pressed his graphite mouth against mine and it was here that i swiftly left returning home back at the dingy apartment i was greeted by claire again who without barely any dialogue flung straight into full detailed romance and before it could go any further i altered fought the game so what i thought would be a fun lighthearted doodle game with a creative mechanic that allowed the player to draw characters and objects that they interacted with turned out to be me kissing linus tech tips on a park bench which was self-inflicted i will admit and a full-on fan fiction 20 minutes into a game made by akuma unique mechanic weird dates fan fiction two out of ten dog pet was a simplistic game clicking play you spawn on a grass plane and the sensitivity was very high after swiftly fixing that you used these two pale white rubbery hands to pet this dog now it didn't actually have a head or a face but it was just like petting a real dog the more you pet the furry silhouette the more hearts you gained as a sort of twisted love-based currency you could then press r to spend ten of these hearts to spawn yet another dog-shaped blob the more you pet the more you dog after a while i had a lot of dogs oh and you could whistle to attract them so i did the reasonable thing and flung them all off the world border wow dog sky and that was it i paid two whole pounds for this game this was the most expensive one on the list this game is basically nintendogs light with none of the features of nintendogs lots of love bad dog graphics dogs can't fly three out of ten so with the previous three games focusing mostly on the concept of love i wanted a change so i broadened my horizons and went from the heart to the brain i wanted a mental challenge so on to the puzzle category i went and along came the ballad of the mass bandits now the title screen of this game filled me with hope a western theme with a great soundtrack to a a lone banjo sitting against a wooden board the aesthetic was there i click start high select jailbreak in this video we're going to see how you can jailbreak your devices a book appeared on the left a floor plan of the prison on the right a note we've been locked up gonna have to find the keys to get out of these cells then we have to find a way out of the building without getting caught i swear i saw some dynamite in the office when they dragged us in here maybe we can use it in our escape brian you played as these three raccoons that had been imprisoned for some reason probably tax form and through switching perspectives between the three you have to solve puzzles to escape navigating the starting cells wasn't too hard you use raccoon one to smash through the concrete wall unite with your raccoon comrades push some boxers around and then you raccoon stack and stand on each other's heads in a trench coat like the funny comedy cliche i'm looking to buy a fine automobile from him that is a huge trench coat man we look so grown up now this mechanic was super weird it was mostly used to allow the top raccoon to reach higher areas like getting you up out of the vent to grab the selkies but it also doubled up as a disguise of sorts so when all three raccoons were triple stacked you could bristly walk near these men reminiscent of the enemies from super hot and you blended in perfectly they didn't suspect a thing but go in with just two raccoons and they go [ __ ] mental chasing you everywhere maybe it's a height thing like they aren't human size but in both setups there would still be a raccoon's head sticking out the top of the trench coat anyway in fact you get chased a lot and to make it even worse the ai was absolutely clueless oh he's chasing me nope he's just forgot that i exist i've got to go the mechanic of switching between raccoons was a unique concept sure but it became very tedious and annoying very quickly with all the men walking around randomly and all the puzzles getting more advanced as the game goes on it became impossible to babysit all three raccoons at once without one being randomly caught unsupervised so you had to replay all the jankiness all over again ninety percent of the gameplay was just running circles around the guards rather than actually doing puzzles that even see you through vent systems or phase or objects at times i feel what makes a good puzzle game is knowing when to put your puzzle at the forefront with no huge distractions so you can shift the bulk of your focus towards solving the challenge at hand i'd be halfway through trying to solve a puzzle with one of the racoons and i'd just have to quickly switch to another to hide under a table it all just got in the way trying to solve puzzles whilst being chased and managing multiple characters at the same time isn't the easiest can you imagine trying to play portal whilst getting attacked by a horde of [ __ ] zombies whilst managing three characters at once it would totally ruin the entire experience overall sure the theme of the game was nice even if raccoons aren't desert animals and the soundtrack fit the theme well too and the smallest puzzles that i actually got the chance to complete worked well enough but the god-awful camera was maybe the biggest puzzle of the entire game it was constantly zoomed out to the point where you'd be trying to play whilst at the back of the shot so you were so small you couldn't even work out what was happening not to mention it would randomly pan and shoot all over the place as you played the game the ballad of the mass bandits may not have lived up to my expectations but hey at least you got to play as a raccoon cool aesthetic too much happening awful camera raccoons 5 out of 10. now it was safe to say the ballad of the mass bandits didn't scratch my puzzle itch so let me introduce you to milo and the magpies now this game oh this game boy oh boy so you control milo the cat who after being attacked by bastard magpies is three houses away from his owner and through a point-and-click adventure it's your job to try and work through the neighbor's gardens to get home in nine total levels now i personally loved everything about this game the art style was stunning the hand paint and look to all the stages fit the game perfectly even if some of the animals could abuse some work but i found myself just sat stone at the levels for most of the game it was like you were playing within literal art pieces the soundtrack by composer victor butzlar was great too full-blown classical jazz piano pieces like something out of a cafe in paris mixed with atmospheric background melodies as filler when the game slowed down not to mention the music would build and change depending on what was happening on screen sweeping violins or drums adding tension the music paired with the artwork carried the entire feel of the game perfectly it felt light-hearted and almost relaxing now the puzzles the bulk of the game see i've never been the biggest fan of puzzle games myself i dabbled here and there but definitely not a genre i'd pick by choice i just get bored too easily and then give off but these were genuinely some of the most challengingly fun puzzles i'd ever played like any point-and-click game you point click and move small objects around allowing characters to interact with them playing god almost and that's it much like those mechanics the levels seem simple at first glance but as you played through them you'd slowly discover small hints or clues that allowed you to progress the game forward just take the second stage for example the artist milo finds his way into an overgrown garden with a fish pond propped up against the wall was a bike with a lock that required four digits to open you'd easily find the two of hearts played face up on the table next to a bottle of wine and after causing a magpie to drop the shed key into the pond distracting the painter you'd also discover an eight on his brush along with a three carved into a newly revealed apple on the shed roof now as these three numbers were just blatantly displayed on the objects the fourth digit corresponded to the number of peaks on the crown on a frog ornament gifting the player the first three numbers and then making you work out the last on your own was a nice touch then the order falls into place when you find one of the artists paintings set out to dry next to the bike the whole game had small little details as well hidden items or red herrings that you could interact with but didn't aid the puzzles in any way each of the puzzles just felt well thought through feeding ducks in an order corresponding to the types of bread on a dinner table lining a child up kicking a ball with another going down a slide at just the right time to clear the path so milo could move using different items to attract various birds to check off a bird watching list or a mission i was absolutely stumped on for a good while having to crack a code on a safe with four letters underneath each digit y x m p i couldn't seem to find any of the numbers until you see a newspaper fall through the letterbox after repairing what the dog destroyed you discover the residents of the house yvonne zander and peter a family portrait on the windowsill backing this up yvonne has a rat similar to one that you released from a bin bag at some point in the stage running over to a bush in the bottom right hand corner of the screen xander a stoner that's drawing plants in the shed margeline sat on her ass watching tv and rearranging the clothes on the washing line in order of the portrait causes her dress to fall on the grass and peter stood in the top window i'm a big fat bastard who after giving a bottle of beer that you find in the shed drops it smashing on the floor so with all of these items linked to each member of the family i still couldn't work out how these link to numbers in any way all that would happen when you clicked on them was the dog would walk over and mindlessly bark and then walk straight back to where he was stood examining the newspaper article clicking on the rat bothering xander over and over until i realized it was the [ __ ] barking the number of barks at each object corresponded to the safe code it probably sounds so obvious when i lay it all out like this but i was mind blown using an audio cue rather than a visual cue totally threw me off it was super well placed the light story that ran through the game's details was nice too seeing milo missing on the newspaper or the artist from the previous stage hosted an exhibition made the game feel super connected and fluid not to mention the gardens literally led on from one another as well as magpies repeatedly subtly showing up throughout each level and it won't ruin the ending for you but it ties it all together perfectly it's clear a lot of effort went into the design of the game i sat and played the whole thing start to finish in just under an hour well thought out well-designed challenging puzzles with great solutions that felt satisfying and rewarding when you worked them out accompanied by a relaxing soundtrack to tie it all together again i highly suggest you pick this game up and run through it if it looks like your kind of thing definitely check it out even if i did spoil most of the puzzles great art great soundtrack well designed puzzles nine out of ten and i think this is a great place to clarify i didn't go out of my way to just choose bad dumpster fire messes of games there are good games on this list oh and that reminds me onto the action shooter category mustache politics shooter you run around with a bow and arrow shooting moving wooden targets with pngs of politicians faces photoshop to have mustaches attached to them all your favorites are here like the korea man and donald i have presidential aides it was actually super similar to call of duty zombies besides the fact it was nothing like call of duty zombies you could pick up different cosmetic bows off the floor and special arrows that weren't special at all because they seemingly changed nothing oh look they just took a barrier entity and enlarged it oh hey look there's a hole in the world was this all some sort of political commentary who knows great gameplay 10 out of 10. jurassic attack do you like doom one of the first first person shooter games pioneering 3d graphics well think of doom with dinosaurs and if it was [ __ ] well that's jurassic attack with a menu screen clearly made on microsoft paint equipped with a shotgun and a pistol you shoot dinosaurs run around run out of ammo your camera glitches and then you die oh and opening this door takes you to heaven then the game crashes featuring wooden sign strange caged green creatures and a movable pile of [ __ ] add chris pratt into this game and we might just have the next jurassic park spin-off movie he's so cool very disorientating not doom i visited heaven one out of ten now whilst both mustache politics shooter and jurassic attack were evidently action-packed they lack story no real law or background information to lead you in you're just flung into the game and that's it well that all changes with the juicer joe zeppy this guy he popped it we're presented with a comic of sorts we see a farmer sat in front of a dying pumpkin patch dreaming of an assortment of rich brightly coloured vegetables so he does the reasonable thing and runs to the genetic research center and acquires a strange blue chemical that he sprays all over his crops and it works but something went wrong the pears came to life piers attacking the farmer so he grabs his gun to defend himself and we get into the game yes a glorified flash game you shoot oncoming rabid pairs they get dropped off by a boss and a hot air balloon how does this work where is this bus coming from have the pairs achieved total world domination to the point that they've developed a working public travel infrastructure you have an arsenal of this strange gun and frag grenades to eliminate oncoming waves of fruit filling up your juice meter you can also collect coins that you can then spend in the store to buy upgrades like increased damage defense measures or more grenades weirdly on a visual level the game looked like something you'd see in the 90s despite being released in 2012. now although simple and super repetitive after a while the gameplay was smooth and fun and nothing broke it served its purpose and hey at least it made more of an attempt of making any sense of what the game was about than the other two did and who knows maybe shroud will start using this instead of aim labs the game works pairs frag grenades six out of ten onto the platformers adventure category now like a lot of people i'm partial to the new mario games that nintendo put out each year the world design the movement mechanics they're great i mean i used to be addicted to mario maker on the wii u a couple years back and i would say you guys could relay but i think i was probably the only individual on the planet that had a wii u well i may have found steam's answer to mario the adventures of peepee when i booted the game up i was presented with two simple options english you play as this blue pepe character who i can only assume is pp the game looks a lot like a standard platformer on the surface your goal was to collect these numerous blue fidget spinners dotted around each level now what relevance to fidget spinner has i'm not entirely sure well when you collect all of them a portal appears that takes you to the next level there was also these things yeah i have no idea what they are either the game started out super basic just jumping and fidget spinners but then the chickens appeared and the difficulty increased whenever pp even slightly touched one of the chickens the entire level would restart along with the soundtrack this mixed with the horrific jump mechanics constantly overshooting or sliding off the edge of platforms made a simple game not so simple and this spike level was the bane of my existence it may have been physically impossible to complete these triangular spikes had square hitboxes so you could barely make it past the first one resetting just from touching the air molecules around each spike [Music] these two fidget spinners just taunting you to finish the level a game about a frog collecting fidget spinners should not be this difficult it reminds me of rage platformers like cat mario super meat boy or jump king god ass piece of [ __ ] but the difference with those games is they're deliberately designed to be difficult with intent and great jumps with varied power whereas the adventures of pp is unintentionally made difficult through the low effort design and bad mechanics guys i tried i really did i spent maybe 25 minutes on this one level alone and i don't want to hear that [ __ ] soundtrack ever again but hey the game must have been a hit with the zero people that played it over the last month because believe it or not there's a sequel and if it's anything like the first i'm not interested i did actually quite like the basic colourful pixel art style and peepee was a cool character i guess but not enough to save the game poor jumping [ __ ] spikes two out of ten and i must scream now i had mixed emotions about this game so he played as this small boy with an obscenely large scarf and you had to work your way through winding dark paths trying to dodge the red light from this huge monstrous spider in the center of the map stand in the demonic red glow and the boy dies oh just kidding he respawns the movement was super basic just forward back and up ladders you could also shift back and forth on the platform's plane which was a cool addition you also had equip this electric ability to move things in your path and this thing that i have no idea what it does so overall this sounds pretty solid well it would be if the game wasn't riddled with bugs it functioned fine for the most part but i'd encounter these small spiders that would glitch into the floor then when you tried to step around them you just die and this happened over and over i also fell through the map now it's annoying because i feel like this game had genuine potential the premise was pretty nifty but the execution could have been done so much better the electric mechanic didn't seem to work to kill anything punching boxes made noise which attracted the spider which makes perfect sense but the punch gave you no control the box will just fly off in some random direction imagine how much cooler it would be if you could punch the box forward and then jump behind it to avoid the glow of the spider i actually really like the art style though the grey gloomy levels with the contrast of the bright red light signaling the danger of literal death worked really well the game was visually a mash up of limbo and little nightmares with that dark feel to it and the side angle cross-section camera the soundtrack that was credited to anita lin was simple but fit the overall feel of the game well and as far as story goes um there wasn't one well at least not one i could make sense of you move upwards for each level each one being basically identical to the last until the final stage where you follow close behind this thing with the lantern then the boy put some flowers down at a gravestone i mean is he dreaming is this thing his dead relative the whole game felt just unexplained and also it felt like the game was trying to be creepy or weird for the sake of it like it felt forced almost spooky words just hovering around in mid-air or generically creepy objects placed in your way not to mention these weird voice lines that meant absolutely nothing guilt is a hungry mirror trapped in a prison made of clocks what does that even mean it sounds like one of those quotes off an inspirational instagram page this is how i became ghost well after playing through the game i learned that it was a student project which explained a lot of my critiques and after being riddled with guild i guess it is important to remember that a lot of these games are probably made independently or by small studios and everyone's got to start somewhere these games are a whole lot better than anything i could make so overall it was a fine little game i had fun with it when it worked and seeing the bugs was intriguing cool art style no real story buggy as heck four out of ten now with the past two platformers being most closely related to the 2d simplified side view what about the third dimension 3d platform games i wanted to explore a little in open stages stretch my legs well my answer is brol brawl b-roll anyway first the tutorial it shows you the ropes you play as this very buff man you simply scale grey boxes to learn the basics but then you can activate ragdoll mode stick to surfaces fall through holes and launch yourself a lot after mastering the mechanics i was ready for the first level playground now there were 17 total checkpoints located around the map and the aim was to reach them all by sticking to rollers floating platforms doing parkour and propelling your limp body over ramps with just the right amount of power which was a lot harder than it sounded but after some practice i slowly reached each checkpoint there was also this strange medieval castle level with a fun catapult and a suit of armor that you damn well bet i swiftly equipped overall brawl was genuinely fun to play i found myself enjoying it more and more as time went on whilst the game had a simple premise it was executed great it was colourful and vibrant just challenging enough to stimulate my monkey brain it felt rewarding reaching each checkpoint after literally 500 attempts and the entire ragdoll feature being the core mechanic of the game felt super clever and original it vaguely reminded me of games like human four flat or surgeon simulator with that controlled chaos full of clue again i feel like a game like this would be amazing if people actively tried to speedrun it with all the different roots and clever skips around the map brawl definitely deserves to be played by more people i was super surprised how enjoyable the game was bro get off me wicked ragdoll bye now eight out of ten splat the blob playing as this blue blob named splat get it because the game is called splat the blob so splat is a verb and a noun wowzer you jump between minecraft grass blocks to reach a purple portal at the end of each stage hey they copied the adventures of peepee your first encounter is with world with the elephant that sets you on a task to catch this terrified peanut man called mr peanut and return him to wilbur and with elephants commonly loving to consume peanuts in cartoons i don't want to know what wilma did with mr peanut after the sacrifice you get the choice between two abilities double jump or wall jump and i went with the first we also learned that friendly wilbur's friends have all been killed by poachers and in the new zone you have to find five atoms so he can nuke the poachers so with that newfound information i headed through the portal so there's two ways to acquire said atoms you can collect these blue diamonds that are dotted all around the game world and using this strange machine you can convert eight of them into one atom or you could just simply find atoms hidden in specific locations and just listen to the sound effect when you pick one of them up yeah the developer just recorded himself clapping and cheering into the microphone you know what i commend it so in this new stage you encounter a vacuum pick now you're supposed to push various foods over ramps into his mouth inflating him until the point that he tips over and gives you an atom well i got trapped under said pig which glitched the game to the point where i could endlessly jump practically allowing me to fly which made the game a lot easier i encountered miwi who wanted to race up this giant rose oh does he not know that i could fly vertically upwards what an idiot but because i didn't know the race path he beat me regardless splat the blob was unique i mean the whole game was super weird vacuum pigs an elephant warlord and racing rodents it was all like a fever dream i'm high on crack the open levels were nicely designed and i'm sure would run great if actually played as intended the various puzzles started around the stages did flesh them out but it all got a little bit boring after a while the movement was actually pretty fluid though and worked well for the jump puzzles the sound effects and dialogue were pretty funny and the blue diamonds were genuinely well placed in locations i'd never expect them to be in that took some genuine jump work to get to when i couldn't fly that was good movement strange funny stuff rip mr peanut 5 out of 10. so finally horror now whilst the other genres featured multiple games i decided to only go with one singular game when it came to horror now there's a couple of reasons for this firstly fans of horror are very die hard i mean they'll search around steam for any game with the horror genre on it to try and find the next unknown indie horror game which meant on steam charts i had a hell of a time finding any horror games that had borderline zero players most had a small amount of active players each month so it felt disingenuous to include them on the list oh and the second reason i'm a [ __ ] horror has always been a huge genre when it comes to gaming dark eerie corridors creepy storylines encounters with the undead or funny youtubers screaming at jump scares there's plenty of competition when it comes to the genre of horror with huge game series like resident evil amnesia dead space or night shift not to be confused by other horror game night shift with a space by developer puppet combo no no this one is bad but it did have potential before i even booted the game up the trailer on the store page was just a guy casually playing through the game with his mic on what's going on to my discord who knows actually this was the first game on the list with a fully fleshed out settings menu hey nice one night shift while the game opens up with you sat at a police desk and on the desk is a note that was very blown out jesus well it was a classified document addressed to jim rockford who i can only assume is you we find out that cackage kassadin was murdered in his home and that he has a horrifying past he lost his sisters in a natural disaster sorry and it's your job to analyze the crime scene tom regards blue island police department the letter also mentions that he now works as a gun for hire but he's dead so um there's that the starting room was basic a locked door that needed the key to open on the counter was a jewelry box of source also locked requiring a three-digit code oh what's the code well it's three five five it was on the bottom of the note at the start of the game you know earlier how i was talking about well-designed fleshed-out puzzles um yeah this isn't one of them in the box was a flashlight and in the draw just below was a handgun and a key i wonder what that is used for i also found a vhs tape i powered the vhs player on inserted it powered the tv on press play and sat back it started playing the game trailer why do i need to see a trailer for the game i am currently playing and why didn't they use this trailer for the store page rather than some random bloke playing through the game that is the game that i'm playing oh and it's being cut off on the side scared the ying hell anyway i unlocked the door and opened it i was presented with a dark hallway so i pulled out my torch but it didn't matter anyway because three steps down the hall where you get teleported into a loading screen you're dropped into the crime scene of course there was cackage who didn't look in the best condition i will admit on the table was evidence another flashlight and a sack bag along with a bloodied note labelled lies a message penciled on the back i did not want to do it sorry it's not true it's [ __ ] i did not hit her the other side of the room was a small hallway with five doors total three were completely locked one was barricaded and one was open it led into a dark bathroom and maybe scariest of all the walls had stock image watermarks well i found absolutely nothing until i removed the wooden barricades off one of the doors it led into a shrine of source a tv surrounded by candles and another vhs tape this time it wasn't the game trailer it was a creepy video of a man running from something in a dark forest what does it mean well i don't know that was the whole game yep that was all of it at least i think it was there was nothing else to do or anywhere else to go i googled walkthroughs of course i found nothing and the minimal reviews on the game complained about its length the graphics and lighting effects were actually pretty good and the interaction with the items was intuitive along with the inventory even if it was just a clone of resident evil but the game didn't go anywhere maybe it was unfinished or a demo are you supposed to just deduce what happened in your head i didn't even get a chance to use the cool handgun but hey at least the game was free look nice two minutes of gameplay two out of ten but with night shift giving horror a bad name that's the end of my list what a journey that was five genres 13 games all offering something very very different without highs and lows and whilst being played by pretty much no one sometimes it's good to give the small guys a try i found games that i genuinely enjoyed playing that i never would have known about if it wasn't for this and even the bad games were entertaining if you've watched all the way to this point i quite literally love you forever i've made sure to link all the games in the description if you want to go and give them a go maybe we can build them a small active player base thanks to display for sponsoring you
Channel: Joeseppi
Views: 4,941,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joseppi, joeseppi, steam games, steam, weird steam games
Id: 9R5GeHhc0ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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