The Forbidden World of BANNED Games - Caddicarus

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The gaming in the clinton years reference was one of the funniest caddy jokes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Switcher69 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wake me up when he talks about Custer’s Revenge

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ParkBarrington360 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

He needs to do a stream on Postal 2

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QF_Dan 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ah [Music] what i wasn't looking at my secret stash of illegal games what today we're taking a look at banned video games you know like rock band it's a topic you don't often see people on youtube discussing nowadays and i don't know why that is maybe it's because these games are just that offensive to the general public and you need to be a mental delinquent to play them oh [ __ ] the kids are still here amy what look under your bed why i got you a present wow thanks what's in this box okay we're safe as silly as this sounds video games and controversy go hand in hand like bread and butter or beer and my father unless you're thinking about games hiding in the deep web like sad satan the first series you think of when controversy and games come together is most probably grand theft auto which has been altered censored cut or outright banned in multiple countries for the subjects at tackles like drugs violence misogyny racism and even and no i'm not just talking about the hot coffee mod although this image is making my hot coffee go cold my point is games are often censored changed or outright banned all over the world for a variety of reasons all the time and it could be for understandable reasons like omega labyrinth z for the inclusion of inappropriate scenes with people who appear to be underage this game because well why do you think or this game which is a jfk assassination simulator oh this isn't how i remember the footage looking they could be banned for utterly boring reasons like publisher arguments or legal disputes which i honestly have no interest in whatsoever or they could be banned for morbidly over-the-top reasons like crash bandicoot 2 being censored in japan because this death animation of crash being flattened looked remarkably similar to a severed head and shoes left behind by a japanese serial killer going around at the time no that is not a joke and if you live in the u.s or the uk you'd be surprised at the sheer volume of games that just aren't legally available in many other countries i mean seriously just go to wikipedia and see for yourself you've got the usual suspects like china who banned animal crossing new horizons probably because tom nook was a threat to their government but that's to be expected since china are well known for banning a lot of things including facebook google and babies but did you know that roblox was banned in guatemala because of it putting children at risk online or that half-life 2 was banned in greece because of its dystopian setting what is this 1984 i did the joke and if you want to talk about countries banning things look no further than germany my god look at all of these band games they're just as good at banning video games as they are at losing wars aliens vs predator dead rising mortal kombat 2011 resident evil umbrella chronicles little britain the video game no one is safe quick everybody hide that paper cup or germany will ban you for excessive violence problem is though most of these examples are related to more recent games and i'm sure you can imagine in today's day and age there's just way too many to go through and there's way too many overly specific reasons on why some games do get banned in some countries so i thought it would be funnier to look at retro band games instead from much longer ago when the world was in a different place and we weren't sure if the latest copy of night trap was just a stupid fmv game or an instructional video teaching our kids how to kidnap and murder young women while walking around like chimps you know back in the good old days like when the uk refused to release the rockstar game bully unless the name was changed because of the awful school bullying problem we had at the time couldn't call it bully so when we got it we had to change the name to canis canon edit [Music] but you still run around a school kicking fat kids so well done for fixing the bullying problem plus you get a weird rush discovering physical games that were initially banned or deemed illegal in other countries it's a lot different from just downloading something online so today i managed to get my hands on eight physical copies of elusive retro games that were banned in all sorts of countries for all sorts of reasons but don't tell anyone or else the policeman will come and get me guys i told you not to tell anybody great now i'm gonna go to prison aren't i i can't go there i'll get thrown around like a tea towel good day my name is mr bookcase and i'll give you a box oh thanks what's in it awesome how lucky am i eh you know for a second i was really worried that it was a warrant for my arrest or something hello i'm spons oh kill me if you couldn't tell this video is 100 going to be demonetised and blacklisted by youtube so because of that i'm extremely thankful for today's video's sponsor the new mobile action game mech arena and look cads they sent you a care package yes they certainly did didn't they so what have we got here brown paper oh okay we got some tissue that's cool um i've always wanted some of that and we've got oh dude that is a tin of biscuits oh cool what's this um oh we got an art book sweet oh nice awesome add that to my shell apparently we also have some blueprints here in case you want to build a mech yourself and we've got this thing here which is really heavy i'm not sure what it is though wait wait wait what's going on here what's this arena is a new third-person mech shooter built from the ground up to promote friendly competitive mobile play it's free to play i've never seen a company ever do this before this is so cool this is like if you go to a party shop and elvis sings to you in a birthday card oh oh lovely look at that we got a metal circle i've always wanted one of them heads or tails tails tails actually don't bother that hurts and underneath the metal circle we've got ah got some foam you can you can take that home with you ollie then we have at the very bottom of this little tin oh look oh it's a little it's it's my little little man it's my little man and he has he can stand up there on his own but apparently he also if you don't want him to stand on the filthy floor he even has a little plate to be served for your main course i think i know what this may be yes it's a tease yes it's a t-shirt you know what i know exactly who can wear this gee thanks dad anytime sponse did you just call me dad neck arena is a mobile competitive mech battle game that properly tests your skill and properly rewards you for getting good and when i say test your skill i'm not mincing words because that's the key market that mec arena has set out to grab and in my opinion it does it really well during my down time while making this video and wondering if it's gonna get my entire channel deleted i've been playing mecca arena a ton and here are some of my favorite mechs i've been playing around with first off being guardian who's slower sludge and takes a lot of damage but equally deals a lot of damage and that simply feels good and secondly i've been enjoying killshot who's once again short on health and isn't as heavy with the weaponry as guardian but the speed more than makes up for it and if you don't like plodding around kill shot is the unicycle for you at the time this video goes out mech arena has launched globally and to celebrate that there's a huge in-game event right now that rewards you daily during the first week of you signing in so what are you waiting for don't you like rewards what are you a bronze medalist the game is completely free to play on android and ios and you can use my personal link in the description below or the qr code here to get the black carbon skin 300 a coins and a butt load of credits to help kickstart your game and hey look out for my username cat icarus add me and then we might be able to get into some fights in real life on the street thanks again to mecarina for the sponsor and now i have legs to run away ah gareth legs are overrated i want wheels you can't run anyone over with legs but you can do that in carmageddon our first banned retro game from 1997. at least it was banned in a lot of countries when it first came out on the pc including the uk to begin with because the fact that you got points for deliberately ploughing down pedestrians and collecting their wheat didn't go down too well for our cute little government and the uk refused to even certify an age rating to the original game for 10 months unless all blood and gore was removed in a game about running people over because of this most of the legal uk pc copies you can get of carmageddon are censored with zombies and green blood including the opening cut scene oh no what a desire faster what i'm playing though is the 1999 ps1 re-release exclusive to europe which was the same thing as the original game that was first banned but with added new tracks and cars and reinstated with a higher age rating for uk audiences and they are desperate to make that perfectly clear don't play this game if you're under age you can play this game if you're on twitter play this game if you're under 18. if you're 15 years old it's all good you know what's really bizarre though the ps1 version i'm playing for this video is more or less the same kind of thing as the original pc release but only slightly different in the weirdest tiniest possible ways that still keeps all the violence perfectly intact so why did they bother changing anything so right we originally banned this game because it was glorifying roadkill but with people instead of badgers and that's cool whatever so this ps1 re-release has zombies walking around instead of people sure i'm with you so far but despite that we don't have the green zombie blood in this version we have red people blood which was one of the original issues that the uk forced the developers to change for the pc version in the first place haha so in essence this means the ps1 version is just as violent as the original but the pedestrian models are just coloured a bit different which is even funnier considering that the graphics are so awful you can't even tell what these things are to begin with is it a zombie a person a dog standing up a collection of assorted baguettes with the constant gushing torrents of red blood i honestly had no idea these were supposed to be zombies until i watched this footage back and checked it again so this change is absolutely redundant as far as i'm concerned and that means that this version of the game is practically identical to the very game they wanted banned in the first place but then what else do you expect from an initially banned version of a game that has 18 plus plastered all over it but is also suitable for 15 year olds even the intro cut scene is totally different which is even more confusing because the original uncensored opening didn't even have any blood in it yet the gameplay here does and what is this cutscene supposed to be anyway this isn't violent mayhem and destruction as much as it is a game of bumper cars then your man makes this grin like he's eating his own face and then this texan appears and makes this face which should have been enough of a reason to keep the game banned forever and even after all of that they don't even hit the sheep can't run over people can't run over sheep whatever next soon we won't be allowed to run over anybody not to mention check out die hard trilogy that came out the previous year this wasn't banned this wasn't banned and this specific moment of running over an innocent bystander with blood all over the windshield was not banned but this oh no no no no this is too much at the end of the day though is the ps1 version of this game worth going out of your way to get a copy of no i don't remember the last time i drove a car in a game that was this stiff it barely feels like the wheels even turn you're supposed to be racing in all of these different tracks but if the one thing that you need to be able to race that is being able to drive the car doesn't work that good then you haven't got much of a racing game have you the handbrake is terrible the brakes in general are terrible you've got no other choice of car at the start of the game with better steering oh actually scratch that this isn't steering it's a frontal lobotomy a crash course in survival eh more like a crash course in how to make a bad game yeah in fact if these zombies were supposed to be people to begin with why are they all gathering in their dozens in the middle of a toxic waste factory with steaming sewage and bombs everywhere you didn't need to change this game britain these people clearly deserve to die but oh no we are good little boys and girls from the land of bad teeth and a big clock so we're not allowed to run over anybody even if it's fake well you know what that changes now hello yeah that'll teach you a lesson uk government and speaking of lessons i didn't learn any what are you buying no nothing thank you what are you selling we get these door-to-door salesman types a lot around here [Music] excuse me you need to leave this is a neighborhood watch area well okay if you've got things that upset the church okay what have you got then oh wow the punisher a marvel game that was banned now i'm interested is that all right so here's the punisher a marvel comic book character video game that was banned in multiple countries with marvel being owned by disney nowadays that is a sentence i don't think we'll ever read again unless spider-man turns out to be a public groper but even though this was indeed banned in multiple countries the uk still somehow managed to slip it into their little colon because this here is a censored version which you still can't buy in a load of other countries hello everyone it's me your favorite youtube content creator steve because it was only one part of the entire game that was censored to avoid the ban hammer in the uk the rest of it as far as i could tell is basically exactly the same leading me to ask why bother censoring any of it to begin with and what was it that they changed well sit down shut up wait and you'll soon see you [Music] foot so the game starts up and we have a cut scene last bullet oh well this isn't going to be a very long shooting game is it and so far i've got to say i'm starting to understand why the game was banned in other territories it was banned because they couldn't see any of it time to pick a level then i guess oh that's pleasant yes we're going to the quack house and just in case you didn't see it the level description has you covered crack house crack house one of new york's many crack houses sorry are we going to a crack house i don't know but wherever we're going the punisher is heading there with a spring in his step shooting baddies shooting baddies shooting baddies that's all that's really going on here and hey look the game incentivizes you to not mindlessly kill innocents in order to get your own health back so why was this banned it all seems above board to me and just look at how the punisher moves that's not a raving lunatic looking to shoot up a zoo that's your neighbor having a comfortable jog and a trench coat now that i say that out loud actually yeah that's almost scary i don't talk to that neighbor hey you're the punisher thanks man for what for saving my life right our hero ladies and gentlemen in fact the only thing here that made me feel even vaguely uncomfortable is a button that switches the game to an ear sniffing camera yep i'm sorry i am totally failing to see why any of this was deemed controversial you're a guy taking out drug dealers who are shooting at you first what's not to love and just listen to the noises they make and even if you think you can go over the top and pull the trigger on random civilians i don't kill innocents you actually aren't allowed to trust me i tried why can't i kill the innocent my favorite parts of the game though are when you find a proper hard badass taunting you from behind a rifle and then a few seconds later they immediately change their mind i don't do drugs man i just live here okay okay i do drugs come on this is funny punisher is funny you can't ban something for being funny why do you think i haven't been banned yet even the most up close and personal violent moments the interrogations aren't that bad at all and once again the game tells you not to overdo them otherwise you lose points and don't get the mission information you need so it's in your best interest to keep the game rated pg to be fair though this one was easily the nastiest forcing a man's face in between the legs of another man's corpse hey man are you happy to see me or is that rick or mortis i don't know guys maybe this version of the game is more censored than i gave it credit for perhaps we should take a look at some footage from the original uncut pc version and maybe we'll see what the big deal was okay so these are the reason the game was in its naughty 40s that at least makes a little more sense but at the same time come on in an age of mortal combat this stuff isn't too over the top maybe except this [Music] timmy your eye is gone the xbox version i've been playing for this video censored all of these moments by slapping a high contrast black and white filter on top and often changing the camera angles so you don't see what really happens but like just because you move the camera away from the woodcutter doesn't mean i don't see the man going inside the woodcutter it's still very violent and some of these changes are outright dumb yes a black and white filter doesn't change the fact that harold's face got chewed off yes i can still see barry's head getting kicked into the concrete side of a water fountain with rivers of blood flying everywhere and yes i can still see that we are beating richard's head against a toilet and no amount of black and white will convince me that that isn't a toilet why did they censor a john furthermore in the exact same version of the game this is okay this is okay and this is okay but apparently hitting your head on a pooy c is pushing the envelope too far the game itself is good fun though it isn't stellar good lord but if you want a game that's just running around and shooting people with double trigger action you can sure do a lot worse you play as the punisher also known as frank castle i went to frank castle once the food was [ __ ] where you murder as many criminals as possible while the police go oh no stop it you can't do that and when you're done with all the killing you can go and unwind with a bit of bowling it's basically max payne but with a way worse diving mechanic ah but why was it banned or censored no clue it's only a lump of pixels look at this the punisher doesn't even climb ladders angrily that's the ladder climb of a gentleman but i don't know my opinion means dick so what do you think spider-man oh spider-man you need to be banned oh jesus christ okay i wasn't ready for this right now okay everybody you are about to see the most explicit image in the entire video so if you can't handle it look away right now oh that's a nice collection you've got and the next game we'll be taking a look at is kind of along the same lines as the punisher except way more violent way more explicit way more controversial and has indeed been banned in multiple countries due to its gory and disturbing content so before we carry on i just need to do something quick before we begin hello hello jim can i play manhunt too yes you can thanks mom yep here it is manhunt 2. now we're getting into the really dodgy territory the back of the box says it's an 18 for very strong bloody and sadistic violence and it is not lying because that is basically all this is all you need to do is head for wikipedia search for manhunt 2 and click on that tempting little controversy tab and you'll see how much trouble this game had even before it was rumored to be in development lawsuits alleged links to murders rejected ratings four countries not accepting censored versions of the game at all which are still banned to this day and none other than hillary clinton writing a personal letter to the esrb requesting the american rating be changed from mature to adult only gaming in the clinton years indeed manhunt 2 the pervs redirects here for other uses see perth so once again just like the punisher what i'm holding here is the censored version of the 2007 original game the original of which was then later released by rockstar in 2009 on halloween for pcs and the uk and ireland weren't allowed to sell it but i found a copy and i played it fbi open up nah i'm good ah [ __ ] put your hands in the air yes they they are no sorry what i'm very turned on right now i'm gonna go out and try this again oh wait the fbi aren't even in the script say another word and i'll shoot oh what is this a manhunt do you have a band copy of manhunt 2 yes i do oh sweet can i play it come here you this is the way the farmer's right to start with the game gives you a tutorial section all about using your mouse to perform executions and if these sounds are only a taste of what's about to happen i desperately want to see the rest for those of you too much of a whiny little [ __ ] to find out yourself manhunt 2 is a stealth horror game with light combat elements the funniest body carrying animation i've ever seen and a lot and i mean a lot of killing my god there's so much killing and in toilets again seems to be a running theme but i'm clearly not very good at the killing because this guy just hung himself yet his lifeless body still managed to knock me out you can kill people with basically anything syringes pocket knives sledgehammers broken bottles crowbars shards of glass baseball bats fire axes and someone's head but i don't think this is why the game was banned all over the world i reckon it's because we get to see the inside of your own body oh hello there um you're having a nice brown time i'm going to leave you to it well i may be dead but at least no one's been sick all over me oh no to call manhunt 2 nothing but sadistic violence though is quite unfair because it's also horny one of the first areas you explore is an s m dungeon run by a man with a tuba for a head and it even has a secret basement a lot like the movie hostel with people torturing other people for sport but if they like doing that so much i guess they won't mind if i do it back to them i'm torturing i mean don't get me wrong some of these executions are brutal i was uncomfortable a few times even and the fact that you are actively rewarded more style points for charging your stealth attacks for even more savage kills is probably what rubbed people the wrong way back then but come on what's the point in killing anyone if you can't do it in style and just like the punisher the ps2 version i have here is censored but unlike the punisher it's censored in a much more aggressive way many executions and ways to kill are outright removed and whenever you do activate an execution of any type you get layers on top of layers of the ugliest filters and effects i've ever seen glitches jitters colour bleeding blurring caked onto the screen it'll give you a headache and to be honest because you can't see what the hell is even going on your imagination ends up doing most of the work which makes these executions appear even more sadistic than the uncut version i mean if you walk up behind someone with a syringe to stab them with the syringe how does censoring it change the fact i'm still stabbing someone with a syringe this is all your fault you scab and you know what else i don't know why australia are so strict with video games in particular seriously out of every country that i looked into for lists of banned games or whatever i was shocked to see how heavily regulated australia were in particular for banning video games i mean if i did a video about the stuff that they've banned alone i'd be here all day they banned an nfl blitz game because of drugs they banned mark echoes getting up for promoting graffiti they banned 50 cent bulletproof because they don't like 50 cents i don't want to rule out australia entirely though so let's take a look at a few games that they've banned i mean after all we do share a queen she's mine and this is something that really surprised me the uk weren't okay with the original carmageddon we weren't okay with the original punisher we're still not okay with the original manhunt too but postal to shove that [ __ ] on the shelves after all it only has violence and drugs in it it's not like we get our wangs out but what is postal 2 i hear you ask well have you ever woken up one day and thought oh i want to steal the neighbor's cat shove its [ __ ] on the end of a gun and shoot cowboys in the head through the cat's [ __ ] before heading off to do the laundry that is postal 2. postal 2. ever had one of those days yes every day so how old do you need to be to play this game 18 18 18 18 for god's sake don't play this if you are dating well i'm 27. i am a bit worried about showing this game off on this video though because the gameplay description alone is enough to make me nervous five days in a week multiple errands per day whoa [ __ ] features epic's unreal warfare engine liquid dynamics sophisticated ai absurd over-the-top violent content and the most exciting gameplay edition of all gary coleman the game begins and the very first thing we see is a strange man having a little dance with a cat followed by a fart and if that doesn't set the tone i don't know what will i made a list of errands for you on the fridge jesus woman this is our lovable and relatable main character everybody he's very nice and he also has a dog that has a bit of a problem luckily though i know just how to fix it our game can't have we in it ban it right now dogs don't we in real life and just like the back of the box said we have a day of the week and we have an errand so it's time for us to go and collect our monthly paycheck from our job so far this is pretty mundane stuff we're just going to the office right now and on the way we play a little bit of bastard fish and then follow mushroom-shaped police officers into chinese restaurants called [ __ ] asian where they sell the crappy cheeseburger i'm really failing to see the controversy so far hey you why are you going into that condemned building get the hell out of here you lunatic oh when we get to the office we then come across some protesters telling us how disgusting video games are and i've got to say they do bring up some good points such as bottom and this is where you figure out that you actually have a job at the game developers that make the postal games themselves running with scissors we pick up our check and then there's a cut scene where the protesters decide they've had enough of going so they suddenly grab a load of assault rifles and storm the building but i'm not here to kill these innocent people with a right to protest i'm here to shoot people who insult me how about some of this what okay right then i gave all of you a chance i tried to let you leave peacefully but you've left me no choice but to shoot my way out [Music] why do you look like you're sitting on a horse hey there lady where the hell are you going walking like a monkey ah help me it's gunfire better run into the building where the gunfire came from oh hello there pc plod nothing to see here i was just protesting and then i thought i'd [ __ ] you whew this day is already getting a little too much for me i mean this lady was so overwhelmed by everything she fainted and died on the spot oh christ now the butcher's after me what did i ever do to you oh man this is not good absolutely everyone and their mother is out to get me now so it's time for me to run away hide in a tunnel and set these homeless people on fire [Music] well that was a flop yeah i really should have seen that coming shouldn't i gotta say though i had no idea that my coat was part of my own skin why does it look like burned flesh freak here we are again back to life like nothing happened a fresh slate a new start and i'm here to help this community flourish with me and my dog are you are you shooting my dog good job boy ah but now the rest of the police are gunning for me after my dog killed another dog that isn't right what else am i supposed to do here i mean i haven't tried every key on the keyboard yet so what happens if i press did i did i just unzip my flies that's the ticket zip up your plan oh can it lady you can't tell me what to do here take that yeah rub it right in it's good for your skin how much urine does this guy have it's just a never-ending torrent of piss it won't stop and the pressure behind it look at my aim there's no splashes off to the side or anything and why does it look like sunny d i love this game oh hello nice to meet you mrs gangly you know what you could do with a drink that's the ticket well would you look at that even though i've been doing my civic duty to provide free lemonade to the public during a hot day i got arrested i could always try and fight my way out with some matches and tripping the fire alarm but nah i'm too embarrassed there's only one right way out for me okay well i'm not happy with the way any of that turned out so i'm going to try all of this again and you know what the funny thing about postal 2 is if you want to you don't ever have to draw your weapon or fire it like the box says you have a list of errands to run you have a shitty little live and a shitty little house with shitty little curtains and you are left to deal with the issues however you want to sure you could massacre the entire town set them on fire and then piss all over them to put them out but you can equally just find all of the neighborhood dogs and feed them treats eat all of the dog treats yourself or stand patiently in a corner shop queue and legally buy your goat's milk for the wife [Music] ban it hang on what's this employees only infidels keep out well why what's in here that i shouldn't see look i get that this is horrible and offensive i know that but it's so damn stupid how could you not love this australia time to cash my check into the bank i guess and after a few delays i managed to get the money into my account with no sweat but oh no now the police have the banks surrounded and i don't know why right time to go into panic mode and the only way out i can think of is to head to the power generators at the back of the bank cover them in oil set them on fire and wait for the whole building to blow up oh look at this a river what happens if i wee in it now it's tuesday and i have a petition that nobody is willing to sign would you please sign my petition [Music] well fine if none of you want to sign this form i'll set the marching band on fire that'll teach you oh hey there young man want to sign my petition is he getting faster so in conclusion why were we okay with this in 2002 but absolutely nothing else i've talked about in this video so far no idea maybe during that year the uk celebrated no [ __ ] june i don't know and you know what else australia initially banned outright but we managed to get totally uncensored on gamecube and xbox bmx xxx which if you search for footage on youtube for means you'll end up typing bmx xxx xbox and this is why spacebars are very important otherwise you'll end up going for a drink at the thrill and this game is particularly special because it's the first one we've seen so far with a special parental advisory sticker on the case specifically because of its inclusion of extremely vulgar dialogue actual footage of real life nudity and totally topless bikers that you can play as bmx xxx takes the sport back to where it all began on the street in the street and all over the street yeah there's so much street in this game you can't handle the street we're in the street on the street under the street over the street inside the street we are so inside the street we're fornicating with it we are so deep inside the street we were conceived and birthed from it it's harder it's faster and it's got xxx rated gameplay written all over it with hookers pimps wackos and dogs on heat if you want hardcore look no further yeah do you want dogs on heat then play the booby biker game creator rider bmx's state of the art creator rider empowers you to build virtually any type of male and female from head to toe yeah exactly that's the key word we're looking at here empowers this is such an empowering video game i mean take a look at this bonus fmv clip of a random broad and a strip club and you tell me that's not empowering speaking of it's time for us to create our rider and our default our default character is a man with a thumb for a head i know you can't really improve on perfection but i've got to at least try i've got to go the full hog here so here we go overweight man with a six-pack and lingerie but that's not what you're here to see is it no you're here to see 2002 original xbox breeds aren't you okay fair enough so let's go back to creator rider find a female rider and see what we can do there's no topless option what but i wanted to see a pair of twelve polygon breeds one of the main controversial selling points of this game nearly 20 years ago was that it had bear honkers in it and you can't even let me have that right out of the gate well fine i didn't want to do this exactly but if you're not gonna let me do that then you've given me absolutely no choice but to pick the stupidest option from every single category of the creation menu everyone meet windy the queen of messing herself and sitting in it now it's time to ride the bike come on windy do a manual oh wait no i can't leave the level turn around wendy turn around you know what i don't even care that we didn't get to see 2002 video game breach this is the best thing i've ever seen in my life you ever seen a half-naked skinny woman fall off of a bmx and immediately turn into a bridge well now you have stairs who needs stairs we've got facial hair and a nappy stairs don't apply to us okay windy time for a backflip oh no wendy your beautiful legs okay so to be fair australia did eventually get this game with all of the sex references and vulgar content removed but that wasn't until way later when all of the controversial hype already died down so at the end of the day what you're left with at the core is a bmxing game and that's a shame because the game is [ __ ] as it turns out bmx xxx xbox was originally supposed to be the third game in the dave mirra 3 style bmx franchise before dave mirror himself caught on how tasteless and terrible the final game was going to be and threatened to sue a claim unless all mention of him or implications he endorsed it were removed and that explains everything for why i hate playing this because i don't like the dave mirror games they're just a slower stiffer and more restrictive tony hawk to me and that's when they work properly but that's the thing with bmx xxx it's based on a game i already don't like and it doesn't work properly grinds cancel out for absolutely no reason at all grinds randomly don't activate for no reason at all the camera is too close to you meaning you get you get stuck in between the rams for no reason at all you fall off your bike randomly for no reason at all the camera is too close to you meaning you get it's absolutely unplayable and i know this is my fault but i'm starting to get sick of looking at this overgrown skinny clown baby so surely there has to be a way for us to see what else is hiding on this disc aha the cheat menu perfect unlock absolutely everything and just for the hell of it extra bouncy crash mode time to go back to create a rider and let's see if this time we can get what yeah sorry about the pixelation i don't want youtube to take this video down entirely but trust me you can see them and they have a huge vein and with this newfound power at my disposal here is my newest creation everyone meet ruffwindy if she was road legal she'd be all-wheel drive and don't worry everyone just in case you really wanted to you can adjust the size of her chest except it doesn't change the size of her chest at all it just inflates the bones above them instead because i'm sure somebody finds that hot so what happens when you let loose a hefty topless woman with a pair of white underpants and a traffic cone on her head onto a bmx and activate super bouncy crash mode [Music] [Music] oops i guess ruff windy was too heavy and she fell through the floor the game broke what a shame okay then so now i want to take a look at some band or controversial games that were just never released in the uk whatsoever for whatever reason they never made it to the shelves you know like thrill kill on the ps1 sorry i don't need your mouth i've actually got a physical version [Music] what a bell end so a few years ago i made a video about thrill kill a ps1 game that was never actually released at all from how controversial it was back in 1998 but since that video i managed to grab myself a custom made physical copy on ebay with a manual soundtrack and everything even better it actually works on my hacked ps2 and it's just as i remember it right down to the flames that cut off from the bottom of the screen to make it look like they're really there belladonna with the stringy poo coming out of her head mammoth who reminds me of a fig doctor forced us who might as well be called dr fawcett because he looks like a tap and cletus who has an alternate costume where he takes some of the blood from around his face and uses it to stick a wig on and then of course there's the game itself in all of its glory complete with the ai that all do nothing but gang up on you and tear your head off like you're a grandma on black friday and everything else about the game being nowhere near as deserving to be banned as it was when i first laid eyes on it there were plenty of games just as violent if not more violent than this on the ps1 that came out way before thrill kill and even if this was the most gruesome and offensive game of all time it's still just as good as this lady's costume of a traffic light hang on i think i know why this game was really banned you don't need to hide it from me it's cause it had a cross-eyed costume isn't it it's a totally aimless button-mashing four-player fighter with no strategy nothing to learn a terrible auto lock-on no individual health bars to strategize who you should knock out matches that go on forever in a million rooms shaped like a box repetitive animations and the only really suggestive content being a big burly man in tight-fitting leather with a chain whip and a lady doing a moan not to mention i don't think i can ever unsee the image of a small man on stilts with a thong dressing up like a member of the village people don't get me wrong i'm more than happy to have this on my shelf as a cool little custom piece of gaming history that was never meant to be sold but i just don't think the game is very good so how about we take a look at another game that was deemed so controversial it never even made it to the uk like the guy game this is this is no why hello there ladies you look clean hang on this is the guy game where's the men the guy game is a game all about answering trivia questions yeah you didn't see that coming did you look just because guys may be slobbering lust monsters doesn't mean we aren't smart and the guy game is here to truly test your knowledge in all the right ways with boo the guy game is what happens when a load of morons go to spring break with a few cameras a few microphones and then coax a load of bimbos that stink of regret into playing a game where if they get an answer to a trivia question wrong they suffer the indignity of exposing themselves to a man-sized ferret but don't worry if you get a question wrong you don't need to expose anything well you could have told me earlier the guy game is aimed squarely at testosterone-laden college students spring breakers and well any red-blooded american guy yeah boys this is a man's game for grown-up manly many men manly men couldn't you tell from this manly face on the front cover doesn't that get you in the mood to see some girls you bring the party and we'll supply the game you'll score every time oh yeah i feel like i'm really scoring right now alone in the dark in my patents playing playstation 2. how's your game well i'm playing a video game instead of seeing real women so my game is just dandy i don't know about you lot but i can't wait to see the assets of press vp tress and a-hole also let's boot the game up after everything we've seen so far even the word loading is nasty oh yeah i'm having a right load here's the intro fmv cut scene letting us know what the hell we're getting ourselves into oh god please no please don't tell me that this game has commentary from this hog well i think it would be downright rude to start the game without meeting the babes first so let's check out some of the people we'll be looking at today ramona what do you look for in a man his jugular vein okay zoe ultimate dream to be able to jog without pain now that's a woman we can all aspire to be simone i lost my virginity but i still have the box it came in awesome can you ship it over to me oh wow i didn't know that ronald reagan was a double d cup unfortunately though this is probably the best of the talent we're gonna be seeing because the rest of the women here i'm attracted to short guys because they like me what do you look for in a man tall aren't very bright ugh maybe i'm being too harsh so let's go to the behind the scenes photos and see if there's any more intelligent people lurking in there [Music] oh i can smell the testosterone my name is sticky and to start with we only have one episode but that's not a big deal oh okay we also need a profile name and big daddy was the default so i'm gonna change it only a tiny bit perfect the rules of this trivia game are very simple don't bother getting any questions right because it doesn't matter instead if you want to get anywhere in this game and unlock further episodes that's entirely down to how well you can randomly guess if the brazen hussy you're talking to will be able to get the same question right or wrong or if you're feeling extra dangerous you'll need to guess what wrong answer they will give in the special round of tit wits if you guess wrong too many times this woman appears and berates you what's wrong with you don't you want to see titties yes but the more times you guess correctly the more you add to the patented flashometer and the more norks you get to see level one is soft and squishy where everything gets centered with a guy game logo meaning some poor soul had to keyframe animate this logo on top of every single woman luckily i don't mind boobs but the guy game logo level 2 is sorta chubby which if i ever hear a dong described as that again i'll cut it off and that's when the women end up going from logo censoring to pixelation capping this off is level three super stiff where the censoring is totally gone and the true light of god bursts from oh and by the way every time you move the flashometer along it comes why and if all of this gets a little bit too much you know like if you can't handle the unbridled sexiness going on it's okay because you can quit the game whenever you want with the hottie bagger this game is terrible a quiz game is nothing without a good host though and the guy game doesn't disappoint with matt sadler i'm trying to be an rn training to be an rn a nurse yeah how about you same thing i'm picturing the two of you in nurses outfits as we speak so it's great awesome he's delightful although our side commentators steve and dick a college student who's working as a waitress when you ask her for food she brings it to you oh definitely a close second okay i'll do my best not to give you a hard one but i gotta tell you i got a hard one stephanie is now causing problems with my shorts if anything i think there's only one missing piece that would complete this puzzle and make the game perfect ps2 buzz controllers one two three which is the birthplace of the king of pants oh by the way when i started this match i made sure the balls were turned on so yeah when can we see the mat and at this point i don't even know if the flashometer is how uncensored you're able to make the game or how much blood you're able to add to matt sadler's face because the further you get he just gets redder and redder he's like a ripening little strawberry he looks like he's about to burst has he not seen a woman before big penises all of us you want to know the sleaziest part of all of this though this red-faced pomegranate getting all worked up and sweaty gawking over all of these 18 year old college women is 32 and just so i'm clear the age gap isn't the problem i just find it really funny to think that this guy has had such bad luck with women for over a decade of his adult life that the only way he's able to see jugs is by setting up a ps2 trivia game with questions about miles davis monopoly particle signs and star trek he knows these ladies are gonna get them all wrong he knows that means he'll see them all and he loves it or maybe he doesn't because at the end of it he only ends up a semi-flaccid i'm on a mission in this round uh-oh i'm gonna see him hey you wanna know what really gets me going schindler's list oh look it's a game about throwing balls into a load of targets for four minutes straight you know what every hot-blooded american guy loves to do in the middle of their happy time if i ever match with somebody on tinder i want to see if they can score more than 402 000 on bull's shots i want to know they're worthy enough for my body uh elephant eggs are really big okay so these women may be thick but at the very least they were all here of their own consent and were all of perfectly legal age 19 20 23 20 20 19 17. yeah so as it turns out this game was not only never released anywhere else in the world other than the states for its content but it was eventually taken off the shelves entirely because one girl in one of the very final episodes of the game was allegedly under legal age when she decided to throw herself on camera i am holding a disc that contains illegal boob in it it's got to be destroyed i can't let anybody get their hands on this ever again and more importantly it doesn't match with my ps2 shell [Music] so that game has really winded me and i'm starting to run on fumes so let's end this video off by taking a look at what i think is the best which i have saved for last sex vixens from space a game that the uk government hated so much that when we heard about a shipment coming over in 1989 british customs actually grabbed a hold of every copy that they could and physically destroyed them never allowing them to be sold by any uk retailer ever again yes i'm not joking look it up i got this from canada yes i can't believe i'm saying this but i think i'm the only person in this country that owns an actual physical copy of sex vixens from space and guess what the game came on floppy but i don't happen to own a working amiga so it's time to jump onto an emulator right here we are at the boot up screen oh and there's the copyright protection instructions so all i've got to do is type in the oh yeah it turns out that every time you boot this rom up the message that tells you what word to type in from the manual that comes with the game in order to prove that you own the game stays on the screen for less than two seconds so [ __ ] what am i supposed to do now hello object not found where's the naked object not so eventually i ended up just typing in every single word from the instruction manual into this thing just praying to god that it would eventually boot up and lo and behold i got it working you are captain brad stallion owner and operator of the one man space vehicle known throughout the galaxy as big thruster for years there have been rumors about this tribe a colony of beautiful sex-starved women hidden somewhere in space according to many legends they suddenly appear raid the male-dominated rural planetary systems with their sex-ray gun leaving them no stop there the story is perfect i don't need to read anymore so here we go the game has begun you are in deep space aboard big thruster i wonder why they call it that and then you're thrown into a point-and-click interface where you can click on objects look into your inventory move north east south and west and type exact and specific commands onto the screen to interact with some other objects that you think you should just be able to click on but the game doesn't like to explain that one so good luck and have a nice thrust what you've got to do next is absolutely beyond my comprehension though the game just leaves you to figure out everything on your own and with no music no sound effects no hints and no nothing you need to know what direction to walk what to type and where what to click on and what to use from your inventory on what item that sometimes means you got to type how you want to use the thing instead of just clicking it why is this so complicated i just want to see some big moo moo milk i didn't spend too much time on this one it's awful the best i was able to do was make the spaceship move and i couldn't even land it but i don't want to miss out on amiga computer bonking so let's look up a walkthrough how do we play this game space n push button d blast off u s s s open s e u get car no thanks i'm looking it up online what was so bad about this game that the uk customs team just had to destroy all of them is that it hmm [Music] well what else should i have expected we're still pretty sensitive even today aren't we i mean we live in a world now where people got genuinely angry and upset that the upcoming cuphead dlc had a female character in it [Music] why does anyone care she's a cop why does the gender matter nobody wants to [ __ ] a cup please subscribe and don't forget to hit that bell follow me on instagram and twitter or i'll piss on your cat special thank you to my executive producers on my patreon page in the description below lucifer1307s starman stuffs anders and dell basil blake brown captain dimasan dave marshall dredge and bungo enerjack 5 eric branky exopas hat foudini heart fire inflim iron ninja mitchell reed ramen wall 1485 raven torah red eye critics skull man slow punk tardis type 40 the game shed the real kit nathaniel's try tressler tudor apples whirlwind abyss flick joseph dan and alex mr rushton balalchudri savior of light chris rainbird dylan crawler harper onions louis mcnamara and terrell stan [Music]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 3,180,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: banned games, banned games in the world, banned games in usa, banned games in the us, banned video games, banned, saints row, gaming, gameplay, playstation, ps1, ps2, caddicarus, dykgaming, pbg, thrill kill, thrill kill gameplay, thrill kill review, top banned games, jontron, the punisher, postal 2, postal 2 gameplay, manhunt 2, manhunt 2 gameplay, manhunt 2 review, Carmageddon, Carmageddon ps1, Carmageddon 2, The guy game
Id: 4YwoRFFiqsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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