Hoodwinked: A "Bad" Animated Movie?

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now animated movies have been consistently super popular for a good number of years now with studios like disney pixar and dreamworks releasing various fun light-hearted movies each year that families and children can watch and enjoy such classics as old man balloon house the cooking rat big green man big blue man and the cold film each featuring unique well-written concepts and original characters with teams of animators working hundreds of hours to create beautifully detailed animation styles with a large number of these animated movies going on to win academy awards all made possible by the sheer amount of effort that goes into them all round they're undeniably works of art in movie form but we all have those animated movies you watched as a kid that you stick firmly in a strange back corner of your brain holding them in a different state of nostalgia over all the other huge blockbuster titles and for me that movie was hoodwinked released in 2005 being directed by corey edwards hoodwinked is a play on the classic little red riding hood story but wait there's more it's in the format of a whodunit detective mystery movie kind of like little red riding hood meets scooby-doo or that funny space game stop posting about among us now the animation quality does stick out over everything when you first look at hoodwinked it has that weird early computer animation toy story one lock like someone's turned the movie's graphic setting down to low but there is a reason for this studio blue yonder films completely independently funded the movie themselves meaning the movie's budget was only around 8 million which for an animated movie at the time really was not a lot of money and to save costs the movie was animated in the philippines with blue yonder studios building a team of animators that had no real animation experience which explains why it looks like a ps1 game but let's be real kids will watch anything you put in front of them i mean five seconds on the youtube kids app will tell you that you have freaking dinosaur feeds are you are you here jesse oh crap how's it going what the hell are you but despite the low budget and scuffed animation the movie's plot is great and weirdly it has a pretty star-studded cast with anne hathaway as the lead and as for the movie's box office performance with the initial budget of eight million dollars to this day it's managed to pull in 110 million dollars which for an independently funded movie animated in the philippines isn't too bad so the movie opens with the main character red visiting her granny she drops the classic fairy tale lines we all know too well what big hands you have and what big ears you have but of course it isn't her granny it's actually joe from family guy right now let me get this out of the way right here the wolf is voiced by patrick warburton are we just gonna sit around here talk about how big i'm getting who of course voiced such popular characters as cronk joe swanson and the funny pooh waterman from b-movie [Music] anyway red and the wolf get into a slight altercation and we discovered that real granny was tied up in the closet this whole time but before all three of them can get into a fight an axe-wielding maniac smashes through the window [Music] and the title screen rolls eventually we see that granny's house is now the scene of a crime and over here chief grizzly who is voiced by exhibit by the way take questions about a supposed goody bandit that is on the loose are the suspects inside connected with the goody bandit yeah uh no no don't bring dead maxine inside the house it seems that every suspect of the crime has been rallied up red granny the wolf and of course the crazed axe man were then introduced to detective and frog in a suit nikki flippers who's turned up in hopes to solve the case now i've seen a couple people mention how it's weird for an animal character to have a dog as a pet but honestly it's not that strange i mean mickey had pluto and let's be real we're watching a movie where the chief of police is a grizzly bear in a police uniform i think we can overlock a frog with a pet okay why the [ __ ] is he taking notes anyway nikki and red quickly become acquainted why do they call you [Music] flippers [Music] uh no reason and he sits her down for a police interview so we can hear red's account on how the crime took place we learned that her day started like any other riding her bike to make deliveries for her granny's delivery shop oh yeah the movie is also a musical and boy does the music slap after the impromptu sing-along red runs into resident bunny rabbit boingo voiced by andy dick she then asks him what he's doing around the woods and we learned that boingo's boss the muffin man had all of his recipes stolen earlier that day leaving boingo out of a job aren't you helping the muffin man today oh he closed up shop someone took all his recipes last night now i'm out of a job so instead he's running the cable cars up the mountain red gives him a carrot cupcake to cheer him up wow this is so good and he hops off on his merry way in a quick change of mood red notices that all the animals around the wards are suddenly closing their businesses and packing up their bags through red's narration we learned that this is all at the hands of the dastardly goody bandy stealing everyone's recipes with the goody bandit on the loose recipes were becoming an endangered species and i guess they live in a land where remembering things doesn't exist so does everyone in the woods just have one singular copy of their recipe book like the secret formula from spongebob like surely if the recipes were this sacred you would have made backups or copies of them just in case something like this were to happen or i could shut the [ __ ] up and stop applying clever man logic 2 funny kids movie now concerned red decides to call granny to check up on how she's doing and asks her if she knows what to do i don't know what to do red suggests that maybe she should bring their recipe book all the way up the mountain to granny's house to keep it safe but to her dismay granny says no because she thinks it would be way too dangerous maybe i should bring you the recipe book just for safe keeping a trip up the mountain is too dangerous for a little girl i'm not so little anymore walk away after the phone call red vents her frustration to a woodpecker that sounds like a five-year-old i am just a kid and that's the woodpecker about how granny doesn't trust her and that she's a detriment to society then drops her magazine off the tree and causes a fatal car accident killing an innocent mallard dork but before the two of them even have time to react they're interrupted by a sudden strange noise they race down the tree to discover that granny's shop window has been smashed and red finds a rock labelled your next you're next what what does it mean you're next this threat seems to be the final shraw for red despite what granny said on the phone red unlocks the safe and sneakily stashes the recipe book under some cakes in her basket and starts to make her way up the mountain yeah [ __ ] you granny and then you set up on a dangerous journey up the mountain unknown she hops on a cable car where boingo asks red where she's heading as she shares her plans to protect granny's recipes by taking them up the mountain but she's soon cut short when the cable car door flies open causing her to fall deep into the wards [Music] she gets her photo taken via squirrel mouth camera and comes across a scary large footprint in the dirt is it bigfoot bigfoot confirmed no it's just patrick warburton again i'm patrick warburton wolfe asks red what she's doing this deep in the woods and demands to see what's in her basket she of course says no and he raws at her to scare her off i guess let me have a look i'd rather he didn't well it just results in her running away red sprints through the trees but he manages to instantly catch up with her somehow and then gets pepper sprayed red manages to make it out of the wards where her winged friends come to the rescue allowing her hud to float through the trees easily baiting wolf off the edge of a cliff into the river we do a little trolling it's called we do a little trolling back in the police interview red is pretty adamant that wolfe is the goodie bandit and so is grizzly we got our bandit but nikki mentions they can't be too quick to point fingers fingers flippers feet red continues on with her alibi and explains that halfway up the mountain she stopped off at a mining shack where she runs into this bizarre goat character that rocks back and forth on his own horns and his usp is that he can only speak in song all thanks to a spell that a witch put on him years ago and now i gotta sing everything i say everything that's right you just talked just now uses the goat's phone to check up on granny a second time but this time she seems a little distressed i need to put down fresh doilies granny worried by the phone call red asks the strange goat if he knows any shortcuts up the mountain where of course he breaks into song again and that's why this hero mountain goats prepare during the chart-topping hit red realizes that there's a series of railway networks up the mountain and after a long list of the goat's horn varieties he pulls a lever dropping the two of them down into a minecart that snakes up the mountain an avalanche appears out of nowhere and they fly off a broken rail into the sky where red sees a vision of granny in the clouds and then she utters a knock off star wars reference granny use the hood you're so that's so awesome red takes her advice regardless and uses the hood as a parachute and we learned that it was here on the timeline that red visited granny that we saw at the start of the movie first i was attacked by that crazy wolf then my granny jumped out of the closet but she was tied up only he was screaming err like a maniac that wolf was gonna eat us all after retelling her version of events on how it all went down it's time to hear wolf's side of the story it's quickly revealed that wolfe is none other than a reporter hosting column in the local newspaper hey uh wait a minute flippers you saying this guy's a cop worse he's a reporter oh what and i've got the real story wolfe claims he was in fact investigating the goody bandit case himself trying to find leads on who it might be interviewing suspects all around the world from hedgehogs playing basketball to this weird furry bloke i just want to say that i am a furry he soon catches a glimpse of red riding her bike like she was doing earlier on in the movie with the musical number and decides that she looks suspicious enough to investigate who does she move the goodies for where they come from where are they going you likely are the sus imposter we're also then introduced to wolf squirrel companion twitchy who may just be the most [ __ ] annoying animated character of all time without the porcupine in the red bird's tree and the guy with a long beard he's basically a knockoff hammy from over the hedge if you had one gigabyte of ram to render him and apparently he's voiced by director corey edwards who i imagine hopped in the recording booth and then they just went wild on his voice in audacity wolf and twitchy disguised themselves as livestock and bribed this mafia boss sheep to get info on red the girl in the hood you get around the mountain who does she work for how should i know i ain't that curious it's the family business ain't you ever heard of granny puckett wolfe learns about her mission to take granny's rest people up the mountain via cable car and with this info the two of them set off to track her down wolf makes use of a device that allows him to listen to red and bongo's conversation on the cable car but of course red falls out of it [Music] twitchy swallows the camera and falls right next to her explaining the weird moment from earlier and it turns out that wolf's raw wasn't him trying to be menacing he just got his tail stuck in twitch's camera well i'm a curious guy let me have a look i'd rather you but how did wolf catch up with red so fast earlier on well he hailed the taxi of course he gets pepper sprayed beaten up nikki teases him for getting battered by a little girl you really took a beating from a little girl hey and we find out that red was a regional karate champion after chasing red down wolf of course falls for the date that red set up earlier okay not cool go get you and your little granny too oh that's fishy is this a fisherman fishing for fish in a society where animals can talk is he kidnapping them in fact with everyone in the woods liking cakes and stuff one of the main ingredients in these things is milk that comes from a cow i mean we've already seen that livestock are basically people in the movie so with the milk is everyone just consuming oh no after drying off him and twitchy run into boingo who somehow magically made it off an ongoing cable car and made it back down to land in just a couple of minutes but anyway he overhears their plan to go up the mountain and mentions that he knows a shortcut you know how to get there oh yeah yeah in fact i know a shortcut i'll be honest with the amount of people heading up the mountain at this point it's gonna end up looking like mount chiliad on a full gta online lobby well it turns out that said shortcut was through an underground cave system that is clearly pretty dangerous but they eventually find a way out in the form of a heavenly lit ladder they climb up narrowly dodge a passing minecart and this gives wolf an idea before we know it the two of them are hurtling up the mountain twitchy makes a throwaway comment about hearing an avalanche well twitchy that's natural it's just old man mountain showing us who's boss and the two of them head into a dark cave thankfully twitchy lights off a candle soon realizing that it's actually panicking they dropped the stick of dynamite in turn lighting off an entire stack of the stuff so wolf quickly tosses that [ __ ] out of the car and i'm sure you can guess where this is going they blow up the entire railway system and then red's cart flies into the air behind them did you hear something in fact just a couple of minutes ago you actually see red and the goat whiz pass behind them wowzer what a nice torch the two of them finally make it to granny's abode wolfe gets jump scared and he disguises himself in some limited edition granny pocket merchandise they hear red coming wolf shoves twitchy in the closet with a tied up granny and he gets ready for his big moment but before we can hear the rest of the story grizzly makes an observation you said the old lady was already tied up how did that happen but wolfe claims he honestly had no idea why granny was already tied up in the closet i just write the news chief i don't make it and nikki thinks it's finally time to speak to the unexplained link in all of this the axe maniac himself you're a big fella aren't you shop at the big and tall store eh this is a big and tall mistake now he may just be the most disturbing character in the entire movie i guess they spent all their budget before they made this guy his eyes are permanently bolted open his arms are smooth hairless blobs and his beard looks like an extension of his face but before we find out how the axe maniac fits into the crime we have a word from our sponsor [Music] um hey i have problem okay what is problem um i have hair well yes i also have hair no i mean i have too much hair well just use rock rock work great to cut hair no i mean i have hair down there oh well i guess you could did i hear hair troubles um who are you i don't have much time but i'm from the future and i heard you have problems with hair yes yes head down down there yes yes i know well don't worry men i'm here to help i have a package a package yes my hairy friend a 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balls indeed plus replenishment of your favorite products and a replacement blade for your trimmer every three months via mail when you sign up for manscape's peak hygiene plan yes i sign up now plus for a limited time you get two free gifts the shed travel bag and the manscaped anti-chafing boxer briefs wow i like and just for you get 20 off free international shipping and two free gifts when you use promo code josephi at checkout on manscape.com who is joe sippy um don't worry about him remember men your balls and body will thank you so when the creepy axe man sits down we learn two things one he sounds like a knockoff arnold schwarzenegger oh i am working to make good my callback and two he's an actor who recently had an audition for a commercial advertising paul's bunion cream has bunion cream has the soothing formula to make the bunions head for the heels and it turns out that said audition didn't quite go to plan you lizzity bastard gex looking [ __ ] yeah so listen we'll look at your tape and we'll give you a call okay thanks for coming in have a nice life depressed and down on his look we see him wonder out to his truck which we also saw at the start of the movie to start his day job of selling schnitzels [Applause] which results in one of the creepiest musical numbers i have ever seen [Applause] [Music] well the happy jolly sing song is soon cut short when we see that the schnitzel band has been vandalized [Music] what the schnitzel but it's not all bad news because he receives a phone call from the lizard director man who reveals that they want him for a second audition to play the part of the woods man in the commercial come back in it's a call back i had always heard about call backs but i had never gotten one a call back so to get into character he commits mashed tree culling and increases the rate of global warming twofold after destroying the entire forest he comes across a behemoth of a tree and he goes to work chopping at it all through the night until it literally defies physics welcome to physics he's quickly distracted by a distant scream and as we all saw coming he's chased down the hill by the tree causing him to smash through the window so you didn't jump through the window you were pushed yes see it all makes sense now except it doesn't because we still don't know why granny was tied up so it's time to hear from the old lady herself then it all points to granny now before granny can even sit down red is pretty quick to point out that she'll have nothing to do with the crime because she's just an innocent old lady my granny doesn't keep secrets and even if she did she'd tell me about it we tell each other everything but it seems that this isn't the case this old lady is leading a double life the police discover that the closet granny was trapped in is full to the brim with sports trophies and granny has a tattoo on the back of her neck safe to say that this pensioner is quite the adrenaline junkie in an intense montage we see the extreme sports that granny has been partaking in over the past couple of months and learned that right after her phone call with red she headed off to her next big venture the extreme dream snow competition and there is no way that this many models on screen didn't crash the animation software granny meets up with her team and they inform her of their new race rivals from europe and i will give 10 british pounds to anyone that can tell me what animal this is i mean what is this some sort of rastafarian fox rat thing what the [ __ ] is that what's that what's that thing the two teams ready up at the start line and i take it back this [ __ ] is the worst looking character in the movie like any generic european villains things go south pretty quickly with granny's skis being turned into a makeshift snowboard but it seems this is no issue for her as she absolutely destroys them by the medium of snowballs with absolutely no effort at all defenders win and it was some time drawing all of this chaos that granny gets the second phone call from red explaining the distress from earlier granny gets in a tussle with the boss and finds herself hanging off the edge of a cliff at the hands of the creepy european man and if the crazed axeman sounded like a knockoff our lord this guy definitely looks like one you tell me this instant all right we were hired by the bandit [ __ ] it that's two out of two dolph isn't voiced by ty edwards he's now voiced by arnold bandit he end games granny off the edge of the cliff and granny dies granny is finished no of course she doesn't she's prepared she attaches a bungee cord as she's falling and manages to make it back up to the hill ah finally some bliss until she throws down two [ __ ] grenades and starts an avalanche for absolutely no reason at all it's just old man mountain showing us who's boss granny then pulls her parachute and floats softly through the clouds it turns out it wasn't a vision red saw earlier it was the real granny she drops her golden piece of advice have to see in red and saves her life then drifts slowly through her chimney she's finally home but suddenly her parachute gets caught in the ceiling fan quickly wrapping her up and shooting her into the closet explaining why she was tied up this whole time twitchy gets thrown into the closet on cue and the timelines collide for the fourth time another one back at the crime scene red is pissed that granny was living a double life she never knew about and then depressingly walks around the ward so she has her own version of picasso's blue period with flashbacks to her time spent with granny in the past but during all of the commotion red manages to sneak back into the house and steal the recipe box from under everyone's noses sneaking back out of the house except it isn't red it's boingo wow i never saw that coming and if it wasn't already obvious it's here that the others finally work it out the only one who was with red when she fell now who knew a shortcut to granny's oh yeah yeah in fact i know a shortcut who fraternizes with evil ski teams when the schnitzel truck washed itself not the bunny i knew it never trust a bunny bunny grizzly and nicki bolt into action deploying their um men all over the world if you've got your boys down to red space we'll need to head off that cable car and bring in a police sketch artist no make it a cartoonist all right we got to hurry to beat it down the mountain bill get everyone in the car okay tommy you can bring that evidence with you let's go the remaining three wander out of granny's house to see that the schnitzel truck has been converted into a makeshift tank driven by boingo's henchmen the team from earlier in the snow competition of course what have they done to my schedule truck world of tanks granny speculates that they're probably heading to an abandoned cable car station at the top of the mountain there's an old cable car station at the top of the mountain they recruit twitchy to go down and quickly tell the cops that they're heading the wrong way but how will twitchy make it all the way down the mountain that fast well caffeine of course i can't believe i'm saying this but drink up twitchy gets high off his knot and zooms down the mountain to go and redirect the cops and the rest of the gang decided they need to take matters into their own hands to stop boingo and i guess you could make the comparison of wolf giving twitchy caffeine to making go mental to that scene in over the hedge where hammy's given an energy drink so that he can work his way through the hedge and get meanwhile up the mountain in the abandoned cable cart station redwatch's boingo make some demonic faces and then lunges at him but frankly he absolutely decimates her the child abusing rabbit demands that red is tied up where he then proceeds to of course break into song about how he's the top of the wards we also learn of boingo's evil plan to steal all the recipes from around the woods and add an ingredient boingonium making the snacks highly addictive a little something i like to call boingonium you have created a new element then phase three of the plan is to blow the woods to smithereens and build a commercial empire with a zoo now i don't fully understand how a zoo would work with most of the people in the woods being animals unless they just visit humans trapped in cages but anyway boingo has his big finish and they toss right into a cable car full to the brim with dinamite you've been hoodwinked baby hey that's the title of the movie and it turns out that granny wolf and the axe man were watching the whole thing from a nearby rock but before they even have time to put their plane to action they get caught by dolph and beat the living [ __ ] out of him at the bottom of the mountain it seems that twitchy is still coked upon caffeine so the police are having a hard time understanding what he's trying to tell them is the bone on fire the bar's on fire the world timmy's stuck in the world hold on he seems to be speaking words of some kind boingo locks red in the car and wolf disguises the axe man in dolph's uniform so he can take his place in his biggest role yet and it seems that his csgo character model look in disguise works perfectly for wolf to step in posing as a building inspector as granny scales the side of the cave wall wait a minute they do manage to take out boingos guards but it's too late boingo likes the fuse and sends the cart hurtling down the mountain granny is quick to chase after it though she makes use of her extreme sport skills and grinds down the cable car wire on a baking tin finally the police clock on they notice the cart is making its way down the mountain and they need to act fast red manages to crawl out of a conveniently placed escape patch in the car and crawls out onto the side of it granny swoops in letting red grab her hood allowing her to swing up to her on top of the car and just before the car is about to flow granny detaches it from the line well they're not out of the woods yet though out of the woods get it because they're the movies set in the in the wards this guy stinks boingo and his men are still hot on their heels but this doesn't faze granny she tells red to use her golden piece of advice from earlier and the two of them shoot up to safety sending bongo and the gang right into the back of a police van while they'll be locked away forever on terrorism charges not bad for a little cookie maker thanks [Applause] they all take news interviews and in a final clip we see nikki recruit the gang into the happily ever after agency and they all live happily ever after until they made a sequel to the movie that did absolutely terrible and bombed at the box office but hey overall is hoodwinked a forgotten masterpiece of a movie well is it well animated no not really that should look like the battle pass does it have a lot of pretty cliche movie tropes yeah sure but for saying that they had so little to work with it really didn't turn out too bad the animation isn't unwatchable in fact at certain points of the movie it had its moments sure it didn't receive golden reviews from critics or audiences but hoodwinked found itself in this weird dynamic where despite negative reviews it was still doing pretty good at the box office and yeah okay the big reveal of boingo being a villain might have been pretty obvious watching the film back now but why are you judging hoodwinked as an adult anyway you big weirdo i'm sure i can speak for millions when i say that i love this movie as a kid and i probably did fall hookline and sinker for the reveal when i watched it for the first time hodwig's plot is pleasantly unique for an animated movie and makes for a nice change to see four linear stories from different perspectives interlinked as the plot goes on not to mention the tiny little details the filmmakers added in to set out how the events took place at similar times chronologically in the movie like for example remember the schnitzel song from earlier on in the movie well wolfe actually tuned into that song when he's flicking through the frequencies on his radio with twitchy in the woods now that addition wasn't necessary and it doesn't change the movie in any way but it's a cool detail to show you that the two events were happening at the same time the movie might be a blatant ripoff of shrek with all the fairytale references dotted throughout the movie but they admit that sure the movie's a little rough around the edges but that only adds to the whole feel of it the story is great the jokes are actually funny the brilliant voice acting makes up for what the animation didn't and the songs are catchy as [ __ ] what isn't there to like i honestly think your podwinkt was slightly more popular it could have been named alongside the big hitter animated movies of the time it doesn't take itself too seriously either it's not going for an oscar it's that weird light-hearted animated movie that a good handful of people probably watched as kids and enjoyed to be honest it's not horribly bad but it's also not perfection it's just good good wink overall i think user cd calendar summed it up pretty perfectly eight stars out of ten ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thanks to manskate for sponsoring the video and with all of that said [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Joeseppi
Views: 1,390,405
Rating: 4.9392352 out of 5
Keywords: hoodwinked, hoodwinked movie, hoodwinked trailer, joeseppi, joseppi
Id: CfgHRe2SeKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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