I Paid Voice Actors to Dub Dragonball Screaming!

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[Music] I just popped a boner instead what don't worry if you have watched any Dragonball or know anything about Dragonball this video does not require any knowledge it is purely just a base clip so we can use to test who can scream the longest hi welcome back it's me the guy who buys five a voice actors for a living now I've mentioned before in a couple of mine voice acting reviews videos that screams are really hard to do well a really powerful and honest scream this is very guttural it's very emotional and it takes a lot of skill especially if that scream is exactly 11 seconds long at full volume that is what we're doing today now this clip is quite a popular clip it's work go Cougars Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball I don't know what that is now I'm not gonna pretend that I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan I never talked about it I already mentioned it much but I do love this scene and this [Music] that screen but continuous screen is 11 seconds long it's not a ramped up its ah for 11 seconds that is crazy so what I want to do today is to see if any of the five of voice actors can replicate this screen and will grade them based on the quality of the screen as well as the length now I don't want to be the only one subjecting these farm voice actors to do this challenge so I also will be doing this myself I'm putting in a fail miserably because I can't scream that long but we'll give it a shot so we're gonna go to fiber hire a bunch of voice actors and instruct them let's get Sinatra he's been good in the other video so I want to try him and let's send it off to him let's get this guy right we have to Nikola voice hey this is Nick Perez ex 96's promotions director and sometimes you'll even hear me on the radio this is really this is pretty like deep for a commercial real I mean nine but but can you go Coogs screen it's all you I will be your voice actor this person inspires confidence based on this image let's have a listen to the quality oh hello I'm offering my voice talent I can do an old lady that smokes nerdy guy stereotypical Mexican voice sorry is that a fancy I will be a voice actor ready for your next character or monster just what's right in here and I'm going to be the one defeated today let's go I will be your professional voice actor with whisper room all set the camera audio he's using the camera microphone when he has a microphone that he's talking into what you know I like this guy he looks like he's down for business I like the suit let's listen to his demo hello my name is Tyler bright and say will be performing a sample script regarding Babe Ruth hmm papers presence still looms over Yankee Stadium he sent countless marks that still stand unchallenged let's get this guy in on the Goku screams hello my name is Jaime Camil what you were listening to or some voices that I have come up with and impressions I know I can do I'm down let's hire him I think we're done with the video I'll send a message to some of the voice actors so I think maybe I know what's going wrong with their audio and maybe hopefully point them in the right direction it's true that I rarely have a bigger lesson my Power has been defining Basten I expected now as Kurtis go home I must do looks like we've got to this after all why because I here [Music] also need someone to do a manly hero voice yes that's exactly what I want but by him i will record anything as a lolly anime girl voice actress I mean need i say more I will be your voice actress or record your voiceover I love to do character work and have a special interest in working on student work such as animation finals or concept work well this isn't that but I think you'll enjoy it let's get him alright we're done we've purchased all the voice actors now all we need to do is wait hope they all deliver and we can start ranking them in order in terms of my opinion of which one delivers the scream the best so I will see you beautiful weebs in a second welcome to the 2020 can they shout very loudly and long like Dragon Ball characters Awards featuring me your host today's sponsor is tea I would have much to say other than two people cancelled we used to this by now we're pros at fiver we know the percentage people though will cancel but enough of me being an idiot we have our final 9 contestants today I'm excited I haven't seen any of these clips evan has told me that some of them contain a special surprise so I'm very excited to see what we have and then also at the end of the video I will attempt to do the scream myself and you guys can let me know if I suck or I suck not as much as I thought our first contestant is amber and just a reminder they have to hit the 11 second mark that's the goal we set can they do it with a good scream keep doing mr. gong [Music] can we have a father beocca hello again I actually love it so the screen was seven seconds long it wasn't the 11 that we were requested but it's still pretty good the screen quality charming charming I'd say very charming very fun very energetic I would have to give the screen quality though unfortunately in my book about a 3 out of 10 there was no moments there of real anger it was more of a subdued scream like a quiet scream you know like you'd like you want to be loud but your parents are in the other room and you don't really want to wake them loud you know what I mean next up is our cool Adonis awkward donuts or koala doughnuts I think I think I'm saying it correctly right let's listen to what you got oh yes to go even further beyond [Music] [Applause] okay the Goku voice is interesting I did mention in the 5a notes that the voice doesn't matter but he chose a constipated Goku listen to this again right now imagine you're on the toilet and you're trying to squeeze it out right but actually the screen quality is pretty good the screen was indeed 11 seconds you know it could be a bit louder it could be a bit angrier it's it's okay I'd say it's a six point five out of ten screen I'm listening to that scream and I can hear that this guy can definitely do it I don't know if he needs a bit of practice but this guy has the voice he's definitely channeling it there I feel like he's close to getting up you could get to an eight or a nine I think pretty easily with a bit of practice but then good job good job all right next we have boba tea VA [Music] I think I just popped a boner instead I just popped a boner instead hold up I'm very confused what was that anything really hey Conor its Nevin thank you so much for hiring me it means so much to me and it's just a dream come true I've dreamt about working with you for about a year or two now and it just blows my mind I'm working with you now I love you so much you have no idea I started hyperventilating which I knew is you thought you were someone trying to pretend to be you but I love you my coworker Trudy says she loves you and I hope you enjoy lolly Goku hopefully I'm not the crunchiest one that's any more audio how did this man do that that's actually incredible in all of my years of doing voice acting and voiceover I have never seen any guy who has like a deep issue snatcher alee do a voice like that the more you listen to it the more I can figure out the parts where does it like the guy voice slipping in but damn that's a good girl voice listen to this [Music] keep doing [Music] I'm gonna find a way to work with you again my dude my god that is holy I'm so stunned I've never been left this speechless before not only did this man do the 11 second scream he did it even go voiced the fool dream I kind of want to see how he would have done it and it's normal voice now because he's clearly talented I gotta give him a 9 yeah I do I want to give him a 10 I'll give him a 9 cuz he didn't do the best scream ever I'm just flabbergasted I'm gonna have to give it a 9 there I can't give you a 10 just in case someone absolutely nails the scream butt hole lead that was a good time to mention that I do actually link to all of the voice actors that I hire on five of their affiliate links so I get a bit of support as well if you use them at no charge the voice actor and if you go and hire them they get some work I get a little bit of compensation it's fantastic Wow I feel sorry for the next person so the next voice actor chameleon actually forgot to put the audio attached so he just sent me this video that was empty there's no audio and I messaged him like hey buddy forgot to link you know be the audio but he sent it he sent it luckily is to go even further beyond ah [Applause] [Music] it sounded out like like a Prius was driving by listen ah it's a weak scream look beyond he Peaks the microphone it's a - for me honestly I always think that was worse than the first I think this is a great time to educate what a fake scream is so listen to this this is when you don't want to scream for whatever reason or you don't think you're capable and you do this kind of like well you're not projecting at all but you're trying to keep intensity with zero volume so you're you're sounding loud but there's no actual loudness or aggression to it and that's it you never want to do with voice server and it's normally quite a beginner mistake with voice server next we have lamby lamb don't disappoint me yes to go even further beyond [Music] the did my car just like skit out you know what lamby lamb you went for it right even if I'm laughing right it is you know it sounds like you're in immense pain but you went for it right you put your heart into that and that's something I can respect I wanna give props to you you know if you want just starting out it's important to throw yourself into it you're not gonna be the best ever but you know you will learn and it's important to not get discouraged and this is a perfect example of someone who's like with a bit of practice and a lot more time you will be amazing I promise just keep at it please you did complete 11 seconds good job and you know what I'll give it a five I'll give it a five you know it's not the best but I think it's better than the other ones we've got actually no no no report next is monk Dover oh he's just giving me the scream okay I've clean so I can say that's just a clean screen precisely 11 seconds really good depth I could certainly believe that that person was going super saiyan that's a that's a nine out of ten [Music] can build up the volume [Music] that's a nine out of ten screen we have Nick the voice guy up next Nick blow me away and this is to go even further beyond okay okay not bad not bad The Scream started out a little weak for my preference he's ramping it up and although I imagine that's what he had to do to get it to 11 seconds and to end on this good of an intensity I feel like this reached a better peak than the last one but the start is really weird you know what I'm gonna give this also a 9 out of 10 and we'll decide with a tiebreaker Sarah Rose VA is the next contestant blow me away Sarah go super saved me and this is to go even further beyond [Laughter] Sahra Bravo Bravo that was damn good I gotta give the hell anything okay let me listen again I'll give that a nine as well our final contestant is Sinatra 335 he's voiced in our videos twice before to go even further beyond [Music] [Applause] [Music] great job I like it however I have to I have to dock your points you took a breath here listen to this none of the other actors did that I don't know if I can count this is a full 11 second scream I feel like it would be unfair on the others I'll put you down as the full but I'm out I don't have to I can only give that a 5 out of 10 it's a good scream but the breath I can't allow it man well I asked for an 11-second scream now it's time to check the rankings and in last place I think it has to go to communion in eighth place I think it has to go to Hamburg it was our first contestant a fantastic job but I think you know compared to the other competition it is a tough competition we had some great screams in seventh place there's lambie lamb scream was okay but I feel like it could be a lot better in 6th place is Sinatra now The Scream was good the voice was good I just like this break this little pause in your clip I can't other than that it was a pretty solid screen good job in fifth place we have our Creole a solid scream my actual but it fell off a little towards the end well this is where we get in the hard part because we have four people who have similar scores and I have to rank them all in fourth place I think it goes to Nick the voice guy in third place it goes to the man who can sound like a male and a female like it's nothing over TPA although you will completely flexing on us by choosing a voice that was terribly difficult to you the scream did fall off at the end and it wasn't as solid as the other two contestants and the winner is of the 2020 dragon ball 11 second mean screen competition goes to MNC dhoka memes aside MNC Doga had an extremely solid consistent scream let's listen to it one more time it's perfect it starts out a good level and it just keeps rising it's a solid screen you can tell that there's no like fluctuations it's a smooth uprising it's it's a it's a match to scream and that's why you get the first place and sarra you get second place thank you so much the thing is with voice actors and price and especially with Fiverr is the voice actors more often than not specialize or often Excel in a certain type of voice acting more so than others I'm sure out of the voice actors that we hired today there was some of them that have never done intense screaming lines like this and even myself I rarely ever do intense screaming lines to this extent you'll never do an 11-second scream normally there's rarely any jobs that require that and it's a really specific skill set you need a lot of lung capacity and really good breath control so you aren't pushing out too much air it's a hard skill and obviously some of these horas actors have it and and just because some of these were sectors today can't scream as well as the others does not at all mean that then not as good they just might specialize in other fields and that's also wild Fiverr it's really difficult to know when you pay that money of what you're gonna get it's white if eclis there's you know agencies have a big list and they hear the voices they hear what that probably best at and and they can pick and choose it's really important when you are looking for something very specific out of a voice actor that you do the research on five especially with five because you get such varied quality and and more money doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna get what you want a lot of these guys they don't get many offers or orders you know most of them maybe get one or two a week you know so if you want to get in touch with them ask them a few messages make sure you guys are on the same page I'm sure you will manage to get what exactly what you want so even though some of these guys you know eyes their screams or maybe laughed at them all of them did solid jobs and they're putting themselves out there and I got to give mad props to that because I'm sure there's a lot of you at home that wanna go on Fiverr and start boosting stuff but haven't done it yet so go ahead do it you never know you might have never been one of your boys videos so I'm about to leave my house in an hour to go to a studio to go and do the screen because I can't do this in my house cuz I 102nd a noise complaint from my neighbors so yeah I guess I'm gonna go and try to do this scream right now wish me luck alright so into my friends booth so I can make as much noise as I want thank you world for allowing me to have a person new hazard alright okay okay so we can do the first line which is and this is to go even further beyond bear in mind I've never tried this I've never tried to do a scream that lasts 11 seconds that's a long time to say oh god I've never heard my AB so much of my life I'm just gonna do one that I'm kind of happy with because like after that I'm scared of hurting my ABS even more oh okay we gonna take I need to sit down I hope you guys have a wonderful day and again check out all the voice actors down below they're all working very hard and I gotta get mad props to them all and if you do want to like and subscribe I wouldn't complain Evan might but I will complain [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 901,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fiverr, Fiverr Memes, Fiverr Video, Funny Fiverr video, CDawgVa, Cdawg, Fiver, Memes, Voice Actor, Voice Actors, Voice Acting, Fiverr Voice Actors, Paid voice actor, hired a voice actor, funny fiverr voice actors, voice over, Dragonball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball, Super Sayian, Sayian, Goku, Goku Super Sayian 3, Super Sayian 3, Fiver Dragonball, Voice Acting Dragonball, Voice Actors Dragonball
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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