Voice Actor Reviews Bad Voice Acting

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hey we've all seen those videos where expert reviews x thing and movies or video games or whatever and i thought hey i've done a lot of professional voice work why don't i review terrible voice acting and hopefully maybe give an insight or two as to why it's terrible or just laugh at why it's terrible it's probably gonna be the latter but you know we'll see how it goes but you know i have to look a little more professional than i do now if i'm gonna claim to be an expert let's just jump into it i did also tweet out asking my viewers to send me any clips that they knew of uh and of course someone linked me to my own channel uh got em as they say all right so resident evil one what is this wow what a mansion stop it don't open that door don't open that door what the [ __ ] what chris okay let me handle this oh god they're all pretty bad i think this is definitely a case of them all recording it separately and maybe the director who was directing it not really knowing how this thing was gonna sound overall it feels like three different people are acting in three different things at once stay alert oh wow that was that was really bad oh my god a good director can make or break everything and you know a lot of people don't really know what a director's job is one it's to make sure you give the best performance but two the director is the only person who really knows how this should sound overall you don't know how it should sound as an actor you're just doing what you're paid to do uh rarely do you ever like have full control over what you're doing this is the case with a lot of the earlier games when they were dumped because the budget for the dub was extremely small and it was more of a case of oh let's just rush this out and get it done it doesn't need to be amazing it just needs to be done why is now it's taken a lot more seriously i heard that thieves broke into the arcane university the imperial legion compound and the temple all on the same night wait a minute let me do that one again i heard the thieves broke into the arcane university the imperial legion compound and the temple all on the same night take care i've never seen that before what the [ __ ] wait let me hear it again pound and the temple all on the same night wait a minute let me do that one again okay that wasn't necessarily the voice actor's fault but how did that make it in did nobody play this quest before they released the game like what you flamey idiot take this feel the power of my magic that guy sounds like he's on crack what the [ __ ] let me have the forefront that was yeah that was just very badly delivered so he loves it farther let me have the fourth round me have the forefront it's like he goes father where should be father that should be like one continuous up on the note right and then it's let me have the fourth run not me if he thought that was good whoever was in charge of the vocal session should have said something um and been like hey do that again i feel like most voice actors know when they've messed up a line whenever i mess up a line in the booth i'll go like oh yes i could do a little thing to make sure like it's not salvageable don't try and salvage this let's just do it again and we'll get it right okay [Music] hey what the [ __ ] you got a problem i'll knock your head off [Music] what the [ __ ] you want more huh say hi to people in jersey for me from black heaven is that legit hey what the [ __ ] you got a problem oh wow that is like legit what the [ __ ] i thought someone had like made that themselves and like try to pass it off as legit wow okay uh i have no idea how that happened i feel like this is a rare case of maybe whoever was in charge of it just happened a new like an english guy in japan and was like hey he can do it yeah yeah let's get this guy he [ __ ] knows how to do a black are you kidding me like sure what does it sound like in the japanese version because then maybe if my theory is correct it's exactly the same as it is in japanese why do people think this is bad then he's just doing what he's doing in the japanese version that's probably what was intended it sounds awful but i guess you know when you take a lot of things out of context i imagine that yeah they will sound pretty awful when i first saw this clip of the the titus and yoona laugh i originally thought it was like that way in english because they had to match the lip flaps no it's not that it's just that's how it is i guess stop calling this a bad bad performance because he's it's pretty spot on i guess to the japanese there was like no difference you know i've been laughing at other people for a bit so i think it's only fair to laugh at myself and one of my terrible performances that is entirely my fault so this someone actually tweeted me saying i've heard that age of empires has some really good nigerian voice actors and i'm about to [ __ ] out myself here because i am one of those i don't know if this guy knows that but yeah that's me so in age of empires 2 in the dlc there was this competition they were running for voice actors and this is back way back way way way back and i actually auditioned for it and i won the competition i was supposed to be a nigerian archer i am arguably the opposite of what a nigerian is i thought they were going to ask me to re-record the lines because i knew how bad they were but no they didn't they went and used them in the game and they're not good they're not good at all so let's without further ado let's listen to me being a nigerian in age of empires do not worry you are not alone on your journey our village is on the other side of the river when we reach it it is yours i'm out i'm out i don't deserve to do this video i'm out i'm out you know what you're not sad i was i was once proud of that but now now all it sounds like to me is the ugandan knuckles voice before that was a meme do not worry you are not alone on your journey if you leave children behind pay your child support on time deadbeat dads are not cool but i never get bored of seeing ghost stories if you don't know i'm sure most of you are already fully aware of what ghost stories is but it was essentially a show that performed very poorly in japan and then the company or i believe it was funimation who got to dub it uh were basically told that they could do whatever the hell they wanted and so they basically just made an abridged and it's really funny and if you haven't watched it please do so i'll also link down below to like video explanations and why this thing exists there's a lot more people who can explain it more in depth than i can karen wow i really can't move my body perfume to zigitaris a type of muscle relaxant it's great i can't tense my muscles at all i guess this is a lesson on why you don't cast family or friends i i think anyone who has any worth of salt in in this kind of field will tell you not to do that because yeah you end up with [ __ ] like this we're meeting g over there please be safe g everyone is dying around you you're like you got to let them know please be safe g this is something you see a lot in like beginner voice actors is the quiet shout as i call it where they're like be safe it's like they're trying to like be loud and intense but they're they're speaking quite quietly because they're not confident and screaming well yeah you just you just gotta go all out like do not hold the back you know are you all right oh what was that the light magic light magic curse there's a curse on you it seems so oh god yeah that's that's not game i would imagine what happened here is whoever again was directing this did not know how he wanted this to sound overall i i'm or maybe he did but it just sounds like the two voice actors are not doing their lines together and the editing is really fast on those lines like that there's no time giving them to breathe and that doesn't really happen in real life and also some of these lines are delivered a bit strange i've had a run of bad luck lately this is no joke let me this is no joke what what what is that i actually made an older video as well if you want to go and watch it uh it's me reacting to my old voice acting clips i think it's up there nobody up there wouldn't yeah click that up there if you want to see me embarrass myself no this isn't happening there's no reason for me to go on what what am i fighting for i love that one so much it's so funny oh god um where do we even begin with this one back when they started doing all of these dubs for these earlier stuff in the 1990s and 80s and 2000s i believe they weren't that strict on what the quality needed to be whereas now if you want to dub anything japanese it is a nightmare as somebody who has worked with japanese companies to dub something and i've been in charge of a project they are very very strict and if you are dubbing a a quite large project you will need someone who is from the whoever made the you know original japanese property there with you making sure everything is good they're very thorough they want to be done very properly and they take their time and they will not compromise if they want something done their way it's getting done their way you just won't quit will you forgive me lord soon say she kind of sounds like siri is that like bad either like i cannot let this stand [Music] oh no our weapons are useless god damn it i wanted it to be good i wanted it to be good so badly oh no our weapons are useless you come across this alien thing you have no idea what it is and your bullets don't do [ __ ] and that's how scared you are you should be [ __ ] quaking and i want to hear that in your performance come on ah just be like oh no our weapons are useless just i want to hear like the fear of death in your voice what is this oh don't you have any more of those official pokemon badges left is that legit there is no way that is legit oh don't you have any more of those official pokemon badges left i don't even know because the rest of the the four kids pokemon dub is amazing like team rocket ash misty brock it's all really well done that's really strange to me that that line would be that would like pass quality control because that's really [ __ ] bad like if you listen to it right you can hear this guy like going in and out of an accent oh don't you have any more of those official pokemon badges those those and then he goes out of it if you audition for something or you are told that you should voice something and you are not 100 confident in this voice that you're pulling then it will sound like you are not 100 confident in it trust me as the guy who voiced nigerian who is not confident in doing it i can tell you right now if you are not 100 confident doing a voice don't do it even if they cast you and they're like yeah man it sounds great don't do it don't do it you're gonna look like an idiot crystal beast amber mammoth i'll be back no no wait wait see this is what i mean okay everyone's like man what does the director do like what does he just turn up and just say like yeah that sounds good the director pretty much like controls everything and if he tells you as an actor or a voice actor hey you're gonna do this i'm paying you a lot of money or i'm paying you your rent you do it you don't question it i can confirm this is real audio and yes i voiced two of the characters in this scene some of my finest work i still find it curious of all these years later how the scene direction for the scene was explained to you hey for this elephant we want an arnold schwarzenegger voice and i said okay yeah that's pretty much how it goes like a hundred percent of the time lady ombre knox has hired a new captain lady ombranox has hired a new captain of the guard did he like the line spriggans nature's guardians my foot mean things they'll curse you or they might call a bear to tear you apart spriggans nature's guardians my foot what do you want you what do you want you you rat wow i mean they do get a lot of voice acting done so it's kind of like not a surprise that they left these in but also what the [ __ ] they're selling this that they have those mistakes in more often than not when you align you just redo it on the spot because most the time whenever i've done things they're just like yeah just do two or three takes and we'll see how it sounds so if i [ __ ] up the red light is still on so i just keep going until it turns off uh pretty much obviously whoever was in charge of editing these voice lines did not cut out the first part of the line it's really easy when you're audio editing to see the audio wave and think that you know what the sentence looks like because a lot of the time by looking at the audio wave you can see the sentence if you've seen it enough times because you'll know what the audio wave looks like and perhaps he just got lazy or messed up and just thought that part was you know maybe that that pause in between him starting the the old line and the new line he must have thought that short gap because he it's not even like a second i swear lady ombre knox has hired a new captain lady ombrano yeah there's like barely even a second so whoever was editing it must have thought probably even just looked at the audio wave and thought that that was all one sentence that's what i imagine happened there oh deary me i've just kicked the bucket yes you can [ __ ] you hey kid you're a stupid little [ __ ] this looks really old so i could easily see it being in line with whenever this was made because if this is 80s it would totally make sense yeah okay like voice acting back in the 80s wasn't amazing because it wasn't really taken that seriously back then and this is just i think a product of its time it's not terrible like honestly i've heard worse from that decade like i've made a video on uh speed racer which is by far the worst dub i've ever heard in my life and i believe that was around the same time if i'm not mistaken or maybe even the 70s if you want to watch that video i break down a lot of the weird [ __ ] that is done in that show i should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light [Music] yes i love it see that would be a line where i'm like if i did that it'd be like i should have been the one to fill your dark soul with i would have flubbed that line on purpose just so they didn't use that i'd have been like hey can we can we please re-record that yeah i mean that's like that's how like a lot of anime think americans are where's the lie though where's the lie am i right boys one day something extraordinary happened it was evening and the kids parents oh my gosh so bad none of the three children imagine you can you can barely hear the voices over the [ __ ] sound effects i believe these games were made on like no money and were made to like in the bargain bin so that parents accidentally buy them if i believe correctly these were games that were made cheap on purpose to sell for a much higher profit but they again didn't do too well they were just made to trick parents into buying them for their kids either the microphone is god-awful that they were recording on or the compression is so heavy on it that it just sounds like ass and then whoever did the mix included and give enough of a [ __ ] to make make the audio audible because the horse clops are like ten times louder than the dialogue that's when it was getting dark i can't hear you over the forces you can conclude betrayed the king i know why is there like so much peeking you're making a [ __ ] game and you don't know how to not peak the audio are you serious ah alright you know what i'm gonna do right right i'm gonna show you right here's my audio for this video right you see where these lines have hit the top right that's called peaking if you if it happens in your project you don't use the line you don't try and salvage it you don't try and like use it you just redo it and you turn down the volume you don't peek okay everyone ran when the gliac came but you can hear the humming the static hum it's obnoxious i hate it cause i'm on your side but i still have to sell this stuff just pick what you want i'll handle the rubies i i want to know how this came to be because this is like all round just not good it's terrifying why does he why does his mouth open like that ha the arpagos will die for them you know one of the things that is like criminally like underrated is people who can pull off a natural laugh and voice over if you ever do voiceover or voice acting one thing you'll notice really quickly is to is to pull off a realistic and genuine sounding laugh is is so hard it's really hard and yeah you can tell people it wasn't it wasn't quite there let's listen to that laugh again i want to your friend link could eat 10 of these at least can we can we get a replay of that rudolph maybe i'm a little biased as somebody who does a lot of voiceover but i i've experienced a lot of these situations and i i've worked on a lot of projects and i've i've been in those kind of environments time and time again and i know for a fact that it's it's a little too easy to always blame the voice actors and the voice acting unless you've been on that situation and understand how you know the whole process of making this this stuff works it's it's it's really easy to just default to oh the voice acting is [ __ ] and don't get me wrong the voice acting in some of these was awful it was really terrible in a lot of them but you know it's just as crucial that there's a good direction there's good editing the sound effects are there the music's there you know these are all really important things and if one of them is wrong it sounds terrible like it's just the truth like if one thing is wrong it sounds like [ __ ] i'd like to think that i've given some form of constructive insight into all of this i hope you guys have maybe learned something or i've just reaffirmed everything you know thank you for not having me if you guys want more stuff like this in future please do let me know i i'd love to talk more about voice acting and all that stuff i do a fair amount of voice acting work outside of my youtube channel and it's always a lot of fun to get to talk about it within my youtube channel uh because it's something i'm very passionate about but i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you'd like more please do let me know down below and share this video if you know you enjoyed it and you know just so i know that you guys want more because the more views it gets the more i know you guys want more and also i have a patreon if you want to check that out it helps support the channel and allows me to keep doing all these dumb videos so without further ado i will leave you beautiful weebs to your day and i hope you win have a little [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,600,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voice Acting Review, Voice Over, Voice Acting, Voice Actor Reviews Bad Voice Acting, Voice Acting Reacting, Voice, Acting, Voice Over Review, Voice Actor, CDawg, CDawgVA, CDawg Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Acting, Reviewing Voice Over, Parody, Wired, Wired Parody
Id: qqpA4Ona09U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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