I Paid $404 for $5,151 of TOYS & Collectibles + Amazon Customer Returns Pallet Unboxing

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Where do you get these pallets from? Do you buy them online or just from a local place? What are such places called? How can they be found?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BitcoinIntern 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
just what's my liquidation spy I've picked up one huge pallet of nothing but toys and today it's rainy it's almost like 5 o'clock it nice was getting dark I'm in my garage so the lighting in here is not the best but since that's where I had to tuck this bad boy down the whole back into my truck is filled up with these boxes right now cuz I have to break down the skid the pallet to fit all the boxes in here so I could have you tarp it down but uh I've got over $5,000 in Amazon liquidation toys in the back of this truck so I'm just gonna show you what you're about to see give me a second [Music] that's what we got 15 earth ok here in the back we got 13 to make these little bit lazy on me I 32 and the back seat of my truck make it easier it's heart down because it's easier to target down whatever it's flat this box is talking we got a Chucky box already so let me pick this thing up see and see there we go 15 boxes we got over 5,000 dollars of product right here so I guess this is going to be a huge video I'll probably break this thing up into probably I'm guessing three videos probably five boxes of video five thousand dollars so I got to some folks still got wet even whatever you tarp it says it does not matter water still finds a way into the tarp every single time it's crazy you spend all this time tarpon your stuff down bumming most these boxes are dry just the ones actually really just as one of the very end plug this because of the splash back from the cars behind the I bed who knows frustrating but anyway I gotta unload all this stuff into the house and hopefully I gotta figure out how much shoot this video but it's by gonna be three videos so this will probably bullet likely is going to be the intro to the original first video so let's do this good okay we've got a very special treat for you today I've got the first ever on this YouTube channel a $5,000 pallet the largest ever possibly on YouTube at least on this channel so it is a total of 15 box it is so large that it will be split up into three separate videos so we're gonna do five boxes on this video five more and then five more so the total value MSRP five thousand one hundred and fifty one dollars that is huge and my total cost is four hundred and four dollars and the wife has joined in that is not a health and beauty palette she begged to do some of the size health and beauty because she likes toys she likes collectibles she likes action figures maybe not maybe not but every nice little change of pace to see what her knowledge is outside of health and beauty stuff because this because this will be toys collectibles some baby items there's always some random things in these pallets they have nothing to do what should be in these but this will be all customer returns some warehouse damaged hopefully some brand new items so 15 boxes five in this video 10 more to come so say stay tuned for part two and part three they'll be coming up shortly so let's get going box number one I think sharpened yeah Wow yeah cutting paper and cutting cardboard oh it's very very bad on knives Oh interesting so something to here works it might be a Chucky doll you always got to be careful with those things so hmm it looks interesting no talking that thing might be going for a while oh do you remember when we got those pinkie pie's yep oh my gosh we were possessed we went out on a Black Friday a few years ago and we got these toys they're called pinkie pies there were My Little Ponies right that was a TV show maybe my little pony maybe yeah I think so we had them in a spare bedroom and every time you would open up the door in that spare bedroom it would giggle and it would go with me I'm creepy I told him I was like get those things out of this house they were so creepy and we had what like 10 ah bummer so I had a whole wasy lunch I was so creepy never again uh-uh I'm not gonna find that thing throw a post thing out and get it out of here cuz this thing's gonna gas this whole box where I get it out of this room oh I think this is what you got there we go so it does work verified first item baby toy so there's always baby toys mixed in with the toy pouch you cannot help it Liquidators have got to move baby stuff and this is the best way to move it but it's brand new toy it's just factory or package damaged so I mean it's it's still good to go it works it yaps and so but something like this this is an easy about in this condition pipe out ten dollars but it wasn't so bad it probably about 15 to 20 I mean that's that's not bad no bad the first toy yeah let's keep it oh yeah let's just a little bit cooler than we've got um the wife might dress up in this if we ask her nicely ask her nicely oh my gosh if this thing gets mm sums up to thousand likes will the wife dress this dress up in this in a future video hey wait what size is it doesn't matter it's a one size the Matt is it for kit like perhaps it rips it'll be worth the video don't worry about it I don't care well you put on the next hair thing we get in the health and beauty palate and if I'll put this on if you wear the hair day but the hairs work a lot more money this thing though okay but anyway we'll talk about the hair thing in the future but if this video gets 2,000 likes will you put this on in a future video yes 2,000 likes people 2,000 thumbs up she will put this on in the next video sure next video and we'll we inflate this of course it might not zip up because it's made for a child that's why I does it anyway this thing does cell use conditions like $25 but if you know we if she tries it on because it's not made for an adult it might tear so just because it's not made for him don't be why it's like $25 but having her we're priceless I almost thought I might save it until you hit the hundred thousand subs but oh I'll do it the next video next video yeah we get yeah mm thumbs up yeah mm thumbs up she'll wear it and if it rips it rips and if it rips we might do a giveaway on it somebody will want it okay souvenir okay now shed oh do I get to choose next mm-hmm oh I want something fun this is not a fun okay this first boy maybe this is a bottle dryer that's boring these I have a plethora in my shop right now I've got so many bubbly I need six or eight and I cannot move them I've got them price now at around eight dollars but brand-new prices on these things are like fifteen to twenty dollars but I can't move them I cannot sell them so honest real-world pricing I prize me eight bucks and I'm praying that they sell over Christmas time we'll see what happens though but that's real-world pricing what I'm trying to get forward next oh I wanted to do that one next oh you're given to it that one too no okay I see some activities alphabet letter tiles hand to mind said of 248 I think I might be missing some maybe not it's probably all there oh it's still factories now no he'll this looks like a private label item I kind of wish they were Scrabble tiles because it would so for a lot more they would sell for a lot more money but I would probably keep them because I like to do crafts with my Scrabble tiles arts and crafts and arts and crafts but something like this I fight with my shop for pie like 10 bucks see if somebody wants to buys for arts and crafts yeah okay can I do this one I mean costume something cuz we begin tally costumes like sight it's very easy for the past few months and I will still get Halloween costumes like crazy for a few more months till it's like a unicorn head make what am I making short yeah just make sure it's not used or nasty a that I figure you're gonna put a thing on I'm like just be careful I thought about putting it on but then it's awfully it's awfully it's got like a dog leash or it might be for a doll like it are you gonna do like a furry kind of dress it has to be for a dog produce for a very large day yes because I forgot to put it on is gross put it on oh it lights up - oh my gosh there is hair in there I you were gonna put that on to Krunk it lights up light up unicorn light up unicorn collar I think it is for like a very large dog yeah make it look like it's to make the dog look look like look like a unicorn running with the Cape obvious anyway it's used so pi 10 bucks they if I want sale till next fine yeah this one has this was new with tags you can see the dog's paws on the tag this looks like a dog's too - oh I think so this is a dog too - it has a tag on it so it's probably new still I'm gonna keep it in the bag and I'll probably about 5 bucks yeah first one call that one right right now hey we've got another little item here this looks like a referee baby outfit more Halloween costume stuff wow that's like five bucks so that one's oh man this first box is baby baby and Halloween this is new attack zone that was nice this is Carter's three through six months that's for a baby pusher stroller oh no I think this is a like a oh it's like a cool yeah um where's the phone what do you call those that you wear out in the snow a like a snow suit type of thing a snow suit taupe tight huh yeah like you know when you go out in the snow but this is for little ones that can't walk amazon can't find it it's cute it has bunnies and bears and but it has the tag on well this this is probably decent value item this is brand in the tags it has tags here tags there tag there three through six so it's it's like a snowsuit I wasn't listening to I don't know what I was focusing on how much money that I was gonna make yeah three through six months brand-new adorable might be like twenty five dollars maybe thirty yeah let's chronic ear fed stains on the zipper works that's actually decent I'm yeah like baby stuff stuff like this I don't mind cuz this I can sell online very easily and quickly I don't mind that kind of stuff that's it only so that's an easy sell I think it's your turn oh okay this looks like a bathtub toy or something no that's that's like a dollar box item yeah that's got some mold growing ooh yeah it's got maybe blood or mold or fungus or blood or maybe it's just some liquid that got on there why do you always go to the bodily fluids just because it makes for a better video bomb but it does look like it might be some kind of weird barley fluid what is that is it at either I don't know yeah it's at either thing but it's got some weird brown stuff on it I don't know I must say dollar box I just because it's got some been scared of it got some weird brown stuff on it acting weird around things and it makes me it probably is just some weird these are nail clippers for the for babies those are brand into package the package he's not damaged not opened up as public and there's not weird fluid like eight to ten bucks for that cuz cuz that baby stuff stuff like that people will pay a premium because it's like especially for a baby trend lab musical mobile so it's got a little thinking that attaches to the crib hangs down and it's still factory steel so don't want to break the seal actually all four factory sealed still great so then you got a potty all night this is birth to five months attaches to most cribs encourages eye tracking and sound perception skills well listen to Brahms Lullaby brands Brahms little eye that's nice that's probably 25 30 bucks I bet easy its brand in the package hunter percent brand new Peggy's not damaged I love that stuff that's an easy sell right there it's gray so it goes with everything it's just rule blue the elephants are light blue they're great that's light blue you're colorblind I think I'm not colorblind that's light blue that might be great it's almost white that's light blue we're gonna call that grey that's like a light grayish light bluish what color our elephants they're like a grayish light blue okay the white we're gonna agree to disagree last thing okay last thing another baby toy so this is a puppy dog I almost been open yet been open does it work I don't know any on the top oh it works why three two what I love to play with you every day yeah that's not one that's open package item but it's brand-new I'd say that'd be like 10 to 12 dollars it doesn't look like super fancy but it's good item I say $12 as high as 12 so that's the first bond that's what we got but they're gonna remember to like this whole pile was 14 boxes so I mean that's only the first box it wasn't like a knockout 15 there's 14 left so that wasn't like a knockout box but there is a lot more to go through but this video for more boxes let's go well this one's got a little bit better stuff in it so the besides costumes and baby stuff fingers crossed I think I went first last time so maybe you go first we'll have some better luck with me I'm handsome better items so we have nursing pads used I mean definitely the boxes are damaged but it doesn't I mean they're nursing pads so just packaging I think it's just packaging that might be no it's damaged they've been opened up I mean I wouldn't call them new well I'm just saying if this doctor see only new but they're it's not factories tonight it's been retake so there's something that I have to open up begin to check out make sure they're not you know used or they're not missing anything because people sometimes return some nasty stuff but some like this probably huh but to three bucks a box yeah I'm gonna guesstimate five dollars for both since the package is pretty beat up on that I don't know cloud to update below hopefully box three gets better I'm hoping so here we go dream town standard pillow we have a pillow well that's exciting I can't jazz this up hell I can jazz it up I charge like in my shop like ten bucks for that honestly I I can't you know what that is organic no it will make your night so restful no [Music] okay like I play let's jazz something up here with stop potty chair liners are they never used or is it where open or sealed I mean um hey I don't know I can't get the there we go it's they're still back you see doll brand-new brand-new potty chair liners man is not exciting where's the excitement out well I don't know how much party like five bucks all right I'm just I have no idea Oh Oh Oh leggo oh is it and factory-sealed that's what I'm talking about that was ranking them that makes up for all the babies it's like all baby crap and then there's a Lego item and it's factory seal this is the original Lego factory sealed 70 bucks 80 bucks ooh let me look it up Lego only takes a second to look up because of the item number it's very quick look really cool thing cuz it's like a ship in a bottle uh-huh that's awesome so this kind of thank goodness cuz the first box and half of this was well very exciting I couldn't leave spice this video up much this is cool this has a rank we've talked about rank before in past video this has a rank of 37 toys that's awesome so this rank means this would literally if I sold this it would sell probably within the hour but it sells new one Amazon for $55.99 that's a little less than I thought yeah so I mean pretty much I would easily charge if I sold this I charge 50 bucks it's factory sealed brand new can't beat that I'm liking this I mean the box is not damaged that's awesome so this is that's a school that's awesome so just that alone is like 10 more than 10% of what I paid for all 15 boxes so that's yeah there we go and now let's go back to downhill again and let's start pulling out some more baby stuff how's that okay we'll do that how about we pull out a baby elusive cry-baby oh we had one of these last week this baby actually cries you have to put liquid into the doll and then it drips out of its eyeballs it's weird I want my baby to cry no it's weird oh my holy no hole I so to test this thing out you you literally have to put water into little infant let it rip well it's got sticky stuff on the top of I'm probably gonna charge that thing not a whole lot actually I'm actually gonna pull the little thing out put off the side well because it's not damaged and I want to make sure it stays in perfect condition cuz that's that's a good item next you remember this thing if you watched a video for me a few months ago I got an entire case of these it was a case of 12 i sold through the whole case i sold them all for 25 bucks a pop move them all finally this thing was a fantastic seller i make quite a bit of money on this item they all sold nobody returned them surprising lengths so i know how much the stinking skin can actually sell for $25 it looks to be brand new so awesome well that's I mean worth 75 bucks between the two items no that's Oh cuz I sold that thing twelve times so yeah awesome yeah we have an orange bag I don't know it says what does it say I'm gonna I have to open it cuz I can't read it save Snoopy I'm not sure it says what does that say scusi scusi scusi calm mmm and inside the bag we have Oh blocks blocks that's a cheapie private-label item so like that honestly thanks the skew yeah it's cheap the item that's gonna be no more than like eight to ten dollars nothing that's just like a private-label item from just a third party seller so there is decent Oba it's like eight ten dollars tops we're gonna just throw this thing off the side we've got some plastic rubber bibs for children these things they just so for about two or three bucks a piece or both like five dollars and quickly things well I thought this was going to be one of those spit towel things but it's not gums are burp towels so I look like little bag thing we'll call it like a dollar the whole thing I'm kind of curious now but we got just this box now we got a whole bunch of little like I mean where you can attach the back around something interesting so here we got three bags of baby clothes one two three a swaddle up about five bucks baby shirt few bucks and then baby sure that's in the bag a few more dollars so these three things like tin tin bucks for all that there's any have it cute no okay we have we sprout the silicone bibs same thing we just ripped off a few months ago a broken bracelet I think so once I have the bracelet the other side of a bracelet what did you drop on the floor from me no just the lid we're gonna call that thing weight broken bracelet so that's nothing good okay so we have a portable easy seat so I guess that's like when you're out at restaurants or what have you I feel I feel so the poor lazy see that's like around $15 or so decent seller I feel like I don't know baby stuff very well sort of original this thing I use yourself about ten bucks decent seller it's still factory sealed I can just tell by way as packaging is just it's crunched but so like this quick seller not bad ten bucks we got two things left in box number two wonderful you want for one for me nope one for you one for me the hounds yours this better not be used that one's yours I'll do mine first baby lips electro moisturizing lip balm this is gonna be a great thing for I wouldn't say dollar box pop I put his blind some nails pie that's like what a couple bucks a piece so it's like four dollars maybe not bad and then we'll let her talk about hers hers is special this is Lenna and it is a menstrual cup and it's the size small was that cup for exactly your menstrual cycle explain that please for people of that that boy in the back of the real yep for the people that like like me that don't know this is when the lady has her monthly cycle when she has a visitor that comes and spends a little bit of time with her the visitor ask correct the visitor does not ask okay the visitor demand invasion of privacy okay I mean so yeah interesting so was it newer used an actor II feel doctor seals so there's also the minstrel cup is new it it is brand new so the mistral cup you just drink out of then I guess right I mean if you're gonna drink out of it that's what you do with this a menstrual cup what do you mean yeah are you serious that's not know oh my goodness okay move on a box number three now are you grossed out no are you sure yeah box number three so we've got yeah two left after this one I just count for a second in my head the box too was decent guys brand new Lego item we got a menstrual cup and hopefully this one is awesome it looks like it's packed full of Donna but I don't know hmm are you you will go first oh yeah I went first the second box will you go ahead okay we pull out this shark this is a Halloween costume because the bag is telling costume bag this is probably for a baby more likely but could be for an animal s for a dog there's a dog picture on it right there so this is a dog costume as a shark I don't there is dog hair so it's used so a used dog costume it's no more than ten dollars not too exciting because we want to dress our dog as a shark we have a stuffed animal looks like it is a bear of some sort that's a hyena what do you need the hyena it's not fair there's spots on it though like a hyena the brand is wild Republic so I had the face of a bear and a body of a hyena it's a hybrid interesting that's like five bucks hmm Wow who's got some weird fluid on it did you just put your finger in it oh god I don't know it's weird it's not wet but it has some weird dried brown stuff on it well let's pack Ajay now but it's on the inside though so I think we're safe but I got some weird fluid I'm gonna say dollar box on that thing but I'll take it out of the package where my cell because that fluid will scare off people like it scares me the wife's brave look at that she just touches it are you crazy no but the actual things fine man it's baby steps is the brand he touches the weird stuff and I don't know what that's for brand new - is that a changing pad oh you're right Brown it's not poop oh my good isn't you touched it it's not pee so that's a portable changing station for sanitary license smart oh you and your noggin working tonight I've done these pals for a while baby that's why I like what Tim bucks I don't know I'm just guesstimating oh it's your turn oh is that Wonder Woman I think I think it is I do believe it is Wonder Woman hey yeah yeah it's Wonder Woman that's her headband could I be the Ender woman this looks like it could be in a dog fight ah that might fit me if I dress up like the dinosaur well you dressed up like Wonder Woman I guess I will haha we're there we don't have one we can get Wonder Woman hair no we can't yes we can that's not good me but it's it's an adult-sized is it it is extra large extra I mean I could wear but it's gonna be very stretched out like it might cover like half of my arm in my neck I'll wear it though there's brand new with tag it is brand new so I'm thinking it even has the headband so we can follow 15 bucks for that it's not bad that's all she I'll wear it okay captain you know what we have to do captain my head is way too big for this Maia hat size is 7 and 3/4 which is very large for a hat size baby blue eyes you got oh you do it now you put those cooties on but I'm not a milkman no so something like this worn by me I don't know 5 bucks it's kind of nice though I mean it's it's it's cheap but it's nice coffee by the res the costume might be in here or something somewhere at Amazon's warehouse in California or something we have a parrot random pair that goes near shoulder of it yeah it does it has little clasps it's for a costume costume we're stuffing costume stuff 5 bucks Nintendo switch StarLink battle for Atlas how come I get all the cool stuff because you dig in the Baja how come I get the cruel stuff what is this believe me all the not cools for Nintendo switch starfox just saw four I wonder another game no like it's just like okay like it's just little action figures action figures I think oh you know what they do it goes with the game you put it on something I think you know maybe how like the kids play no like you have to buy the little in it in it unlocks another like or something uh-huh I think it's the mean if that's what this is so why not just point out like expenses part like 20 30 bucks maybe I bet it is so I'll look it up later I'll update below much things sells for but that's cool Nintendo but it might be like 50 bucks a might in my surprises okay I'm gonna go for this we're gonna go for the cool stuff and take it from me mini mate is what it says picture it color it store it frame it I bet this is like a pre private-label kind of thing I gotta use the knife careful that's very sharp is it cuz it wasn't even though it's not even cutting the tape it a need sharpened you didn't get it Oh Oh what is this oh this is a camera it's a it's a fuji film instant mini 9 camera are you paying yeah I'm paying attention oh it's a fuji film that's where you wanna be around between and this is probably about I have a carrying case forty to fifty dollars actually because I sell just the blue one the dark blue one I still down for about thirty this one actually has a carrying case and a cover or something for something oh this is for distance shooting yeah this one I guarantee you it says the clip yeah that's the close-up lens don't lose that I guarantee you this this one I guarantee he goes for about fifty bucks because it has a carrying case and a close-up mount thingy I bet you this about 50 bucks guarantee it is guarantee it yep well that was a pretty good Egeus I thought it was gonna be like yeah and it that turned out to be a good one there's something cool in the bottom of this box just wait but I'm gonna save it so well because I jug well stop here's some arts and crafts I think nothing in arts and crafts and arts in taxes are for some chidden or for me you're not gonna do anything with that's like jello is it always that no it's not no that's that goo stuff that you can it molds in you can do all kinds of different things is what edible we should totally try to eat this now how much this cost 5 bucks 10 bucks 10 10 bucks oh no hands I think I've seen a commercial looking TV about this I don't know these are filled with gel and looks like little candies that you can slice you put on ice cream gel with the thing and then the minute you eat it you can build and sculpt and do all kinds of stuff and it never dries out according to the commercial then you eat she'll eat it later trust not eating it yeah we will is it my turn your turn cool just a flush she's just a plush that's no that's awesome I like et just a random et plush huh what's the brand et it came in a bag is a tightened race nation guard the brand it's a toy factory hmm et plush spike ten bucks I bet but the widen might keep it she said well et could hang out with your Elsa up there no it'll scare oh here it'll scare hearing no scare it'll scare you're gonna give me nightmares you're gonna put these on so you claim them claim them I guess he's part of it part of the team now oh the next we got you guys some Washington Redskins looks like cake toppers little football man they go on top of a cake it looks like I bet yeah few dollars not very much not very exciting but it looks like we've got some silverware in the shape of Lego or something nice earning cuddly cutleries that is probably 20 bucks though it probably is it's not really cheap though but it's not for you oh honey here's a toy for you a turtle meter safe and fun bath toys built-in thermometer it already has a name Myrtle Myrtle Myrtle the turtle so I guess the wife can play with this I don't know well you might need looks usual oh okay like I think this has been through battle a few times this has seen a few shower times so I won't use it but she might but now I'm just like 5 bucks in exile to get pally I think it's not new got baby boy mmm that's sort couple bucks not very exciting that's the what is that we have a tremor yeah we've got a non toy and you're like we always get some randomness this thing's is an insistent pieces in this bag it is pretty much a philips norelco one blade probably 1315 p strimmer for your beard or mustache i think it's missing pieces too III don't see a charge or anything so up I got you something pretty pretty cheap like five bucks or so not very much this looks like maybe another dog like a sweater or something oh it looks like it's new yeah it is tags on still sometimes I wish our cat would let us dress him up but he would get upset so we don't do that very hair but this is cute nice little plaid I'm not sure what that's for why so the dog can use the bathroom or something I don't know we're not now seeming dog there's an extra large and that's a weird is this we're like it goes underneath of the dogs like mm-hmm oh oh that is for its belly I don't know I think that goes around its belly maybe it's Ford's shirts hmm because it's attached right there so then I don't know I'm going to use the brand is coarser cursor this is this is the brand right here Wow 20 bucks I bet not bad works oxo wipes dispenser lids sometimes does it work this lid works as long as it works I sell for about 15 bucks and it sells quickly and I will take it you like to ET and if I some are you gonna be mad no we have you PI cry yourself to sleep you wake up and I'm like baby he sold something yeah Oh Halloween it's fake calling you put on your body makes you look like you got called this face makeup for Halloween just lost boring couple bucks not much it was your turn won't they let this box all that you do didn't you go it's actually the same thing that we saw a couple minutes ago two in the same box the Nintendo star length battle for Atlas interesting we got two of the same one so I'm very curious this thing has much value to it so actually while I was gonna say why why don't you look it up while we're switching bomb on look this thing up because we got two of them my husband value to it we'll be right back with box number four four four four agree after some research this star link Nintendo switch battle for Alice we got two of them in box number three it sells new on Amazon for $39 86 cents though it's 40 bucks it has a rank of 90 so that's got a tremendous rank pretty much it would sell within I put it up it's gone so I mean it's 40 bucks awesome but this is open package item it's not factory seal Bay it doesn't look you so I'm gonna say like 30 bucks a piece there's two of them like 60 bucks so that's awesome cool cool so we're getting the money back of just a few things pretty quickly and there's that a lot of boxes left so box for hopefully this thing keeps going and we get some decent stuff but right here on top though more cos you see quite a few costumes well that's that time of year though so we've got a Spider Man hand where it's supposed to shoot the web out I guess web battling sounds I don't know what I just did to make that do that better oh I might eat that are you serious I'm oh [Applause] but it's for a child it won't fit me that's cool though if that was made for like a grown man I would so keep that that's pop out 5 bucks or so Oh - I love for what size is this extra-large it might stretch well you can always just save it for a few years and your you'll get their goodness well my favorite comic book characters is Thor because I look just like Chris Hemsworth to a tee or actually I should say he looks like me I've talked about this before and past videos if you watch me he looks just like me I look like Thor or four looks like me right baby but anyway pretty much my life story would be played by Chris Hemsworth aka Thor and my life story would be played by me with Chris Hemsworth uh because Chris looks just like me aka I look like Thor so this is freaking awesome honestly this is an adult costume pretty much the biggest size that they make I'm actually I'm gonna keep this just in case in the future if I can ever stretch this thing out to fit me is this is even a fake muscles on it this is awesome so this is not for sale I'm so keeping this that is awesome that's why the best thing so far that's my expensive - all right so we have another costume Oh Black Panther you know what that's Marvel what's Thor um Marvel yes yes is that a Donal it is it's a large I believe it might be an adult costume it just says large I don't see where it but it appears the packaging weight child's costume thankthank time so a large child oxygen black panther that's cool though it's kind of cool that's plenty good 20 bucks right there and then oh my good man we have a some kind of a gothic prom queen princess outfit like the back of it looks like it might still be factory packaged cuz all her little flowers and stuff is still like in the fancy packaging so something like this I would charge like 15 bucks for honestly it would sell new for more than that but what I would charge back 15 bucks more costumes well that's a Star Wars uh that's the the guard the mmm guard can't think what it's called that's cool though is it that's cool it's cheap that's cool oh I can't think of what the guard it's the I'm just drawn to a blank of what the guards name is but some like that in that condition it's used the helmet does a little bit of wear to it does it say on the tag she's looking that's cool though Ruby's Star Wars Episode the last Jedi men's what is it peritoneum guard or something like that [Music] praetorian guard no that's it okay awesome so some like that in a night light condition it's kind of beat-up it's kind of beat-up $10 kind of cool and then of course we gotta have some baby stuff head body pillow thing for the car ahead by support doesn't look used I need head and body support cheap I'll be your support team around everywhere I don't know how that's being my support I'm your support baby another baby thing I got maybe a fanny pack I don't know go ahead I'm just kind of look why you're going that's that's a dollar and we just have a you sippy cup that's another dollar boring then of course we've got to pull this bad boy out we have a extra extra large light-up Death Star beach ball oh that is kind of cool of course this would be a great seller for the summertime it does light up but it sort of says a light up but for a Star Wars fans they would actually just put this in like the room all year round like Star Wars fans would do that but if it actually works and holds air that's the other you know other question but it's not like 10 bucks I bet one thing left the box board that's it it's all you all right Melissa and ugh it's a very popular brand blocks and boards it's in the original packaging but it kind of the packaging came loose on it and they taped it and they taped it and taped it I'm gonna turn the Clyde bucks for that shipping that thing will absolutely kill all profit so that'll go into my shop firmly five bucks but let me switch this around one more box bucks five move right back last box [Music] hopefully we end with something credible in this box I got a feeling that that we mined in with like a Barbie head or something would be awesome Oh speak of the devil sad no anyway here I'll let you go first okay so the last box we have the best items so far we have headless Rapunzel what she saw I think it's supposed to come off though maybe no I don't think no I think your head is actually broken so for a child out there who enjoys playing dress-up with just a loose head I've got one for your child and I'll sell it very cheap I think a good dollar item interesting doll again hundred wooden blocks yeah it's like five bucks again I can't ship it because the weight of it the weight will just kill the profit their dumb costume a dog costume that's actually a girl dog costume because it's lacy and stuff like I guess it's a tutu dress it says it's a tutu dress that's a Batman tutu dress yes so like five bucks Wayne is a duck gross motor development I don't know what ideal for motor skills leg and arm muscles it teaches kids how to dance it looks like rock and rolling it says that features three hip hop songs mm-hmm I wonder what hip hop songs those are a little bit Kanye West maybe does it play Kanye hey I don't know but can you program I don't really like Kanye so I'm gonna say about 10 15 bucks I have no clue here we have a Santa's Little Helper looks like a Halloween costume a little family little helper hat this actually might be for a dog again I think it might be actually might fit the et Oh five bucks either for a child or for a dog it was like two things left this box this box so much we can have a matching is not gonna fit me it might fit my leg but they don't make him like they're all like oh they're all one side they're always child's I'm they're always child anyway we have another dinosaur blow-up Halloween costume but okay if we can get this video to 4,000 likes I will somehow get this at least over a leg I'm gonna fit me it doesn't matter if it's made for like an adult's not gonna fit me I mean I can always try I mean I could cut it in half and we could tape it on me or something anyway 4,000 likes we will both dress up as dinosaurs go ahead last item last item box five our cats at the door our cat once in he can he wants a Halloween costume oh man that glass noises tape okay last last item and it does not sound healthy here your stop there you go I just like it has oh it's this the spare bulbs and pieces are loose so it's a strobe light I do fine oh my guess it doesn't work where my five to unplug so I'm gonna plug it in there okay do we need the new light bulb it has no light bulb in it it's duct tape together oh my gosh oh no way that thing is duct taped I mean this for a Quisling oh there's the two missing look I have two more that thing is Lily duct taped together it works it's not very bright it works and it's duct tape together it's bright in the dark I said brighter so it works but I'm not gonna sell it does this duct taped so anyway well that was interesting that's what we got that is all five boxes that last item it's not forceps because of safety reasons that is Lily duct taped together so that the light bulb stays in it and it's plastic so you can't fix plastic that's too bad I thought we could have a disco party and so once all said and done that's the first five boxes out of the 15 box palette with over a five thousand dollar total value so the total right now I'm sure is probably over what I paid for the whole thing so I'm pretty sure I'm already in profit I guarantee if not I'm very very close so all in all I think this was is decent a couple of really cool items that came out some Nintendo switch items a brand new Lego set too much baby stuff way to me costumes but costumes I don't mind because I save them for next year and I sell them so that's fine so what's your views on on the first 5 out of 15 boxes well I'm kind of happy we got an 80 that made me pretty happy so but yeah way too many baby items baby a lot of costumes but cost about I don't mind but we've got a lot more boxes to go through and so hopefully we'll find you know some some good gems within those boxes like that Lego I'll take you know or we'll take some more knows for sure oh yeah oh yeah I guess we'll wait and see yep so stay tuned part 2 and part 3 will be coming up this coming week so be on lookout for that don't miss it so find out what the total value will be next week so thanks for watching this I appreciate it make sure if you haven't already go down below click that subscribe we are so close to 100,000 subs yeah so if you have not clicked it do it right now click the subscribe thank you to everybody who has subscribed to the channel and you know those who are going to subscribe to the channel we thank you so much and you know we've enjoyed opening up all these boxes it's like Christmas every day at our house which is a lot of fun so yeah thank you so much yep so that's it we'll see you soon don't forget part 2 part 3 coming up it's going to be fun don't miss out stay alert we'll be back [Music] [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 589,720
Rating: 4.8567224 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, flip, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, make money, insane profits, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, flipper, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, dc, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, nerf, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: nUq29gy6Dfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 58sec (3898 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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