I bought a $1,000 Customer Returns Pallet full of FUNKO POP & COLLECTIBLES!

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we're back today with two brand new fresh barton discounts superstore liquidation pallets so we just picked these up just got home we got two pallets here there's one in the back was about an eight foot tall pallet maybe seven foot tall pallet some of the boxes are actually in the back of the truck because it was so tall that one was 550 bitty 550 550. this one was 475 so combined they're about a thousand dollars for two custom return elimination palettes a lot of this stuff is going to be brand new though very small portion will be custom returned but it is liquidated from a major superstore that everybody shops at you've seen these several times on this channel already videos and unboxing these and we have a little little taste of this one already you can see some funko pops on this palette so we're actually going to dig down to that box first because i'm going to give the people what they want to see first so like i said these came from barnes discounts i'm going to drag them down below check them out on facebook because how i knew about these was because they posted a facebook video and on youtube saying hey we got in four fresh truckloads between 24 to 26 pallets per truck so they got in 100 pallets today and they were busy so we went down there we got we got some choice pallets pretty excited about these so follow barton's discounts on facebook on youtube and you'll find out also when they get fresh loads in you can be the first one in line get the best possible looking palette that they have first but you gotta beat us to it though you gotta beat us so he's mentioned we got these at burton's discount so that's in indianapolis and we will link their uh their address and information below in the description box so the warehouse address yes where you can actually physically go and pick up the stuff bring it home and have loads of fun just like we are just like this yeah so yeah so make sure you check them out they have fantastic pallets very fair price between like 350 to 550. and while we were there like that they were loading customers vehicles up or trailers up or whatever they brought but then when that hole opened up they were putting out another pallet pallet came out it was it was crazy like they were just kept moving pallets and it was it was good stuff so make sure you get there early when they do post that they have a new truck out because you want to be there first to get the best grab although i'm sure everything's good you know it's a mystery they are there's no manifest yeah these are unmanifested you do not you cannot go through them they are not um created by bartons this is what comes off of the truck from the superstore that's the way it is so yep yeah so it's pretty cool if you are not first one there like we weren't first ones there today no we are we stuck around as they sold pallets they plugged the holes that's how we got that that's how we got that when they plug the holes with fresh pallets so it pays to stick around a little bit it does so if you don't see something right away you know stick around go have lunch and come back in a couple hours or go shop in their front area shopping center or check out their furniture yep here we go we're actually going to dig down we're going to get out this box right here because there are funko pops in this box so we'll be right back [Music] so we got it downloaded we have the box top of this box it's nothing but funko pops collectibles it's like a funko pop box we're going to show you um everything else in this palette is still boxed up these will be future videos of just superstore mystery boxes but what was on top of this palette that was loose not boxed up was these things we'll show you first they will get to the collectibles and funko pop box so hit him baby all right so we have a beautiful rug beautiful look at that it's beautiful that's just kind of nice it is nice brand new attachment and it's a good brand it's that um sevilla brand i think is how it's pronounced this is a three and a half by or i'm sorry a three foot by five foot vintage leather vintage leather rug how many people can say that they have a vintage leather rug in their home ooh how many pennies i'm gonna get the brand is 150 you're really close so i'm looking on amazon which is kind of like the reseller price guide comparable rugs 144 185 139 135 148 170 about 150 rug right there it's brand new it's got the tags on it still that's 150 rug wow wow first item 50 let's not put down to the ground either you think yeah how about we just show them this real quick yeah so we have four clear tubs here no lids and we have a hat it's not a hat it's a planter and i'm keeping it for my plants because it is a self-draining planter we have a hat it is not so we'll put that in there there we go so it's actually kind of fun on top of the pallet there was a table a folding table we actually have a couple of these already this will be kept we will not sell this because you know what if you can't tell we use white like the white fold out tables he actually uses one of these for his office yeah uh like that's my office desk and we use them in the garage we use them when we travel in my upstairs room yep yeah like where you see my sneaker wall that's a fold-out table that i use so we actually use these a lot and the folding ones are really nice this is nice that's like 30-40 bucks but we're going to keep it we're not going to sell this we're going to keep that and then i'm kind of excited about this one we have a snuggle me that's a good brand this is a good brand um when i saw it i knew that it was a bit more expensive this guy right here sells for about a hundred dollars oh sure i looked it up i already looked it up a hunch so okay crazy the rug was 150 this about 100 right there is 250 in two items on a 475 pallet we've got half our value back until we have an entire box here collectibles to go through i didn't check this oh so it is not new oh wait it is new it's new it just has like like like that speckling look yeah no i knew it had the speckling yeah that thing's brand new yep new attack 100 we got a we got 250 back and two items off the first pallet and if you count this table you're talking close to like three hundred dollars but we're keeping the table though and if you count the plans crazy you're talking how many dollars did you say the planter is not really worth much better oh the planter is worth a million dollars to me because it keeps my plants alive this is going to be a good palette because look look at this is coming up let's set that thing down we got some here it is nothing but funkle pops collectibles looks like this this is going to be a crazy box right here i've never seen a liquidation box actually go ahead let me give you this overhead shot because you need to see what i'm looking at right now look at that baby tell them what they're looking at oh i flipped it around right about now right about now you are seeing some factory sealed pop boxes that have t-shirts and pops in them these are factory sealed you're also seeing different style or different types of pops from elsa to despicable me uh to milan and most of these look like just from the quick view most of them look like they're in pretty good condition there looks to be a large couple large pops in here as well like maybe down here at the bottom that is your overhead view so i wanted you guys to see exactly what we're seeing this is a freaking awesome ball this is a kind of liquidation that you really want to find because we were at bartons this came out and i was like this is the kind of liquidation that when it came out clint's eyes went i was like he was like this whole box is nothing but funko pops and collectibles how fun is to find it liquidation there might be more in these boxes we don't know yet these are still the reason why we knew this because this thing was so full they couldn't close the box i was like this entire box is funko pops and collectibles this is my palette this is it so you ready i'm ready are you ready i'm ready okay let's do this let's go this posting out first just because it's not a funko pop i'll look it up though it's brand it's like it is brand new all this stuff's brand new so while she does that actually i'm gonna pull up the funko app everybody can download the funko app for free on your app store or your google play store and it's kind of like a funko pop price guide we can look up some prices on some of these pops right here i'll pull it right here on top er there's three right here sweet so we have three brand new factory sealed chuck norris collector's edition funko with the funko pop and a chuck norris t-shirt sealed in the box still factory sealed retail for 24.99 size large size large size large let's see the value so this one right here none have sold that i could find on ebay but they there are several that are listed and you're looking at about a 12 to 15 item right here these are selling on ebay on average for the ppd price guide 25 bucks a piece these two right here here's 75 more dollars in three pops so you throw in the rug the snuggle thing for 250 75 and now we're talking like possibly 325 dollars we only have to find 125 more dollars or 150 to make up the cost we have a whole pound to go through yeah this is we've got a whole this is good this one is good this is good big baby okay um so i'm just gonna go with i've got a couple of elsa's up here we have three right here on top elsa for frozen two number seven one six twelve bucks a piece twelve bucks twelve bucks a piece this one's got some condition issues this one's mint this one's been sliced across the top and but this one looks good from just a quick so we've got one with quite a bit of damage and two that are in mint or pyramid deodorant that's yours there's no smell don't dig too much baby don't dig around too much so we got here we have the game of thrones mounted white walker i've seen this thing for a while in stores not too sure what value's doing on this lots of game of thrones stuff has plummeted in value because people didn't like the last season i thought it was good only 10 bucks now this used to sell for like 20 but this went down in value i have to say game of thrones i thoroughly enjoyed oh yeah it was fantastic the last season could have been a lot better they rushed it jon snow should have been the king it is what it is not bran stark should have been jon snow spoilers you should have watched it when it came out last year it's a good one spoilers we have a mulan pop yeah we'll just look up some some of these pops quickly just just kind of gauge about like this thing this box is mint and it's coming in at only six bucks oh so we got a gabby gabby toy story four the toy story the original pops that came off years ago those things are worth some money so will the toy story four pups go up only seven bucks that's okay because like most of these i'll silver five six bucks a piece so if there's 30 pops that's 150 bucks 200 bucks right there we have a ralph breaks the internet yes that one has a chase variation this is not the chase that is not the chief only five bucks the chase is only worth ten so to change up for a second i'm gonna pull this thing out right on top we have a brand new with tags funko star wars hat with darth vader's um oh my jaw blank his uh like his tie fighter but not a tie fighter though but that's actually cool hat brand new tags funko branded i sell for 20 bucks i bet i bet it does that's a nice hat it's brand new the bill and it's not crunched a lot of times in the liquidation your hats the front get they get mangled because of weight this is perfect condition i bet this is a good 20 bucks right here easy good 20 bucks and it's a darth vader hat we have a despicable me spy guru also has a chase how do you say that grew grew grew grew the spy chase gru is white oh that's only worth two dollars oh the chase is only worth eight rue what happened grew plummeted apparently so we have another let's say is it a chase we have another yes that's like what five six bucks on that yes most of these pops are actually pretty decent shape we do have another elsa but it it it has some that box can be fixed you can you can hide not hide you can fix some of that damage oh i'll let you do that but bran stark oh he got crunched he had a little bit of weight on him you can make a little bit better but this one i was joking this one honestly you know not the best shape because somebody these boxes these pop boxes they're super thin cardboard they can't hold much weight so just the fact that most these aren't damaged is is awesome we have gabby gabby again gabby gabby we have a audrey horn villager up already no we have twin peaks this box pretty good shape too twin peaks audrey horn 14 it's vaulted wow this has been this came out three years ago it's vault it's worth 14 bucks already that's a nice one that'll be on ebay so you want to buy that one usually if they're 10 bucks enough they'll be on ebay directly down below to the ebay store so check it out we have pops listed for sale and collectibles and all kinds of goodies yep check it out we have eta candy wonder woman i don't think that was actually worth much most pops from the wonder woman movie haven't done much ooh four bucks four bucks yeah most of the pops from the from that movie didn't really do well here we go we have some captain marvel mystery boxes by the company culture fly got two of them so actually i will do these in a future video it says well it kind of tells you what's in the box though so it kind of ruins the mystery it tells you it has a squishy a hat a miss there's one mr item now yeah these probably sell for i'll do these in a video though so i actually won't sell them because you want to see these right and then we're going to sell the sell the content contents so yeah but there's a video so yeah actually we we might sell sell one sealed and then you know we'll figure it out we'll figure it out alex foley beverly hills cop that's uh eddie murphy he has bananas in his hands that's eddie murphy pop yes bananas ten bucks huh murphy that's actually a newer one too i think oh there's marvel girl sweet that box is freaking fantastic conditions we got marvel girl her first appearance was an x-men number one marvel girl this is part of the 80th anniversary series that marvel has been doing for their pops ooh she's only six bucks though cool pop though there's hawk girl ooh hot girl some of those from that series has chases this one i don't think does the batgirl does or catwoman does only five but it's vaulted only five bucks though so here we've got verse and versus box needs a little tlc to make a little bit better but from the captain marvel movie we got verse probably only four or five bucks because of box condition a little bit a little bit crunchy we have annie edison from community some of those community pops have a decent value to them seven bucks someone pull out some of these we have looks like three game of thrones rhaegal or regal hi regal regal i can't remember but uh i think that's how it is regal we have three of them this is actually a mcfarland toys also my fallen toys actually makes pretty good toys value quality toys so there's three in here they're all factory sealed they're brand freaking new take a look so she'll look him up and i will keep on cruising so three brand new games of throne toys i'll take that i'll take it let's see we have elizabeth keene from the show blacklist the top of this i need to do a little tlc on this but i can make this look you know ten times better let's see value on elizabeth keene nine bucks this actually came out four years ago that's an older pop so selling for about 25 free shipping so you're looking at about 15 yeah so maybe those three regals are like 45 50 bucks right there i think right now if you added all this up i think we've got our money back yeah like i think the first three items on top in this box we've probably already gone into profit already we have the not not not this one we still have an entire three quarters of a pallet left so and there's two boxes on the ground this is going to be pretty good yeah we'll pull off this big boy right here oh you got some do you want me to pull out this one while you're at it yeah this window on this with these huge tenants pops they can get damaged on the windows if they wait on them there's a little bit damage on this but these i actually sold some locally for 30 bucks already so uh with this one have to be marked down like five bucks so because the damage but these two combined are about 50 bucks two pops this one's in pretty good condition it does have a well has a hole in the plastic so you would say 40 bucks 40. yeah we are definitely are in profit already so so far this has been a pretty good pound it's been a fun pound oh got some harry potter stuff down we'll do that here in a little bit we got kingdom hearts donald monsters inc i guess an older one oh four bucks what happened donald we've got four skump oh forest gum that came out last year nine bucks [Music] another one of these alex foley's this is a different one or same one that's different that's different although he has bananas in this one actually i'm gonna hold on to this one it's worth ten bucks because eddie murphy is somebody i would love to get a pop signed by if i does science from time to time so i actually might hold on to one of these pops for eddie murphy for the future that's what i do like if there's a pop that i get out of a box or i'm like this guy signs from time to time i would like to get it signed so i hold on to a few pops and get them signed in the future this is marvel contest of champions guillotine guillotine oh is that how guillotine's spelled yep it is eight bucks vaulted it is vaulted oh we have derek zoo oh that is a 2019 sdcc exclusive derek zoolander and box is actually in really good shape so derek zoolander sdc exclusive sixteen dollars nice that's a nice day right there's 16 bucks that's a good thing this is pop animation re or rye i don't i don't i'm not it has a sticker on it yeah it does evangeline officially licensed sticker it just came out 2020 it's a newer pop it's worth 10 10 bucks it says okay here we have a black widow the black little movie i think's pushed back to next year now it's supposed to come out in may 2020 he got pushed back to november i think they pushed it back to like next march now so i'm looking forward to seeing this whenever it comes out it looks fantastic but maybe next year only four dollars oh but if the movie would have come out that would have helped the value of these pops but the movie's been delayed that one came out back in 2018. it's vaulted no longer being made eight dollar we have taskmaster from black widow that's a really cool villain right there who is the villain of the new black widow movie six bucks still available we have birds of prey roman scion i actually bought the movie birds of prey finally someone watched it eight dollars it has a chase that is not the chase oh we have x-men megasonic teenage warhead yeah that's the the one girl that deadpool he really likes her he makes like pokes fun at her a lot it's vaulted no longer being made it's eight bucks a lot of these pops are actually vaulted twin peaks audrey horn well i looked that one up once i think i think it's a cheaper one oh i've never seen this nino cooney ii evan with higley i have no clue what that one is never heard of that it's six bucks it's vaulted well so it looks like a while these pops are probably in the warehouse for a couple years carol danvers on a motorcycle that is captain marvel on a motorcycle that's a cool one 14 it is vaulted too 14 bucks and the box is in pretty good condition i mean small condition issues but it's pretty good so we've got some more deodorant here in the harry potter box so we have two of these here a little bit of condition issue um just like package you actually might be able to fix well well maybe a little bit we have harry potter hogwarts great hall mini playset it is made by wizarding world oh jacks pacific makes it jax actually makes some decent toys how much does this sell for wonder i don't know but i think mine might be missing a character see right here in front yep you are missing uh the red hair kid yeah oh well that's sad so she's missing the phone he's there he's there he just is taking a nap in the back he fell over i'll look this thing up you can show off the deodorant baby oh okay i will show off the deodorant we have four well total of five sticks hogwarts great hall of many places bee kids this isn't deodorant what is it it's sunscreen it's a sunscreen stick for kids yeah that's cool i was like why would deodorant have a 50 plus spf so this is a deodorant stick not a no a sunscreen stick not deodorant so this harry potter on ebay sells for 35 free shipping here's like a 23 or 20 shipped 23 ship 30 shipped so um these will be a local sale because of box condition we can fix these boxes up and probably sell these things locally probably about 10 bucks a piece i bet those those won't be on ebay we can plant radishes radishes and pops radishes are good guess it is just eat them raw they're good this is from stranger thing it's upside down goo so it's like slime from stranger things factory seal i'm confused it's the tv show stranger things but upside down good it's the upside down you haven't seen the tv oh she doesn't get it no i don't get it so this is the upside down goo okay because in certain things they're like wheels is in the upside down okay factory sealed we got goo i have the mothman oh cool what's that one from fallout i never played follow my life mothman quiz the mothman prophecies where the mothman what let me think what what what state was that do you know what you're quizzing me on wasn't it boston point point pleasant it was in point pleasant the mothman he questions me and then says wasn't it wow keep that in good shape it is vaulted worth 27 protect that one that one will be on ebay and let's see box condition we have a little bubble small little corner ding and a little a little concave here but otherwise good shake good 20 bucks right there that 27 pop right there i'll put it by my radishes buy her radishes we've got disney isabelle yeah that was point pleasant was the town called where the mothman back like the 60s or 70s came to people like right before they died it was like spooky stuff the mothman yeah i watch those kinds of shows you watch all kinds of shows it's and then there was a movie that came out called the mothman prophecies pretty good five bucks it's vaulted mostly all these pops are vaulted which means they've been in their stock room for a few years we have the game of thrones mounted white walker that was one of the first ones we pulled out of this box remember correctly then we have another edit candy that was like what four or five that wasn't much four or five bucks for that not bad not bad condition and we have a bag of makeup that makes sense so this minus the makeup this entire box was all collectibles it was an entire huge collectibles liquidation box funko pops mcfarland toys mystery boxes harry potter mini playsets star wars hats chuck norris like collector's edition funko pop t-shirt boxes this was an awesome ball this was a fun box this is a fun ball this is the kind of boxes you you hope to find on pallets ones that are fun to go through where you're like oh this is cool so um yeah this was this was this was fun really good and i i feel really good about going through the rest of the palette knowing that we've already made money on this yeah we're we're well on our way to additional uh what's the word i'm looking for money like we've made our profit back like we've got the i mean we've made our money back because the rug was 150 the baby thing was a hundred the the truck north paul's like 25 a piece it's like right there was like 325. then we had all these pops the mystery boxes the harry potter ones yeah we're we're probably at 500 bucks right now at least so a lot to go yeah everything else on this pilot here this one is going to be pure profit yep so how fun is that so some of these pops the game of thrones stuff you will see on ebay the pops that are like you know four or five bucks will not be on ebay these will be sold locally to where we live at certain selling avenues that we do locally because it's just it's too cheap to put on ebay to sell yeah this this was fun so uh you can get pallets just like this at barnes discounts like you can find pallets you can luck out and get pals with freaking collectible toys on it yep how cool is that for a fraction of the cost so like you could probably sell the rest of that stuff keep all these make all your money back make a little bit and get all this for free if you wanted to keep them so but we're not connecting them i'm going to keep one of eddie murphy just in case he does a sign because i actually would like because he he probably does retire the time maybe but one of the things that i really enjoy about doing these types of pallets is that they are unmanifested and you don't know what you're necessarily getting unless the box is slightly open like this this one where you saw the pops just overflowing in it we're like oh that's a funko pop box that's collectibles but otherwise you don't really know what you're getting and so that's kind of what's fun about it is it's all a mystery yep yep so we'll do some more of these these videos on all this stuff so you better stay tuned because is this going to be the best box we don't know so find out so make sure you check out drag the link down below to barnes discounts subscribe to them on facebook and youtube they will alert you when they get in fresh pallets because these were fresh pallets just this they got today so get the fresh pallets beat us to them and you'll get this stuff too don't beat us to them it's all ours it's up to you so we'll see you next time out [Music] you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 87,202
Rating: 4.8467317 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, reselling, garage sale, flea market, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, storage wars, StevenSteph, APPLE, dumpster diving, scam, scammer, a&e, extreme unboxing, what the hales, coin pusher
Id: DqBioLp1drA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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