I Paid $331 for $1,627 of MYSTERY Electronics & Tech + Amazon Customer Returns Pallet Unboxing

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welcome back everybody new palette video and today I'm excited we got one of my favorite kind of palette videos electronics I'm excited because the last couple I've done I did was it clothes and apparel and then I did a tool palette and finally I think we all need me to kinda commit a mental break and get back to something like electronics if you've watched my past few you might agree with me that we need some electronics so let's get into this MSRP full manufacturer suggested retail price of these two pallets that came on or these two boxes that came on to one pallet full price if everything is brand new but it was labeled as customer returns everything is one thousand six hundred and twenty seven dollars if it's brand new but it won't be you'll be customer returns warehouse damaged and maybe some overstock hopefully fingers crossed electronics when it's brand new still could go for some pretty good prices what I actually paid my price three hundred and thirty one dollars the more videos I keep doing my prices keep going up but that's okay we're having fun and I love doing electronics do you agree you agree give me a big thumbs up because my price keeps going up every time I buy these bad boys that's okay and actually if you haven't subscribed to his YouTube channel yet if you would take one second and just go down and click the subscribe button below and then the little bell next to it that will notify you of all future videos that I upload if you do that right now please thank you let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first box everything you see will be sold on eBay Amazon and in my shop prices will fluctuate between all platforms I sell pretty much where I can make the most profit back be it used or new prices first box doesn't look that bad several things are without packaging some loose items by me don't look that bad before this first loose item I see we've got a microphone I do have a gift a gap people who watch me you know I like to talk a gap I ramble sometimes a little bit too long about certain items I can talk about this microphone for probably 10 minutes straight about nothing sometimes and sometimes I go back during the video and I edit out a lot of my ramblings because I do tend to ramble sometimes I admit that but this brand is called pile and a lot of people hate this brand but I have never had problems with this brand my return rate on pile is very very very low but this microphone what's oh this is no good let me show you why I'm sure if my build to be fixed but the end of this microphone the cord on it is cut so looks like they must have some problems so they cut the end of the cord off so this might have a shortened thin actually so something like this is a fantastic item for my dollar box and I'll put a little gnome this thing that says cord is cut by it your own risk some I'll buy it for a buck because I mean heck just a kid could have a blast with this microphone cuz it's like you know a dope microphone so you for a dollar kick it fun with that thing next I ACK you're right weather stations lot of times these items can actually can go for some decent money not like you know brand-new TV set kind of money but some of these systems can't go through some decent cash you've always got to try them out because sometimes what happens these weather systems have an outdoor sensor right there and then here is the indoor base sometimes they lose communication I don't know why and if they lose communication as a reach so I got to figure out what is the problem here and if it's this I got to replace this and if it's this pretty much you sell this and then you fill this away or something so this I have to try it out I'll do some research for how much thing sells for but I bet this thing fly goes for at least between 30 bucks maybe in that range 30 ish but do more research later I'll find out well this is neat we might have to keep this though I don't have an iWatch dose on actually I won't keep this uh-oh is this still factory sealed did we get an Amazon warehouse overstock this early yes we did okay here we go what's brand Archer three in one power station charges four devices together you can charge your iPhone your I watch it says for one oh I see on the back of it it explains this guy some USB ports on the back of the actual contraption on the back sides gonna USB port so you can plug in some more cords and it's still got the factory seals on all sides of it so what happens is possibly people will say how is this possibly still like warehouse over stop like how does it happen well what what could happen sometimes this brand Archer could have actually gone out of business they could have actually gotten suspended from Amazon so what they did was they pretty much paid Amazon to destroy all their merchandise because either went out of business they got suspended and they did have all their merchandise was tied up into the Amazon FBA program and it costs 50 cents per item to have it sent back and if they had let's say 20,000 items in inventory it would cost them $10,000 to have it sent back they might not have the money to have it sent back so their only choice is to have Amazon destroy it for them and then they write off on their taxes but Amazon then destroy a thing they liquidate it and they get paid for it so that's one way that you get Amazon warehouse overstock his businesses that go out of business or they get suspended on the amazon platform and they have to get rid of their product and they use it as a tax write-off so this brand that's that's a possibility of how I got this as brand new that makes it so I've the research figure out how much is this thing sells for but maybe 20 30 bucks but I'll find out so that's a little bit I've never really got into that how you can get Amazon overstock brand new items in customer return liquidations that is one way that you get them is because businesses get suspended or they just go out of business and they need a tax write-off so they destroy their items in Amazon then liquidate so form knowledge is power I'm teaching people how the the liquidation business works for free you're welcome next we've got a brand new surge protector brand new oh no no this is warehouse damaged but it is brand new in the package you two still factory-sealed but amazon won't sell it because somebody poked a hole through the package so um this probably easily about what fifteen bucks it's brand-new still it has a little tiny hole in the package I'll take it first four things two of them is brand new I'll take that brand is Kobe the wife and I used to have a TV set by the brand of Kobe it lasted for almost a decade then the folliat went out it was a cheaper brand that we got from like ehh Gregg or something it worked fine for years what is this thing I'm not something it was oh a digital TV converter oh oh a free DVR record your favorite TV programs converts digital broadcast to your digital analog TV blah blah blah okay so this is for people who have I guess the rabbit ears on their TV sets and if they want to record live TV oh cool that's nifty [Applause] looks to be very lightly used I the test I'll make sure it works but I bet someone once again is Pugliese maybe 20 30 bucks I could be way off of this price though this thing could be ten dollars it could be like forty dollars i I don't know honestly but it's not gonna be anything like hugely expensive so I won't spend the time to actually look it up to find out prices because it's not gonna be anything like oh my goodness that sells for $100 it's probably like there's like 20 and 40 next that's nice we got a free case life our life proof free iphone 7 plus let's see if it's newer used these can get pricey newer used that appears to be new they probably I don't see any scratches any on me see a fingerprint on the case so they probably bought it and they didn't like the color it is kind of a strange teal color though it's kind of different they fight like the color honor somebody its brand oh its brand almost dropped something it's brand new I bet you this probably sells for 50 I'm Bette you'd news probably like what's see 280 used open package apply like 40 or 50 on to do some research on this but of course everything that you seen this video will be for sailing one buy anything hit me up direct links below email social media if I prefer email can I can keep track of that easier through emails I can put emails into folders like emails I need a check still to see you know because I get a lot a lot of messages now so that's nice appears to be brand new kW kinguin three of USB reader USB 3.0 hub well good I can't talk you see what it is yes I will let you do your own reading right there because I got tongue-tied like crazy okay this looks also lightly used have to try it out just USB hub with all kinds of other cards and extensions and all kinds of gigs of gadgets and gizmos on that bad boy so for me this is actually been pretty decent stuff right here nothing's been junk except for the very first thing the microphone how they cut to everything else honestly everything's been pretty decent has been lots of like $20 things 40 $30 things the sexiest bench so far it's been decent honestly I mean if things are junk I'll tell you it's junk like the tools from a few days ago that's kind of junk oh this is nice I play guitar I might have to keep this I don't know I don't play much anymore long story short I had surgery on my arm because I completely told a bicep off the tendon off the bone irrelevant to my arm I had surgery to reattach everything for my surgery I have nerve damage all down my arm you can't tell but my hand 1/2 of my hand in my forearm is numb I can't feel it I can't feel I have problems with nerves so plane I'm right so I play guitar like this and I have I would have problems playing guitar even if I wanted to so I actually haven't played guitar in quite a while one because I just don't believe time anymore - I have nerve damage from my surgery that's still an ongoing thing so I've actually tested videos in the past about that when I was a purely sneaker based YouTube channel before I change the platforms into this well I'm doing now and but yeah that the surgery ripped it down and critical nerve damage so always complications from surgeries it seems like it can't ever just be an easy surgery you've got to have complications so but yeah so I'm dealing still nine months later I'm doing with nerve damage all down my arm from the surgery so here it is vintage fazer so anyway that's what I'm about i ramble a lot so I went off on a little ramble right there so yeah vintage fazer there we go VP one I'll have to test this thing out it honestly it kind of feels like the switch might actually be defective because if you play guitar whenever you hit this switch it's supposed to switch it on and off and I don't feel it catching I don't feel it so this actually might be defective I will actually have to hook up my guitar and actually try this thing out but that's actually fixable I can I actually can play fix that it might just actually might be a pretty easy fix so depending on if I can fix this or not I got a good hunch this probably might need to be fixing but that's all part of the liquidation business you have to have to be able to fix stuff if you want to sell stuff you've gotta build a fix stuff if it's fixable but this probably easily about 40 50 bucks if I can fix it if it's defective if it's damaged I think it is I'm pretty sure it is there is a thing of guitar picks vendor mediums hmm problem isn't air I play I use the ultra heavy picks because I'm like a I'm a heavy metal kind of guy I like playing those crunchy hard sounds you know I'm saying that so I like a very very very stiff pick I don't like much give to my guitar picks I like a stiff almost like a freakin piece of wood that's in my fingers whenever I play so that's nice though I know some guitar players in my life saw Papa Lee will actually pass these off to somebody that I know next Belkin iPhone iPad lightning audio charge rockstar looks like charges two things at once so that's this nifty I think I've sold this thing oh how many times looks to be just like an open package item probably customer turn pie person bought it and just returned it I think it's like 10 15 bucks that will require some more research on my part oh is this the first iPhone cord is this yes it is hi phone cord if you watch me you know in these liquidations you get a ton of my phone cords people were turned I phone cords like crazy I don't know why that is but if you buy liquidations electronics expect to get a mountain of my phone cords not USB cords not other kind of cords like the iPhone like lightning whatever they're called cords the iPhone yes the lightning cords you'll have a ton next we have a glass screen protector and it is a lot of time these things are cracked this one is not cracked it is still brand this looks like an old iPhone that's very very small ie that's probably like an iPhone 6 maybe I actually have a 6 that's actually smaller than a six nope yeah no yes that actually fits a 6 because I have a 6 and that fits a 6 kind of it doesn't totally fit the 6 screen but it fits a 6 so this annex play fit an iphone 4 5 & 6 so that is for an older iPhone so yeah that's not worth much that's probably a dollar oh here's some nice so far this is actually this has been pretty decent stuff I've been impressed oh this is nice I like this brand is ME audio m9 be Wireless and ear stereo headset that's not bad so there are those just looking at it I don't see it doesn't look like used or butyrate things back in the packaging pretty nicely that's not bad right there either wireless headset that's probably good 25 bucks maybe maybe even more than that I'll find out when actually let me look at the very first thing let me find out why not let's look up the wireless headset okay so this thing will not make me rich but it will possibly get me a large pizza maybe but it sells new for like 15 20 dollars less than I thought it would I guess it's not the best Bank brand out there so in this condition open box item maybe about 10 bucks ish so not bad though you know honestly no bad swing swinging line okay that's tough punch precision Pro I got one of these in the palette the weather the tools palette and I remember it was like the mini mint or one of this like a small punch or something here's the large punch yeah I'm gonna try it out but it's pretty hard to for these not to work it's just a piece of metal that just goes so it's my gonna work guarantee is gonna work so - hmm 10 15 bucks maybe magic mount - window Magnum out for tablets and smartphones man these things are so cheap for people to make and honestly like they're not that expensive for they're very inexpensive to to buy so one way that people are trying companies are trying to market these things is try to make the packaging look as fancy as possible like it's something really something special but all it is it's just a hunk of plastic that attaches by suction cup to your - and a little mouth that you stick in it magnetically sticks to your phone or to your tablet oh yeah these things are so cheap to buy like you buy these things are like dollar stores for literally like a dollar so but I do give kudos to lots of these brands who are trying to make the packaging look as fancy as and as nice as possible I mean that you know I give it but promise these little suction cups little sticky things as your car heats up in the summertime these things just fall off your dash and once they fall off they get dirty and then it's pretty much trash so this thing honestly I'll put it to my shop for just like a couple dollars not very much which is this let you see it court is not focusing very well it's focused on everything else except for the pin Farber castel oh is it a the ipad thingy oh it's for drafting TK's fine it is a zero point point zero five millimeter Farber castel it is not it's focusing on everything but me oh not me you know I'm saying it's focused on everything but it I'm not the focus right now this pins the focus yeah don't focus on me there it goes yeah disregard but yeah uh maybe about twenty bucks or so on the look this thing up later on by not that expensive but it's for drafting for drawing some of the stuff can get pricey like the Apple a little pin thing that things like 60 bucks or 80 bucks but that's Apple you know and you're paying a market because it's Apple oh here's a little cheapy little case for like a little tank phone it's dollar in this box we have two of these same brand yeah it's the same thing looks like both returned customer returns the RCA 900 is it Wireless or the Bluetooth it has to be yeah it has a charging base wireless headphones that's nice transmits through walls ceilings phones 150 feet those box had to RCA bluetooth headphones let me look these things up because these can't be cheap there's no way in heck these things are cheap I'll be right back okay these things so just check my camera staying good night come on now be more careful okay these things sell me on Amazon for like 50 like 55 bucks let's look at that I thought they would huh very interesting I guess RCA is not the top of the line brand for wireless headphones so like 55 bucks new packaging these things are absolutely you know packaging kind of beat I'll have to charge these things up try them out obviously but uh I'll probably try to least get maybe 30 bucks out of these things if they work and if they're not broken or anything so if I try to get 30 maybe 35 at the most and I'll see which platform I could sell get the most out on don't know which one it's gonna be yet if it's gonna be a bay cuz RCA I don't think it's restrict on Amazon but it might be but maybe yeah here we got a thing of computer printer paper man this is some thick stuff here oh my goodness things like heck yeah I usually keep my computer printer paper I get liquidations but this one I won't keep because I have no reason to have this thick because I actually already have some this thick that I've had for like five years now from up from liquidations from like five years ago at least that I've never used stuff of this into my shop for probably about five bucks it's even much to buy it oh we've got some batteries is this a size I don't have yeah this is the size that I actually need some these C's yeah whole brand new box of durcell size C's like what four eight twelve a pack of twelve so I will be keeping these can't beat that a pack of twelve that's you know I won't even count a set as profit or anything cos I keep all my batteries every every single one and whenever I get too many batteries I'll give some batteries away to like your family and stuff whenever I get too much batteries spark plug question for people how would you test out a liquidated spark plug cuz I always just throw things like this into my dollar boxes because I don't know how you would test out a spark plug they get in a liquidation I I don't know like how would you test this out for a person like me who has no way to doesn't know how to test I could Google yes but anyway lines of communication going if anybody has anything like home tips of how to test that stuff out here is a box of Amazon quad AE batteries these aren't triple a's these are qualities or eh-eh-eh-eh batteries I don't have any quad a batteries there's not a whole lot of leg trying out there that use these not much at all I've only run to a couple things in my years and years and years and years and years of doing liquidations that I'm actually that used like quad a batteries there's not much out there but I'll keep these because there's gonna come a time I guess something in a liquidation that's gonna need those and object I should've kept those whoa is this Apple Brandon here we've got looks like an apple branded hard shell case to protect your Apple MacBook if this is not counterfeit if this is an actual Apple branded case we'll just spit in my macbook oh it would looks like this meant for a 15-inch MacBook Pro I wouldn't use it though that's that's gonna have some decent money with the actual apple brandy unless it's counterfeit because of course a counterfeit er can just make it with the Apple logo you know but anyway I'll research the I'll find out more we'll we'll figure it out well here is looks like like a fake mustache don't know but that's about we'll just put that down that's second yeah whatever that is I don't even care let's open this thing up glass protector oh oh the glass is in here it is it's broken this is a glass protector for your phone case or for your phone screen on me oh we are shattered so yeah that's he's no good trash here's a thing of bronze paper clips okay uh I might keep those paper clips you never know when I might need some bronze colored paper clip here's just a little clip let me pull this thing out this is actually looks like a charger for something yes actually a charger there's the oh it's a broken charger though if you look at this this has a little end right here I gotta find out figure out a way how to get this camera to focus on objects I'm showing I'm not good at doing that cuz I'm just an amateur video Aughra fur person to record in my office you know I'm not a pro recorder or something what I'm I'm just you know clip broken clip so yeah I'm just gonna call that trash that's why they they returned it because it's broken so anyway trash yeah I am just an amateur like recorder person I don't have any background in recording or doing this this is purely 100 percent I just do this for fun yeah I'm not a professional editor video editor if you can't tell I'm just very basic here is a branded box there is no brand on it there's Amazon's LP and return sticker there's absolutely zero brand on this obviously this goes into your ear right yeah let's go to your oh okay well there's earwax in it though oh wow that's nasty I'm kind of a germaphobe when it comes to things like in your ears or used underwear oh that's nasty I I got this I got this thing about sharing like earphones that go into your ears with people when there's earwax on them I just find it incredibly gross that's just one of my winces one of my things I just I don't know I just can't do it and that thing had earwax gunk inside of it that's net anyway so that thing had a portable charger and I'm gonna kill that I don't know I might put it into my dollar box oh that's nasty though there's a little piece of plastic I don't know it's a literally a piece of plastic that goes to something my goodness what are people returning no this thing up what is this how can you return this to Amazon this it's literally just a piece of plastic what is this I don't know almost it adds zero value Oh No here's another spark plug from like this actually it's the same one as earlier the same it's like the same brand and everything so whatever that's worth I don't know here's something that looks oh are you here we have a Kenneth Cole reaction it's like a laptop back or something oh that's nice there's the inside it's like comes upon like if Cole like authentication or card thingy a lifetime warranty card I think yeah this is a Kenneth Cole laptop bag oh they returned it because the zippers busted on it that's why they returned it that stinks so it's a brand new bag Kenneth Cole the suggested retail price on it is a hundred and eighty dollars to shoot show you the tag right there so there's the tag I'm not sure it's focusing I can't let's do the camera screen very well there's the tag retells 180 bucks UPC is zero two three five seven two five zero two two six zero dan that's an expensive bag 180 bucks needs a new zipper on it that's that's all it's wrong just the zipper is like off I wonder if I can get that fixed like just the zippers off so I don't know anybody has any kind of suggestions like like you literally like you just need to take off the zipper part right here and then just attach a new zipper part on to it and then you got a Kenneth Cole bag that retails 180 bucks so anybody has any suggestions if that could be fixed if you can fix the zipper part please comment below that's a very expensive bag like that would be worth trying to fix that if that's fixable I mean that's expensive that's nice next 4-pack pacifier a pacifier set about five bucks do things like this box almost done truly wireless earbuds I don't want to text you more earwax in this video so I'm gonna say this thing's by about ten bucks last thing in this first box this first box took a while American Standard cadet flush right flapper assembly it's actually it's not factory sealed it screen opens oh this is for a toilet so just in case is the person actually returned their old part which happens I'm not gonna touch it especially without without gloves on because that might be a used toilet part so I'm just gonna leave it in the box for now yeah so anyway that's the first buckets everything so let me switch this out I gotta put everything back just boxes gonna take me a couple minutes I'll be right back box number two stay tuned here we go box number two this one's actually much lighter the other box ice tape I like half the weight of a box probably originally was maybe 20 pounds 25 the most this will not twelve stuff like that come on open there we go so wait why's this my have maybe some bigger things in it I'm sure Nana you sharpen this knife again opening up boxes I sharpen this thing like last week but doing cardboard man yeah that's getting dull again open up cardboard it dulls your knife so so quickly oh oh I see something good on top show you a little preview I see some Xbox to do them first why not let's go with the bang that does look nice though here we got an Xbox one recon oh I see some more Xbox stuff in here and some turtle beach is this Turtle Beach yeah there's some more Xbox stuff some more Turtle Beach this box too doesn't look too bad recon 50x I actually just got like three of these I did some retail arbitrage at Target I bought three DS for the PlayStation 4 I sold them I think it was around like 45 50 bucks apiece this is the Xbox one obviously it's open box customer return so used I'm guessing this is probably gonna be about 25 $30 in that range I could be off just because of the crossover of the brand's way I'm guessing probably about 25 30 bucks but we'll find out later next we do have a turtle beach not sure it's brandis's for guess go ahead and crack this thing open [Applause] I don't know man this stinks I don't know like if it's which model this is for it was for the same one okay this says Turtle Beach the side here says ear force recon is it's the same one okay so it's the same brand as that one the inside says Air Force Recon 50p white Turtle Beach so I'm not sure this is for the PlayStation 4 or for the Xbox I don't see any markings tell me which system this is for so that kind of stinks here's the microphone so it's all there it's all good to go it locks in so there's that not broken yeah so Jack Farrell which system this is for ps4 xbox pc so once again PI about 25 30 bucks open package item there's a warranty card for it yeah anybody knows what system this is for please comment below I welcome that next let's keep going some more wireless headsets looks like this brand is called Pelt or sport digital tactical 100 electronic hearing protection suppresses gunshot noise and amplifiers this is actually a noise suppressor awesome that's pretty cool electronic hearing protection so this is actually more for shooting so that is kind of Awesome let me look this one up I'm kind of curious on price I'll bear back ok this one retails new for about 50 bucks it is used I will test it out but literally I mean it looks like it honestly is just like the packages beat up a little bit so retails new for 50 I'll pie try to get maybe 35 for it possibly that's not bad honestly this is loose on top of the box this might have gone to the tactical thing as I put it with it it might go with it next oh I like these might be a keeper depending on their ear wax on them or not Sony extra base while this hits it nice there's a lot of like cool headsets in this one that's like how many yes it's a binning six including like the xbox one we just solve in the mystery turtlebeach plus there's some more in here still there's been quite a few like wireless headsets and blue to stuff this has pretty been kind of a cool electronics palette honestly it's it's not been that bad I mean straight-up if it's crap I'll tell you it's crap because you know I spent the money on it and if it's crap yeah I'm gonna tell you this is crap but yeah this hasn't been that bad I don't see any vinyl in this one so I don't think we're gonna get the luxury of any vinyl records in this liquidation it's okay though I don't see any earwax in this so I think this is honestly I think this thing is new it's just customer return so I think let me look this thing up hold on okay retail for this bad boy is $100 on Amazon wow that's actually really good I might to rethink keeping this though because a big chunk of my profit it's probably in this item actually so since it's open box item maybe like 75 because I think it honestly I think it's I think it's brand-new still it's just open package item I don't think it's ever been used I'd look at it closer after the video but I say maybe $75 for that awesome next we've got a phone case and of course I do not see what brand it is it's still yeah I can open it up [Applause] whatever fun that goes to it's not Apple unless it's one of the new iPhone X's which I don't have but it's a pretty sturdy case hold branch held circle malls protection some kind of third-party brain you know it's maybe about five bucks ish here's a smart bracelet there's no brand on the box it just says smart bracelet and that is it what is a smart bracelet curiosity has me intrigued come on knife give me a second okay here we go here we go dad time we got it that's smart is this kind of like a Fitbit are you a Fitbit and its packaging this is weird okay so it has like a sticker on the face of it kinda like a demo kind of this will look like whenever it's turned on and it works so it's never been used so it's literally it's just kind of like a Fitbit kind of a gadget thingy so it has no brand and literally it just says smart bracelet that is all it says so I'll do more research on that so off-brand may be 20 bucks or something next we got another Xbox I do like getting name-brand stuff like Xbox stuff liquidations ps4 stuff and legs look like liquidations as it looks like oh yeah it looks looks fantastic shape the connectors on it aren't broken there's no damage on it looks like an open box just customer returns open box item awesome do it several quake this thing sells for like 25 30 bucks open package item I'll probably try to get at least 20 bucks for it if possible we'll see and then we have a beat-up used pair of Panasonic wired with ear wax oh god that's nasty headphones I can't do it anymore earwax I just that's what's one of my pet peeves I just it makes you know like some people have these pet peeves with like chalkboard sound some people have other pet peeves I got this earwax thing I just I just oh one of my things I can't explain it it just grosses me out beyond belief things with used earwax build-up in it and you return it like that with with that much earwax nesting that mean you use that thing a lot you probably used it you wore it out and you returned it because you wore it out nasty oh here's like uh it's nasty we'll just say say it's trash a case for a computer good dollar box item whew which is this samsung gear - classic oh so it's a Samsung Smart Watch I like that does look like it is it is used it's got a little bit of uses usage marks around it dislike very lightly used looks like it is a size large on the band it's not gonna focus it fell on top of the Xbox one chat box this bits which is soft it has soft landing don't worry size large the band actually looks like it's brand new band so looks like they just recently put a band do a brand new band on it so it's a Samsung S 2 gear SmartWatch let me look this up I don't know how much is even sells for up at you couple hundred bucks maybe new but this is obviously used and I will have to charge make sure it works hold on looks like this thing use condition the way it sits it might be like around 50 bucks or so less than what I thought because it looks like it's an older model it's an s2 looks like they're out now with an s3 oh it looks like this is actually the back of it says it is 480 most looks like this is actually locked into a t-mobile service so it actually restricts buyers then if you can buy this this is a Samsung S 2 gear for the t-mobile SmartWatch so if it sells online for like 50 bucks I'll probably try to maybe price it maybe around 40 or so give somebody a deal on it cuz I've to charge it make sure it works not all that jazz but that's not that but brand-new I said check brand-new prices though I benched those police that come hundred bucks brand-new a couple years ago when it came out possibly but you'll close about 50 bucks who here is another pilot headphone from earlier from the first box with the cut cord here is a another one but in this is the box whoever did this to much tape there we go wow this thing is like take shut - I will just look at this thing I'll look later on I'll tape the box it's like tapes shut on the inside - lets probably know more about ten bucks as long as it's not destroyed next that's not bad here's a jabra Jabra evolves 75 wireless headset for your office not bad low gig we've all had a couple things up this boss millets thing up real quick we're almost done awesome this thing sells in used condition for about $125 I'll have to take this thing out test it out try it out make sure it functions correctly as it should that's always very important and yes people ask me me many of times I test everything out before I sell anything especially if it's used gotta make sure things work but uh yes sells for 125 used it's got the instructions for and everything so I mean test out if it works as high as 125 use so you know what's that that's pretty good I'll take it next we have a bag it kind of it looks kind of like a like how coach looks with the C by said it's like a oh okay so just a bag I don't know this brand it just looks like a bag that's prob about twenty bucks or so nothing big last thing them in this liquid dates no go to hold on there's some things under it and we pull these things out here we have a tempered glass for a maybe an iPad or something maybe gosh people quit tape and stuff with like 14 layers of tape when you return stuff oh come on here we go tempered glass it's too small for an iPad oh it's shattered completely shattered so yeah that's that's no good that's trash and here we have a 2017-2018 Meade book just a monthly planner to take notes on so let's talk about five bucks my bad last thing in this liquidation this is it look at this travel scope seventy celestron up to 40 time magnification perfect serving wildlife birds and scenic views during the day and may also be used for casual astronomical observing at night this is nifty huh I haven't got anything like this in liquidation for it has been a while Oh taste on both sides it's been a while oh no the last one I got was kind of like a gun scope for spotting like gunshots at a distance like if your target shooting and that one I actually kept because I I shove guns cuz I'm a gun enthusiast and I'm an Army veteran so I enjoy shooting guns and I own lots of firearms and I actually teach friends who want to learn gun safety I teach them gun safety and stuff so a guns like spotting scope is perfect for like a range so you can show your people on the range like you know how they're shooting if they're shooting high shooting low so they can crank themselves so I kept it and here's this scope oh they whoever bought it put a note on it peace that comes from inside the telescope so they taped it okay peace that comes from inside the telescope so I guess this little peace comes from inside the tells oh it looks like it attaches right here on top right here attaches so for some reason they took it off I don't know want to mess this thing but the lens on it is not cracked it's not damaged and it's nothing wrong with it looks fine so it's got the stand in here it looks good let me look this thing up let me see what the value of this thing is because honestly I have absolutely zero clue and also want to figure out why they took that piece off the telescope go back okay so that telescope news sells for about I kick the camera again don't kick the camera client come on now so I was about 75 to 80 bucks new use it's about 50 bucks so it's not like a super expensive telescope you know it's good for like if you want to kind of a beginner telescope so used prices are as high as like $50 so that's not too bad so I will I will check this thing out check all the functions make sure it works just my initial test in this thing like it seems to be working fine this piece looks like it attaches up here on the top because of the holes right here so that's strange of why the person took it off and they left them sticking out on their frame is on so as long as it sets up right it works okay I'll put us into my shop for probably about I'll priced it made about 40 dollars I'll give somebody a you know lower price then used eBay prices so I'll price about $40 see if it sells if it doesn't I'll put it down to about 30 and it will sell no matter what so anyway that's everything so we got two boxes I got for a total of what I said earlier three something I have to go back and look so I think all in all this will be very profitable I got several things in here that were pretty good ticket items that Kenneth Cole bag that really stinks the zippers busted on it that was a very high ticket item that really stinks but I thinking maybe it might be fixable comment below like I said earlier if that could be fixed I have no idea that's gonna take some research hopefully it can I got some cool some very very cool Xbox branded stuff in here like three or four things branded Xbox items that's awesome um no vinyl records this time but that's okay we've gotten a lot to pass phew so on all this was a good liquidation not very much trash a lot of it is sellable it's gonna be profitable I'm excited to see what the problem is gonna be once I do the editing for this video and see if the problem is gonna be I think it's gonna be good it's gonna be a decent amount of profit so hold me to this video please take a second at a time hit the subscribe button below in the little subscription box anything in this building you want to buy feel free to hit me up through email direct links in the description box of this video or social media prefer email though it's usually they keep track your messages that way so I really appreciate everybody who watches me on this platform thank you so much thank you so more pal videos coming up this this next week I'm gonna have my very first health and beauty palette I'm not health and beauty kind of guy so this one could get interesting so look forward to that one this coming week plus some other ones we're gonna have some fun so see you soon I'm out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 387,811
Rating: 4.7968836 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, tips, flip, flipping, side hustle, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, money, make money, insane profits, work for yourself, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, safiya, sony, ps4, xbox, vinyl, tech, randomfrankp, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: rttxjUYNaEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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