$5,151 Amazon Customer Returns TOYS Pallet + PART 2 WITH COSTUMES & FUN

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here she goes attempting to put on this costume you've already seen the original first video for this $5,000 of toys I'm going to go ahead I'm shooting like the intro to the second and the third video right now before I unload my truck but this is the original before I unloaded it before you already watched the first video I'm shooting this so I'm doing it kind of like you know back to the future back in time kind of a thing so this is build number two and meal number three but this is what you're looking at once again a lot of stuff so let's start the next video let's see how much coolness we can get again this costume it did appear to be taped up a little bit so it's a good possibility it's already damaged from the previous owner who returned it to Amazon so it actually might not blow up all the way it might not hold air but we'll find out once she gets this contraption on it okay you're almost there you're almost there well that cold that is it all right it looks like it is so what's the odds of you doing the whole video in this costume yes you have a huge hole well that's pretty much as good as it's gonna get if you fall down make sure you fall down in the grass and I'm on concrete retired looks like it is I can't hello I think you have fulfilled your obligation to the subscribers for your mm um ZUP correct I think so thank you guys you are free with a hot and sweaty kind of hot in there this smell funny funny this smoke I like like good it's hot like a burp or something this thing is really cold cuz it blows air you know it's blowing the air out of here right right there so it's really cold hmm but it's hot when you're running around in I'm not sure that I can do the whole video though in it the dinosaur is dead so hopefully you enjoyed the little clip outside of the wife wearing the dinosaur costume it's right here next to me sunshine strong so she had a good time outside and the dinosaur costume did have one last flight before it'll be given away to one lucky subscriber given away you're gonna give away my costume you heard that right given away it is being given away but not only that we said in the last video if we hit two thousand thumbs up that we would give away or she would wear the costume if we hit four thousand thumbs up that then I would either I think we changed it several times but she said I something about the wig right yes you have to wear the wig during the video but we're actually recording this video on Sunday night so this won't be aired for a couple days still and right now it's literally it's only like two hundred thumbs up away from 4,000 oh you guys so by the time this actually airs that video will more likely be over four thousand thumbs up so in order to live by what we promised by our words it's time for the wig ah so let's do this let's do this okay whoo hey there we go transforms to a brand new person oh my god and he's already got the hair flip going on so there we go feel like a new man already I feel like Paul McCartney's circa 1965 64 huh with this Beatle ask type haircut I've never seen him like with so here we go we're wearing an actual human hair wig haven't had this much hair for pi by 30 years on top of my head so we got treat number two for the special subscribers out there not only are we giving away the dinosaur costume worn by the wife we will also give away this authentic human hair wig that actually is still brand new with tags in try it on it's actually sells like sixty to eighty dollars we will give both of these away to one subscriber for free you heard that right for free and if you want whoever wins we will even autograph this special dinosaur your choice all you have to do to enter into this awesome giveaway only a few steps step number one of course you have to subscribe to this youtube channel go down below click subscribe step number one number two click that thumbs up down below you've got to hit that thumbs up step number three very important this is how we contact the winner and this is how we choose the winner by a random comment generator so you have to go down below comment on the video on Thursday night this coming Thursday we will even that video will be the comment that we choose so how do they enter by comments okay so either leave your Twitter handle or your what Instagram Instagram your handle like your handle is like mine is act franchise Kicks that's your handle you're at what have your handle is so leave that in the comment section in the comment box if you don't have Instagram or Twitter and you're comfortable leaving your Facebook information or your email address that's fine as well we just need some kind of contact information but the easiest way for Clint to take care of getting in contact with you is through Twitter or Instagram so that's the best way to do that but if you don't have that there's other options as you know whatever way you feel comfortable with but I prefer Twitter Instagram leave your handle I will send you a direct DM contact you you're the winner so Thursday night that's the video that you'll do the thumbs up do the comment and then the video on Saturday I'll choose the winner and contact you so you'll get the dinosaur the human hair wig the temper free autograph everyone if you want to sign yeah if you don't want to sign me it's up to you so okay and just now there are some condition issues with the dinosaur when I was wearing it if you'll see you'll probably see in the clip before there are places that the previous owner had put some tape over to try to keep it filled up with air and and different things so it's not in perfect condition but it does fill up with air so mostly mostly yeah you can't just squeeze the whole show a little bit every time I look over it you know it hooks my eyeball I feel like I'm sitting next to a completely different person so this is part two of the $5,000 plus palette with 15 boxes first video we did five this is though number two with five more boxes out of the 15 the MSRP is 5151 the total the I pay was four hundred four dollars after the first video the total profits so far potential profit is two hundred and seventy five dollars so I'm already in profit we've got ten boxes to go still so the profit is just gonna keep going up now so that's crazy so crazy good over $5,000 MSRP total how long got to wear this wig the whole video uh-huh those are itching you know wear a costume for very long so first box to my eyeball so well it's pretty tight on this head is breathed a yeah there that's better okay feeling it come over now first thing let's pull out this bad boy we've got a Wilson official pitch ball it not real leather no it is synthetic leather so it's nice though it's brand-new package this little bit beat up but something like this how much does it almost official football go for maybe 10 15 bucks but anyway it doesn't really matter because whatever this thing sells for it's one percent pure profit doesn't even matter what sells for at this point okay so item number two we have all the baby bag of some sort maybe two it says it's a hundred percent well and waterproof so it's probably like a diaper bag her back because the last video we got the wet diaper bags we never really know what they were for yeah his wet diapers oh the cloth wet thing right so thank you for whom ever it was that commented on that to let us know what those work because we didn't know so but these are really pretty they've got a nice pattern to them by but ten bucks yes but I actually will be making some mystery boxes for just baby items so most of the baby stuff that you see will probably going into the mystery boxes so most the baby stuff won't actually be for sale by still quote prices but I'll make it some baby mystery boxes first some subscribers had asked so just to give a heads up we got a remote control RC car a little bit of a cheaper brand it's called the Emmet height assault so let me try it out make sure it works um it not my stomach this is um it oh that's a mighty the Ummat so it's missing the cover for the battery panel that hurts value drastically because people want that but I'll pipe is to my shop for a pretty cheap price because of that very reason right there probably eight dollars not much oh these are child safety cabinet locks so what five books yeah the back has some Rona Oh today too corny continued somebody wrote something on the back of this box sometimes people when they return stuff to Amazon they they write little notes on there for whoever I know where you said three five dollars oh we got one everybody that watches me knows I have a little gross germaphobe about this we got a snot sucker oh there's the one of the nastiest angry it's a snot sucker this thing is so nasty everybody knows I have a three story you guys this seriously happened yeah when my my daughter with little reason I didn't you the first time I use one of those I didn't do huge did I use one of those oh and I I didn't realize you were supposed to push in on the ball at the top before you put it in their nose and I went in your mouth nothing my mouth there's no one in your mouth no I pushed the ball well within my daughter's nose so what it was like arrow shot into her nose oh did it go into your mouth no it's so good then nothing but she did throw up in my mouth one time so we've got us a baby mmm so this I I use yourself like five bucks let's be going to one of my baby mystery boxes oh but it was like this mine was like a the blue ball kind of thing it was okay inappropriate it's not but yeah those are gross I know suckers are nasty there everybody watched me knows I got this thing for nasty we have a brand brand-new set of three pacifiers my friend that's like six bucks but they'll be going to in my mystery boxes it's cute ones a pan and they're brand new they are brand new so I'm gonna go ahead pull out my first as I can see are now a first high-dollar collectible item everybody knows if you see this brand it's a good one we got Bandai you see Bandai you know it's good we've got a Godzilla Sh monster arts Godzilla 2002 Bandai collectible figure let's see if it's not broken now gotta hope it's not broken that kinda hurts value quite a bit and it is broken oh it is the tails broken oh yeah Oh several parts are broken Daniel well but see but what's I guess it can still actually parts like this can actually be like super glued back but obviously the joints won't work but something like this I can still sell on ebay but just just let the buyer know that you know you can technically can fix this item but this would sell if it wasn't broken if it was a new condition for about 75 to 80 dollars but in this condition the way it's it's damaged the way it is but possibly fixable you know I might better get it me about 40 bucks for it about half price so so that's about you to it though but stakes it's damaged and that's probably one of the best things for pi these five boxes you're about to see it's not gonna be on the best items and it's damaged but that's the liquidation game sometimes your best items there they're messed up blister the itch honey can I take the week off no maybe you should wear I'm me a hair I don't think the person who gets this thing wants me to wear the whole video okay you can take it off oh wow let's turn to itch you wear that thing for a while okay make my head itch so you know the more child safety locks in this one so a party not a $5 yeah five six bucks how bad mmm more baby stuff got lots of baby this is brand new factor sue though we've got tinytraveller johnson's destin baby lotion baby powder head-to-toe wash a little traveling kit that's probably like five eight ten dollars but it'll go into my baby mystery boxes though brand new so you can't beat that so we got another brand new set of pacifiers same exactly the same as the others but brand-new yeah five six bucks again least the baby stuff most of us brand-new so that's awesome looks like legs go through here baby legs it's rubber it's probably like some type of floatation device for the pool one likely almost like dollar boxes things we're just gonna just dollar box it be done with it it's by chibi uh doctor thumb so this is trying to looks like keep your child from sucking their thumb does it factory that one's not fact you know it's not factory sealed but let's finally again like five six eight dollars maybe around that range but more baby items can't beat that but I mean it's awesome for my soon to come baby mystery boxes for this is the subs that hit me up that asked me to make them one Russian block factory seal brand-new kind of cool yeah I've never seen this toy before the back is like half in Japanese or Chinese I'm not sure but I say ten bucks it's brand-new factory seal though three things left in box one alright so this one is breastfeeding nipple shield nipple shield can't be that is a brand new were used I don't know we're just gonna hope it's brand new we're gonna hope it's brand new but it there's the you can tell it's been taken out of the package so that's fighting like five six bucks a lot of small baby stuff it's not like super expensive it's lots of Young's lower end stuff here's a digital camera for a baby baby since that's a decent brand actually as long as this thing works it's in there it's in there this puppy least 20 maybe 25 dollars because it's you like trying to guide him better Lisa's not a nipple Cup so that's not bad and then I think the last item in this box is not a baby I know baby I know it is click and play it looks like you stand on the keyboard and you okay kind of like that movie yeah so you could be Tom Hanks in real life how cool is that this play about 20-25 dollars it looks like it's kind of an off-brand thing but it's not a baby toy so big thumbs up for that so that's it for box one yeah so that's not too bad we got a broken Godzilla that could have been expensive and we got a big toy and a bunch of baby stuff and we got a wig worn by me for 10 minutes and my head itches now so I'm sorry we're good so box us up we'll be right back they were mad that I used a box cutter net video a lot of people mad people were pissed they're like bring back the knife leg man I'm not joking box - let's hope this time the baby stuff is more to a minimum it has to be it can't always be so much baby stuff very long to go through my whole arm comes in her before he touches the first thing my goodness that's really this thing that's like four five things in it this could have gone into the other boxes I'll let you go first okay I'll let you choose all right I'm gonna choose this one favor cake kit five things in it it's been open but it looks like it's for like a baby shower oh it says baby shower on the front of it babies babies babies babies is Italy always brand new yep so we'll have to check the price on this but I would probably say someone go yeah fifteen twenty dollars will be a nice thing into the mystery box is more like a bigger item in the mystery for the baby mystery boxes that's cool I think so I got it go ahead and do this so let's go away from the baby stuff and let's pull out the Halloween costumes of the flash so what size is this adult or child standard one size it's an it's an adult's fits up to a size 44 jacket which is like a medium I think wouldn't fit me it might fit a leg that's about it well we got a flash adults side this is more of a higher-end costume with fake muscles yeah that's nice by about thirty-five forty dollars in the way it sits in this condition so I'll take it so next year around Halloween time that will sell pretty quickly I'll take it I like it a bag of animals little plastic animals there I see a giraffe and a camel and a tiger and a Libra or a liger and the duck and I can't see a tree there's no like so there's these are just like plastic toys there's no leg er a lion Tiger makes I don't see a lion tiger McGill Napoleon Dynamite moving you don't know I'm talking about I know the mood I mean I you know a lighter no a lager I watched the movies but then I just don't lion tiger a liar it's the most fiercest animal in the whole animal kingdom's and languor trust me okay trust me and that's by like five bucks maybe what is that it says tell noisy visitors to knock it off installs on virtually any doorbell the actual name of it is covered up by the LPN oh it's called a knock nanny calm huh tired of net naptime interruptions listeners or disturbing visits not nanny easily slides over your existing doorbell to keep unwanted guests away ensures your baby is not disturbed while sleeping so it covers your doorbell so people can't push it so I would just slide it off and push your doorbell I walked up right you would that is something I mean seriously I just slide off push and put it back on that's odd so this is a baby item but I mean I would just ten bucks maybe it's brand new that's kind of a worthless item now right I guess Oh last thing in the back box two is done already Bob booster seats oh it's for your hot tub that's not a toy item now it's not as wide and toys I don't know that's more home good yeah maybe I don't know but that's what it is it's a small receipt for your spa we might have to save this my sister has a hot tub so she can buy it from me full price that's like what ten fifteen dollars yeah I'll try virgin oh and I'll charter 20 good little box to is done move on to box three it may be will be more than five items you're not mother Teresa that's for sure could be number three number two it's really fast just feel a little bit heavier it should have more than five items in it we'll see though it could be yes it does boom go ahead go ahead okay so we have brand news swaddling blankets leases brand-new yep I mean it's better than you okay so I say brand new but the the side of it has been open package open package but it stood still do you tell but also tell factory folded but that is actually a little more expensive because of the brand the absolutely brand before and their bamboo so that's probably actually about $15 but that actually is pretty decent oh we got a different forward 100 we have a Jurassic Park is this blue this is blue we have a Jurassic Park blue blow up dinosaur this looks more like a child-size yeah this looks much much smaller a child-size this looks like an adult in there though just one side but a blue blow up Jurassic Park costume the one I saw said even though it yeah it says adult down here I don't know one size so this actually would hit her but since she just you know played her part we'll let her slide this time and not make her play the part of blue but if this doesn't have a hole in it this is probably gonna be about twenty twenty-five dollars 525 because blue is quite a popular dinosaur in the new Jurassic Park series so cool item 25 Oh more baby baby so this next one is the VTech and a baby monitor I guess is what this is you know that's a pretty common return yeah it's been used I get those all the time you see this on that channel on this channel puppy at least 15 times but use condition like that is $15 new was twenty to twenty five price fluctuates on that item the 15th uh great thing from a mystery box with a baby okay okay well I want you to take something out of the tool box you don't work in toolboxes for die fish okay anyway here's a toolbox thingy that works it's made by v-tach VTech probably about fifteen fifteen twelve to fifteen okay stop it's not turning off okay throw it out the door I had to do that last week to an item I had to put it in the garage cuz it wouldn't turn off until the battery went dead on it Eric goes got it you gotta open the toolbox and actually do something yeah okay next item alright next item I just make money that's all I do this is a helicopter remote-control helicopter yep and the remote is on the back side they taped it to the bags that put it back in the box that makes total sense it's just easier total sense total at least they returned the remote control right I used to get these all the time in about 2016 highly returned item and they usually work but I used to get like 15 bucks for these items used but now I can't tell you the price of these things have gone down more or not but used to be like $15 used to be Halloween costumes smithy never heard this brand a vampire bat wings smithee's with a female with purple hair is it just the wings just the wings so huh huh okay smithee's never that brand I'm gonna say eight dollars ten dollars max maybe it's a new brand that's doing the costumes now so this is contact paper a dark box item um it's been cut on the might be traction might be trash this is some exciting bamboo hooded towel that's not exciting is this bit yep it's baby not net nity Mia baby bamboo hoodie towel it looks like it's brand-new still I mean yeah it's nice brand new bike ten bucks or so but come on excitement we need some list of perk this video up and possum and I know wait some just up incredible is that incredible it's an incredible breast pump if it was full of breast milk that would make them this video awesome check it into the full breast milk check it is the breast milk in it that would be never gotten one with breast milk in it I've got one with dried breast milk but not like still wet breast milk oh yeah I mean it's all dried up in it nope this is then someone was nice enough to clean it right but it is you turn yes it is used it is used a used breast pump double electric breast pump used like 40 bucks or so and they cleaned it thank you that's awesome that's not bad though but that will go into a mystery box or it won't go because it's too big it won't fit its I can't miss your box that unless somebody pays a higher price for the box because of the shipping costs brand-new Disney jr. backpack with the tags zippers not busted but it's very very very cheap ten bucks two things left in this box another pretty small box magnet reward chart so I guess when you your kid oh oh we should keep this and see if you do a good thing like take out the trash or clean the litter box or put the dishes away we can put a sticker on the day that you did that like two months still no stickers as blast comments click look there's no sticker still I think that's a good idea yeah I've been busy honey I don't have time for anything I've been busy no I don't like I like the idea no this might be a kiss for sale my doll this might be a key note five bucks it's for sale for sale we've got swaddle blankets the middle one is not factory folded so it pi was tried out or used or just unfolded but ten bucks the whole package that's it for box three or was this box for no that's three so we got two left we'll be right back we need something sorry baby stuff is painful it's hard to make this like exciting which is like more baby stuff number four I got a feeling this time it's gonna get good it has to get good we've had enough baby stuff dang it it's kind of heavy so hopefully that means that there's something wonderful in the bottom of the box ooh you don't think so I'll go first okay here we have a lion a nice little plush brand is Aurora I don't know that brand very well it looks nice quality looks nice you might go well with your et I love my EP do you plan to keep it or sell out still and there's a look because a bunch of viewers have asked I've got emails to that people have asked to buy that thing I really like but I know that there's a viewer out there that was probably love it more than I would love it I don't know share the love and talk to you if someone wants to buy it we can sell ET it's up to you you need to just let me know what you want to do cuz people are begging to buy it ET was pretty awesome he could just stay with that me you know the baby was like and then he was in her bed last night like he Lily walked up in bed did you put him in the mid in minimal that who did I don't know like at the candy so the kettle of ziti Tipu that's weird next Jax that's kind of scary actually oh gosh baby baby a crib wrap Oh gross so I don't know I don't know how much net sell for bed up 10 bucks it's like a coral color it's not pink but nasty so this time we got a snot sucker with extra filters so that's nice so once I use up all the snot sucker filters once it gets to full then I can just replace the filters and keep stuck it out more stuff nothing snuck it out more spin it knock it out nasties this axis sells for more than the other one because I've got more snugger Snickers negative whatever I said yeah Moore's nuts nutters that suckers snot suckers you know I'm saying it's noticed it so I know those things are nasty I have a knocker you know I'm saying nasty I got two of them now okay so we have this is the Coleman brand I don't know what it is but it's Holman we have a maybe a rain jacket it's a rain jacket was it a puncture or a poncho or good it's it's uh just a poncho pinging it's a rain cover kind of thing I'm sure rain cover huh Wow yeah yeah yeah it's not a baby item no that's no why is that in toys no no that's like Sporting Goods or home home goods or housewares or I don't get this I don't get this this this next next and maybe five dollars I don't even know modeling dough smart school soft and pliable passes nothing I was trying to go along with you is oh yeah we're not that kind of a band yet soft and pliable how am I going to say nah it's not soft and pliable anymore that's dried up that's trash that's not arts and crafts yeah that's trash first trash item it's not bad well we have the we have the contact paper - how I gonna be trash I can't sell that okay so we have baby Clemmy and gotten some little the action figures inside well we won't call an action figures but little figures inside it's kinda nice though well nifty it's like between baby and little kid stage yeah cuz like the bottom of the little figures have the numbers and then letters of the alphabet five charge like pile I felt like 10 bucks that I bet the batteries in it Oh an admission to miss not batteries ever do so we have a the brand is Husqvarna have you say this but it's missing the battery cover no battery so let's think it's almost unsellable at this point I actually will dollar box this item that's almost the same size as my little black & decker one that I have that I go around the house and I'm like where's the excitement excitement oh we have baby bottles and they've been used and used well used I would call them well enough use their scratches on the lids yeah I just honest how probably just so is just for a few dollars we got some hair up in here so this must be a Halloween costume oh it's like Einstein Whiggish oh hold that there put it on where's the inside what is this it says it's Zoolander oh no way but God - are you seriously it is mu god - from from Zoolander that's awesome Mugatu me there's white license thing - you know that right you don't have any hair so you're okay oh that is true actually I might get lice in the beard oh I gotta shave the beard oh that's awesome we've got to that's actually kind of cool this shirt won't fit me though huh Mugatu costume from Zoolander great movie under rated movie really underrated but a costume like that Oh gross there's like loose fake hair on me now that the lights don't like plastic hair they like real hair that's true that's like 10 bucks Halloween costumes missing this packaging I was kind of fun no that's kind of felt burned baby are you got excited for a minute oh my gosh move move yeah oh my god - what's that what's that song that sounds like it's got the MU got two in it how's that go mr. rhuebottom oh yeah oh my god - is not mr. whoa sounds like fail uh-uh no this is this a bubble machine yes those are pretty much unsellable we have a bubble machine that is a dollar box item dollar box I'm gonna pull out this ID amendment I've seen now for quite a while but I was too excited about it because you're about to see why the blaze broken kylo Ren toy lightsaber is broken I mean they got they must have got in a really intense fight so like really intense well you can still play with it it's not the same what does that do well it used to fold up all the sides don't fold up on this one so that's strange so I'm not sure why I don't know but I think it still like you know kill somebody with you what's up latex or just cheese you got it you got it you got a lot you have food on your shirt it's it just the stain there's no saying you have food on your shirt it's just a sale good at all [Laughter] myself our Wars kylo Ren damage lightsaber I'll apply try to get five bucks list in my shop but if it sells I don't even know if it's gonna move so disappointing and then you go like this oh they didn't kill me though you you can't kill what what I can't die God can't kill what a joy so you see that's a better voice portal well I look like Chris Hemsworth and how can you kill Chris universe exactly I look what a thorn now you get it I got it Thor looks like me Oh No yes she does I mean Chris Hemsworth looks like exactly like me to a tee I mean no we look exactly like we we could literally be twins you like he'll probably watch this video and probably call me someday and be are you my brother I hope he does call you someday you'll be this house hanging out soon and like you'll pull you this call me Thor because we're so close literally okay okay four one four two uh-huh no joke okay yes we have another Halloween costume this one has a hat involved I wonder if this is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that could be kind of cool that could be really cool what he means Willy Wonka yeah if it is I might it won't fit me though what do you want are you serious am i right did you call it I call it no no you did it oh my goodness you did are you serious you've got to put on okay we'll be back oh it keeps choking me I just transformed into for some reason Chris Hemsworth appear crazy she called Willy Wonka it actually is how cool is that yeah but it's so tight I can't move my arms me neither oh your chart you're trying to touch the hammer of Thor is that right and he returned we have to have all the characters Charlie I'm not a character this is real life oh this is Who I am [Laughter] okay this is like choking me and like my head hurts because of the Hat so tight so that was fun are you gonna be for the rest of the video what do you mean be Thor I am Thor okay Thor be sore you don't just become somebody you're born somebody and you were born Thor or correct I look Chris Hemsworth looks just like me and Chris Hemsworth placed Thor so obviously I had the blood of Thor in me next like spit spit cloths or Wow the hammer of Thor really does make noise done man oh my god Wow anyway it's like 10 10 bucks right there that the hammer of Thor has spoken okay alright there's not much exciting in this box here this is a wannabe tablet I don't know it's not turning on so we'll have to see if the batteries work or if you know it just needs new batteries but it's called in in Fantino Infantino I'm not sure what this is supposed to do or don't beat that up it has no batteries good dog box item next guess what we got more glass baby items glass baby blocks freezer storage containers with the tray why just use the baggies okay these are like that's overkill okay Popeye cookbooks peas let's plot about 10 bucks right there actually it's not bad few items left let's get through this bomb quickly these are all baby crap all right water wow these are notepads it's a Melissa and Doug type of thing where you fill the pin with water and then you write in the book and things appear I'm just agreeing with you okay baby sippy cup few bucks baby singing few bucks next last box we'll be back you're flying okay so we're back with box number five gotta get this one going why do you need a nice it does make me feel like I'm ready but good though there are still five boxes left for number three video so flytrap there's there's still hope I'm not sure how this is in toys that should not be in toys but we have fruit fly traps traps five bucks on that maybe let's just pull this thing out and take up too much that's half the box here we have push a long part with cubes the hammer of 4s okay let's tilt back your package on the inside so Oh 20 bucks I bet in that range nah but nothing said sure but you know it is not exciting I can't really talk that thing up anymore than that is just the law all right so now this is heavy oh it's just another one of those oh it is it's one another one of those heat neck wraps we got one in the health and beauty the last time we open that and I kept it and I don't it every single night I've acted including in here could I use it before we did the video because it's just wonderful yeah it's a tin toy and this seems like health and beauty or something this is supposed to be toys this is not toys this has an extra like little band or something to it so there you go okay how much that cost one 15 15 15 yeah Oh God acts newbie garden fresh fruit sickles and it is factory sealed still so at least that's that's going for it do you have to put fruit in number could you put like something fun in it breast milk in it if you want to give your baby a breast milk popsicle you could correct I got boom ten bucks okay so we have a bubble gun it's a school bus and it blows bubbles and that's cheap that's like some rolling the dollar tricky huh like that's cheap that's like dollar box I match cheap we have a broken whistle football so since the one that thinned is broken on it it will not fly correctly so dollar box that is even my buys it I'll let you get that that's heavy this is bad this is dig for dinosaur fossils so I guess you get this little thing and you dig until you find this the bones and then you can put your little dinosaur together Oh Thor use your muscles are you sure we have XXL no this is I can't there's much of a devilish team Magnus it's from the UK that's an LPN label I don't know this oh it's a slip and slide oh it's a slip n slide so listen to my shot because of the weight of this they really have you can't shift this by like ten bucks on my shop and see when my buys it why is it in toys that's like how much that cost I don't know ten bucks maybe really goodness this is bad okay we got a dryer rack five bucks next we have a pillowcase a king-sized pillowcase for a baby nope pillowcase just the pillowcase that is not toys five bucks I think this box might have got mixed up with the I think it did this is are not toys like this is not toys this is like us it's like an aspirator but really this is not toys how much this cost that's a dollar box item this this this box here is not toys we have a weird stuff it looks like an elephant but then it's got some weird random dollar I don't think here at this point here we have a child safety outlet protector this is not toys outlet protector there's Lily one it's probably five ten dollar item I'm gonna say five bucks and then last last thing Jews don't lip-lip oil that's not toys that's that's open B this is a very random box like there was was there any toys in it I mean the slip and slide actually would be considered a toy item cuz those aren't toys but this box would be a hodgepodge of toys health and beauty home goods and yeah this was a pretty weak toy box at least the toy box on the 15 boxes I I'm not too happy with this box I'll tell you that I'm pretty sure this box is kind of yeah this was like oh here's some random stuff we'll throw it in this box and call it toys this one toys but this is liquidation game sometimes this happened you buy toys and half the box is not toys or like this box 90% of it was not toys it was everything but toys this happens this is real-life liquidations you saw firsthand so you might be thinking you're buying something but you get some totally different and you can contact your liquidator and make a claim with them and make your case and complain about it but you know what nine times out of ten it's liquidations that's what you're buying you're taking a gamble so but sometimes it's a homerun sometimes it's a box of hodge podge this but last time we got et and this time we got Charlie in the Chocolate Factory and we're doing a giveaway and we're doing a giveaway of authentic human hair and a dinosaur costume that we will sign if you want sign all you got to do enter into the best giveaway ever of 2018 on a YouTube channel is comment below with your Instagram or your Twitter or whichever way you feel comfortable leaving us to contact you we will pick a winner and if you comment Thursday we'll pick a winner on Saturday right but make sure you subscribe subscribe and comment and make sure you leave us your contact information so that we can get that it yes stuff to you yes so that would be in the Thursday video that picked the winner the Saturday video yes so that's all we got so part three will come this Thursday we got five more boxes left of this 15 box $5,000 pallet no matter what everything from here on out is 100% profit potential profit so even though it's all baby stuff and unusual it's all profits so it's all good it's all good so but hopefully the next five boxes will be a home run home run hopefully we'll find my hammer in one of them and my helmet or something that'd be cool make sure you take one second go down below click subscribe if you want to see videos just like what you just saw you'll see what this anyway thanks for watching and we'll be back in a few days see you soon bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 213,166
Rating: 4.9369049 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, make money, insane profits, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, flipper, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, dc, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, godzilla, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: 0m1ScRrC4U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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