HARRY POTTER EXCLUSIVE ITEM in this $1,553 Amazon Customer Returns LEGO & TOYS Pallet + GREAT BOXES

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today was the day I finally did it this is it I hit a landmark 100,000 subscribers on my youtube channel that is a huge landmark for any youtuber that is a landmark that you dream about hitting whenever you start up a YouTube channel you dream about just getting like your first subscriber and then your 100th subscriber then your thousand subscriber and whenever you hit like your 10,000 subscriber that is astonishing and whenever you hit your 10,000 100,000 seems so far away that it's pretty much like reaching the moon without a space ship and it happened today so everybody out there watching me former subscribers future subscribers current subscribers thank you you got me you got me where I'm at that's awesome thank you very much to anybody who's ever watched me past present and future we did it together I hit the landmark never thought had happened and it did thank you so much let's get started well we got today I've got my second favorite kind of palette in honor of a hundred thousand subs I couldn't just do a cookware or a hodgepodge or clothes how did you some little little some fun head into a toy palette right how to do some toys I got try to get out maybe some Legos or collectibles or something cool you know I got to do something fun for a hundred thousand subscriber day yeah I got to do something cool something fun so I got myself a toy palette I got five boxes on one pallet total price of all five boxes 1553 dollars that's the full MSRP if everything is new but it's not as customer returns from Amazon what I paid though two hundred and ten dollars that's my total price taxes fees my Liquidators two percent premium I don't pay shipping I pick up in person no shipping cost this is gonna be fun so hopefully this is going to be a good one I got hopes oh and franchise kicks I got some big plans for 2019 so stay tuned stay tuned so 400,000 subscribers people are gonna ask so do I have any kind of big plans do I have any kind of giveaways or special videos do I have anything in store for this huge landmark for my channel as of right now I have some ideas I got a few things brewing and something that are gonna happen very soon you're a little bit of time we got some monumental things going down you'll see here we go first item oh you know what I see something really good and to get this pallet going get this video going let's get this puppy going good oh my goodness this is how we start this is why I paid 200 bucks for this pallet I was hoping for some good stuff we yeah we've got a Lego Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall freaking 878 piece Lego Harry Potter factory seal factory seal factory seal factory seal we've got a factory sealed Harry Hogwarts Great Hall Lego set factory sealed first thing out of this palette 100,000 subscribers celebration day let's look this up yeah whoo that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about on Amazon Amazon sells this thing for a hundred and seven dollars shipped out the door but they are out of stock right now they won't be in stock until January 18th the next cheapest price on Amazon for this thing is a hundred and thirty dollars shipped Wow so as of right now the cheapest price shift to buy is $130 shipped so uh I guess to give a good deal right now I will do this thing for $100 shipped but this thing is going to take a very interesting sized box to get this thing shipped I'm gonna have to find a interesting sized box but yeah as things fantastic that is freaking awesome so $100 ship you want it hit me up if you want to email me to buy this in the description box below I give the information how to email me send me a screenshot with the price and what you want to buy is too easy I explain anything below everything you see I will sell on eBay Amazon Poshmark Macari all the normal online places subscribers everything so I'll price quote everything below and then next thing you know my five bucks and holy crap we've got another factory-sealed Lego set what is this what is this Lego jr. is easy to build fire patrol suitcase factory seal seal seal seal okay this is awesome this is awesome let me look this thing up a bear back quickly quickly okay this thing is sound for about $30 shipped so not super expensive but it's brand new factory sealed brand new fighter seal Lego I will take that in a heartbeat that is freaking awesome that is just I'm liking this so we got a little light and sound buzzers light up your classroom and create a buzz around learning kind of experience charge siren that looks like a fun game for teachers a lab classroom yeah yeah okay about ten bucks for that then we've got a little little ball yeah that's dollar box item and then here we got some baby stuff right now people have asked me I sell mystery boxes and right now I'm actually very very low on baby items I have been selling baby themed mystery boxes like crazy the demand for those has been huge and I'm very very low on baby items so I think I pretty much have sold my last baby mystery box for now I might be able to do just a couple more one two tops for the time being so just letting people know that so if I email you back don't be surprised it if if I say you know right now my mystery box is for baby stuff is sold out hit me back again in like a month or so let me replenish my stock because it's almost depleted completely but yeah this is like ten bucks but I'll actually we'll put this into my probably into my stack to replenish for future mystery boxes actually honestly dinosaur century yeah little uh little game like dinosaurs each other five six dollars not not a whole lot oh here's some more baby stuff here's a summer this is you're like a changing pad a changing cloth or some kind of get pad like it's dough or something it's like a few dollars is not very expensive then we got a little little kangaroo axe is brand new a tags it still has the tag on it you see right there the cute little kangaroo we think about 100,000 subscribers yeah you're excited too I'm freaking excited about it I'm glad you're excited too but this thing brand new a tags Gary into things called Gary kangaroo I don't see a brand on it Oh brand is Aurora Aurora Gary kangaroo brand new tags I'll research it I'll update below the price on that cuz I'm not sure another brand new bait or not bait guy ooh this one's more expensive this is a baby gun flappy the elephant this thing takes batteries I'll have to try this thing out but you put batteries in it I think this plays this song and its ears flaps and stuff I think it like helps the baby sleep so this is actually kind of a baby item I think but it's more expensive I think it's like like 20 the $30 range I think think I'll research it I'll update only like a few things left this box spider-man happy birthday wall decorating kit if you like marble you'll like that that's like 5 bucks or so so I'm cheap ooh spider-man theme little sippy cup things it's already opened up is it never used careful and it's used also if I put this into my dollar box because people aren't trying to buy used cups like that then we've got mischief savings box have more innovative - that's making sense says have more innovative - presented here seen it right here read it long with let me get there might hit it just right have more innovative - presented here huh what let me write one more time mischief saving mischief saving box I think savings box have more innovative - presented here I don't know I'm not sure they're trying to say there have more innovative - presented here I'm John a brain fart right there of what their I think it's like a major typo on this box I can't figure out what their ex trying to say there I don't mean obviously saying I think save your money but they tried to add a major typo that's probably why he got liquidated because the box has a huge typo on it boss off like 5 bucks I guess comment below am I having a huge brain fart or am I just not or am I just are my reading comprehension skills right now just just horrible I don't know a little baby rattle and a few dollars not very much two things left box number one oh okay what is this feels like double bag skip hop is the brand it smells funny it doesn't I don't know it's smells funny it has a weird odor to it does it smell like feces or anything this is like a dirty diaper anything like that has a strange odor to it I can't pinpoint it just like infected my left nostril now I can still smell it in like my nostril you know like let's say if you are using super glue to glue something back together and for some reason like you smell the fumes for too long and it like just the fumes is kind of like infect your just ingest your nose too much you kind of smell it for like the next 20 minutes now it's gone but you know what I'm saying miss one first thing next to the trash but not in the trash right now I'll clear that thing out later last thing box number one this is the Baby Alive doll Brandon the box everything's tied down it's just the original box that goes around it is missing this actually comes or this is actually the Amazon frustration-free packaging it just comes in a basic brown box so I think this was sound for about 25 30 bucks before Christmas so now it's PI about 20 to 25 dollars still so that's it box one let me box this up and be right back from box number two and this first box Harry Potter Lego Hogwarts thing bare back box number two here we go hey Bob Swann was fantastic that first box come on knife first box was fun I like that one first item was unexpected and freakin fantastic so what we got this we got looks like let's plus thing out first oh we've got looks like some baby Oh looks like spit spit cloth to go over your shoulder these sell this package outside normally I sell for like two four six like six dollars I'll save that thing back room for my baby mystery boxes because I've got to replenish then this is a hot potato yeah electronic or hot potato or as we say here in Indiana hot potato so hot potato game these batteries are the batteries are dead so hot potato game probably how much this thing cost they like eight bucks or so maybe then next we have Engle Cena fast table chair so this is a table chair I guess it attaches to the edge of a table gives the child a chair for the table so this public has a little bit value to it obviously the original packaging is missing but probably in that shape something like that I probably put into my shop just because that would be kind of a pain in the butt ship and shipping fees would be expensive probably like twenty twenty-five dollars next yes yes factory sealed here we go yes Disney Lego Sleeping Beauty's fairy tale castle so the back of it just has a white label on it looks like it has to do with please the fixes label to your box and drop your turn off at the location below so it looks like somebody put a label on the back of it to return this and then they took it off I don't know but it's still it's factory sealed the factory sealed it's brand new 100% that's the others no way okay I'm looking into this box there is another Lego item in here I was going to pull it out right now uh actually look this at the same time we have Lego item number two we've got a Star Wars Anakin's Jedi Starfighter factory seal what is up with these brand new lego sets that are factory sealed what is up with this this is like the fourth set I've got this factory seal is ready born this box or is that it there's still three more boxes on this pal okay that's all the Legos in this box may look this things up a grab back the Sleeping Beauty fairytales Castle sells on Amazon new factory sealed for around $45 ship out the door it actually I guess it it's not even sold by Amazon as it is only sold by third-party seller so it looks like this must be discontinued by Lego then so Amazon themselves can't even buy this anymore direct from Lego it's only available by third-party sellers so this is $45 and if it is discontinued that means this will this will only go up in value for factory sealed set so like I would honestly ask like $40 ship for this thing just because it appears this might be continued this is fantastic milik up this anakin real quick Anakin is not very expensive Anakin sells for like 17 dollars on Amazon factory-sealed brand-new so Anakin's jedi starfighter he is not very desired it looks like that strangest Star Wars but uh that's kind of kind of surprised I'm really surprised if this really has it I guess it just came out 2018 though - so this might be one that I honestly just hold on to I just put this into storage and let it sit for five years and pull it out in like five years and see if Lego discontinues this and see what it's worth because honestly reseller tip reseller tip for people Legos are can be a great investment because every Lego set eventually we'll get discontinued and once it does the value of those lego sets go up and value some get very expensive so sometimes lego sets if you think that they might go up in value once they get like retired or discontinued by a few sets if you can get them cheap just store them away and your closet or somewhere dark dry and cool and then pull them out in 5-10 years and see what they're worth little resellers tip you can make a lot of money on LEGO sets on some of them some of them once they're discontinued or retired they don't go up in value the some do some can get very very expensive little tip next we have sunny patch flashlights same way that Star Wars I would sell for like fifteen dollars shipped I really don't want to sell that cheap so I might just hold on to and just store it away but probably if somebody buys another Lego set that I have for sale right now and then if they want the Anakin on top of ipython implicit it's like in a did fifteen dollars you know if like you bought two of my sets and you wanted to Anakin but yeah but by itself I probably won't sell it because shipping will take most of the most of the money out that make any sense yeah like a dollar for that then we got a couple of these things a little baby sheep in a box thing it's like five bucks but I'll go to my mystery box oh here's that bouncing game Mitch Melissa and Doug these are very hard to sell I usually sell for about five bucks and they sit for it could be a week it could be like five months it takes a while Houdini master of escape brain teaser forty challenge escape puzzle that's different I've never seen that it's kind of cool though Jeff Rhett hmm that could be my like ten bucks or so my first this thing's a mess it is spilling out everywhere but my first science kit and it is an absolute mess and it's creating a mess pieces of it are in the bottom of this box so I'm gonna set this thing over here for now just set it down because there's pieces in the box we got a flashlight frisbee does it light up so sometimes these are things yet - it's like throw them then it lights up that's why you know you see me doing this or maybe I'm just going crazy that's possible I don't know frisbee a few dollars few things left in bucks two pair of goggles swimming they look yeah they're used that's long gonna be like two three dollars they're used another one of these sets we saw earlier like five dollars a thing of emergency vehicles kid toys and then like red and white and then all white trucks gift packet says and I probably do the whole thing up I put those into my shop honestly for like the whole thing probably like five dollars you know in my shop you know that's not the price that's just in my shop price we're shipping is gonna cost more than that that's just my shop prices not shipped that makes any sense cupcakes and yeah there's my shop for a few bucks the cupcake stand same thing last thing bucks - we have a paw Patrol bump bag yeah opened up my have a hole in it but I'll find out like five bucks so that's it for box number two with the whole bunch of pieces from that science kit in the bum this box let me box or dump this out first then box it up a right back with box number three here we go number three this thing is like there's pieces of that science kit still loose that box is made of mesh you didn't see me whenever I was trying to box that thing up the bomb that box started leaking it created just a mess everywhere took me a few minutes to clean it up but this thing has big box stuff in it that's cool Lego set awesome Lego set awesome each box so far has had two lego sets per box and yeah once again this set this box has two lego sets as duals first factory sealed again that's crazy so here we got Lego heavy cargo transport there's the box brand-new box is like a little like little blemish on the front of box but it doesn't matter a factory sealed and then we got the other one if there's still some wrapping paper on this thing take it off carefully twelve bit from the box and wrapping paper on still present but here we got LEGO DUPLO t-rex tower 22 pieces set number ten eight eighty factory seal that's crazy that's the sixth Lego set in three boxes all six have been sealed okay that that is not normal for liquidation for 12 conditions to have all these sealed LEGO sets okay if this is your first time watching me this is not normal to get this many sealed LEGO sets not normal okay if you've got this many LEGO sets six of them probably maybe one or two would be sealed the rest would be opened up or they'd be missing the boxes and it would just be like the Legos and just like poly bagged loose so this is not normal okay let me look this these two sets up I'll be right back okay this set appears to be discontinued completely it is no longer sold on Amazon and all by anybody not my third party seller not by Amazon nobody I just noticed that this is also a drastic world looks like a Jurassic Park set I found it on eBay there's only there's like 55 active listings and pretty much it this thing sells for about it's selling like for around $40 for a sealed brand-new set and this thing is discontinued it is no longer being manufactured so this thing obviously brand new if I was not $40 but since it's been like discontinued it's gotten more expensive hello yeah that's kind of cool next so this sells new on Amazon actually right now well it usually sells on Amazon for $29.99 but right now it is on Amazon's choice on sale for $23.99 so as of the time being it's on sale for $24 but it's usually 30 bucks but right now it's 24 so you got to go by the sale price on ebay right now it's selling right now around 30 bucks so for I think pretty much a short time periods on sale for $24 so I mean I would ask pretty much like Amazon's going price because that's just a temporary sale price so I'd go like I'd match their price ships at $24 right now and once they go up I'd probably still say stay by the same price like 24 25 dollars next so that's six lego sets all factory sealed carts shuffler i sells things like five bucks oh I pull this now the box didn't I try next to me droid inventor kit little bits 30 pieces r2d2 I've never seen this this was on top of the LEGO sets I pull this thing out first and then I saw the lego sets and I kind of put this thing aside to pull up the Legos first and I was gonna back then I forgot about it then I saw it right next to me what is this look you got stickers for the set okay that looks like you everything on it is still factory sealed so there's art I try to dub this thing out it appears to be like it's still new like everything looks like it's still all sealed up in this thing interesting I have no clue if this thing sells for $20 $30 or $50 or if it's freakin five bucks I have no clue and then look this thing up real quick I will be your right back hold on right here's the barcode the UPC is not covered up so I can actually just look on the Amazon sellers app with my phone cuz most barcodes they cover up this one is not Wow Wow okay okay so this sells new on Amazon for 68 dollars and 99 cents obviously it's not factor sale so it's opened up it sells used for forty seven ninety-nine I would call mine its new but it just open box item so I applied charge like 50 bucks for this set and that's pretty good 50 dollars it has a rank of 533 which means this thing would sell pretty much immediately if I listed it awesome I'll take it next we have a brand new factory love Melissa and Doug puzzle but the puzzle is damaged so that kind of hurts the value a little bit but some like this because it is damaged and I'd pie celestine for like five six dollars because of the damage that stinks but you got a market down because of that here we have a baptism baby picture holder it's like porcelain not damaged is not broke I'm shocked just not broken most time these things are broken it's not it's PI like what fifteen bucks a bit it does have a smaller chip right here though at the very top next to the cross up here there's a very small chip your won't go see it on camera because it's very very very extremely small but axis kind of a kind of cool for my baby mystery boxes though yeah pipelines and mystery box then we got three things left for box number three although snorkel and fin set dollar box PJ masks al transforming playset stackable collect them all that's kind few dollars then oh we have one pacifier one's missing yeah that's like I just thought so that good yeah I'll make sure it's not used though me right yeah whatever in these new batteries yeah it's making that sound he needs these new batteries but this thing I think sells for about twelve to fifteen dollars after Christmas prices always changes on these toys pre Christmas is like 15 so it might be in there on that range yeah and these new batteries though batteries on this thing are about dead so yeah that's it box three two boxes left be right back number four yeah number four I wonder if the trait or the the trim will keep going we'll have two more LEGO sets or not that's been very very strange so far first three boxes each box has had two lego sets per box very strange I think we broke the trend in this box I don't see LEGO sets now I don't see any oh well we got six sets that's freaking awesome I was hoping for like collectibles and LEGO sets I'm cool and we got him so awesome and that Harry Potter what is I got a hundred dollar Lego set how cool is that first thing Crayola crayon melter that's like five bucks or so and then extra note we do have kind of like a lego thing but it's a thing we got a Deadpool a female Deadpool it's interesting a size small that's like ten dollars or so Halloween costume oh here's another hot potato it's like it needs new batteries also what I said was like eight bucks or so I think in that range a bunch of loose beads like a dollar then here is a Lego it's factory sealed this is the LEGO DUPLO so these are the bigger blocks these aren't Lego little time while these Lego big blocks but it is factory sealed LEGO DUPLO big blocks the top of the box is cut that's probably why Amazon liquidated this one because the top of the box is cut but it is still hundred percent factory sealed I mean look this thing up maybe has a little bit value to it but I bet is public kind of low though yeah it's kind of low I kind of figured it was Owen sells for like eighteen dollars on eBay so yeah it's kind of low that's what I figured just because it's these are the big blocks not very desired let go collectors don't want these so I saw this thing it sells for eighteen but I would sell for like $15 I would knock off a few bucks but it is still hundreds in fact sealed it's still brand-new but I do like 15 on it muskan just have to do something to do with diapers or something I don't know maybe like a dollar box item I'm gonna put that down hey so do that diapers or something maybe now ever since sure but maybe baby Brezza oh what is this like breast milk containers maybe like breast milk pouches or maybe apple sauce pouches or milk pouches or something but yeah this they look to be brand new actually they are brand new I probably thought into my mystery boxes but if I sold those I would find you like five bucks on those baby md looks like this is a baby set oh it has like a body suit and baby set with the calf and everything so don't be a baby clothes pipe like 10 15 bucks then we have a little back in there a little cheapy little soft dart gun just a few dollars not much snack sprouts open package item a few dollars then complete nursery care kit for a baby I've actually sold this before I think I got like 12 or 15 dollars for not a whole lot I think it was like 12 plus shipping is what I got for it yeah I sold it on eBay it's like toklas shipping of course you don't make on shipping you get to pay for the shipping but I think I got like 12 bucks for it and then last thing in box number 4 No what is coming out of this hold on me put this put that down we'll get back to it we have a steriliser with that bottle sterilizer looks like it yeah steam sterilizer how the choice they got make sure it works sometime to do sometimes they don't like a 7525 possibility that it will work this is probably about 25 bucks or so by bad and then last thing little things were falling out of this box not sure says it's a motor kit just some cheapy little thing if I has value to it but honestly like yeah it's just the cheapy thing so that's box number four one box left boxes up I'll be right back box number five last one almost done this one feels very light so this might be a quick one see what we got and not much in here much at all it's as furry this looks probably like a baby changing pad or cloth that's what it looks like I seem to change a baby on good possibility something like that not very much honestly for that thing few dollars that we yeah it isn't our steam sterilizer yeah microwave steam sterilizer I sell these things on my shop for like $10 and I've got a whole bunch of them I had him marking down to eight I sold a few marking back up might the marking back down again so we'll see what happens though another one oh we got what we got well we got we have a deluxe bubble brush brand-new factory sealed just the package this little bit crunched but this is a bubble brush maybe like six eight dollars maybe something that let's see what does this looks like a remote-controlled kitty race bump-and-run bumper cars that's some loose packaging right there one more time yeah that's loose packaging just want to verify it yeah that's gonna try those things out it's a kid it's a kiddie bumping car so obviously it's made to bump so that's why I shook it like that couple times you know because they're made to actually bump like that so it probably works just fine it's just probably the kids wanted the parents returned it probably kids like I still like it you know or something who knows actually this box has no Lego items at all box one two and three head to each box for head one buff's five no Lego items okay though seven total Lego items in five boxes is fantastic and they were all factory sealed what is this okay we have clothes yeah we have clothes I know is this the backyard no this this this is the front yeah so we have some kind of I'm guessing a dancing costume yeah I don't know yeah whoever wore this thing is absolutely tiny like literally this might fit my arm me we got to find out yeah I can almost grow this thing as a sleeve and whoever wore this thing they have a very very small waist Wow somebody was very very thin so whatever this thing is some kind of dancing costume outfit made to envies the brand there's there's no size on it there's no tag on it so I guess you know what if anybody watching this once oh wait wait wait wait I just saw it I just saw it it is a size small 95% polyester 5% spandex size small so if you're a size small and you want to buy this thing to go dancing or something hit me up I will sell this thing to you right now for $15 ship out the door first person hit me up email me and say you want the peach color dance and costume it's yours 15 ships the lines are open right now go next we've got med Flo Tommee Tippee the two nipples and like five bucks but they will go into the mystery boxes oh oh here's to long-sleeved shirts for a couple babies or one baby two shirts awesome that's probably like what five six bucks but going to my baby mystery offices there's like three or four things left in here we got more clothes what is up with this all of a sudden brand is called a French dressing jeans size extra large I'm guessing this is female by the cut on it here's the Barca let me see if I can pull us up on Amazon maybe Amazon it is not in their database so this extra-large French dressing jeans if anybody out there wants to buy this shirt hit me up first person tell me I want to buy that colorful multi-coloured t-shirt give me that French t-shirt $15 ship it's yours the lines are open right now go and then okay we have a speedo two of two pieces okay so these are the bottoms I don't mess with okay this is a new item that says this is a size 16 to Keaney two-piece size 16 speedo take two Keaney yeah at the kini so if you want to buy a brand-new with tag size 16 to Keaney it's a blue color outside like a teal color inside to kini hit me up I'm guess this is like $10 ship lines are open right now so hit me up tell me you want that to Keaney $10 ship lines are open go next we have the that that frisbee that glows in the package though that's probably like five six dollars maybe oh we have another two Keaney same thing $10 shift size 16 brand-new attacks hit me up you want this lines are open right now go we have used goggles few dollars last item in the entire palette things falling off my table we have emoji bracelets it's factory sealed no it's it's open in the inside the box is empty so it it's trash so that's what we got that is all five boxes on one pallet and this was fun this was a blast so I was very happy with his purchase I think I got a very good palette I got seven brand-new Lego sealed sets and I thought it was awesome the first item out of the palette was that Harry Potter Hogwarts castle thing does $100 sealed Lego set that was fantastic that was an awesome way to start this palette that was awesome I couldn't have started any better than that very happy that came out first so this was I think a good palette on the day that I hit 100,000 subscribers I couldn't have asked for a cooler palette with some cool Lego toys some cool toys all together could have asked for a better palette this is this is great so once again thank you so much for everybody for watching me thank you for supporting me thank you for getting me to a hundred thousand subscribers thank you so much we hit it we did it together a hundred thousand we got it I got video coming up Thursday another palette video this Saturday I've got a cool electronics one coming up I got a good feeling about it rest of the week I'm gonna be doing a very very cool Funko pop mystery box three-part series in honor of 100,000 subscribers three mystery boxes each one cost me $300 apiece so be on the lookout for those three coming up if you're into those kind of mystery boxes this coming week I'll see you sing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 120,681
Rating: 4.8368793 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, flip, flipping, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, make money, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, scam, apple, harry potter, disney, star wars, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: Hs5HyukIiiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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