Opening up THE MOST PROFITABLE Box of Amazon Customer Returns EVER SEEN + CRAZY HIGH END STUFF!

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[Music] box number three in this 5156 dollar Amazon cusp returns home goods liquidation palette so if that was the full price around five thousand if everything was brand new sold on the website but this is liquidation so you pay a fraction of the actual cost what we actually paid was four hundred and ninety four dollars let's round up to five hundred bucks so five thousand four five hundred dollars I like it when we take up a whole zero off the price that's usually a good thing yeah so you've seen the first two boxes nothing really big ticket item yet the biggest thing was like 70 bucks so for five thousand dollars six box there's got to be some decently priced items coming up within the next four boxes alright so here we go box number 30 I see a couple possible decent things in here I'll let you go first okay I'm gonna go with the mystery box sitting right here on top mystery box time has someone's address on it so I will keep it to the back side is that Joe Joe's address Joe maybe I hear a drone that was way up in the sky I suddenly feel like I really oh it's like one of those uh DJI that's like it's a house another ground [Applause] what is that thing it has something that plugs in there looks like nails down to the ground right there and that just goes like that so it clamped down to the ground no look like there's holes here were you yeah but it might put it down it clamp might be you know what that is that's a gas pedal does it goes like that yeah it clamps in to the big like that in you that's a gas pedal sure enough yep that's what that is we have pedal we have a gas pedal gas pedal so idea how much a gas pedal goes for liquidations you can get brand new gas pedal to go into your vehicle I mean this is hodgepodge hodgepodge so because hodgepodge can be gas pedals clutches gear shifts gear I'll just wait this wait and there could be on it this is a hodgepodge so there could be anything in here from who knows what who knows where electrical pull out this item I see right on top it's a pretty good item we have a Maglite LED rechargeable system bag lights are good items to sell they always work - yeah they're very hard to break mag lights are made to last for a long long long long time there's the packaging so it's good ok charger base there's a battery for the mag light I don't know a charging base yeah it has fear prints on if I don't see any kind of like usage marks on this thing does not charge the drones back here you can't see it okay hi upper this time yeah we got a Maglite with charger base battery all accessories are there so that's a nice item look just hang up see how much this might sell for here this might be one of the best things possibly this puppy is the coolest thing so far the first three boxes total coolest item will I keep it now I've already got a streamline a pretty nice one so I don't need this but I kind of need it you don't need it I kind of need it now you know oh look it opens up here too oh well that's that's not the actual thing that's nice free nifty oh wow you look that up I'm gonna open up this box right here well this is like a one hundred thousand dollar thing 1 million dollar bag life thank you are going to be sorely disappointed it's pulling up every brand except for Maglite really from the picture search mag light this box got taped how you know you fold the corners in to make the box fold in on itself and then they taped over it all four ways so it's really hard to open this box well we have a toy we have a lot of packaging for a toy it is we have a Mario race scene to control with everybody don't you I've sold that before it so for next to nothing literally well great so this item sells new for 88 dollars and 59 cents so it's about 90 bucks new it looks like it's new open box item let's play good 70 bucks right there may be as high as 75 and that's almost the cost of one of our boxes because we have six boxes and we paid a little less than $500 so you know that's like 80 bucks a box so that basically pays for this box right here pretty nice and we got a lot to go mm-hmm let's step on the gas pedal gas pedal ah we have a jacket winner is a right around the corner what brand is it uh Tommy Tommy Hilfiger I said tell me first what brand is it okay Michael Kors free country called a free country we're both rounds a nifty jacket with the thing the faux fur good good this is obviously women's medium medium pretty nice though it's not new with tags I don't see any damage to it looks nice I'm gonna heard the brand free country oh yeah oh yeah yeah pretty good yeah looking real good not real good like Macy's good but free country looks like what we're gonna do jacket wise to or pants or something because that's what's in here as I see a zipper and it looks like Carhartt material with nice going - oh it's heart heart heart heart heart or no carpark our heart our heart that is nice a bit yep we've gotten this before this exact same yeah this is two XL irregular I like a washed out kinda denim black this cells what what size is it it's a 2x value just got that it's a sizable to stop it sells new for 120 bucks on Amazon that is new with tags - highs like the stickers on it in everything it has no cuts in it or any damage - that's hundred bucks right there that's a nice item brand new tags attached sticker still on there so through for 120 bucks yeah this polish has already been at a home run box with the Maglite stuff like 7075 this jacket a good hunter buffs the other jacket maybe 20 30 40 more than that yeah this actually been decent box so far and we might have to hold until winter time but yeah to get the maximum a new attack thing we could certainly try to sell it now but it's gonna go for a whole lot less than if we listed it in let's say October November what you got there a whole contraption oh it's probably heated jacket I bet ya heated jacket hoodie yeah the brand is oro oro oro oro or it says press and hold here to activate the heat don't take it out or not give the people what they want to see dance what they want to see in the beta charger and this thing where that is that was in the package it's a large and it's that's nice it's like got a nice yeah it doesn't look used because like the tags are still attached onto the outside of the carrying case every are you really nice I got look this thing up might take me a little bit different it though I mean just a really quick glance out here in the bright Sun I don't see anything wrong with it so the Amazon I'm saying several of this brand o ro ro heated jackets ranging from as low as 130 up to about a hundred and fifty oh my gosh 130 $150 jacket it has all the chargers forward it has the tag still attached instruction booklets and everything so that might be I mean just like an open package kind of item that's fine another good public 100-hour jacket right there problems wing this is like this has been a good box it's been very good yeah this except for the first two first two were bad but they weren't really exciting with like cool stuff this one's got a lot of high-dollar stuff in this box like high-dollar stuff right there like another like honey our bill right ribbing just right here the 300 bucks in just that table or I got like 300 bucks well I have is a gas pedal over here and a broken or not a broken toy but a toy themself or anything my photos Abel's pretty boring her dad can I match you nope another one we've got another one he did apparel two with tags like this this box had all the big-ticket items in this box oh this is different - that's shirt or something yeah it is it's a hoodie sweatshirt it's a he did goodie size small doesn't look oh it so has the tags on it yeah still has on the zipper looking for a barcode the zippers are the the YKK zippers which are actually really good zippers I don't see a barcode on anything so here's the here's heated hoodies selling on Amazon as low as 120 as high as 150 SEC's about the same price for the jacket and the hoodie saw me you can like if it's up to you 120 150 yeah that's an easily at least 100 bucks right there at least a hundred bucks that's all brand-new stuff still that's it cool like hundred bucks right there so right there and just this these five things it's probably upwards of like $400 we've almost paid for our entire liquidation by those four things in this box and it can't has all the chargers and everything well we'll pay for everything plus put us into profit from just this box this one's like freaking killing it maybe they could have spread the wealth like high-priced items this this balls in one box this box says all the high-priced stuff in it yeah they didn't spread it out in all four lofting it wasn't spread out very well which is fine this one is the what do they call that on The Price is Right you're the final that's nothing there what put this from your stack my stacks the good stance see how I get treated here I'm giving you a green hoodie vest thing baby you're welcome you're welcome and I'll take the Joe's USA that he did hoodie Oh it'll fit my left leg and then the jacket will fit my right leg and then the women's Sherpa think what the hoodie thing will fit my body they'll take three to fit you let say three to cover me up I think it's your turn actually this slowpoke over here would is patiently wait for you to be done thank you we're still waiting there we go see when that bag we're gonna go with this cheetah we have heated gloves we are all about you to swirl all about the heat in this box there comes in all of the winter stuff stuff that people use and stuff that people never used and the charger charger it's all there that's the kind of off-brand thingy so it's not like super expensive those might still be decent item for a little bit of money why not a lot of money globalization it's the brand never heard of it and they have been used you can tell they're an XL wow thanks have you learned you the jacket looks like a big old hug that's a Dewalt holy bonus that's expensive unsure it's a Dewalt heated something what what is happening here here's a doll or today's put the blow-up charger in by hex it is the DeWalt jacket that's so you can power up your power to a charging symbol on this pouch of downside yes it's the USB so there's a USB in here somewhere so I guess you charge up your jacket or that goes into and this must go in the jacket well why do you have a charging base to to charge it to charge the battery but there's nothing that matches what goes in here it has to be what what goes on there but look those prongs don't match those prongs unless the battery matches this oh I see Batman this thing does go in the jacket it is a 20 volt Dewalt needed jack oh you plugged in right back right there's a plug in and then or you can probably I'll also charge it with just the USB there's probably supposed to come to think of it looks like a USB or something I guess you just put this thing in - that's different you need to look this bad boy up I don't even call this thing a Dewalt he did Jess just as badly as expected you for this kateri yeah the jacket looks to be in pretty nice shape - I didn't know that they had jackets like this I've never seen her this Dewalt heated jacket this is like blowing my mind right now I don't know what's going on with this large okay here is the battery is called lie on like Li - IO n lie ion why I on so that's like the jackets the front look look like it has the stripes so that's that's it right there kind of looks motorcycle ish that's it right that's it take a screenshot of that what size was that there's a large nothing a screenshot this like a make sure put this in the video this sells new on Amazon I had no idea one hundred and fifty nine dollars hundred and fifty nine dollars for this jacket wow that is so nice I mean obviously it doesn't have packaging it might be lightly wore like once or twice or something we got to make sure check the inside jacket make sure like now the cords were cut or anything like that and test it out yeah I mean it's it's got the battery for it got the charger for it and even if it doesn't work um I think so this is you know that the jacket does not work because some people will buy just because it's a I don't know what jacket yeah but this me this week sells new for 159 bucks even use conditioner as this thing sits or open box I still fight it's easier it's $100 right there I don't see why cuz so for about a hundred bucks so that okay that item your jackets portunity the perrault the Maglite that paid for the whole pallet that's 500 ollars right right right there that paints the entire pallet and this went to this box it like blue there's a couple more things this box I know have value to it yeah yeah there's like 300 400 500 so just write down this table flip lights one two three four five six items we've about 500 bucks just right here this table in six items these six pay for the whole pallet and there's still a couple more things in this box that's gonna put us into the big profit and we had our do purse to three boxes left and we opened two boxes already so this one box pays for the entire pallet plus ones the other five boxes this whole profit crazy go ahead baby okay I'll let you do is be an excited ticket thing the like the next one that's in this box that we went from a super hi to my world firming hair clipper but I agree with you with that you think or not okay well you I won't guru with that baby okay I won't do it I won't do it but my head shaver stuff I might grim it with my head shaver we've got it it says give to Amazon oh this is still brand new it was returned postage due return to sender so Amazon did put enough postage on it so they cannot return to sender let it go amazon has been opened up so we don't know and it is kind of the mystery box it says give to Amazon hopefully they sit back like a game system or something [Music] it's a drone no way hot cynic drone t25 we got a drone in there he's got a drone my pug ollie like it's been use it might have been crashed but propellers and like the easy to replace so it has been used bad boy yes I've never heard the brand so this is probably not super expensive I was actually you know I kind of thought the next thing was gonna be the be a big item but and this this box just kind of keeps giving everything like I thought that would be like a Doug this is amazing I thought that's gonna be kind of like diapers for dogs or not diverts like the potty training time I thought but now open up it's a freaking throne okay disappointed in the next three boxes I have a bad feeling about that there's too much good stuff in this box so this drone on Amazon well maybe search there it is oh that's expensive with the carrot cake so I found the drone the one that comes with the carrying case plus two extra batteries this did have two batteries in it this sells new on this new there's also used it might have been crashed it might need some light repairs to it this sells new for one is $79.99 table take a screenshot of this also say it's my phone make sure put that into the video so yeah it's supposed to have two batteries the carrying case of course the controller things they're supposed to have and Mike to try it out CC for works and might need like a new propeller what little like a engine thing but it's called a motor it might need a new motor so I always forget that word I always do was that like a sign from earlier you saw the dream you saw the drone was that a sign that we were gonna get a drone in this I don't know I don't know but this box start raining diamond this box is gone insanely or honey insanely profitable very fast so that drone even at $139 and anew even used I mean that should be at least like a hundred bucks I bet even if this thing has been crashed and if I sell and we have to part it works yeah with the case the batteries and everything that's probably gonna bucks right there so just this tab right here is like 600 bucks this whole pallet was four hundred and ninety-four dollars were you like like like we're already in pretty good profit and there's actually two things left in here that are possibly some big-ticket things still so we're not done with the big-ticket stuff yeah fairly heavy and it's a cake might have it like another drilled in it so this is fox had freaking groans Maglites jackets like expensive heated jackets it looks like a game carrying XY - what's in it three ha psych ready here we go oh that's a body massager it's a body massager I was like oh so it's just like a little massager it's like massage your gun this is the story of my life I am the least lucky person you a lucky person ever fine yes in the entire world but I am so unlucky but I married mr. luck so that's true I'm actually a very insanely lucky person my whole life I've always been very very lucky he had saved my disaster unluckiness for you you're me and it's yes you're correct okay so I'll go to this this is probably gonna be nothing I'm just gonna mention that we're starting the ASMR again I'm sure you're very soon nothing we have another in video number one we had a spike under grass we got another person I'll cut in the grass so just enjoy the humming in the background um so I pick this up purposely because it might not be very good but just watch like a jacket again yeah no pants brand is oh this is the brand fire and ice' know you guys said it's so expensive are you serious this is the brand fire it's gonna be something like so this is a size European 34 u.s. or extra small the fire nice brand those are so nice what's that B stand for I feel what B stands for like the brand and then fire and ice I don't remember all the time like disco pains so you can put yourself on this go there disco yeah disco these are probably like a hundred bucks plus maybe more more I said plus huh that's not fair hmm the first thing was kind of funny that it pulled up fire nice oh I can only imagine I get a gas pedal used heated gloves a toy a kid's toy that sells for nothing what else I get over here a grooming kit he gave me the green vest like that's the good stuff I think I'm gonna get something awesome in my case and I get diddly oh these are for Bogner Bogner fire + ice yeah these are expensive so the Bogner fire + ice pants I'm seeing several prices looks like as low as 100 $78 honky and as high as about 234 so between 170 and 230 is shopping so of course these are there's no tags on there I don't see any like usage marks on them zipper works so it's use that's 100 bucks again only if it sells new I don't know which one exactly this is between 170 and like 230 new so in this shape it's probably at least like 1 1 to 125 I bet that's another hunter dollar bill right there I thought was gonna be I kept your what at 7 + 100 oh yeah 700 plus right okay I'm taking this because I know it's madman I told you that you could do that I grabbed that purpose 6 I wanted you to be able to do some awesome and I keep having I I agree you know my accident I Bradley supposed to pants by accident okay so we've got the kibo quick set watching that's nice this is really nice cool to use before that's a I don't remember what we sold them Ford I don't it is it is a pricey item even if it's open box like this yeah but not everything's here week so part okay I will have to part it out but oh it does what is that I don't know it kind of smells like like it hit me in the face when I opened it up wasn't called the kevo yeah second-generation kevo oh that's funny stop it that's funny stop it that's funny she really gets the poopy item so new it sells for $138 new that's the new price well probably yes and nickel 138 but it's missing it's missing stuff and it smells like smells like a little smoke kind of poop it's gonna have to be cleaned up so yeah so that might be like 50 bucks if that that you're pissed about what did I get I actually saved that for you purpose if I would be good I know you're so sweet hey I was trying to be nice to say something yeah last item this is pluggin be like friggin awesome a portable CD player with LCD display gear array that can't have much he is paid big money big money surely literally a portable CD player this doesn't mean much extremely that's very very thin cheap plastic I mean we'll look it up later and make sure that doesn't value to it but it can't have much value no that's that's really it's it's just that it's cheap it's PI like 20 bucks I bet that's cheap but that's it that's everything we had for box no three that's not just it that's all the good stuff about three it's on look that was a good box okay if you went full retail price and all this stuff that's over a thousand dollars full retail prices and then what you have over there about 20 bucks 20 bucks so you did pitch the little babies video about 20 bucks I think my gas pedals worth more than that I beg to differ I see about 20 bucks but I did wait I just want to point out the first item I pulled out was the gas pedal and what did it do you hit the gas for this entire box she is correct on that so buy you pulled the gas pedal first that might change the contents for the better that's right thanks to you actually yeah thank you thank you baby thanks for recognizing my my I recognized greatness whenever I see it thank you thank you so that's box number three this was a home run grand slam out of the park let's start the baseball season sometime there next five five years at least come on cubbies so very happy at this we have all the money back plus probably double our money back right now we on the first two boxes probably at least a couple hundred bucks this is this is money right here those pallet is pretty good after all it any good pal for under $500 yeah this was a home run pallet there's still three boxes to go you don't want to miss those three boxes there's no three balls there might be home runs like this hopefully I hope so I hope there's three more boxes left was this box packed with all the good stuff probably but but you never know look we'll find out soon so stay tuned so you got like four bucks in the before watch watch watch watch see you next time [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 56,003
Rating: 4.8839102 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, marvel, ps4, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, playstation, ebay, amazon, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, mystery, amazon returns, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, storage wars, StevenSteph, dumpster diving, LUNKERSTV, SCAM, walmart, beauty, target, best buy, disney, money, dollar tree, dollar store, do it on a dime, diy, mercari, SAMSUNG, HIGH END, EXPENSIVE, dark web, shocking, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: 0aqXRSkZrJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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