I bought a $9,000 Amazon Customer Returns & Salvage Electronics & More Pallet

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[Music] today I got a special palette I have a total of nine thousand dollars worth of merchandise in four of these very large box our favorite boxes world yeah but there's four of these so we're gonna do one in this video here's the thing is the valued at $9,000 that I paid six hundred and forty seven dollars for that's really cheap that's like seven percent MSRP cheek what's the kicker though kicker is this is customer returns and salvage dung keyword Salvage salvaged so I don't think I've ever done a salvage pallet on this channel I've done them in the past but never on YouTube so a salvage is is you get stuff for a fraction of the cost five percent MSRP six seven percent because there's going to be quite a few things that are going to be completely trash completely trash that is just nothing but straight into the into the garbage that's the gamble was salvaged when it comes to Amazon customer returns which these are or if you got it from Walmart or anyplace else if it's Salvage it's a gamble yeah don't expect perfect stuff I mean any liquidation don't expect perfect stuff but especially so with Salvage sometimes you hit a homerun yeah and sometimes yeah I mean yeah literally not on its true garbage yeah the last time I bought salvage it was a pallet of drums cheaper drones like 50 bucks do like 100 our drones every single one worked except for one a couple I had to fix with new yeah or uh batteries uh the power connector like like the batteries that goes on the propellers that makes them pull the motor the motors yeah whoever it is you know it works this yeah it's that yes I had to fix a few of those promoter yes but there's only one that was completely like crashed and cracked so I'd used that one for parts to fix other ones so that was a good palette but that's the happy story that's happy so here's the sad story the man bought an entire pallet of TVs I mean we're talking big TV TVs not TV we're talking TVs yeah theater size TVs and yes how many works but nothing but there was nothing saving grace to that some remote controls can be worth some money so we snatched the controls from the broken boxes from the shattered screen TVs and took that and tried to recoup about this much of our money this much I think much wasn't much I think mine's a little more accurate yeah those TV sets I end up seldom like five bucks apiece free by one like strip out the parts on a marine thing like a little copper or whatever but yeah the entire pout hope that was garbage yeah it was garbage so so before we get started you can go ahead I'm gonna grab a trash can okay yeah we're gonna trash it so first box out of four one two one this video so the few things apply it to go more in depth to some items just to show how bad it might be how trash it might be and okay so this is supposed to be assortment of home goods electronics pets tools housewares literally anything could be in this box this is Salvage where Amazon pretty much took a big box of stuff and said trash liquidate it for next to nothing ooh but I'm already seeing something that is factory wrapped so I'm gonna start with that there's actually some decent looking stuff in here though this is a Wilton's pan it is a Oh what you call that where you make the the pound cakes no cheese cakes cheesecakes but it like pulls apart what are these things called springform a springform pan its new it cities it needs smooshed back it's a little you would have a lopsided cheesecake but guess what that still works it tastes good so the first item it is damaged but is not salvaged okay so this is this is on top it's a staring at me I gotta grab it ooh oh oh there's actually some cool stuff so here we go Xbox one ear Force Recon at 50 x-box is beat up they don't look too bad they do not look broken they are used they're not new it has the cord oh here's the microphone yep so we'll have to test that out this actually might function yeah see like sometimes I've gotten these were a little things here broken no this actually might be okay might be okay okay and I'm gonna match yours with a Plantronics decent for headphone bucks right so this by about 30 to 40 if if it works it's Salvage how much your wax is in that I don't know careful touch in the ear tips Oh crunch oh I saw it earwax I saw your wax I have it your wax phobia its disgusting it works too close to me so here gonna give me a heart attack the court is still factory wrapped it yeah so let's go to your wax yeah it does have your wax good ear wax it's got wax of the ear so the first three things okay whatever we need Salvage I'm a stuff like this we have a printer with a cartridge or owner the toner it is not factory sealed a lot of times people will return these no matching item it's I don't feel anything in there it's very light it could be something fantastic in there though remember that time we got the food item okay Moses toner it's usually been used it's returned that's actually you that's actually factory soon with the owners damaged that's actually but you can't sell brother on eBay no it is part of the ero program which means you can't sell it on eBay whatever year old but yeah you will you'll be suspended so this you have to sell pretty much locally somehow sometime but yeah it's bringing news public what 50 bucks a bit yeah it probably is okay so this is a partially used a bottle of stain removal plate bleaching it I wouldn't use me I wouldn't use it either because it looks new pitch yep at yours baby pictures baby that's a doggy bed it's just is it doggy poopy yeah so we we have a dog bed there are some spots a couple spots on it okay we've been talking to a couple of places to do some donations to for pet items and they take these types of things even you yes so while there's a little bit of there's like like its fuzz or something stupid your fuzz cooperage fuzz but I think that should go in the donation and they can decide they can decide like to do with it yeah okay so we've got a very hey you get it but you did not break through be flat broke through the woods that could be a fun little project board though carve something edgy still use yourself or something we had that salvage you see that was I really broke it in half with my bare hand if I had a little bit of a help to it that was a little more action direction and that still that is pure Salvage but we can find something to do with it oh here we go some more Computer Inc this has to be used yeah okay like this the person bought it and okay they they bought light cyan but they returned a different color oh my cyan anyway so this is used it's been exposed so they just returned their old crystal that is salvaged this is a broken pair of earphones yeah those those are these are cheap ear from the actual ear plastic isn't it yeah okay so I keep the case I throw it for I sell for like a dollar though the case is sellable we have the earphones is there charging cords see so like that where rock is gonna keep the case keep the charging cord and their replacement earbuds in there too so I mean we can still keep some small parts to a few things here and there oh we got walkie-talkies or of them no chargers form maybe they run on batteries funky walkies well that that is the 850 it goes it will mod kit to like a like a thing not not nothing like this nothing like that that's a new bod kit yeah and it looks brand new well that's for the Astro yeah 850 yeah that's probably 20 30 bucks a bit there you go sir we have like for the egg this runs on batteries this does not usually look this pretty when it's Salvage ornament Lee it turns off oh it needs to charge yeah I can see there just takes batteries but so so far this is actually been pretty clean for selfies I know so walkie talkie beeps got briar dynamic headphones I don't know that I've ever heard of this brand have you bright you're manic sounds familiar don't quote me on to do oh gosh those are beautiful condition that might be expensive there's no really good ear wax no nothing those are in fantastic condition it's a nice box which has me curious now almost look on amazon.com this nice little case of course they might not actually work in my has some problems to them we just don't know yet I mean that's but that's with any electronic pallet that we get we have to try stuff out and make sure it works okay well he's doing that a minute walked up I'm gonna continue on because we got a lot of stuff to go through do you we've got another headphone set this is the crown or Cowen Cowan Co WI in comes with another beautiful case um look at those those are fancy we got a blue headphones hmm seen it oh and those look like great shape as well there's baby juice for sure they're not broken but uh that we know up there we know of I just did a quick search I did not see these on the website without doing a more in-depth search oh there's the barcode oh my gosh you guys Oh 179 prefer for these hopefully they work 179 dollars for those if those things work that's plotted like 100 our score right there in one item if they work this is the tape measure set but it's just missing one one component this is this guy here in the middle so this was a four piece and it's now a 3-2 you see but that's not I mean I would call our Salvage I mean it statement oh here we go with another ink printer ink and it's over here's that box of toner I still see you at least the first one sealed or ink is the brand let's cut that rainbow possibly another box toner that might actually so this is a refrigerator filter and these are usually used we'll have to check it out later feral flare it's just a yeah it's kind of torn up a little bit so this is ink cannon still factory sealed there's a lot of ink down here Moses Inc is going to be used it will not mean it oh that's bad to you that's still factoring that's damn nice we've got another factory oh that's use so we've got another Inc oh one years look at that that's a that's like good a pack uh-huh seven that's like factory seal pack look at like a like a pack like a like a pack oh I'm going to say that's uh it's the ink is used got some light of ink we've got some light bulb oh we got some damaged here's some film Instax film it's not broken this one's been exposed but this one actually is still sealed so we'll do is we'll hang on to this one because we'll get a box that needs want to fill it up and then uh oh yeah there's always a box that's missing yeah always there's one inspector seal here's some people's pictures in here - oh we have cable clips may be missing one bookends what is it it's plastic like it oh oh it fits on the back of select something you put your business cards there this is what we call salvage this is a arrow former arrow arrow arrow arrow ooh that's all you're there I don't know as you that's an S you're there we have a pretzel container with no lid it's not cracked but it's missing the lid and still you can use it for arts and crafts or something here's another one of those containers think he's posting the lid but oh go for it baby come on come on oh you want me to hit it yeah that's that's a lot it's but it's its first I want you to bid and a half with a chop like you got a hold on - that's it good as new headphones very odd headphones I don't know oh here's some princeton tech it's a little light switch it goes into your head and looks used but maybe it'll work so we've got some wireless headphones that have a charging base with them I think this is probably gonna be pricey maybe you can look at that maybe I'll continue on baby we have a thermos without the lid nicely packaged so this would be a great pencil holder those look a premie yo oh my gosh like those look free night good yeah this big charger - we put them into the charger at night that bad boy up that looks almost new let's see I don't see damage on it would treat me young headphones there's a lot of headphones in here a lot of him that's supposed to be home goods electronics pretty much a whole bunch of everything Oh Plantronics we've done this before this is oh it's like an earpiece thing for you connected bluetooth earpiece thingamabob our brand is this mono deal we've got more headphones wireless headphones you wear them around your neck see what kind of condition we've got oh does look like to be in good condition and some of the Plantronics stuff can go fly 30 40 50 bucks and it's a decent brand the components inside are still sealed decent breath felicity's our headphones to watch oh this is for TV's you watch it for the TV this is Samsung bringing there it is so it looks like on Amazon at 71 and 99 my physical we thought it was B but she's like 70 bucks and it looks like it's pretty much work if it works that's pretty nice score right there my fingertips are actually getting cold very fast out here yeah the torture is like raw my fingertips are frozen there's a lot of headphones yeah okay Sarah Mac smart Nick okay here we go we got some toner here's an odd fairy that is very broken her wing is broken forearm is broken she is garbage garbage fairy we got some toner here I got a nice service package surges the boxes beat up beyond belief which one or the other no I'm not sure I'm not sure so this is a map of the world that has looks like it's been chewed by a dog in the middle and it's missing a few places on the map scrapbook accessories easy runners grand it looks broken this may be automotive film and it's been more used hair fitting it's very you certainly been sliced in multiple places but it might be a dollar item although somebody might be able to cut off that's your right there that's all your foliage yep sorry yep where they might connect ooh it's over there under your box can I um this is tape not factory-sealed this is just like it's like did it real or did or like oh it's fake I mean it could go like in the dollar then or something let's see used ink that's a very broken oh that was actually a ceiling so that one's sealed one was sealed one was used so but you had to be careful sell ink on eBay and Amazon because Mosul's brands are restricted and you can't sell without getting in big trouble this is a cover for you and I'm at or iPad air 13-inch but it is broken on the corner we have a hat statement I don't know what this whole things like bit down well now it's off completely I just tore metal apart look at that I tore the pants I really tore metal I know they muscled up in torn metal more toner cartridge wow it's still sellable for like a dollar baby listen a lot of toner cartridge and headphones yeah and this toner it's like it's still factory sealed it's not like a high-class brand or anything you know not not like that at a high-class like that HP stuff or anything like chin can I get the can I please but it sounds broken I know that's not sounding it's in good condition oh we have some kitty cat headphones maybe has ears on them for Phoenix but is tape shut you're in charge of that versa Inc high-yield ink a lot of it yes this is an extremely broken candle yeah it's broken glass used ink you know it's like there's a lot of salvage but there's some not salvage though Oh more used up ink that's just luck people like to do is they buy new ink and they just send back their old cartridge and get their money back happens a lot theft it's still theft no matter what you think we have a book and these batteries it makes noises with that you make noises you make noise oh wow Tyler said the other tumblers fine the great Tonto it is all cracked and split everywhere it's weird these Kitty headphones are beyond belief and their chibi like junky high-quality cartridge there what's hair wrapped all around the cord high-quality cartridge lot of toner oh used a lot of times they have to say high quality it's not high quality like one toner looks like this first ones you the second one was not used so it's a bigger 50/50 mm maybe oh my hands are so cold not that bad here's some more oh these headphone in are completely stripped out well yeah those are garbage like that's just like that is complete Salvage we have a piece of plastic water filter Wow somebody bought a new one Oh ear wax your wax ear wax nasty look at your wax a lot of your wax that's a lot of ear wax that's a lot of ear wax that's a lot of your wax are you editing for yourself so it goes over and over and over and over I was replaying it oh that is a lot of you that one's not even worth saving the case that's used empty yeah nasty this is you use empty cartridge hats trash pet basic brother this is for Windows 98 wow that's old that's old technology a little dated that might be like a buck or more like a donation ninety-eight that's all as old technology we have an empty wrappers smart simply smart daily headset we're all smart daily okay we have a willful wireless headset with the microphone - do you get 98 oh it's still factor sealed - we don't open it out but willful it's a cheaper brand never heard of us those pub like 20 bucks that's the last grow and glow terrarium yes okay whoever I use my headphones the first thing that I do whenever I take them out is I wipe off anything that was left behind on it am I the only person that does that that wife Sam all personal time I like my I do it every single time I think it's disgusting I mean it's just my ears going in I'm good you don't wise to keep some ear was behind your ears every time I'm you know I would probably say I like mine off three times a week anyway I kind of feel like this was like a 50/50 it wasn't bad actually no I mean for salvage I'm not disappointed I mean cuz there's three more boxes just like this I mean there might not be just like it but it's all from the same $9,000 palette that I bought were six there for seven bucks just that one headphone whoever it was was like a hundred bucks maybe use condition another one yeah so I mean it will have to test out a lot of the publisher that they work and what have you but you know I'm disappointed it was it was what it was [Music] it was about my airplane so it was above what I expected I guess some more Salvage yeah one day I was back cuz I've done some Salvage in the past where the whole box just did Scott trash like I was expecting more that we would have to piece in part oh yeah yeah well this wasn't bad this wasn't bad for salvage but the next three boxes we have which you'll see in a future video they might be just like this they might be salvaged but we'll find out but after this one I'm kind of anxious though what I mean there was there was actual Xbox headphones name-brand headphones Samsung there was some name-brand stuff in here so but yeah this was classified as customer turned Salvage so Amazon deemed all this stuff as non sellable it's trash so they liquidate it for next to nothing to let somebody like us take it and say well let us try something we can make a buck out of this stuff or you know for those who are handy or like to tinker on things yeah make bacon teeth let's take it on this desk headphones that could probably be tinkered tool palettes but I look like a yellow but a lot of tinkering yeah but yeah we'll see with three more these boxes coming up here very very soon there's $9,000 Amazon customer return Salvage pallet so we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 84,460
Rating: 4.8683128 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, reselling, unboxing, haul, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, storage wars, StevenSteph, dumpster diving, DARK WEB, DARK WEB UNBOXING, ipad, iphone, imac, macbook, scam, scammer, scammed, google, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: aZ1N_3t7F58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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