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in the following video I am NOT saying do not buy from this company I'm just giving my first-hand experience of what I dealt with when I bought from this company that's all I'm doing you make your own judgment you make your own decision with that being said let's start the video I received a mystery box from a company that I've never purchased from before but from time to time I have people reach out to me saying hey have you ever bought from this company from this company from that company and I've had several people reach out to me and say hey have you ever bought a mystery box from the company m3 toys and I said no I never have so I start following my Instagram wait till they had their next mystery box Funko pop drop and I bought one so when they dropped there was a little bit different uh they had mystery box that you could buy one for $15 you could buy three for like $13 a piece or you could buy six and they charged you $70 if you bought six so I was like huh if I bought six individually that's like 90 bucks but if I just bought six all together they charged me seventy I say so give me six so the total was $70 plus like seventy bucks and shipping so is like seventy seven dollars for six mystery boxes okay that's not bad and it just came today and it came very strangely boxed so they created a box out of two boxes and let's see what oh okay that's different hey I was about to cut this corner pull down on it and it's not taped the only tape this corner okay there we go so it looks like they all come in their individual boxes total of six in there so those six boxes one okay okay um okay this this video obviously just got a very weird vibe I pulled out the first box and I looked at it the tape on it is very very loose and like there's you can I know okay the the tape you can tell that it's been like pulled pulled back and retake because there's box fuzz all along the area or there's no tape or like well the tapes not on the box there's like brown box bugs so let me get my thoughts together this is like raw in like pretty much just yeah so then III saw the top here and there's like a big part of box right here where it had been pulled back and re shut in my mind saying okay how come this the first one I pulled out I can tell that it had been taped open and then taped back again so that I pulled out the second one then I saw this mess and then this top line I can tell this has also been this is this has been opened up like the tapes been pulled back and it's been retakes I can tell because of the brown box fuzz all along the area like where the tapes not touching the boxers like whatever you take a piece of tape cuz I'm a full time reseller and like I I packaged stuff all day long and I ship stuff out whenever you pull tape back and you put it back it the tape will always catch Park holes of the box and i can just tell whenever somebody's like oh man okay that's definitely okay that's yeah this this tape here has been like taped once you can just can tell it's been pulled back and taped again oh hell now this tape here has been cut bum the Box this tape this tape has actually been cut all the way down andrey taped are you freaking serious same thing here it's been taped cut open cut all the way down andrey taped on the bottom side wow they didn't really try on this one this one has been this one's been cut open andrey taped looks like at least once if not twice you can see it the original tape here has been cut okay so your ask me right now what am i talking about what am i complaining about okay let me pick the box it fell onto the ground hold on okay so hold I saying mystery boxes well these companies do whenever you buy a box and most the time lies companies they pre make these boxes so if you buy one like this they'll just pretty much slap your label on it and they ship it out all six of mine have they were packed but then they've been opened up again like what I think the top two these are like two or three you like I you can tell if they were opened like the yeah yeah this is like the first or second one I pulled out you can tell that the tape all this pulls off so easily the tape has actually already been pulled back once and it's been retail so what does that mean people are now I know I'm probably gonna be complaining about me so what that means is whoever packed my box they before they packed mine they went ahead and opened up all six of mine to see what was in them before they packed the box and I don't like that you mystery boxes are supposed to be purely random for your customers and if I bought six boxes I want six totally random boxes because there were Grails available they sold a whole lot of thing was like hundred boxes I want to check there were Grails available so since I bought six somebody whoever packed these open these up before they packed them looked inside of them and then reseal them so were they trying to make sure that somebody who bought multiples like six didn't get more than one Grail were they checking to make sure that if I bought six that maybe that I got my money's worth I don't like this this is not right if I bought six mystery boxes then I expect six unsearched totally random mystery boxes so right now before I open these up I'm gonna be taking pictures of these and I'll be contacting this m3 toys insane how come all my mystery boxes were opened up before you ship them to me and see what they got to say before I open these up on camera so this is one of the benefits of doing YouTube is like this I'm able to capture all this black on camera box one I'm just going to keep this thing recording live I'm gonna try not to do any kind of edits or anything I'm just gonna keep this thing recording live so let him see all of the cuts of this box there's two there it's been opened up right there three sure there's that one four yeah that's yeah that's the one that has been opened up five man this is this is absolute crap right here and then six there I got all six pictures of all six boxes before I open them up before I actually cut them open to send back to em three toys to see if they have an explanation of why I received boxes that had been opened up I know this this this was the first one I pulled out that was on top I remember this one because they had all this black gunk underneath of the tape I'm just gonna pull it look look how easily that pulls back because it's already been opened up so there's the company em three toys calm is the company that I purchased this from okay so first pop let's see what I got I guess oh no I'm just I'm kind of kind of irritated right now because I feel like I got non-random boxes Vanessa Kensington Austin Powers I it just feels like they purposely went through my boxes and made sure you know they probably maybe didn't want one person to get multiple grails or something so they went ahead and made sure that mine maybe weren't too loaded or something now this this is kind of BS that's why I always be careful who you buy from in three toys calm this one we got Garf so the first two were Commons a lot of people right now are probably just are complaining about me complaining to yourself or in a comment section right now saying that I just need to just you know suck it up but if you spend good money on mystery boxes you know like $70 you want an honest fair shot at you know grails like you were supposed to get you don't want boxes yeses this is one of the ones that had already been peeled back and reap and I can already been peeled back and retake Hey look at that mess oh yeah [Music] see how easily it peels back look at that see it peels back because it's sort of been opened up one half of 4 m3 toys calm so it looks like here is one of my better hits despite what they were trying to find to make sure I didn't get too many non just like non common so this is the fugitive toys exclusive Blue Lantern the flash I think this is like a twin our pop I think I think it's too expensive this isn't the metallic one this is the normal one so I just have this horrible horrible hunch that they were just going through my boxes to make sure that one person didn't get multiple like multiple good hits you know I'm sure they probably want you know more than one person to get you know they pies one make sure I got you know five Commons in me that blue okay I'm gonna say right now this one right here so I gonna be the only one I get that's probably not a common just watch I got a feeling common Jasmine now it's missing the business card that was in the first floor this one is like a horrible retake job look this this one it had already been cut open and they retake tit but it's like a horrible retake job that already been cut open and a comment and that one had already been cut you can already see it the original tape the original tape genre already been cut and they had been retake by somebody else in common that's exactly what they did exactly what they freakin did in a common so they went through all the boxes they made sure that I got five Commons and I got one non common that was like a twenty dollar one so I'm gonna be contacting 3m toys is that what they were called when you start saying the right m3 I'm gonna be contacting m3 toys calm there Instagram is so I'm sure it's or at m3 toys is their Instagram their Twitter I'm gonna be contacting them because yes they sent me searched boxes these boxes were purposely searched through to send me five comments and one non common all six boxes had been opened up after they had originally been packed caught on camera with pictures taken so let's see if the guys say about this so I'm gonna contact them after this I'm gonna email them I may email them pictures I'm not gonna tell them you know that I have a YouTube channel I'm not gonna tell them you know that that you know that I average you know like 48 thousand views a day on you - am I gonna tell them I have a hundred thousand plus subscribers I'm actually emailing from an account that's not even like my real name just like some made-up name so they have no wait no reason to think it's you know the franchise kicks so sue just see what they have to say yeah so obviously this won't be the end of this video I have to do an update after the Emami back to see they had to say about this because this is not right because if they did this to me that means in three toys is doing it to other people and this is not right you you cannot market mystery boxes and selm to people whenever they purposely send you boxes that aren't mysteries because they know what they're sending you purposely that's not right if I bought six boxes it's only fair to send me six random pre-made boxes that are not already purposely sent to me so I don't get more than one non-common like they sent me that's what they did and that's not right they do it to me they'll do it to you so I'll update after they email me back if they do we'll see what their explanation is and let's see how fickle in three choices stay tuned so last night right - the video went online and went to the website and found an email address and contacted this company the m3 toys actually got a pretty quick response back so let me let me kind of tell you what's going on so I went ahead and verified went back to the original page web page when these boxes were for sale and it even says please read all information before purchasing how many boxes are there there are 100 mystery boxes available it states 100 mystery boxes are already packaged and sealed so the Terms of Service before you bought your mystery box there are Terms of Service states 100 mystery boxes are already packaged and sealed that is my whole thing I received six mystery boxes that had been packaged sealed opened resealed that's sent to me and that's when I questioned the legitimacy the integrity of these mystery boxes whenever I receive six mystery boxes that have been opened up after they had been originally sealed that just I just don't like that okay so I'm just gonna read you the email that I've sent to him three toys and I quoted what the webpage said I said I bought a total of six mystery boxes all six mystery box has been opened up they've been tampered with and resealed prior to being shipped to me three of the box that had the tape pulled off and had been retyped with the tape being very loose on the box and brown box residue all over the tape because once you pull off the tape and you reseal it with the same tape there's brown box residue from the tape as you saw on video the other three boxes had the original layer of tape on the bottom of the box cut and then a new layer on top of it as you saw on video all six of my boxes were not packaged and sealed and were not true mr. boxes and random as they should have been now the six boxes that were that I received five her comment pops and one pop was worth around twenty dollars I find it very strange I just so happened to receive six mystery boxes that had been opened up tampered with and to receive five comment pops out of the six I'm inquiring as to the explanation as to why I received mystery boxes that had been opened up prior to me receiving them and what and why that happened because that is not right and that is not a true random mystery box please let me know how we like to handle this situation I'm attaching pictures of all six mystery boxes before I open them up showing that I received mystery boxes that have been tampered with if your member and the video I took pictures of all these mystery boxes before I opened them up showing all of the seals the tape had been tampered with and had they've been resealed and of course you know I sent pictures of what I took got a reply back first reply that is not resealed we always add extra tape to prevent the boxes from opening they are true mystery boxes as they are packaged in individual boxes and then go into your shipping box which keeps the randomness and mystery would it be fair to take the pops out of the individual boxes and ship them all together in one box also clearly states that you may receive common pops that was their first reply you know I emailed them trying to give them a chance just to explain why they opened up my packaged and sealed boxes and then reseal them why that was their explanation they were not resealed they always had extra tape no no on video I captured that they had been resealed they had been opened up in resealed why so I emailed back our definition of resealed is not the same then when I receive a box that was sold and packaged and sealed though I receive a six boxes that were all sealed opened up and then sealed again to me that is tampered with boxes by in mystery boxes the thing a trust and believing that company or individual you're buying from is going to run the mystery boxes in a fair way I've purchased dozens of mystery boxes from multiple companies and when they stay boxes were packaged and sealed before being sold I have never received boxes that were sealed obviously opened up and then resealed again before being shipped off that looks very suspicious and leaves then leads me to question the integrity of the mystery boxes being sold I was just wanting to find your position in three toys position on the matter since I am a pain customer who is not happy and who questions the legitimacy of the mystery boxes being sold at random I understand that all mystery boxes can and will receive common tops but when I receive multiple boxes that have been opened up at least one time prior to being shipped to me and then being resealed that me to speculate that a person who buy six of your mystery boxes will always receive a predetermined amount of common pops since boxes are tampered with prior to shipping that is the perception that sending me six mystery boxes that had been sealed opened up and then sealed again are making me believe their reply we have never had a complaint with our boxes seal or taping and we have sold many and tons of happy customers we have had customers that buy six pop boxes receive six comments also odds are obviously better for these customers but not in every case in your case you receive one of our exclusive pups they're referring to this $20 puff that I got out of one of these boxes other flavor Commons legitimacy should never be questioned as we do not rely on any reviews or youtubers to display our wins I have never let the know who I was that I was no franchise kicks the YouTuber I am emailing them from mine on YouTube account they do not know that I am you know a youtuber of a hundred thousand plus subscribers a youtuber who averages like 1.3 million views a month they don't know this I'm just an average customer right now okay I'm not dropping the hammer on them yet keep that in mind to to them right now I'm just an average customer who is not happy with receiving tampered mystery boxes keep that in mind so okay let me yeah legit as' legitimacy should never be questioned as we do not rely on any reviews or youtubers to display our wins we always post the winners and every person is a legitimate collector as stated before we use multiple layers of tape to ensure they don't open you you use multiple layers of tape because you have to reseal after you open them up we tape one layer on top and then another layer to cover the bottom so that's not multiple layers that's one layer on top one layer on bottom that's one layer all the way around you're contradicting yourself there my boxes had a cut layer and then a new layer on top of that layer mmm contradicting anyway that cut layer you're probably seen is the first layer this person is like this person is talking in circles they're contradicting themselves all over the place in response to the tape we're actually upgrading to a craft branded tape which is the brown tape which requires no tape gun or multiple layers we're a small business and a growing company and rely on our customers to help us do that thank you for your input and that's it that's that that that was pretty much that was their final reply to me at that point was that they they contradicted themselves saying we use multiple layers but then they said well we put one layer on top and one layer on bottom that's actually one layer around that's not multiple layers that's a one layer multiple layers is one layer two layers one layer two layers not one layer and then it's the cut layer is the first layer the second layer and this person is like just hmm no I'm saying I replied back now it's time to drop the hammer this is obviously going nowhere and this person is just talking in circles right now trying to defend their multiple layers and obviously they realize that you know I I've called them out on receiving open to mystery boxes receiving boxes that have been tampered with receiving boxes that been opened up and resealed like I've obviously you know I've called them out on it and you know they're just talking in circles now trying to defend their cut tape so time to drop the hammer funcle' bad guy style you know okay I just wanted your input and I have it three of my box that had multiple layers of tape but the multiple layers had the bottom layer completely cut open and then a fresh layer put on top of that layer I know what a cut layer tape looks like the cut layer is the first layer but that first layer was completely cut open and that's the problem and that is where I questioned the legitimacy and integrity of the mystery boxes I purchased anyway I just wanted your input as to why my six boxes were sealed opened and then resealed yes here comes the hammer yes I am a youtuber with over 107 thousand subscribers who averages 45,000 plus views a day and around 1.3 million views a month on YouTube I open up a ton of mystery boxes on my channel and I have never run into this problem like what I encounter with m3 toys mystery boxes I just wanted input from m3 toys before I edit it and published my YouTube video in the coming week thank you for your time and that's it I'm done so the Terms of Service says mystery boxes you can't return them there's no refunds obviously you can never return a mystery box and the whole communication so far to them I was just a random customer just a random Joe who bought mystery boxes and you know I called them out on receiving you know tampered doctored mystery boxes not random predetermined mystery boxes I called him out on it and they were talking in circles about multi-layer tape and that's not actually cut tape you know that's multiple layers oh but he responded back but this time they didn't respond back from the employs email account it looks like the actual owner of m3 toys contacted me back I won't say that the the gentleman's name though interesting gentleman emailed me back and says that's great if you're not satisfied with your mystery box order we will make an exception and send a return label so you can return your box for a full refund let us know this is something you'd like to do thank you and that's it I will not be replying to that once I dropped the hammer to let them know that you know that I'm kind of I'm not trying to say I'm a large youtuber but you know I'm a youtuber with a hundred thousand plus subscribers that you know I get a certain amount of views that's when they passed me off to I think the owner of m3 toys and said oh we kind of messed with the wrong person here and they're willing to actually refund my money for me to kind of but no mm-hmm if they would do this to me have they done it to you I don't know but this is my personal opinion this is my experience I'm not telling you do not buy him in three toys I'm saying I won't buy from m3 toys ever again I will never buy from this company ever again because I can't trust the legitimacy of their mystery boxes I received six mystery boxes that had been sealed opened up and then resealed again before being shipped to me so I did not get purely random mystery boxes I received predetermined tampered with mystery boxes what would I have actually have received I don't know that's my problem the integrity of my mystery boxes I don't trust so I speak with my wallet and I won't purchase from them ever again so I'm just giving you my first-hand experience this company and it was back and our first what three interactions through email it was nothing but we don't your boxes weren't resealed it was just going around and round and round about multiple layers of tape and then it wasn't until I had to finally play my youtube card and play the card of you know I've got a decently sized youtube channel then all of a sudden they changed their tune and they were more than willing to give me back my money and they were more than willing to make things right so and that's not right that's not right because let's say if you if you don't have the YouTube channel if you don't have the social media you know presence would they do that for you let's say if your Twitter only had 100 followers and you had no YouTube channel if you were in a situation that I was in and you questioned the legitimacy of the mr. boxes you received because they've been resealed opened up and resealed and you question them and they kind of blew you off like they did to me would they offer you a full refund probably not because you didn't have the social media following you didn't have the hundred 100 thousand plus people you know who subscribed to your channel so I just don't like that I don't like that so yeah so this video is not the kind of video you see on this YouTube channel but uh you know I am the funcle' bad guy and I'm probably the one person in the funcle' community that you know you don't want to get on the bad side of because the funcle' bad guy comes out to play you do me dirty this is what happens you know I don't let things slide because I spent my money my money and if I feel slighted with my money this is what happens because this was not right if it happens to me it could happen to you so what are your views what did you think you saw the entire video you saw the entire um the entire unboxing let me know so let me stress this again I am NOT saying do not buy from m3 toys I'm not saying that I'm saying this is my first-hand experience I won't be buying ever again so hopefully your experience will be better spend your money wisely if you ever buy from any company that you think might be something that lacks integrity speak up contact them and if the answers you get you don't like answer with your wallet like what I'm doing and never buy from them again too easy so I'll see you soon if FEMA has any questions concerns or any other stories like what I just went through hit me up let me know bye from whoever you want to buy from do not buy do or do not buy from just because who I buy from who I choose not to buy from I'm just giving you my first-hand experience I'm just trying to stress that fact so funcle' bad guy out you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 632,921
Rating: 3.5713675 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, yard sale, tips, flip, flipping, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, online, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, money, make money, insane profits, self employed, jordan, yeezy, nike, shopping, funko, flipper, GAMESTOP, FUNKO POP, CHASE, comic con, MYSTERY BOX, TOP POPS, CHRONO TOYS, grail, ToyUSA2011, marvel, dc, poptopia, CHALICE COLLECTIBLES, M3Toys
Id: 9ZTk-weh-Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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