I bought a $2,125 Amazon Customer Returns ELECTRONICS Pallet with a CRAZY PS4 PROBLEM

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it is Saturday it's been two weeks since I've done my favorite kind of palette unboxing video it's time we've got electronics it's been 14 days I've had withdrawals I bet you have - you've been asking for it I've been I've been asking for - and we're going to get it so here we go we got it I was trying to wait for these prices to come down a little bit but they're not budging it's too close to Christmas time prices just keep going up not that bad I mean they're not skyrocketing yet but it's electronics it's close to Christmas and people want cheaper Christmas presents for decent prices so I got to pay so I'll go ahead and tell you the full manufacturer's suggested retail price there's three very large boxes on this one pallet all three boxes are about I'd say 25 pounds ish and the total price was two thousand one hundred and twenty five dollars that is a pretty high price point I like that there's made some pretty good stuff in this so what did I pay more than what I like that's for sure what I paid three hundred twenty one dollars and fourteen cents I like paying ten percent of MSRP $321 is way over two percent of it in my MSRP I haven't done the math yet to figure out how much over that is because I really don't even want to know but I'm guessing there's like what 15 16 percent maybe way higher than what I like but I have no choice I want to do some electronics you want electronics I want to get out some cool gadgets I want to get out some records I want to get out some ps4 games maybe or some Xbox games that's what's fun right so and to change it up today I even broke out the first time ever on the franchise kicked youtube-channel a box cutter you're used to seeing a knife on this channel today we have a box cutter changing it up whoo that's kind of scary you're used to that knife flick today I said you know what let me use a box cutter because sometimes I actually do use box cutters when I actually just do pallets like I might actually don't record on YouTube I use box cutters half the time because it's quicker honestly where it's just slice slice cut go well open ain't cut too deep into the box doing that but you know so changing things up box cutters hopefully this box cutter mr. greeny is good luck so the majority will be customer turns some will be Amazon warehouse damage some might still be brand new but the majority will be customer returns but some returns could still be brand new some returns can be factory sealed 100% brand new still so that's one of the nice things so anyway let's get going I'm gonna quit rambling I'm already like what four minutes five four three minutes into the video let's go let's go first thing what is this Mattias Mattias many tactical Pro a better keyboard for your Mac what is this the best keyboard Apple ever made what the Apple ever made okay I'm a little bit confused with this one I don't think Apple made this but that's what the back of the thing said that Apple made there's the inner packaging phenomenal packaging pull out this thing that's what it looks like many tactical pro keyboard for Mac I have no clue anything about this keyboard hmm let me actually okay here is the dongle for it and everything let me actually look this thing up why not first thing out of this box because some things for Mac for Apple can be really really expensive I have no clue anything about this the best keyboard Apple ever made so maybe Apple actually went in with this company I don't know I'll be right back I know this was a up I'll be right back like literally right back okay here on Amazon this thing has a sales rank of 706 that is an extremely low sales rank that means that this thing will literally sell in like a day so this this whatever keyboard this is it's extremely popular I have never heard of it but it is extremely popular it's got rated four out of five stars it retails new for $119.95 but it is the newest tactile pro version for your Mac it's hundred twenty bucks it's extremely popular it's one of the best selling keyboards for the MacBook I don't know but I'll take it though I won't argue with that so obviously it's not like totally it's it's not factory sealed but if it sells brand new for 120 I'll probably ask maybe like 90 for this thing maybe eighty or ninety in that range I don't know but that's awesome that's the first thing out of this palette whoo I like that let's keep going next we got a 3.5 millimeter dash panel mount audio input open package item uh it looks like it's brand-new still just somebody open it up and they returned it something like this I bet just public maila 15 bucks or so maybe that range I will update prices below if I quote wrong in this video cuz I'm just right now like like that item I'm just using my 20 years of reseller knowledge of past items like items actual items and prices change all the time so all update below during the editing phase this video I do more research on the item and update this is kind of cool a campers journal most of these things actually I think are usually waterproof so that you can write on these things like in the rain and stuff uh I'm guessing this one's one of those waterproof ones it might not be though but this is actually kind of neat it's brand new a campers journal jot down your daily routine maybe 10 15 bucks keep this going we got master class brush pens some I use some scotch tape on it and then these look nice oh there's those like this one has the lid on it is a little bit damaged this one actually have this color the cap on it the whole pins kind of cracked so this color is not going to work it's dried up but the rest of them are good so that's why the person returned it because this color pinkish is damaged but the master class - one color I apply X are cells named for pi about five bucks because one color is damaged but that's not bad it'll still sell somehow then we this has got more value to us so far these first few things this palette I've been kind of impressed we have a tie clip microphone look at that it was like another open package item probably somebody tried it out probably used it once for a presentation and returned it because you know how how Amazon is their return policy is very relaxed they let you basically use theirs their website is just like a rental service half the time people do abuse the amazon return system quite a bit a lot of times people do buy stuff rent stuff and then return it it's a pretty common problem on Amazon but Amazon they don't care like I don't know but I clip there's a barcode on the back of it let me got my phone I can easily actually just use my phone and scan it that way cuz the barcodes not covered up this isn't so for much but actually this thing I will actually probably keep this this has wow this has a rank of 687 once again this thing has a tremendous sales rank this will sell in like one day but it sells new for $18 so it doesn't really sell for a whole lot open packaged item if I try to sell this I can probably only get maybe like honestly thirteen to fifteen dollars for but I don't have anything like this I will honestly probably keep this because in the future for any reason if I wanted to let's say hook up to this camera right here and not use my rode microphone I could actually hook this microphone this clip on into my camera and run it onto my shirt I wanted to but reason why I actually don't do that right now is because one of my pet peeves is people who do use these clips will put it onto their shirts and it's just a pet peeve of mine that every time a person swallows or they make any kind of throat noise you can hear it like just swallowing anything or if they smack the lips and they talk or you know saying all those noises good clip-on microphones pick up all that stuff and what okay let me gab for like one more second big pet peeve of mine people who have channels like who drink beer like a beer channel there's this one guy on YouTube who has a beer channel okay and he uses a clip-on mic so his whole channel is based around taste testing beers and drinking beers and tell you how it tastes he Clips the mic right here and so it's pretty much touching his Adam's apple so as he drinks the beer you hear every gulp everything is so annoying to me I don't use a clip-on mic whenever your YouTube channel is like a channel that's based around drinking liquids cuz I don't know me I don't want to hear you swallow and gurgle and gulp and smack your lips and don't walk walk walk okay okay that's it I'm done gabbing about that I just had to say so about that but yeah it's just a pet peeve of mine I just not pet peeve it's guy you know like fair nails on a chalkboard a youtuber who has a beard channel he uses a clip-on mic seriously for the viewer that's so annoying I don't want to hear you gulp and waffle anyway next sorry I had to hide a gap we have an extension cord just literally just an extension cord just a couple bucks and then we have oh this is noise we have a zag case for an iPad is this for the newest iPad these dad cases are not cheap oh oh is that new all this thing looks this thing looks brand new are you freaking serious it is this Zack case there's not even a fingerprint on it okay this is nice okay this is that case okay I'll show you it has a Zack case here where you can put your iPad in it and then it has a keyboard and then if you don't want to use that you can just use a hard case to put your keyboard or your iPad as a hard case then back here is your charger for your keyboard and this thing is 100% brand new whoa this has got some value I got a look this thing out this has got value I'll be right back okay this is actually made for the new iPad pro 9.7 for like the newest model are you serious this retails new on Amazon for a hundred and $24.99 Wow so I'm talking about Wow okay that's awesome closely retails for a hundred gram at $125 for the newest iPad pro that is awesome this thing is 100% I mean this actually is brand new whoever bought this they bought it and then they just returned it like I told you earlier my first love this video some of these are customer turned this is a customer return because it has the LPN label on it which amazon puts on the customer returns but the customer returned it but they returned it and it's it's bright it's not even even a fingerprint these are the customer turns that you hope to get that you pray to get so this retails for 125 and honestly I will probably put this on eBay at full price $125 shipped and see if I can get somebody willing to pay me 125 ship for it and is this somebody will great if not like an eBay the first person who offers me like 110 for it ship 115 I'll take it in a heartbeat but yeah that's freaking fantastic but I'll try to get 125 for the next we have eh oh is this a monitor staying as that this is what are you adjust about monitor yet it's just a monitor stand for a computer monitor it's got risers on it this is like tin tin box it's not really that expensive close up some I'll pipe for that into my shop just because of cost of shipping they'll be cheaper to sell my shop we're out to pay on shipping then we got a fan color pencils dad like five bucks oh we have oh hey there's things I think you put onto your cell phone isn't it is it a magnet thing I think it is little Trank it's like a dollar or so then we have an otterbox iphone 8 plus yeah kind of hot gotta I guess maybe apologize that this video is like what 17 18 minutes in and we're not really that far into the first box but the first few items into this box have been really really good that I had to look look stuff up and this box has been really good so far or this palette okay this case is broken this isn't even an otterbox no it's not this thing that's that's in the otterbox this case here says it's a case ology so you see what somebody did here somebody bought an OtterBox Commuter case but when they returned to Amazon was that there was their old broken case ology the camera won't put this thing up because it is so small print but what they actually returned to Amazon was their old case ology broken cell phone case and just the the classic bait-and-switch customer return scam so that's trash it happens Amazon takes back anything because mean as long as Amazon gets their customer returned scanned back in that they got it the customer gets their money back and Amazon they they don't care defender series for the new iPhone large is what it says black the large that's very vague 2017 so I'm guessing that's probably the iPhone exits is 2017 so this one actually does look new though this has nowhere on it that's awesome so this one is a customer turn but it actually does look new so something like this like what maybe 20 bucks or so if I'm wrong I'll update then we have a lightning compatible micro USB adapter I'll keep that I keep most of this kind of stuff for iPhones I keep it oh we have oh we have a Belkin wireless charger I'm actually I'm still keeping these because I'm trying to get wireless chargers all around my house so far I have lost charger in my office we have one in the kitchen we have one in the bedroom one in the family room I still want to have a lost charger in the dining room I want to have one in couple more room still but yeah I'm keeping these still once I actually have these all throughout our house well this chargers for our cell phones then I'll start selling so until then I'll be keeping all those we have a unicorn beetle i I've actually got this brand before in liquidation there's actually a decent brand unicorn beetle that's a brand new cell phone case too so as the cover on it this is for a I'm guessing an iPhone so it looks like yeah I'm pretty sure it is probably the new iPhone like 10s I bet maybe about 15 bucks or so this box is almost done we're getting very very close here's just a thing of note cards common trash is this a whole a whole box of catalog envelopes peel and seal wow that's a hard sell I'll be putting those into my shop no matter what get the weight of these things will cost a pretty penny to ship I'll put those to my shop for probably like 10 bucks or so so this box almost done a pretty heavily damaged binder the covers all bit that's trash nobody's gonna buy that do we have a VGA cable high-quality VGA cable ask about ten bucks or so then we have a very beat up a little bit deforms it used to be pub little bit better shape means still good no it's just a little bit deformed 2019 at a glance little binder about five bucks then what are you where's your opening there's a watch band no it's not a watch band what is this is this what it is oh wow look at that that is a watch band okay who watching this video would actually wear this as a watch band and how would this be comfortable as a watch band this just looks brutal whoo I guess I mean if they make it people buy it I'm just gonna say this thing's like five bucks I hope it's not much more five bucks Wow then we've got iPhone cord keep all those there now one of these nullities seal thingies now they're like what 10 bucks so anyway that's the first box let me box of this box then we'll get the box number 2 we're already like wow wow we're all wait we're 20 minutes into this video let me speed up a little bit faster than this this first box though this was a fantastic first box you gotta admit that this isn't a good one a bad back box - so far I paid 300 and what I say 20-some dollars but I've been pleased first box was not disappointed so hopefully this one keeps going well it's papers in here my goodness so hopefully this one is pretty good this was this was kind of kind of have this sex might might be about 35 35 pounds that's like 30 pounds let's get going let me try to speed up a little bit we have a car charger for ya an extension cord car charger Oh like tin buffer so then we have old-school tape dispenser it's really gross yeah what is wrong with you it's covered in like oh it's something I'm just gonna call that cellar box item I don't know what that's covered in but something anyway keep going what is this it looks really cool though it says Oh lay three right here and very very small print this thing is holographic lay the third album oh is this a CD it's a scotch-taped right here it's not factory sealed I'm guessing this must be what is this deck of cards I have no clue what this is about I don't know who this guy is no clue I have no clue what this is about the box is ultra cool though it's like okay what is this okay I guess and that must be the CD then here is a book okay so there so this guy must be the artist or the musician whoever this is and it looks like it's all in like Chinese or Japanese or Korean or something I don't know I don't know here's the CD it's like a double CD oh it's over here Chinese version then this side says English version okay okay so what is this the packaging is ultra cool let me look this thing up real quick because I have got to find out what this says the this is a what does this say num num banana you see that right there hold on look this thing out something I think it's nominator okay well I found it it is called lay the third album nom nom and Nana the artist name is lai la Y that's his name the third album so I know it retails me for 23 bucks so it's not very expensive but the packaging on it is really ultra cool packaging so I don't know if that condition maybe 10 15 bucks no clue next we have a telephone accessory panasonic KX t GA 9 a pity it is not factory seal has been opened up Panasonic's actually have really good resale value to them but this model number I would say this is probably gonna be about twenty to twenty-five dollars the way it sits pile microphone I was keeping the package it's not a very expensive about ten bucks I get those quite often and late liquidations wow this DVD cover is kind of smashed but is the disc okay appears it is sniper ghost shooter never seen it man stuck in there is it cracked all this disc is shattered you see it yes that is what that thing is I've never had I've never been able to split CD and two before how cool is that yep I'm a color right now I'm gonna say this this will not work in your DVD player trash next we have a Defender Series rugged let's see it's missing the actual holder part it just has the clip and that's it so just just a clip like five bucks we have it thinking batteries they're not corroded or blown up so they should be totally fine and I'll keep these I have so many batteries right now it is crazy we have oh we just have another charging cord I'll keep it we have a lock on biometrics fingerprint sensor micro USB that's kind of cool did you know they had biometrics I'm sure everybody knew that except for me a biometrics lock so I'm guessing is popularise into some else's finger I bet it is I'll have to figure out read the instructions see if I can reset it or whatever's wrong with it but that's actually kind of cool if that actually works I might have to keep this lock just because that's actually really cool but if not I've to research to see how much this thing's actually worth cuz I have no idea it's probably not much more like like 20 bucks or so but sure that looked a little bit of value Breck's link oh just a USB C charging cable I forgot a bunch of these occupy put this into somebody the mystery box more likely yeah some like this is like five bucks or so I'd like to see a couple of these in here to think so okay I see two of these in here we've got they're still factory seal to this the art samsung wireless charging pad with micro USB chargers that's actual name-brand Samsung charging pad huh will these work with iPhones kid it's it's it's a Qi certified because my iPhone charges with just a Qi Belkin charger so with these also charge an iPhone I don't know if they would or not if they would I'll just keep them if they don't then I'll sell them but I'm guessing Samsung Qi chargers like what maybe 30 apiece maybe I don't know I'll have to update below I have to research these but I'm guessing maybe 30 apiece maybe as total of 60 could be more could be less I'll update I think every Electronics pal for the past month I've gotten this DVD in every single electrons palette I have gotten what is up with that why has every single one had this DVD in it that is strange but uh yeah about 5 bucks and then we have let's go into my shop because of the weight of it it's just a desktop mount for a laptop put it to my shop for probably about Oh 15 bucks I can't ship it because of the weight of it the weights just cost too much to ship it here is a very very lightly used maybe it's tried on lifeproof iphone case for an iPhone X if I wasn't even use it was just put on to a thumb once and then they returned it Bob gets this pie about 20 25 bucks awesome and another one why are all these getting returned that is so strange there's another one like five bucks we have Oliver Oliver like five bucks I guess and then we have craft button cover kit out Dallas we've got two things of quad-a Amazon branded batteries boom there's actually been several people who have asked to buy these things from me and if if anybody out there is looking to buy quad a battery's not triple-a quat a AAA AAA batteries hit me up because I just got two more brand new packs of quad a brand new packs of sealed batteries hit me up if you're looking for for these things because some people are actually for certain items require quad a batteries I got them is it in there no it is not in there so the person bought it they used the glass protector then they just returned the packaging the empty packaging so that's trash the next oh nice Red Dead Redemption 2 for the PlayStation 4 is it in there dang it the person returned it to Amazon without the disc dang it I wanted to play it I haven't played this game yet so somebody bought it from Amazon and then they kept the discs and they just return the empty case and got their money back oh well it happens that's all a part of the liquidation game sometimes you get things like this but I will actually keep this whole thing just in case a year from now if I get this loose you know disk or if I get a ps4 game in the future where the actual blue case is just beat up then I'll just put the game into this like really nice case you know then just take out the cover art so me I'll keep the blank case but that stinks oh dang it another one that's the third one this box what is up with this movie iPod guy in ten of these of this this same movie in the past four to six weeks and liquidations five bucks Manus takes about this ps4 game dang it that's stink oh this is this is a pretty new game too oh well I'll get over it here we have is this is a weak ace or uh not we what's the newest Nintendo system drawn a blank hope it's taped scotch-taped what is it O's Xbox one at least this one's in there we've got two Raider shadow of the Tomb Raider Xbox one that's cool so oh and other codes in this I don't want to show on camera there might be there's a code right there so I'm gonna make sure not show that just in case the codes aren't used yeah here is turn that over yeah so here is Tomb Raider shadow of the whatever I said I'm not sure how new this game is I was twenty eight teen that's came out this year this might be like what maybe like a twenty dollar game or so that's cool though I think it was at least that was in there oh we've got some vinyl records in here that's cool I just realized that it's right there in front of me we have a movie that looks like it's in a foreign language Geneva I'll say like five bucks here we got we've got some records awesome pull these bad boys out and that's what that's almost left in this box make a table Tom for myself here we go first one and we have who is this Solange a seat at the table this one on back is actually numbered out of 4717 right here at the bottom so it looks like this must be some kind of special edition one that's numbered this thing actually is scotch tape I'll Lea cut it let me just check out one of them looks like it's a red record - ooh look at that how cool is that record looks awesome and then awesome I don't see a problem though these two are the same side a side B side a side B they're supposed to be a double LP correct this thing aside a side B beside be site a it's missing side C inside D so yeah the song here is I'm going to look for my body yeah go and look for my body ass so this vinyl record this double LP it has two of the same side a and side B's and it's missing side C inside D that's a problem so wow that stinks so it's missin it has two of the same one record is missing the second LP that stinks that's why that person returned it so if anybody's watching this you want this for a deal I'll do like $10 ship on this thing because yeah yeah hit me up if I want to buy this thing it's missin the second record has to the first record here we got some a Radiohead that's kind of cool now I'm kind of curious about the rest of them where we at 46 minutes without any kind of editing the records in fantastic shape oh yeah Radiohead this plugs like $15 shipped then we've got who's this guy father John misty God's favorite customer never heard of this one why are all these scotch-taped I don't know hope I get at least one record that I want to keep myself it's in fantastic shape I'm sure this is probably also like $15 shift you know that's like my ship price if you're if you want to buy this thing like 15 shipped who's this Kings of Leon walls that's a pretty popular BAM I'm not a fan though the record cover does have a good luck because that's like look like a like a cut in it from like a box cutter something got a check to see if the records damaged probably not it doesn't look very deep hope and yeah the front one is just the insert looks like yeah just the you know the insert thingy so yeah the records fine then let's see what we got Kings of Leon oh that's beautiful I'm sure this is probably like what $15 ship for the Kings of Leon you want this thing hit me up direct links to email me is below in the description box to the video the Lumineers I'm sure I'll just go a bit faster probably 15 shipped we've got here's the Foo Fighters that's a cool one ah not a huge Foo Fighters fan though I know I've thought about I might keep this one but now it's not a huge Foo Fighters fan but Foo Fighters probably also like $15 ship if you're interested then we got on the beach Neil Young that's a cool record not a huge Neil Young fan though but yeah of course all these records I will try these things out and plane to make sure that they play okay make sure that they're not warped or anything but Neil Young probably $15 ship you want to buy Oh Nirvana bleach now I don't need to keep this one it's not one of my it's not a must keep album this is not one of their best ones so yeah 15 shipped Nirvana me go ahead let me check out their about me I do like Nirvana but bleach is not my personal favorite of theirs fantastic shape I mean if this was the the smells like teen spirit then I'd be keeping it but yeah 15 shipped then we got the steel drivers reckless not sure this is 515 ship Oh Red Hot Chili Peppers yes this oh yeah this one oh I might have to keep this one might be keep this one um ooh good album good album I'm not a huge Peppers fan but I am a fan if you're a huge fan of the Chili Peppers out there hit me up ourselves to you if you're a huge Chili Peppers fan like I get it I will so it's probably $15 ship more likely if there's no huge fan out there then I'll keep it for myself but uh if there's a huge Chili Peppers fan I'll sell to you hit me up and I'll sell it anyway let me box this up let's go to box three we're already like 50 minutes in this is a long video but uh it's been fun though right I'll be right back last box box number three but so far though has everybody had a good time so far I have it's been fun I've enjoyed this there's been a lot of pretty cool items and box - we got mine already it much better now here we go Oh little paper name there's accidental whole lot in this box I see a couple good things though go ahead let's get going first thing all this thing is heavy what is this we've got a mystery box who's the person's name on this give him the big shout out there's no name on it nope mystery box what in the world is this looks like a whole case of something this could be good all right come on okay here's here's what here's what I'm looking at let's do this together we have a box that says Becky premium-quality have no clue what this is oh my so it's a roll of like shipping labels well this will fit my demo it might fit my DiMeo printer it's gonna be very very actually yes it will it is four by six I saw it right there four by six it'll it'll fit my DiMeo printer awesome so all these I will be keeping for my demo printer that I use for eBay and Amazon and really Ferb's anything that I ship out I use my DiMeo printer to print all my shipping labels my daemul that I use is the demo label writer for Excel and it takes the four by six labels and this thing has a total of one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's like 12 in here wall so I've got enough labels here to probably last me for a couple years so that's awesome so I want to buy any kind of labels for at least two or three years so that's cool I'll keep all these that'll actually probably save me all those labels right there probably least $100 that's cool next go ahead let's pull up the big boy right here we got a fossil cue watch here we already know this is going to be a big-ticket item I've gotten also Q watches the form palettes and they usually go for like hundred dollars plus there's the watch oh that's brand-new - it still has the film over the face of it the film hasn't even been taken off of it yet it has a pretty nice like a just a plasticy band on it whatever II won't call it let's see most these are like smartwatches they have to be charged up okay here's the charger for it so it needs to be charged up for it to work let me look this thing up I'll be right back okay sells new for about 250 new with a leather band this bands not leather it's like a plasticy kind of a sensation feeling I don't know so it looks like it would be engulf about 150 to 175 it's not a factory seal has been opened up so I'm looking on eBay and eBay in this condition the way it sits and open box item in like like new condition it'd be probably about a hundred dollars ninety to a hundred dollars so I did be about a like a hundred bucks for this watch so that's awesome I'll take it no arguments from me all this is heavy - what is this are you freaking serious it is an entire thing of HP some of that huge long paper stuff there's the barcode let me scan this so this thing sells new on Amazon for $18 and 84 cents so I actually put this into my shop for like 10 bucks cuz that way is way too much to ship that that puppy cost 15 bucks in shipping so we got to iPhone cords I'll keep those retag retractable iPhone cord I'll keep that we have another lifeproof fre case for an iPhone 8 iphone 7 plus go ahead let's see what kind of condition is things in and that thing is lightly used condition very very lightly used by about 20 bucks for that then we have a Michael Kors X okay it's not course I always call it Kors like beer and I always get corrected by least 24 people in the comment section it's not Coors it's Michael Kors Coors Coors my wife she cracks me - because I say all these designer names wrong all the time Michael Kors I think yeah something like that is probably 15 20 bucks and we got another one of these chords again car charger I about 10 bucks we're almost done actually are you serious we got another one look at that another one nine point seven inch iPad pro rugged book come on be new come on that is new condition again that is freaking awesome we got two of these zag cases in the same palette for the new iPad pro nine point seven inch and they're both brand new that is crazy was the first of all as it was it like 125 those just apply about one hundred two hundred twenty-five dollars again Wow so just this and the watch for just this one box here is like two nor twenty-five dollars gosh dang this is a good box I like it then we have that's freaking awesome awesome awesome it's awesome can't believe that two brand new zag cases third those those things are always like used and abused not this time it kind of makes up for getting a ps4 you know case without the game cuz that kind of hurts whenever you get that but then you get those in a brand new here is a wireless mouse it looks like it's missing this little dongle thing let me see if it's actually that if it's in the mouse as like the holder part batteries for it no it's just missing the little dongle so I'm not too sure if I'm gonna be able to sell this mouse by itself I don't know they might have a little bit of value to it I almost say like five bucks for now cuz somebody there might be some way to hook this up to like a spare dongle or something I really don't know about that what a USB camera module megapixel USB camera what is this we're almost down we got like five six things left bear with me we're almost at an hour and I think long video okay somebody kept the camera and all they returned was just the charging cord for it so I'll keep the mini USB cord so that's been worthless and iPhone cord oh here is a headlamp that needs to be put together but little headlamp thing put on there like five bucks this is a no watch band guess it probably is maybe it's out no you're not coming out you're stuck in there aren't you yeah it's just it's that same band again remember that band for like the first video that weird-looking band it's the same thing again but it's just a much nicer packaging that's pocket you know like a five dollar band or so maybe you remember that that band I was all weird looking we can't even plug this bad boy asthma staring at me it's an off-brand Wireless Keyboard on the back somebody actually wrote on the box used so I'm gonna guess this thing is probably used call me crazy but sometimes I can read minds oh yeah this thing's used this is how both zags are when you get them like you just kind of tell you know it's it's lightly used this one's not oh this thing's heavily used it's even missing the key so honestly this will be fantastic for my dollar boxes because it's missing a key and it yeah yeah we have iPhone cord that's on the floor we have just a cheapie no brand black case oh it's like a flexible dollar jump case did REO strings for classical guitar oh you're in there oh let's see what's are these normal tension strings up I charge like yeah so if the package is kind of beat on it five six bucks for about five bucks here's a black and white filter made in Germany Digital mr CF pro professional you be hey what's this we go ahead we pull out this thing oh hi phone cord okay so this is the last thing does that buy you to it some of this camera stuff can get expensive I'm not sure it has a nice carrying case for it how's it open oh that's glass - oh that - value to it let me look this thing up real quick this might have a little bit of value I'm honestly I'm also actually kind of curious - I'll be right back I did quite a bit of research on this thing and I'm having trouble finding this exact same thing I found some like this exact same brand but that weren't UV haze that were that were a different kind that were called circular pol and there were going for like 80 but then I found some that were like this but were 49 UV haze and they're like 40 bucks so I'm thinking this was PI about 40 bucks or so but it's open package item so I'm guessing made about $30 for this item okay so that's it that is all three boxes we are done and I think this pallet these three boxes were fantastic it was fun I got a lot of ultra cool items several very expensive brand-new items - which was ultra cool we got some vinyl records not a whole lot but I got what maybe eight or ten vinyl records so that was awesome do you get at least a few kind of makes my day makes the palette you know fun so this was worth every dime what I paid I was kind of leery about my price point of like 321 I was a little bit but well once I'm done I would pay public five hundred bucks for this palette and I would still feel really good about it that I'm gonna make quite a bit of money on these three boxes right now I don't know what I'm gonna make but I would not be to like right now I wouldn't be too scared to say I bet you I could make it back in profit probably at least 400 maybe as high as 500 bucks I wouldn't be shocked maybe $400 I don't know cuz I mean I did pay 300 so I wouldn't be shocked if I can make back maybe about $400 that might be high though I don't know but anyway it was fun I had a blast so much cool stuff hopefully you enjoyed it make sure you take two seconds go down below if you would please click the subscribe button next weekend another electronics hopefully it's as good as this one hopefully I paid up for it so thanks for watching I appreciate all the support thank you so much I'll see you soon and a map
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 651,084
Rating: 4.3994737 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, make money, insane profits, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, dc, ps4, apple, zagg, fossil, xbox one, SONY, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: j4wNcL_ux3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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