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today I've got a huge mystery box this is from the company nerds like us and the company has officially gone out of business this was the very last run of mystery boxes and I bought 23 of them so let's see what's in this thing [Music] back on June 2nd nerds like us posted online that they're doing their last ever run of mystery boxes I have never purchased from nerds like us before for good things about them and I figure you know what the last time might as well buy some they had a lemon I think I have like 30 or 35 a person I bought exactly 23 for good luck for my boy Michael here in the background and these were $14 apiece with shipping I paid shipping with 35 bucks for 23 for 23 separate mystery boxes so if you bought multiples they actually combine them all into one large box and you knew about that ahead of time but they only charged me 35 dollars shipping 423 mystery boxes so whenever you combine mystery boxes that's what you're supposed to do you make this shipping much much cheaper because shipping is much much cheaper you know if you're if you try to charge $10 for each box it would been 230 bucks and they only paid $35 so you know you would pocket $200 and shipping overage if you try to keep the overage after combining boxes and that's wrong you can't do that I've seen a couple of youtubers who opened up their nerds like us boxes and I've seen some people got some decent stuff for $14 like the fence and I saw so far word worth like maybe like 80 bucks I think it was I don't remember what it even was right now but I'm intrigued to see what I'm gonna get out of this okay so looks like they packaged all of mine up in two individual boxes bubbly six and each then one has five in it so huge shout to nerds like us or actually giving an honest legit shipping costs only charging $35 all the way from California 423 mystery boxes combined into one large box that's honest ethical ship costs huge shout out for for that what's I guess let's just do this one first so I don't know if they have any like super Grails and needs because if you try to go onto the website to look at the old listing it's gone their websites been it's been shut off okay so you can see let me just kind of feel around for maybe okay there's no soft protectors so I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing then let's just pull these out first one says fantastic beasts we've got Timmy gooey cease I've never seen this movie I don't know how to pronounce that I know I butchered that name but Timmy grease geese yeah first one box looks to be a mint condition looks good pop number two we got Hot Topic exclusive red ranger looks almost like a metallic red ranger and looks like metallic paint on it looks like came out in July 2016 it looks like it's a red metallic Ranger I could be wrong on that though the box looks to be about nine out ten condition Nikon yeah pretty good shape next I've had this one before pudgy pig I read this out of several mystery boxes in the past little corner damage right there uh GP oh just looking at me next we have actually my favorite villain from The Walking Dead series we have the governor so I'm actually I'm actually going to hold on to this one I'm not gonna sell this because I'm gonna get this autographed eventually by the actor who played the governor his name slips my mind this time but there's certain pops that I get out from these mystery boxes that I keep because I get them autographed in the future from my favorite actors so yeah that one I actually will keep to get autograph next time he's at a comic-con or something fifth one we got shredder that was an old one I think no yeah it's a 2013 or 14 I have trouble reading these things I think it might be 14 so that looks like a 2014 shredder and this box in this thing is meant he actually his face mask looks kind of metallic too like that looks like a metallic shredder and last one looking at me we got scooby-doo juveniles that we got flocked a scooby-doo let's go ahead let's look the prices for this first box let's see see we're looking at so first one gun I'm just using PPG prices 12 bucks and it's gonna be do flocked this is worth $31 boxes thing was meant to so this is actually worth over double of what I paid for this whole box or for this mystery box let that's good so shredder is worth $16 does not say he's metallic but that's like a metallic sheen to that pop $10 so I lost on that one and a red ranger is $11 lost on that one in this one over e says dude's name is $21 so those first six pops PBG value is exactly 101 dollars so these six is 14 bucks plus you can pretty much say like a dollar piece and shipping so I pay $15 a piece for the first six pops so all six I paid roughly about ninety bucks for them and I got back a hundred so I'm up like ten dollars right now not alive but I'm up a little bit box number two six more pops so so far nothing big I think the best thing so far is that Scoob does web work like for like 30 bucks so nothing nothing big yet but they did have some you know ooh this box has to install protectors then this box might get a little bit better pluck ones off protectors first first one says Braveheart William Wallace Braveheart this one came out in 2016 box is mint condition that is a cool pop I would say I would keep this to get autographed but uh I don't think he does many autograph signings pretty much ever but I know we'll see next we've got who says Gollum on the back of it okay so this this one looks like this X is from like July of 2012 this is like an old one but the front of this thing looks like it just needs the front needs cleaned a little bit like a wipe down or something box conditions not bad but I think this is an older pomp looks like from July 2012 it's might a little bit of value to it oh I just glanced there's actually three in soft protectors in this box they pull this one out cuz I can't get to those without pulling out one in a soft protector so oh shoot no way okay I'm absolutely shocked right now I just pulled out a walking dead pop and it's autographed by the actor who played Merle Dixon so this is signed by Michael Rooker who played Merle Dixon I did not expect anything like this in these boxes I collect autograph Funko pops like I've I've been saying like I'm gonna keep this keep that one to get signed the future I actually hit an autographed Merle Dixon so this is actually a sticker on it says 2013 show exclusive convention exclusive dot-com limited-edition variants this is some kind of special Merle Dixon Funko pop also sticker for 2013 convention exclusive stickered variant and it's signed by Michael Rooker oh yeah this is going to my autograph collection this is not for sale I can't believe that I was not expecting anything like this and these mystery boxes for $14 Michael Rooker he played charges 30 40 50 bucks just to just assign something this is okay I'm like total shocked right now I did not expect to hit that pop out of these boxes okay we got we got three more news box still I'm in total shock what is in these other two boxes if something like this is isn't what else is in these boxes oh dang should this pie be in a soft protector we've got a Gears of War 2016 San Diego comic-con 1000 piece limited edition Marcus Fenix Gears of War 1000 piece SDCC exclusive are you serious how much is that worth I have no idea this this box here seems kind of loaded um I'm actually I'm not gonna pointing out from this third box yeah I'm just kind of curious if maybe they put all of like my best hits in in like one box then the other three we're just you know none of my good hits maybe that's why the second box most of them are in soft protectors come on open up this thing is notice this box has too much soft protectors so now Wow okay next this is also in a soft protector 14 bucks piece what we get 2015 pop Asia Funko exclusive blando Astro Boy I don't know value on this one I have no clue on value but uh it might be a good one not sure last one second box in a soft protector that's a pretty good one also I don't know value of it though I've never seen this one a person this is the Joker Batman a Killing Joke New York Comic Con 2016 limited edition I don't know how much this thing is worth I actually have no idea I've never looked this one up before I have no clue value okay I'm very intrigued to what the value is of the second box okay so this one is worth $30 that's fantastic that's worth twice as much as what I paid for the whole are for this mystery box for this $14 mystery box blando is a whole twelve bucks so I lost money on that one so why is this one in a soft protector for that's like we're $12 dang okay so this one 2016 Marcus Fenix with head Gold Lancer well let's not gold Lancer this is like a gray Lancer hold on there must be variations no way how is this not in a freaking soft protector how is this not in a hard stack how is this not in a hard stack okay this is not in a hard stack Wow like I just hit a Grail I I thought this a thousand-piece I feared the supply has frickin value to it pop vinyl games Marcus Fenix with head black Lancer 1000 piece exclusive 2016 sending an angle comic-con 130 dollars and it's not even in a self protector nothing you know what blando you're coming out right now mr. $12 Paul you're coming out this one is going in to the soft protector right now well box condition estanque $130 pop through this box I'm not joking this box is absolutely mint condition there are no flaws on this box anywhere and it wasn't even in a protector of any kind and is worth PPG $130 did nerds like us not realize how much this pup was worth whenever they boxed it up they had a freaking $12 pop in a soft protector the $130 pop wasn't even in any kind of protected this thing should've been in in a freaking hard stack so $130 pop in absolute mint condition 1000 feet up I'm completely totally in shock of how good this boxes bins so William Wallace is worth 25 bucks this box was mint condition also why isn't this in a soft protector the first box didn't have any in self protectors cassava put this one into a cell protector right now now this is worth 25 bucks the first four pops out of box number two are worth 186 dollars we still got a golem from like 2012 and this autographed Merle Dixon exclusive Funko clump why is it this golem in a soft protector this golem is worth fifty five dollars like the the front just needs like wiped off it needs like a liquid wipe off the box is in too bad a shape has a few little like Nicks and dings is from shelf where over the past like you know seven years this thing is worth fifty five dollars why is this in a soft protector that's crazy they ship this without a protector Merle Dixon 2013 Tampa Bay comic-con exclusive bloody version is worth $60 but this one is actually autographed by Michael Rooker who played Merle Dixon this is signed by him so let's pop by selves worth 60 bucks autographed by the actor you know what like imma Sarat now this apply worth worth about at least a hundred dollars because his signing fee would be at least 3040 bucks so $60 pop plus a signing fee this is worth $100 box number two PPG value plus estimating this thing worth a hundred we got three hundred and forty-one dollars out of box number two I paid it three hundred twenty-five dollars for all twenty three mystery boxes in just box number two alone was worth three hundred forty-one dollars so just these six pops are worth more than what I paid for all twenty three boxes let me keep a running tally the first box was 101 second box is three 41 so right now we're looking at four hundred and fifty-two dollars through the first half of this of this box holy crap I can't believe this what's even crazier they had this pop no soft protector no hard stack nothing and this thing is an absolute mint condition and it is worth a hundred and thirty dollar 1000 piece comic-con pop wow let me box this up and actually I'm actually gonna keep these two out because these like these two hits might be the best ones out of all these possibly let me leave those out for now next box box number three so this one had two in soft protectors but you saw the last box this one wasn't even in a soft protector and this has been the best one so far at 130 bucks so just because it's not in a soft protector doesn't mean it's not that it's not a $100 pop craziest thing so let me try to get these things out without damaging the first one to come out let me just now I'm kind of scared cuz yeah just because they're not in soft protectors doesn't mean that it's not a very valuable pop in I'm just kind of scared to pull them out by the lip not knowing whoa how much it's worth so here's the first one this one is dead Yamcha 2018 at summer convention Limited is an exclusive I remember that when I came out not sure value of it but box is boxes mint next i'ma pull this one out because it's extremely tight I just need to get it out of the way so I can pull out the other ones that damage anything this isn't a soft protector the back of it says Sex Pistols we got Johnny Rotten how old is oh that 2012 in his 2012 we got Johnny Rotten sex Stoll's I have never looked this pop-up before for the value I actually do not know how much this might be worth but we've got a 2012 Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten Funko pop this might be this might be kind of expensive um I'm gonna treat so much that one's worth third one no protector we got a series one Darth Vader series one Darth Vader this is 2010 yeah I don't think the original Star Wars lines have really have really done well if I remember correctly Star Wars pops have problems holding value I don't think that that was too expensive I don't think it is next no soft protector we got a game of Thrones Petyr Baelish I don't know this is viable or not yeah keep saying that I don't know how much the thing's worth there's just a lot of pops in these boxes that I have never seen before I've never looked up I should say cuz I've never gotten before in mystery boxes I just started watching Game of Thrones with my wife a couple weeks ago and we're on season 3 right now and yeah here's a Petyr Baelish Game of Thrones pop we got two left one song protector one not soft protector this one Star Wars Jawa boss conditions Fantastic Four for the Aged last one soft protector you ready we got a grease pop why is this in a softer dead these just came out like last year I think yeah he's he's coming out of this protector I've got some pops from the last box that need to go in a protector so he can come out of this protector okay first one grease yeah it's worth it's worth 9 bucks and they had an INT protector why $49 okay so this one is actually the kind of the re-release vault edition Jawa is worth the whole ten bucks Vader number one released 2011 it's worth an entire seven dollars that is it seven bucks we got the peter baelish game of thrones vaulted 2014's worth $39 this one I actually might hold on to I may go ahead put him into the pot protector I'm actually holding onto this one because there's a good chance I'm probably trying to give this one autographed by the actor here eventually whenever he comes and does a comic-con here in the future good chance that I will keep this one just to get autographed in the future good chance then we got this dead Yamcha 19 bucks I got a good one out Johnny Rotten condition of it let me just check it out before I quote the price yeah I thought this one had a little bit value I've never seen this one before in person I don't really see a whole lot of people actually having this pop this is not one you usually hear about this box is actually really really good really good can condition for the age it's like 9 out of 10 condition I'd say pretty much this thing is worth full PPG value so this one the best hit out of box number 3 it's worth $70 so box number 3 a total value of a hundred and fifty four dollars all six I got him for 90 bucks so this box number three was fantastic we got one box left so this one should have five minute I only bought twenty three but this doesn't feel like it's moving around much maybe they filled them all up Aylin bought 23 but maybe they actually gave me 24 kind of be careful whenever I slide this knife there's tape they put several layers of tape on top of these boxes and it is full so actually they filled up my boxes for me I bought 23 but they gave me 24 because yea this thing did it like it didn't shake around whenever I opened it up let me pull this one out first I can get to without damaging it because nothing isn't a pop protector in this box first one we got John wick this is it the chase no not the chase come on here we go what we get Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze proper tyke and this one is really really cool it's got get are on fire but yeah I think this one still I think it's I think this is pretty decent though next nothing isn't protectors we got a xenomorph yes this was not not very expensive next one Star Wars rebels Oh a sticker it's coming off it's just it's peeled we got oh Sokka I've never watched Star Wars rebels next I see two left I'm guessing that one's gonna be the better of the two next one we got twisted metal frickin sweet tooth okay that pop is actually really really cool it's heavy one two sweet tooth last one this was actually decent we've got Boo Berry a dykon just came out this is the yes the that's that's the newer one just came out last year not a bad one no box condition on blue berry good shape let's see some values for this box okay so Boo Berry is a thirty one dollars yeah they should have had that one in a soft protector 13 dollars this one ten bucks says worth $19 and then these kind of been value it says it chases 48 bucks last time I checked like the Commons just worked like eight to ten dollars these much has just got up in value just recently or something we have nineteen dollars sweet tooth fifteen bucks an F way exclusive Jimmy forty one dollars I think then that was the best one out of this box so box number four total value of a hundred and twenty nine dollars so for these twenty three pops I paid three hundred twenty-five dollars for them they actually gave me twenty four I only paid for twenty three that they actually gave me a free one I paid three hundred twenty-five dollars according to P P P P P G values I'm almost speechless I got back seven hundred and twenty-five dollars I paid three twenty five I made a profit in value of four hundred dollars more than what I paid that is insane I think picking lucky number 23 I think it worked so I don't know if anybody actually had this much good luck with these nerds like us mystery boxes but this was kind of crazy these boxes were only 14 bucks apiece and I had several you know like I hit this $130 pop it wasn't even in a freaking pot protector it wasn't even protected then I got out to $70 Johnny Rotten a freaking autographed Merle Dixon pop that's worth 60 bucks without the signature with the snare I'd say it's worth least least 100 bucks I mean I got you know the $40 Jimmy I got out of $40 gameofthrones like a $30 Braveheart a $40 Joker a $50 hobbit dude these boxes were I'm gonna say right now these were probably I think the best value mystery boxes I have ever seen I'm saying that right now the nerds like us final run mystery boxes this is the best valued mystery boxes I have ever seen this is not normal okay whenever you spend $325 you're lucky you know to get your money back if you spend 50 bucks you're lucky to get your money back it's not normal to spend $325 and get back seven hundred twenty-five dollars that's not normal but in the past I've seen people do the nerds like us boxes and they pull out good stuff but this much good stuff of course they usually only buy like five you know six I bought 23 so comment down below did you buy any of the last run mystery boxes from nerds like us and if you did how well did you do because if I had a chance to buy 50 more of these I would buy them right now if they're given this kind of value in these boxes honestly I probably buy a hundred more like I would give if they had a limit of a hundred at 14 bucks apiece I would give them $1,400 right now in a heartbeat no questions asked if this is the value that they're giving back because that for 200 bucks would probably more than double like I might get back over 3,000 so nerds like us first time buying from you I'm a huge fan I'm sorry to see you go wish I could have bought from you before your last run of mystery boxes because the these these were crazy this was insane run of mystery boxes so I'm done I'm done yapping this is gonna be a long video this was a lot to go through but this was amazing this is not common for mystery boxes this does not normally happen this is not normal but this was fun so I will see you next time Funko bad guy out [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 235,775
Rating: 4.7904806 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, tips, flip, flipping, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, online, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, make money, self employed, shopping, funko, flipper, GAMESTOP, FUNKO POP, CHASE, comic con, MYSTERY BOX, TOP POPS, grail, marvel, dc, jebus, storage wars, treasure hunting, game of thrones, GEARS OF WAR, WALKING DEAD, dumpster diving
Id: tEOOZtabWfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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