I bought a $6,000 Amazon Customer Returns Pallet + HIGH END ELECTRONICS & More

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welcome back today we have a gigantic i think it was around 400 pounds amazon customer returns liquidation home goods and more pallet so this is one gigantic box that came on the palette one gigantic palette one gigantic palette and this was probably there's a total of six of these huge boxes and uh some probably weigh between 50 and 80 some way upwards of a hundred so these were not light and i bought it from a liquidator that's local i haven't bought from in person for quite a while so we went down today and picked it up and hopefully this is going to be a home run because the total value of this pallet was just a shade under 6 000 was the value i got it with the price ten percent buyers premium 1 100 and like 80 dollars so almost 1200 bucks we got about 20 percent of cost which is actually fantastic yeah and if i would have shipped it from across the city like 30 miles it was 283 bucks just shipping so since i picked up in person i saved 283 bucks by driving across the city to pick it up that's just more profit in our pocket by picking it up so if you can shop locally and pick up locally that's the way to go because it does save you usually a considerable amount of money because when you're buying liquidations a lot of times these boxes are heavy yeah so it costs more to ship based upon the size of the box the dimensions of the box um so pick it up if you can we're going to crack this this is like a home good so which means there could be you know home goods there could be housewares electronics there could be toys there could be pets there could be apparel oh i hope there's not pets in here there could be some live animals animals in here i actually want to start raising chickens so so we we're not raising them so we can get free eggs but she's just chickens because i'll be responsible for all the chickens yeah she just isn't too sold in this whole raising chicken things but i'm like free eggs how cool is that saving money i don't want to raise chickens so i'm going to show you a little peek what this box looks like it's heavy i look like i'm pooping so this box it's a heavy one so i'll let the wife pull out whatever she wants to first i mean there's a there's a sea of brown boxes so we'll just go with this little brown box right the mystery things in here says open from this side did you bring your knife out oh i did not bring my knife out may i borrow yours for a moment thank you sir a woman without her knife is like woman without her man next to her happy that's actually pretty good sorry that was pretty good i am happy i'm gonna start crying what's funny you're so that's why you bring out your knife then well you'll find me on match.com under the name franchise looking for love on match.com so check check me out 40 years old a little bit out of shape kind of an athletic build but wavering on the plump side so uh check me out match.com santa claus she's got the the santa clause cheeks that are so cute they're so cute she's talking to me upper matches i am all right so we have some powder dip for uh gel nails looks fracture sealed it is factory factory did you least bring out your phone i did she did that baby oh boy cause some stuff looks like it might be brand new or lightly used conditions conditions conditions so she's checking that thing out you picked something right here on top we have a blue box led aquarium light the brand is ni crew night crew i don't know anything about this kind of stuff it's not funny is it no i just think they just taped it's not like a factory no matter what they'll open it up all right guys so we are looking at a 25 item ship right here oh first item shipped and it comes in a shipping box which i love oh thank you i don't have to find a box nope throw a polybag around this and we're good to go so the led light looks to be all being tacked uh it's not like it's probably been pulled out looks like the twist ties not like factory nicely tied down so somebody's taking out at least once so when i'll just go back in here and i don't know when we get this kind of stuff i go through and i look for any defects make sure things are there it can be quite a process and you know stuff does get missed sometimes but you try your hardest to make sure everything's there and validate stuff so oh that sounds loose oh it says quick set so that must be a lock set oh could i borrow your knife please actually hold on hold on do you have another knife i could go inside and get mine hold on are you gonna give me that little baby girly knife that's in your truck no i got a bigger one that's what she said thanks darling you can have that one i have like 45 knives in the house does this one oh i see i got it quick set so this quick stuff can have like touch pads on it it is a well it is a touch paddy thing with the numbers with the numbers does it appear to be in previously installed um it it could have been previously installed because all the pieces and parts are loosey-goosey uh very loosey-goosey so that is going to take some research to see and this will probably take me 30 minutes to figure out if everything's there yeah you go piece by piece screw by screw a lot of these sets it takes quite a bit of research to figure out which one is it like a model number i think the model number is probably on the inside of it probably like on the actual thing probably let's do another mystery box don't shake too much we have a cowbell oh we do we're totally guessing [Music] and we have a chicken bell we just have the kids for your chickens call the chicken call the cows so we have a i was actually joking i saw oh it's a cowboy it actually was a kettlebell it kind of looked like it was what is this little one i just called it the chicken bell but i don't know if that's i mean you don't have bells for chickens it's like but but what we do need though is we need more cowbell that's for sure what do we need is that like a joke from a movie or something you know i don't get that we need more cowbell okay what does some need it needs more cowbell what movie is that from saturday night live it's a skit you're always doing something it's a skit she's never seen it probably probably not okay we have copper creek hardware there's some of the weight right right there this right here is a door knob set wow very exciting very exciting cotton finish oh there's some weight roach killer stuff oh kill your roaches spray around the house we don't have roaches did it get you no i pay an exterminator to make sure we don't have any bugs because bugs freak me out did it repel you oh this stuff's awesome i use zep to clean our showers because it works fantastic because her shower's nasty no his shower's nasty his bathroom's nasty nice show whatever is his bathroom i shower every monday baby it's ammonia-free we are going to clean the outdoor glass and surfaces no we are not because i bought windows that fold in so i can easily clean them okay if you smell this you can figure out if it's been used or not because people use the hookahs for okay you know to do a hookah a few few things to have a hookah you guys have this little little bit of a smell to it but not the kind of uh smell that you'd smell in like like california colorado in colorado but it looks like they actually did use this to like hookah their tobacco tobacco yeah it's a hookah pipe which you can i think you sell stuff on ebay right i don't know it depends on what they classify hookah as so what we have been told by am or by ebay representatives is if you don't know if you can sell it on ebay go ahead and list it and they'll let you know by suspending your account if you yeah they actually told her that go ahead and list it and then after you list it we'll go back and look we'll review it and we'll suspend your account suspend you if it's not appropriate that was great that was that was sufficient advice for me that was their customer service to let us know if we should it was it was a uh a firearm it was uh just a scope for a rifle or for a crossbow and they're like yeah that's the other one was the nicorette gum yeah the nick right yeah they the nick right gummy they said yeah we actually don't know just go ahead and list it and then if it's against policy we'll suspend you so that is what kind of customer service is that that is the effective um advice that you receive when you're a seller on ebay yeah okay moving on we have an outdoor yard steak outlet that's kind of nice so you can put up all your christmasy lights wow it's almost christmas too it is getting close that could be a hot item right there oh that's you right there that's me oh yeah that's a car park exactly unified security gateway i don't know this is worth anything oh it's a point it's a plane wow oh it might have been on there [Music] unified security gateway that's really cool it's probably 15 bucks i don't know those stuff that that stuff is cheapy chibi cheapy cheap we have a mopar oil filter sniff it we will see if it has been used if it smells like oils by being used snip it i hope somebody didn't return a used oil filter you know they do sometimes i know they do sometimes looks good to me there's no oil down there no oil smells good it just does smell like security gateway grossness not grossness it just smells like metal other things sells it actually has a little guy dude what would you say you said 15 bucks for this thing yeah owned it or pre-owned it's like 66. oh 76 76 75 75 84 90. 75 to 90 bucks for this thing sir i have a question and she says 15 would you like to keep this it is for dodge ram i paid people to change my load for me baby so we will not be keeping that it's your turn i think i i just did the thing oh the oil filter you can do that one oh well since everybody has seen it we have another quick set smart code sounds like an expensive one that's actually it might be the same one i think it is the same one it has looks like the same pad on it i don't know but they've covered up all the the stuff so we'll have to look it up but these are usually pretty expensive well here i'll look it up and you just keep doing okay smart code 914. quick set smart code 914. some of this higher end stuff is kind of nice to know especially you at home that are watching right now to kind of know like how much this stuff sells for because we actually want to know too but we get some of this newer stuff we're not too sure what the price might be especially when we paid a thousand dollars for this yeah it was like one thousand like 180 bucks almost 1200 bucks so we paid quite a bit for this pallet it wasn't cheap but with like six thousand dollars worth of product it actually wasn't that bad of price here we go pre-owned for this i'm seeing 53 57 70 65 56 so 50 to 60 bucks for this one that's not something but the other one's probably about so those two combined by about 100 bucks or so maybe as high as 120. especially has the box to it okay that's used it's definitely used so it's probably used it's probably not worth diddly no filter's been used yeah yeah it's that's just it's trash basically you can't sell it nobody wants it they just want the filters they just want the filter i mean yeah that's that's trash and we have a little display stands you can set up like pictures with these things the whole box of them cheapy little thing but like a box of 12 picture displays not very expensive though oh that'd be nice if this was a gun case but it's not again we have a pile studio mixer audio mixing console wow i will look that one up wow wow here i'll trade you how is this fair it's totally fair now you guys see why it's gonna be on match.com don't bash match.com it's my future or any of the needing sites you can look it up since you stole it from me look at that that looks super nice i actually went to college so many buttons what do i do with the buttons for the music sound recording back in 1998 at vince's university actually i went to college to use stuff like this of course we used uh mackey boards back then and some of the audio stuff can run pretty high in terms of price like the mackie the full like a 32 channel board it goes into thousands and thousands of dollars and actually back whenever i went to college for this stuff they still used um analog but they were converting into digital at that time but we actually still were recording on analog so i'm old school i am old school so i have a wall trimmer here and it's about 20 bucks oh that's really nice keep going baby i feel like you're being a little sarcastic with me whatever i kind of do i have a mystery brown box that says incubator on it i'm gonna put you on the incubator i'ma put you on it what is your deal today you were gonna put me on match.com you said you were well i had no choice it sounds like i'm gonna be on match.com called franchise i don't know not to think about this so used looks like this pile in between like 50 and 70 bucks used new it's about 100 to 125 new wow so probably upper about we probably go up the upper range about 75 bucks because it looks like it's still factory package on the inside it's just the box got torn that's a pretty nice item right there this is an incubator like a legit like you put person on and i don't know but there's like there's like there's paper towels tissue and paper towels in the bottom could there be paper towels in there i don't think so that might be like full of covet or something i wouldn't touch those paper towels it's an inky because no i'm thinking of a ventilator not an incubator a ventilator what do you put in an incubator you eggs yes do you put eggs in an incubator i was thinking of ventilator i want to say if it's a ventilator i would not be touching that right now but an incubator i think that's how they do like maybe you put like oh it's like those petri dishes where you scrape people's mouths and then and then you grow viruses in ink incubator i think i think it is actually you're making stuff up i think i nailed it you can grow viruses are you kind of like in science you had a little petri dish thing you like it's for eggs it's a small egg hatcher i was close now you can have your oh you this is how you hatch awesome so once the chicken lays the eggs you put it in there to finish the egg growing yes i guess so okay so you can grow viruses in this in the form of eggs that's not cool what you don't want to viralize your eggs i just made that word up you know what i'm talking about next so anyway this is about a 40 item 40 bucks for an incubator we have a drawer yeah a drawer what just two of these in there very cheap okay just a drawer okay i have a very large box right here sealed box yeah a sealed non-labeled box kussini pro tomato strainer a tomato strainer wow tomato strainer you can strain your tomatoes oh it's still all factory packaged up in there too the box is kind of beat but the contents still look they're being pretty good shape twisting my knee what is this holy batman are you ready what what is it what is it it's don't pull it's expensive is it a playstation 4 no playstation 5 is good almost is good are you ready is it a firearm no it is and i robot bravo wow is that the good series one versus the bad series one why are you kicking the tornado trainer it's in the way yep wow so we've got an irobot bravo it's got like this thing and the wheels it doesn't even appear to have been used doesn't look like it because the wheels on these things if this has really been used used the wheels just pick up all the dirt and stuff off of the carpet oh look even the pads robot the pads are still uh factory yes they are i think this thing's been used i don't think so either here's the little cube sweet oh i like when i open mystery boxes brown boxes like that i know maybe now i don't join the match.com no you still do it pulled up the okay here's here's actually like the same thing open box for 95 shipped wow where's the open box one keep going baby okay i'm picking up the mater strainer doing my research i have another mystery brown oh no it's not that big of a mystery amazon basics 12 outlets ooh what i think this my goal for at least open box item looks like at least 100 bucks for that i robot bravo 300 series that's awesome looks like because it looks like it's this open box item i'm looking at probably about 100 bucks for that item so it's pretty good that is not too shabby not too shabby for a brown box brown box what in good heavens is this drink better coffee we have a coffee gator cold brew coffee maker oh it makes what did you find i don't know oh it's just a uh it's for the plug stuff man it's like heavy duty it's like it you could look trying to get this core backing through that hole and everything are you serious that came out of that hole i think so maybe not oh batman maybe not though coffee gator no it didn't come out of that hole in the box silly boy oh a mannequin head sweet whoo where's my knife i see something that you you and i could use here baby oh heck yes we can make our butt tight and beautiful heck yes should we put on some uh music now and show the the people how we twerk you don't twerk with this oh that's not what this is can you twerk with it i mean i guess you could work with anything i guess you can everything's twerkable wow this is like a heavy-duty mannequin head it has a head clamp for though they all have head clamps however what does everybody you know [Music] mannequin head fell oh this thing appears to be new okay try it again what does everybody want okay don't because i gotta sell that what does everybody need was everybody love this thing is weird the wrestling fans know what i'm doing there we met him mr al snow yes yeah he was he was very nice we actually met him a couple times yeah we saw him or we saw him like in vegas too i think it was but we met him we met him locally locally here mr al snow well we actually met al and head we met him both he was shaking when he met him oh i was nervous we've already done that we've already done this we're just i'm just running out of room so i'm putting stuff back in the box when did we do this i don't know i don't remember doing that good baby have we already done this box no okay so we have a quick set something i don't know and what is oh no but those knives are in there so we have replacement parts for the oven top pieces that's not very exciting next oh man i thought it was still factory sealed and it's not banana boat oh cool tackle box we have the smart code 955. ooh that one's more expensive that's heavy duty look it up baby 30 user codes look it up you can let 30 people in your house stop factoring no it's not dang so we got a tackle box the brand is called tac tix tix actually used also for crafting but i think actually this is more like a crafting box but you could use it as a tackle boss you could use it for growing your eggs yes i could then we got black and decker coffee maker single cup brew not very expensive but they do they do sell pre pretty easily so open box we're looking at between 70 and 90 dollars for this one not bad not bad that's not bad and last time uh just saw you baby that's all you always give me the boring stuff last ball that's really boring that's all you man we're sending this one out with a bang i don't know are these cooling racks i don't know that's all you baby it's like a pan and a cooling rack and a i don't know maybe this is a campfire or something yep like you put your oh it is look you hang it over the fire and then you put your food on here so you can make your steaks and then i don't make your steaks uh-huh i don't know what this is and then you do something with these and you then you eat because we can't all the time yes that's what that is yeah that is it for the first box all in all for this first box it's pretty good i'm happy there's at least 500 bucks in this first box i bet easily 500 bucks i got a few things over here they're like 100 bucks apiece you have a few that's hundreds of bucks a piece yeah this first box easily 500 oh yeah i mean 100 200 300 oh yeah there's 500 plus ebay value in this box so we are halfway there with five with five boxes to go so you want to stay tuned to see the other boxes because if they're as good as this first one this might be an insanely profitable palette i'm hoping so yep that'd be awesome if we could make like four grand three or four thousand buy it for a thousand make three four times our money back that would be sweet that would be sweet yep that would pay for my first full year on match.com paid up pay paid in full ladies he could be available match.com and i'm just kidding it is mine and i do perform at parties too [Laughter] i do perform at parties he he will he will bring his uh i have raving reviews from bachelorette parties he will bring his raving reviews his new twerkies it's all yours that's what i got this time we'll be back with another box bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 125,741
Rating: 4.8429213 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, storage wars, StevenSteph, APPLE, dumpster diving, scam, scammer, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: YCsYZk71-cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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