Playing the Ouya in 2021: The Biggest Failure in Gaming

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[Music] oh yeah [Music] uh oh no hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are playing with the ouya again i'm going to tell you a little bit about the ouya in case you're not familiar because it really is an interesting interesting little console the journey it's been on then we're going to play some of the hilariously bad games on it and then we're gonna try and finally make it into something useful because i'm afraid that this store for the ouya has been shut down which unfortunately for us means that much like myself after a few whiskies even though the lights are on no one is home it is just an empty vessel much like myself but lucky for us a man by the name of christian waseki apologies if i'm pronouncing that wrong has created his own ouya server that you can connect to which means we will get to enjoy some horrible horrible games but as i said i want to give you a quick rundown about where the ouya came from and what happened on its miserable little journey so what the ouya is essentially is an android box it was branded as a micro console and it came out around the height of the kickstarter craze and i know kickstarter is still a big thing but back then it was huge everyone was loving kickstarter and the ouya raised over 8.5 million dollars i cannot overstate how hyped this little console was which is weird because nowadays i couldn't see this working whatsoever it was in the perfect place at the perfect time you know watching this trailer now i'm confused what the framing is because it's like if i did my video and i was way over here for no reason whatsoever i don't know why she's down there to be fair you can understand why people got behind it because it was a really polished marketing campaign the woman in the trailer is actually julia irman who's the ceo of ouya and she got a lot of flack partially because she lied a lot because our controller has a touchpad you're not gonna find that somewhere else spoiler you can the reality is the new playstation 4 controller has a touchpad i was actually going to find and source that information myself but he just addressed it directly on stage and she's like yes it's true i just lied to you i hoped you didn't pick up on it but obviously you're smarter than i thought you would be i mean one of the things that ouya is doing um is bringing the best model of games today to the television so we believe that every single game you should try before you buy they may believe in it but they're not going to deliver on that they also didn't do that they abandoned the free-to-play model that they said uh was kind of the heart of the idea you either get the game for free or you try it for free that was thrown in the trash much like many of the ouyas there is nothing special about this board nothing she was being honest that time no i'll give her credit there she's honest there nothing but look i suppose the important thing really is that despite all of this in their most recent update they say we're gonna fix this we just gotta wait for them to fix it what do you mean racers closing the uyas store after purchasing the company but it seems so promising it had a touchpad where else could you get a touchpad and i know that they openly said there's nothing special about it but it was special to me the comments are still live also look i tripped over my ouya the other day and skinned my knee that's the most fun i've had with it since launched okay so here we are you can see my username up the top left by the way if you want to add me on the ooh yeah so let's take a look at the games i'm curious what is 17 plus on the ouya battle with my mind what the hell is that anything that mentions god in the first line is good for me i'm in i'm catholic i can't resist oh my god what is this this is this is very heavy saying that i'm gonna lose my wife and child what what in god's name is this oh my god it's actually hurting my eyes what what are you doing oh this is negative thought from the intro i should have recognized you i'm very familiar with you i think negative thought killed me okay that's the end let me try that again is this hurting anyone else's eyes i'll stop playing this soon i promise you if not for my own good for your good i love running sideways because it looks like he's endlessly just about to fall over okay i reached the end not sure what to do now sam 23 4 yeah though i want what i can't read to sam that fast i'm not that good of a catholic you were both weak and will faint of hunger i can't listen to these negative thoughts stage two oh my god every level design is like this you know what i can listen to these negative thoughts and these negative thoughts are right now telling me to close the game if i can figure out how um there's like there's this button the ouya button um that i thought would bring me back but there's no like start button or pause i don't know i'll be right back i got it you have to double tap it that's weird what do you think of this game my mother told me if i have nothing nice to say say nothing at all not to worry though we have wrestling revolution 3d to take out my anger hold on wait what hold on which one am i what this is all very sudden i don't understand what is happening where am i am i the one on the floor oh that is me okay oh i kicked him yay hold on i've taken the belt and now i am the winner can i just leave with the belt i'd rather not fight oh my god the sound is awful wait the camera swapped and then it came back and i'm just on the floor there we go i'll just leave the ring oh god someone's coming for me okay i'll leave the ring again wait that one looks exactly like me look at him that fake crowd is going wild where's the skeleton going he's climbed up just to show off his balance oh no he's backing out of the arena he's just not taking his eyes off us and he's gone oh jesus okay i thought i found like the no-go zone in the middle you know the demilitarized zone where i could just stand here and not be bothered what i think i just fell out newbie nade has been eliminated coach emerson has been eliminated also he hates me so much he just followed me out all right that's enough of that i like how the ouya is like you may also like it can't figure out what i might like based off of this game just rain a soothing audio visual rain simulator okay fair enough like i i could just open a youtube video but fair enough if it's a game it's a game i guess badass versus hipsters alright let's give this a go i feel like i have a badass [ __ ] hipsters what okay this is gonna be awful i'm already cringing a little no i hate this so much already i don't understand what i'm doing am i supposed to be hitting him okay i'm supposed to be hitting him okay i'm just mashing a and it's making weird noises and hitting into the other ones what what is this how do you think they made sunglasses that small i don't understand i'm supposed to be a badass but i'm on like a tricycle am i supposed to be like super young right now i don't know oh i found waldo okay well he didn't like waldo okay yes i'm in high school right now i don't feel like a badass i feel just like a psychopath just before you think i'm actually good at a game i just want to be clear that i am just mashing one button like i'm not hitting any direction whatsoever i just keep hitting a over and over and over again i can't understand what they're saying is that game over did i win am i a badass now [ __ ] hipsters yes i guess i am okay well no i don't want to rate this game oh i got an idea how about a political game just because doing religious games wasn't bad enough i'm going to do political games now i just want to find something everyone can enjoy wait they're taken hostage by militant extremists they're in iceland what i knew they were up to something out in that island this is such a bizarre idea for a game all right i got a key and i passed it to gorbachev now i'm all gonna open this door touch non-alert enemies from behind to kill them touch of death there you go oh wait don't they come around and see the body there we go got them didn't seem to care about the dead body might just be siesta time you know what they're like in iceland hola amigos catal at least this actually feels like a game you know it's a bit of an odd concept but it feels like a game and there we go sucked into the air duct by the looks of it regan's like come on in gorbachev which country launched the first satellite that was the soviet union sputnik not only is this game fun and dramatic it makes me feel intelligent oh god i've opened fire by accident oh no garbage chef is dead friggin's just standing there in shock i'm worried i'm saying both of their names wrong it's gorbachev and reagan right meh i'll just call him gorby and ray gun good shot gorby uh oh i missed hold on no no no no no ray gun help me help me ray gun he's not he didn't do anything he's just slashed at the air like if you get in my way it's your own fault it was shot by a would-be assassin 1981 that is mr ray gun all right i feel intelligent enough now i'm ready to move on what the hell this looks cool i went to the kids section but this just looks awesome i'm getting this game back to bed oh my god even the art style is so good oh my god no he's going out the window does anyone want to stop him is this his dream world because i feel like this uh dream is slowly becoming a nightmare good thing he's got his dog man friends to save him get safely to bed okay that's a terrifying voice oh i am the dog man friend okay this is so scary but i love it oh god the dog's on his two hind legs oh no he's gonna walk off hold on hold on there okay and now he's gonna turn he got to bed this is such a charming little game you know other than the whole cursed dog man friend thing okay there you go and then oh no oh no oh no no no no no um oh yeah then you'll go in there yes oh that's thinking on your feet right there beds are good you know the sad thing is i'm getting sleepy and like it's it's not even lunch time yet oh god oh god this is very overwhelming all of a sudden they're not what they seem oh no oh no the controls are going so wacky as well in your go now listen to your old pal man dog thing you see the ouya isn't all bad it feels like the problem here was lack of any sort of quality control whatsoever there is nothing special about this board like when you compare this lovely charming puzzle game to badass versus hipsters they're very very different levels the problem is for every one good game you find you gotta go through so much [ __ ] who needs angry birds when you got cheeky chickens huh but to tell you the truth i was never really an angry birds fan i'm more of a hide the baby kind of guy time remaining okay we do come on baby hold on we gotta we gotta hide you found item wine can i feed it to the baby found item mustache oh great i'll just take the mustache on the baby and they'll never be any the wiser not a baby okay perfect now drink some wine to prove your old rating there you go i'm ready i'm inspectored mad or oh no is it okay i thought it was mad i was like great i got a mad inspector what are my odds of winning here what do we have here it's clearly not a baby as you can see it's labeled this is clearly a baby okay i get the genius one of course i'm taking this baby right now okay i lost my baby i mean i was probably gonna lose it to the inspector or the wine one or the other so i guess it doesn't really matter your family was destroyed wait they just killed us all or what what do you mean okay i put a top hat on top of the lampshade and i put it inside it so it looks like it's on the television and the wine is just there because i was day drinking i'm irish it's very believable what do we have here oh i was just watching the news that's the new news anchor it's odd that you keep so many belongings draped around your tv and that you keep your tv in a crib hmm wait a second this is a baby oh for say your family was destroyed you know what that's canon and i'm okay with that alley cat simulator finally a game i can relate to being an unwashed unwanted animal juice simulation mode oh my god what they're freaking out okay i'll just be the alley cat please no you're not allowing me what do i do then can i be one of the other ones can i be the farm cat what's the goal what am i doing here the game was never explained to me i don't understand why am i going fast i got a fish am i running from the dog or is he my friend i'm running from the dog okay i think i died i'm done with this game oh vegas bowling this looks the high quality let's go i just dropped the ball wait what i had no impact over the way that was going at all i just hit a all right fair enough oh there goes the other one and it's going in the gutter again can i have any impact on this game oh there's my opponent okay well they're a lot better than i am you know who even needs lockdown to end really like this is this is very fun game over thank god i lost heard now this is my kind of game cat lateral damage oh my god that cat is terrifying jesus that's so scary try and domesticate me will you just breaking all of their stuff to this cheery music there you go done wait what oh the pot landed up there for god's sake what oh okay it fell off jump in the box oh i can't resist i'm a cat i gotta get in the box oh god damn it the pot isn't open i was gonna try and cook myself that would show them the thing is i wouldn't say that game is particularly fun but at least it's polished like an actual game the problem is it's 9.99 and honestly past nine seconds you start to feel like i could be playing something else but i think that's enough of the native ouya games we got to make this thing into an actual usable device so it's not just sitting in my closet or i could use it as a doorstop that is less effort you want no no we'll make it into an actually fun thing to use and the key to making the uya fun you ask emulation there are plenty of emulators you can get for the ouya and plenty of guides to show you how and that is exactly what i'm going to do with it so i've installed a ton of emulators here ps1 game boy advanced you got nintendo 64 the psp and a lot more the ones i'm particularly interested in are the ps1 and gameboy advanced emulators i've got a lot of games for these but it's just not very accessible to play them on the old devices so i'm going to go ahead and get my roms loaded up and get my games onto this instead i will be right back you know i intended to show you some of the games that i wanted to install and maybe even launch one or two and have a quick go of them but as i installed them i figured maybe this was a better way to end the video me just genuinely enjoying the games and just playing them because i was a little bit hooked and i think the ouya has earned its permanent spot in my living room which i never thought i would ever say ever not only is it a way of conveniently playing my retro style games in my living room on one little box with the same wireless controller which by the way has a touch pad apparently i don't know i didn't use it once the entire day so i don't know why she made a big fuss about it it's kind of a double whammy for me because not only am i sentimental about the old games that i've been playing on here but i also have a bit of a soft spot for the ouya as weird as that sounds it's a terrible console but that video i made back in 2017 kind of exploded on my channel and that's where a huge amount of growth came from that video took off then a spider-man video took off and then all of a sudden all my videos were taking off which is funny because i'm not very proud of that video i didn't think it was very good if i'd known at the time it would be seen by more than a couple of hundred people i probably would have made it a lot different but here i am again four years later history repeats itself and i hope that i can be proud of this one and i hope that you enjoyed it who knows maybe in another four years i'll make another ouya video if i'm lucky enough to still be making videos and if i'm lucky enough to still have a functioning oh yeah oh god i really hope i have a functioning oh yeah but this video weirdly meant a lot to me i hope i can iron out some of the kinks that i'm having with the emulators and i'm hoping that it can be a fun little retro console to have in the living room and also a bit of a story about what it's done for me in this weird roundabout way that's it for me i hope you enjoyed the video and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 636,915
Rating: 4.9823375 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, ouya, ouya console, ouya fail, ouya kickstarter, ouya games, why did the ouya fail, ouya failure, what happened to the ouya, failed video game consoles, ouya 2020, ouya 2021, callmekevin ouya
Id: sFA1yPjaULU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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