I ruined The Sims story mode

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I wonder how he’s going to play Vincent’s story.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Imagica_Just_Imagine 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and did you know the sims had a story mode on pc because i did as a kid i craved this game i wanted it so bad but i couldn't afford it it is hard to be young and a big fan of the sims because all those expansions start to really add up i had to have my own life stories because i couldn't [ __ ] afford sims life stories all right let's get started so it's effectively the sims 2 with a story mode i've never played it i'm curious what it's going to be like vincent's story is locked he owns a helicopter and that looks kind of cool but we have to go with riley's story apparently she lost her job and was about to get evicted so she's moving in with her aunt oh yeah and this awkward part where if you just have one sim they're just kind of standing there like i'll play if you want to play just on their own oh no okay that's not a bug that is a feature because it's taken me like six hours to get this game working so let's just put the walls down and never speak to them again all right what's my goal in my story hog and sharon okay so apparently this is how i track the story so far it's a gripping story it's really got me hooked real quick she just re she was ahead of her time can i make the ui smaller it's [ __ ] massive i'm so sorry sweetheart but i have to take care of something very urgent at the bank who is this person picking you up this is a lie she's having an affair she like gets into the back seat so it doesn't seem as suspicious sims 2 was before uber existed i know you're up to something but riley doesn't it's she's got it just dancing the keyboard shortcut to eat is the h button has that always been in the game this is the first time i've seen that you're saying you're hungry and you haven't had anything to eat since you had a burger at the previous city but yeah you will not stop dancing my real hunger is for the rhythm of the dance floor can i stop you dancing can you just please go eat i'm trying to progress in this gripping story oh my god literally one bite of cereal wait i'm stealing my aunt's clothes in the wardrobe okay plan an outfit oh god i hope i can shave your head and put you in a nice blue sweater yeah that'll do for my everyday wear i'm no longer a city slicker i can be free i'm a little more comfortable now with the change of clothes amazing how comfortable coconuts really are i'm saying that from experience by the way change my appearance is my next call okay something to match the coconuts perhaps i wish i could change her just a bit more just like shave the head have you know the the balding look maybe have some prisoners in the basement something i'm just more comfortable with oh yes the old gta san andreas just go to the barber to get more hair there we go if you're going to behave like a clown you may as well [ __ ] look like one she's like yes new look knew me she looks terrifying gold please wait she's like i've accomplished everything i wanted to in life all right the welcome wagon is here how did they know press g to greet neighbors is every action gonna have a keyboard shortcut because i'm gonna get very overwhelmed like really quick press g h press g press g the h button g wait are they fighting i don't know oh no they're all obsessed with this dude i'm getting a present great i hope it's that dude he just comes out of the box somehow wait are you gossiping about me oh no you're gasping at her yeah she sucks i'm great though look how confident i am to be wearing this this one up here was just walking towards us and then she was like oh my god it's that v mickey smith and i started brushing off dust all right they gave me a coffee maker okay that's great i don't know why i'm being so unappreciative this is literally a random stranger just coming in giving me a coffee maker to welcome me to the neighborhood when i moved my neighbors didn't even say hello but then again kind of understand it is not giving me a goal it's just saying please wait we don't have chemistry apparently remember this in the sims 2 when people had chemistry and stuff like it was so hard to build a relationship if they just didn't have chemistry what are you not into coconuts and clown makeup all right goodbye mickey everyone else can stay just mickey has to go stop thinking about me and almost vomiting mickey smith seems like a really nice guy he was dry-heaving at the thought of me i like to get his annoying better but don't want to rush it i'll tickle him and see how he reacts you just met someone and you're like i like how he asked him to leave but the game didn't allow him it just stopped him at the edge of the property it's like no he's he's part of the story he's he has to stay i bet the game is set up in a way that he's supposed to have chemistry with you but i changed her into this so now it's not working anymore yeah that's going well even just talking to me he doesn't like me maybe it's even worse than i thought maybe he wasn't dry heaving in my appearance it was my personality that looks like minecraft gravel sorry just wanted to bring that to your attention did i tickle him did it work okay it worked great well the music really sets the tone of the wallpaper theme doesn't it the walls are just going nuts every day is disco it aunt uh what's her name i like how a gold is just hanging out but she's showering that's what i love to do at a party just go off by myself and have a shower it's relaxing then she went out and turned off the music so no one else could enjoy it i'm moving a few things around at on sharon's house i'm gonna put the rug by the fire so you can just lay by the fire where is she by the way it's 10 p.m and she's still not back also to earn a little money on the side i'm selling your smoke alarm uh the place is on fire and they're all freaking out just hanging out meanwhile the whole way is on fire they're not doing anything to stop it whatever means they're saying that one a lot if i were to guess i'm quite fluent in simulish it means let's do nothing let's do nothing oh the fire burnt itself out would you look at that that's nice i better get up and light it again it's gonna be cold however this time i'm gonna make a sort of chain out of furniture it's just modern interior design that's how all the young people have their houses now she's like where did all this ash come from it just tidies it up it goes back to bed these people are still in my aunt's house it's nearly 2 a.m this one is watching me sleep in my underwear what is she doing she's just kind of running around that place washing her hands and then sitting down and then washing her hands and then sitting down my first day in four corners was both exciting and unsettling getting late so i should turn in it's 6 a.m riley you're waking up is she just writing it that way to lie to her future self like oh no i wasn't lame i didn't go to bed at 9 00 pm and sleep until 6 a.m and get up and get the early bird special i stayed up all night partying and at six am i went to bed lighting a fire again she must just always be cold can relate haven't had heating in about a year should i try and get a job like it's one of the side goals but it's not her main goal but it seems important or i could make an airplane instead that sounds cool yeah i don't need a job i don't think anyone would have hired me with skills like that anyway well it looks like i'm going to be in four corners for a while might as well get a job sooner than later i can't i ruined the newspaper find a job okay thank goodness or i could make the computer into an aeroplane it just picks it up and throws it immediately falls down there's an opening in the entertainment career that could be good she's already dressed as a bloody clown if that could work take the job cha-ching what is that what is that goal the goal literally just says cha-ching i don't understand where is my aunt she has not come back i'm confused by this whole game perhaps i got an email from my friends back in sim city i better check it riley i went to help out an old friend i'll be back in a few days sharon you're taking the piss now i don't know what you're up to but there's no way you spontaneously just decided to go for a few days i think she's been either kidnapped or she really is having an affair i can't even call her she's off the fecking grid where have you gotten sharon oh she wants to invite mickey smith over to liven things up a bit but i've already agreed to go somewhere else i'm going to the gym but my goal is to invite mickey all right let me invite mickey before i leave and you know what it works out mickey will come over and take care of the cooking and then i'll go to the gym and i'll be back by the time it's done it's always a pleasure okay let's go oh god he's arriving already just play hard to get be like sorry i'm off to see jim he's gonna be like there's another guy oh the house is on fire riley riley the house is on fire no mother it's just the northern lights you can see her driving off in the background the house is on fire the firemen rushing in there and riley's just like i'm gonna pump some iron i hope my house is still there when i get home i don't know i just love like having my house not burned down after the gym protein shake and my house not being burned down that's exactly what i love after the gym what is that like slot machine noise was that like a cartoon fireman running to my house it's still going i could just picture the little firemen running along to it good to see the gym has the same style of uh interior design i could think she changed too i was gonna say those coconuts would work up a hell of a rash i imagine go on riley go go on feel the burn just like those people back your house you know what now that i've done three reps i've realized i don't like working out and i'm going to go home that's this year's workout taken care of goes to the gym to just watch tv oh just had a hell of a workout just went down to the gym watch some of that cooking show that i love am i pooped who are you and why did you copy my hairstyle you look exactly the same as me from behind good thing i have that face makeup on so you can tell who's who from the front look how innocent she looks like i didn't burn the house down i'd say blame mickey i'm so glad i had to run this on a virtual machine it did legit take me hours to get this working and a virtual machine was the only way it worked but it's kind of great because it emulates how badly my computer used to run the sims 2. oh we're almost loaded in though i can hear the fire oh yeah here we go okay it's taking a lot to load this all in but i kind of understand there's a lot going on here phew that was a close one all right well i guess i can sell that smoke alarm now because what are the odds of having a fire twice impossible riley here i brought oh my god what happened to the coconuts wait what she gave me a gift and then she flicked my nose i don't like her at all another coffee machine i guess i'll just put it on the other counter wait i just realized oh no she didn't move the furniture back i was like did someone break in and move all my furniture i did that to my parents house once i just popped in they weren't there so i just moved things around like slightly not enough to notice just like move the couch like a few inches like swap shoes around that kind of thing just to mess with them it looks like this date is going pretty well we're on a date i'm sitting alone drinking from a can without a table and they're having a date of anything if anything i'm third wheeling in my own house and look they're having a great time they're accomplishing goals and everything they're in the kitchen alone like yep this date's going well all right i'm going to chairman i've worked up enough liquid courage here after drinking all that oh this is working oh god she's pissed just started poking him with the dirt careful please lady jesus if that's my hand i'm gonna be pissed it's saying time to hit on him and i did but it didn't work uh do i actually have to hit him is that what she wants to do bye he said okay i think i can only get pity company out of him so i'm gonna light my house on fire again wait they're hanging out in my garden dude you can't just say bye and then hang out with her in my garden at least go somewhere else i'm here eating a two-day old burnt grilled cheese with no table and i don't even have a change of coconuts it's so uncomfortable he's after coming back in i think he has a bit of personality like he's becoming sentient and he wants to go but the game's like sorry man you're kind of the next goal that weirdo in the kitchen with the coconuts has to hit on you i made everyone spaghetti so that they might like me more i made more spaghetti this one's floor spaghetti in case you're into that i don't know do some cultures eat off the floor probably please just love me dude please oh he's liking this animal noises that bodes well for me i don't have much of a personality so if i can just sit there making animal noises and you enjoy it it's very good news if you open relationships and go to the chemistry tab there's no one no one has chemistry with me there's a fire in the background speaking of chemistry he loved my joke i hope you laugh like that sometimes can i do anything else uh to get this because it's not working improve your relationship the option to hit on mickey will appear under the flirt menu [Laughter] oh god he loves me he thinks i'm hilarious or else he's screaming because the fire anyway mickey i best get some sleep i'll talk to you tomorrow if you stay here in my house which you probably will my ground spaghetti is on fire oh no it's spreading to the floor spaghetti somebody save on my you not saving it okay she ran out probably a good idea and he's standing very very close to the fire okay he's leaving phew i can invite him back tomorrow and try and continue this little story mission on behind trying to hit on him and hopefully she won't come this time it'll just be him well look at the time i better continue what i'm doing at a more respectable hour what sleeping i'm very hungry but the kitchen's on fire so i can't get anything oh no i'm on fire there's no one here to save me why is this happening to me she's just on fire oh no am i just gonna lose now can i just stop being on fire please i've cancelled the action could you stop being on fire i think she sneezed bless you great i've died it just says expire on the next thing that my sim is doing expired oh he's making a few calls maybe he can get me back or something i i don't know do you have the power just give me a chance come on i just wanted to flirt with mickey and it somehow ended up with me burning the house down sorry but the story cannot continue when one of its main characters is pushing up daisies it's not that kind of soap opera reloading your last save okay we're back to where the firefighters are just leaving great can you just stay please hit him quick while he's not looking he's leaving again why do you always leave come back and why do you leave her behind she follows you around but when you're leaving my house she doesn't who is calling me it's not even my house leave me alone how do you have my home number and my mobile number [ __ ] off fiona i don't want to talk to you oh my god he's back you're giving me such mixed messages dude and i don't even mean in a romantic way it's just you say you gotta leave and then you're walking back into my house unannounced maybe he was just trying to lose the other one yeah i mean it's probably not that but it makes me feel pretty good so i'm gonna go with that hit on yes okay now just get through all these because we have awful chemistry so i got to be well beyond the point of unlocking the interaction to do it yes it did it okay you can go now wait what is this dude watch the coconuts lady i think riley's crying off camera wait why are you hugging now why would you hug her after she just ran into the house and pushed me irritate yeah gross out that'll show her okay that'll sure fight yeah can we straight up fight there we go be careful who you push back i'm an arsonist i'll burn your house down don't think this is over you haven't heard the last of me i don't even know your name honestly i don't know what your problem is that'll teach you to mess with riley black guy harlow i can even tell if you're a black guy you've got all that makeup all over you please let the next goal be like the house on fire i'm really good at that one oh she's starving just eat the grilled sandwich the one that stayed on that hob for days just burned to a crisp i think that would just be the equivalent of eating ash she's entered her little diary entry i like how she sees herself as this by the way she's forgotten that she doesn't look like that anymore she called the lady a stupid cow in her diary is she like 12. you're still here dude it's 10 p.m and i've been asleep for three hours so he's really weird i don't know why they're all into him like i'm getting serial killer vibes and if anyone would know i would because i play the sims a lot not is there anything else that's what you mean i don't know why you're insinuating that that's weird of you i'm getting serial killer vibes from you to be honest what why are you coming in and laughing when i'm trying to sleep he just came in and laughed he's insane all right i'm gonna get up and make some spaghetti in the middle of the night and then forget about it and burn the house down but i'm gonna block the door this time so i'm safe oh no i just made spaghetti i forgot about the fire part oh now he's eating my spaghetti he's such a weirdo okay i think i've blocked every entrance to the kitchen and i left the food on the hob so we should be good now oh and some bathroom spaghetti okay good i'm saved i just clicked on it to see if it was cooking and it came up extinguished before the fire even started and i was like oh okay it is working oh this bath is so warm my aunt is gonna be so pissed when she gets home and realizes that well she doesn't have a home anymore the fire's actually so calm when people aren't screaming and stuff oh she's realized there's a fire now but she can't get to it good good good just go relax go relax on the bed great great job work is in an hour and then we're out of here and we'll just let the fire tire itself out off to work you go she's like look riley it's your first date don't panic the fire will be here when you get back you can take care of it then the goals are so far behind it's like i'll hang out with them a bit longer and then say good night there's a lot to do but he's he's gone it's the next day oh look the fire did take care of itself i told you there we go fire's gone not to worry i'm spending all my money getting ourselves a new kitchen and putting it in the living room let me just save the game before i cook because well that was a very very successful fire this whole agora problem really has me tense i think i'll give fiona a call we don't even really know fiona i don't know why we're relying on her we're getting to know mickey quite well still absolutely zero chemistry but at least we know each other on a first name basis i didn't even know who the other lady was all right i like my burgers well done so let's just uh let's just walk away from this create a little blockade here the fish will be the first to go i think put the fish next to the oven i don't need my aunt's bed either i don't think she's ever coming back so i'll just stack that up to my aunt's dressing table the shower i do not really need anymore this chair also and this barbecue this easel i hate painting it makes me feel bad because i have no skill whatsoever we're going to add like little bits of detail i think okay great everything valuable and ugly is put into this corner except for me okay i'm trapped i have built a fort people do that when their like relatives are away right you build a fort it's like i got the house to myself let's build a fort i would do that if i had time oh there starts the fire all right well i'm just gonna sleep through the whole thing this isn't really what i pictured when i said sims story mode but at the same time i'm not really surprised oh no my barrier's gonna burn next i wanted that i wanted the computer i think that might be a vital object i feel like i've lost a lot of vital objects my goals buy a refrigerator i don't actually have the money she's a pyromaniac like she knows what'll happen if she gets near a fridge or cooker again i think i'll keep the living room toilet i actually kind of like that i'm very hungry and i have no way of feeding myself what's this safe yes save me oh thank goodness i'm saved phew i just saved the game and it feels like i'm in an impossible situation now like how am i gonna live she's having a breakdown because of the ash now she actually wants to try and clean it no i like it it's a cool style she picked it up and then just threw it back down could i call some pizza or like call someone to deliver pizza not like actually call a pizza yes there we go pizza boy forty dollars that's like half my net worth yeah sure except delivery and hey could i like ask you something how did you cook this without burning your house down was she gonna bring it she's bringing into the bathroom this is just sad well look it's something you're not gonna starve anyway and look there's no shame in it i've eaten pizza in a bathtub before i was super drunk but look it happens doesn't it we've all been there what do you mean you haven't been there you're a liar we've all been there oh my god she just stole my newspaper i was gonna make a paper airplane out of that there we go nice day at work 240 bucks that's a few pizzas that'll keep me going i need to get dylan off my mind who is dylan i know what to do i'll invite mickey to dinner at the starlight cafe i should keep my mind off old memories i mean like keep your mind off the old memory of burning your aunt's house down she's going to be pissed all right you know what i think that's a good place to end we're at a very good spot right now if you want to see more do let me know i would be down to ruin riley's life a little bit more uh thank you so much for watching i really appreciate you and i hope to see you next time bye for now shout out to patriots jamie robin jeffery janika atkin back jason ellis j bills jeb c jeffrey knight jeff the hef jenny ambrose jenny hey hayes jesse tallman jessica moody jes gleason jlw john brett's jonathan langthorne joss joshi the riardo joshua curley julian culver karen mclin katie monkey kiocat karen todd kevin love soup kitty hoover christian m k rose larissa feffeloff and laura klein
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 963,719
Rating: 4.9734364 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, the sims life stories, the sims, sims life stories, sims, the sims 4, life stories, sims 4, the sims 3, the sims 2, the sims 2 life stories, sims 4 series, sims life stories gameplay, life simulation, sims 4 story, sims 3, sims 2 sims life stories, die sims, riley's story sims life stories, die sims 4, series, the sims life story, sims stories, sims4, sims 2, sims 4 stories, sims 2 pet stories
Id: 601GXcA_gik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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