The Sims 2 is more depressing than you remember

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His Sims video are my favorite. The game is as chaotic as he is.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/queeneve84 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing the sims 2. and i'm going to live in strange town because that seems fitting i'm going to make a version of myself and we're going to see how it goes creating pets this game has a god complex ah so that's how i got here i crashed on my ufo spacecraft that makes a lot of sense hey uh your wind farm is broken nothing is moving the neighborhood is so small it's just these houses here and and that's it okay all right that's fine let's get creating well me create a sim all right name call me kevin jesus i didn't realize the sims 2 facial hair was so bloody terrifying look at it oh grug that glasses no we won't put those on i'm making me not grog neck does this look anything like me be honest unless you're not being nice then don't be honest lie and tell me i look like this ah there's not enough customization like i want to change the hair color but i can't unless i want to go blonde but no that's even further all right you know what that'll do it's better than the sims one version of me all right this kevin wants to be popular and let's just make him a scorpio whatever the default is oh i forgot about turn ons and turn offs okay you like a hard worker who is near death perfect and you hate the unemployed i wonder what he's after oh wait now i gotta enter a family name but his name is call me kevin oh no the youtuber call me kevin the youtuber is his full name the the youtuber family oh jesus christ we're off to a terrible start we are not building a home for you uh this is the cheapest i think we can go with this that you know what i want you to have some money to do what you want with and look it's lead three really you have to put in this three to ruin it loading the the youtuber family oh no is this not furnished please tell me this is furniture where is he going he's celebrating i don't know if he's celebrating or angry okay no he's celebrating which by the way is terrifying okay we have all the basics and we've six grand to get the rest of what we need which includes a [ __ ] fridge for some reason i don't know why that wasn't here let's be real kevin you're never going to cook uh we'll get a microwave instead this kitchen might be the worst thing i've ever seen and i don't mean just about rooms i mean just in general the worst thing ever to exist oh we gotta get one of these of course that could replace where where the oven was i don't know you know what let's put this the center of this living room here this is gonna be your entertainment for now you can choose between a phone and a smoke alarm because i'm on a budget i'll go with the phone i mean i don't even have an oven surely there's not gonna be a fire why do i feel like this is foreshadowing something okay this bed is pretty good without breaking the bank and last but not least i feel like a very kevin thing to do is to buy an old project and never invest time in it whatsoever so it just sits there forever like i'll attempt to fix it up so he'll have a car but i just don't see it happening well off to a pretty depressing start so far he's like it's july he's kind of this snowman speaker he's just sitting there to read or maybe it's his diary dear diary i hate myself newspaper lady all right great i'm going to get a newspaper i'm going to get a job oh god he's eager now he's seen what boredom is and he doesn't like it law i could i could imagine doing law um i don't want to go into any career track that i cannot pronounce entertainment that might be fun you know what go with that a stand-up comedian i mean in a way that's kind of what i'm doing at the moment anyway oh wait he's been an ultra time god damn it okay what what is all this what there's visitors i'm getting overwhelmed i'm gonna do it like i do with my mail and just delete it all just shred everything and pretend i didn't get it i just came out and accepted the gifts they got me and ignored the neighbors they're like i know you're in there i can hear the christmas music hello there jenny smith that is definitely a fake name you just don't want to hang out with me wait what where did you come from he came from inside my house how did you get it i don't understand where you came from and i you're just leaving okay goodbye yep he's gone and my carpool is here jenny is just here to use the bathroom does the christmas house music help or make it harder oh there's a psychic who wants to like love match him up with someone okay great when i'm back from work i'll talk to you he's going to be a stand-up comedian with zero charisma let's get him a mirror so he can talk to himself again much like i do for a living i'm glad he doesn't have neighbors he just leaves this on while he's at work blasting he's home from work and he's catching fireflies okay you know this music is weird so i'm gonna throw a house party to make it more normal i only know one person come on over i don't even know that guy who was in my house hey welcome to the party um sorry there are no chairs but i hope you like the music oh no he's flirting oh this is so awkward it's just the two of them he invited her over for a parody and there's no one here christmas music blasting okay i'm gonna have to spice it up a little bit i have to buy something uh what can i get i can get a guitar okay never mind i can't afford the guitar i'll just get this freestanding microphone to do something stand-up comedy for you perform stand-up comedy this is gonna be the most awkward experience of her life just shut up kevin wait did i have my mic on kevin what the [ __ ] sorry dude i didn't realize i had my mic on i was just practicing the [ __ ] practice is boppit christmas music blasting he's just doing stand-up comedy to just her she has left the room this is embarrassing oh he's never going to sleep again he's going to lay awake at night just thinking about this moment i don't think he's even doing stand-up comedy i think he's just having a panic attack why are you bowing there's no one in the room oh she came back in that's why she can't hear you over the sound of eating her own chips i imagine both the music and the crisps are drowning you out completely i think she just came over here for the food all right it's still a snoozer kevin go make some meals in the microwave for the party oh god damn it he burnt the last one ah for [ __ ] sake okay you know what you can have that don't look at me like that all right i just say she ate all my chips already like you're hungry you deserve the good meal that's kind of creepy when he made direct eye contact with the camera do you think do you think that's a little weird when you make intense direct eye contact maybe not i don't know this party just continues to get more awkward she's trying to get around me and i'm blocking the way okay the only thing that will save this is changing into my formal where oh hey i just realized what i said his formal way too he's like oh let me slip into something more comfortable it comes out twice the center combined with the music this is just it really pulls the parody together i think anyway get ready for some more awkward stand up comedy as you eat all of my food i think she's stress eating i think that's what this is there we go doing some dancing is that working have a great party how do i get rid of a want because that's not going to happen no don't lock it get rid of it delete i'm going to lock the be friends with jenny because i think i'm almost there how's it looking so far 38 not bad why are you going to bed she's like well this party's getting a bit out of control for my liking i'm heading to bed congratulations on hosting a terrific party what what about this spells terrific to you it's 4 42 a.m i went to bed for a while there's food all over the place the snowman's blasted and she's been stress eating all night final party score not bad okay if you if you say so and that apparently completed the great parody okay i don't know where the lion is from not bad and great but apparently they kind of mold together and turning off the christmas music i've had enough even though i think that's kind of what saved the party surprisingly oh oh i don't know if i like that now it's like eerily silent now i can hear my thoughts nope nothing really going on up there actually oh 9am you know what that means some impromptu stand-up comedy by myself there we go got a skill point from that i'm going to go find jenny she better be careful call taxi i can't even remember how to [ __ ] get around in this game bills already are you serious there's going to be a high electricity bill from that bloody snowman isn't there i shouldn't have left that on all day and night i can't go visit her what i can only go to the community lot okay let's go pay bills 68. you couldn't charge me one dollar more for the meme could you bastards what the hell is this what i didn't make this place this is just in the game what why is this a pool okay i guess i'll go for a swim i feel like a sim that falls for one of my traps now like this feels stupid i don't know why you would get into this pool also i hate the music they got on here it needs to be more christmasy wait the stand up got me creativity not charisma oh for [ __ ] sake what is that music what okay i'll just ignore and pretend everything is fine i'm gonna buy some groceries i don't know what i'm buying but i hope it's microwavable oh this is sad i keep an eye out by the way you've got an unsavory charlatan in this building like literally that that is literally his name look at that what is he doing wait why are you patting him on the head that's not a child is it no that is an adult why are you letting him do that why are they all fighting look at him he's like a cartoon villain just looking over their shoulders creepy as hell hey everyone i brought hot dogs unprompted why are you doing that why are you serving out hot dogs these people you don't know what is he doing is this the groceries you bought i hope it's not because we don't have enough money to be feeding everyone in the neighborhood first of all where did you find them and second of all where did you cook them i don't see any barbecue i'm so good oh there is the barbecue okay i was so confused he's feeding everyone and it doesn't make any sense good evening sir your hot dog the guy's like thank you so much you have such good service here he's like oh no i i don't work here i'm just doing this for fun anyway enjoy the hot dog oh god was that someone vomiting if you're vomiting and you got food poisoning it's nothing to do with me by the way i don't work here you can't sue me i'm doing this for fun oh no now he's talking to them from the next table he's like hey these hot dogs are pretty good right i'm so glad we are all hanging out here as friends together no one has even made eye contact with them he looks so sad you know what i'm going home this has just been an all-around depressing experience gotta get a picture first of hanging out with my friends just take a picture of them i don't think i even spoke to either of them wait what the hell is going on here what is this what who are you are you casting a spell on me could you make people like me please i have a popularity aspiration but nobody likes me at all i'm taking her cat for a walk i don't know if this is a good idea like not only is it kind of weird to take a cat for a walk where the hell did it go okay maybe that cat was just imaginary but i was oh what the hell jesus she's a lunatic i was about to say not only is taking a cat for a walk a little bit odd to begin with but taking another person's cat who also seems to be a witch of some sort seems dangerous i bought your telescope so you can spy on the neighbors you now only have fourteen dollars to your name wait who are you what were you just doing were they fighting in the back garden who is this dude he just shows up i hate him for some reason his name is vidcon curious i'm curious why the hell you keep coming over here ask out on date okay let's ask that lady out on a date what was her name jenny smith jenny is that work working oh no who are you are you her husband uh pollination tech number nine smith you probably are oh he's not going to be happy about that will you stop i'm just spying on the neighbors [ __ ] off i don't know who he is he keeps showing up i wonder does he live there oh that's the smith house okay would you like to play this lot no i want to go visit will you [ __ ] stop i'm spying on the smiths not the curious and in fact if you're so curious you're probably spying on me like if you're seeing me spying you're probably spying on me spying maybe if i confuse him enough he'll leave i like how i just go right back to it before he's even off the lot i don't know if i've ever seen minus 97 and -98 on the relationship tab community lottery your place home okay now you're just inviting yourself into my house how do i kill how do i kill on the sims 2 was there a murder expansion oh no i stink i stink hold on stinkies hold on one second stinkies i need to clean up greet okay greet and then go clean up yeah even she was like no no no you stink wait what are you doing stop microwaving smelly food just talk to her talk to her why is she coming on a date with me if she's married to the alien dude maybe they're not married i don't know all right i'm going in for the charm what was that hungry desperation oh god that thing is smoking all right she's like is something burning oh that's just my loins for you jenny smith okay no no no no no no no that is the kitchen sorry remember earlier when i told him talks about the foreshadowing look at this it's gone to horrible the state is falling apart call the fire department hold on okay can you get some urgency stop panicking and call the emergency service time is running out do you mean for the days or your lives because there are more important things right now than the date will you stop and just call the emergency department please yes he's on the phone fire station holy heck that date was incredibly bad you're the worst time i ever had let's not ever do that again holy crap that oh no that was awful wait i just died i think what did i die from did i just die of hunger did i legit just die of hunger i like how i can still interact pose hands-on hips for your death scene gotta run please be more careful next time do you not gather from this that there probably isn't gonna be a next time if the point of playing the sims 2 was to kill off all your sims then you would be the world champion i'm gonna stop reading there so is it just over is that it have i lost luckily i think i saved it just a few minutes ago do you want to save no okay here we go alternate reality oh hear that thing yeah get the food get the food the ding means it's done like who would set their microwave to just infinite on the time you always set the time you wanted to be done in well jenny as you can see i'm pretty responsible taking the food out of the microwave like that i hope that uh impresses you now i'm eating the stinky food with flies on it uh i hope that impresses you as well can i see there once talk to call me kevin i'm just gonna work on her once be friends i can lock her once play don't even finish the conversation just cancel i just want to get her one stop dine out no why would we dine out when we got a perfectly good microwave right here call me kevin is sick with food poisoning it turns out whether he took the food out or not they both were bad endings give gift yes give gifts that's a good idea oh all i have is my computer okay yeah take the computer there you go god he's just trying to buy her friendship all right that helped the date a lot buying a friendship is working the problem is i don't really have the money to be giving away a computer i am 14 what does she want kiss get back rob get flirted with okay we can do all of this yes we're up into great territory money can buy you happiness i like how all of her wants and fears are like related to this date and my guys meanwhile like see the ghost of vidcon i don't want to see him dead i suppose every now and again he just turns directly to the camera and freaks the hell out she keeps trying to walk away but i keep pulling her back where are you running off to now oh he's vomiting okay that's fair enough hey um turn around don't look in the bathroom i like how he finished off the [ __ ] sandwich that poisoned him to begin with oh there he goes again great fantastic i told you not to come in here what the hell he's freaking out he wants more food i think okay great they're friends now that's all they wanted i will never speak to you again i just needed it for work i needed a friend but what i really need is to see the ghost of vidcon and i've locked that in all right let's call over vidcon i have a feeling he's not going to come over is the only problem i'm waiting for the phone repair man couldn't i hate you all right i know how to get you over here i'll just start looking through my telescope and then you'll show up there you are right on cue oh wait i can't afford to build a wall around him i guess i'll sell that project that i'm never going to complete oh i lost money on that one there we go now it's like some sick twisted petting zoo or something all right enjoy your time vidcon it's fun to watch him run around in there like that i'm gonna take my telescope though because i don't want you having fun and in fact i'm gonna [ __ ] use it in front of you because you've been such a bastard about me using my telescope you know there's nothing you can do about it look at this look at me looking through it what are you gonna do jump that waist high fence i don't think so oh no the dog has showed up to teach me a lesson all right i'm going inside oh now he's weeping look at that this is great wait what the hell what that outing was great i thought i'd get you this rug okay thank you i'll sell it for money thank you very much before she's even off the lot i've sold it i mean i just can't vomit all over it anyway i keep getting sick everywhere got my charisma point i'm ready for a promotion vidcon says you invited me to spend the night but then you didn't let me get any sleep i'm leaving uh vidcon you were never invited ever actually you kept just coming over of your own accord and good luck with that i'm leaving part the hell is that fighting oh it's two dogs okay work away if you want to eat anyone eat vidcon i think he's passed out from heatstroke so he's an easy target i'm liking this odd mix of christmas music and vidcon crying vidcon you keep saying you're leaving but you're not going anywhere ah promotion well done yeah i'll vomit to that one you know vidcon since i got a promotion i'm going to give you a little paddling pool to have a little fun i got another promotion wait i didn't realize i was a clown oh that's kind of sad but i just got promoted to mime so i i guess that's better i think because he's trying to leave he can't actually die you know what i'll do i'll set him free for a day and then invite him back off he goes he must be so relieved maybe he's learned his lesson maybe he won't come back when i start looking through my telescope oh no no he is not okay welcome vidcon to your death look at that vidcon you got so much freedom now your pen is so much larger oh look at that vidcon you're enjoying your pool i have a great time in there i'm sure it's to die for [Music] no i shouldn't do the evil laugh that always gives away the idea oh god damn it what have i done he keeps going on there and then chickening out yes he went in okay good vidcon see if you don't do the evil laughter much less likely to back out of it oh hold on let me uh do the final touches of the evil plan there we go now it's all come together now i can get rid of this wall in fact i can get rid of the diving board as well so no one else will go in there it's probably a good idea you invited me to spend the night but then you didn't let me get any sleep i'm leaving well good luck with that vidcon i don't know whether he's gonna die or be an eternal prisoner of that swimming pool but either way i'm fine with it all right vin couldn't well i'll start digging your grave while you take your little swim but i think that's all we have time for today if you enjoyed let me know i would be down to continue the the youtuber family here if you want to see more of it thank you so much for watching if you're new be sure to subscribe regulars thank you so much for watching and i hope to see you all next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,646,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, sims, the sims, sims 2, new sims, sims 2 is depressing, call me kevin sims, callmekevin sims
Id: c555r-0R4z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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