I made a sim so unlucky, his life is completely cursed

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we are playing the sims 2. and here's the man of the hour this is call me kevin the youtuber the sim version of me which is utterly depressing and this is the man that he wants to see as a ghost because he kept slapping me granted i was looking into his house with the telescope in the middle of the day but i still think he overreacted so i'm going to overreact in turn unfortunately vidcon seems to just be able to swim forever because his ai is telling him hey i'm just leaving the lot i'm no longer killable so i have to figure out a way around this every fiber of my being is telling me no but i think i have to let him go and bait him back into a better trap a more instant kill than letting him eventually starve to death in the pool i'm thinking fire how were you sinking when you've been in the pool for like three days straight it doesn't make much sense this woman's just like all right let's try and bait him in he absolutely hates me so i can't just call him over i'm gonna start looking into his window again here he comes jesus the speed of him okay this little chamber cost me a grand so i hope this works all right stop fighting and start firing he's just screaming at me as i prepare the meal okay now we just gotta get out of here but how the hell are we going to do that can you lock doors in this game oh you can goodbye it should have taken that little opportunity when the door swung open no what no you can't do that it was locked no okay this was an absolute disaster like this could not have gone worse not only did my victim get away but now i gotta eat this bloody awful tv dinner try this again oh no now it's night time now it's just normal if i look through the telescope i'm just stargazing all right in the morning his end will come oh i discovered an unknown star and got 500 well that's lucky it's not all bad still would have preferred vidcon's death but it's something i think you've earned a new telescope it could have pissed off vidcon even more there we go i'm gonna see every freckle on your body with this bad boy trying to get him in a good mood for work and only his social is down i guess i'll summon vidcon a good old slap fight will put my social needs up won't it i'm waiting i'm waiting for him to break the sound barrier here he comes he's so fast oh sorry let me unlock the door for you hold on there you go now you can come in seal the chamber no you can't just leave all right hold on oh this is going to cost me so much i can't i can't afford it can i get my money back to the telescope i don't think so there we go okay got him back again keep summoning him this time i'll just [ __ ] sell the door all right call me kevin the youtuber go here freak him out act like the blair witch just stare into the corner call me kevin has the day off today good because i got a lot of stuff to do killing is very time consuming there we go i can't i can't afford it i gotta sell some base i can afford the wall to let them out i i can't even get rid of the wall because it's too close all right hold on yes there we go okay there's the ding if i'm right you should not be able to get that yeah because you are a visitor you're not loud get that i really want to move my telescope but it's not letting me cause vidcon is technically complaining about it i just cannot pick it up yes burn baby burn vidcon inferno oh a rose is this from the lady you tried to date or is this from vidcon like kind of a godfather moment you know a rose and the kiss of death yes fire i like how -2 000 aspiration points came up there as well that he had a fear of fire it's too perfect vidcon please go closer i'm really worried for my telescope it's like 26 vidcon and i can't move it because there's a fire on the lot spread come on don't die out spread spread he's so flammable look at him look at that flammable clothing the fire has literally surrounded him it is burning my telescope but it's not burning him oh my god he has somehow avoided this how the hell is he doing this sweet bejesus the fire burnt all of my belongings and now he's in there alive sobbing i mean i enjoy the fact that he's crying it's just i gotta try and kill him what is he doing he's like playing hopscotch on the ash vidcon you're a weird dude now i can't even eat because that was my fridge in my my toaster oven in there and i always want is buy a refrigerator maybe i can order a pizza i know it's like 2 a.m but like i'm hungry and my house was on fire 40 this better be the best pizza i've ever seen he's screaming how he's hungry and the pizza delivery girl is going to the door he's like i'll just just leave it there i don't like social interaction oh my god he's having a breakdown oh god he's screaming again he's screaming he doesn't know how to interact with people okay you better actually go talk to her yeah you could better change into your coach just for stepping out onto the porch i'm afraid he'll starve to death the sims 2 is very cruel no you can leave i don't tip you go now what is she wearing is that a bridesmaid's like veil what a weirdo as my guy eats pizzas standing up in his kitchen which is entirely empty because i trapped my neighbor in an outside compartment and burned all my belongings but she is weird oh my god the way they eat in the sims 2 is terrifying it's like their face just turns into a liquid oh that's nasty didn't like that i need another friend to get a promotion i wonder who i could call the only people i know are the pizza girl and edward fox oh i rang the pizza girl who i didn't even tip and left standing on the porch for like an hour but she doesn't want to talk to me for some reason it's also 6 a.m why are you crying on the phone i called the pizza lady and he's just crying wait why are you poking me i i invited you over oh apparently no stop stop poking her back i was just about to say apparently with chemistry but i don't know if that helps what are you zooming in on what is vidcon doing oh he's falling asleep standing up oh he pissed himself great hey so i invited you over to um read my builds with me apparently will you stop poking me is this because i called you at 6am wait what did i am i oh i'm a mime i thought i was a burglar for a second that's a good cover if you're ever breaking into someone's house dressed like a stereotypical burglar just start going like i think it would work oh no she came inside she took some of the pizza that she delivered herself life has a funny way of working out doesn't it i should be kind of ashamed that there was just pizza on the floor call me kevin is miami on a street corner when a rival mime arrives with the intent of taking over the corner what is this some mime turf war the rival whips out an invisible ninja sword should calling kevin produces certified back or mime a dove as a gesture of peace i'll fight back all is fair in mime warfare call me kevin whips out an invisible broadsword what ensues is an epic battle invisible sword clashing against invisible sword each sweeping strike finally being closer to misfortune finally call me kevin gains the upper hand and forces the rival to forfeit i win the day and gain a body skill point god you can say i won but we're both losers who are you and what are you doing here why are you reading my newspaper just some random dude like i'm on the search for a vidcon and i've been hired by his wife i also have the most defined cheekbones ever known to man he's like oh no i think i'll actually have to be pretty creative with this because i don't want to let him out so i might have to like i don't put in a little rug like this light the fire and then readjust his little cage why are you complaining about him in your way he's not wait a second is he freezing to death wait is lighting a fire a good idea let me let me sell this and uh i can just come back tomorrow you know that want is c the ghost of vidcon he kind of looks as pale as a ghost i'm allowed to say that by the way i'm also as pale as a ghost so i'm allowed to say that i'm gonna call pizza lady over again me want promotion at this point you'd highly suspect that he is just doing this to get free pizza why do you look pissed off just to be at my house you came over here you said i suppose coming over couldn't hurt that's probably what vidcon thought why are you poking me i just want a friend jesus no don't poke her back who is this troy go well make like your second name and go away we apparently have chemistry but this is just so taxing to try and get her to become my friend wait what are you taking pictures of oh no it's binoculars i thought you were gathering evidence to get a little bit nervous about vidcon over here she must be like what even is this it's just a block outside in the garden oh that's where i grow my weed like literally that there's a lot of weed in there pull weeds never oh the snow's coming in heavy vidcon's just being tortured i don't know if he's gonna die but he's been tortured for sure all right vidcon does not seem to be dying from the snow so i'm gonna light up the fireplace and then hopefully he'll be interested in it because you know he's freezing and the speed he ran away from that he knows it's trouble he's sleeping when i did it so i'm gonna put the snowman in there to try and wake him up oh it worked imagine you turn around and see that's there be terrifying i think this music is too cheery for the deed i'm doing here all right i'm just going to talk to her on the phone because apparently every time i call her over she just wants to poke me and ruin our relationship without the context that sounds like it's a very different type of problem he must think this is a legitimate nightmare every time he wakes up the box gets smaller i don't know what her deal is we're up to 83 and she's still not considered a friend maybe she just doesn't like me as much oh my god we're getting another one we're building a model rocket that sounds like a horrible idea for mimes you can't even communicate you're just guessing what each other are doing call me kevin has also been experimenting with a fuel that called me kevin has been making by himself go with the experimental fuel yes the group presses the launch button for liftoff a large fireball explodes from the base of the rocket and causes flaming debris to shoot all over the roof you can't even start a house fire and you're starting a fire with rockets i got demoted it's funny because when you speed it up it actually looks like he's dancing with the snowman okay i came up with a genius idea and this is definitely gonna work i got an interior fireplace and i've blocked the entrance with it so i can access it to light it but he can't get out there we go and now i'll just passively light fires whenever i want and eventually he will die the neighbors are gonna just think it's a sauna or steam room or something i am one dollar short for this toaster oven come on stores usually have them at 99 anyway because it looks more appealing can you just give me a dollar off finally fire all right now just kill vidcon fire if only i could command fire like that on his fears back imagine dying with this thing in the room especially if this thing starts to burn first just the plastic melting demonic music playing through come on spread on the rugs that's why the rugs are there wait no are you serious how does this even happen he [ __ ] came in to see what the hobble was about and now i'm on fire this isn't fair oh my god i'm actually going to die okay it extinguished i don't know how the hell it extinguished but it extinguished okay no worries vidcon i extinguished the fire with my body sweet jesus this is so difficult and the music just kicks off again wait why are you leaving the newspaper here oh you think this is the front door she's like i'll leave it here for vidcon i hear screaming in there i know someone's in there i don't know whether my sim is just the most unlucky sim in the world or if this game just hates me better save it don't want to lose all that good progress look at him the [ __ ] clown he's a clown all right yeah this face about sums it up doesn't it oh as you can see uh by the bladder stat he pissed himself in his clown outfit at work what a depressing thought a clown at a kid's birthday party just pissing himself okay i've moved to the time bomb strategy again because at least this i know i can catch fire like not me not not me again please i mean like i know i can start a fire hey if you couldn't just drop a meal in for you anyway i'll be on my way goodbye and this time lock the door for everyone you're not coming back in here mister you're going to sleep for the night there we go yes again his fear just keeps coming true come on come on start lighting up the place yes yes this is looking good this is looking fantastic that music is just bumping wait what he just what oh man this game is so hard it's as if they don't want you to murder people all right you know what load to the menu and we're gonna do this again all right i can hear the crying so he's still in there fantastic same plan but this time sell the [ __ ] door [Music] he puts it in the oven and immediately changes into his clown outfit this makes the whole ordeal a lot scarier the fact that my guy is dressed up as a clown as he tries to kill him sell the door and there he goes fleeing from the scene oh no the army's getting involved they're looking for him oh no he's just stealing my newspaper why i have never met him what are you doing okay here we go he's trying to piss the fire out but that won't work he lived phil couldn't curious i don't understand they say curiosity kills but apparently not i just cannot end him there's only one way to do this i forcibly befriend vidkund and then invite him to live with me and then i kill him all right we're in this for the long game it's been very fun torturing you in that box i've learned a lot but you're free to go for now vidcon is at work working when i tried to call him but like how is he holding on a job he's not showed up in like five weeks i better clean up the yard because it's making him absolutely miserable the place is disgusting oh my god the front yard is somehow even worse okay you know what instead of cleaning i'm gonna go shower because now i'm disgusting what oh my god i'm getting stuff repossessed what did you just take you took my mirror you know what i'm actually glad because every time i look in that thing i get sad yeah that's the exact face i have god they have no shame do they if that's on the side of their vans they're like yeah we're making people miserable deal with it can i have my job as a mime back i hate in my job i have to socialize with people being a mime was brilliant i didn't have to talk to anyone that's actually a good perk of being a mayam now that i think about it oh my god his relationship is actually positive like the overall one i'm not sure how the system works but the second bear is pretty low still they're still rated as enemies but i'm hoping that'll heal over time given that the the top bar is now positive he can't hold a grudge forever right like i just locked him in a room for a few weeks the guy came by just to look at the cockroaches and then he left thank god i got my mime job back and i get the bonus again so it's not all bad i'm buying a telescope all right things are on the up again i got the flu jesus christ this game keeps kicking me when i'm down the hell was that something just exploded on the lawn what what was that i don't understand oh my god the repo man it's coming again what are you gonna take this time you know i never change my clothes anyway you can have it call me kevin has the day off today well great i can spend it in misery oh my god he finally came over but he brought his general friend he asked you to bring a friend and i was like yeah i guess why not that explains why you kept coming by to try and find him no do not freak out do not slap me i'm trying to become friends with you now they're fighting for god's sake stop cheering them on i don't want them fighting he sounds like he's on the verge of dying oh now he's picking weeds okay is that like your apology now he's leaving this game is impossible you've tried that what you gave me a genie lamp i can already tell this is a bad idea but he wants to make a wish so rob the lamp i guess hey genie could you kill vidcon at wish uh give me a a long life your wish is granted oh that's pretty awesome give me the power to cheat death i really need this one it was just granted okay give me beauty okay he didn't change but apparently this is beautiful i don't know what says beautiful with this expression but but i don't know i guess it's subjective he's standing outside thinking about me with flames around me is that like you want me to die are you angry about me or are you just remembering the time i was literally on fire oh i can use this cheat to make him selectable oh i like it he fears fire i wonder why oh no now he's stuck in a loop of like trying to leave but he can't because the hey i was trying to make him leave but he can't because he's my sin all right he went into the bathroom so i locked him in there that's my plan so far i essentially have no plan i mean i could just wait it out he might just starve now that he's my sim apparently every sin i touch just wants to die immediately oh a mind fight fight back yes i got a body skill unfortunately the muscles are also invisible the mime life is a cruel one he used to pay a day of vacation and i got the money because i didn't let him go to work all right we'll have to move the shower out into the living room i'm afraid in front of the glass door that should do i also need that toilet so i'll just move that out there too great it clogs and all the toilet water went out of my carpet fantastic the mage shows up like what the hell is going on here you know what i think there's enough space where i can actually let you start a fire this is so cruel like he is literally starving to death and then i moved him away from the meal he just put on and blocked it wait what i went to the movies with one of my co-workers because our tastes in movies clash pretty heavily their working relationship suffers and call me kevin ends up with a demotion this game is ridiculous there's a fire wait who is this the social bunny oh i forgot about that yeah you show up if the person's totally depressed don't you yeah i i really need to talk to someone yes yes big quinn is on fire it's about time you're finally on fire he's not dying even though he was on fire the camera keeps resetting because it knows he's on fire but he cannot be killed he's invulnerable look at this he's literally on fire he extinguished how are you alive vidcon is the most ridiculous overpowered villain i have ever faced oh my god i was happy because i got my promotion and then i decided hey i'm gonna get this reward so i can make myself feel better and uh he got absolutely fried by it his aspiration has been changed to grilled cheese aspiration and now all he wants to do is cook or eat grilled cheese oh my god he got a promotion finally things are looking up good lord now i'm a lounge singer oh my god all that singing finally paid off oh my god he's being abducted by aliens i forgot they had the cutscene things in this game oh my god that's what you get for getting obsessed with that telescope and don't they oh my god they impregnate males don't they when they get abducted oh god he's gonna have a child oh sweet jesus his life just got a whole lot worse he couldn't handle himself never mind a child okay well you know what i think we'll end it there because this just got a whole lot more weird if you want to see more do let me know leave a like leave a comment whatever you feel because i would be happy to do more but that's about it thank you so much for watching this wacky ride and i hope you enjoy the video hope to see you next time folks bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 739,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, sims, the sims, the sims 2, sims 2, new sims, callmekevin sims, cursed sims, unlucky
Id: _UaXppHBl2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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