Sims 1 PS2 but I never leave my mom's house

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing The Sims on the ps2 I can't actually really even remember this game but we're gonna do what my parents have been telling me for the past 20 years get a life inter-family name it can be Pickens enter sim named dick dick Pickens look at him he looks so orderly come on let's change you up buddy oh my god his eyes are terrifying I'm pretty sure he's just wearing like a morph suit that's gotta be a lizard person in there oh I like that it's like you went to the suit store and they did a 99 percent off sale that was a nice lap if you could hear that that's the cue for you to laugh oh god the robber is coming in soon as he sees me he's gonna flee yeah look he's either mesmerised or terrified yeah he's terrified by he looks like I wannabe rock star now oh my god what are these face styles this isn't even me editing it they're just [ __ ] weird oh my god that is terrifying Jesus Christ they're all scary I'm gonna go with this one Jesus Christ it's the scariest thing I've ever seen Jesus Christ it's some weird clone looks like he's made out of wax or something all right we're done that's her sim a lot love love I love him it's so hard to say that he looks like a monster better saved before I start don't want to lose this creature there's no telling where he'd go I can't just leave him out loose into the wild welcome to The Sims congratulations you created her first Sims spend a couple minutes getting to know them and their surroundings no I think I'm good wait what the hell is going on here why do I have a mansion oh he doesn't even know whose mansion it is okay no I'm just a criminal the hell is this oh I'm in love now okay this is going really well who asked to leave ask her to leave he won't ask her I'm really upset oh my God look at that pixelation turned her into a Minecraft lady oh alright if you can't beat them join them well if you can't get them out of your house join them dick stop daydreaming wake up wake up I don't think he's waking up I think he's just slipping further into this dream he's in didn't Sims boss nyet start exactly the same way where they were daydreaming like this this level is called money from mom great Jesus Christ what was that wake up wake up here you got a daydream all day okay what are my goals mom cook dinner without starting a fire I'll try that's a pretty tough goal you're setting the standards high oh god her TV is broken now I'll repair it okay I won't try again this isn't working so good you know what they say if at first you don't succeed try and try again yep persistence builds skill mom is eating my lunch that I prepared when I'm trying to [ __ ] fix her TV ya tutuila MOCA keep going you're learning you think at some point my mom would step in and be like maybe we should just call a professional now she's just looking at the fish it's like how am i real baby is doing the babies I care about look I'm trying to work on my mom's properly here this is to make sure she has a good living and she's just dropping stuff all over the floor over there oh god it's probably not a good idea I mean it was already a bad idea to keep going at the TV when you're getting electrocuted but now you're doing it in water wake up come on if the stereo is keeping him awake you got jobs to do come on fix this TV mom can't sleep I keep waking her up maybe it's the stereo waking her up I don't know if that's just saying it's noise or if it's actually the stereo but you think if it was the stereo she just turned it off I mean here screaming like five feet away from her bed every two seconds alright it's been like three days of being electrocuted I'm starting to lose hope that I could fix this TV I might have to give up but what I could do I love how cheery the music is I lock my mom away into this little prison room there we go I made her a free-range mom she can go outdoors and have a little run around in that square okay great now you can get some sleep mom you can fall asleep in the room without me bothering you I'm gonna call them professional to get this job done dude stop it's over now huh Garrett nurse should be able to fix that right up oh no he fell asleep before he got there call the fire department they can fix TVs they can do anything they're our heroes because he's freaking out just get some sleep okay and to move the bed to the garden because I had to move it out of the way when she hugged up all that space with her little room oh my god I can't sleep because I need food and I can't eat cuz I need to sleep by the fire department is he hurt what's your problem manhood I call you preemptively look I'm cooking there's a penalty fee up to 100 days pay that's all my money Thanks he cried when he came over I lost in the sims because I made a prank call to the fire department now I got to do all my interior design again I'm not putting in as much effort this time all right that oughta hold her and instead of like being free-range this time she's getting punished for not protecting me from the firemen like a good mom should I'm removing her windows giving me more windows more windows for dick I ant plants like improve the air we're taking that whole thing out actually that's coming from me my air my clean air have fun in there ma are the phone is ringing I don't know any people who could it be stop using that toilet we gotta answer the phone are they stopped ringing that was your one chance to make an actual connection like your mom's gonna be dead soon and you'll have no one well you will have a nice little house that you'll inherit I serve dinner for all of us I'm multiple plates of it he must have forgotten that his mom isn't in a place where she can eat right now God look at that mood look how sad he looks even when he's sleeping you think there'll be the one time he'd be happy when he can escape from it all I don't think I'm ever gonna get to leave mom's house I think I got my mood way too bad to recover from this like I wonder did he always behave this way or did I just get in control and his personality just suddenly completely changed because he went from a relatively normal house to his mom being locked away in a box and him sleeping in the garden like really quick I guess those electric shocks he was getting could have had some effect on this person I bought a new TV will that solve my issue I don't think so one of my goals right now cook dinner without starting a fire I thought I already did that just look at this place what a pigsty this mess is ruining my mood cleanup how can you even see it I guess she can just smell it but she did say just look at this place I'm finally starting to recover his mood a bit but I'll never be able to get social up coz I don't know anyone other than my mom and I locked her away mail lady come here let me talk to you all grace look at that is finally steady at things in order just take a bath you seem lonely do you want to talk now is not the time hood dude get in the bath come on the bath is the natural enemy of fire you're gonna be fine see I told you finally starting to get this place in order Jesus Christ it took long enough right now make yourself a Bloody meal and don't start a fire please like it's costing money every time I try and cook and then he just burns the place down Jesus Christ he's just a useless human all around his name just sell your mom's fish maybe we can order a pizza or something I got $200 for her fish sorry you don't have enough money for pizza feck I guess since I've the cheat on that I can buy stuff for free when I sell stuff it doesn't get me money either alright let's get a job I'm never gonna get to move out do you think work will feed me oh my god my mom won't let me get a job cuz I'm not skilled enough she says like I'm gonna run out of money and I want to lose the game again I look what if I have snacks will that do it okay I'm really surprised eating that pack of crisps didn't also burn down the house somehow this guy is just hopeless wait I don't think I can eat anymore I don't have enough money what do I do look at you living in your own filth you're disgusting mom she's too hungry to sleep which is annoying for the reason I gave her a bed was so I could fast-forward time facts sake she just keeps waking up okay I've got an idea I'm gonna buy some really expensive art quit the game come back without the cheat and hopefully I can sell it for money I'll take two of those drugs for 8,200 please this is why I can't afford Pizza I'm not very good with my money just put one to hide him my mom's oopsie on the ground and $1,200 rug please work I really need the money for sir yes it worked yes you can leave the rest of the rugs down I like them they suit the place they've got enough money to move a boost now you can visit the museum too on planes mom I was trying to order pizza and I was like why won't he go order pizza my mom was just like I want pizza I want it please let me out she thought she was getting a pass there Pizza Pizza Pizza it's Pizza time it's like right on the opposite side of the wall there's just fence so she can't get at it well today's a good day maybe I should move out or do I still have to do the rest I guess I have to do the other goals they should be doable now that I can eat right I'm such a good son I'm eating all the pizza so she doesn't have to stare at it while she stares to death in there stop crying I'll get you to talk to someone soon okay we just have to get your mood in order oh he's so difficult like I try and make his life as good as possible he's just non-stop complaining there I bought him a virtual reality set now he can escape from his real world walls by going into virtual reality like I do watch your walls man I've destroyed my place with those things you seem lonely do you want to talk nice try mom you're not getting out this video has been like a bottle episode it's all taken place in this one little room what is he watching on there look he's in a good mood he's finally in a good mood Jesus Christ okay learn how to study and cook it no no please why are you being so awkward he went back into a bad mood let's buy you a better bed something where you can get off your energy really fast oh it's the same bed all right you can have two while your mom has that rickety thing in her little prison I might be able to improve the room as well to make his mood a little better let's get some decor yeah this should make you feel better about yourself it's the $3,000 painting he's only happy when he's in that virtual reality or a quick try and study mechanical let's fix that TV okay please learn a skill please okay good he got one of that no study cooking fast fast pretend you're still in that virtual land he's from playing VR chad has an anime girl or something I wonder what he's seeing in that world I know doing right let's see if I can actually cook something now I've got one cooking skill point he's in a bad mood again already okay good I cook dinner for the first time without starting a fire they were a pair of the TV and then I think we can finally move out and just abandon our mom in there oh good he's fixing it oh my life is going so well all of a sudden it would have been so much easier if I just freed my mom but I really didn't want to do that I wanted someone to talk to really bad but not bad enough to free my mother yes it's fixed oh my god what a great vanity table that unlocked for that okay am I done all my goals now get a job get the bills and pay them all right well I have tons of money now huh from totally legitimate means he's too depressed to look for a job Jesus Christ he's so hard to deal with look maybe I can give mom the rest of this rotting pizza just so she can sleep because then I can fast-forward time oh no she's not hungry enough for that apparently she's starving but know that food is a key I think my mom is dying here well this mean I'll lose the game cuz if so I'll be so upset I've gotten so fair all I need to do is get a job and I'll be a loudmouth grim is looking pretty hot in this one I don't think I can remove the wall can i oh I can okay well you know what I'll save it because I want to see can I just let her die because I prefer that but I just have a feeling my game will end if you know my mom dies mom has starved to death game over and I literally just saved it so there's no way I can get him in time to play here so I've just ruined my game entirely here well I did what the game asked me I took a life Oh dead her life oh haha oh how embarrassing well if you change my perspective to the Grim Reaper who I play as in The Sims 4 then I did get a life didn't I so I guess that we're all winners today except for my mom I can't believe that I legit could not get past the tutorial level after I messed up his mood so bad and all that would have taken was a quick chat with my mom but I wouldn't do it all right well I'm gonna end it there I hope you enjoyed this video on the Sims this little bottle episode I appreciate your watching as always folks and I guess I will see you next time bye for now shout out patrons Pat boys 907 Oliver tells Randy Drake dictatorship Roy Sarah Maxwell Sarah Campbell Sarah Colter Sean Fitzgerald slam Evangeline sushi wolf Swabian goose Tarek Tim Richter Timmy J Tony Farrell Trevor Bruce are salal in vain Fox war goth William cold aisle wu-tang Yale Yami madness save and Zara
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,158,941
Rating: 4.9583311 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, imovingtarget, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, lets play, the sims, video games, the sims bustin out, sims 2 console, sims 1 ps2, sims 1 ps2 gameplay, sims 1 ps2 get a life, sims, let's play, ps2, playstation 2, the sims 1, sims 1 funny moments
Id: 6Of9XEqSX9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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