I made him fabulous! | Best Friend Makeover Challenge with boyinaband

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So fabulous

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/havingfun89 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies
Keep sliding up This is the fun chair, okay, okay? I feel uncomfortable Alright, back to my channel Hello! I finally gotten rid of Dave. Let's talk Hey, I'm Mikey from sponsored And this is Dave. Hi! And here's Ripley. Oh my gosh Censored be a lady and today We are going to make Dave beautiful wait we Yeah, how- Didn't you sign up for that? Look at that bone structure. This is gonna be easy look at these strong brows We're gonna do a giant up do, with lots of curls, and we might bleach your hair, we'll just cut it off Let's not let's not joke about things that shouldn't be joked about Some things are sacred That's for in the nighttime Alright. If you did that I'd stop being friends with you immediately. Would you? Yeah, really. Yeah. I haven't done may have been a really long time on someone else other than myself But I used to do it all the time I used to do it on other people more than I did it on myself It was your job, wasn't it? It was my job. I'm sure I'm rusty, but- What's something you miss about that like, the before YouTube? This cool get up, like getting to wear brush belts and a little slappy slap thing. What is that? Do it. Throw it at me Throw it? Yeah! Waaaaaah haha! Bingo! Specifically, what are we gonna change me into? Just like like a beautiful princess Okay, so we're gonna full glam. Yeah. Oh, yeah, we'll see we'll see how I'm feelin it depends how you do too. The, this is gonna be a challenge... I think maybe once before had, uh, eye makeup put on me I was really struggling so I'm gonna do my best. Well this is gonna be a lesson in self-control yeah See that I just found that I don't even know where it came from Does that go right here? No, this is what we call spider lashes. It's when you, you chop off the end of an eyelash and you forget where it goes So then you find it one day... It's a f*cking spider Blech! Oh see! Doesn't that look like a spider?!? Yeah, it does I'm really anxious about this in some ways. Why? When you suggested the idea of this my instinct was....no and I didn't like after thinking about it for a while. I wasn't sure why I felt uncomfortable about just looking more. I guess feminine Stereotypically, so I kind of wanted to get over that because it seemed illogical so I'm kind of pushing against my instinct because I don't think the instinct makes any sense Oh, we got to put your hair back Maybe like move it back to like here Yeah, now uh...just just uh...you know corral it into a place. Into one, one place Oh man... Jesus Christ... No, you got to do it over you head down, want me to do it? And then just hair band it? Yeah... Hang on...just give me a move, I could do it. Okay, one I think this is setting the tone for how this whole video might go. There you go. Alright, beautiful Oh, that's a good look for you. I look kind of like the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland There you go Really like it when you get stupidly close up to the camera Stupidly close.... Where are my booty blenders? Pause Wait... Booty blender What- is- I don't want that anywhere near- Squish it Okay Booty blender Why is it called a booty blender? It's not. It's called a beauty blender Ohhhhhhhhh... You're just being fun Always blend down the neck Because you don't want to look like a...mask But you're wearing a mask, unless you do...then go for it Concealer. We're-we're getting into the eye territory, alright? Oh God... I'm trying Alright... Trying to be uber gentle for you I can do this...just gonna man up! Trying so hard.... Should I go slower? Does that help? No it's.. it's.... Let's push ahead I'm sorry No no no No no... no David David... David come on HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS??? I'm barely touching you. Oh my- Sorry.... We can do this we can do this Think I'm gonna have to change my plans. Go to my happy place As it is, it's not really blended out but you know what, we're gonna go for that smokey... ...irritated red eye... Is that a thing? That's like a high-fashion kind of look sometimes Alright... Powder, wa! How do you feel about me shaving off your eyebrows? I'd maybe do that for a meme Yeah? I just figure you funny as hell I mean, just picking the things You hear that guys? I'm funny as hell off camera too Too? What the heck?!? Are you saying I'm not funny off camera? That's true.... Purple's the theme there We're going for pur- oh, oh! We use all of these?... No!!! I was... I don't know! Sorry! Purple that's my favorite color Oh! Perfect, cuz I want to center it around this Oh dear Lord Beautiful isn't it, and guess what it's called... Raining men!! Yeah buddy!!!! The most masculine, thank you. Oh, you're doing a Bob Ross right now We're gonna paint happy trees. I keep forgetting that, you're just not used to these things, so... This is so unusual Shall I whisper as best I can. I have to whisper You have to whisper? Have to whisper This is now an ASMR video I'll crank, the, the audio right now Okay (Disturbance in the ASMR setting...) This is the sound of a brush on the eye... Okay. Look up, look up I'm trying as best... You can do it... Okay, we'll, we'll take short breaks. We'll take short breaks. We might not be able to do though- No, we can do it, we can do it I don't know man, I don't know I wanted to be really clear for the people at home. I have not touched his eye She hasn't she's doing- I have not touched his eye She stabbed me in the eye Let me just try to even it out a little and then I'm just gonna give up on that, on that one I can't wait till we get some mascara. Oh my god, what happens when, like I've got too many tears Feels nice, right? Feels like someone's licking my eye It's weirdly refreshing Okay, don't go crazy now. Don't go crazy now. Blink There ya go! M: Not too bad right? You're doing it! D: I did it, I did a makeup! You did a makeup! You're good at mascara Hell yeah Should we try mascara under the eye and see how that goes Do we dare? I, I want to push too. I want to see if I can do it Go psych myself up Psych yourself up, psych yourself up Okay, good enough Really? Now this is yours Why? Uh, because once- Are my eyelashes not clean enough for you? Well, you just you don't really want to share things like eye juice with other people Eye juice? But what happens if you share eye juice I've never even heard of the concept- You could get an infection Really? Yeah You can spread pink eye that way You can spread all kinds of things Huh, I did not know that All right Dave you ready to get contoured and highlighted? Yeah Do you know what that is? No, wait isn't that um... like putting brown stuff and white stuff on your face? Huhuh. That's what she said Oh dear God. This is torture this itch. Oh my god Where is it? It's, it's...like great. Oh Ah, Thank you You got to itch with your makeup tools. Oh yeah girl, look at those cheekbones Ohhhhhh! So listen, there's a chance we could mess up everything with this. Okay *Sigh* I'm not feeling good about this... We can do it...believe Leave that eye shut Don't open it. Plunge down- Don't make me laugh Sorry. One down, one to go What happened to trying myself from laughing? I'm literally not even saying anything- D: I know, but that's even funnier M: I'm not doing anything Think about Amy Schumer Thanks, few Yeaaaaaaah That's really helped. No...look no laughs. Yeah, no laughs here. All right. I'm going in, to the lips. Okay What do I do? You have no idea how much that tickles... Does it? I'm trying to push harder so that it doesn't, so it doesn't mmmhhhhhh Is that not better? Oh my God It's not gonna be good Control yourself, control yourself...David mmmmmhhhhhh! Think about Amy Schumer, it's okay Oh dear what the hell is this only ha- eh? Do this mehmehmehmehmeh I think you're done princess. Want to open your eyes? How- You, you know when you put like...I don't know, anything...On like a cat, and they kind of try and go back Instinctively mm-hmm I feel like that You feel like you can't? I feel like someone's put a costume on a cat and I'm the cat Dadadada! (The grand reveal) Oh Dear God! You're so pretty! Daaaaaah.... Look at that! Are you just as uncomfortable as you thought you'd be? Yeah Take a look at that- D: The sparkles though... M: Why are you looking at me like that? I... Did you see that face? Play that face back Arg... No. No. I don't know why it's giving me that kind of reaction Yeah, I wanna know. Is it me? D: It's not you at all. It's me. It-it feels so strange, I do see why the-the goth thing M: Or is it you? like if I just look really kind of Uh yeah, I just need like a trench coat and some freaking slow monotone Industrial music Have you gotten? Yeah, can you if you can get some just? You can, you could use like some copyright free music, you'd have to make it yourself- You make me violate you But though I'm-I'm supposed to be a fabulous princess instead of a goth Yeah, you're a princess how can we make you more princess like? M: You know what we need right, right? Do you know, do you know? D: A tiara... No, wait, wait We're bringing it back... I don't know if people are gonna click on this D: Ahhh! M: Sorry It's okay I'm not a hairdresser...lunch lady Great, this is the best day of my whole life Oh, yeah, that's perfect That was all they needed yeah, now I feel confident. I'm a strong confident, man Hey girl You guys wanted me to do makeup on Dave. That's what everybody asks for after the last video so here it is... ...in all of its glory Alright, bro Yeah! Well done, bro Let's go get some beer! Do you feel like your discomfort when I first initially brought this up was warranted now that you're living it I feel like I've got a little bit over it. It's-it's not as big of a deal as it, like, I don't know It's just makeup Yeah, it's just makeup So subscribe to Dave boyinaband. He typically... ...doesn't look like this. And subscribe to me. We don't usually do this stuff here This is nothing like anything either of us do See you
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,369,388
Rating: 4.9582663 out of 5
Keywords: I made him fabulous! | Best Friend Makeover Challenge with boyinaband, Best Friend Makeover Challenge, boyinaband, makeover, makeup makeover, glam makeover, best friend makeup challenge, dave boyinaband, mykie, glam and gor, glam&gor, makeup challenge, makeover challenge, best friend challenge, before and after makeover, before and after, makeover reveal
Id: TOdGYZ20oSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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