Craziest Karens Caught On Camera

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hello friends it's me and today we're going karen hunting you're behind my car you're not driving come on come on get in the car pardon me pardon me i've been vaccinated right kamala harris is a man where did that come from like bro this woman just woke up forgot to brush her hair and chose violence i can't wait till this gets on facebook i can't wait for you either you will be id'd you will be id'd doc's me dox me tell her to get away tell her to get away from me bro let the kombucha and celery juice kick in i don't know what's going on here like we're just picking fights in the parking lot now hey we're taking turns you just hit my car you just hit my car you just you're literally on my car right now is this lady on my car bro oh yeah you just witnessed her right how are you gonna literally hit a car and not even notice like yeah it was my turn to go through the drive-through there was a little obstacle that got in the way you want to give me your insurance now i'll give you my phone number now no you can give me your insurance i have your plate there's always the people who are crashing into other people who don't have insurance where's the damage the damage is in the fact that you just drove into my tire my entire wheel please please give me a break oh please where is the damage where i don't see nothing is my car even touching yours in what dimension would you consider this a crash someone ran into your car you wouldn't want their information if they didn't damage my car i would not care i could just kick your car poke some holes into your tires it doesn't damage it this one banana clown she's a whole dang circus you know when you order your food through the driveway and they're like okay pull up wait here so then when they finally get their food they're like nah bro i waited 25 minutes i don't even want it anymore wait for the people like 25 minutes 25 minutes look at him he's not giving us a refund what is he doing like take your food and go no wow mcdonald's uk mcdonald's this is this is where corona happened all right what's your bag i'm sick and tired of waiting for you to take your food i'm actually just going to sit here and eat it myself what about the burger you want the burger heats it into her lap walks away like jokes on you is my last day on the job so i'm at michael's and some lady just reported me to a manager because i couldn't answer her question but i don't work here so excuse me ma'am where are the florals i don't know i don't even work here listen here you better get your manager but i don't even work here you better be in big trouble say goodbye to your job huh this is ridiculous all right so you need to wear masks if you don't you need to leave our store i've asked you many times politely you need to be restored so i have a medical exemption with the group but i am told that nobody gets a medical exemption in our store that is what i am told alberta government offers an exemption for those who have a medical exemption a job very difficult just trying to buy some roads bro if you're trying to buy some food just did you put the dang messed up tie your jacket around your face or something like nobody cares what you're here for y'all just trying to make people's life more difficult i'm asking you a grown woman to wear a mask put it on or leave that's embarrassing no but i'm telling you to put it on my doctor put it on or leave no imagine going to a doctor and they're like don't wear a mask the way she holds her phone like who call the phone like this are you even recording then you need to go no you're on the phone with the cops right now and it doesn't tell that you are discriminating against me because i'm not disappointed against you yes you are i'm asking you i have a disability and i'm sorry about you know it's crazy how people start blinking a lot when they're telling a lie yesterday my neighbor called the cops on me for dressing inappropriately you know i am fully dressed she just doesn't like my style and i told her my body offends you that's what the issue is and i'm allowed to exist and be hot and i'm going to continue to do so so i don't know what she expects you to do i'm allowed to exist and be hot all right the cops sitting here like i really gotta waste my time dealing with this like karen called the cop because she doesn't like the way her neighbor dresses it's like saying i don't like the breed of your dog actually people have done that i don't like the brand of toilet paper you use hello 911 got mad at this dude's skating and starts screeching can i turn the volume down why do you ever know why do you have a problem with what i'm saying go home if you are literally how are we acting how are we acting you came over here with a taser you came here over here because your pit bull attacked my little he didn't attack your dog not at all your son was out here with him and he didn't attack the dog the dog i saw the dog i saw you pet the dog you killed the dog the dog i just picked it up because i wanted to see if he was okay because he wanted to see if he was okay why don't you record all this i am recording it you you about to be famous you know what you're going to go you're about to be famous where am i going to go where am i going to go you're going to go to hell you see the way she has to like think about it for a second should i really hit him with it should i really hit him with it h double l this one has got to be the nastiest karen yet i ain't never seen nothing like this so she's not wearing a mask at the store but wait there's going to be a plot twist she reaches on in that sweaty gooch pulls off her undies and then just a la bam makeshift mask just wears it on her face she's like i wanted to show everybody how disgusting wearing your mask really is so instead of wearing the mask that they provide you because you know the ones that they have are filthy imma just pull them off put it on straight to jail old karen here y'all see that she just kicked the car she's kicked the car the way she just jogged oh she just you back at it again jog master 5000 oh fight straight in the lens because he had his friends over and she thought he was having a party during covey you can't be having parties this karen asked for the manager for me i want your manager's contact information i'm not going to be talk to you like that when i wait an hour here for over 45 minutes for fast food don't say a word to me 45 minutes from fast food bruh every time i go to the popeyes i wait 45 minutes for my black attendees i don't know why but y'all don't see me doing this i know you're a customer but i am a human being i just worked here [Applause] i want your managers to contact that's me corporate would you offending her managers gotta stick up for their employees like this like you out here yelling at a 16 year old like where is my food like they deal with enough you do not live here you live there honey street you live over there i live about two years you've been told not to leave you want me to call the police and children you've been told not to come back i'm standing on public property so if you want to call the police go for it great i'm going to right now because right now you're harassing me and i don't want you back at my house you understand that that's fine do you understand no you understand the whole neighborhood bro in the middle of the argument just i'm a nice neighbor hello mary from across the street definitely not being problematic this way she is not going to tell me what to do she's at my house she politely understands you're a driver do you understand she talked to your driver no the question is do you understand all i wanted was a comcast number because they put you trash on my property that's all i wanted what what are we fighting about yelling at neighbors now she want a comcast number i don't know how these people are gonna like freak out knowing they are being recorded and it's gonna go on the facebook look what she's doing she's taking out all the skittles right puts him on the ground she takes the box what we collecting the boxes now some people really can walk into a store and think they could do whatever they want anti-master back at it again this time trying to check into a hotel if you want me to give you the code civil code 50.1 that i am disabled and have a reason for why i'm not wearing that map and it overrides your policy do y'all also park in the handicapped spot and be like i identify as disabled because i don't like wearing a mess hurts the back of my ears i'm just i'm just asking i'm not handicapped okay so we're we're a hotel we are allowed to refuse service to anybody yes we are you can't go above ada you know it's all fun and games until they refuse you service which they're allowed to do but like i wasn't prepared for this we're allowed to refuse service to anyone please we're just asking if you can just cover your face covering my goddamn mouth if you can just cover your face your mouth no take a duffle bag and just like pop cover the whole thing and nobody wanna see that you should just put your mask on it's really selfish what you're doing sir you're making everyone else going to come shut up and leave me alone walk away do it now walk away leave me alone leave me alone there you go reason you stand here continue to bother me now walk away you should have a mask on whoa get going it's so funny how his wife is there like masking everything like we following the rules here and then this dude just like a anti-mask attack dog somebody had didn't want to wear a mask on the plane so we had to land early just to get him off so the flight already took off and this karen was like okay you know what got past level one security time to relax and then like in the flight i ain't putting this mask back on that they had to land the flights emergency landing in albuquerque just to get rid of this just because of one person it's so frustrating everybody's recording walk of shame i hope you stay stranded in florida y'all did all of this inconvenienced everybody like you could wear a hat but you can't wear a mask but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the worst karen if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit the like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,809,149
Rating: 4.9262195 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far, craziest karens caught on camera
Id: ZUbdLAaZedM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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