How ANYONE can be an instagram model (catfish photoshoot)

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you know i clean up pretty well and not only do i clean up pretty well via makeup hair and outfit but i can really fake a good photo today i'm going to teach you how to go from this which is still perfectly acceptable thank you to this some kids like to play with barbies some kids like to go outside i liked to play dress-up that was the thing i did i had a whole mess full of costumes and my dad who was a professional photographer would do little shoots with me for fun so this is like built into my blood and i still do it sometimes my version of dress up is a little more sultry these days get you a girl who can do this and pretend she's a sex symbol i'm just saying i'm just saying i love the idea of calling myself a sex symbol when i look like this and thank you to testify for sponsoring this video but we'll talk about that later oh wow great timing and it was peter it's like he knows i'm filming without him creep anyway i'm just going to walk through the process of how i would do a shoot like this when i just feel like playing and i don't know if you'll be an expert by the end but you will have fun i didn't guarantee it was going to be good but i guaranteed we'd have a good time was that what i said last time i don't think it is didn't promise it'd be good i just promised we'd have a good time and this is a long intro for no reason as per usual so the first step of the process is i come up with an idea i have none at the moment actually i just felt suddenly compelled to play dress up do a little sexy shoe because it's been a while since i've done one and i could use feel and extra cute right now because i'm very tired of quarantine life i just set up the camera and i started rolling i've not thought this through yet first come up with an idea done okay now we time travel after we've done hair and makeup to go with the shoe makeup and hair done as you can see the theme is intense so let me walk you through how i figure out where to start the shoot sometimes i'll start to shoot off the idea of the location i'll be shooting but today i centered it around the thing that i wanted to wear wait till you see this outfit it's amazing so i know what outfit i want to wear in this it's a particular jacket and i was thinking that there's not many places in my apartment that i haven't already shot or pieces of furniture that i haven't already shot with except for that corner of my shooting room and i think it might work it's a little bland obviously there's a door in front of it which makes it a little awkward but if i clear off the top of this i can pose on it and maybe that'll work out these pieces of furniture would at least go with the jacket that i'm planning on wearing so that's a good start otherwise i don't otherwise i'm not really sure where i would pose because it either doesn't match with the outfit that i wanted to wear or i've already posed with it like this picture is just in front of my credenza that i have set up this picture is just on my bed in my room this picture is on the floor of my apartment just using a little fuzzy blanket so you make do with what you have and in this case we're gonna make do with these guys which by the way hold all of my makeup so appropriate who said this wasn't a makeup video did you [Music] oh you're so beautiful [Music] now the next trick is going to be to try to find a way to light this in a way that makes it look more interesting prettier more dramatic because the way that we're starting it's not dramatic at all it's just a weird corner by the way the reason that these things are in front of a door is because this door is to a bathroom that has three entries into one bathroom and i needed the space look at this we got tight quarters here [Applause] [Music] so i have this cleared off now i have my camera right here in portrait mode because i prefer portrait over landscape so now i'm gonna play with the lighting and figure out some beginning poses sorry it's dark it's gotta be dark for me to get the moody vibe i'm going for maybe in focus i don't know what's up lara croft there's a lot of different ways that you can do self portraits one is to set a timer which pretty much every camera has but like in this case the camera is so far away that i would have to hit the 10 second self timer run over here get up get in the pose and hope that i'm in the shot luckily what's easier is that a lot of cameras also have apps i'm shooting with a sony a7s ii so i'll be using sony's app to use this as a remote for the camera the only tricky thing with this app is that it only has a two second self timer not a 10 so i use this as a remote to hit the shutter button and then i have to hide my phone or toss it across the room post and then i get to review the picture directly on my phone instead of having to run back and forth so that helps a lot and that is basically the key my phone is the key speaking of which i know that you've been checking out how cute my phone case is in which case let me tell you about today's sponsor case defy oh she's getting so subtle with her eggs casedify is back and thank god because i had a hard time narrowing it down to just a few cases that i wanted the last time caystify is the phone case brand that has a massive selection of military-grade phone cases without sacrificing style or customization get a case that says zombae or maybe important babe or jessica if your name is jessica the options are limitless maybe also if your name is not jessica i don't know it depends you might be feeling wild they have mirrored cases that you can customize several halloween cases just in time for you to get spooky for october they've collabed with lisa frank if you're a 90s babe i'm not sure there's anything they don't have speaking of which they also have other tech accessories like airpod cases screen protectors laptop cases to say no case to fight i have my eye on those next their impact phone cases are drop approved for up to 6.6 feet but they're also super slim at just 13 millimeters thick whatever you're looking for in a phone case chances are good you can find it with case defy so go to mikey today to get 20 off and match with me and we're back and i'm ready yes i know that this is the most obnoxious outfit ever but i would dress like this every single day if i could starting the audio is not great by the way i have to use the crappier camera that i have because i'm using my good camera to be able to take the actual pictures but i'm in place i'm checking my lighting i'm checking the area the hoses to see if i like it the outfit because sometimes i'll set up an entire shoot and then decide i hate all of it so this is the best we can do it's basically a giant experiment but that is why the phone is crucial to be able to basically have a little monitor in your pocket at all times let's just try one for fun you need to be able to hide my phone i'll hide it right there on my leg this leg ain't doing it for me that's maybe better kind of losing it because it's so dark it's all about playing so it's a very warm outfit choice sometimes the most awkward feeling poses look the best so that's part of the experiment as well the first hour of almost any shoot i do is just me messing around and it'll take me a while to figure out the exact lighting setup posing this might change a lot in the course of what we're doing i think that's why it's fun [Music] i might figure out a pose by the time i figure out a pose i don't like my face vice versa you can make little tiny adjustments to every little thing since you can see yourself in the monitor [Music] that looks ridiculous so i'm going to switch it up a little not great sometimes that just happens you couldn't see two seconds is not long enough sometimes beautiful picture [Music] see like naturally i want to put my foot like this but that doesn't look as nice so doing that because that looks a lot cuter i like the other pose better you know awkward so i just shot like that for a while but i feel like in a lot of the posts the jacket looks too bulky i want to try something else in case i can't make the door look less awkward in editing and i'm going to try a couple poses without the jacket at all change the lighting a little bit play with the setup i don't know what i want but i know that i can do better and we know it i don't know if i'm going to want the light straight on i'm also going to try to pull these out a bit i think but my ass doesn't fall off of them there's definitely a fire hazard so i'll take this out now we've got more door frames to worry about but i think i can make work this is a closer shot oh yeah there's nothing back there to get you okay posing is awkward at least for me maybe not for everyone but it definitely is for me nope yikes you okay so these are not working out at all think back to the pictures i showed you in the beginning of this video so that you know things work out for the better just you know not currently oh can i hide the door handle that way kind of see it's a process it's not a quick situation by any means weird but it might work i'm trying to figure out how to make my leg look long and one way would be to take off this so that you see more of my leg but i like this thing so i want to keep [Music] that's interesting the problem is i'm currently not hiding my phone very well and by not very well i mean at all but i might be able to photoshop it out if i say keep my hand exactly where it is right now and just take a straight shot then i can photoshop it later [Music] all right this is very large cross all of a sudden i mean i know that it already was but now it's like out of hand whatever so now that i have a pose i like ish i'm going to keep finessing the pose and i'm also working on my face because now it's about because a lot of people when they're posing or they're aware that there's a camera on them they hold tension in some part of their body and for me it is one 1 000 my mouth so if you see me doing this it's because i'm trying to loosen up my jaw and my mouth area especially once i become aware of my face and i'm not thinking about the pose so much anymore all right so face looks better this way towards the light sometimes the moodiness is preferable but in this current moment it's not so you really don't have a lot of time to think about the pose i'm going to sit my butt back a little bit change my angle a little it's very uncomfortable oh that looks highly sexual is that too much knee did i lose my good pose all right i feel like i'm losing that a little bit and once i feel like i'm losing it i just try to review the pictures and figure out what it is i'm doing right or wrong and maybe try to find it again and you can look at all of them through the app see we got here [Music] this one could be pretty i love this one but my arm is cut off a little bit so i wonder if there is a way i can fix that in editing let's see so my body was turning more this way and i gave us less butt cheek hair was fluffed [Music] cute so you're probably noticing now that i just do little tiny variations in my poses to basically fine tune and get the exact right thing or at least as close as i can [Music] that's interesting every once in a while the perfect one happens and you kind of know it right away because the composition and the whole thing just feels great oh my god it's not in focus and then that happens and now i'm going to spend the rest of the shoot trying to recreate that shot but in focus my shoe is in focus oh my god i love that picture otherwise okay we can do that frick man i hate when that happens self-portrait problems my only job right now is to not move a freaking muscle none of these look quite right let me see if any of those are closer or maybe even better hopefully that one's cute i like that that one might work okay so the one i love i'm turning my head more i'm gonna figure this out with the last freaking thing we might do remember what i did the problem you never recreated ever again [Music] i'm giving up we're moving on one will be close enough or it won't be whatever all right now i want to try a different setup that's lower and against the makeup cases so that i can wear the white jacket and hopefully have it look right this time and again all we have going on right now is i have my ring light bouncing onto that wall to just add some extra fill and then i have this light as my main key light and it's got wax paper over it to diffuse the light a little bit make it a little bit less harsh and my camera's right there i'm gonna be able to see what's going on this time so let's do that all right we got the drama good [Music] i don't know about this right now i'm trying to give myself a more dramatic something i don't know i'm not currently into it again we're back to square one and trial and error let's see what works what doesn't really work i really want to document this cool jacket i haven't been able to wear it out yet because it's been too hot but i don't know it's just so beautiful but i want to capture it in a picture and this might not be the photo shoot to do it all right i'm not into it so i am going to change the lighting again and hope that i like whatever i should do better oh oh god really wanted some sexy reverse lighting but maybe this isn't the shoot for it light might be too bright if you're looking for really technical aspects of what i do during a shoot i would recommend watching filmmaking channels photography channels to learn things about aperture iso if you want more tips about how to do self-portraits sorella more actually has an amazing course i think it's called advanced selfie university or selfie university and she walks through the way she does self-portraits her self-portraits are amazing they're so beautiful i've been taking self portraits for years because i've been documenting my makeup throughout my youtube journey but sorel is who inspired me to get back into it in terms of making it more of like a creative endeavor and not just about documenting the makeup so huge shout out to her and i highly recommend her course for really nitty gritty details everyone's style is different you might want to do super bright colors very light bright lighting like sorel i really like dark moody stuff and i think it's so fun and i think it's so empowering and i think that it's such a great creative outlet and i love doing this if i could do this all the time i would it's just fun when the image starts to click but as you can see it takes a while sometimes okay that's moody i like it and a lot of this is playing too because there are technical aspects that are considered wrong that you might choose to do like right now there's shadows on my face because of my hair that is usually a technical no-no in the world of photography but in this case i like it right now i think it's dramatic it makes the picture more interesting so learn the rules so that you can break them selectively oh my camera finally died let's reset and we're back i try again i made it darker and moodier and we're gonna see how it works out [Music] attitude yes love the attitude my tan doesn't look great but we can fix that in post too fun fact this is not the first shoot that i did for this video i filmed one the night that i filmed the intro and this is a different day several days later because when i tried to film it the footage ended up way too dark because i had to expose way down and laid it very low to be able to pick up these pink lights behind me these are the results of that shoot in that one i ended up liking the pictures where i was smiling a lot but for this one smiling doesn't feel appropriate because i look like i'm ready to beat someone up not a super smiley vibe i don't know what to do okay so i feel like i just finally started to get pictures on the floor that i was liking how they were looking they felt moody they felt right and i feel like once i take them into photoshop and lightroom they're gonna look amazing i feel like they make me look like i'm a badass even though i don't actually feel like a badass so if you guys don't take self portraits i highly recommend you do it you don't need a fancy camera or fancy gadgets to be able to do it as you can see i used two very basic lights a ring light and one spotlight but this picture that i did here this is just with natural light no lights whatsoever so you don't have to have fancy stuff by any means an iphone has a self timer so that's a great way to get started and start to practice you can use your phone as your own monitor because you know you're looking at it and yet now i'm just excited to show you the editing part because this is when the pictures really come alive let's get to editing fun well well well we meet again so i'm going to walk you through the edit for this picture start to finish and go over the main things that i adjust to make it pop i am by no means a professional photo editor though i was self-taught for many many years and i've only started learning the proper ways to do things as of late so i probably do a lot of things you're not supposed to do but it's worked for me and hopefully it'll give you some ideas the level of editing i do on each picture varies depending on a lot of factors i admittedly went a little ham on this one since it was for this video but i think it turned out pretty cool so let us begin so you can see here i start by fiddling with the basic adjustments for a while i knew i wanted it to be darker and lower contrast so i just kind of play with the sliders until it starts looking how i pictured it i also knew i wanted to keep the color scheme more uniform and neutral where only the yellows pop and right now the picture has a lot of blues in it so i muted those adjusted the hue of the yellow and i turned the saturation on that way up i tried to adjust my hair so it was more complimentary color to the yellow on the jacket as well then we open it up and i start with some retouching one thing i almost always do is the eyes they're the windows to the soul or some crap and also i have this giant surface vein on my eye that apparently you just can't get rid of except in photoshop so i'm obviously not against retouching i go into shooting pictures wanting to create like a final piece of art and if there's something that i think is distracting to the final image and goal i'll clean it up a little bit in this case it's the eyeballing and also i did some light skin retouching because i know that when i do sharpening later all of those little variations that aren't very noticeable now will be extra highlighted later if the picture is really far away or i'm not doing a ton of sharpening i won't bother with this step but in this case you'll notice i actually left some of the most prominent marks on my knees because i feel like it works in this picture it doesn't distract from the overall goal and if anything it adds quite a bit to it and it goes with the outfit so i ended up emphasizing them actually a bit later on next i removed the door frame with a combo of tools i could remove it entirely without it looking weird for this picture in this setup but as you'll see in some other pictures i couldn't get away with doing as much or if i did try to do more it turned into a whole big thing that frankly i'm too amateur to still pull off so maybe i was a little ambitious about removing that thing but worked great here and here's the difference now that i've done all the retouching of the original image i start working on how to make areas sharper and how to make them pop i almost always make the whites of the eyes brighter and this iris highlighting thing that i'm doing is a newer trick that i learned from the youtube channel pixem perfect which is a great resource for learning lots of very in-depth ways of doing lots of little things in photoshop if you're looking to get into the technicalities for this i just mostly want to go over my thought process because you can mimic a lot of these actions even in phone apps like facetune or lightroom's mobile app some other things i do to make a pop are adding a vignette or essentially like a spotlight effect to emphasize where i want the focus dodging and burning is another great way to make things pop it's essentially contouring and highlighting but for pictures by using lights and darks to deepen shadows and bring other planes to the front this is a super easy way to give your pictures more depth and have them look more fancy not all pictures benefit from it but in this case it worked well then i started playing around with colors like i did early on i made the yellow parts of the jacket even more emphasized and i also adjusted the color of my lips to something a bit warmer to complement the new color scheme better i put a little bit of blue back into my eyes since they looked completely gray at this point i had taken all the blues out of the background and i played with the hair color some more then i sharpened the image and masked out areas that didn't benefit from sharpening using the high pass filter but apparently the screen recording of that just decided to vanish from existence it wasn't that exciting anyway anyway this is the image i was happy with after photoshop but to give one more extra oomph to it and make it really stylized i took it into lightroom to see if any presets i had would take it up a notch here is the original photo side by side to the photoshop edit i like to check this to make sure i'm not going too overboard to the point that it doesn't look like an actual picture anymore and i thought that we could still push this a tiny bit more so i started digging through the presets i have until i settled on one that i thought complemented the overall vibe i wanted so here's the original with the lightroom edit so let's take a look at this difference i love how the colors are so much more cohesive in the edited picture the overall image is much sharper the lighting is more moody dramatic it feels more grungy and appropriate for the outfit the eyes go right to the subject much quicker but it looked a little too stylized to me and i want it to have about half of its effects so i made a few adjustments in lightroom where i could but in order to just cut the overall preset in half i saved the image in lightroom brought it back into photoshop put the lightroom version on top of the photoshop one and cut the visibility of the lightroom edit to about a third of its original just enough to give it that final pop and here is the final before and after [Music] it's pretty fancy huh one more thing i wanted to show you this is why i took the picture where i moved my phone from its usual spot in the setup to somewhere else super easy to remove if you have one shot of everything else in that area exactly the same i took this image where my phone is on my knee instead of on the dresser set it on top of the picture i wanted to use you can see they line up perfectly because i didn't move my hand or body between the two shots you can look up videos on how masking works for specifics but you basically just use a mask to trade the part of the picture where the phone isn't sitting there over top of the image that we want to use and it ends up being seamless i use this a lot not just to take away things in a shot but also to add them for example this picture i really liked and i wanted to explore in editing to see if i could make it pop even though my face was out of focus but i hated that you didn't get to see more of the profile of the hood luckily i had other pictures where my face was turned away from the camera showing more of the hood and i could use a mask to help me add it to the picture that i liked gave a much nicer profile and wait till you see how this picture ended up turning out it ended up being my second favorite of the entire shoot and of course there's always at least one so i gotta share it with you this is a picture i edited for way too long tried to do some things with and ended up hating i couldn't get the vibe i wanted i tried adding a textured darker background but it just kept looking weird and messy the whole thing just looks weird like i went to a picture studio in the mall and i told them that i wanted to look like a badass for prom or something i'm sure it's not impossible to make this photo look a lot cooler but like i said my skills are limited for now but this is why i move around in a space and i usually change the setup several times so don't be discouraged if it doesn't click right away or not every picture or setup ends up the way that you like voice over mikey out but my final favorite images from the setup are coming up so i'll leave like i said if you want more tips and tricks there's like an endless supply of information on youtube about photography technical things there's iphone photography tutorials and stuff but i hope that this was entertaining anyway just to kind of see me go through the process so that you see that it's not necessarily simple some shoots i can take 50 pictures and i already know that i got the thing that i want and sometimes i spend a long time making sure that i really get the shot that i want even if you don't try it i hope that it was fun to watch me try it i don't know and these are the final photos that's this week's video thank you for watching i hope that if you try this you have some fun with it and just send me the pictures on instagram or twitter because i want to see them and um that's it bye [Music] so
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,641,415
Rating: 4.9551735 out of 5
Keywords: glam and gore, mykie, glam&gore, how i take my selfies, how to take pictures of yourself, self photography tricks and tips, photoshop, lightroom, photo editing, how i edit my pictures, catfish photoshoot, catfish, instagram model, how anyone can be an instagram model
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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