How I Lost 28 POUNDS of FAT and 6 INCHES Off My Waist

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hello zombies I'm really excited for this video because it's different for my channel but what is more glam than being healthy and feeling good and feeling confident so that's why I still think that this is appropriate for the glam and gore Channel and I know that a lot of you have been asking for this video for months so I wouldn't want to put it on my second channel where it's harder for people to find yes I do have a second channel no I don't really use it yes I'm going through some day anyway but today we are obviously talking about my fitness transformation like the title says and yes like the title spoils for you I've lost six inches in my waist but let's talk about all the other things and how I did it because there's a lot there's a lot that I did this is going to be a long video as you can already see from because this is a fitness related video and because I've seen other fitness related videos on the internet I know how this goes and I know that it is better to just get a bunch of disclaimers right out of the way here are my disclaimers this video is not me saying anything about you what you should do or what you should look like neither I'm not saying either of those things let me make that real clear it is only me telling you what worked for me because I didn't feel good and I was not happy I know that a lot of people have a lot of varying opinions about what works best what is healthy what is unhealthy I am operating under the mindset that I've tried a lot of different things and things that have worked beautifully for other people haven't worked for me which is also to say that what works for me will not necessarily work for you what works for me had a lot to do with how picky I am about certain things like I'm a very picky eater I am picky about the kind of cardio that I do or the kind of workouts that I do I'm a picky person so by no means is this me saying this is the only way to do it I'm not saying this is maybe the healthiest way to do it I tried very hard to have health in the forefront of all of this because that's where this started was I felt like my health was very quickly deteriorating kind of out of nowhere and that's what forced me to make a drastic and committed change this time in a way that didn't work in previous times and was also luckily much more effective this time this time this time this time a drink every time I saved this time oh yeah I'm not telling you what to do please don't tell me what to do another thing that I want to mention because I see it a lot on other people's videos and posts when it comes to losing weight or doing any kind of finished transformation Society has been notoriously over critical of people for being big or fat or chubby or chunky or anything other than what you see in magazines for far too long 100 percent there's been a movement in the last decade or so though where it's swinging the other way where people are encouraged to love themselves and to to understand that you don't have to be a size two to be beautiful and you don't have to be a runway model to be beautiful and that is amazing and that's so good and it's so important and it's so mentally healthy for people however I think that the pendulum has swung really far in the opposite direction that sometimes to some people where we are so pushy about the love yourself idea that I'm seeing so much hate to anyone who does a kind of transformation to their body where they get hate for not being happy at a size 8 or 10 but I just want to stress that if we are pushing this idea of acceptance for people of all sizes I think the bottom line should be we should accept if someone is healthy and happy if you feel good at whatever size you're healthy you're doing it right for me and this whole thing I did not feel good and I did not feel like myself so aesthetically I wanted to make changes because I have a very distinct picture of Who I am in my head I was very active my entire life growing up and I always had a more athletic body and then when I started YouTube and I got older everything changed and I didn't feel like me anymore I'm not saying I wasn't beautiful then I'm not saying I'm more beautiful now what I am saying is I feel more like me and most importantly I feel better health-wise so that is why I did this please don't like find a way to twist my words into ways that are bad I think you guys know what I mean the point is just that like you got to do what makes you happy and you need to be reasonable about those things and you also need to not let other people's expectations of you dictate how you look you feel me this is all a very kind of a tough topic to talk about because people have so many feelings and opinions about it and I get why it's sensitive I'm trying my best to just make sure that everyone knows I'm not pushing you I don't think anyone should push you either I just want everyone to be healthy and happy that's it what I want this video to be for you guys is that I hope it serves as motivation for anyone who is watching who is unhappy about anything in their life to know that if you take action you can change it it doesn't even have to be Fitness related this just isn't a one size fits all kind of thing don't be discouraged if it doesn't work don't be discouraged if my starting weight and size is smaller than your current size because that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you again this is all just personal preference and we should be able to have our personal preferences and my personal preference for myself has nothing to do with what I think anyone else should look like disclaimer done now let's get into the fun stuff like I've said I've tried many many diets tricks hacks lifestyle changes that I even thought would be sustainable I've tried going vegan I've tried going vegetarian I tried going pescetarian I've tried I've never really liked red meats so I still that was never like a thing that I did I've tried full body circuit training type things I've tried lots of cardio with little weight lifting I've tried I feel like I've tried everything and it took me probably about four or full years to find the combination of things that I can see me doing forever to make this not this temporary struggle and torture but a long-term easy thing to sustain where I get to live a normal life that doesn't feel super restrictive and also feel and look how I want to look and know that I'm healthy and active and mentally healthier but for this journey I got really serious because I got to team up with Steve Zim at the exact time that things were going haywire with my health so he will be walking us through a lot of this video as well he helps me get to a spot that I could never get to quite by myself and that's not to say that you can't get to it by yourself but for me I needed that extra push so a lot of what I'm about to tell you is just coming from what he told me to do I can't take a lot of credit for coming up with this stuff Steve is the superstar of this video basically I'm gonna leave a lot of links down in the description for all of these things I'm talking about all of his resources that go way more in depth but here is me on day one right before I started training with him [Music] [Music] my measurements with your shirt okay because it's what we're doing here you sexy music okay [Music] [Applause] okay yeah your weight is here but we're taking it low we're gonna take it as a lung handle yes that's my least favorite part so feel free to just drop those off [Music] on the scale and this is okay but your centage wise it's gonna I'll show you how it works acceptable 2125 fare 26 to 29 unacceptable 34 or even we can realistically get enhancer six babies initially this was supposed to be a six to eight week process but as I will explain life gets in the way and changes things sometimes but I'm kind of glad this ended up being a five-month process because by month five to six month process because now I can say for sure that one this is sustainable very long-term for me not just for a month and a half and two it works long term so let's talk about some of the main rules that I followed in the last half a year these are not hard and fast rules that I followed religiously which is nice actually because that means I got great results from something that was not severely stripped I can't be a severely strict person when it comes to eating and working out I've learned that about myself I'm okay with it luckily I found a balance where I still make progress but I didn't beat myself up if I couldn't do it for a full week I think somewhere in there I couldn't do some of these things for a full month whoops so when it came to working out work out the very first thing that I did is I work out five days a week weightlifting hold now boy hold hold let it out as far as Steve's style goes I really liked his because I have worked with the trainer in the past and not to say that he wasn't amazing but I don't think it worked as well for my body as Steve style the style that I was used to from a previous trainer was full body type workouts and I didn't feel like it it leaned me out in the aesthetic way that I was going for and Steve understood my concerns with that and he was very specific to isolating muscles that he knew would help give me that like long lean muscle II look that I was going for and I'm still going for it when I did more full body things it was really hard on I feel like my heart I have a heart condition so I'm very self aware what's that word his word that hypochondriac I'm a little hypochondriac about my heart and I always felt like the full-body things were too much for me the exercises we do here isolate the muscle muscle group you want so we're not swinging away we were actually controlling it this is a two and a half pound weight I know that a lot of videos saying this but it doesn't hurt to reiterate it because I'm sure there are some people typing a comment about this right now muscles allow you to kind of mold your body within your genetic framework if I want to look like I have a smaller waist I can I can build up my shoulders that's part of my shoulders are my favorite thing to Train I want those sexy cap shoulders like Sarah Connor that's what I want and some of you were gonna think that's too muscular and manly and today I say I don't care I think it's cute giving you or that aside do you think aren't going to hurt they hurt worse than anything you've ever done in your life because what we're done using any momentum we're really isolating the muscle will see it's very different you don't have to use a lot of weight if you can feel my light heart rate through your screen stretch it up and now open keep your thighs on the pad don't push with your feet before left one two three [Music] once you plug that on my team those kicks back like everybody else twist the big difference I like that Steve uses more traditional type exercises and movements like I got to use a lot of machines that just isolate the muscle that he wants to focus on we would do usually at least two leg days a week and usually three upper body days a week we did abs every day and that was a struggle for me because I apparently have broken ABS that don't want to work right it took a long time to figure out what exercises worked for me AB wise these worked [Music] I don't know the science around it I just know that these butterfly situps made it so that I didn't feel my ab workouts in my back because everything I tried I always felt in my back and eventually I could work up to a few other different ab exercises but C was very persistent to just keep doing what was working for me and eventually they would strengthen enough that we could go elsewhere and do other things which was true the ab exercises that ended up being my absolute favorite thing in the entire world this longboard thing where we just took a longboard and I used it underneath of a normal bench and I crunched my ABS on the way up and I never felt that in my back I had started to see a big difference with my obliques after I started doing that one I also found out that I breathe wrong who knew I feel like that's something that a lot of fitness videos don't talk about so I didn't know for the longest time where you start you sit up you actually lock you have set this is where everybody makes big mistake so what we have to do is we have to set up the ABS it's all about the breathing if you breathe wrong to get it end up with a really muscular pop so this is very important position which ever setup you're doing this is just what we can see these bent legs straight up take a deep breath out pull your bellybutton into the ground ready breathe out pull it in hold it there keep breathing out now bring this knee into a little cell keep breathing out go all the way back now the ABS are going in so we're building the muscles they're contracting all the way otherwise they don't have to fully contract if we don't get the fully contracted you don't get flat out when I worked out with Steve he had me do light weights and high reps so what we would frequently do is I would do a really light weight so that I could get to 20 repetitions and I would need to be able to sustain that for 4 whole sets so it's very time consuming to do it that way I can't just like pump out eight of my best reps and then move on so maybe only do like six different exercises per gym session sometimes in an hour [Applause] the funny thing is that my goals have always been since I was a teenager I remember looking at girls that were today's Fitz Bo you know like those super fit but still really feminine girls I've always thought that that was the most beautiful aesthetically pleasing body that I would want for myself again I'm not saying that for everybody I'm just saying for myself I have always wanted that and that wasn't even popular back when I like I'm so hipster about this I like fits Bo models before it was a thing huh don't add me but it's true but I love that strong has become this this thing that is now considered sexy in a way that it wasn't really when I was growing up here's what I want to be eventually this is my end goal so I'm not there yet so take all that in mind - I'm getting to my after pictures eventually but to me their progress photos because I got more to go I tried to get at least three days a week of cardio I hate cardio so I didn't do that very consistently but the weeks that I did do it consistently were my best progress weeks by far so if I ever combined the weightlifting and then hit cardio right after for a week that was crazy results for me I shrunk down so fast that way the cardio that I could stand is to do hit cardio on a treadmill and basically all I did it's nothing new or super creative I put the treadmill up to like eight miles an hour which was the most I could stand I would run for 30 seconds and then I would rest for a minute and some people like to just walk for the minute that they're resting and then run but I found that it wastes too much time switching the treadmill speed from that to that you know I'd rather just hop off let it run I would do 25 sets of on off on off on off that lasted for about half an hour and then if I was feeling really good and I wanted to keep going I would put the treadmill at an incline and set the speed to like 3 miles an hour and then I just walk uphill until I was dripping in sweat but again I didn't do cardio very often to get where I am right now because I hate it I would watch Judge Judy while I did cardio and that made it a lot easier to deal with let's get into the hard stuff and where I think all of the magic really happened for me eating the thing I have always struggled with seeing that I've never figured out up until now is how to eat and not undo my results or make my results very minimal there's always been a disconnect between what is healthy that I can stand eating and sometimes there have been healthy things that I figured out that I like but for some reason they just don't do much for me they haven't changed much for me what I figured out is one I am okay with eating the same thing over and over and over and over again as long as I like it I found a few things that I could kind of mix and match but then I could eat everyday and someone's gonna tell me that's bad for me but whatever it worked I feel great this is the moral the story that's the first thing find meals you like that's also hard for me because I don't cook I don't like cooking I don't know how to cook I'm a terrible cook I feel like ain't nobody got time any time I looked at recipes online that had any more than like two ingredients in 20 minutes of prep time I was out out it's not sustainable for me and I know that to some of you that's going to seem absolutely absurd and ridiculous and and you might say to someone like that well of course you're not gonna lose weight then of course you're not gonna get healthier of course you're not gonna look how you want you have to be able to cook something not true my friends I found a way my main staples were spinach black beans lean ground turkey and eggs or just the egg whites so the goal was to kind of just always repeat some version of that my go-to was one serving of lean ground turkey one serving of black beans unsalted so that I could wean myself off of a lot of salt and one serving of spinach I tried for a while to just do spinach but I quickly found that realistically I needed like creamed spinach to get through it and yes it's not the best for me because yes that is a processed frozen food I understand that but I found one that had very simple ingredients that didn't seem like it had a lot of added crap to it as far as those things go could I be healthier absolutely is it better than how I would eating absolutely did it work for me yes and if I got bored of the turkey then I would switch it out for eggs or egg whites and still kind of mix and like spinach and black beans I it's really boring you don't have to do this I liked it now I have a [ __ ] sweet tooth and I like to munch on things and I am absolutely an emotional stress eater bored eater like I am I have bad habits with food that have been really hard for me to work around luckily this works because any time I could not bear the idea of eating more ground turkey and spinach or anything else that was an equivalent healthy I found some in between not the best for me foods but also not the worst for me foods that made me feel like I was cheating they gave me the mental and emotional satisfaction that I needed out of being able to eat what I want which I know is a lot of the root of my problems because not only if I wanted to feel like I wasn't restricting myself I would just eat candy or pasta oh my god I love pasta I could with pasta pasta and cheese and everything bad for you all the processed carbs all those things I can't eat that for life but instead these are some substitutes I found that were not the best but not the worst I would cheat with spinach and goat cheese empanadas they were homemade locally around me so they weren't super bad but I loved those sushi I freaking love also a treat sometimes I would just get a Philly roll because if it would stop me from binging on Reese's Cups later I would do that another bit of a cheap is not the best for Southwest is rx bars I love them because they are really clean ingredient protein bars if I wanted to be really bad sometimes I would be I'd have Reese's I'd have sour gummy worms I love sour gummy worms and as many of you know if you've been watching my channel for the last few months I really like vanilla coke yeah so I would have those sometimes if I really wanted them if I was really really stressed and I thought that a coke would make me feel better I did it the nice thing is that even though I know that it's not a healthy statement even though I know that's not a good thing and it's clearly something that I need to work on this whole process has allowed me to work on it because I want those things I reach for those things a lot less often than they used to I know what it feels like now to not be tired and lethargic and miserable and unhappy and like my body feeling bad I they're not out of the picture but they're less worth it like I said I feel like I'm only beginning my journey even though you're seeing this as an end result video so I'm still in mid process for a lot of these things frick I just realized I said Reese's and someone's gonna yell at me for that it's Reese's I know but I'm from Philly and in Philly we say Reese's we say Reese's pcs I know it's weird but it's Reese's Pieces I know I know I know I know I know I know the only other thing I ate worth noting is one supplement I guess it's a supplement BCAAs I took these before my workout and after my workout Steve told me to take these I'm very very skeptical about taking supplemental type things but I did my research on BCAAs I realized that they're not like a bad thing I'm not gonna pretend like I can explain the science of this to you I think you should do your own research for everything I'm saying in this video they were to help prevent muscle breakdown so that I could heal quicker recover quicker in between workouts and hopefully gain muscle while losing fat which is a hard thing to do at the same time there's two other things that I did food wise that are gonna seem a little intense but they naturally worked out very well for me I'm sure these would not work well for a lot of people but I ate a minimum of five hours apart that is a rule from Steve himself because it gets you burning your fat stores if you wait longer apart between meals so snacking was an absolute no for me the other thing that I did that Steve did not tell me to do with it I kind of accidentally ended up doing is I was doing intermittent fasting he told me that if I could workout fasted first thing in the morning I can burn even more fat I've never been a breakfast person I don't like eating first thing in the morning anyway so what was nice is I got to for the most part eat two really big meals in a day five hours apart and I was fine that way like I really wasn't hungry because they were really big meals both times like I wouldn't just eat turkey Spanish beans if that didn't fill me up I'd have an Rx bar to supplement it or something like that or I'd have more egg whites or something so that I always got enough calories in a day to make sure that I was in a healthy range if I needed to eat a third time in the day if I was still really hungry at 1:00 a.m. I would just eat again another thing that I did that was recommended to me by Steve is he told me to mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a full glass of water and drink that entire glass of water before I ate anything that way you feel fuller sooner so I did that pretty religiously it tastes gross at first but eventually you kind of learned to like it sometimes I would squeeze a lemon into that too because lemon is good for you and stuff this video could be a million hours long if I dive into everything unless I was actively choosing to eat unhealthy because I wanted to not research myself I cut out all processed carbs white carbs so pasta bread flour anything with white flour in it cereal anything like that but but the biggest by far the biggest most important most dramatic thing that I changed is that I cut sugar which I know a lot of you probably don't want to hear because that seems completely impossible and very hard to do and not fun to do yes I just talked about vanilla coke and Reese's and sour races and sour gummy worms but for the first few months that I did this I actually didn't touch sugar at all I swore it off to see what would happen if I truly cut it and holy [ __ ] I did not enjoy it I figured I should turn on the camera because I feel like ass pads hello it's day one it's day one of fully eating the way I'm supposed to I just want sugar so bad just like okay fruit type sugar is okay but I don't want that kind of sugar I want the bad [ __ ] I want the [ __ ] that is more addictive than cocaine if you get a rat addicted to cocaine they will still choose sugar most of the time when given the option I get it I feel what the rat feels I do and it just makes me sad that that America's food is just so full of sugar that there's even sugar and ketchup and you are just so badly addicted to this stuff that the first day you're not allowed to have it you go crazy if you're me I don't know if I can last eight weeks yeah so it wasn't easy I legitimately felt symptoms of withdrawal I was cranky I had awful headaches I I couldn't think about anything else other than getting sugar somehow and that in itself was a huge wake-up call for me and it was scary and it made me realize that my body my whole life has been running on something that is not good for it but the fact that sugar is in everything it's in everything which means that if you want to do the no sugar root it's really hard this was by far the hardest part of it for me but it was also by far the most helpful part of it for me because when I cut sugar I saw results in places I've never seen results in in my whole life I saw muscles I didn't know my body was genetically capable of showing if that makes sense like I have an Adonis belt forming y'all and even when I was in my top physical shape as a dancer I never saw that on my body because I've always been a sugar addict I'm guessing that's the reason why I never saw it before right now at this current moment in time I would give anything for him to just text me and be like eat a cookie tonight Mikey you've earned it sad and pathetic which is why I turned the camera on I realized how pathetic I was being and I figured like oh this this is the [ __ ] you should show people a lot of the transformation videos show you like the good stuff about getting healthy and I will say that it's not easy maybe it will be someday but right now it's the worst and I hate it and if Steve wasn't so nice as to help me I would say screw it all and I need all the cookies when I got rid of sugar my waist slimmed down so fast and so much more than it ever had trying any other diet where I might have lost 10 pounds and looked a lot better but I couldn't proportionately get my waist to come back in to what it used to be and it didn't take a waist trainer and it didn't take a corset and I didn't take all of these things it just took cutting sugar and I've never felt better I've done other diets and workouts that I had some success with and nothing has changed my mood and my confidence and my outlook and my like my health in the way that I feel inside then cutting sugar so after I got used to that for a few months I started to allow myself to have some of my sugary favorites every once in a while which is when I developed a bit of a coke habit not that kind but still a bad one to have that's when gummy worms came back into the picture you know but they taste different to me now because my taste buds have changed now that I am not used to sugar so I have a select few things that I still want sugar wise and I know that coke has a [ __ ] ton of sugar in it so I've I've like gone back to limiting that a lot more but if you want to see a results and you haven't tried completely cutting sugar for a few months try that see how you feel and then see how much more able you are to control your sugar urges after you've quit it for a while again it's one of those things where you weigh it and eventually it's so much more worth it to deal with the hassle of having 95 percent of foods unavailable to you in a supermarket but to feel so much better and to see the results you've been working for finally that's my food rant that is just the combination of things I found that worked really well for me if you want a more detailed explanation of all these things the science behind it ways to help guide you through it other food options Steve has a book and this book just came out but everything in this book is what he told me to do which was what I worked off of for this whole thing you can get on Amazon the link will be in the description down below before we get to my final results I just want to tell you a few more tips or things that I found out along the way that I've either realized or that helped me a lot that might help you a lot and like I mentioned earlier these are the kinds of things that I learned because this stretched out longer than a four to six week process I had days I had weeks I had months in the middle of these six months so I don't it's hard to call it a full six months because I definitely put it on pause for a month around the time I went to Coachella there were weeks where I wasn't getting a video done in time if it meant that I had to take out two to three hours to go to the gym every day there were days where I just woke up and felt awful because girl problems whatever it may be life gets in the way you can't be consistent 100% of time if you can props to you but I think most people can't be the thing that always scared me was once I fall off it was really hard for me to get back on I thought that I was going to undo everything that I had worked for really quickly because in the past that is kind of what happened what I learned this time is when I had bad days or weeks or a bad month I didn't really rewind my progress I just kind of put it on pause so I didn't make any new leaps and bounds by not going to the gym or not eating as good as I could have I didn't like undo all my progress if I ate gummy worms but I definitely put it on pause and I think a lot of that is because I even when I paused I still was highly avoiding sugar as a consistent thing in my life whereas every other time I fell off the wagon in the past I went right back to all of my sugars all of my processed carbs breads pastas all of those things now like I said my idea of cheating is spinach and goat cheese empanadas and sushi but still avoiding sugars for the most part it makes such a big difference and I really did not lose progress or go back in progress almost at all in six months I gained a little bit back when I when I got into my coke habit I like two months ago because I made it more of a regular thing and then I realized oh sugar is the missing link here sugar is the reason that I actually can rewind my progress but I just pause it if I eliminate sugar again other than that one time it's been either all downhill or paused luckily I've also learned it's not even bad if I rewind some of my progress it's okay if I go back up an inch or two in my waist again it's okay if I gain back four pounds again both things I did at one point because I know the tools to get me right back to where I want to be I know it works for me now and I only found out what works for me by committing and being consistent at least for a few months first those first six to eight weeks I saw tremendous progress and then actually there hasn't been a ton of change in the last three or four months like there are there are changes I see but I think someone who is just looking on the outside wouldn't see a big size difference a lot of my weight came off really quick and then it was slower and I think that's because I was most consistent in the beginning and then I learned how to juggle real life in the last few months in a way that is now completely sustainable for me losing weight or inches or whatever your goal is it doesn't look like this it looks like this but the overall median line it's been a long time since I've been in math class but that median line you know the line that you can the line that you can put through all of your scatter plot things wow I have no idea what I'm talking about the overall trend goes down if you stick with it and you make it a committed lifestyle change I don't have my Fitbit on me because I didn't want to ruin my tan guys I got a good tan look I got a good tan but getting a Fitbit helped me so much I don't like doing guesswork when it comes to fitness but I also don't like being super strict I'd like a rough idea of what's going on and that helped me do that where I had a rough idea every day of how many calories I burned because I know that at the end of the day a lot of this comes down to calories in versus calories out so I could see the calories that I had spent already the the calories going out and then I could be more cognizant of the calories going in because I had no idea I must have been eating like 3000 calories a day before thinking that I was only eating like 1500 and I didn't realize I was nowhere near that I got to see how often my heart rate was up in a day and then it became more of a challenge to do more cardio and to get in the fat-burning zone more often with my workouts to like push myself harder I synched it with my Fitness Pal for the meal tracking lately I a scale that would input my weight and my body fat percentage of my Waterway percentage muscle percent BMI all of that would sync with that and it was just a beautiful technology web of helping me be aware of my actions but again I wasn't super strict with it there were absolutely days where I went over what was ideal for me I never wanted to under eat there are days that I found myself not hungry anymore but I knew that I needed more calories to be healthy and I would eat more because I am NOT interested in simply looking a certain way at the expense of health the whole goal of this for me from the get-go has been to feel better to know that I'm healthier and hopefully to get aesthetic changes out of it that I've always wanted for myself anyway the thing you have probably all been scrolling through the video for my end results after five to six months of this lifestyle change [Music] it's crazy I know I didn't even realize how much progress I had made until today when I finally got to see them side by side and I knew that I had come a long way but I just like you just don't even realize even like the change in my face this was worth it before I even saw that because I feel so much better but the added bonus of looking at myself and feeling like oh yeah that's me again [Music] my hair sorry okay yeah my bath 11 and under 3/4 it was twelve and four thirty seven and a quarter 41.7 533 we started at 35 and a half once again I don't the chest really didn't go down it's the back workout we take it all in by the way I am the widest spot which is not you're willing when you go to a tailor they're not gonna take your waist right think I can give you the widest watch I went stupid why this [ __ ] 27 we started on my waist and thirty three point two five thirty four and a quarter started out at thirty nine and a quarter so why this spot who here amen which is unbelievable number no no but the hips came in hips to lose that's where their number came in but when you see you'll see that the but is more accentuated now because it's not being covered by the hips as much twenty and three-quarter three inches one thirteen point two five twelve and a half so the right side was twenty two point seven five the thighs women started wearing in chopped twenty three point seven five two eight two point of everybody let's see what we are today twenty point seven five symmetrical twelve point five legs are now completely symmetrical that's here the biceps something this is my trailer and when I was a cocktail waitress therefore it will always be no way I think there's no way this is a here Oh ten and a half plus a pen and a half but they look pretty the same oh it's not fun but dessert sorry after all the pain this might be worth it yes it is 15.3 very confident so let's see what it was before basically lost 50% of your body fat half of your body fat is God now we do one last thing and don't get caught up on the scale the scale is a really crazy thing the scale is probably gonna go down as we see but in a lot of times when you put on a lot of muscle that skill eater doesn't move or goes up a few pounds long as your clothes are getting loose your measurements are coming in your body fats coming down that's fantastic scale weight is going to tell us how many pounds of fat you lost now how many pounds of muscles to put on let's get up decided to dramatically the center there's like snowshoes originally at 133 116 you use your body fat percentage in your weight to calculate a lot of muscle you have the amount of body fat you have so we started at a six point nine and muscle mass forty six pounds of fat that's perfectly fine you lost 28 pounds of body fat and you gained eleven point three pounds of muscle incredible from eighty six point nine to ninety eight point two your fat what 446 down to 70 huge I'm a hundred pounds of muscle think it's 18 and below is excellent for women you are now in the excellent per se I started there yes we're not gonna use that word in my videos it's about being healthy it's about getting yourself from point A to point B you feel comfortable in your own skin that's what matters period nothing else I promise you every shape size for long as you're healthy you feel comfortable that's all that matters I want you confident she now feels very confident when the first day I met her honestly it's a different person it's a completely she carries herself differently she comes in the gym like she owns it she's not like how you see what I can do she learned how to workout she learned how to eat and she's now a much different person and beautiful either way honestly and she's just happier where she is today and a lot of the health issues that I had on day one are gone or or almost entirely gone and I feel like a new person but at the same time I feel a lot just like my old self that I haven't seen in five years maybe a bit more but an even better version because even before the YouTube stuff I didn't have as much muscle and I loved having muscle and I want more which is why I'd like to do a bikini competition next I was like a bikini competitor in Campos yes that's one of those yes how many likes doesn't need to get to training for bikini competition 100,000 won Wow hundred fifty thousand likes that works even if we don't get forty thousand we're gonna do it anyway yeah so I feel really good and I'm really happy and my goal for you is that if you're unhappy about something in your life you you take steps to start changing it right now I did not want to do what I started doing back in January at all please reference again the moment that I had a tantrum over not being able to have a cookie but I'm so glad that Mikey from January made that decision and I'm really glad that this Mikey has committed to it in a way that is finally healthy and sustainable and and just doable for the long term and it works I finally figured it out I literally feel like I cracked a goddamn code and if you've learned anything that works really well for you share it because like I said I don't think this is a one-size-fits-all thing and sometimes it's just about finally finding the thing that works for you and giving it an honest effort and shot and one more time a huge huge huge huge thank you to Steve's him because I needed his guidance I cannot thank him enough so like I said links below to check out all of the resources he has available for you guys you can do a lot of the same stuff that I did and yeah please hit subscribe if you haven't already hit the bell even though it doesn't really work half the time anyway but I upload once a week if that helps to just check my channel once a week and I will I will see you next week for more makeup type beauty type content there's no way to make a muscle in way but the same time is there you know got it by stressed these bags under my eyes are from stress of not eating cookies today guaranteed anyway I should never release this to the Internet but if this ends up in the video and you're watching this right now know that the only reason it's in the video is because the end of this whole journey I'm gonna be so over sugar and I'm gonna look so darn good and be so healthy and happy and feel great that it was okay to embarrass myself by putting this in here my struggles with not eating a cookie or a brownie today on kind of day one [Music] we're thinking up like a Minotaur all together
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 5,918,542
Rating: 4.955904 out of 5
Keywords: How I Lost 28 POUNDS of FAT And 6 INCHES Off My Waist, how i got fit and lost 6 inches off my waist, fitness transformation, mykie, mikey, glam and gore, glam&gore, weight loss, weight loss tips, workout routine, meal plan, diet, sugar, cutting sugar, no sugar, fitbit, steve zim, a tighter u, trainer, healthy, how to lose weight, how i lost the weight, 28 pounds, gain muscle
Id: svtc3ey-ZC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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