Mildly Infuriating Things (w/ Boyinaband)

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I can hear both, kinda sounds like "bave" lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/autumnatron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

was that intentional or a slip?? lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whimsicalli πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't need to go to gym BABY! You're totally right

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brunaorsi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Idle-_-Worship- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

maybe its an accent?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iTz_MB20 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

In my opinion the beginning sounds like a ”d” but I don't hear the ”ve” I hear dae just me?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh wow I hear it too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImFunSized15 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh that is mildly infuriating hey guys what's up I'm here with my best friend Jonas kidding there's no one there Dave I was gonna say isn't terminus your best friend I'm planning to have you guys fight it out to the death you just walk away from that fight yeah definitely craziest intro ever okay so today I thought that we were gonna do mildly infuriating already because I'd love to see you angry at things and I very seldom see you angry about more important things because you just get sad but it's like something that matters but you get angry at the tiny things okay before we start smash like this feels weird if we don't get 30k likes on this video I will literally never do a video with Joel again please like it I would genuinely be sad if you never came back - I'm gonna stick to this as well if it doesn't I'm actually not going to you're gonna have to find some way to get these likes like I'm actually blackmailing your audience if they if they care maybe they don't want it quietly infuriating let's go Disney Plus all the classic Simpsons episodes on Disney Plus a cropped in widescreen format this means you miss out on tons of great visual jokes like how doth Duff light and Duff dry all come from the same - yeah angry Dave no I like these things happen yeah yeah I mean there can't be that many jokes I mean it wasn't alright - that's like below mildly infuriating that's like infinitesimally infuriating it's like oh that's too bad yeah oh that's too bad I'm fury a ting me next the peas are upside down okay this one's starting to feel a little weird it's like a Photoshop thing and they just lie what's the backstory to this why couldn't they just take a bad picture like this isn't a good picture this is already annoying me yeah yeah very easily have been a better picture taken with correct side up Peas I'm always crazy about like the one-off kebab shops and stuff that they always take a look at the picture themselves like they're kids or something takes a picture it always looks horrible it's one of the reasons why I always end up going to like the big chains and stuff because at least the food looks good when you order even if it comes and it's a pile of manure there's nothing aspirational about this there's nothing you don't want this okay 40 K likes joel has to go to movies haha there's a lot of places like this in Brighton not by the seafront like all the crows pizza places and stuff you have such a problem with them I'm fine going to those kinds of places we were walking down that Brighton Beach one night yeah you were drunk out of your mind there's a lot of those stories start getting exposed you were really hungry like properly hungry oh yeah yeah and I suggested hey let's go to one of these kind of kebab shops and you were like no how about one of these pizza shops no I will wait I'm starving but I will soon the dye places I don't think I thought I would dive I know I'm exaggerating there oh you were certainly not comfortable with going to somewhere that was not a chain I just didn't want upside down Peas okay okay I liked are you to recommend xfinity from comcast to friends and family not likely at all why you charged me 140 bucks for early termination despite my military orders to move this violates the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 you still have not refunded out yeah just anything to do with those companies I think this is beyond mildly infuriating it's so infuriating that I kind of distance myself from it because otherwise it would consume my life yeah like that kind of frustration with large companies that don't don't hurt but yeah enjoy your time on YouTube you having fun this is fun video okay let's keep going through my swatter ax to fly don't ask questions because I don't have answers hahaha that's just impressive that's what I'm Furion I was got like water damage by the by the window there you go water damage okay Dave I'm gonna fill in my phone let's go look at the water damage in my ceiling Mylene fear rating let's do a journal content okay okay so don't well don't look at that that's garbage however over here look at this and where does it come from well come here Dave let's have a look here where it comes from welcome to my bedroom okay there's a lot of dirty clothes though look have a look at my bathroom guys this is what I get for paying high rent every month there's a hole down into the floor if you put the water down there it just goes through the ceiling okay before you also have the same thing here but now they're put in this plank but water doesn't get in behind the toilet in here this was holes here I had to call them like five times and then they put silicon here and the silicon just kinda like it's still wet hair but you see let's get back to - ready - I guess if there's any video for you to complain about that on its mildly infuriating looks like I won't be listening to my new vinyl record thanks USPS oh that is mildly view rating for us for him it's really if you're into us yeah I'm trying to put my myself into the mind of this hipster and see like what like wide feel after opening it like yeah I've just come downstairs I've got excited I've ordered my new vinyl from a favorite new band like our old band I'm excited yeah put me down for the write for the whole day yeah then I drink I definitely drink after that next the Cable Guy installed the cable through our hula hoop that we left out haha no that's amazing I love that that actually makes me happy oh that's getting me a little bit how expensive a who loops as well that looks like an expensive one right more like hula hoops don't do that my wife nella fully screws the lids back on to anything oh that's bad oh that's the killer yeah just just decimate that woman make her drink the expired garbage that's that's let's get some milk right now with key over to the kitchen try to do that with my mill to see how you do it I think that's more effort than actually putting a knife it's easy oh really chuckles show me okay so I got milk over here yeah yeah all right check out this dirty dishes right here that's mildly gyrating right okay uh okay here we go so try to put it on but not it was like kind of like Oh diagonals everybody just sleep angry that's my oats man we're gonna put it back on now guys I just realized that we're doing something that's my lymph you reading through that to the editors headers are gonna be hanging about this and we're filming this in in 60 FPS which we're only supposed to do for gaming so all the files are gonna be way too big and rendering time so gonna be like double just because I didn't change your set it got to it you want to stop and no no okay mildly infuriating editor's you're welcome yeah one of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss it's great here thank you nobody's entitled to charge up any mobile phones ah yes it is theft of electricity find a deduction has been made from your pay phones should be switched off oh my god theft of electricity someone who sees my side I mean technically true but yeah what's the worst boss overhead I've never had a real job so I went to McDonald's for a while and that wasn't fun I was just in general like I was just really unhappy and they clearly didn't care at all yeah and they were just like waiting for me to leave so they could have I employ some other sad little boy is there a picture of you in the McDonald's cap not with the cap but I wore the outfit on my channel once but yeah oh it's a no it's fine I need to see it was in the beard video I think okay so it's pretty recent it's so weird to imagine you working with dolls yeah with that hair oh my god did they make it tighter I did I had short hair oh I think I don't know maybe I did taya no I remember something being said about hair nets so I was prepared to take one for the team and wear the hairnet this is what grinds my gears white black Asian gay straight the person who originally made this format and didn't capitalize the eyes just seems like a stylist choice and font yeah that's so mildly infuriating that they would get mildly infuriated it's such a small thing I just don't care I think it's like do white black and Asian people all have exactly the same skull type no I don't think so I don't know what do you think I'd have to do more research can you tell a person's race from their skull it's impossible to identify person's ancestry definitively from a single bone less than 15% of physical variation can be attributed to race okay fair enough sure good mean this lady kneeling on bread while she looks at other bread oh no oh wow I'm leaving you I love that Oh God I kind of feel like it's more charming than it is no that's the anger don't blur a face shame this woman same this gross human being barely a human being you pious versus FedEx Oh have seen this one I haven't seen this a thing yeah oh my god haha I'm so glad these freakin nest cams exist to come yeah these idiots I get that you might hate your job and that you can't be bothered but and yes express that as much as you want through words complain all the time look grumpy but don't break someone's stuff what's wrong yeah what's what's the point of that you're gonna get more complaints and your bosses are gonna be angrier and it's just like more people are gonna use FedEx order 27 books from Amazon on a single order no any seven boxes with one oh that's excellent no what would Greta say how dare you this isn't fair poor Greta I feel so bad for Greta birth is only 16 or whatever why would you do this to Greta fresh-squeezed lemonade technically she's squeezing the bottle I guess you sit on a throne of lies [ __ ] buster 9,000 reaction that's right in the shin yeah that's right I've had those that's not nice ups doing what they do this a lot of RPS yeah I got swattin and ordered a new door oh my god I understand are receiving a package in that condition that can be upsetting we can report it on our end and have feedback provided message after UPS tracking number tally I append a frickin door you got some mold I get someone actually let's look at this I wish I hadn't said a word okay so first we have my tower or whatever that is Oh down here so basically right he's like more like water damage whatever it is and this door that's like a big freaking like you can always see outside oh you can see outside with the camera it's almost all the cold air comes in and then super cool down here then I have to heat it up like so all my heating goes against this door gets it all or the air is that infuriated thank you I'm done that day youtubers are now literally just reading ready post and making money how am i god I have my god oh my god oh that's so infuriating that's more than mildly viewing how people monetize reddit where you'll monetizing these I thought we were doing this for fun as friends hey I'm not getting anything from this I'm not having fun cuz Joel wanted that's true yeah let's move on shall we let's be real like this is one of those that has like a robot voice reading it out yeah and anything so it's very different you write where we're adding so much like you've seen a lot of my house in this video how much stepdad decided to close a box of cereal after eating edibles last night no I've seen that before I've seen old people do that no we don't see that I was just saying no with the fact that it happened oh yeah yeah it seems like a five-second crafts hack that's a bag of crisps not mmm that feels very unusual seems fair YouTube do monetize this tons of videos with no reason whatsoever also YouTube Liza yeah this one this one mm-hmm and this video will probably be demonetised because they smell we should we explain what it is because I yeah this is right this is probably blurred this is Liza Coe she's liza on-demand season 2 episode 1 thumbnail we cannot show you it it's got a lot of skin got it yeah quail her skin going on there yeah YouTube is funneling funding that some a whole in my office damn that was close if I took that last Ice Cube I might have to refill the tray I of course okay I gotta be honest this is occasionally me for sure I noticed I'm a lot less strict with stuff like this after now that I live on my own when Jonah's lived here it was a lot of like need to take out the washing from the washing machine you need to well if it's only you'll future-self you're bothering oh yeah you're right but I guess it's just more infuriating when it's someone else like what I need to take someone else's stuff out of the washing machine or whatever right that one time when him and Bianca used my yoga mats and they were smelly my new yoga mat I'm still angry about this do you wanna go see it let's go to go see the other can't be bothered okay let's go see the younger man I don't think there's any point to show you yeah okay sorry there's no yoga mat 20k like 50k likes and you get the Yoakum back this dude ah oh that's more than my theory yeah yeah this is why I don't go to gyms to my partner let's go to my gym I'm gonna show you guys something really cool so Jonas lets me with double the rent right but I got something back Dave we're looking at the gym you're making me mildly furious just prepares and stuff like that when you don't get the right to waste I have these way check it out so basically you have these dislike it's not sponsored by the way this is just for so basically basically I put it two different amounts here this is that ten kilos right now then I put it into my 20k tubs on both the sides and now it's a 2008 I don't need to go to a gym name that's crazy try to lift that weight did this one yes it's real heavy for you I'm sorry okay that was fun right guys finally we'll break in the in the video you try to reassure yourself something's a good idea the handle of my serving spoon snapped turns out the handles full of sand and they ruined my delicious turkey stuffing leftovers wait what oh no that's intense I mean just tree has brown sugar okay guys thanks for watching the video thanks Dave from Boyd event go subscribe to Dave he doesn't make videos it doesn't matter it's just fun to be subscribed to channels on my brain okay thanks so much 60 K likes for Dave to start uploading daily on his channel 70 K likes for Joel to just shut up see you the next or ever okay but
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,521,252
Rating: 4.9778943 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, subreddit, r/mildlyinfuriating, mildlyinfuriating, mildly infuriating, infuriating, mildly, r/, best of reddit, reddit top posts, annoying, funny, comedy, hilarious, reaction, reacting, react, review, satire, reddit funny, memes, askreddit, r/askreddit, ask reddit, roomie, roomieofficial, joel, boyinaband, dave
Id: C9iMS-x_xeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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