Twitch Chat thought they could beat an AI in Mario Maker

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hey this is doug doug where we solve problems that no one has now i've made a lot of twitch chat plays videos on this channel where twitch chat controls a game just with their messages and you might have watched one of these and thought to yourself is twitch chat actually using any strategy at all or is this basically just random inputs that's a good question and today we're gonna find out because today i created an artificial intelligence program for mario maker 2 and this ai literally just spams random buttons the entire time he plays there is no actual strategy in his brain and we're going to see if my stupid random robot can beat twitch chat playing mario maker 2. now the way this will work is that both contestants are gonna play a round of random endless easy levels they each get five lives to beat as many levels as they can and whoever beats more will win that round whoever can win three rounds first will win the overall tournament and will be officially crowned as the smartest dumbass on twitch now a few quick rules for this first off both contestants will get one skip per round basically if they hit a level that is insanely hard they get one chance to skip it and move to a new one secondly my ai is technically not 100 random just because in mario games you mostly move to the right to make progress so i set him to be about three times more likely to move right rather than left but all of his actual decisions are totally random thirdly my ai needs a name chris pratt was already taken on mario maker so we named him chris snack and now let's find out if twitch chat is actually smarter than random inputs this is round number one chris snack will go first chris snack is turning on he's awakening from his slumber awaken mario a two speed run short and sweet i'll take that come on chris snack oh i might need to skip this one that's a death trap how is this an easy level jesus christ chris snack okay i'm skipping all right that's my one skip so he has to play this level from this point on 1 000 plus maker points that's got to be easy it's got to be some celebration level come on thank you [Music] yes yes snack baby okay we're on the board we're on the board you have to be poop come on [ __ ] okay chris neck he has to jump immediately to get over that goomba jump right away jump right away jump right away yes okay he moved left that was smart he moved right that was smart [Music] this is last one right here [Music] get the mushroom and now jump jump jump jump jump jump jump [Music] let's go let's go let's go come on [Music] okay okay [ __ ] oh he's trapped is he smart enough to learn how to get out of this given the fact that he pretty much only knows how to move right i don't think we're getting out of this one can anybody do the odds there's like a 20 chance of him moving left every single thing so you would have to get a 20 chance of moving left like 20 times in a row to get out of here one in 7.5 trillion is mario controlled by chat or ai ai is generous yeah he's more of an a and i forgot to mention chris snack is mostly stupid but he has a 0.1 percent chance of becoming sentient spamming screenshots on my switch and trying to [ __ ] our mom so you gotta hope he never gets angry oh [ __ ] he's working our mob chat oh no chris snack stop stop it kris knack but even once we calm down chris snack he still had no shot at beating this level because he can't adjust his strategy midway through and he eventually timed out and died so chris snacks turn is over with only one level beaten next up is twitch chat's turn gotta be two levels to beat chris snack if you beat one level that's just a tie and we run it back [Music] wait do you want to skip or you go you have to not rump all right voting no on skip so you guys have to actually collectively not rump here as long as nobody rumps your fine songs oh my god you got there okay but now you have to not holy [ __ ] you got bowser no way there's no way you pull this off this is requiring too much too many smart things in a row are required from you okay ways to start wasting the star wars oh my god come on come on come on something killing oh that's so there's no way there's no way let's go you still want skipper no moving towards the skip i think skip smart okay skip to the first level you still got two more lives this is called art you should be fine as a reminder chris snack did win a level you are currently down by one please tell me there are enemies in this level is it just pictures why doesn't chris snack get to walk through a museum and just look at pictures chris neck earned his level okay he had to do like three jumps he did that's how he won no he had a good honest challenging american level okay you guys honestly might die to the timer this is excruciatingly long [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a tie game you've got two lives to beat another level otherwise it's the time we redo it grab at least 999 coins and it's a swimming level oh dear god a lot as long as there aren't obstacles this is probably doable buckle in everybody got another 450 seconds of this why doesn't chris snack get a coin level chris and i got hard as [ __ ] levels we deserve this chris schnack deserved this chris snack would have been amazing at this level you know what they say though the last 70 coins are the hardest you know what they say the last 40 coins of the heart you still have to get into that little hole it'll take you forever you have 300 seconds to touch that axe jesus christ you're actually really coordinated right now oh sure let's give the coin level to twitch chat oh chris snacks too hard and fast to have a coin level we'll just give him hard [ __ ] and with that second level beaten twitch chat officially wins round one all right you beat him i do one more and see what happens dude [Music] dude come on give chris snacks some of that [ __ ] come on you have to understand an ai like chris snack takes a little while to warm up okay this time he's gonna execute things much better he awakens give me something good we're looking at a multiplayer versus level and it's themed okay uh oh no he can get through this you test it yes jump come on what are you doing chris snack is brain dead don't talk about him like that there he goes there he goes come on come on chris snack yes let's go let's go let's go come on keep it up yes yes let's go [Music] no don't die to the mole come on come on he has to kill them all otherwise he's going to die to it kill the ball kill them kill them kill them all [Applause] jump jump chris why isn't he jumping i'm not skipping i'm not skipping why the [ __ ] isn't he jumping come on plan you didn't plan anything okay if he doesn't hit the music block the mold does not come out dodge the block dodge the block dodge block do not hit it do that yes yes let's go let's go one on the board rigged that was skillful and you have to admit okay chris snack doesn't need a car where he's going wait do you need the car he needs to finish in the car okay well he has to finish in the car i'm skipping i'm skipping i'm skipping i'm tipping i can't risk it you coward i didn't know you could die to the car oh chris pratt does not know how to swim all right that's fine it's one on the board i think you guys got lucky last time with your art level and your coins level this round two currently up one if you beat one level you tie if you beat two levels you win what the hell is the name of this level you want something hard yes yeah kill him run him over [Music] are you [ __ ] kidding me that's fine now you're gonna get some really devious [ __ ] you actually played really well i will admit i need two hard levels in a row and we tie it we're good koopa planes just gonna have enemies easy okay i'll take that i'll take that yes let me know if you want to skip i don't think you yeah not yet but [Music] oh my god that was close do you want to skip it i think it's right call you skipped you have two more lives come on i need enemies i need some enemies here [Music] yes come on cuba come on google come on goomba kill him last life [Music] tie game we reset [Music] chris snack awaken short and sweet single player come on [Music] i like this i like this is this literally the level you go in the door and you win he has to press up he can but it's like a like a 10 chance of pressing up come on come on chris pratt go in the door it's not only a one in 10 chance he has to be at the door [Music] okay he went down he thought it was a pipe here's the door chris snack he held down he held down while he was at the door again yes yes yes let's go let's go chris one on the four come on still five lives still one skip level two short and sweet [Music] no he has to be on the center of the pipe oh no three has to be in the center and press down at the same time i literally might need to skip this one think chris you have to be in the center of the pipe he's so close he's so [ __ ] close okay he took a picture oh end of the level end of the level come on and he's getting three lives let's [ __ ] go for a snack he ground pounded into the enemies dude you had it if you just kept jumping mentally deficient he got through a pipe okay he's a smart beautiful boy he's smart he knows what he's doing just jump and not press down okay okay okay here we go here we go come on come on come on come on just do not ground pound if you ground pounds they'll smash through all of them and die just keep staying like this stay like this stay like this stay like this holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i'm skipping he's not smart enough to not ground pound three more lives this is called i'm getting a shot [Music] okay this looks easy [Music] it's because it puts him next to the other enemies who immediately run into him now that is the chris snack special let's [ __ ] go let's go chris that's two levels he's just that good chat oh it's gonna be pretty embarrassing when you lose to a [ __ ] ai sonic chemical plant act two sounds easy [ __ ] the issue is chris snack cannot swim unfortunately swimming in mario requires you to repeatedly press the jump button it's not random which means i didn't teach chris snack how to swim two on the board let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go that was good we're getting better we're getting better your lack of foresight has killed your beautiful smart boy my beautiful smart boy just has to learn to swim and then he's fine he's perfect otherwise twitch chat's up they're feeling awfully confident but kris snack beat two levels you've got no shot this is called no stop [Music] oh my god so do you wanna hold on do you wanna skip or what if you just run right you won't die if you don't skip right now i will admit you are less cowardly than me i'm not going to skip but if you guys die to this i will immediately skip about that and again if every single one of you just run to the right you'll get through this hell hole every single one of you take two [Music] no no we're skipping three lives left two level no skip here we go oh this is doable you got to keep bouncing on the goombas but this is doable [Music] last slide come on [Music] come on last life right here let's go yes chris snacks on the board let's go rigged you guys got the coin level in the art level at first time and you have to admit chris snack played like a [ __ ] madman until he had to swim this one's called ah and it says art [ __ ] up this art crisp chat oh no he doesn't know how to swim go in the door chris snack or just keep going who cares just keep going there's one thing we know about chris snack does not like swimming [Applause] we're skipping ash's world of puzzles come on chris this is easy this isn't even a puzzle this is easy as long as he doesn't fall in the water come on come on oh [ __ ] look at that go go chris jump how is this a puzzle that doesn't make no all right we can do this we can definitely do this come on just move fast keep rubbing move fast and run faster up that's what i'm talking about that's not what i'm talking about that was sweet this is sweet god damn it should have given him a chance at the underwater level doug now your boy will drown that makes no sense he would have drowned either way twitch chat you guys are up if you beat one level you win round three mecca bought stage that has to be hard that has to be super hard what is that [ __ ] chris snack could have done that in a second there's no water oh twitch chat had beaten one level and they had won round three and even though the round is over twitch chat kept playing for fun and went on a rampage beating a second level then a third then a fourth then fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth until they finally got stuck at this gigantic letter e and after 30 straight minutes of watching this and going insane i finally convinced twitchchat to give up in exchange for letting them take screenshots on my switch i [ __ ] hate so now twitch chat is up two rounds to one if they win this next round they win the whole tournament come on chris snack he awakens on off clip level one i need an easy victory here let's crack up three or four on the board don't jump chris snack do not jump chris snack get that holy [ __ ] you could do it he could do it jump through jump through jump through jump through go go go go go go oh my god brisk snack yes oh let's [ __ ] go when there's no water he kicks some [ __ ] ass dude no skips let's go let's go okay grab 16 coins what are we looking at here [Music] next chris snack needs to go in this pipe which is to the left jump jump jump jump jump please jump get the okay he's gotta jump on the pipe and then also press down which is like a one in ten chance what i'm saying is there's a chance but we're gonna be here for a little bit oh my god go go go go go the odds are really really really [ __ ] low but it's possible dude yes the only thing more dangerous to chris snack than water is having to move left and press down he's [ __ ] it's like watching my son on squid game all right that's fine i'm using my skip i need a good level get two on the board and this should be an easy victory it's an auto level oh no wait maybe it's [Music] go in the door chris snack yes [Music] yes [Music] keep going go krishnak no this is the wrong direction no go to the right okay okay okay we're good we're good dude it was [ __ ] ah no the power-ups are all gone that's how that works dude chris snack had it and he [ __ ] it up so bad all right that's fine that's fine that's fine it's fine we run it back he's warmed up he's learned everything he needs done all the research done all the testing if he just keeps looking to the right he's fine and he's looking okay okay okay come on come on go into the left again going keep going in the pipe go in the pipe yes and that's got to be the end that's got to be in he has to ground pound i didn't insist it he did it chris stick oh my god now go to the right what do you do [Music] what do you do here dude are you supposed to keep ground pounding crack you have to ground pound again chris what if he jumps off to the right maybe it'll work maybe the flag is like sitting down here on the on the right side hat you have to hit a p block so you're saying that chris snack has to move through the pipe move right all the way to the other pipe and then ground pound consistently to the very bottom what you're saying is there's a chance keep going keep going hey come on okay just keep doing that chris go to the left now go to the left go left good job good job now keep stomping you have to stop for a snack don't go over that ledge do not go over that ledge christopher snack you [ __ ] idiot oh he just had a ground pound i should have taught him how to ground bound i never taught him how to ground pound he won a level you have to get two or more and you win the whole stream this is an auto mario level it's themed you take a lot of screenshots wow you guys might actually not [ __ ] this up because no okay you [ __ ] it up somebody finally moved your obsession with screenshots almost saved you there okay i assume you want to skip no are you insane what is wrong with you guys i'll take it going back to the auto level which to be clear you can only win if no one moves that's a lot of screenshots and if a single per i already [ __ ] it up wait maybe not maybe not let's go let's go let's go we're skipping the auto level what that means is you've got three lives and zero skips gotta be two levels come on give him some heart give him some heart roller coaster that sounds hard [Music] okay you gotta play the game a little bit you're at the edge of a cliff but all you've done the entire level is take screenshots i was positive you were gonna die please tell me this level gets harder die die die right here just jump off the edge yes you guys want to talk about the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals you're so obsessed with that screenshot command i gave you you can't even play the game properly anymore you've lost all focus you may have won that battle chat but i won the war look at this this is by far the least coordinated you've been where are [Music] thai game you've got no skips you've got two lives you have to beat this level and if you do you win the entire tournament it's called speed run boss battle no [ __ ] chance no [ __ ] chance [Music] okay where's the boss i assume you're gonna have to go in that thing where's the boss battle it's called boss battle where's the boss everybody has to lump really hard i don't think there's anything that can kill you i don't even think you could sabotage this if you wanted to maybe you can fall to the left maybe you can dodge the flagpole don't hit the pole don't hit the ball don't hit the pull and so despite my best efforts twitch chat is officially smarter than random inputs if only i had taught my boy to swim if only i had taught him to go in pipes oh if only i taught him the ground pound i failed you chris snack and you all know what we do here when an ai no longer serves its purpose [Music] chris snack may be gone now but his soul swims on in the deep ocean just like he always wished it would and i hope he rests in peace until i bring him back until i make him stronger until i make him faster until i teach him to swim and i get my vengeance on twitch chat next time on dug dug [Music] it's
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 2,347,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, mario maker, mario maker 2, easy, random easy, endless, chris pratt, chris snack, AI, artificial intelligence
Id: T6ythDYp8eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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