GTA 5, but if I say "cop" then the cops try to kill me

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wait are you the doug guy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kronikal64 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey this is doug doug where we solve problems that no one has today i'm going to try to drive around the entire map of gta 5 but if i say the word cop out loud then it will immediately spawn five star police to attack me but that alone is too easy so if i say cop a second time 30 cop cars will spawn and if i say jump that boosts me into the air nitro or nos will make me go really fast cinematic opens cinematic mode rage gives the drivers road rage rocket spawns rocket launchers ramp spawns huge ramps plane spawns planes cow spawns cows and black hole activating black holes with this voice mod i will try to drive around the entire map while responding to every single message from twitch chat and if i make it all the way back to this bridge and drive off these huge ramps into the water without dying i win so as long as i don't say anything stupid this will be easy here we go if i make it around the entire map i win why not travel in a old helicopter to win the challenge of cops god damn it that's really dumb i saw the p word and i didn't think about the h word that's fine so we got five star police now they're not gonna automatically kill me but it does make this way [ __ ] harder i recently inherited my grand personal copper watch should i sell it or keep it in storage guys the c word that's not gonna work it's too obvious it literally starts with cop i'm calling the cops okay i forgot that if you spell a word another approach is that you get me to say the letter c and then the letter o and the letter p god damn it okay we're fine this is fine now i want to be clear it's about 10 straight minutes of driving it's definitely doable with the cops i i'm calling the cops hey doug been going through the hardest week of my life mental health wise just found your content and it's been helping a lot i don't believe you i'm so sorry if you are actually going through mental health problems right now i don't trust you at all dude i want to be clear i do not trust you take two let's do this thing that was death real dude last time there were so many messages that were super nice and caring but we're definitely still triggering they're always having something thanks for always having such fun content like that's definitely a trick fun content nobody says fun when they describe calling the police what i told you i can't trust anyone dog i need help with my geography homework i need help my geography homework what's the capital of denmark i don't even know copenhagen [ __ ] nope i'm calling the cops all right it doesn't have like the kaw sound in it i was like oh it's mine it might be calling the cops god damn it i need to cool down my tv i need to cool down my tv the screen's hot taking a screenshot i actually did not i really did not get that one stream's over we're done i'd like to try content to creation but how much time you spend editing a video on average i'd like to try content creation i actually was invading road rage road rage doesn't seem to be doing much right now so road rage is like the best i can do is forcing people to try to drive to where i'm like currently facing essentially so you'll see some people just start driving in really stupid directions like this dude is not driving normally like what are the what are these guys doing this isn't correct my motorcycle now accelerates faster after changing the sprockets activating rocket launchers okay so what these guys are going to do is um try to fire rockets at me activating rocket launchers and they're going to appear every 10 seconds but they mostly don't have good aim so what really [ __ ] it up is when there's a lot of other cars around as well i know have you noticed that obs crops the right side of the street no no no i said crop i'm calling the cop i said crop dude okay this is fine i see the one about oh my god they actually hit i'm calling the cops look there's a few of these words that i'm not expecting you guys to actually get like black h there's like no way that anybody will get that i just put it in there for flavor what is the color of coal multiple of you guys have said that i don't understand the trick in it what is the color of coal oh black coal got it what's your favorite black pole oh man it would take hours to list them all off would you say you could swallow the acd album back in black why are you guys going for b-hole so much like i feel like you're not gonna get b-hole and there's a lot of effort being spent on b-hull right now it's funny it is funny you're just not you're not gonna get it i lack whole words i lack whole words to describe how much fun i'm having black hole that is not legit another thing strategy wise i could switch to a car with motorcycles the value is like that i can weave in between the cops it's just a lot faster in general golf cart this is gonna take so long tried sharing but everyone threw a big really strange that's [ __ ] all right so the question now is if how much people are driving like morons you rap if people are driving like total dumbasses can i still survive in a golf cart guys i literally got pinned to the wall by a cement truck oh oh we're through i am actually completely let's [ __ ] move on i'm doing a bus here we go bus attempt number one you know what with the bus at least we can just barge through the food even though i tricked you this is looking good i would still like a copy of the code even though i tricked you i can i can do that i'm calling the cops apparently if you say sorry for tricking you i just like become an idiot make sure to check your nitrogen monoxide detectors make sure to check your nitrogen monoxide nitro boost oh that was a you got roasted i'll start with a boost activating nitro boost so dumb whatever [ __ ] it nitro boost is great dude i'll take nitro boost all day nitro activating nitrogen see it's great can't be believed my ex-wife took the funko pops where does the sea massacre fit into the dug dug cinematic universe no activating cinematic mode okay c-mode sucks ass but it's not that bad it actually gives me more time to focus on what you guys are saying oh okay cinematic mode's not helping i like my coffee black hole destroyed i like my coffee black hold the sugar i'm calling the cops activating black hole come on how many times is it gonna think i said the c word when i say coffee nitro boost activating nitrogen that didn't help um i'm going for it i'm about to show you the power of the supercar i'm going on a date with going on a date with a girl tomorrow i'm so stressed everything is going black the world you guys really really really really want b-hole to work i don't want to jinx it but this is actually going really well man i'm uncomfortable with this things are going fantastically so if you can spawn the sun hunting people trying to use the sp and people are trying to use c is just plain stupid i agree activating planes god i walked right into that one i'm halfway through this i'm actually kind of getting there i'm starting a new carnival i'm starting a new carnivore meal plan this video they send you a rough hit of meat every week activating rocket launchers god i was staring at that for a while trying to figure out okay so we've got rocket launcher people jesus christ airplanes and road race that's fine activating riot launchers don't shoot me dude meal kit i was staring at me just trying to be like what the [ __ ] are you trying to say i was like here i think i was like here was like three quarters of the way okay this is definitely doable i think super super car is the place i just have to play the best gta 5 in my life what's the opposite of white hot tai wonder professor this is the opposite of white hot black coal activating black paint i don't actually know what attempt it is you know the researchers learn a lot from fossilized dinosaurs activating nitrogen dinosaur that's stupid nitro activating nitrogen butthole activating blackboard i said butthole i'm calling the cops [ __ ] [ __ ] can you say snoop dogg and when i'm in two-pack snoop dogg eminem and tupac backwards i literally can't because i'm playing gta 5. i'm believers this one's still doable i'm streaming [ __ ] that's a plain fiasco no god damn it activating planes you know what planes aren't bad it's only when they're comboed with other things that it gets bad all right planes might cause an issue my engine is dead i don't have a tire it's like playing where's waldo except you can't say the word waldo like when i see the thing i know is a trick i'm like and i want to point it out but i can't say it tell time they would say that this message was sent at 2003 activating cows okay before peta gets up in here and gets all upset okay they're all invincible first off secondly that's just strawberry jam it does actually hurt my car which is a problem over time this will start to destroy the engine there's a huge black h where my trampoline used to be it blew away activating ramps [Music] what did i say trampoline i think we're still fine god i can't dodge these with a motorcycle i can at least dodge the cows i can't do it with a i'm calling the cops i said if i said cows i got a microbiology test tomorrow and this one question was making me wake how sweet do you know what my microbiology do you know what microplasm is ah that had cop in it i got lucky i'm calling the cops why do i do this why i'm gonna be honest i don't think i can get out of here the ramps on their own are not that bad cows on their own are really really bad actually but actually those combined i have no chance i need to be really careful about not letting a combo of that i'm getting better at this we've got a nice thick bundle of cows doug your hubris will be the end of you no it will be the seas do you know about the french astronomer not stratum are you familiar with about the french astronomer nostradam activating microbes you know what that was fine actually like the least punishing boost i could have gotten activating cows i can't say c-o-c-o-u should not spawn that should not spawn c-o you know i believe that i'm farther than i've ever been i'm glad it was i was glad it was an attempt with us i can't turn the cars why did i say anything here's what we gotta do jump off this into the road activating car jump [Music] and we're gonna land perfectly and finish the run i'm not even in the brook god damn it hi doug big fan of but hull here two wrinkles on a human butthole average of 42 wrinkles on a human b-hole this car is going so slowly i mean this is activating road rage i know i'm going to jinx it because i always do but this is the halfway mark halfway mark's right here going fairly well my favorite fictional you like sci-fi fiction aliens are the black holes activating black holes no no that's [ __ ] stupid no i said black hole ins whatever i still got this dude i got it i thought i said black holing filth i said black hole ian's intentionally i feel like if i recognize that a word is incorrect i should say it very articulately so that the program doesn't think so that i ignore the black hole okay well maybe not i don't know your streams always cure my period cramps activating ramps you know how i know you're lying though because my audience is like 99.8 dudes i really really really believe that this is doable and i'm 100 certain it's happening right now here we go it's taken several hours but slowly my brain is starting to multitask properly these are messages that would have gotten me before but they're not now i've become the greatest gta 5 player of all time almost a while to take a cup of coffee take a cup of coffee okay the program didn't even scam me by saying cops this is it i'm calling the cops i am so [ __ ] stupid i swear that was not intentional but i'm in the last quarter i can absolutely do this and it's gonna be badass [ __ ] [Music] okay i've lost one tire i can get through it's not that much farther i have to steer very carefully come on come on come on no get out of the way get out of the way get out of the way i'll take that i'll take that i'm gonna go in the wrong way so the cop that was a bad idea bad idea [Music] lost another tire we're fine we're fine we're fine smoking engine can i make it the whole way how long does a smoking engine last how long do i have i need like one or two minutes literally the last stretch come on come on i stay on this road the whole time all the way to the bridge there's so many c words and i go left yes this is the end last turn dude this car is so [ __ ] up please please no no no no please i have to get off here i play it in the water no no no no no no if i get into the water i win bring it into the water [Music] water water water water water water water yes and so after a brisk five hours it is possible to drive around the entire map of gta 5 without saying the word cop very often thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed join me next time when i make a mod that [ __ ] shoots me if i 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Channel: DougDoug
Views: 10,111,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, gta 5, grand theft auto, gta V, mod, voice mod, cop, black hole, jump, cow, plane, ramp, rage, if I say, challenge, cops, police
Id: -H30opsrvvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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