Can Twitch Chat beat FIVE LEVELS from the best Mario games?

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um i should probably you know crank up the energy a little bit today you guys are gonna try to beat five different levels of mario that's right not one not four not six that was too much i didn't have time but five you can see here super mario bros 1-1 is the first one and then we're jumping ahead to super mario world and you might be thinking doug what about super mario bros 2 and 3. like those are great games here's why we're not doing those i love you all and i mean this in the nicest possible way you have absolutely no chance of beating a single level of mario bros 2 or 3. look like look at mario bros 3. bring it on no no no hold on hold on that's that's like the first enemy imagine you guys trying to jump over that enemy look at this there is no way that you could get over this obstacle right here okay how about this if you beat all five levels today i'll give you one shot at the first level of mario bros 2 and then one shot at the first level of mario bros 3. and if you beat either one of those in one life i'll gift a hundred subs so we're gonna go for mario bros one then super mario world then we go on to mario maker then we're gonna jump into a random easy level of mario maker two and then finally the last one is mario bros u deluxe the first level i don't know if that one's doable it's definitely the hardest five mario levels all controlled by twitch chat and i'm giving you five hours just like in my past challenges twitch chat will control the game by writing messages like write to move right jump to jump or rump to jump right which will then send that correct input to my nintendo switch you know how there's like a billion videos on youtube about like here's how the first level of mario bros teaches you how to play the game it's like we're just throwing that all out the window as 2 000 monkeys slam the keyboard for five hours we're gonna start with mario bros 1-1 good luck as soon as the gameplay is started i'm starting the timer here we go and gameplay time we've got five hours five hours to play the best mario bros your life i'll have the music on really quiet rump and love we'll jump right jump left you have right left up down and you've got a 150 for screenshot okay this is actually going well uh as a reminder the pipe up here not this pipe not this pipe the next pipe this pipe if you guys can go down it [Music] oh okay you're just going oh my god oh my god i don't have i don't have strong feelings about oh damn it that's great because now you can restart from the beginning of the level here we go ideally you want to you know go in the pipe [Music] you know all right [Music] guys guys guys guys shigeru miyamoto is rolling over his grave right now i designed the level to teach them how to play what are they doing if we're having this much trouble with one goomba i don't know man probably worth going in the pipe [Applause] okay so now you want to start throwing in some lumps right so in oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so you're saying there's a chance if you just go to the right into the pipe okay now rub the [ __ ] home [Music] and don't get hit by the goomba oh my god [Music] all right even i'll admit that was pretty sweet okay but that means we gotta move on to the next game super mario world [Music] don't jump don't jump the reason i say that is because there's enemies above you and it'll kill you once you're past all the turtlemen you can basically rump the whole way because you just have to jump over a few uh you have to jump over a few turtles and then tom brady is over there too okay that was sick so like at this point you can basically just rump it home [Music] okay good good good good that was like the main that was like so you're gonna have like two more turtlemen okay all right and now tom brady's coming up get ready for tom brady is spin not working i haven't seen anybody spin get ready for tom brady tom brady tom brady oh soccer deck tip of great buccaneers never mind he okay that's why he's the that's why he's the goat you gotta keep running past tom brady get ready for tom get ready for tom get ready for tom get ready for tom and tom brady tom brady's i'm ready [ __ ] you guys you can't just panic when tom brady shows up i feel like if you just rump can we just try it can everybody just rump everybody get ready get ready don't panic don't panic don't panic tom brady tom brady top rating stop why did you stop rumping then i don't understand you were rumping for like two straight minutes and then when stone brady shows up you panic guys i have to calm down hold hold tom brady tom brady i'm ready let's go go go go go go go get the gator okay okay okay okay okay you're passing on ready you're passing already you got to the checkpoint you're on your last life though so you're gonna have to restart if you die here i just keep rumping you got moles too you've got moles you've got moles you've got moles oh my god oh my god who pressed down oh that's [ __ ] brutal should i add run right i could add run right i'll add run right hold on this is probably not going to help you and it will make this worse and this will be even more of a cluster here we go oh see look at that [ __ ] that was so fast oh my god and now you've got a rump now you've got to start running once you see tom brady switch to run right now [Music] now rumps now rumps rump all the way rub all the way that was good beautiful and you can continue to get some run rights actually because that made you go so fast but you want to alternate at this point look at that [ __ ] just don't jump in that hole don't jump in the hole don't go in the whole chat jesus come [ __ ] brady god dammit [Music] go go whatever it is you're doing keep doing it nobody change your thing okay okay you're almost at tom brady part two boogaloo you have one health go go go go [ __ ] it go time oh good [ __ ] go check that [ __ ] i don't know what combination of things caused that to work out but tom brady got absolutely porked all right all right two games pay attention this is critically important to you beating the first level [Music] oh my god just type jump okay okay okay can you beat the first level of the mario maker 2 story mode this is probably the easiest level actually it looks pretty easy but we'll see maybe not [Music] i think they want you to press down so you slide now hold down yeah see there you go [Music] this is interesting this is the first level where you guys have had to actually do coherent platforming you have to string together two moves in a row without just running off and taking screen shots sometimes you gotta buckle yourself in and rump twice in a row which is literally all you have to do it's not that hard well let me throw on some excessively dramatic music for you guys see that really helped you're welcome i swear if you guys want to use assist parts no you're better than that all right my chat does not use assist parts on the first level of mario maker 2 what is minus i i i didn't give you minus because it's it's basically the plus command i'm not just going to give you minus i guess i could give you minus what does it do hold on hold on let me see dude no no no i'm adding this because i want this to be you beating five levels the way it was meant to be played they want you to be able to do this this is a core part of this game i think you guys should have minus i don't like it i don't think it's gonna go well but that was kind of sick you guys just give yourself a star see here's the thing on the one hand this seems like it's cheating because you're giving yourself three items on the other hand twitch chat's probably gonna waste like three to four hours sitting here putting items into the level for no reason [Music] like this is not necessary what is call luigi no we're not calling luigi okay so like now you're out of items you gotta switch you gotta do r and l to switch to a different item and then use a to put the item into the level or or you just beat the level cause this is the easiest [ __ ] in the world you don't need it this is definitely just taking way longer than just playing the level we need the help you done me though and let's be clear the item will not help you whatsoever with the single part you're struggling with it's not relevant at all where are you going you have to go to the right in mario games you go to you go to the right [Music] you're going to put blocks [Music] can you even get over that you did it oh man i knew giving you guys minus is a great idea honestly disable minus it adds nothing no it added something the the thing is for playing a game i would like ideally for all the commands to be optioned this is mario maker it is very much oh my god you ah it is very much in the spirit of mario maker story there you can go you got it you got it you did it you're the greatest twitch chat in the history of the world but i think in a game like mario maker it actually does fit with the spirit of what's going on dude a pow block is just not helpful okay great all it takes is like two rumps and down just rump again literally oh that actually helped huge block guys that one not so much oh [ __ ] oh what people saying don't include minus it won't help us to build the level bet you're feeling pretty foolish right about now now you're just gonna win right now and you're right there guys you don't have to build the level more [Music] i'm ready with the timer as soon as you stop building time mario make a two-story mode and it all came together because of the combination of people playing the actual video game and a bunch of people spamming minus but enough [ __ ] around [Music] one random easy level and you might think it'll be easy because it's called easy but some of them are gonna be pretty goddamn hard if it's an automatic level you're [ __ ] if it's a level with a boss you're [ __ ] the way this is gonna work you get one attempt per level that's it after every single death i'm gonna skip which means you've gotta sight read this [ __ ] is it gonna take one minute is it gonna take three hours who knows [Music] some random [Music] level um good luck [Music] every single level has the opportunity to be [ __ ] brutal it's completely random it's you chat [Music] versus the world wait what oh come on what the [ __ ] is that there's no enemies i thought it was gonna take like a few minutes okay we're on to the final game we mean double or nothing you still have another level don't don't get cocky the hardest one is is gonna be this one the first level of super mario bros you deluxe now ladies and gentlemen pay attention to the story [Music] look at all this story this is all relevant [Music] the final level can you beat the first level of super mario bros new new super mario bros u for the wii u deluxe you're gonna want to get that acorn okay okay okay all right i'm liking where this is going just like before you have a checkpoint midway through if you can get there and not fall in a hole don't go in the hole get that get that get that get that get that no no no no don't i okay i feel like you just rump a lot and then we we adjust from there but what is that is louis did you call luigi or something [Music] fill in a hole that hole is tough it's a tough hole one of the tougher holes we fought today it's the smallest hole we've fought today but it's still been tough for some reason what does that green thing do the green does green things that's not helpful well whatever i'll allow it good luck okay really what needs to happen is you have to hit luigi's package and then move right and select accept which is not gonna happen there's no way because people are spamming rump so you're just gonna select cancel right after hitting it i think you just go you just try to beat the level dude i don't even think it's gonna got a picture i don't think it's gonna help you i'm pretty sure this will not help you this is to show you how to beat the level it's not going to beat it for you am i crazy time wait we have to watch we're going to watch him play the entire [ __ ] level oh no he's going so slowly this is not helpful this isn't even how you're going to play you're not gonna like walk around and plan out your next move you're just gonna [ __ ] blast yourself to throw mario's body towards the level over and over i wanna be clear here this is not you guys playing you're not doing anything we're watching a computer notice the way he jumps over enemies oh [ __ ] you guys are so boned you need the acorn suit can he do it can he do it [Music] yeah damn luigi [ __ ] oh my god [Music] wait what [Music] time two hours 12 minutes and 10 seconds beat five different levels of mario technically sorta yeah sorta how did you guys even now you're being dying to a hole god damn it why like whatever like you're never this coordinated you're always coordinated when it actually matters whenever there's like one precise thing that you can do that will just rig everything then all of a sudden you you do two commands in a row that's needed you cleared five levels of mario congratulations but now the real challenge the challenge twitch chat said they could easily do at the start of the stream can twitch chat beat one level of super mario bros 3 in one life for a hundred gifted subs this is the [ __ ] you guys were saying you could beat at the very beginning good luck you're live [Music] doug we can do it we could be mario 3. oh we can do it we're so good at mario bros doug
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 1,698,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, mario, mario bros, mario maker, mario maker 2, super mario world, new super mario bros u deluxe, new super mario bros, luigi, call luigi, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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