Can Twitch Chat beat ITSELF in a Videogame Tournament?

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It just keeps getting better, this is amazing

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/poiqwe4 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey this is Doug Doug where we solve problems that no one has ever since I first learned English I've wanted to know which is the best half of the alphabet the first half the alphabet is pretty awesome they've got a lot of good vowels but the second half is so cool they look at Q I've gone back and forth on this over the years and I think at this point the only way we can definitively know which half of the alphabet is better is obviously to have the first and second half of the alphabet compete in a video game tournament so today I wrote some Python code that will allow my twitch chat viewers to compete against themselves in a series of video games now I've done a few videos already where my twitch chat plays a video game and it usually goes something like this step one give them control of the game step two tell them not to die step three but this time things are different because my Python code will actually split the viewers into two different teams so if the first letter of someone's username starts in the first half the alphabet a through to M they will automatically be in team one the ecru and if the first letter of their name starts with n through Z and the second half the alphabet they will automatically be in team two the Z Krew and so if anybody types a word into chat they will be controlling the game for their specific player and now that we have our two alphabet teams created and over 400 viewers per team it was time to start the tournament a crew and Z crew will compete in five different games the first team to win three of these five video games will take the entire tournament and officially be the best half of the alphabet so let's kick this off with Super Smash Bros 64 both teams are gonna have three lives per game and they will play three total games game number one putting you guys right in the center Fox for team two DK for team one that's it okay now pick up pick a stage he picked it okay we're now by good luck everybody first match a crew is Donkey Kong the sea crew is Fox who immediately jumped off the edge but then landed in the barrel and shot back up all right this is some high-octane Smash Bros gameplay right now again left right up to jump down to move down right smash left smash okay a lot of a lot of up smashes down special spices okay DK gets knocked off Fox's strategy of just sort of sitting in the middle seems to be pretty powerful DK is kind of flirting with the edge here oh just barely missing charged punch smash into Fox DK jumps right on congratulations to Zeke her well done a crew just sort of kills themselves three times and Z Krew takes game number one game number two you guys are live a 2-1 lake versus Kirby round number two good luck everybody nice getup attack this is an intense moment is link gonna stand there what game to the tables turn now a cruise all hot smacking up Z Krew another strong victory from a crew oh [Music] right free up for a crew is the best of three currently sea cruise up by one the sea crew is hovered on the edge and oh man in a intense climactic ending zeker kills themselves it's now one to one whoever wins this next game will win smash bros this is the tiebreaker Fox from Z Krew Mario back to Hyrule this is it good luck a crew good luck Z crew may the best half of the alphabet win this is [ __ ] intense look at the moves look at the speed they're moving so fast it almost looks like they're standing still you are at a high enough percent the smash attacks are gonna start going ok right next to each other oh [ __ ] keep a crew with the [ __ ] tot even though you're down a stock going for the mental game I see just incredible through sheer mental fortitude and intimidation a crew has scared seeker off the edge alright two lives left now interestingly we started to see very clear personalities for these two teams the a crew starting to make all of these flashy plays like over and over going for combos and items and taunting as Mario right in front of Z Krew see crew do not jump off the edge okay you're back in and now oh the a crouton oh oh you taught it right in his stupid face this kicks you off the top of the screen but despite all of the a crews flashy showmanship the second half of the alphabet was playing cold and calculated Z Krew never taunts they never go for flashy plays it's just strong execution last light okay nice upsmash from a crew all right Z crew currently higher percent Mario that green thing is such is that it Mario crap see edge bars back up once measuring the way a dashing still the great thing oh [ __ ] see crew biding their time until finally they - and last fashioned [ __ ] crush a crew well done Z crew takes the smash broz block well done z crew clutches the last round and wins smash bros now we're on to game 2 Mario Kart 64 both teams will play and they have to complete a single lap whoever crosses the finish line first wins it all now I was gonna obviously have them play the first level Luigi Raceway but then somebody from the a crew demanded Rainbow Road instead the flashiest level in the game do rainbow Luigi counted if you guys really want Rainbow Road we could do Rainbow Road I'm just it's gonna be a [ __ ] disaster I'm trying to help here typical ballsy request from a crew but fine this really this is what you want here we go good luck everybody rainbow [ __ ] Road it's again you have Drive gotta hand it to a crew can't believe you can't believe you did the starting thing now I'm noticing a lot of you guys are turning right and left right now when there's not a lot of reason to do that there's no way we're gonna finish a lab I actually think that if you guys don't do anything other than Drive you would do better than what you're currently doing a career you are going the wrong direction secret what are you doing you're just sitting there I continue to be shocked at how close this is this is like an incredibly close race despite just the most god-awful Mario Kart gameplay I've ever seen now the entire first half of this level the two teams were basically tied with Z Krew moving slowly and a crew spinning around wildly but about two-thirds of the way in Z crew hit this wall and instead of turning left towards the finish line they turned right making a critical mistake down the path Luigi one mushroom left starting to straighten out about 1/5 of the level but you are going the wrong direction that is gonna be a killer if you don't turn around right now especially if you use your mushroom while going the wrong direction and it's pretty obvious by now that these two teams are just Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsay in their early career guy and Gordon were basically even just like a crew and Z crew they both owned lots of restaurants and started appearing on TV but suddenly Guy Fieri's ridiculous showmanship and ballsy plays catapulted him to international success with his show diners drive-ins and dives and just like Guy Fieri a cruise flashy gameplay suddenly paid off in a major way leaving poor Z crew in the dust that's the finish line a cruise almost there looking at the finish line with just a little bit more sea cruise catching up with Starkey cruise catch you up Star Series catching up but it doesn't matter a crew takes the first lap and that is points for a crew a crew crushed to the mariokart victory and now the score is 1 to 1 the next game is super mario bros all right we're now into round 3 it's tie game we're gonna be playing some mother [ __ ] Mario Bros both teams will take turns playing Mario and then try to make it as far as possible in the level they're each gonna get five lives five chances and a crew is up first here we go good luck a crew oh I should probably show you guys the game oops [Music] apparently you guys not seeing the game actually actually makes you perform better I got to say this is going quite well a crew again Z crew you can't you're not doing anything right now you're standing back it's just a crew trying to get as far as possible with one continue okay lost the girl bet you get past this stone I would be huge are you gonna jump wow that was amazing oh okay oh that was rough I'm gonna be honest Z Krew I think you're [ __ ] a crew kicked serious ass on their very first life and now Z crews turn okay so the second goomahs that's the current record Z Krew you are now alive you are controlling Luigi and a crew you cannot do anything right now so you don't need to spam commands or anything I mean maybe Z crews gonna function up here we go first group okay a crew it croaks a crew what the [ __ ] it crews like good at this game and gets the mushroom again I feel like this is I assumed the first run was a fluke a crew was absolutely dominating this game making it farther and farther into the level and meanwhile in their first four out of five lives Z Krew literally couldn't even clear the first Goomba okay until finally a crew was done and Z crew was on their very last life currently a crew has gone in about a third of the level Z crew has yet to clear the first Goomba they have 1/5 life they have to do it right now good luck this is your last chance Z Krew won Pumbaa stands between you and victory okay nope a crew takes it home congratu-fucking-lations 8 that was a strong victory Oh Guy Fieri didn't just win Mario Bros he humiliated Gordon Ramsay and his up two games to one but next up is Tetris I am loading up the scripts a crew you are on the left side z crew you're on the right Tetris begins now even in Tetris a crew continued to dominate instead of doing Z cruise safe strategy of moving all the blocks to the very left or right which is pretty easy to do a crew tried to keep a flat build up across the middle even though it's way harder because there's 500 people playing because that's what Guy Fieri would have done two very different strategies see crew oh that was such a opportunity that was real bad deeds and register but they can't do it a crew takes game number one a crew did lose game two when one of their flashy moves went badly but they continued to dominate see crew in games three and four it would take a real miracle for Z crew to win this one especially if a crew okay now they move at the moment and ladies and gentlemen a crow has won Tetris in a display of wild showmanship a crew had won mario kart mario bros and tetris winning three of the five games and thus proving that the first half of the alphabet is the best half of the alphabet congratulations but even though a crew had technically won the overall tournament at this point we decided to play Grand Theft Auto five anyways just for fun that is until a crew did something crazy they asked to do all or nothing I'm not sure how the rest of that crew feels but I'm fine with this being all Lorna thing yeah we could vote on an all-or-nothing here how about double or nothing let's do a quick poll double or nothing one is yes two is no I took a poll with the viewers and the consensus was clear a crew wanted double or nothing I'm so proud of you all putting it all on the line for absolutely no reason is what this stream is all about this was a guy fieri ass move from acre I mean guy Fury's the type of guy to go on hot ones crush the hottest wings in the world and then say by the way for the record no water no milk whoa meanwhile Gordon Ramsay's on their [ __ ] sobbing and chugging pepto-bismol I mean goddamn a crew when did you become so cool so for this final all-or-nothing match the teams will play Grand Theft Auto 5 I'm gonna put each team into a car I'm gonna add a whole bunch of really angry police and they have to run from the cops and survive for as long as possible the first team to win three rounds wins everything Brown number one run from the cops at the airfield so I put a crew in a fancy yellow sports car and let them drive a cruise up first once they are dead the time will stop and then Z crew that's your time to beat you guys are live in five seconds time is life [Music] okay I'm liking this rear view camera right now continuing to evade the police I'm very impressed as a strong start going in towards the airport entrance the police are trying to block you off what's the strategy here what's the strategy here what's this - oh you're scheming you got away as expected a crew went for the glory play they spiraled around the middle of the airfield taunting the cops right in their stupid faces you devious sons of [ __ ] doing doughnuts crashing through fences crashing into walls if there was anything bold and crazy they could do on this airfield a crew did it okay I think you're gonna die I'm not rooting for either crew okay time and it took over six minutes before the police finally managed to bring guy fieri down now Z crew was up and they had been beaten down and battered for three games now but something had changed all of those years of Gordon Ramsay's precise cooking were starting to pay off he was starting to become a seriously big celebrity becoming even bigger than Guy Fieri because people were realizing just how smart Gordon Ramsay can cook and also realizing that Guy Fieri's food is pretty shitty like his restaurants are flashy but they have terrible reviews Z Krew you're up to one your life so Z Krew got into their car they drove around a little bit and then did something crazy a branding tool Oh No Z Krew this could be bad I'm gonna be honest this is not a good position to be in [Music] what is he doing what is he holding it's a pool cue maybe Zee Krug lynched out the cops I don't know somehow Zee crew ran into this staircase thing and glitched out the police so that none of them would attack what is going on they have guns what do we do and so for the next six minutes the Z crew got to just sit there with the police not doing anything and run up the clock with the eight crew screaming and complaining the whole time the mod does not have it set to cop weapons I did not do this and that means that Z crew has won the first round I don't know what caused it but Z crew ran into a wall and glitched out the police that's the way it worked out it was unorthodox it wasn't flashy nobody respected it but with one carefully planned precise move Z crew won round 1 for round number 2 both teams will start on this Ferris wheel pier and try to escape the cops in a monster trunk first up was the a crew hasn't arrived in six seconds time gone once again Z crew you are not in control right now this is just a crew you can sit and watch in a cheeky move a crew drove off the pier across the beach and jammed themselves into this ravine thing police are definitely shooting now we fix that problem or going into the water I guess maybe you can stall this ravine made it really difficult for the cops to actually find the a crew and it took over three minutes for the cops to finally track them down and kill guy fieri now was the Z crew the crew Redemption time live five star police three minutes eighteen to beat they jumped off the pier but in another calculated move stuck themselves along that wall at these extremely awkward angles for the cops to shoot at and they just had to beat three minutes and 18 seconds oh no they might be stuck they might be stuck they might be stuck this could be bad they're stuck 20 seconds 20 seconds consecrating other cars we're starting to shoot this could go either way three two one sea crew Zeke rotates round two by jamming their monster truck against a wall Z crew had taken round number two and now potentially the final round airplanes I'm gonna put both teams into an airplane and whoever can survive longer wins a crew you're gonna be up first flying an airplane is certainly not the time to make flashy plays but you try telling that to the a crew you guys are live in six seconds good luck timers starting you're in the air there's no going back now there is no going back down - codes okay I'm straight doubtful strained out dare I say it a crew might be pulling the best GTA fire their lives there will be avoiding the crown but now twenty seconds 41 milliseconds 20 seconds to beat and now it's Z Krew can just survive longer than 20 seconds they will win the GTA block and win the entire twitch chat tournament with everything on the line with Z Krew stick with a safe strategy or is this finally the time to make a bold crazy play they could take it all right here right now you're gonna be live in 6 seconds it'd have to be 20 seconds life [Music] if you last longer than 20 seconds you do win [Music] by barely even leaving the ground Z Krew made the safest possible play just don't fly at all Z Krew by driving and not even looking up have just secured a victory some might call it cowardly and a crew was [ __ ] pissed but Gordon Ramsay was back on top in the Z crew had won the twitchchat tournament well done it was officially over but then Z crew did something crazy quadruple or nothing wait are you saying what your what I think you're saying you're saying that we should do a poll right now and that that poll is whether or not Z crew is willing to quadruple their win and then it all comes down to one more match that's right Z crew wanted to quadruple or nothing one last match well if you insist it all comes down to this and you might think this is stupid but technically both teams had now won exactly six rounds of games so this quadruple or nothing is legitimately the tiebreaker to determine the ultimate winner Zed crew do we take the win or to leave [ __ ] put it all on the table and show a crew that it's not a fluke and that you did deserve the win by quadruple or nothing even though that doesn't make sense because double or nothing would mean it's currently nothing but we're quadrupling than nothing this final match will be again in an airplane but this time I remove the break command now the teams can only move forward no more reverse no more stop no break all former and now let's finally learn which is the best half of the alphabet first up is a crew a crew are live in six seconds good luck you're driving no going back now you're off in the air you do not want to look down now a crew a crew lasts eight point seven two seconds really putting it all on the [ __ ] table in a fit of wild emotion a crew immediately crashed their airplane they're flashy plays had utterly failed and Z Krew just needed to live from beasley eight seconds to win Z Krew this is for a quadruple or nothing win three hours of twitchchat battles it comes down to this you're live in six seconds [Music] that means that a crew after giving up the wind with a double or nothing and taking nothing but throwing it down for a quadruple or nothing loses it all and a crew wins today's twitch chat showdown congratulations to the a crew well done and I can safely say that every single person in this chat focused on winning with honor and for the most dramatic story instead of doing anything that was logical or reasonable or maniy any goddamn sense despite being handed a free win Z crew lost it all with the worst performance we'd seen all day so ladies and gentlemen I am happy to announce that the first half of the alphabet is the best half of the alphabet congratulations but even though it was over Z crew was pretty upset a lot of them hadn't even wanted the quadruple or nothing in the first place and a crew still thought that glitching out the cops was cheating and I had removed Z crews safe airplane strategy that wasn't fair suck it Zen teen a a a a an 8 crew was taunting them and Z crew was angry and 8 crew was angry until finally someone spoke up in the chat amidst all the anger and confusion from how bad they organized this tournament a single person spoke up and said can we do the final one all together and soon all of the viewers were saying it can't we just work together now it is time for all of us to join together as team alphabet unity all across the chat they started asking for the two rival teams to unite to set aside their differences to come together for one last flight as team alphabet and so on that fateful day I changed the twitch chat code I removed the teams barriers now everyone was playing if true everybody gets to play now a crew and zant crew joined forces of humanity and I put Team alphabet into an airplane at the top of the mountain so far they had only flown 20 seconds tops so I offered to gift 10 subs on Twitch 50 of my own dollars if they could survive for 60 seconds together and if you survive for a minute I'll give 10 subs we will come together in unison forgot our differences forget the tension fly off into the sunset like brothers pink and yellow combined at last team alphabet make it oh yeah make it sunset hold on oh it's beautiful all right the scripts are going live you guys are live in six seconds now it's time to play the best GTA 5 at your lives go chat [Music] alphabetically and me over the crew the smooth there was beautiful play the best GTA there's Justin back home I'd say that a single tear is streaming down my face but it wouldn't be true I'm sobbing because this is the most beautiful crew I've seen all day long Oh into the sunset that's 30 seconds that's five gifted subs team alphabet made a play that day that was flashy and precise they spun around in the air and then Tove straight for the lake the one place that would keep them safe and then waited out the time confi you know we tried to do that and it never worked and then when we bring the acres Iker together it happens is that a minute is that a minute oh my god you betta all right ten gifted subs Wow it's honor to have watched the best goddamn GTA in my life and then without me doing anything a team alphabet had taken off into the air and flown towards the ocean and now you're flying off into the sunset maybe the alphabet wasn't meant to be divided it was destiny a cruise styled in Zen food kept us alive harmony maybe Guy Fieri and Gordon Ramsay both brings something important to the world I'm not I haven't done a thing you flew right into the Siler like some sort of beautiful painting maybe the alphabet is strongest when the letters are together the power of the alphabet are you gonna die guards at the end of the day when you know you're done and do inmates back into the sunset and now back in I think you're gonna drown it's just jumping through the ocean like a dolphin [Applause] [Music] and that's the story of how a crew and Z Krew how are you doing this as this plan became team alphabet Gordon Fieri together tonight the legends say that team alphabet is still flying through the ocean to this day chasing the Sun in perfect harmony together forever Merry Christmas everybody [Music]
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 4,045,356
Rating: 4.9541001 out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, dougdoug twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat tournament, dougdoug stream, gta v, gta 5, dougdoug gta, dougdoug gta 5, dougdoug gta v, dougdoug mario, mario bros, tetris, mario kart, smash bros, super smash bros, guy fieri, gordon ramsay, christmas
Id: 4d2aZ4Xq2wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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