Skyrim with 1 Health, but every death I get punished.

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/flug-zum-bahnhof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey this is Doug Doug where we solve problems that no one has in today's tutorial I'm gonna show you how to beat Skyrim with only one hit point which means that if you take any damage in the game you're gonna die now some other awesome youtubers have done a no damage Skyrim run before but for my tutorial you need to add two new rules number one is you need to make the invincible Skyrim characters killable you do this by switching it off in your settings file and that way you can't abuse them for combat or glitches so it's way harder and rule number two every time you die you must spin a wheel and do a randomly selected punishments like eating a raw onion or texting your mom you have erectile dysfunction this punishment wheel is critically important to my tutorial because now you'll be terrified of dying alright now boot up a brand new Skyrim file set the health to one in the console and now while the intro is going on in the background let me explain the core strategy of this challenge with food since you only have one health you can't really do all the fighting yourself which means that we need to get a Skyrim follower as fast as possible and use him for the combat this is like being a master chef even if you know how to cook all the food you still need a sous chef your second-in-command who's gonna do most of the actual physical cooking for you in the restaurant so you don't die so your goal is to get a sous chef in Skyrim as fast as possible good luck and we are playing we're playing Skyrim whoo you get it Elvis set the one let's do this obviously this first section has no actual enemies okay so I know the next little bit which is that the dragon pops out right here and then the fire shoots is there a word is there a term for that okay and now literally if I step in that fire I would die so I have to I dodge it about 14 seconds into the game don't jump in this fire or you will die and have to spin the wheel of punishments and then allow your twitch chat to write a mean tweet to PETA on your Twitter account no don't put my twitch and I think if I run jump right here I should not die literally best Skyrim I've ever played amazing amazing style that's right [ __ ] after you get past the fire go run into the hold and now you get your first sous-chef pad far now hadvar is normally invincible since he gives you the first quest but again you turn to that off okay this is this is where I just sit here and I let them do the fighting good luck had mark so the question is see Pete Pete Pete Pete does hadvar perma die I don't actually know essential NPCs should be able to die is he dead he's dead have ours dead [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I gotta turn this off okay have Ark and die I can still I can still get out of here I'm pretty sure go steal dead had bars bow and take out the archers yourself just have some of the best GTA 5 my life here we go do you have some in pembaur let's not have our ever okay Longo and now we bail [Music] well god oh I shot the rock don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me oh I don't even do that I just have to play the best god damn scarf Oh next up is some spiders but they're pretty easy I'm so good at this game oh my god but after you kill these spiders be very careful wait I heard something sir what the bones had died - a skeleton how does that kill a man don't step on bones or you'll die for some reason and have to drink a raw egg now do all that again kill the spiders don't step on the bones run from the bear and now you're at the end ladies and gentlemen I think we beat the very first dungeon of the game well arguably the tutorial but we beat the very first dungeon to a game okay now your main goal is to find a new sous chef as fast as possible so let's burn through the main quest until we can get one normally hadvar would have given you the first quest but he's dead so just head to Riverwood and talk to all four make him small yeah let's well set him to like point to okay small board gave you the quest now heads straight to Whiterun I found my companion now head straight to Whiterun chicken can hurt you if they Peck you there's no way that the chicken hurts me we survived now go straight to Whiterun oh my god we might have finally found the rabbit [Music] go boy you're free all right go to Whiterun get into the city talk to the yarol and then you'll get the first quest from him let's make the chairs make the chair small it's a good point I don't want to leave him hanging here okay chair let's go find firing oh no he's taking his sweet time I can use it sorry that's disrespectful I'm not even the now you're ready for bleak falls Barrow the first real dungeon of the game and this is where it's actually gonna get hard so you need to go get a new sous chef first what you can't just hire a mercenary from the end since you don't have any money so instead you need to get FanDuel FanDuel is an elf in Riverwood and he's a total simp for Camilla Valerius so all you have to do is take his fake letter to Camilla for him and now he's willing to work for you permanently for three fangirls sounds like a real douche congratulations you now have a brand new sous chef Fandral follow me I need your help yes okay we got we got a dude alright with your cooking team back in action take fundal towards bleak falls Barrow but don't die to this wolf or you'll have to listen to the Skyrim intro sequence on Lucic and the background is now take fun dude to the tower and have him attack a bunch of [ __ ] oh this is terrifying dude every little wolf you didn't help at all why is he so useless he's not following me and he's not as hacking fun dip is kind of stupid though he doesn't always see the enemies why is he why is his weapons not out okay as long as there's nobody with bows and arrows you should be okay Oh federal you saved my life Fandral oh my god you're my Savior okay now here is where this actually starts to get hard at the entrance to bleak falls Barrow the first dungeon should I have foghorn go in front of me there's a whole bunch of bandits out front here so let me give you some quick tips number one don't just run into the open because a lot of them have bow and arrows and then you're gonna have to remove the W key from your keyboard and also eat a bite of cardboard Danny DeVito number two don't move out from behind cover while you're lining up your shot or twitch chat we'll have to start controlling your game for you number three don't let twitch chat control your game they'll just jump into an arrow and then you have to make a fake winrar license instead of all that [ __ ] just order fondle to move forward and then hide behind these rocks just let him soften up the bandits for a while not too long so he doesn't die but then at the very last second when the bandits are weak you pop out rocket to Kingdom Canal oh they're already dead fondle killed him all right cool now your bleak falls Barrow I literally didn't contribute okay this first room is pretty easy that's right I don't need to fondle go past all these pots and puzzles and stuff and now you're at the Frostbite spider it's the first mini boss of the game right and now I back up fondle get in there he's dangerous since he can spit webbing at you but if you team up with your sous-chef you can take him out quick we're fine we're fine fondles got it literally fondle is the MVP you can't beat fondle congratulations you've now beaten the spider boss so you can safely walk up to our Ville the Swift and start burning him down for the golden claw item okay well this guy live or just kill him and take the thing and not deal with it I'll let you guys decide it's coming but then as you're burning down our Ville something weirds gonna happen what the [ __ ] just happened now again this is a very standard part of this run we've all been through this but you might be thinking at this point that your own sous-chef fondle might have killed you did fondle kill me can't believe we trusted him your twitch chat will probably start making excuses like they're gonna say it was the fire that killed you or maybe Arvelo tact or something they're gonna say fondles innocent I'm never trusting someone again and so what you got to do is watch back the footage okay okay hold on hold on this this is the footage let's watch it back very slowly did fondle murder me [Music] okay we're burning our will Swift it's painful to watch this footage knowing that behind me right now a treacherous son of a [ __ ] is pulling out his bow and arrow right now fondles lining it up he's literally lifting the knife ready to stab he shot me he 100% shot me look at the evidence for don't kill me [Music] look look look he just loosed an arrow he's guilty I believed in him literally people were saying don't jump to conclusions he would assess innocent you burned yourself I burned myself with an arrow in my back that evidence is circumstantial at best there is an arrow in my back now you're probably gonna be pretty pissed off betrayed by your own sous-chef go watch the footage one more time this next part is critical fondle has to pay for this crime or you'll never have the respect to beat Skyrim fondle must be convicted of murder in the Skyrim legal system but if you're watching this tutorial on YouTube you're probably not a lawyer so now you need to call one of your friends who is a lawyer and I figure the best way to know is fondle a murderer is to talk to an actual lawyer my old roommate Jack hey we're playing Skyrim we got fondle as a follower and then we went to bleep falls Barrow writes the first dungeon in the game and fondle the follower shot me in the back with an arrow and killed me so my question is what kind of legal defense does he have is this considered homicide or is the intention of shooting somebody else make this less reprehensible intention because every crime is basically broken out into two different factors you have your mens rea ax and you have your actus reus mens rea is also known as the guilty mind you could equate that to intention you have actus reus which is the guilty act typically in murder you have to have both the mens rea oh to do grave bodily harm and be the person to act upon that mens rea ax now manslaughter which is at common law does not require the mens rea ax you also have to act with such wantonness or recklessness so again you're not actually hitting that intention level when you're acting so negligently or wantonly then you still caused the death of a person okay I lay it out for you okay yeah no that's that's really clear so we don't know about the intention but even if we could prove that he was acting recklessly then that could be grounds for manslaughter conviction correct got it I wish you the best of luck is it manslaughter is it murder so the real question you need to answer did fondle intend to kill you or was he just acting recklessly honestly you don't know so before you can take fondle to trial for murder you first have to beat the rest of bleak falls Barrow with him and then closely monitor how he acts his behavior from this point onwards will show you exactly what's going on in that sick fondled brain of his but you did technically die to fondle so spend the punishment wheel and let twitch chat Adam odd which turns all the spiders into spider-man now go beat the rest of this dungeon with fondle first go kill the spider again nice spider-man is dead next is this Restless trogir but he has arranged ice breath so don't stand too close to that or twitch chat will write a text to your girlfriend or edit your Wikipedia page yes a Bachelor of Arts in hentai from the University of California the easiest solution here is just let them run into that door oh I got to stand back oh my god is he guilty he's guilty then you go kill another restless trogir and now you're at these swinging knives don't like the looks yes thank you fondle it's a [ __ ] kill whatever these are tough so some quick tips here be sure not to move too far forward or twitch chat will buy a sexy anime poster to put on your wall don't use third-person mode or you'll have to eat a raw onion but there's one thing the dungeon fears Doug Doug onion board don't stay too far back when you're moving through or you'll have to drink hot sauce and read the Declaration of Independence instead just literally sprint through it like that's it photo photo careful okay oh my god what's the hurry there's a dude behind you photo what my light you right now run through the rest of the dungeon pass these drug or fondle acts completely stupid or he's blind I'm really not sure he's literally right there fondle Jesus and now you're at the final boss the draugar overlord Wow would you look at that thanks fondle okay fondled okay there's gonna be easy okay he can show right fondle fondle okay yeah that could have gone bad alright I don't know man he's redeeming himself a little bit we probably still have to kill fondled but that was pretty sweet congratulations belief falls Barrow is finished you've now made it through the entire first dungeon of the game without taking a single point of damage but that's not important what's important is that fondle answer for his crimes you must take fondle to trial for murder [Music] so take fondle up to the cliffs a bleak falls Barrow to stand trial in front of 2,000 honorable twitchchat witnesses you stand today accused of murder we know that the killing happened but intent is what matters look at the evidence again me sitting in front of fondle fondle takes a shot fondle kills me that's all we know was the intent there and if the intent was not there was he being reckless this case will be decided by the people first have your twitch witnesses vote on fondles intention was he intending to kill you no so the second question was fondle acting recklessly next have them vote on recklessness was he acting so recklessly that he put your life in danger interesting 69% of the vote and of course vote that he did kill you he murder us half way through we then went the rest of the dungeon and fondle did not try to kill us again after reviewing the evidence and deliberating intentions you're now ready to begin the final vote did fondle commit manslaughter should fondo be sentenced to death the question now for the public is it manslaughter punishable by death 51% for yes 48 for no the public can't make up their minds was it egregious enough they see a careless fool you see a cold-blooded murder or is he simply an innocent man fondle you could get out of this 3 2 1 [Music] this this is gonna be the hardest part of the run it's not easy you're gonna have some second thought fondle is your friend but fondle broke the law fondle was convicted okay you have to do this you have to kill fondle long live the king brother take him away [Music] the images here are those who voted to kill this wonderful man the man who saved up countless times with nothing to gain himself the man who has a family the man who deserves to live and I can't look I can tell you one thing I'm not crying because of that onion right now you're probably pretty upset you know you came here to beat Skyrim with one health you didn't want to didn't want to murder your own friend he [ __ ] up right but he was your friend and you and you had to kill him so okay go walk to the waterfalls of white run to them to the heart of fondles homeland and give that man a funeral he used to love this helmet fondle we had so many good times the time I made you run into those bandits the time I made you run into that spider the time I made you run into that dragger we laughed we cried I died but I'll never forget you fondle we see you'd sovngarde [Music] no one with Skyrim again my friend and you always will be No mother nature [Music] why is there a giant chicken here you're ruining fondles funeral service god damn chicken [ __ ] and the last step of honoring fondle is to create a fondle memorial page on only fans calm with all of the hottest pictures of fondle he used to love only fans and set it to like 50 bucks and okay now go beat the rest of Skyrim without taking any damage okay that that's it thanks for watching my Skyrim one health tutorial I hope this helped be sure to LIKE comment subscribe to my only fondle page [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 2,030,953
Rating: 4.9586506 out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, skyrim, dougdoug skyrim, skyrim 1 health, fondle, faendal, dougdoug fondle, skyrim with 1 health, skyrim challenge, punishment wheel, skyrim punishments, skyrim no damage, skyrim damageless
Id: WNsIiFjs-70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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