Can Twitch Chat finish a SINGLE Mario Speedrun?

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hey this is doug doug where we solve problems that no one has now today my twitch chat is going to take control of my nintendo switch and try to complete a full mario maker 2 speed run the rules of this speedrun are that you start a new endless easy game and beat 16 random levels as fast as possible without getting a game over unfortunately you can skip as many levels as you want which adds a whole new element of strategy now this is pretty competitive this one dude has all the records and he's beaten them in 10 minutes but down at the very bottom we have our arch rival johnny man from portugal one of the largest countries in the world dedicates their entire populace from a young age portuguese children are put into the mario mines they hack and slave away at mario maker easy levels until one of them can pull this off this one will be retimed i'll leave the time time in the description this man's entire life all he's known no family no friends no food he's fed gruel given rags it must play mario maker all day long johnny mann from portugal is currently the last place speedrunner in the mario maker easy category our only goal chat is to beat johnny man it is to not be last place on the mario maker 2 leaderboard and with our goal in sight i now let twitch chat take control of my switch all they have to do is beat 16 levels in 25 minutes good luck standard auto scroll nobody move oh wait no you do need to move sorry you okay you do have to move all right everybody rump rudy rump all right i'll get the [ __ ] out of there yeah yeah yeah yeah now go go go go all right all right all right rumping and right rubbing and right go go go go go [Music] keep rumping yes let's go we got three lives bam all right under a minute this is the run everybody don't [ __ ] we're skipping we're okay nobody move silence silence in the chat silence silence silence pause chance pause champs god damn it chat okay pause champs pause champs nobody say a thing nobody say anything all right all right everybody shut the [ __ ] up okay shhh [Music] let mario ascend okay okay okay no more no more no more no more no more pause [Music] oh my sweetheart let's [ __ ] go that is a first twitch chat just beat an auto level all right this is auto everybody shut the [ __ ] up again how is this an auto level no no we're skipping [ __ ] that night all right get back into loud energy all right single player just i guess just keep going we'll deal with the mole cannon later wait what okay just keep going small rump you jumped over the flag okay we need light rumps at the end light rump at the end all right boom time and three lives we are currently on pace to become the not last place speedrunner of mario maker easy levels let's go to iceland all right this looks good this looks good this is get simple rump strategy here oh no they found our one weakness which is a small cavern those bastards okay we need some big rumps here we need some big rumps oh my god keep going keep going keep going holy [ __ ] i don't know how the [ __ ] you got through that i mean this is going to be badass you guys get this you have to be careful we skip it that's this level's hard i think we skipped right it's too long we can't waste a minute to find out there's a [ __ ] bowser at the end you know what i mean okay standard speed run this is easy standard speeder just literally run to the right just literally run to the right why is every level have a little overhang oh we had such a good start this might not be about beating the portuguese child what this might be is can we complete a speed run is it possible to beat 16 levels in a row without getting a game over and how fast can we pull it off coins but i gave up puzzle solving art if anything can give us some free lives and no challenge it's a [ __ ] puzzle level art swimming okay this is definitely doable [Music] god damn it there's a fish do not hit the fish chat spit like a sparing amount of rumps maybe i can skip right before you connect with a fish good damn it this is our last life okay hold on we'll discuss it get the mushroom get the mushroom chat oh come on [Music] i think it's safe to say that we will probably not beat the current last place record from johnny man from portugal what kind of levels did he get let's see if he's capable of like is he playing like monster levels oh my god that was incredible twitch chat that would have taken us like 15 minutes okay water level we got [ __ ] with the water level can he dodge these undodgeable enemies what the [ __ ] he's a maniac there's no way okay all right at least he's human is he gonna skip okay he skips this kid is insane how do we beat him at least he has a weakness we know he's a weakness which is fish our main goal is to get on the leaderboard i think it's safe to say that nobody here is on the leaderboard having played with their twitch chat we could sit right here below johnnyman and just be friends as rivals i'll take that but we have to be 12 more levels than we just did subscribe to him he's our rival show some goddamn respect twitch chat i'm his seventh subscriber thirty-year-old man subscribes to young portuguese boy don't put it like that thirty-year-old man has a rival what the [ __ ] is happening fuel's intense rivalry and mutual respect towards prodigy mario maker player do not slow down chat oh my god keep going [ __ ] adult man wowed by incredible feats of heroism and gameplay this is called merry christmas it has to be easy oh my god it's the worst christmas i've ever been to he's the ronaldo of mario maker what on earth is that we are the uh america of soccer oh my god jesus christ i literally tried to skip and press the wrong button you need to stop okay we're [ __ ] no let loose our war cry let portugal know more you'll make and we're soft blocked here's the issue okay we've got a lot of people who are easily distracted if we have collectively decided we're going to rump to the end of the level and everybody has to work together to move this boat along and then a mushroom goes by and goes to left and like 15 people go oh oh look at that let's go there and start backpedaling on the [ __ ] boat what you're not realizing is that doesn't make the boat go backwards it makes us move in circles and die to a goomba so if you get distracted go oh oh oh oh oh you're not causing that to then be acquired you're just [ __ ] us all over you're the one who pointed the mushroom out you can point at things and then and not freak out and go run at them right if i'm like a quarter you can acknowledge that the quarter was there and you don't have to like lunge physically at it here we go three two one money oh there's money down there get the money chat oh my god it works we just have to keep the people with low attention spans focused on money where's the money it's at the end of the next level what on earth is this level are we softlocked i think we are right but all you have to do is move right not jump oh [ __ ] everybody needs to spam right and that is it right and that's it right yes oh let's go let's [ __ ] go nice job everybody actually on pace too to beat portugal okay speed run multi get ready to run get ready to run oh no there's lots of time no we got a lot of time we got a lot of time no rush well a little more of a rush than that there's a lot of [ __ ] here oh my god okay we're gonna go ahead and move on run fan made tutorial just rum we need lots of rumps lots and lots of rubbing do we need this seems impossible right we have to give up we made we missed already missed one of the coins should i skip do i skip i skip right i skip oh my god do i wait go in the door go to the door maybe we don't need the coins go in the door let's see what's in there let's see what's in there keep jumping keep jumping keep prompting i am so glad i didn't skip oh my god easy [ __ ] clap let's go this is i believe our fastest pace as well but we're low on lives m david it's also a boss battle i'm ready with my skip so i skipped this right i can't skip if you're in midair i don't jump don't jump don't jump just keep going right just keep going right oh my god just keep moving right just keep rumping oh no too much never mind i can't skip you're not on the ground i mean if everybody moves right not rumps just move right i think we're okay we don't want to jump oh god i should skip this i should skip it well it's too late now we're locked in we don't want jumps you will die if you jump why is it taking so long to move [Music] we've got one life left fast easy fun come on yes oh we're the greatest oh you're the greatest twitch chat ever we're back in it two lives donkey for two thank you for all the support it'll be easy this one might be free left and then right this did not work like it was supposed to okay now [Music] [Applause] new record that's five levels come on come on in japanese that means easy level i swear if this kills us dude i'm ready with skip i'm ready with like a oh hip fire okay down into the pipe you have to move very slightly left you have to be in this there you go right right there but chad is facing its greatest obstacle yet okay i'm ready on skip let's go let's [ __ ] go level six chat chat touch it go get it go get it it's down there it's down to the next level chat giant wyatt wario [Music] i don't think we want the big thing just keep twitch chat we're almost halfway there are so many shiny quarters waiting at the end of this wait we're actually on track to beat 25 minutes too no slightly under but still we could nobody freak out okay i have to keep skipping on anything that looks dangerous i have to be really conservative with skips i want to skip i don't like that yeah actually just keep rumping keep running keep rubbing just run really hard all right go i'm ready on the skip chat i'm yes scared the [ __ ] best we're halfway done eight more levels and we have legitimately completed a speed run we're only a minute behind johnny okay this is i love this level one qws x-con get ready with rump get ready with a lot of rumps swimming is all about roughing nope nope nope nope desert this is easy oh i've looked at those saws we're not the type we're not the type of player that okay that i mean that was sweet the lost levels okay i can't skip if you're in midair this is called art museum it has to be easy okay we'll probably just rump oh my god uh just keep rumping i guess i see a door to the right i think we just go in that thing right like let's just find the nearest exit sign in the museum and leave [Music] god we're the [ __ ] greatest dude we love our puzzle solving art let's do this don't do just keep going jesus christ no we skipped this right i can't skip here in midair you have to get out of midair keep going we skip it right we skipped we skipped this is terrifying i'm skipping i'm skipping you salvaged it you got back on to land you let me skip okay speedrun auto mario cat level okay no no lumps we gotta go to the pipe lump and then we switch to right here we go i'm ready on the skip [Music] and it just keeps getting better we need to bank some lives six more levels but we only have what four lives this is called easy go do i skip i skip right i skip i just be safe yeah yeah yep do i [ __ ] i let go i skip right don't skip dude you were like about to hit a guy jesus christ no no i tried i tried i'm trying to okay happy veterans day please do not [ __ ] kill us on a veterans day level god what if we get ptsd from getting a game over on the veterans day level [Music] and that's it no no no we missed them one up you jumped over the one that's still fine that's still fine we still got the level we got the level five more levels auto scroller for smash mouth all-star [Music] cat jams we don't need to move i feel like you'll kill us if you move [Music] we may not get the world record we may have literally just lost it but we will be the only record that has smash mouth all-star in the record [Music] come on standard short and sweet i'm ready with the skip [Music] god this whole run is terrifying there's so few lives to work with yes yes we're the greatest oh my god oh we're so good at this game you guys are playing out of your [ __ ] minds cheating bot 2.0 ah i tried to skip i tried but you're in midair you jumped into it we're skipping two i i told you two lives we have three levels to beat we have two lives don't move everybody shut up just be quiet i can't i can't do anything i can't we're skipping no we're not doing that at least you were you waited long enough so that i could skip it auto mario boss battle all right it has to be all rumps let's see what it looks like is it not working try jump oh guy timer holy [ __ ] okay did not realize we're on a timer auto mario [Music] and we got a life we have four [ __ ] lives got two levels jesus christ these are terrifying you will be the first twitch chat on a speed run leaderboard money yeah money chat go come on chat we're so close i'm ready with the skip i don't i don't quite understand why we're [Music] linked okay this is it i think this pipe will drop us into the goal [Music] holy [ __ ] stone creighton just gifted a hundred subs that's level 15 for the love of portugal chat one more level and we're on the board you've got 150 subs to get you through this enter dan's joy i don't speak french but i think it said world record speed run ah no no no i tried to skip i was pressing the wrong button i'm panicking under the pressure i'm gonna skip i'm gonna skip refreshing remix is it a song [Music] you have to hit the pow block we need some lumps and now some rumps just a mix of them god i want this so bad i didn't think it was possible we hit that pal block we still don't know what this level is but i'm ready on the skip get get out my face mario okay okay this might just be a crown pound level just ground pound non-stop jump and down jumping down oh no there's enemies keep going keep going keep going you have to be fast you'll [ __ ] die if you aren't do i skip oh god there's bowser stay still okay i'm skipping i don't know how we deal with that [ __ ] five plus three yes yes sub 40 go go check rub it hope yes 39-15 oh we're on the board holy [ __ ] we did it all right let's just double check did we beat portugal no no we're we're a lot slower but god damn it we're on the board and that my friends is the story of how twitch chat finally completed a mario maker speedrun after only two hours of brutal failure now i can't say for certain whether they'll be okay with you know 4 000 people playing instead of me it's not against the rules there's no rules ain't nothing in this rulebook saying twitch chat can't play mario maker that's a valid strategy and i'm happy to announce that the following day the speedrun admins approved this speedrun so now my twitch chat is officially listed as the worst mario maker player of all time congratulations
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 2,136,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, speedrun, timer, portugal, mario maker, mario maker 2, mario, air bud, twitch plays
Id: nKLRiw8RE5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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