I Made the Smallest Base in Minecraft 1.17

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a few years ago i made a small base but looking back it wasn't really that small i mean this is the size of it it was a four by four area on the inside meaning the whole thing took up a six by six space which my eyes is positively massive elon musk's new house is smaller than this thing so i thought it was high time that we revisited the concept and we tried our best to create something that was truly truly tiny like there's no debate it is minuscule and this is definitely going to involve a little bit of interesting redstone that's for sure so let's see we're going to construct this thing our waxed copper i think we're also let's get a little bit of acacia involved i really like that color combination and also i'm going to make use of these because they're ridiculously expensive and i can't use them in survival mode because i can't afford it but in creative mode it's fine so the plan is it's going to be a one by one area that is where we're going to be standing and then the base is going to be constructed around it so i guess if we kind of create this sort of pattern here i mean that that that could be it we have this and then this and there we go we are we are inside this is this is the base all right i'm starting to realize that this could be a bit of a challenge now obviously all bases need a bed and for this i'm going to actually install the bed on the roof so the bed is going to be the roof of the build we'll remove that trapdoor there that's how we're going to do that let's get some color coordinated plant action going on that is beautiful look at that now i'm not counting these in the footprint of the base but i definitely think they look nice so here we are this is it this is the size of my base and the rules for this little base right here is that i need to stay in this area i can't just drop down into a massive bunker that's not how that works i need to stay here everything needs to be accessible from this spot so let's get some bits planned out this right here is going to be my storage system i think i'm going to have an ender chest over in this area but it feels like i should have something underneath it as well because i can reach down there yeah so i've got an ender chest and then i have my anvil down here as well over there i've got my crafting bench and we're going to do something interesting with that over here i have my enchanting table then we're going to have a brewing stand as well this is going to be a dropper and i'm going to explain why in a little bit and then in this corner over here i'm hoping i should be able to have a villager is he going to reckon yes he actually is can i get two in there i think they've kind of merged into one it's gonna be difficult for me to click on the other one with one of the two villagers mysteriously disappearing our micro base is in a pretty good state so we've got this guy right here we've got all of our bits and pieces this is a really solid start now the first redstone contraption that i want to work on is fairly predictable this crafting bench i want to be able to swap it out for all the various other types of crafting benches and things that we now have in minecraft however i'm already scratching my head because i can't think of how to create an input for this thing we have no room for any buttons or anything really and this is why i build mega bases as opposed to tiny bases but after a lot of looking i think i might have found something so if we go here and then right click there then we might be able to take an observer output from it yes can you hear that every single time i right click the piston is firing i've never been so thankful for four pixels in my entire life and i can still take a comparator output from this lectern through the note block which is going to be important for the future anyway when it comes to this little block swapper here the first thing that i'm doing is making it so that we extend the pulse that comes out from the observer and we run that into this piston so if you imagine our crafting bench is here that will drop down and that will give it the chance to be swapped out and then these pistons right here are what are going to be doing the swapping this is like a standard piston feed tape and as always the target block comes in again as the greatest block introduced in minecraft history okay that was a slight exaggeration but i do still love it if this works first time i will absolutely be shocked and surprised but i am going to give it a show of faith i am going to put all of the correct blocks in so we need things like the loom and the the stone cutter and everything else there goes currently we have the crafting bench if i perform a perfectly accurate right click that should cycle through and there we have the stone cutter okay that's a good start that's a good start it could still go wrong but that is a good start all right smithing table okay so we can upgrade our stuff from diamond to netherright and then here we have the loom as well so we can make loads of banners that's fantastic and then we should cycle back to the beginning again there we go it is actually working that's fantastic the only issue is it's taking up a bunch of important space so i'm trying to rewire it a little bit smaller which i've managed successfully now it's time for us to add a food supply into this thing and that is going to be accessible from this barrel right here i swapped our anvil out for it and then the grindstone is going here this is way better furnace is still accessible too so i'm going to put our farm right away underneath the ground and the items are going to go up into this hopper and then they're going to be transported through this item elevator which will then send them up into the barrel which all seems to be working perfectly despite how chaotic this area is down here which is part of the reason why i've decided to go so low on this thing so the fun i'm going to be constructing is a fully automatic chicken farm it's just a great way to get loads of food really easily and the farm itself isn't particularly complicated so when these guys lay eggs then we're going to get baby chickens down here when they eventually grow up they'll grow up into lava their drops so then make their way into this dropper travel up through here go across like this into this item elevator which is here and then they'll travel up into this barrel here that made it sound a lot more complicated than it actually is and i'll be very curious to see how much chicken we have inside this barrel by the end of this video next up villager swapper remember at the start of this video i wanted to have two villagers in this gap but i couldn't really fit them in well i still want to have two villagers and i still can't really fit them in but i think i can make this work and unfortunately it starts fairly morbidly why did you turn around as i'm about to do it you know i was fine with stabbing you in the back but did he just not as if he's like just kill me kill me i've been in this one by one hole my entire life i can't move just just end it at least that makes me feel slightly better about the whole situation right how much space have we got we have got we've got none we have got no space okay all right we okay i think i've just about managed to relocate this item elevator circuit underneath our piston feed tape circuits they're kind of on top of one another now there's there's a lot going on in this area here and i still haven't gotten to the big build just yet come on then does this idea work so there is there is our dude and then down at the bottom here will be our other dude all right the timing needs some work goodness gracious me i've created an awkward situation down there let's try again why is it is it too late oh whoa whoa how whoa how did you is he catching the edge no way is this working no no way is this actually working all right is it reliable it seems to be reliable this is baffling but also fantastic absolutely amazing the only change that i made is i added in trap doors going along the side because the guy at the bottom would occasionally catch the edge of the open trap door even though the trap door's open it would catch the edge of it and that would mean that he would stop but now that we have those trap doors none of that catching is taking place and we are getting clean swaps this is amazing the only issue being once again i'm not entirely sure how i'm going to activate it and that's when i had a really bright idea if the system activates itself then you don't need to have an input so these villagers are going to be cycling around every two or three minutes so if you want to trade with the one at the bottom you just wait around a little bit and then eventually he will pop up and you can trade with him it's not 100 perfect but it's a pretty good solution and i for one am really really happy with it so here are our two villagers and they're going to be periodically switching places throughout the rest of the video at least that's what i thought but this thing has done nothing but break however after an hour of getting progressively more angry the system is all now fully functional so i have access to my farmer and then he's just been switched out for the blacksmith and the way that i managed to get it to work smoothly is i got rid of the trapdoors and replaced them all with pistons because the trapdoors the tram doors are just doing weird stuff i don't fully understand what was going on but it wasn't good but now they're gone and everything is working perfectly and this is a really really cool system i would say my anger was worthwhile this is definitely a cool addition to the micro base with that being said it's not looking quite so micro when you look at it from underneath the ground anyway now it's time to move on to the big project at this point in time we currently have no storage system on the inside of the tiny base and that is a big issue because well storage systems for me are like the most important part of a base that needs to be covered off and the way that i'm going to do it is making use of this minecart chest right here and this leg turn so inside this lectern we're going to have a bunch of pages and on those pages are going to be different items and whatever page i land on in this book those items are going to arrive in a minecart chest this is going to be like a rolling storage system and i must admit this idea sounded really simple in my head but now that i'm thinking about it probably probably isn't going to be that simple is it it's actually going to be quite complicated prepare yourselves for a bit of an explanation the way this system is going to work is as soon as i change a page in the book the system is going to recognize this and it is going to send the minecart that is already in the base back and it's not going to allow any outputs to run through into the red coder until the minecart that is traveling from the base goes back into the redcoder and the minecart storage system once the minecart storage system is then fully filled in after a certain length of time the page that has been inputted in the lectern will then be recognized by the red coder and then that minecart will then travel across and go into the base it sounds complicated it is slightly complicated it's a bit of a weird system i've never really built anything like this before hopefully it works the first part that i want to test is the minecart return system so currently this slot right here in the minecart storage system is the only one that's empty all the rest of them are filled which means that the mine can't that i put down here should return to that slot so first thing is first the system locks out and then the minecart travels off and there it is it has been locked into position that looked magical didn't it this guy just almost broke my redstone system he has somehow managed to spawn literally inside my redstone and was starting to push minecarts around what earth but now that the wandering trader is gone i have no one else to blame i am now the one that is consistently breaking my own redstone circuit i just don't seem to be able to get it quite working properly and it's hurting my brain quite a bit but after a considerable amount of effort i've managed to get the system up and running so if we just pop inside our base here you can see currently i've got the minecart chest with potatoes on the inside of it and if i just go down to my left turn you can see that the potatoes page is currently open now if i want to say for example grab myself some diamonds then you can see that our minecart chest will disappear for a certain length of time and then eventually it will make its way back and we actually have a little viewing window right here so we should be able to see it whip past it does take a little bit of time but that is just to make sure that there's no mistakes or misalignments but there we go as you can see we've got all of our diamonds now if we go back over into the lectern and let's say we wanted stone let's go for stone our diamonds have traveled off they've made their way back into the system so they are already stored and then we just wait a little while eventually our minecart will make its way along the minecart track and we will get ourselves a bunch of stone so it is and there it is so our tiny tiny little base has got itself actually a pretty large storage system especially when you consider the fact that inside of these minecart chests of course you can actually store shulker boxes of items so this could be your redstone area of the storage system and then you'd have 27 shulker boxes filled with various different redstone supplies and things i mean honestly what more could you need like you don't actually need anything much more than this so that storage system coupled with our swapping villagers over there so we've got ourselves a blacksmith and we also have ourselves a farmer down here we have got our barrel which is filled with the cooked chicken which that farm is not being particularly efficient but we are getting food source so that's coming up through there we also have ourselves swapping crafting benches and i can do that by right clicking right here so you can see crafting bench swaps out we get ourselves a stone cutter if we right click again we got ourselves this thing that i always forget the name of i've got a brewing stand i've got myself an anvil i've got myself a furnace down at the bottom here i've got myself a grindstone obviously i have an ender chest right here which will be filled in with all of my valuables i still can't get over how satisfying this villager swapper is i mean it's just so much fun to watch and finally down the corner here i have managed to just about squeeze in an enchanting table now unfortunately it's not a max level enchanting table in fact it's a pretty low level enchanting table but my excuse for this is normally you would have your max level enchanting table over at your xp grinder my excuse has been successfully deployed all in all i would say this tiny little thing is really quite feature packed i mean look at it it is essentially a one by one base in the center here we have one block to move around in this is the door so that kind of doesn't count it's absolutely tiny with that being said though if we go underneath the ground yeah there definitely is a little bit of iceberg effect going on here isn't there there's a lot hiding underneath the surface but in my opinion i think that just adds to the coolness this thing is like a reverse flex it's like the opposite of having a gigantic mansion i think it's wicked i hope you like it as well and uh yeah i'll catch you in the next minecraft video see ya and i've got to say it feels incredibly good to be back recording minecraft redstone videos i've been focusing a lot on the hermitcraft server recently which has been a ton of fun but it's been like a month since i've actually sat down and made a proper redstone video outside of the short explaining comparators and it's so cool just diving headfirst into a silly minecraft build where i can just build goofy stuff it's probably cool
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,146,040
Rating: 4.9723678 out of 5
Keywords: I Made the Smallest Base in Minecraft 1.17, I Made the Smallest Base in Minecraft, I Made the Smallest Base, Smallest Base, Smallest Base in Minecraft, Smallest Base in Minecraft 1.17, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone, Minecraft redstone, Smallest Minecraft Base, Minecraft 1.17 update, I Made the Smallest Base in Minecraft 1.14, tiny minecraft base, Large Minecraft storage systems, automatic minecraft farms, 1x1 Minecraft base, 3x3 Minecraft base, Minecraft block swappers
Id: QoTREs8tE0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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