A Secure Minecraft Vault in a Secure Minecraft Vault in a Secure Minecraft Vault in a Secure...

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i really like volks i mean it's not really a secret at this point is it i feel like i start off pretty much every single video with a sentence a bit like that but today we're going to be building the volt to end all volts you see i want to build a vault that is inside a volt that is inside a volt that is inside a volt that is inside a volts and yeah i don't know how far i'm going to go with this honestly it mainly depends on the size of the initial volts that i build for how many volts i can actually fit inside of it so i've just cleared a bunch of trees from the top there and now i've realized i actually want to build this thing slightly lower down so that was all pointless and my terraforming isn't exactly going well this is not a strong start to my volt section i'm going to ignore this horrendous mess for the time being because i want to start on some of the redstone contraptions and the first one is of course an enormous piston door you know we need to start off these vaults well we need to start them strong and this seems like a good way to do it now design wise you can see i'm kind of going for this sort of texture right here and i'm thinking of course with the door this size we're going to be making use of slime blocks and honey blocks but i'm not going to drop it down into the floor i'm going to make it part you know one's going to go this way and the other half is going to go this way one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve this is good today is my day because of course that means we're at the limits of the piston push limit if it was any more blocks than this then we'd have to have a split in it and then we'd have to do some powering and things and it would all get really complicated so this makes life a lot easier so let's see does this actually function powering this that opens everything up that is fantastic okay so that all seems to be working then i need to do this one and then this one and that closes everything who said redstone was difficult i mean really oh dear i've broken it it has now been redesigned just a little bit just to make some of the input points more accessible and also to allow it to stack vertically because that's something i didn't think about you see the issue with these stacking slime block and honey block flying machines is that sometimes you can forget that honey blocks are transparent whereas slime blocks are solid so you can pass redstone signals through slime blocks but you can't pass redstone signals through honey blocks which is why this thing's so big so one side of our door is all in place the obsidian is there just to stop it from completely destroying itself which would be very upsetting now it is time to start work on the second half of the door and i think i have got square one completed so that is the opening and then power this power this and that is everything closing up and with everything in place i think we can all agree that this looks pretty insane you know this is as far as piston doors go this is about as cool as it gets i don't know why i've never really thought to do a design like this before this is like a really really nice looking piston door first redstone test we are open and we are closed i'm amazed that that's worked first time second redstone test now with both sides fully hooked up and oh no what has happened what has happened what has happened why did that happen honestly i have absolutely no idea really but having just reconstructed the other half now it works and it looks that looks insane looks insane well this is definitely one of my favorite piston doors i've ever constructed this is fantastic this is seriously seriously cool but currently it's not very secure so i'm going to take some inspiration from my peaceful safe house and make use of a color combination lock that's installed in the floor i really like the way that that worked and it's going to work perfectly for the first bit of security for our vault i did try installing it in the walls but it was a little bit too big and bulky and i don't have a lot of space behind it to actually fit to any of the redstone so the floor is and that redstone should now will be complete does that look like it will work that actually yeah i think that looks like it's working how come this redstone line isn't lighting up this redstone line is being powered but it's not lighting up in the slightest you would not know that that was firing regardless both sides are now all in place working well working independently of one another so let's get the box in place because i'm sure there's still a few of you who are very confused as to what this thing actually is so now it should be a little bit more obvious as i say this thing is a color it's broken is what it is it's it's all it's all very he has broken one quick fix up later so it's a color combination lock okay so we've got two piston feed tapes right here and what we need to do is we need to match up the colors so say for example we want this color sequence here and then if we run this for a little while we want this color sequence this would be the correct combination and then our door would open up fun fact that i've said about a million times these are some of the earliest redstone contraptions i built on my channel now the redstone to actually calculate what the correct combination is it's really simple it's just an and gate except i'm adding a few extra bits and pieces just to make it a little bit more secure i've spent far too long on this first vault so i'm skipping all the progress updates it is now done this is the correct combination so our door is open if i change the combination then our door will close up and i'll be honest i've completely forgotten the correct combination wasn't it was there cyan at the end was it purple i'm hoping it was purple because i missed the cyan it was purple so there we go the the combination is now correct the door has reopened i am accidentally a master lock pick and just to be clear in that demonstration i only changed one of the color combinations but of course both of them do change so if i change this one here that will make the combination incorrect as well first vault complete just some very quick terraforming to do and now it's very very complete this actually looks really nice as does this rather ridiculous interior that i've just constructed now it's not the most detailed thing in the world but i would say volts vaults are functional and this is about as functional as it gets this looks like a vault that should belong in the batcave this is the sort of place that you store priceless items that can never ever be replaced like one time my girlfriend made this pasta bake and honestly it was the best thing i've ever eaten and we've never been able to replicate it since that original masterbate that belongs in this vault to be preserved forever but this gigantic vault is not destined to store pasta bakes it is destined to store vaults so our next vault is going to be going around about here and i would say yeah i would say a 4x4 vault door will probably look good on the front of this thing and that that really puts into perspective how massive this vault door is this original one that is ridiculous i remember when 4x4 piston doors were considered big you know sure you had people that built five by five and six by six ones but they were they were enormous redstone contraptions a 4x4 was kind of semi-practical but goodness gracious me things have gotten ridiculous since slimeblocks and honey blocks came in anyway despite this thing looking slightly pathetic compared to the piston door that we have out the front it is still one of my favorite piston doors just because i love the way that it all functions so let's get this thing constructed which it should now be pretty much all done if i remember correctly i've built this off the top of my head but i have built this door about a million times now so i'm hoping the top of my head is done okay let's see all right yeah the top of my head has failed me it has completely failed me what has gone wrong there what oh oh yep no completely failed that's not one of the fundamentals of redstone that i completely messed up there right it should now almost be working have i just forgotten to place in blocks okay i just forgot to place in blocks that's not so bad that's all good that's all good we've got ourselves a working vault door and there is something isn't there there's something about proper piston doors don't get me wrong you know i absolutely love i love i love the slime block and the honey block stuff and i love piston doors this size but there is something about a piston door that is like truly mechanical it's not using any flying machines or anything like that uh it's just i don't know maybe it's the old school minecrafter in me but it does something okay so how should we open up this little vault here um i mean i'm thinking if we have i guess we have room for for some redstone contraptions on either side here so the security could go there and then connect up over the top because all we need to do is power this redstone line so if we make use of item frame combination locks then we can have four of these things there's eight possible combinations for each one which means eight times eight times eight times eight so that's four thousand and ninety six possible combinations which is it's quite a lot that coupled with the 484 that we have with this combination lock out the front here makes this a decently secure little redstone system that we're creating which i'm hoping should now all be working now i had to get a little bit creative with the way that we powered this vault but i have to say it looks pretty cool it actually looks a little bit like mr crab screaming at this point in time but currently we have the correct combination which means our door is open but if i change this combination then that closes up our vault this thing actually functions that is ridiculous it's working first time and it looks really cool well i'm impressed with this it's not that the redstone is particularly complicated it's just because of the way that i connected it up and i didn't really check any of the the signal strengths or anything like that that i was not expecting that to work so this is excellent news i also really like the way that these things stick out the wall because of course we can just send the signal strength through using comparators that looks super nice this looks really nice and high tech i'm a fan i almost prefer this to the massive piston door that we have out the front but that being said you know this i mean it is pretty cool as well there's no denying this is oh come on come on let's see if i can remember the combination i think it's dark gray is it dark gray it is dark grey there it is okay let's move on to the next vault and we are getting a little bit tight on space here but i'm thinking we should we can quite easily fit we can quite easily fit a two by two piston door in here we might even stretch out to being three by two you know by the way up there that looks pretty cool especially with all these quartz slabs that i've added on the sides i mean look at this this what am i doing i was jokingly going to say that i prefer it to the 4x4 vault door and then refer it to this one but my brain i didn't want to compute with that information in the slightest so security wise i say that we have a little card reader in here now i'm just i mean can we even fit it in here it could be a bit of a struggle i must admit so i've done the next best thing and i've put all the redstone outside and i've made it as slim as possible so this is like a pancake redstone contraption that's stuck to the wall and this little modification will be added how obvious is it is it even really visible not really and actually it looks pretty good i'm gonna i'm gonna add one on the other side not that i wouldn't do that anyway because can you imagine how horrendous it would look if it wasn't symmetrical we've come this far with the symmetricalness i think we have to stick with it right here goes does this thing actually function so there is my password and in it goes and our vault has opened and then if i press it again vault closes up i can grab my password this okay and what's so funny is is this is by far the most secure of all of the volts that we have in this thing despite the fact that it's absolutely tiny but we are not done just yet with the volts i would say we still have space for one more i think it's difficult now to call it really volts but doors just just a pair of doors like this i mean that that's a vault especially if we put some security in i'm thinking if we have a lever combination lock going down the walls here then that is perfect in goes the redstone that is that is not what i meant to do i've been playing way too much minecraft today i like that has fully become my excuse for doing anything even remotely wrong okay so this is there we go there we go high security i mean how many combinations are we talking here we've got 2 4 8 16 32 64 64 possible combinations i mean sure you know it's not it's not the most secure thing in the world but it could be it could be the the grain of sand what is the saying the sand the feather the feather that broke the camel's back something broke the camel's back the poor camel camel injuries aside we need to build up the final room for our little vault this is where all of the valuables are going to be going and i must admit you know it's because we don't have too much space here it's not it's probably not going to be that grand actually and i'll be honest i spent the majority of my resources building this ridiculous vault i mean look at the size of this thing this would have this would have cost a lot you know if this was on the hermitcraft server and i was buying all these resources i would be i would be fresh out of diamonds so best i can do is is is some dirt right let's get this thing locked up first volt is closed second volt is now all closed this vault is also now fully closed and then finally this one for our volt inside of a volt inside of a volt inside of a vault this this has been a dream video to create i mean as you all know i absolutely love volts so the fact that i've been able to build four volts in one minecraft video i mean that's pretty special you know that that's a pretty special occasion that i get the opportunity to do that and especially volts as cool as this one so i really hope that you enjoyed if you did then i i haven't had i haven't said that outro in a long time what am i doing but i guess i'll roll with it if you enjoyed it please refer to that like button if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this has been mumbo and i'm out i'll see you later you know honestly i don't really know why i stopped saying that i kind of tried to go away from having uniform intros and outros with my videos just because it always feels a little bit unnatural but then occasionally when i've been playing a lot of minecraft in one day they just come back you know the old rhythms come back in i might even start humming the outro i'm gonna get copyright striked again
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,534,892
Rating: 4.9774532 out of 5
Keywords: Secure Minecraft Vault, Minecraft Vault, Minecraft, Secure Minecraft, A Secure Minecraft Vault in a Secure Minecraft Vault, Minecraft Base inside a Minecraft Base, Minecraft Bunker inside a Minecraft Bunker, Minecraft Base, Minecraft Bunker, Minecraft security, Minecraft piston doors, redstone vault doors, vault doors, Minecraft colour combination locks, colour combination locks, combination locks, Giant Minecraft doors, Minecraft doors, Piston doors, Vault, Vaults, Minecrafter
Id: x1stW1M59To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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