BUILD SWAP with Grian!

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome to build swap with green once again when you said that you were gonna make a noise at the start oh that's not the one that I was really expecting I don't gonna do it I mean that's a that's a spectacular noise I feel like that needs to be I don't that can be my ringtone from this point four but but yeah it's been it's been ages since we've done any formal build swap man it's been how long like ten months ten months you know what before we started this I said to pearl like mumbo is gonna be doing build swap and she was like didn't we do one a couple of months gonna let no that was like last year yeah it is actually scary how fast time was flown by I mean I can remember the builds like they're yesterday I know that you have done so many blood swaps that I think all of the builds have have merged into one yeah I remember any of them I'll show you at the end I'll show you the end but we probably need a bit of a refresher on the rules I know I need a refresher on the rules and I think my viewers probably need one as well that makes sense so as you can see we've got our arena here and you can see there's two sides my side is the red side and your side is the blue side yep and in these chests are some themes and each one represents a round right and we're gonna open the chests and we're gonna build whatever's in it and then at the end of however long they say that the two judges here yeah we they will judge us and say who wins the round we get the point and then we do the little ding mm-hmm then we move on to the next one but the thing is between rounds we're gonna swap round and work on each other's build hell yes swap and then at the end of three rounds we decide who is the winner does that make sense I'm very excited for this I think that I think that made a lot of sense hopefully everyone stands if you don't then just kind of follow along yeah even though I explained the rules this game ends up making no sense whatsoever yeah yeah in fact speaking of things that don't make any sense oh yeah yeah like I told you before Dom was trying to impress you with some redstone and this was his way of doing it so I think he's done fantastically it's gold star Dom rawa alright are we gonna should we get straight on into it then yeah I'm ready to hop in I'm ready when you are okay what is your what is your name say mine is Dom Rails most favorite friend mine's Dom Rails least favorite friend oh okay well you know what clearly a favorite which isn't a good sign is he's a judge oh wait what no wait well if you go I've got a redstone car redstone car does that mean a car that's been like redstone if I don't doesn't mean a car made out of redstone I guess that's for you to decide yeah Oh mine makes no sense as it says build swap I don't even know I don't even know where to begin with that one well they said well this is what you get when you ask Dom to do a judge build swap for you I don't know what these are before so these are all surprised I don't know what's in that wall of misfortune oh yeah she probably explained yeah last time we played we didn't have this there's a giant wall there that you cannot fail to miss no because the giant Dom railhead yeah and you can see that somebody's are missing that's from the round that we played yep and behind these little squares are little tricks that the judges are gonna play on us every round Dom rails gonna let us know when that is in his own way yeah yeah so they kind of throw a spanner in the works yeah of course well I mean I'm I'm excited this one I have no clue what I'm going to do but I guess we should probably gather up some form of blocks yeah get yourself some blocks ready to go I'm ready but I'm not sure the judges are ready to count us in because they're busily sweet oh okay oh three three ready okay okay think we're coming does that mean goat okay I think that definitely means go you know the the judges have an interesting way of informing us when we are good to go yeah I don't to be honest with you it's deteriorated I've been doing build swap for a couple of years now and it used to just be three to one and it's just it's it's gotten worse as times gone on right yeah yeah yeah no I I don't seem to remember it being quite that bad the last time we did it okay if I had to guess what that was I'd say it's a house for a start we Mambo you do your best they appreciate the judges appreciate someone that does their best okay okay that's good what is the judge doing in between I wouldn't look into it too hard okay that looks like the beginnings of a cat if I'm not saying it could very well be and then we have some pumpkin stalks going on oh I see these are wills I was too far away to realize leave some wheels okay I'm just gonna have to do you mean that you were too far okay you know I can see why that would sort of look like a house mini DeLorean appear Ian this is the worst thing I think I've ever constructed you're in a build swap I mean yeah I think by extension me too if I don't finish you all so plenty for don't finish that's true and I have to make several I have to make several versions of it as well oh yeah you have to make all yeah you have to yeah I might just keep messing you around my building no please yeah I'm already struggling to keep up how are you struggling to keep up you have to build a literally a smaller version yeah it's tough okay like it's not just one version if you build build swap within built up within build swap it keeps going it doesn't stop oh that's very true yeah way to go right well I'm getting there I think I've got maybe my second wheel going in although having having said that I don't think I can do much more than than this Oh we'll see I'm kind of onto a winner here because the DeLorean is like a famously ugly car and famously terrible so I can yep I can kind of just play off that I don't know if it was famously ugly actually I think it was just famously terrible like it's incredibly slow this was this Oh No okay why did they choose it for Back to the Future then well you know because that's the point it's kind of like a joke it's just it's a silly silly slow car bye okay so they have to go 88 miles an hour and the DeLorean really struggles to get to 88 miles an hour okay so it's kind of like a inside joke oh my word well no it doesn't I'm not I'm mmm it's barely possible for a car at this point my life in fact I might just just take what you've done I'm gonna I'm just gonna freestyle it from here yeah please see if you can build a better-looking version in the small I'll be impressed there's a there's a certain actor car building actually in Minecraft scare the life out of me I think that means misfortune is abound yeah but that's how they want the misfortune sound if I ever did hear one discreet this Creech alright come on then let's head over to the wall are you wanna choices I choose first I guess I guess I'll choose first why not go on come on random color well we got okay they say read it out I don't know if I want to this doesn't say go at all no well the none of them sound good it says unleash the beast Unleashed them ah-ha oh no ha ha ha you fool ok oh is the llama coming it might also die no it's it's out that was it oh well done very sweet okay so I was sure they were gonna build like a massive monster on your bill yeah I was I was not excited for that one that was especially having seen what they did on [Laughter] this was cruel this feels cool that is spectacular yeah I mean I was feeling good you know I I didn't realize how how brutal some of the the wheels of misfortune or the wall of misfortune can actually be until yeah yeah we recorded your one where while they were trying to find buried treasure yeah I think actually knowing what's been what's gone on in the past you've definitely got away with it this round oh really yeah yeah yeah there's been some that have just completely decimated entire builds that it's just turned the old the entire course of the games been changed really okay oh yeah that's good what block looks like an engine I don't know maybe like an anvil oh yeah you're smart there you go mumbo-jumbo yeah that's why I keep you around well mine mine could definitely do with some building tips because I'm about to see this thing in in its full form in a second and I'm not really excited for it I also feel like I went a little bit too big on the scale yeah well I think you have to because I think I've I've done a little bit smaller than what you should have done right yeah yeah there's not much redstone that I'm gonna have time to add into this I mean oh yes yours is enriched because we probably only have 20 seconds left I reckon like that's why desta mate if we have if we are yeah how long has left judges 20 second seconds yes yes seconds left okay it's gonna have a sunroof it's not gonna have much redstone silicon I don't know if you looked any better to be quite frankly on this review now I'm copying yours dude I haven't got a lot to go on I think I need to move the wheels back this is the worst thing I think I've ever built in the history of my entire like Minecraft experience in my in my build swaps I've made some of the worst things ever don't don't even worry about know this this has got to be this is awful no like some of the stuff that I've made in the past I am so ashamed of and I'm never gonna you know forget I didn't say anything you don't even want to talk about it I have to build a smaller version of the wall this is a smaller version of the wall yeah is in the other version in this one come on I don't have time for this you know you've actually done a pretty good job of the fight that's actually pretty good but they put they're fairly similar in size I hate to say it but you know they're not this one's way smaller give it the head they're not that oh yeah you're probably right you've actually done quite a good job yeah I'm impressed yeah well yeah but small cars the small cars better than Mikey oh my what do you want from me they're actually saying that you've made it too good that's it's too bigger say that's the best I could do I give up that's it that's that's don't do anymore is this your idea of a red steering car yes okay look for reference get up a picture of the DeLorean from there you go okay yeah okay it doesn't well no it's not gonna reset no you can't you can't you go to the future once and then you have been a real redstone master would be able to make it reset all right this true okay this is this is horrible it's not pretty okay it looks like it's smiling from the stuff the front okay you yeah he's got nothing to be smiling about it's making sad but it's got a very interesting and likeable style I like that well this is sounding promising I mean III person Dean this is sounding promising wait this wasn't a cat at all it's a little mumbo jumbo was that Oh wasn't a cat all this is the best thing I've ever seen oh my I'm actually gonna take a screenshot of that as adorable that's the way that's the coolest that is actually one of the coolest things I've seen redstone dust well apart from your redstone sorry okay okay judges what do we think he wins I mean I think we all know the answer he's got to be me come on though I've done a pretty good job of trying to put so many this is build swap ception like three and three this is impressive I'm actually very impressed especially with the dumper house as well the dumb ray that was a speed build look how adorable he is I must admit though that I mean Dom seems to quite like mine I took some VIP he is a simple man you put fire in your bill you win especially automatically dispensing fire yeah yes sir enjoying the fire a little bit too much yeah it looks like you like I said Mambo I've told you this many times it doesn't really matter what you build they just they like weird things right okay I see all right point to you Mambo wins what's your name miss - you miss fast yeah miss - what's yours um guerrilla just career oh my word Monday what is yours it says that is alive that's difficult mine is giant redstone feet whatever that means okay I've got an idea actually I've got an idea that I think I think is gonna be well liked so yeah let's gather up some blocks oh man okay I think I'm good to go oh okay that was that was way way faster than expected okay so oh my goodness I'm going to extend out Dom's legs all I had to do was add eyes and it immediately just looks alive yeah actually you you've got you've got quite lucky there I'm just trying to think I was going to do something I haven't quite got the space that I need for mine but I'm gonna try and make make do with this yeah yeah how long have we got left guys for real all right well I have I have something I feel like I've I've I I haven't quite done it justice you've got it done well kinda has dinosaur feet at this point in time which is interesting there's not something I was expecting I haven't seen his feet in person but then again actually with with the light his his face and everything it wouldn't you know what actually now that I'm looking at them I mean it's not too far off what the real thing well yeah no no I don't have I don't have his feet in my face at this but I looked at his minecraft skin it's close enough close enough I might be taking this a little bit too far at this point really oh I can see I can see some some brown some brown going in yeah well his mouth is black for some reason because that's what you made the front of the car so you don't have to make a brown mustache oh of course yeah yeah I thought a minister - might end up being involved of course where he's alive isn't he it's very true are you alive if you don't have a mustache yeah sometimes I do wonder mine mine made this is probably a read too old of a reference he looks like a character from Wacky Races Wacky Races now is that what the guy the guy that okay let me try and remember Wacky Races there was the dog I remember the dog yeah Muttley yeah Muttley and then I remember the dude the dude who's trying to catch them he's the one with the mustache isn't he yep yeah I remember I used to watch that when I was a kid well was it a game no it was a show well it was a show as a show I thought so maybe that's why you're really into cars may you know what that could have something it was a game to it that might actually be part of it because I used to absolutely I used to actually love that show I used to watch it all the time and I've given in a Kakao on the side of his car a catch ow but he's alive isn't he like I forget every time those honestly one of the scariest things I know by the way I think it's your turn oh I'm gonna go straight for this one Oh survival time what does that mean I think it means that you might have to play in survival mode No how am I gonna play I 15-second you're kidding me oh forget it what are you doing to me that is ridiculous get your blocks ready gear blocks uh what else I need to do I'm gonna have to fly I need a pickaxe need a pickaxe oh yeah I hadn't even thought about pickaxes I just I'm just throwing everything out no they've actually made me survival all right everything yeah I guess so I've mainly got all of the same block because I panicked that's I didn't think that by the way there's all this is painful dude I bet this is not fun well I mean by the looks of things your build is actually almost completed so it is but I still needed to do a little bit more yeah oh man that's hilarious thank goodness like most of my work is now on the floor all right I think I've made my stomping feet I am almost finished as well I guess I'd probably have to make I guess I'd probably have to make the stomping feet on the back of Dom even though you haven't oh no on the mini Dom I guess maybe you might have to you might have to do what you can all right okay let's do a bit of that I think I think I'm done can I go in crave now please don't leave me down here Quinn the roundest I like to think that it's for the rest of the game please there we go come on man yeah that doesn't that doesn't it my fun it's not I can't do anything right hang on stand on the slime box hang on I'll Chuck the feet down for you thank you nice sweet you know I think I think I've saved your car do you reckon yeah it does actually look but all the stripe now the stripe has done it and you've given it some sporty wheel arches hang on look at this this looks like a race car you've got to look at it from the front if you want the full effect I needn't he's an I see what you mean he looks like he's like a mix between the guy from Wacky Races and also the bad guy from Wallace and Gromit the where rabbit I don't Oh was it the bat yet was the bad guy I don't know if you remember that film at all I remember his name he'll say it looks a bit like Wario he does a little bit he's a mix of all of the you know upturn mustaches have been kind of and and teeth on display have been like a theme for this build swap I don't know what's going on there yeah it's a little bit weird there's a little bit creepy I'm not gonna lie I think you started it to be fair yeah definitely well I mean my feet are all in place if you wouldn't mind just kind of walking over because I know that you can't T seconds yeah can't fly I also take damage yeah did you get any poems go I didn't think about the food and up oh yeah it didn't launch me but what what are you doing that's stopping you from not being launched I don't know oh yeah what okay if you do it you do it again I might be able to make my way up to the top of the build alright there we go now you can use it so these are the stomping feet well you can't do it that way you probably can do it that fast oh my are you trying to break my redstone mechanism is this sabotage okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I think nothing like it works to me member yeah no you seem to I think you've oh no no no it still works I've got a robust redstone mechanism I think I think Dom's gonna appreciate yeah of course dogs humble drivers car you gotta play to the judges my dude yeah that's true that is very cool yours is I if I was judging you would win I did I did my best with what I had can I please go back into creative take this anymore alright what's your name builder boy alright mine's Mojo Jojo which is a name that I think I'm going to take from this point for I'm not sure what this this is oh my word alright you'll say well mine is hitting the other build well I'm currently in the process of giving this guy literally the biggest possible arms I would say yeah I'd say that's probably a good way to go wait what was your theme again it was to have him smashing the other bills oh I see see you go for it punch I guess well no I think he's gonna be lifting up a large hammer okay there we go up yep monocle we got the monocle out we got a cup of tea oh my goodness alright so we are we is it whose turn is it it's got your turn cuz I just I went to survival oh yeah what do you got oh no what is it saying it's fire the cannon and look where my Army's yes I in a cannon but this is this is literally in line with where that cannon is going to land go on this oh this is gonna be brilliant I'm gonna get a good seat for this no youni a good seat for this did you did you test this cannon before no it's not to fire the cannon you go into a second fire oh he's going up a little more powerful this time done I think we're all right I think he's kid he's gonna keep going well eventually one of these is the last challenge oh well that's one thing I know Dom is determined wait how many challenges have we done oh yeah we swapped back okay we're okay I thought we've blown up the last challenge then we'd never find out with that let's learn crack on shall we I think I think oh oh that's the one oh just teasing you at this point oh okay right I've got the monocle what else do we need a top hat of course coat and tails coat and Tails you might need to lower the cannon yeah I think he's activating that I'm not gonna tell him how to do it and then a you can you can tell him no no because it's it's it's targeted at my build I think I'll leave him to it and not offer any help in the slightest all right but he won't appreciate that well I I actually don't know that much about TNT cannons remember as you said earlier on that when was the last time you did a video on TNT oh he actually just he's getting closer I think that counts because there's some redstone destroyed and there's some dispensers destroyed he's blowing up his own head now he's just blowing up the stand stop before you destroy oh nothing is safe oh my goodness dumb what he destroyed now well no that one just went straight off the map it vanished before even exploded Wow okay right I've got top hat I've got monocle I've got a cup of tea what else do we need I mean what the British people maybe I'm you could turn the DeLorean into a mini that's Jay or a Morgan or I've got I've got it I know exactly what we need hmm give me a give me another British stereotype number ah bad teeth but we facet that as a that's a farce we have some we've some the best teeth in the world he's a stereo you asked me for a stereotype yeah yeah I guess so yeah I didn't ask for the truth dog you're getting worse I was he still going oh yeah he's getting even higher sure getting worse well I for one I'm happy because my as a save might the arm that I'm kinda no oh he got you he did he got you got the wheel oh there we go okay I think that's I think that's enough Tom no he's still going okay there's gonna be a there's a hole to the void now my worth I haven't seen I haven't seen a TNT cannon like that for a long time actually right British stereotypes are you looking up on Google is that is that illegal no I'm not looking up I'm looking my mind hmm yeah I don't know that's that's quite a tricky one I suppose we don't know about the stereotypes because we are British if we were we don't know a lot of its in the accent which yeah I guess I could I guess I could do that so what uh yeah you're looking very British well on my actual build goodness gracious yeah when he said a big arm you know I had to give him a big arm he literally has the biggest arm is massive like barbaric overkill most of the time in builds what we have like one one block thick arm I know cause this is the thing my all the arms I've built so far in this entire build to apply all the arms and legs have just pinned one bot Vic so I thought I would make up for this by having yeah something something like this going on I don't really know how to do the hands though so I think I'm just going to just build blocks over the top he's just gonna have like a stump can you imagine how heavy this hammer would be holding it at that end yeah I know if he's going to hit my build he's doing a terrible job at it well I mean he's the angle is all off no because he's slamming down on there on on on these bills I'd backhanded no is in like he's slamming downwards yeah he's alright fair enough yeah he's gonna drop it he's gonna drop it on onto these builds underneath you've accidentally made an awesome-looking pattern on this hammer Emily yeah it looks like we you intended to do it which I know you didn't can you don't tell that I'm rushing through at all well since you are on my side though I'm gonna give this a face alright yeah no you are allowed to build on this hammer I suppose but it counts towards my score but I ain't saying yeah my you're on my side of the you're on my side now okay yeah the harm is way bigger than I was expecting it to be quite how big God made it yeah you've gone for scale well you wait till you see his other hand ten seconds oh alright okay see you've got boy you've got a top hat you've got the monocle yeah I've got what is this as a cheeky nandos oh for goodness sake oh yeah I mean you have got everything that makes people yeah I think I think I've covered all the bases now you've done a good job I think I think it's time to go for the thanks dumb to the judge we should do a quick review before we get there yeah yeah that's probably good alright so on your side we have what was supposed to be a DeLorean yep that has been made alive yep that is attacking the other build or is it hitting the other build I think it was yeah you're hitting hitting the other builder believe yeah and if I had to guess what that would look like it wouldn't look like this really yeah I died yeah I would I wouldn't have guessed they'd end up like this especially with an arm that big alright and then yours was so you started with a mini build swap yeah build swap galore and then I had ad stomping feet or big redstone feet and then it's been remaining British yeah I mean I swap own your build stock could we get that connection madness yeah every single time madness well I'm interested I'm interested hear what the judges think of this one I really own judges I'm ready my body can take it I'm personally impressed by the organic structure of the muscles within the car arm I vote member yes okay this is good loving my hammer Ambria Riaan hey that means that we have to go to Dom or not Dom um I think you mean jailor star J the star yeah well yeah because I mean it's definitely not DOM acting as Jade the star no it's the closest not know I think I've told him in the in the process of Jay has Jay been exploded I think Jays are gonna wait hang on how big is Jay going to be this you don't even want an egg we should blow up Dom's brain yeah while he's doing that yeah that's probably a good idea should look should I try and fire the cannon destroy my own build yeah go on yeah go on you shows how it is how it would be no this his first time then I think I win by the way right but I don't agree okay let's think oh okay that's not this not oh no no no that's just got to a mighty fine start and I'd say maybe that might redstone this oh dear you know what you're doing that was the that was the literally the worst that was terrible no okay I remembered how TMT cannons work now no no no not Dom's redstone oh he's so proud of that redstone as well monday looking here where are you no look look oh it's all memes oh I think we're in we're in jump Random House mind yeah it looks that way world animation domination stuff god I hope likes my redstone bacon overall legend I think Jay I think Jay the stars being constructed by the way well wait no wait the sides are his head oh ma it's pretty accurate though that is what Jay the star looks like every single time we've done this Jay the star hasn't been present very British I am Jay the star Korean winner time that means you win yeah I think it does Thank You Jay I hope you feel better what happens when we play builds well it all goes wrong it has gone horribly wrong I mean just looking around like this is yeah this is if you saw this who didn't know no in fact you know what if anyone saw this even if they knew what minecraft was they'll be very confused this is what like this is what happens if you let a hundred people loose on a creative world this isn't what happens when you play a minigame in Minecraft yeah we've built this in a short space of time and it's beautiful I think I think we've done a fantastic job and as I say we have got another game of build swap yet is on your channel where we have built completely different things equally is really would you say that equally as ridiculous I feel like are equally as ridiculous so if you do want to check that out then the link to that will be down in the description but thank you ever so much for joining me grin thanks for playing with me and congratulations on your win thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,534,342
Rating: 4.9417973 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: QB_ObmjaC8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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