I Made a Walking Safe House in Minecraft

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this video is sponsored by expressvpn safe houses in minecraft are really really cool walking houses in minecraft are really really cool what have you built a walking safe house how have i never thought to do this it's almost embarrassing on my part to be honest with you it's actually been quite a long time since i've built any form of walking redstone contraption i i feel horrendously out of practice like how does one make a leg this feels correct in my head so this pulls up that is the upward action of the leg that then moves this across because this sticky piston grabs this and then in doing so this piston will move on top of this redstone block extending which will then push this part of the leg across and then this will re-extend good you know piston push limit strikes again so with a slight reduction in foot size let's see oh that's that went surprisingly well okay we've got ourselves the bottom section of the leg now for the top section i kind of want it to be staggered inwards kind of like camber i want to have camber on this thing's legs i've got a stance safe house too fast too fury house let's not start that again yeah i have to admit this is a cool looking leg isn't it like as far as legs go this is a nice leg i've tried my best to add in a bunch of fiddly bits and things that that are purely for decoration so i don't know i might have gone past the bush limit like a thousand times but i'm hoping this all works so we've got a bit of the top that goes up and down that's like the thigh muscles and then we have the calf muscles down at the bottom here and everything should move across by one block i have made all the backups so let's see what what happens now i wasn't expecting to hit the push button oh wow you know that is so obviously past the push limit what was i thinking okay some minor modifications have been made oh no i've stripped away all of the decoration because i think that was causing a lot of the issues and now i have no excuse if this doesn't work uh okay that looked like it that looked like it worked except this top section looks this top section looks broken that didn't actually what i think this observer and sticky piston combo needs to be one block further down so then we can get this combination here there redstone block stays in that position and then okay because the issue was was that this sticky piston was grabbing this afterwards none of this is making sense i don't even know why i'm saying it this literally only makes sense to me and that's not because i'm smart that's because the problem is stupid and only i could have made such a stupid problem so let's give it a proper go now and step forward excellent everything's working and now with the decoration this thing is looking pretty evil and it's all working we got there in the end so now it's time to actually plan out the safe house itself now i've given us a 19 by 19 area which seems like it would be more than enough and i've concluded that a walking safe house probably would have six legs so i've spaced those out evenly we've got one leg here one leg here and then we're going to have another three legs on the other side now i have to go through the painful task of recreating each one of these legs block by block because if i use the clone command everything breaks so while i do that let's have a message from today's sponsor using the internet without expressvpn is like building a secure minecraft base then leaving the door wide open so that anyone can walk in and see what you're doing and this is coming from the king of building secure minecraft bases and leaving the door open even using incognito mode your internet service provider or if you're on a shared wi-fi network the network admin can see exactly what you're up to so now everyone knows that you've visited howarcomparatorworks.com 36 times and still don't fully get them unfortunately expressvpn can't solve the comparator problem but it can solve the snooping problem because 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mean i think we can all agree that this looks pretty ridiculous this is a really cool looking redstone contraption already so now we just have to work on linking all of them up and i think the walking sequence for this will be this leg then that leg then this leg then that leg this leg that leg and then looping back to the beginning kind of like a weird millipede i guess but with only six legs instead of a thousand so i guess a six a peed i'm sure all of you will be able to come up with bad names down in the comment section now actually linking these things up isn't actually as complicated as you would think it's just creating a weird kind of chain reaction going through and zigzagging around the redstone contraption so this should be the final part of that weird chain which means now i need to link it up back to the beginning which should be a little bit easier thanks to the fact that we have honey blocks i don't know why i'm talking about honey blocks as if they're a new addition to the game they've been around for a while but i still love them so here it is and the thing that i really like about this slimebot flying machine is it's probably the clearest showcase of how these things actually function it's like a self-pushing cycle let's just hope that everything actually functions correctly i'm nervous i'm super nervous i don't know why because i've got about a thousand backups but this seems to actually be working no no no it's it's broken it's broken why is it broken why did you why why did it break this broke because clearly there was no observer on it one more on everything is now back to working order and now we start to go wild because this is where the safe house is going to be constructed and the first thing that i have to do is i have to build up a big platform which yeah it's going to look a little bit like this but it's going to be a lot more slime blocky and honey blocky we'll get on to that in a second first i have to connect up all of these things and the way that i'm going to do that is actually quite simple can you roughly tell what's happening here we've got almost like a reduction in the number of things that need to be pulled as you go up the line so here we only need to pull this one thing which will then pull these two things which will then pull these five things which then eventually will pull all 19 of these separate structures along and i have to say the more that i add to this the cooler it looks i mean look at this thing it is ridiculous so the 19 separate structures i was talking about are the different tiles that we're going to have for our floor this is one floor tile then this is another floor tile and you can see they're connected up to one another and gradually they'll make their way across like this is going to make up the floor of our safe house so here we can see we have one strip of them fully added in and these will be making their way all the way across from this side all the way to the other now to add just a little bit of extra security into the mix i'm going to put lava inside all of these cauldrons here this is going to make up the floor surrounding our safe house which already is is quite dangerous the person most likely to fall victim to this is actually me but i guess if no one can get inside of the house then that makes it as safe as it possibly can be ah i'm a bit of a there's me cloning away forgetting the fact that these these need to alternate between honey blocks and slime blocks of course they do otherwise they all stick to one another well this is looking incredibly ridiculously awesomely cool isn't it this is looking really really good i'm very very happy with this yep i'm pleased i'm going to take a screenshot might make this my screensaver temporarily so now that we have our floor all worked out it's time for us to work out the walls and i i have a bit of an idea and i'm not sure if it's a good idea or what i mean this makes sense to me i'm building up the front wall like this makes total sense to me and then building up the side walls like this also makes total sense to me so i mean if we had it could be like this so then that would be pulled and then yeah we can create the chain reaction there and then this this design here looks pretty cool i mean i'm i'm a big fan of that wall design i think we could be onto a winner i definitely think we're underwent here i mean look at this thing this chain reaction wall design how cool is this the front wall doesn't need anything particularly fancy because it can be pushed along by this this row of pistons right here so that's all easy and then our other side wall obviously just mirrors the other side walls so that's nice and simple and the back wall should be the easiest of them all because i should just be able to grab the blocks with these sticky pistons right here and that should do the trick any issue is i can't have corner blocks in this situation because i imagine this back wall is actually going to be pulled backwards before these blocks get pulled backwards which would mean well if they were blocked here it wouldn't actually be able to go anywhere however despite this i still think the design looks really really cool i mean come on come on this is totally ridiculous this is this is getting ridiculous now i'm starting to actually think this is also probably going to get quite ridiculous in the lag department this is this is probably quite laggy but i guess when his lag ever stopped me in the past now it's time for our house and i'm just trying to work out how i should actually do this obviously we've got all of the slime blocks and things underneath so we could actually build up the walls of our house like we've done the outer walls of the safe house or alternatively i could push the entire house forwards from the back or pull the entire house forwards from the front having given it some serious thought i think pushing the house from the back is the best option just because then we don't have to worry about having any redstone on the inside of our house which would really affect the ability to actually use the house so this right here is our wall of pistons which is going to be pushing our house along and that is going to be attached of course to slime blocks and some honey blocks and all of this is going to be pushed forwards by our back wall and with that system in place then just building the house i mean that's just that's just building a house it's not particularly exciting or interesting this redstone stuff is way cooler however there is one interesting thing going on in here you can see we've got chains in all of the walls and that's because there can be no air space on the inside of this house because if there was airspace everything is being pushed from the back wall so this this right here would gradually travel until it crashes into this chest basically our house would collapse in on itself and that's not particularly very good oh and i've installed the carpet mod so we can have these movable chests and furnaces and things because that just makes the house so much better doesn't it so now let's see this thing in action oh and i've added some surprises into the mix and i really hope they work because otherwise it could be catastrophic my heart is pounding like crazy i'm finding it difficult to speak but i'm activating everything regardless and yes everything is working my tnt launchers are actually fully functional and they look fantastic i mean this wouldn't be a proper safe house without at least some form of explosion so let's i'm gonna try my best to calm down and i'm gonna i'm gonna try my best to explain everything that we're going on here okay we've got we've got the legs let's see are all the legs working yeah all six legs seem too firing this guy seems to be walking along nicely that's fantastic you know we've got we've got our security wall that's all being pulled along quite nicely as well we've got our lava flooring that seems to be working the actual house itself is staying together we've got our house everything seems to be working there and of course out the front we have got these tnt droppers and also tinted launchers that are gradually just destroying the environment in front of this thing i mean how how cool is this come on how cool is this how cool is this it is so so cool this is this is honestly the greatest look you're about to feel the wrath chicken all right you don't know what you're walking towards mate this look at this thing imagine you just mind your own business in the minecraft world and you see this crossing the horizon i would leave the server but there is no place for me there because this is this is ridiculous this is so so cool all right really do hope that you've enjoyed this video it's been a ton of fun to create and i will catch you in the next one see you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,073,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo, I made a Walking House in Minecraft, Walking House in Minecraft, House in Minecraft, Minecraft, I Made a Walking Safe House in Minecraft, Walking Safe House in Minecraft, Safe House in Minecraft, Safe House, Best safe houses in Minecraft, safe houses in Minecraft, Minecraft defence systems, Minecraft traps, Minecraft weapons, ultimate Minecraft security system, Minecraft security, Minecraft redstone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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