What is the Safest Base Possible in Minecraft?

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bases ever since minecraft first introduced multiplayer bases were just a thing that came along with it as long as there are gonna be people on your minecraft server there are gonna be some people that you wanna keep out of your house whether it be to protect your valuables or just get away from your annoying neighbors making a safe minecraft base is pretty standard and something we've probably all done over the years there have been hundreds of videos posted by creators massive and small all showcasing the safest house in minecraft but surely i can't be the only one that's watched these videos and been like why can't i just bridge over it and yeah i get that's all in good fun but it begs the question what is the safest base in minecraft in a game with infinite possibilities there are a ton of different traps and defenses you can use to guard your house however they can almost all be defeated by simply mining or towering but what if there was a base that couldn't be raided a base so secure and protected it is physically impossible to get in well today we're gonna find out i'm going to engineer what i think to be the safest and most secure unbreachable base in all of minecraft and afterwards i'll put it to the test against one of the best escape artists of our generation mithrodek who straight up told me it was impossible and we'll see if he can find a way in or a 5-1 this is minecraft's safest base and of course super quickly if you do end up enjoying the video then please consider subscribing we're on the final stretch to 1 million subscribers and i'd love to get there before the end of the year but i can't do it without your help so please subscribe if you do enjoy but with that said let's get right into the fun to design the most secure base in all of minecraft we have to decide what defenses we're gonna use there are all sorts of defense mechanisms like blaze cannons and chunk bans and i'm gonna go through and rank them before we start building but before we continue because i know this is gonna be asked if the base is so secure how are you gonna get in well there are two very easy solutions one is with the use of a timed ender pearl stasis chamber you may know that using bubble columns you can store an ender pearl and teleport back whenever you want you could set up a hopper clock leave the base and once the clock goes off you're sent back or alternatively and more easily you can just die if you set up an ender chest and put in all of your stuff you can then kill yourself and respawn back at the base where you can access your stuff once again neither are particularly flawless but sacrifices have to be made if you want the safest base in the whole world but without further ado let's look at the defenses the most basic defense in minecraft is the obsidian wall it doesn't get much more standard than this the obsidian wall is sturdy blast proof and is relatively hard to dig through but we can just go around it okay well we can just go over it okay well we can just tunnel under it okay and now we're getting somewhere but we can still mine through it so how about using regenerative walls this design is a classic and it's been around pretty much forever if you set up a cobblestone generator with a piston underneath you can make a wall that fixes itself when broken so whenever someone tries to break in the wall will automatically fill the newly made hole however this design like the previous isn't foolproof for one thing you're vulnerable at the redstone the redstone portion of the build for obvious reasons can't be guarded very easily not to mention you can't make a working roof without a very awkward edge that can be infiltrated quite simply so maybe regenerative walls aren't the way to go well what if the player can't get to the wall in the first place what if we had a moat the moat is the classic defense mechanism and usually you'll find people building giant moats out of lava or some guardian infested water the latter is actually much more effective since you can just use fire resistance on a lava moat but you can also just tower over a guardian moat so that's no good well how about turrets perhaps there is some sort of artillery that can make it close to impossible to approach our base a very commonly used candidate is skeletons or even blazes while blazes can be bypassed using fire res that doesn't stop the skeletons from completely penetrating our intruder that said if you use the super advanced tactic of digging you can get by these guys pretty easily but what if we made a giant void moat using glitches to remove the bedrock we set up a giant canyon that's guarded all the way down to bedrock by skeletons well now it's going to be really difficult to make it in except it won't be if you fly you can just fly on top of the base and break your way in even if it goes to build height in theory you can gather a lot of evokers and have them protect our house however they can eventually be killed or just snuck by using a potion of invisibility which is a fatal flaw of all mob traps how about tnt though if we submerge our obsidian bases in water we can set up tnt cannon dispensers that will periodically set off explosions near our walls so that any player trying to mine them will be pushed around and disrupted combine this with hits of elder guardians giving the player constant mining fatigue and now we have the makings of an almost unreadable base however with enough dedication not even this is impenetrable for instance if you make an obsidian tunnel up to one side of the wall then sponge out the entire area nothing is stopping the tnt from blowing up the dispenser that shot it and then any intruder can have easy access into the base so that doesn't work either ah what's this over here you should probably do that but then i had an idea a glitch that i showcased in one of my previous videos and who knew it would come in handy once again an indestructible end crystal if you don't know you can respawn the dragon using four end crystals however if you log out of the world while the dragon is respawning every end crystal that generated will be indestructible unbreakable and pushable by piston into the overworld and out and around your base granted this would take a ton of work but now we have an obsidian wall covered to the brim by unminable unbreakable end crystals their hitbox protects the blocks behind them making it impossible to break in except intruders can just use the same method that we did if they set up a piston they can pull the end crystal out of the way and mine the obsidian behind it so that's a no-go as well another strategy i had in mind was chunk bans and at first this seems really promising a chunk ban is a device used to permanently kick off anyone from a server by overloading their computer put simply involves making this cursed book full of a bunch of characters and storing it in a dropper and once that dropper dispenses the book it's so demanding for the code that anywhere in the 32 block radius will be automatically banned from the server and so what if you just surrounded your minecraft base with a toggleable chunk van on each side it seems like a pretty good solution to our problem and it is but it isn't foolproof if you shoot an ender pearl over the chunk band you just get to the other unbanned side and if you're wondering why that exists well how is the owner gonna use the base if the whole thing is banned well what if you made a giant wall of blocks that blocks the ender pearls the intruder can just shoot it over the wall at build height we can stack boats above the height limit and block the pearl but the intruder can just fly higher than that it seems like no matter what you do there will always be a counter i mean some players even went as far to develop a wither cannon a cannon that shoots withers at a wall and uses its block-breaking mechanic to break through and since this affects obsidian it's a renewable way to chip at even the most protected walls and once those walls are gone and enderpearl will be a perfect way in with the infinite possibilities that minecraft provides there will always always be a way to get into any base but what about bedrock bedrock houses are what you make in creative to troll your friends and challenge them to get in so why can't we just do the same thing but in survival well that's obvious we can't get bedrock but that's not true in 2020 rey's works a popular minecraft tech youtuber designed this a bedrock item farm granted the setup and patience required is huge however with enough effort this farm can supply you with loads of bedrock that you can place around the world it's a really cool farm and now with a bedrock wall nobody is gonna be mining through our base if you want to be cautious you can make the walls eight blocks thick to prevent chorus fruit users from teleporting in similarly if you set up trapped nether portals inside the base anyone who tries to enter with a portal from the nether will just be locked in when they arrive it's almost perfect almost because using glitches you can just break the top of the bedrock house and suddenly our secure base isn't looking so safe however a smart counter this method will just be building it at height limit if you set up a bedrock base at the top of the world nobody and i mean nobody can get in so yeah maybe making a bedrock box and using a bedrock farm is the best most secure house in minecraft but that answer isn't satisfying a bedrock farm for a huge bedrock base on an old version of the game that would take hundreds of hours there has to be another way and i was almost ready to give up on this idea and for five months i did i didn't think it was possible and scrapped the video but then i saw this a video uploaded a couple of weeks ago by mumbo jumbo making his tiny safe house and yeah while his house isn't insanely defended it does the job and makes a good video but there is one piece of information in the video that's absolutely priceless and allows me to present to you the safest most secure base in all of minecraft this what it's just a regular house well it's a regular house at 27 million x negative 15 million z you see on mumbo jumbo's video he left this pinned comment it's a little disclaimer finished off with the line the only true safe house in minecraft is a hidden one and that's it it's genius it's the reason that the longest lasting base on 2b2t the most dangerous server ever a base which survived for eight years wasn't defended at all it lasted that long because it was hidden it was millions of blocks away from spawn and for a while no one raided it because no one found it it was safe because it was hidden so with that in mind and our truly safest house in all of minecraft let's put it to the test against mithrodek [Music] and point proven it worked while mithradak was able to enter the base relatively easily granted the exit wasn't flawless this base was just a decoy with the real house being just a couple million blocks away and the actual treasure safe and sound no chance he'd be finding that anytime soon making the score 1-0 for the safest house in minecraft but with that said thank you so much for watching please consider subscribing and as always peace out have a good one i'll see you next time i'm glad to be here your first uh epic swag feature like my feature virginity let's not put it like that
Channel: Wifies
Views: 935,910
Rating: 4.9203949 out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, wifies minecraft, build hacks, safest base in minecraft, safe house, safe base, safest base, safest house, minecraft house, minecraft base, minecraft safest base, minecraft safest house, minecraft safe house, minecraft safest house ever, bblocks, unspeakable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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