Minecraft SAFE HOUSE: 10 Minute, 1 Minute, 10 Seconds!

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10 Seconds, 1 Minute, 10 Minutes. It has been a while since I've taken on this challenge and for good reasons, to be honest with you, it's stressful I feel like when I do these 10 second 1 minute 10 minute videos they age me about 3 years (no...) Okay? (Subtitles By CoolAbhi1290, I am down below) I would say the worst one is the one minute challenge just because you're trying so hard to get everything done in one minute It's not very long. But you kind of want to do something decently impressive and just oh it's a nightmare (But fun Mumbo!) it's fun is a fun nightmare, but it's definitely a nightmare with that being said, I've got a really interesting subject for today's video. I'm going to try my best to construct a safe house within these times (giggling) I have a feeling that the 10-second one. Isn't gonna be that safe? Although I am gonna try my best Okay, as you can see, I've got all of my stuff in my inventory here So now it's just a case of placing it very very quickly. You ready? 3 2 1 Go! Okay, so we need blocks like this. We need the blocks going around the top of the door We need our sign and our button. We also need a button on the inside there, blocks here blocks here and there (too fast Mumbo!) Was that it? Did I mean it's it's a bit of a mess. I feel like I might have pulled that off though.. I did (Good job mumbo) I actually did. How.. how did I even do that? (laughing) So le-, so let me give you a quick tour then so here we have here we have the gorgeous frontage. I think you'll agree it's stunning shape of the house is... Um, it's modern art. (You need to go to school mumbo...) I would describe it as being modern art, it's it's it's not you know, it's not conventional its quirky Alright, and if we just if we pop inside here You can see that there's not much walking space and the carpet (is there a carpet?) isn't the best but it does have defense So you open the door you swing your sword out the door It works. Look, we've got a warning sign above the door - just making people aware that you mean business I would say we've nailed it. Now on to the one minute challenge, and this, this is the one that keeps me up at night Because I always seem to be a little bit too ambitious with my one-minute challenges and they're always almost impossible to do within the time that I've given my self okay, and and today is no different because I- The idea that I've come up with it's so ridiculously ambitious Alright, so I don't even know if it's gonna be possible. Let's just give it a go, shall we? In three two one Go. Okay. So my idea is and it is very ambitious is to have some pop-up little Fire charge firers and as you can tell I'm concentrating so hard that I can't even think (about) what I'm doing (stop talking) But I've come up with this nice design. I think will look quite cool. Okay, so that's that that's that. All right Oh, we need the dispensers. Oh Oh (WhAt Is HapPpenInG To tHe TiME?) How could I forget the dispensers? All right, so that goes there and that goes there and then there and then there and then we need that block back All right. Okay. Okay. We need the redstone dust on top of these. We need a redstone torch on the back of this oh my word, I'm like- I'm shutting down my whole my whole brain is beginning to shut down as I'm trying my best to build all of this as fast as humanly possible Okay, I can make it through that door. Okay this is where the safe house is actually going to be and then and then our bed is going to go up at the top here and are we gonna make it I Think I did it! (Nice job) [Gibrish] I think I actually just managed to do that (laughing) Just about My brain during that clip.. I can't wait to watch that back. I don't even know what I sounded like.. Awful I sounded awful. I speak. like this. when. I'm trying my best. do you think things through and do things fast It's like I cut off all my words before I finish saying them. It's bizarre. Anyway, safe house looks good Doesn't it for a one-minute build isn't half bad if we pull up to the top we can pop inside interior needs a little bit work (a-lot-of-work), but our defense Is actually pretty smart so those pistons they drop down revealing dispensers Which shoot out fire charges anyone who is walking past our base or anyone trying to get inside it which I gotta say I think is pretty cool And obviously we can sleep in the bed and if we want to leave this place We just hit that button right there drop down and we have popped out of our little iron door Not bad and actually quite cool looking One minute, 60 seconds. I managed to build that with functioning redstone. I'm well chuffed with that I am I am so so pleased that I managed to pull that off Anyway now it is time for the slightly more relaxed But also always more impressive 10 minute structure and 3, 2, 1, let's go! Okay, so I'm actually going to take some inspiration from the previous design for this build (😒) but instead of having dispensers, I thought we would have a slightly more living and slightly more targeted attack I'm thinking we put zombies inside this thing Renamed sworded up and also potioned up zombies and I have totally just built that double piston extender in the wrong place Not a good start. Right, this is a little bit more like it So all of our zombies are going to be chilling out in this area right here if we hit the button Then all of that concrete powder will pop upwards Looking good. That's how it's going to be as default And then when we want it to attack someone that's when we release them using a button That's obviously not going to be down there. Yeah. I've got to rewire that but before we do I want to build the thing that's going to be sending us up into the house and by sending us I Mean launching us. We're going to be fired up into our safe house making use of this little slime block launcher here So if you have a stone button That is perfectly good enough I wonder if we should do something extra with that because we don't want we don't want anyone who we don't want using it to Be able to use it and this seems like a pretty smart way to go So if I just finish that up then if we place a redstone torch here. Oh That almost worked oh this is this is perfect (wow-noises) look so if we place in a redstone look at this That is fantastic, so we stand here place the redstone torch get launched upwards redstone torch gets broken by the slime launcher itself I'm a big fan of that design does does this function so I've added in the inputs for our Dispensers these potion dispensers. And also I've added in the input for this piston door That's cool so that potion of lingering is going to affect our zombies They're gonna shooting out with strength and swiftness, which will be interesting when we flick the lever again Everything closes up. I couldn't be happier now going around the edges We need to have some form of border wall System to a) keep all the zombies in place when our player ends up in here But also more importantly b) we want to funnel the players through now I'm thinking we have some form of piston door Once again out the front here with some form of security involved now that security isn't going to be anything particularly crazy It's just going to be a hopper minecart underneath the floor that will hopefully pick up our items Yeah, okay, that's brilliant and we're going to take a comparator output from this hopper right here And we're going to run that through into this this little sticky piston with a fence post on top I think I was over complicating things. I was gonna do hipster doors and all that stuff We don't have time for that during this worth making a mini moat I feel like it's worth making a mini moat or at least a trough I'm gonna call this a trough how many blocks is that? Five? Okay, that's perfect Let's place the water in we are already running a long time. I haven't started work on the house yet And for some reason I really want to make this trough look good under what like this is time being wasted to the maximum Oh, well, I'm happy I did it it now looks quite cool. So if we fill this in with water Up to this level here That means that any player who jumped in there isn't going to be able to make it over the top of the grass (Can't they just break the BLOCK???) But if we get ourselves some soul sand Please tell me this works how I imagined it. We get some soul sand, please Soul sand is not as powerful. Oh it's not as powerful as I thought this is ah, no that's a real spanner in the works I was gonna have it toggle So it was only up when the the door was open and then it would close up so players would get stuck in there but that's..ahh.. (disappointment noises) Thankfully I have come up with a smart solution though. If we just place this redstone across like this This piston is extended no player is going to be able to get out of the water but if we throw an item on top of this block right here our fence post drops down and Then we can make our way out. Okay, some delay is needed adding berries around your house It is a must-have feature of all safe houses post minecraft 1.14 I'll let it slide for before Minecraft 1.14 because berries didn't exist But afterwards you can't not have them I thought I should probably work on the interior of this place considering we've done absolutely None of that so far and we really are running out of time. So What do we do I guess put some windows in Up at the top here and I'm gonna just go for white concrete for all the walls because that makes life easy I will be the first person to admit that this place feels a little bit claustrophobic and cramped. Ok Yeah, I'm aware of that. But we are We don't have enough time to extend it. Let's get some light in here Oh gosh, that's made it worse if I was the add potion shooters up here, how far would they go? That is about perfect as we have a little bit of time left I thought would be cool to add in something to do with TNT in this water area So I think if we're operating this system here, obviously we're running away from someone So we should activate the TNT dispensers behind us and that was super simple It's now been completed and now time is up and I am so pleased with what we managed to do Not only is this house really cool-looking (agreementations please) But also it's filled with features if we take a look We throw an item down on here Opens up our door and then we are able to leave our little watey moat that we've created right here obviously if we didn't have that then we'd be stuck down there which is going to be bad news because Well redstone torch keys also activates TNT dispensers in there that are going to cause you quite a bit of damage now if we pop inside the actual safehouse itself Should have used wooden buttons. You live and you learn We have also got some Potion dispensers which are going to shoot out other players and after quickly adding in some zombies when we flick this lever, right Here that will activate our double door out the front and it will also give all of these zombies plenty of good potion effects which means that if we were to go into survival mode, I mean Okay, hadn't thought of the fact that it is daytime. Alright, okay. So those zombies are on fire currently Which you know, I'm gonna count as a weapon. They they cook their fire aspect zombies. Okay that Hmm. Okay fine. So I guess you know if I if I had more time Probably would have been smart to put some form of roof over the top of this thing to stop my zombies from burning up But what can I say? All of this was constructed within a 10 minute time period and that is something to be proud of Anyway, I really do hope that you enjoyed this video and I will catch you again in the next one. See ya Have you noticed that recently? So I've been thinking about changing up my outro words, you know, the thanks for watching guys it's been Mumbo and I'm out See you later. I've been I've been trying to change up and it's been so inconsistent all over the place I kind of like halfway get through the sentence without knowing what I'm going to say at the end that it's just a mess I apologize Subtitles by CoolAbhi1290, I am in the description!
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,812,518
Rating: 4.9281483 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: r1V7w2ReWIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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