9x9 Piston House in Minecraft 1.16

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/suicidesandwich 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
today we're going back to the olden days in June of 2019 I built this little thing it's a nine by nine piston house it has some interesting redstone contraptions and all my goodness Bob's escaped oh these armor stands are not wearing their armor properly this is always meant to work but despite some of the oddities that happened from updating a world that's come from 2015 and this thing is filled with a bunch of small redstone contraptions and just little things that we have dotted around that make this house a little bit more interesting than it first looks from the outside now this build although it's nothing particularly special has a bit of a soft spot for me because it was one of the first piston houses that I ever posted on my youtube channel people loved it people got really excited about it and I've been building them ever since and I thought would be fun to go back in time and kind of recreate this thing but with modern redstone technology let's seize first let's build up the show and that is absolutely gorgeous now this is the most standard looking minecraft house I think I've ever seen in my entire life but I thought I would stick with the original design that we started off with now another idea that I'm going to take from the original is the idea that the door is not actually the door I stand on the pressure plate thinking is going to open the door and instead it opens the wall now of course when this was originally created that was a difficult thing to do you know to build up some form of hipster door we didn't have observers or anything like that it was actually quite tough so the door itself was only a little 1 by 2 thing whereas now around 2020 we have a bunch of new redstone components we can go a tiny bit bigger I'm thinking at least this big it would peak mmm no that actually looks a bit weird I would say that's that just looks larious unfortunately I can't say I'm the one who designed this hipster door initially that I used to build hipster doors all right and when I used to build them they used to be they used to be obviously massive you know there'd be huge motherboard looking things and that was cool that was what was good back in the day whereas nowadays they've reached the point where just look at this look look at this thing it could fit in your back pocket and it's designed by reverse gravity I'll put a link to it down description now hopefully this should be everything linked up I've got my pressure plate got a T flip-flop running into the hipster door design and if I walk over this thing we should the whole left side of the house gets removed so we can walk in nice and easily and then when we leave the house you just have to walk over the pressure plate and everything will close up behind us this this is it's brilliantly pointless isn't it that is brilliantly pointless now on to something that isn't totally pointless I want to create a super smarter system now this is something that we did have in the original but I mean I wouldn't really call it a super smelted to be honest with you it was just a few hoppers running into some furnaces and it basically allowed you to do a double chest into two furnaces so you smelt the things twice as quickly is there that's not really a super smelter what I want to do is I want to create a proper fully working super smelter we put our unmelted items in on this side they then get taken down put it into a furnace array and then we get all of the items back out in this chest here now I think to extract the items nice and quickly and also get them into our furnaces I'm going to make use of a hop a minecart so that hop a minecart is going to go back and forth it's going to pick up the items from the chest and it's going to drop them evenly evenly distribute them into all of the furnaces now I'm not entirely sure how many furnaces we have but it's definitely more than two this is going to be a much more efficient system than we had originally and I think I'm on the finishing touches of the redstone now so I've got the item elevator which is going to be sending the output items into this chest right here I've got the pickup system obviously I think I just need to add in this little redstone line right here which will make it so that our minecart isn't constantly going back and forth and it should have a little bit of a pause to pick up items up at the top and then when it's empty it will stay there but if it's filled it will fill up with items and then move on that all sounds pretty good in theory let's give it a tester he goes tiny bit nervous now but I'm going to place a bunch of cobblestone into here and then when I hit the button that is going to send a little hop of minecart off and well that is that's a good look all of the furnaces are on all of them seem to have fairly similar amounts of I mean has that worked first time I mean it certainly looks like it has all the stone is flowing in from the item elevator and is flowing in a decent rate this is not bad that's quite a simple little system and it looks it looks really cool in the corner here you wouldn't know that there's so much redstone behind it so I would say that's a pretty huge success it's all worked well and I thought I would some item frames into the floor just so we know what all the buttons do and I've also added in a button so that we can actually close the door from the inside of the house because otherwise you can have a pretty huge draft aren't you I mean that is yeah that's it you'd need a quite a big draft excluder to stop the wind from coming in through that I'm sure about 85% of my audience doesn't actually know what a draft excluder is can't wait to see the Google Trends on that one anyway all drafts aside we still have plenty more redstone to do there's something very strange going on with the lighting in this room not the lighting goes from light level 9 to light level zero in a block and it looks very very strange anyway I was reading through the comments of my 2015 I'm my 9 piston house and a lot of the people were saying quite rightly I didn't have a bed and that means that you know there's there's there are very few requirements for a house but I would say a bed definitely is one of them so I've got that installed and you can actually sleep in this thing if you jump and right-click on it but I think we can do something a little bit more redstone II all right well this lighting thing just got even weirder look this has got daylight on it and it's still pitch-black it also seems to affect any hole that I punch in the floor here this is very wick this is really weird I think my 9 by 9 piston house has a haunted floor you know what the hauntings are actually moving to other areas okay because I built up a system that works in theory but it doesn't work in practice that I hit the button and I should get pushed up with this block that should all work should be up by my bed but instead I don't I I get pushed off the edge and I think it's because the don't listen extender is a little bit too fast and I don't think there's any way that I can slow it down which is a bit of a bummer I actually think it's sort of speed is to do with the the pulsing of the pistons because this machine is actually faster this new setup is way faster but the Pistons stay extended whereas the previous double piston extender have lots of kind of one take pulses and things like that and I think that just messes with the game and allows you to drop through blocks which is a little bit strange but anyway this system is now working we can go back and forth between our bedroom layer and that looks pretty smooth doesn't it now we're starting to run very low in terms of redstone space and ability to put in redstone contraptions but there's one redstone contraption that we absolutely require that's an armor equipping station and I love the idea of slotting it in behind this area but that could be that could be a challenge I think by moving around the way this super smelter powers it's powered rails we might have been able to create a space in the floor for a dispenser which means that we can actually yes I mean that will work however I kind of not want to stop there I mean this this works this is this is as simple as it gets in terms of armor equipping stations but I'm thinking we could probably take we can take an output from this dropper right here we can detect that using an observer and then we can send out a redstone signal through into another thing which will allow us to potentially do something a bit fancier because I like making life difficult for myself don't I I can't just stop at the easiest solution right I see if this daft idea works and so the idea is is that this is a quick kit system if I die I can respawn by my bed quickly drop down here hit this button get fully kitted back out with my tools and my armor and run off to get my items and that has actually worked that is product which I'm very very surprised by as you could probably tell everything is going far too smoothly with this build I'm waiting for something catastrophic to happen and on that note I'm now making a backup next phase of the design it is kind of like the main armory so this this area here is all kind of for show where is the actual armory which is going to be this drop-down section right here it's going to house a lot of the resources that are stored in this base and also it houses a lot of the valuable things because this is a kind of slightly hidden slightly secret part of the base I have built so many flying machines in my time and yet I have so little confidence that they work all right I'm like I'm 50% I'm 50/50 as to whether or not this thing's going to function stuff like this leave it here and that looks pretty good and that is a deep harmony I mean we can fit all sorts of resources in here okay and then if I activate our Veit I've done I've booked it it's been it's been so long since I've used the term balked and I've missed it yeah I'm gonna use it a lot more often from now on now that our armory system is unbooked all the redstone should now be working I've put some time into filling it in with chests and put in the end chests in place and getting all of the useful things in here and I've got to say this is really really cool isn't it the fact that we have this drop-down floor and then you have access to all these items I kind of want one of these on the hermit craft server and I know I know I say that in pretty much every single redstone video okay but this just look at this there you go so that is the armory all opened up hit the barn over here and that is the armory all closed away I mean that is just that's like a childhood dream right that is a childhood dream eight-year-old me which as we go crazy right now so I thought before we start heading down stairs and things I should probably finish up the error up here and I've found a nice benefit of our little drop down wall here lit so we have an indoors dining area and then if the weather's nice you know you want to have some outdoors dining you just remove your wall I want this in real life that seems like it'll be incredibly handy now I've set myself a bit of a challenge here okay I really want to make a to wide drop down staircase in this area but here's the issue okay obviously I have no space in this direction I was having no space in this direction so I'm very very limited with where I can go with this I can build some redstone out the side here and obviously I can go underneath as well but it's gonna be tricky I think I have an idea or strategy of how I could do this so I've got this little slime block slab right here and by that I don't mean like an actual half slab I mean a slab of slime blocks and then around there I'm attaching parts of the staircase and I've got these sticky pistons right here and I'm hoping that I should be able to extend that slab upwards and then extend these Pistons to push those blocks up and then retracting the blocks and then retract everything downwards to kind of create our staircase should be simple but I don't know I mean I seem to have completed square one and square one is the difficult things yep there we go so that is flush with the floor that's all good and then when I think believe ER again that is it that whit that's actually worked I think that's like the fourth time I've said that in today's video and I've said it in exactly the same way every single time I keep being surprised that my own redstone contraptions are actually functioning they seem to be functioning first time quite a bit which is concerning honestly because that never never happens I'm still waiting for something catastrophic to happen to make up for all of the first times that I've had hopefully it's not right now no there we go so we've got ourselves a staircase and then if we do it again we have ourselves a flat ground I mean that actually functioned that functions really nicely and gives us plenty of space as well for the build that we actually want to do in this area this is this is a cool little design I mean it definitely isn't compact it is not compacting the slightest although no it's not no there's no there's no getting around it is huge it's absolutely I was gonna try and make excuses for the size of it but no it's absolutely enormous but it does work well and I'm sure the concept can be taken and made a lot more compact by someone far far smarter than me so just put a little bit of time into creating this little room here that goes off the edge of our staircase we walk down into this zone and I'm thinking in terms of things that happen in here nowadays all you really need a villages like villages will allow you to get tools they allow you to get food they allow you to obviously get emeralds they are to get pretty much everything that you could possibly need so I think we should probably set up some form of small village a trading Hall in here now this design is going to make use of the double carpet method so we can stack all of these villages next one another they're not going to path fine to each other's points of interest and they're not going to be able to move because they don't think they can move because they're standing on top of carpet and they don't see combat as being a full block because they're morons I mean imagine being stood on a carpet and just pin oh well I'm not I'm stuck here for life now this is this is me but with these guys in place and all hooked up to their points of interest there are all the different types of villages and things we've got a small storage system and then the chests I think that's what we need in this area here and I think that's all we need in this 9 by 9 piston house I mean we've crammed we've grabbed a lot of stuff into this area and we've got hidden staircase systems and hook up that button that I that is so embarrassing as always saying we have hidden staircase systems which actually do work now that the button is connected up we've got hidden armory systems that have all sorts of resources underneath them and they pop back up out of the floor this is still one of my favorite redstone contraptions in the build we've got armor equipping stations which can ask Foley kitted out and also fully kitted out with all the kit that we need we have micro elevators which take us up to the bedroom and take us down from the bedroom we've got super smeller systems which actually are super smelters I mean there's tons of furnaces underneath the through there and most importantly we have got walls that fold away instead of doors because everybody knows that doors are rubbish all in all I would say this is a huge upgrade on the original nine by nine piston house than I made five years ago I'm very proud of this thing I'm also pretty proud of the original I I just have a soft spot for that design but anyway I do hope that you've enjoyed this redstone video I'm looking very very fancy and on that note I'm out see you later in fact I'm very curious I'm really curious how many of you actually remember watching that video when it released now is now got a bunch of you so I'm sure there's some people who subscribe to me from that video but I wanna know who was there when the video released because I would have been maybe a 600,000 subscribers back then I mean it's a long time ago I was still living I was still living at home from the parents
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,295,442
Rating: 4.9660449 out of 5
Keywords: 9x9 Piston House in Minecraft 1.16, 9x9 Piston House, Piston House, Piston House in Minecraft, House in Minecraft, Piston House in Minecraft 1.16, House in Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft 1.16, first piston house, Minecraft house, complicated redstone contraptions, redstone contraptions, old school redstone, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo Jumbo redstone, Mumbo minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Minecraft
Id: 4b1ZlgvBBFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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