I Made a House Using 1 of Every Block in Minecraft

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this is every single block in Minecraft that's in the creative menu but this is a very wide range of colors and we're going to try and make a house out of it using just one of every single block I have no idea how to do this this is gonna be a weird-looking house I think the best way to tackle this is to group them into colors and then try and do something with them oh boy I have a feeling this isn't going to end well so let's put them into little groups shall we so obviously none of them are exactly the same color I've just grouped them roughly into the Reds the oranges the blues the purples that kind of thing so I can see them a bit easier and use them together but something happened I put down the redstone block right next to the only block that would actually cause some damage the TNT out of the early two I caused some damage anyway let's get on with this house okay so now we've got them all in there rough colors I still have no idea what to do especially with colors like this and with the blues and even the oranges I oh man okay so let's start off with the easy bit so we're gonna make the walls out of something that's not so bright like this that's the Browns and the grays and then we'll take it from there we but by using the normal log and then the full log we actually have two with the same texture so they look like the same block so let's start off by making the sides of the house the pillars using these that's I think that's a really good start now I can't make this house too big because there really aren't enough blocks to make this happen so even though every single frame is going to be different at least they're at least they're all wood this I'm not gonna lie this is probably going to be really awful to look at I've left a space for a window there I'm not sure if this is gonna work that works as a window and then I can add a couple of the fences there kind of it kind of looks like a wall it looks like a messy wall but it looks like a wall the real question is what do you do with these the glazed terracotta a tale they're just gonna have to be part of the floor I think anything too colorful that's just gonna have to be part of the floor I got no space for it with some things we can actually do something clever so outside the house there could be a potted plant here and then if I can I can actually take two of the different leaves and oh yeah take two the different leaves and make a little plant I mean this this house doesn't look like much but we'll get there and I've even thought of a way to use the red blocks I'm gonna try and use these red blocks to make a fireplace I'm not able to make this house too high anyway so this will work out quite well but this is basically just a random assortment of stuff there you go that's that's the chimney that's where the chimney is gonna go now with this one the only thing I need to not do is put it next to the redstone block which is down there so I think we should safely put this here yep we're just gonna keep that there so we can use some of these green blocks to make some of the outside look a bit more fresh and well green now when you get to the roof that's when you start encountering quite a lot of difficulties because there's actually only a few slabs available and a handful of staircases so even if I wanted to kind of start this off and make a nice little a-frame I'll get like five blocks in and then I'll run out of blocks so maybe there's enough to just get the highlight of the front I can make them meet just about I need it I need another block put those in the middle there we go we've actually got a roof front now we've got to figure out how we're actually going to fill this up we're rapidly running out of blocks I'm trying to keep all of the different colors together as much as I can but seeing as I'm running out very very quickly I'm not sure how this is gonna work and I've probably used the same one twice as well cuz I'm not doing a very good job of keeping track Hey look the front of that looks okay just need to fill in one more block there we go it's it's not pretty but it's recognizable as a house and now I just need to fill in the actual roof part of it this is this is the this is not going so well look run out of brown pretty much it I ran out of gray like I could put these in there but I don't know if I really want lots of sparkles in the roof is very distracting I'm gonna have to do it going to have to do it I'm gonna have to use a different color to fill in the rest of this roof so it's gonna be two-tone and these two to the glaze terracotta floor I think it's probably gonna be the worst part of this entire thing we can even add some little bits of interior like a chest we got some staircase blocks so we can try and finish this I guarantee you they'll be there'll be at least one person that looks at this house and says better than my house better than anything I could build I'd come on I don't I don't think so I think even a dirt house is better than this monstrosity oh my goodness there's a certain charm to it though there is a certain a weird charm to it it's this dude all this house screams it screams I tried I try and it's true I really I really am trying I'm trying my best to make this into something worth living in but it's not easy I've even tried to put like details in like that there's a puff of smoke puffs of smoke coming out of the chimney all consistency has gone out of the window now like there's just straight-up holes in the wall and it's made out of all kinds of colors I I've just simply run out of materials yeah I'm just gonna have to stick a little bit of yellow in here now like that this is all falling apart well we have most of the house made I probably could have made this a bit bigger in fact we've actually got so many of these more detail he kind of blocks that we might be able to make a little bit of a detail here to create like a little dormer that goes over the top I think I think that works and then I don't know what I don't know what to do with this this this this box a bit too bright colorful we're side by side in a way in the collection of things that don't fit right that's an asset that's a nice little detail can make this look a bit more farmy on the outside and I think that's what we're gonna have to do with a lot of these blocks is basically just turn this into a farm just try and tone this into some weird-looking grass and it looks like a patch of vegetation maybe but if you've got a problem with that you might have a problem with the bright multicolored roofs so I think that's probably the least of our worries and now we're gonna find somewhere for these other bits as well slime block definitely not sure I mean we can add the Terra Cotta to our fourth floor is actually coming together rather nicely our multicolored hideous floor so here in those emerald block this is one of the ones that sticks out I think this may have to go in the collection yeah we'll stick that in the collection of ugly blocks along with the kelp there and you know and the slime don't know what to do with them put them in put them in the pile or hidden away inside of the house but we don't have to because there's some things that would actually work as a proper interior I do actually want to try and make a proper interior here so we can have a shelf with an oval on top and we've got a lot of the decoration blocks that we will be using right here we can do another shelf and then a jukebox up there okay so what are we gonna do with all of these blue blocks they're really gonna mess up the house so what I was thinking well we could use that we could put that up there there we go we've got like a another vent chimney thing anyway what we gonna do with all these I think we are going to have to try and make a fake swimming pool I genuinely believe that's probably the only way we can use this or a pond of summertime the pond will make a tiny swimming pool we're trying to fill these up with all of the ones that make sense first like the ice ices then the glasses and see what we get I think we're probably gonna have to try and hide the diamond block that's gonna go in the in the collection there we go I really man this makes me upset yep this is our swimming pool and we can just put this down one block and then I can add away into the swimming pool yeah you use your a bit of your imagination and I'm sure you can see the swimming pool diving board I can do a diving board here with the random blue glass that I've got man I don't know I don't even know what this this is this is bad this is there's no other word for this this is just bad maybe I'm gonna have to use these purple blocks and to be honest with you I don't know what I would do with these purple blocks otherwise I need to put these as the rest of the pool entrance it's thought it actually kind of does look like a swimming pool it's at least the right shape I'm left with a bunch of random blocks that I don't really know what to do with stuff like this I can put on the side of here to be like a little wall but then lapis lazuli or the problem with Minecraft is you build a lot with these blocks the the woods and your stones and stuff but when it comes to the weirder blocks like the slime and yet your lapis lazuli or like you just don't use these for building too often so I've got quite a lot left over and I'm gonna have to think of something to do with these these can go into my nice lovely garden over here the jack-o'-lantern that can go maybe one here and one here that's that's just for my garden but I'm gonna have to really think hard about what I can do with all this leftover blocks I'm gonna have to make a shed just something and I think this is the last terracotta and that completes our hideous flooring kind of actually running out of space for all the random junk that needs to go in here this looks like a shed itself right we've got to try and make one more building out of all of this junk right here this is kind of coming together not too happy with it but you know it's it's not it's not the worst thing in the world it's definitely a space to use up the rest of these blocks this physically hurts this this hurts this hurts my build a soul there we go there's the shed I've done the best I can does actually look like a little shed that goes with this house it's just very very bright see I couldn't have stored just everything in here but it's all it's all gonna fit there we are it's done that is every single block in Minecraft used to make a house there it is yes you can see there are none left and this is the result this is awful this is really bad but I would really love to see how other people do this challenge because it's not easy this is this was a real challenge to put anything together at all let alone I'm surprised that this even looks like a house at all I'm surprised that it even resembles a house remotely there's hot there's like holes in it and you know there's this thing here this is probably the biggest downfall this is meant to be a swimming pool but it didn't didn't really end up looking like that but you kind of get it look that there's a bit of like there's some pathway dirt here there's there's even a potted plant we've got our garden round the side here now I know I haven't used absolutely every single item but every single hard block like these have been used with the exception of like all of these doors I mean I could just put all of these doors and if you want but then just they'll just be like that there's no real point so I haven't used absolutely every single item that I have used every single block in the game like grass pumpkin all that stuff and I could even you know have that sugar cane as well that's in there and there's there's very few things that haven't been used like maybe there's conduit okay maybe I haven't maybe not every single thing like you know I haven't for example put every single sapling in but again this isn't like a hard block but I can I could easily put these in just around the house but yeah I can just decorate the house with all of these saplings and job done it even looks like it there you go and of course I don't know what we would do with every color bed but there's there's got to be a bed in here somewhere hasn't there bush there we go I think we've done it I think this is I think this is as good as it's gonna get I challenge you to try and make a house out of every single block and also try not to miss any like I clearly have I've clearly missed some of the more obscure ones like oh yeah I haven't done every single button like they're not they're not they're just not that important although I can totally just add the buttons here that's where I put them on these on the side of the house there we go all the buttons are added I feel like I did I missed like most of the Redstone components but they would they would pretty much just go and go into storage here there we go yeah I definitely have missed a couple Hey look I got the door there we go yeah see that's why I didn't use the saplings cuz they they grow there we go this is the hideous result of every single block in the game being used to make one house and you know what I don't think it's too bad it's definitely the worst thing that I've ever made but I think I've just proved that it's possible and if you can do better I would be really really interested to see what you come up with however if if you have to resort to this where you store all the weird blocks I I won't judge you and I hope you don't judge me because this is this was this was a lot harder than I thought so thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this weird and wonderful video of knacks of mixing and matching all of the different kinds of blocks and I look forward to seeing what other people come up with with this this weird challenge so thank you very much for watching and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,190,241
Rating: 4.9404025 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, 1 of every block
Id: zLsiECmrg-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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