What Minecraft Dungeons SHOULD Look like!

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minecraft has definitely evolved over the years and along with it it's generated structures we've seen the introduction of villages temples fossils and then they've even gone back and remade some of them one thing that has remained the same though for over ten years is the minecraft dungeon the simple box with a spawner in has remained untouched and unchanged for so long that it feels like it may be lagging behind compared to some of its more complex cousins so in this video I'm going to remake and redesign the classic minecraft dungeon to see if it can be improved but trying to keep its original feel now finding a minecraft dungeon to me is a little bit like finding diamonds it's always comes when you least expect it and it's always a bit of a pleasant surprise because of all the loot you can get and I don't want to change that I don't want to make them into strongholds I want to create a dungeon that is a similar size but offers more of a challenge and looks better than a box with mossy cobble in so instead of just showing you the design of the dungeon I thought we could go through what it would look like if you came across this in survival so I'm out here in a cave and this is what the entrance to the dungeon looks like and it's very very similar to the vanilla dungeon you can see though that there are some big differences one is a little bit bigger so if we come in here with some torches ow you notice that you actually get hit by a couple of arrows and if you stay here you're gonna get repeatedly hit by them so the first thing I've added is a builder a hallway which is indeed trapped by these dispensers so there's only a few hours in them but if you're clever enough you can just take these away and I've actually got a bit of armor on here to protect myself so they do actually do quite a bit of damage so you can either break the string before you go in or take the arrows taking the arrows would probably be wiser so if you run in here you can then light this up and then you come to the second part of my proposed improved dungeon and this is the bit where the actual spawner isn't this is a zombie dungeon so you can see where we've come across these iron bars if I break these then they all tried to come for me and I would have it so that more of these come out because these will actually run through and they're more likely to do a bit of damage to you so the key is to get in here and to light it up to disable the spawner altogether so this is more like your traditional spawn of room however there's a couple of cells here now these are supposed to be for where the zombies live or broke out and then you've got the spawner in the middle so the actual texture is the same we've got some cobblestone and mossy cobblestone but we've also got this mysterious door now if we open it that is where the loot is is actually in a final room so you've got to make your way all the way through each part of the dungeon you start off by going through the trapped hallway then you destroy or break or disable the spawner and then you get the reward but there's obviously some cobwebs here now this is to stop you just running in and grabbing what's evans in the chest because obviously this is just the flick of a lever and then you could run in and state take it but the cobwebs stop that altogether so this is the design but I've actually got quite a few more to show you so this one here is obviously our original dungeon this is what mob spawners look like in the game currently and yeah you get a random spawner and a couple of boxes of loot not the best in the game to be honest with you it's a bit outdated but I've actually created six variations of my design for the game in general so if we take a look at this these are all the mobs that I've covered we've already gone over the zombie dungeon but I've also added a skeleton husk for the desert stray for the ice areas and spider and drowned each of them have a different dungeon so the zombie one we've already seen we've got our dispensers with arrows and then we've got our area at the end where we then go to get the loot and we can't get in because of the cobwebs the Redstone behind this is very very simple so the lever activates there so go down here and retracts the Pistons so you could even get a little bit of redstone if you decided to raid one of these dungeons but the main thing that I want to talk about is that I wanted to keep these dungeons the same roughly the same size and shape and feel hopefully I've done that with the whole texturing of the mossy cobble and the cobblestone and I just wanted to make it a little bit more of a challenge so let's look at some of the variations that I've also come up with the skeleton one is very very similar to the zombie one it's also got the dispenser traps but in here instead of cells what we've got is these little pocket areas here now the idea is that skeletons will spawn in these areas as well as the main chamber so they produce a bit more of a threat when you walk in you'll be battling these and these guys will be firing at you as well so you've got to get up right close in order to deal with them and then you obviously tackle the mob spawner and then open to get the loop and excuse me sir you're not supposed to be in there so wandering trader not included you can then go ahead and get the loot although I'm guessing he's just gonna leave let's move on and look at some of the other variation shall we so this one is between my skeleton and zombie one this is the Drowned so this would obviously only spawn in the Drowned villages or in the ocean biomes so this one you actually have to swim through obviously and what we've got is a lot of annoying magma that will drag you down it's actually quite difficult to swim in this and it will drag you down and do some damage but if you break through into here these drowns will be spawning in here as well and you've got the spawner so instead of having a redstone area because I obviously really wouldn't work with the with the water we've got buried treasure so you've have you have to go and dig all of the sand out in order to get to it and we'll take a good look at these in a survival world once I've shown you all the designs so let's move on to the next one this is a husk design now this is pretty much exactly the same as the zombie because in my mind the husk is actually just a desert there's not a huge difference between them except the HUS can survive in light so I just retexture the dungeon it's all sandstone but exactly the same premise altogether instead of gravel it's sand so there's probably not a lot to talk about other than I think this one personally looks a little bit nicer so let's move on to the next one which is actually got a little bit of a different design so you see all of these are pretty much the same shape retexture but this one has an area above it this one is the spider dungeon and it's actually got a lot of course dirt and dirt in it we have got the dispenser traps in here as well and we've got a lot of cobwebs so the spawner is not in the middle for the spider dungeon it is actually up on the ceiling you know spiders like to climb up walls and stuff so this one is a little bit of a different design because if you want to get up to it you've got to go at least two blocks to break it or to add the lights in it so it should present a bit more of a challenge as the spiders will spawn and drop down and you can't just run straight through and get to the reward because there's cobwebs everywhere and you've got to break those in order to get to the chests as well but this presents a bit of a different challenge and I really think that there probably could be different traps here as well they don't all have to be dispenser ones these just have the most minimal redstone and remember you've got to be really careful when designing these sort of generated structures not to give too many resources away and the final design is one for the stray which is only found in the tiger or snowy Tundra biome so again dispense a trap these actually hurt and will probably hurt you each time because you honestly I've had a good play with these and I just forget that they're there every single time although you can see the string a lot more easily here so instead of bars we've got ice if you break through you can see that the chests are also encased in ice and we've got the pockets for the strays in here as well so it's very similar to the skeleton dungeon obviously just themed around the ice and if you think you can just run through and break this down no it's actually encased in ice you've got to spend a little bit of time now I obviously know that you can just go mining around the dungeon break this block here and you've got your loot fairly easily and I didn't even have to go through any of the challenges that I presented that has been the case for over 10 years so I just need to assume that people will take on dungeons the proper way because even on this very early original dungeon I could just break a couple of blocks open this up and the mobs will never ever touch me so this is just something that you have to deal with with the generated structures it's just going to happen people will just mine around the back take the easy way out and get the loot but that's always always always been the case so we just need to assume that people will when they're caving find the entrances and play it properly so now that you've seen all of the designs you haven't actually seen it with the mobs and how it looks when you play it so what we're going to do is have a look at what this looks like in survival and see if we can tackle the dungeons so as you can see we are actually in a desert biome there's even a temple right there but if we dig down into the cave system we will find our new dungeon for the husks never do this at home by the way this this is a really bad idea ah there we go we're into the cave and there is the entrance to our new dungeon so I'm gonna play this in survival as if I am a new player so I can actually see the string here it's a lot more obvious and the husks are coming towards me now I actually forgot to put the barrier in there that's why the berry is there because otherwise the husks would all walk towards you down this corridor and they would trigger the dispensers themselves so if I break that that disables the dispenser and then you run in here and then you just place the torches down to disable the spawner altogether not a lot of husks in that one so I'll right-click that I then get access to the loot which there is none great thanks a lot let's go and check out the next one shall we so this one is by the looks of things the skeleton dungeon we've got ah I told you I forget about these disable the dispensers and then you get over here now there's not actually any monsters here so I might just wait for a few to spawn I think I'm just gonna he's to drool it out there we go and then I take on the victor okay so we've got this down the end we've got oh yeah there's quite a few now so we can go in here and take out these skeletons but there's also the ones firing from the sides oh there is hold on oh my no and while you're taking on that side ah so this is probably the most difficult dungeon to take care of because of the way that the mobs can be difficult to get to you might even need to break it in and get inside here and then or you're basically in a blender and there's one there as well oh man this is that by far the most difficult of all of the dungeons Oh half a heart left so we beat the skeletons and then we open up the reward but you can hello redstone it's in there somewhere so anyway you can tell that this is going to be one of the more difficult ones but there are a few more to show you now this is probably one that you were hoping to see and this is the skeleton one and I'm not gonna forget this time that there are a couple of arrows in there and you can also take these cobwebs these are this is basically free string and once you get in here you'll start hitting all of these cobwebs to make it through and the spiders actually just fall straight down on top of you because obviously that the mob spawn is not down here so you might not know where it is immediately now imagine that I have no idea I might look around be like whoa where did they come from and I'll come back to this I'll start hitting all these cobwebs so that I can get through and then Oh more if they fall down again see this is one of my favourite dungeon designs because you might not realize that the spawner is up there the whole time so you make your way up and then you can light it up and then they will not spawn I think that is a really really cool way to have the spiders come in because it's not immediately apparent that they are there and I've obviously messed up the redstone this one again if to break all the cobwebs and then you get the chests full of nothing but it probably looks something so probably oh no now the next one is the stray so we're obviously caving and we come across this ice cavern which was really cool in fact it might be awesome if all of this stone was actually ice as well that might even be a really cool thing we'll get back to that so the string really stands out here so maybe a different trap is definitely needed for this one because you can really see it the problem with this one is that if you place torches down it's going to melt the ice which is going to make your life very very difficult for this one of course I knew that when I made it but look look at the issue or if the more torches I found the worse it gets an akin fire at me through there so you have to get in here and add the torches in after you've got to be really careful here so you can see that they're all all of these dungeons are slightly different but they present different challenges and you need to know what you're doing on each one or you end up with something like this where you're covered in water and the mobs are just gonna keep on spawning oh man but hopefully you could just get through here you break the ice down and you can get to them you can get to the chest eventually I think this one's really fun because it can really go badly quite quickly with all of this all of this ice and I think the strays hit very hard but yeah look at this mess this is again one of the more challenging dungeons but I like it quite a lot so the last dungeon to show you is the ocean dungeon so this is one that spawns drowns now obviously to get in here you've got to swim down and I'm gonna pretend you know I don't have any enchantments on I'm just your regular player and there's it all of these annoying magma blocks and then you've got the drowns in here as well so yeah you're gonna take some damage there but you might need to in order oh I haven't thought this through high five because the droughts also get caught in the magma and then they will die from that so I haven't thought this through at all so let's just pretend that the magma isn't gonna hurt the drowns which it totally does you make your way in here and then you've probably got to destroy this one because you know unless you've got some sea lanterns or glowstone you're gonna need something different here because torches obviously no use you have got access to oxygen if you stand on the magma blocks but obviously with all of the drowns around that's gonna be a bit more difficult so once you've done that you then head over to the sand you then dig your way - I don't have a shovel you dig your way to the treasure and you've got all of the things that you came here for and then you got to swim out to try and save yourself so each one of these dungeons has a unique challenge the ice one well the ice melts when you place torches with this one there's water everywhere so you can't use torches you've got to use glowstone or sea lanterns with the skeleton ones there are those pockets and with the husk words a little bit like the zombie dungeon either way these are all of the designs based of the very old-school and original dungeon for Minecraft each one of these designs has been thought through some what some of them may have a few flaws it's like like the Drowned one but tell me which one do you like the most do you think this is a good remake of the Minecraft dungeon and would this be awesome to have in the game as a bit more of a challenge than the one we have had for 10 years or are you attached to the very simple mossy cobblestone box thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this video and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 5,662,505
Rating: 4.9079647 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, minecraft dungeon, grian minecraft, transform, what dungeons should look like, minecraft structures
Id: zWABA_HcH4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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