I Built a House Using EVERY Minecraft Block!

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so today's video as you can probably tell by the title is about using every block in minecraft so i thought oh i know a fun intro let's say every single word in the english language but then i googled it and there's 171 476 words in the english language that are currently being used so for example if i said one word per second it would take me over two days straight to to do that so no one wants to see that instead i'll just say one word the most important word subscribe okay let's start the video that was so cheesy now today we're going to be trying to build a house using every single minecraft block now a few years ago this wasn't a very hard challenge but today it is a hard challenge as let's look at how many blocks we have oh oh i made the world in survival mode this how like i was saying look how many blooming blocks we have now it's so many like even modded minecraft didn't have this many blocks years ago so our first challenge is to lay out every single block in this area here it's going to take a while so time lapse yes time lapse now this took 15 minutes just to place all these blocks down and i forgot how many different types of colored blocks and how many just weird blocks there are in minecraft so this is probably going to take a while to sort of like work out how we're going to put all these together also let me explain what i have chosen as blocks and what i've left out so this is a lot of blocks a lot of these are just from the 1.16 update we've had so many added since then but you may notice there's no plants and stuff as i'm not going to class things like this as a block because you know they're just different each time whereas all these ones here they're all consistent with how they look whereas plants they get placed in different sections of the block but i will probably be using some of them at some point for example things like bamboo i quite like using but i'm looking at this and i'm kind of freaking out because i just kind of don't know where to start probably going to have to build a colorful house inside it's going to have to be pretty colorful we're going to have to have like a never parcel room with all these dark blocks here i think and the way i'm going to do this is i'm going to pick a block out of here and then remove it like so and then i'll use the block and that's how i know that i've used that block so by the end all of this will be gone so i guess we better get started by building the exterior of this house oh no right let's think let's think so actually i didn't actually get started on the actual house yet whatsoever instead i've just started building up the terrain which may not look like a lot right now but soon you'll see we start to add quite a lot of stuff in including these sort of like mountain area here and we actually might use up a decent amount of blocks doing this i added in some mushrooms some plants some trees lots of different types of trees we've got to use every single type of wood plus a few little mini areas like this little seat here and we've got a little sort of weird section at the front as well and it's looking quite nice if i do say so myself we've got a lot of color in here as you can see we've got the granite path which i've actually used some brown mushroom blocks i think that fits really nicely with this sort of texture here i've never really done that before but i like that up here we've got a bit of pods of course dirt we've got some andesite in here i've like terraformed all around the side of this as well to try and make it look a bit nicer so that's used a fair amount of blocks we've got some bee hives here some bee nests in the trees some like little red stained glass white stain gray stained glass over here underneath the water we've got mossy cobblestone gravel bedrock shroom lights we've used acacia these are all the uh dead coral blocks over here i've used every single one of those plus some basalt plus even smithing tables and just like literally just used everything over here it's kind of crazy how many blocks you've managed to cram into this one place but i think it's looking good at the moment and i was like okay we've we've done a lot of blocks here we've probably used up at least half of them no we've barely used any of them oh my gosh i'm freaking out i am freaking out there's so many blocks here i don't know what to do with the ball i uh i guess we better get started a a yeah okay well let's move on up to here where we're gonna build a house and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make sure i leave enough space to double layer the walls inside this house and we're gonna try and use as many blocks as we can oh it's gonna be a challenge but hey that's the whole point this is a challenge also i truly hate these guys okay okay let's get started so many blocks ago so obviously we can use a lot of blocks on the interior of this thing but we also need to use a lot of blocks on the exterior as well because we've got so many to go for you see me change this up quite a lot here but we've got a couple of different colors i'm thinking right of adding quite a lot of different colors on the exterior of this house and splitting it up into two sections we have like sort of a red side and we also have a blue side you'll see in a second what i mean we actually haven't built the blue side yet we've just done the red side where i've been using some bricks some red terracotta red concrete plus we use some warped planks on the roof for some never bricks in some places it's very tricky to use all these blocks okay and so far the house is looking quite weird as you can see i'm not sure if it's going to look nice but we're going to try our best we got this weird chimney here which hopefully will look okay but the idea is right this is gonna be the red side and then we're gonna have a blue side sticking out this way and coming out to here right so hopefully that will look okay and we might have another tower over here i don't know but i'm not sure yet and i'm not sure what color i would make that either way it's gonna be a tricky and a bit of a messy affair there might be something in the middle here as well i don't know and look how many blocks we still have left so many so many let's get to work oh my gosh so we got working on the blue building a bit using a bit of prismarine on the bottom and we used some warped planks or whatever it is called kind of what it's called on the top and also some blue stuff as well i just wanted to make it blue we also use the jungle roof because i didn't use jungle yet so i thought well we'll go for that and then i also added on this little section here i say little it's huge it's bigger than the blue section and also this weird roofing i'm just going for some strange designs we've got to use so many blocks so i was just trying to fit in some weird designs like a rainbow roof for example which i regret it looks hideous but i've used up those blocks now and i don't have to think of them anymore so i know what you're thinking joel what does this look like with shaders well it doesn't make the rainbow roof look any better i can tell you that but the rest of it actually looks quite nice with shaders look at it very colorful also i haven't finished this back bit yet so just kind of don't pay attention to it it's still very much a work in progress i added in this wall as well with these fences and there's actually a lot of blocks in this thing we've got like jungle trap doors the lecterns loads of different types of fence gates walls trap doors blocks on the roof here blocks on the roof there more blocks over here lots of blocks in here and i've actually done the entrance of this bit here as well as you can see it's quite nicely decorated using up five different quartz blocks very very nice now before we decorate the interior of this thing i'm gonna quickly finish the outside we're gonna add some more trees in etc maybe do some rocks let's see what we can get done so here is where i did a lot of block dumping and you'll see what i mean in a second we also added in three new trees you can see the spruce one here plus we've got like a weird sort of jungle wood tree but with acacia leaves else there's an acacia wood tree with jungle leaves i don't know why i did that and as you can see here we've got this lava pool and this is what i'm talking about block dumping i just wanted to make this area use as many blocks as possible and you'll see another area where i've done the same actually i say the one area there's a couple we've got this area here where i've sort of made it like turn to ice we've added some snow in plus some of this warped kneeling added some honey dripping out of here onto the floor i'm getting desperate and then this is where we're getting real deaths we've got slime coming down into a slime pool here where we've just used a load of random blocks in fact let's just place some more in to make it look like it's spreading but yeah we were getting quite desperate here this is what i mean like we've done acacia leaves on the jungle tree i kind of like it and then we've also got an acacia tree with jungle leaves which i don't like as much but luckily that one's hidden away and some hay bales in we've got some little random bits around like this some lights here and a big coal pile here as well and i think we're finally ready to decorate the inside and hopefully we'll be able to get through these blocks here i can't believe we've still got one glass block remaining i bet i could use that somewhere here because why not and then we'll burn it cause it's not gonna be used again anyway interior this is gonna be hard to time-lapse so instead i think i'm just gonna do it and then i'll uh i'll show you what's happened also i've left this this is gonna go over here as well because i'm desperate perfect oh it fits in so well it was it was what this area was missing it wasn't we've just got so many blocks so although i didn't time lapse the interior work i had my recording software on anyway and you get this fun little time lapse here of every single block slowly disappearing as we come and use it and yet they're all gone are you ready for the tour of the worst interior you've ever seen well you better be because it's coming firstly i use some of the glazed terracotta blocks in here and i also use the coral underneath the water here because i couldn't fit them in anywhere secondly please don't expect anything good this is not good i'm i'm warning you now but here we have a little porchway we've got some diamond armor we got flowers we've got some quite nice colorful hallway blocks and stuff plus a beacon because why not and a sea lantern because why not look random glazed terracotta ooh fun in here we have the kitchen which honestly isn't too bad we've got all the things you'd ever need some chests a fridge some barrels for storage up there for some more chests out here we've got a nice little glazed terracotta on the porch and a view outwards but this is honestly the best room if i'm here it just gets worse in this room we've got a little dining room where the seats are massive but you can kind of just know sit in them you can make your way up i can't get it exactly right but yeah they're quite tall they're as tall as me i feel like a child we've also got some chicken in an item frame and a little cupboard i don't yeah over at the end of the corridor here we've got our celebrations room where we've got some diamond blocks a flower the ender dragon head and some gold i was running out of ideas for that room but through this doorway here we've got a staircase and look oh a lamp block with some hidden redstone underneath it crazy and we head up here and we ignore the fact that there's a gap on the roof here because that wasn't there and we've got a little empty corridor but we've used some glazed terracotta lovely and then we've got our shulker box room where we've got shulker boxes i i had to put them somewhere but we also have a nice little balcony oh lovely and then over through here we've got our enchanting area wow glazed terracotta ceiling and look level 30 enchantments i'm breaking free and smite curious can i get fortune on this world what i can't get it on my survival we're back okay well anyway through here we've got another little corridor and nothing and a little entrance over here these kind of just yeah loop that that's it and and and that is that that is it we've used every block but yeah it's it's not nice it's not nice whatsoever i i also just left the floor appear brown yeah that's it that's that's how we got did but we've used every single minecraft block here in this build you can find every single block i also added this thing here which is some sponge um yeah yeah that's about it that's everything that's everything you'd ever need in a build because it's using every single block now would i recommend you do this no don't the end but all in all this is quite a pretty build still if you ignore the fact that it's got the rainbow roof it is not bad it's actually quite nice i like all the different types of trees the waterfall in the background the shape of the house is quite unique and funky i did a flag on up here as well i forgot to show that we've got a mix of everything it's got some diagonals in it it's not terrible it's not great but it's not terrible so i feel like this challenge has been successful unfortunately though guys that is it for this video thank you so much for watching i hope you did enjoy make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe if you're new and i shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 621,083
Rating: 4.9687729 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, every, block, everyblock, challenge, 1.16.2
Id: 5TJfmT4HmEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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