5 New Features I'd Love in the Minecraft Nether Update

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this is the nether in Minecraft it's been around for about 10 years but it's remained relatively unchanged for eight of those years it's a barren landscape with not a lot to do except gather materials and kill a few moms at Minecon live 2019 Mojang amounts that the next big update would bring sweeping changes to the nether to make it actually livable now this got me thinking what would I add to the nether what would I like to change we've already been told there will be new biomes and pig Lin's but other than these little bits of images we're not sure what to expect so I've put together some ideas that might be cool for the nether update so the first thing that I would love to see changed in the nether update is something that has probably happened to you if you've ever been to the nether so you build your portal and you hop in you're on your way to get some resources you hop down you start flying around you spend a little time gathering yourself some courts or whatever you came in here for you fly around for a good amount of time and then ah where did I leave my portal I forgot to take the coordinates as you're looking for a way out I would love it if you could come across these broken obsidian portals within the nether now obviously this doesn't give you an easy way out because well you still have to complete it but you could take the obsidian from this and complete another one elsewhere so for example if I've collected some obsidian from another broken portal I have a way out without having to go in my original nether portal and then I can activate it like any other portal Wow I accidentally made that blue you'll also notice that I've got a resource pack on to make the fire and all of these unique blocks here these blocks have been replicated from the video that we saw at Minecon live to try and give it more of an authentic feel basically if you find yourself lost in the nether or you can't find your original portal I read hope that they add in some way to get back to the overworld maybe it's in the form of broken portals maybe it's in the form of something else but you would expect that you still wouldn't be able to use water here so there's got to be another way to do it the next thing that I would love to see in the nether update is a brand new kind of village now in this update we are going to expect that all pigman are going to be changed to pig Lin's I think is piglets pig Ling's pig Lin's and they look a bit like this this is just a replication I actually think these good these guys look pretty interesting I kind of like the old zombie pigmen but I don't know these guys look pretty cool as well but what I'm really hoping is that these Pigman or pig Lin's as they are now known I hope they have somewhere to live so I've created a little mock village it doesn't have to look anything like this but this is just an example so I've constructed them little Hut's out of red nether brick and various things that you find in the nether kind of like what your first a dirt house might look like and then they've even got like nether wart farms here little chimneys and they've got the blue fires keeping them out and my favorite part is that they're cooking a human under a campfire and I'm hoping that these pig Lynn's will basically be the villages of the nether and that you can trade with them and they have their own little system but I don't really expect it to be nearly as nice as the villagers back in the overworld I still expect that you wouldn't want to mess with these guys yeah you don't yeah you don't want to you don't want to mess with them the next thing that I would love to see added in the nether update in the overworld you can use sponge on water to get rid of it in vast quantities and I would love to see a sponge for lava added in the nether update so what I've got here is brimstone or I've called it brimstone it doesn't really matter what it's called the point is this is a lava sponge and if I place it in lava it well basically does the same thing that sponge does in water it soaks up all the lava and now it doesn't work it's the same thing it's now a consumed brimstone or whatever it is basically I'd love to see a sponge block for lava so you can clear out vast quantities but how do you get your hands on brimstone well I'm glad you asked because that leads us to our next thing that I would love to see in the update and I believe I left it somewhere over here so this looks a bit out of place as we're flying around and it's kind of a meant to so to get there you've either got to go across the dangerous lava lake on a short journey on a cobblestone bridge and you risk the gusts coming after you or you can fly over with your Electra if you've got that far but when you land here if you can land better than me what you find is well lava because what this is is a lava temple I've created the lava equivalent of the ocean temple and under the lava it looks like this as you can see it very much resembles an ocean temple but the main thing is that all of this apart from the very top is submerged under lava making it almost impossible to get in here now why am I saying this and why if I designed a temple which you can't even get into well it's kind of part of the challenge so this one's empty so I can show you what's on the inside and it's not a lot to be honest with you because the challenge actually comes from navigating through the lava down into the bottom of this temple so what we have here is very similar to the ocean monument where you actually can get your hands on some brimstone or lava sponge honestly don't mind what it's called and you can acquire in exactly the same way but this looks really easy doesn't it well if you don't have any sponge no this is actually very very difficult so let's go back to the lava version I'll show you why so to be able to tackle this in survival you'll need to craft yourself up a potion of fire assistance and then you drink it and you'll become immune to the lava you can then hop in this is when the timer begins now I can't see anything I can barely see in front of me I can see that there's some nether bricks here and there's a gap at the top but if I stop then trying to head down and figure out where this temple goes it's a bit of a maze now I must admit I hope with this update they improve the visibility of undal being under lava similar to how it is under water but maybe a little better than this just because you can't see anything or what they can do is just break through and sink into the bottom to try and get your hands on the sponge now I genuinely don't know where it is but the chances are unless you've got lots of fire resistance potions this will run out before you can find and escape out of the temple even if you're very quick and you beat your way out it can still be a difficult challenge to come across so that's one of the things I'd really love to see in the nether update now I've done a very rough plan of this I haven't really thought everything through because it's just a concept it's just an idea I've got a basic idea for a lava temple I've given a reward which is the brimstone or the lava sponge which I feel if you're going to be living in the nether will come in use very very often imagine you accidentally land in a pool of lava you don't have an end of hell you got it you got to get out really quick this would be absolutely amazing to use however there is one more feature I would love to see in the nether update and it's my absolute favorite I have saved it to last and that is a geyser so my friend Micmac East ein has kindly made me a data pack to show off this concept for you guys which you know I I'm actually eternally grateful for thank you very much so basically what I would love to add is a new block that is inside netherrack and it looks a little bit like this it looks like weird pimples so what I would hope that it would do is when you stand on it if you're not paying attention it it changes and it expels you upwards so the reason for this as I did say I wanted to explain why I wanted all of these features in-game because we can't have water in the nether as we explained earlier it just it evaporates and I don't really expect this to change with the upcoming nether update it's kind of a feature of the nether that you can't have water but in the overworld we have bubble elevators we're able to move creatures up what we don't have is any kind of jump pad like this now obviously this isn't ideal because you actually take damage if I'm in survival as I go up I'm gonna take both a little bit of damage oh my goodness okay let's try this again I think they stack I think I think these things actually if you stand in the middle of them they boost you higher yeah so as you can see unless you've got feather falling you're gonna take some damage on these things which gives it a bit of a trade-off really yes you get a jump pad but you also take quite a significant amount of damage but what this would allow us to do apart from dying constantly is to be able to have a way to push up the player without having to fly or if you're trying to farm mobs you have a way to push them through a mob system honestly this thing could be used for so many different things and it really fits within the nether having these little geysers they don't exactly stand out you could easily walk over this without realizing and end up being push it up and I don't expect this to necessarily work with things like the pig Ling's but this is absolutely my favorite feature that I would love to see in the nether update so that is well there's a lot of Pig Ling's here pig Ling's or pig Lin's I think pig Ling sounds better so that is all of the features that I would love to see in the new minecraft nether update and that includes having broken portals and each one of these is really to give more features and make the nether a bit more unique so having the broken portals will fix the issue of constantly losing your portal and not being able to get home the piglet village will give us more content within the nether and give us a the ability to interact with these guys in some way and I don't really have the on idea for how much content could be in here but we know how useful the villagers are so I'm pretty sure they can come up with some decent ways to make these guys have their own unique village the brimstone block or lava sponge to help with the management of the never-ending love a situation going on in the nether but getting those lava sponges isn't easy because I'd also like to see some form of nether temple now this is very different to the nether fortress and it makes it extremely difficult to get your hand on the brimstone or the lava sponge and then finally I'd love to see geysers a unique block inside the nether rack that acts as a bit of a jump pad I expect we'll see lots of things with this nether update but I really wanted to include some features that I don't really think will actually be included because I reckon that there will be like iron or within the nether rack I think there will be lots of new biomes like this and the nether will just completely be transformed but I would love to see these features added because I think they are a little bit different and I think that they would be really cool in the next update although who knows whether anything like this will be added at all if you like my ideas please let me know in the comments down below and if you have any of your own ideas please do let me know in the comments and I'm pretty sure Mojang listening to lots of suggestions when it comes to the nether update so who knows they may be listening right now and they may even be reading your comment anyway thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video I am thoroughly looking forward to what the talented Mojang team are going to deliver on this update and I'll be very very happy no matter what we get good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,282,371
Rating: 4.9258518 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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