I used Minecraft to design my Real Life Garden

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Insane. Just watched it on my own YouTube. Nailed it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/redditbrowsing0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you’re recreating this in Minecraft for yourself, just switch out the flowerpots on the lights for unpowered conduits- it just looks even better, due to the nice colour scheme.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/8th_Hurdle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
four years ago i used minecraft to recreate my parents house in minecraft where i lived at the time a year later i did the same thing but with my own house recreating it in minecraft now in that very same house i'm going to use minecraft to design my garden or at least redesign my garden you see when i moved in a few years ago it looked like this a grassless weird terrace we quickly put some grass in and it became usable but it still wasn't what i wanted for a garden you can see that the cats liked it but the layout was a bit strange in places and there was unnecessary steps and pearl took offence to the towel i thought i'd just include that these photos and videos were taken in about 2018 but it was time to plan something better and i thought i would use minecraft to do it all i need to do now is find my old build that i made of this house that i live in now and add in the garden two years later it's still here in my minecraft world and this is the exact one that i made however i have added my garden as it is in the back here so as you can see there's a garage garage garage get my garden is full of garages it's a bit of a pain not as much as this here i have a terrace that runs through my house so this is currently what my garden looks like so one of the weirdest things about my garden is that when you come in there's this weird step thing going on over here and that's gotta go and not only that you've got all this tiles over here you've also got this terrace here it's not a really functional space so let's begin first of all we need to think about the shape now in real life this terrace is like bang in the middle so one thing i want to do is actually push this back and while we're here i also want to get rid of this like there's no there's no point of having this here at all this is just wasted space so let's start by taking a big chunk of land and let's just get rid of it okay so we can definitely get rid of this thing here this stair is not needed we can get rid of it now over here i would i think i'd like i've thought about this long and hard i'd like a conversation area now that basically means a bunch of seating and i think the style of this i've got to go modern we live in 2020 or in excess of 2020 if you're watching this from the future so i want to actually change the blocks here so at first i thought this diorite would work but it diorites so ugly in fact what i'm going to use is a custom block made for me that is pretty much the shade that i was going for in fact there we go there's actually a version here with tiles on them that works so you'll get a bit more idea now i don't actually want squares i actually want large rectangles but this this minecraft replica will not definitely not be exact it will not look identical so let's extend that all the way in fact i can get rid of all of this there we go so that will all be paved around here and indeed as here as well it will probably slope down at some point because the levels the levels in my garden are a bit odd and then do you know what i'm going to do i'm going to wait a really long time until this garden is completely finished and then we'll compare the two i want to have somewhere to plant some stuff so i want a layer of dirt because at the moment this is pretty heavy on the concrete so what we're going to do or the porcelain or whatever material it's made out of so let's create a line here something like this uh this would likely be a slightly darker color but just just try and use your imagination for now and then what we'll do is we'll have a quick rim here i wanted this because when you're mowing your grass getting into these corners is a real pain so having some block work here will make that a lot easier okay so we still got some grass we still got that what we should have some lighting in here for sure decorate them a little bit you might have to use your a bit of imagination but you get the idea lighting and let's pretend that there's some flowers in here okay so we're getting somewhere we are getting somewhere that's tidied up that entire area because that was a mess a real mess now we need to consider what we're going to do with the rest of it now this at the moment is a slope in real life so what i would definitely like to do is make this flat and then probably have some kind of like barrier between them maybe that out of the block the block paving like that just so that there's a there's a difference and that actually that probably means you could do that as well like make it go all the way around right now this is the most interesting part of the garden you see now what i want to do or to have is some kind of fire pit in the middle okay that's going to be the fire pit but i don't want it made out of this material i actually had another custom block made some sort of like slate kind of color there we go and then topped off as well so that will be the fire pit and then we can actually just pop a campfire in there boom we have our fire pit something like that would be amazing and then we just need to make some seating around it so literally seating all the way around that looks enormous that actually looks massive from here but my goodness does that look that looks pretty cool to me with some more more grass in here no more more plants more plants here there we go so that sort of separates these two areas a little bit you know these should probably be made out of this yeah the seating could be made out of wood although this has definitely got to have a back like that so let's change this to the smoother one there we go i think that's it so it's got it's got a bit of the tiling underneath bit of the gray rendering there and that is the look that i am going for okay so now i just need to put this everywhere else okay there we go that looks a maybe a bit odd but it works it looks nice and then here what we could have is some bamboo oh that looks that looks nice a bit of greenery wouldn't go i wouldn't go and miss here okay we're getting somewhere look at that that actually looks pretty cool but we can't have we can't have grass around the fire pit so actually we need to take this block here and put this on the floor as well it looks very very bright and white which is not my necessarily my goal uh so this would be the steps here but i kind of wanted to have this layered underneath but i can't quite make this work in minecraft but you kind of get the idea i actually wanted to use this for some herbs or some kind a bit of green really would go far here now i did have another custom block made because all of these modern kind of gardens have a screen and i think to cover up the sheer amount of brick work that's surrounding my garden i need a bit more screenage so i'm going to put a screen or hopefully screen all the way along this stretch of wall in fact yeah the whole length so this will cover up most of the brickwork there we go screen there uh maybe a screen here as well you might bump your head on this actually i didn't think this is a problem because the garages have like this overhang thing so hopefully no one will bump their head how weird is this if i can just go to a gardener or a landscaper who probably haven't played minecraft in their life and i say like um yeah this is what i want this is what i want and we'll see how see how it goes and maybe a screen here as well just to cover up a small amount of the garden okay so that is it the garden design is complete or at least it's at a place where i'm happy enough with it to present this to a real-life landscaper so just to give you a bit more of an overview as i was sort of going through it bit by bit and explaining my thought process what we've done is completely changed the garden to a more modern and thank goodness it's made up of straight lines because otherwise this would have been quite difficult in minecraft so we've got ourselves a nice fire pit over here what will be hopefully a herb garden or somewhere to grow some vegetables we have screening that goes all the way around most of the garden to try and break up some of this brick work and then we've got a raised terrace here with some flowers that go all the way around and then everything else is paved so i think this looks pretty cool it's very modern it's still quite a small garden but i feel like this is in a place that i can hand this over to a real-life landscaper and see what they can do so work started later in the year now i didn't actually film an awful lot of it because it happened over the course of many weeks and the weather was pretty bad and my camera didn't record for very long so i didn't get much footage but i did take many many progress pictures as you can see so slowly slowly slowly the garden got built up and up and up until eventually it was at a really good place so with that in mind let's compare what actually was produced in real life to my original minecraft design and see how close they really were [Music] so here's the finished product there's pearl over there she's a bit curious of what we're doing and i think the landscaper has absolutely nailed the design so i'm going to give you a very quick tour here is the seating area bought a couple of plants and i've indeed also planted up all of this which should blossom and grow in and fill out everything here so we've got this big square shape to garden we've got the grass we said we've also even got this square there's a few things that didn't happen for example this is slightly different the way that this is configured the tops aren't topped off and there isn't a pillar in the middle but overall the fire pit is absolutely gorgeous and you can fit so many people here there's plenty of room and then over here where i said i was going to grow some stuff here are all the herbs that i'm going to be eating at some point including some lettuce and some carrots and some more lettuce so it's very exciting hello sometimes sometimes if you if you talk to her she talks back oh she's so cute this isn't really part of the garden video but i found out a new thing pearl absolutely loves playing in the garden but if you grab her paw and you just sort of pull she just gives up and just gets pulled along the floor she loves belly rubs so down here we weren't able to make this as flat as we would have liked it is still ever so slightly sloping downwards and this had to be wood instead of block pave but overall the whole thing has been achieved and i think almost down to every single last detail it's spot on and i thought i'd show you what it looks like when it gets a little bit darker and the fire pits on because this garden really comes to life when all the lights are on as you can see we've got lights along the back and we've actually got lights underneath the seats as well and then of course you've got the fire using minecraft i managed to completely design a new bespoke garden that actually looks exactly the same when it was made in real life but i want to know what you think how did i do on a scale of one to ten how close did it all come out and how good did it look i'd love to know your opinions so all there is left to say is a huge thank you for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video as it was extremely difficult to make this project started about a year ago so it feels very strange to work on this sort of thing over such a long period of time so thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video and i shall see you in the next one good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,627,084
Rating: 4.972858 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, minecraft real life, building real house, transformation
Id: 9xocNvJrUt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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